Pinocchio Full Story | Stories for Kids | Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories

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[Music] little box the adventures of pinocchio chapter one only a piece of wood in the small village of arbora italy there lived an old carpenter his name was geppetto he lived alone in his small house he had no wife and no children when it was very late at night he was often lonely every morning geppetto went into the forest to collect wood for carving this branch is heavy like a table leg but it is too short i don't like it he said this log is wide like a bowl but it is not deep enough i don't like it this is a good piece of wood but it is too small i can't make anything out of this geppetto threw the wood on the ground oh said a voice what who said that is someone there japano asked the forest he was very confused he turned around and looked deep into the forest but saw no one i must be imagining things he said and he kept walking hey don't leave me here i'm not too small i am good wood you can make something out of me the voice said again geppetto looked back and was very surprised it was a talking piece of wood i must be crazy geppetto cried that's right you are crazy you left a fine piece of wood in the forest no i must be crazy because i am talking to a piece of wood hey i am made of very smart pine the wood said offended yes but you are only a piece of wood only a piece of wood take me home sir and i will show you i am not only a piece of wood geppetto was worried that he was crazy but he was also lonely this talking piece of wood might know interesting stories or funny jokes he said to himself he decided to take the wood home hmm what should i do with you i could carve you into a rolling pin for dough or i could carve you into a small bird house depedo said what i don't want to be carved that sounds painful said the piece of wood [Music] well if i don't carve you into something you will only be a piece of wood fine you can carve me into something but please make it something interesting said the wood hopefully i don't want to be a rolling pin and i don't like birds i want to see the world and go on adventures how about a pipe a rich traveler could take you with him offered a petal no i don't like smoke i could carve you into chess pieces every day would be a game said gepetto proud of this idea [Music] no you don't understand i want to run i want to walk i want to talk how about a boy can you make me into a boy a boy hmm geppetto touched his nose thinking yes please i promise to be a good boy too the wood sad [Music] if you carve me into a boy that means i will be your son we can live together and have fun it added the piece of wood didn't really want to live with gepetto it wanted to travel the world and go on adventures but the wood said this hoping geppetto would agree a boy yes i think that is a good idea let's get started right away said geppetto as he smiled a very big smile he was happy to have a son he was happy he was not alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 2 a big name for a small boy [Music] dependo carried his talking wood home carefully geppetto's home was simple and clean he had one large room with a bed a table his tools and a stove although geppetto worked hard he did not have very much money but he didn't mind now where should i start he wondered aloud i've never made a boy before start with the legs that way i can run fast said the wood no i think you had better have eyes first so you don't run into walls i don't want you to get hurt geppetto said he was happy to be making his very own boy he started first by carving out the face and then he carved the eyes as the wood looked more like a boy's face he became excited about what he and his boy could do together what fun they would have [Music] there your eyes look very smart how well can you see dependo asked oh it's terrible cried the wood what's wrong asked geppetto worried he thought maybe the wood was blind we are very poor look at this small room i want to be rich not poor the wood said geppetto was sad that his boy was ashamed of his home he promised himself that his boy would have whatever he needed i will carve out your ears next so that you can hear and learn geppetto said geppetto worked carefully on the wood all through the day he carved hair a nose and a smile before lunch then he shared his first meal of bread and cheese with his boy you and i will have great fun together boy said geppetto as he ate his meal he tore off some red and put it into the boy's mouth only i shouldn't call you boy you need a name what should we name you i know my name can be prince edmond of the great woods said the wood he liked the name because it sounded big and important that is too big a name for such a small boy since you are made of pine wood i will call you pinocchio what do you think asked geppetto he wanted to pick a name the boy would like yes pinocchio that sounds important though it doesn't sound as grand as prince edmond of the great woods i think it will be fine he agreed wonderful pinocchio it is to celebrate i will carve your arms and legs so we can dance and geppetto carved quickly as soon as geppetto finished carving pinocchio's feet pinocchio jumped to the floor and ran out of the front door wait geopetal called out pinocchio where are you going i am off to find adventures pinocchio called but you don't have any clothes on yet you can't run away if you are naked please don't leave depedo cried as he ran after pinocchio unfortunately geppetto forgot to leave his knife on the table he was running after pinocchio with his knife still in his hand the neighbors thought he wanted to hurt pinocchio so they called for the police police police catch him one of the policemen was nearby and he ran into the street just in time to catch geppetto he would not let geppetto explain about pinocchio the policeman was scared of geppetto's knife so he threw him in jail for the night [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter three choices [Music] poor japeta was locked in prison but pinocchio was laughing and running through the forest pinocchio wasn't wearing clothes and he didn't care i'm free i'm free he shouted as he ran i can run and leap and play the sun began to set and pinocchio was getting tired so he returned to geppetto's house i'm hungry he said and he searched the house for food but pinocchio didn't know how to cook so he couldn't eat i'm cold he said and he searched the house for clothes but pinocchio had run away before geppetto could make him any clothes so he wrapped himself in a blanket i'm tired he said but geppetto's bed was too tall [Music] pinocchio cried i'm cold and hungry and tired and there is no one here to take care of me big tears ran down his wooden face well if you hadn't been a bad boy geppetto would be here said a tiny voice who's there asked pinocchio a little scared night was falling and the room was getting dark pinocchio couldn't see anyone i am said the voice again with a chirping sound a small candle on the table suddenly lit up pinocchio saw a cricket crawling down the candle oh you're a bug said pinocchio who are you my name is mick the cricket you may call me mr cricket i have lived in this room for 100 years but i have never seen such a bad boy as you he scolded i don't like you either said pinocchio he was mad at the cricket for calling him a bad boy shame on you for being rude chirp the cricket i am trying to help you and geppetto has been very kind is this how you thank your friends if so you will have very bad friends children should honor their parents and you have not pinocchio banged his hand on the table he was trying to squash mr cricket i'll show you i can have all the friends i want pinocchio screamed i can do whatever i want i don't have to honor anyone i am going to go on adventures one day i will be rich and famous mr cricket jumped to the floor to run away but pinocchio chased him and tried to step on him [Music] you are making very bad choices said the cricket one day those bad choices will hurt you you can't run away from the choices you've made you must learn to do honest work and study to be a good boy he chirped and he ran toward the door [Music] i won't work i won't study i won't listen to what you say i will do only what i want pinocchio screamed mr cricket ran under the door pinocchio kicked the door he walked over to the table sat down and started to cry i won't listen to you or anyone else he cried he fell asleep with teardrops dripping off his nose [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter four good manners the next morning the police let geppetto go back to his house meanwhile pinocchio was at home crying because he was tired and hungry and had no clothes when geppetto came home he was very angry with pinocchio for running away you are a bad boy pinocchio you must honor me and obey me geppetto said yes father i am sorry said pinocchio earlier that morning he had decided to try to be a good boy being a bad boy was not much fun he also knew geppetto would feed him if he was sorry i missed you last night father pinocchio said it was true too he had wished depedo had been there to feed him and make him happy instead he had been cold and hungry and that cricket had made him cry geppetto's heart was happy when he heard his son had missed him he did not want to be angry with pinocchio poor boy he said you look tired you must be hungry with no food and cold with no clothes let's eat breakfast and then we'll make you something to wear [Music] geppetto pulled three pairs from his pocket he had picked them on the way home but before he could take a bite pinocchio ate all three oh i am still hungry pinocchio complained well you shouldn't waste food finish the course geppetto pinocchio ate the chorus you're right father that is much better what did you eat for breakfast today your smile japeta replied pinocchio realized he had eaten all of geppetto's food oh father i'm sorry for eating your food i didn't think how selfish of me i promise to do anything you ask i'll even go to school if you want really ask geppetto he was happy his boy was learning some manners yes but first i need to buy a school book may i have some money pinocchio asked oh i don't have any money geppetto said sadly but don't worry i'll make sure you get a book and he put on his coat and left the house he returned a short time later and gave pinocchio his first book pinocchio took the book from geppetto and noticed he was no longer wearing his coat thank you for the book but father where is your coat pinocchio asked oh i don't need a coat i'm too warm these days geppetto answered looking down at the floor geppetto had sold his coat to buy pinocchio a book pinocchio cried tears of happiness oh thank you father he said he gave geppetto a big hug now how about some clothes geppetto asked they worked the rest of the day to make pinocchio's clothes tomorrow was his first day of school [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter five pinocchio gets schooled pinocchio was so happy he couldn't sleep tomorrow was his first day of school he thought about the wonderful things he would learn when the sun came up he jumped out of bed grabbed his new book and ran off to school bye father he shouted [Music] pinocchio talked to himself happily as he walked today i will learn to read tomorrow i will learn to write and the day after tomorrow i will learn math i will be so smart [Music] i will be smart enough to get a job and earn money i will buy father a new coat it will be a beautiful coat of green silk with diamond buttons he was very kind to sell his coat for this book as he talked to himself he heard music in the distance he walked toward the music and saw a crowd a brightly colored tent and a large sign oh i wish i didn't have to go to school today this looks like so much fun complain pinocchio already he had forgotten geppetto's coat [Music] excuse me pinocchio said to one of the villagers what does that sign say why can't you read [Music] the villager asked laughing no said pinocchio embarrassed it says fatochini's marionette theater for lire the show starts in five minutes but you can't read you should be in school i don't want to go to school pinocchio cried do you have four lyri i can borrow pinocchio was embarrassed to beg but he really wanted to see the show i have four lyrics the villager said but it's not for borrowing you have to sell me something but i have nothing except my clothes and this book pinocchio cried then i'll take your book the villager said he knew the book cost more than poor lira pinocchio took the money [Music] pinocchio ran inside the tent the flute and drums played a new song a few marionettes were brought out to dance hey they are wooden boys just like me pinocchio said excitedly he ran to the stage to look closer but wait they aren't real they are dancing with strings i can dance better than that and i don't need strings or a hiding man to pull them pinocchio jumped on stage with the marionettes and i am the amazing pinocchio he danced and twirled and jumped and flipped the crowd laughed and cheered [Applause] suddenly the music stopped a man came from behind the stage and grabbed pinocchio the show's over folks he said if you want to see the amazing pinocchio you have to pay for another show he pulled pinocchio behind the stage help help pinocchio cried please help me pinocchio was scared of this big man with the angry voice you are mine now little puppet you will make me a lot of money now pop it with no strings the man began to imagine the piles of money please sir i'm gepetto's son i need to go to school please let me go pinocchio begged you someone's son and a school boy ha that's a good joke we will leave town so gepetto can't find you the big man locked pinocchio in a cage he hid the cage under some blankets in his wagon now no one can find you the man said laughing he packed up his tent oh father i'm so sorry cried pinocchio please save me i want my father [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 6 the great escape [Music] the marionette master packed his wagon quickly so he could steal pinocchio and leave town because he was in a hurry he threw his money bag tools and tent in a pile on top of pinocchio's cage as the wagon drove on the heaviest bags fell next to pinocchio by now pinocchio had stopped crying though he was still very sad he felt the wagon bump and jerk but could only see bags hmm i wonder what's in these bags he thought there must be something here that will help me escape he stretched his arm out of the cage as far as it would go and open the first bag quietly he reached his hand into the bag oh this bag is full of coins there must be a hundred lira in here he pulled some of the coins into his cage much to his surprise the coins weren't lyrae they were pure gold i'll be rich now i can buy gepetto a coat but these coins won't help me get out of this cage i must keep looking he was careful to move quietly he reached into the second bag hmm this bag has too many different kinds of objects i can't tell what any of these are let me pull them out one by one [Music] a whistle no that won't help a spoon now that won't help a book no that won't help some matches hmm i have an idea pinocchio waited for the wagon to stop quickly he took the book wrapped it around his leg and lit the book on fire then he threw the match into the wagon help he shouted fire i'm on fire the marionette master heard pinocchio cry for help and he could smell something burning he ran to the back of the wagon and began to unpack quickly trying to find the fire when he reached pinocchio's cage he grabbed the cage unlocked it pulled pinocchio out and covered his leg with a blanket so the fire would stop look there's more fire pinocchio pointed to the wagon oh no my tent is on fire the man screamed and he hurried to put the fire out while the marionette master was trying to save his tent pinocchio snuck out from under the blanket and ran into the nearby woods by the time the fire was put out pinocchio was long gone but he could hear the man yelling in the distance no wait pinocchio please come back i will make you a star pinocchio ran and ran and ran but no matter how hard he ran nothing looked familiar pinocchio stopped running and sat down on a stump to think i'm lost he cried i can't find the village and i don't know what to do oh someone please help me what pinocchio didn't realize is that there are many creatures in the woods some are honest and good and others are greedy [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 7 the golden lesson [Music] pinocchio was lost it seemed that no one had heard him cry for help but just when he was about to lose hope he heard footsteps [Applause] good afternoon pinocchio said a fox as it walked up to him the fox was leaning on a cane to his side was a blind cat with bandages over his eyes who are you asked pinocchio how do you know my name we have seen your father geppetto calling for you in the village he has asked all of the villagers for help but no one knows where to find you said the cat poor father searching for me in the cold he must be worried i must hurry home to show him we are rich pinocchio said when they heard this the cat peeked out from under the bandage and the fox stood straighter but pinocchio did not notice what rich asked the fox how could a small wooden boy be rich i uh i earned the money pinocchio lied and it how asked the cat i worked as a dancer for the marionette master and he paid me pinocchio lied again i don't believe such a small boy like you could have a lot of money i would have to see it to believe such a thing said the cat well you can't see it said pinocchio i have hidden it away he didn't think about how strange it was for a blind cat to ask to see his gold it's a shame you can't take home more than a pocket full of money to depetto said the fox he is such a kind man i know of a way to make a small bit of money into a large load of money but i'm sure you wouldn't be interested come mr cat let's show pinocchio the way home you mean i could have more money pinocchio asked surprised at this new idea would i have to work for it oh no the cat said laughing we would never suggest such a silly thing we know of a secret field called the field of follies if you plant your money in that field at midnight water it and come back the next day it will have grown into a money tree [Applause] well then we would be really rich pinocchio said he could imagine mr cricket telling him that honest work was the best way to be rich but gepetto would love me so much more if i was rich now please would you show me this field of follies so off they went to find the field of follies they walked all day and into the evening welcome to the field of follies pinocchio said the cat plant your gold wherever you want your money tree to grow pinocchio was very excited he dug a hole carefully placed his gold inside and covered the hole with dirt now you must water it mr cat and i will guard the money while you run to get some water said the fox pinocchio did not think it was strange for a blind cat to stand guard he ran off and quickly returned with a bucket of water after the gold had been watered there was nothing left to do but wait [Music] now let's go find a nearby barn so we can rest said the cat yes if we stay here and watch the tree will not grow agreed the fox so off they went with happy thoughts of being rich [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 8 the field of follies [Music] pinocchio could not sleep he kept thinking of the money tree and the wonderful presents he would buy oh i can't wait to see my money tree he said but he could not leave [Music] you must wait for sunlight before you go to the field the cat had said yes if you see the field before sunlight the magic tree will die the fox had agreed so pinocchio waited and waited as soon as the sun came up pinocchio ran all the way to the field of follies he didn't stop once here is the field pinocchio said but where is my money tree he looked all over the field but saw nothing that looked like a money tree i know this is the right field he said puzzled maybe the gold forgot to grow i will dig it out so pinocchio got down and began to dig he dug and dug until he was covered in dirt this hole was five times as big as the first hole but he saw no gold i know this is the right place oh where is my gold pinocchio cried above his head someone was laughing pinocchio looked up and saw mr cricket what are you doing here pinocchio shouted and why are you laughing at me you are a foolish boy pinocchio mr cricket replied i tried to warn you about bad friends and bad choices but you didn't listen to me the fox and cat have stolen your gold they are very far away by now oh no oh no pinocchio said he sat in the dirt and cried [Music] i must tell the police they will help me so pinocchio ran off to the nearest town and went to the jail he told the police his story but they did not help pinocchio find his gold they locked him in prison what a foolish boy looks like another tip for us huh partner one said to the other no you don't understand i did nothing wrong please help me find my gold pinocchio said nope you are stuck here for the rest of your life the jailer said laughing pinocchio didn't know that the fox and cat owned this town they paid the jailers for locking up people they had robbed the police had become very rich because of the fox and cat pinocchio sat in prison all day but he didn't cry he looked out at the stars and said mr cricket is right i have been a foolish boy i have made bad choices it is my fault the gold is gone if only someone would save me i know i will be a good boy from now on please is anyone listening i need help yes i am listening said a pretty voice just then pinocchio saw a small blue light fly by his window who is out there yes i am the blue fairy i protect good children from harm i am here to help you please get me out of jail said pinocchio why are you in jail ask the fairy what have you done wrong nothing at all said pinocchio the fox and the cat tricked me they stole all my gold coins where did you get the money asked the blue fairy i earned it said pinocchio i started in a show pinocchio's nose suddenly started to grow within seconds it was six inches long pinocchio stared at his nose in surprise [Music] calmly the blue fairy asked did your father say you could work in the theater oh yes blue fairy said pinocchio my father told me i would be a great actor his nose grew even longer at this new line soon pinocchio's nose was eight inches long what's happening to my nose pinocchio screamed [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 9 working like a dog [Music] [Applause] pinocchio was quite worried about his nose he looked so silly that the blue fairy began to laugh why are you laughing cried pinocchio i am laughing at your lies said the fairy it's easy to tell when you are lying your nose grows with every lie you tell ashamed pinocchio turned bright red i'm sorry said pinocchio i took the money from the marionette master my father didn't know i went to the theater [Music] do you promise to be a good boy and obey your father she asked before waving her wand yes i promise pinocchio said the blue fairy waved her wand and a woodpecker appeared it pecked his nose down to size [Music] then the jail bars disappeared and pinocchio climbed free this is the road that leads home said the blue fairy pointing if you stay on this road you will reach geppetto's home by nightfall remember your promise to be a good boy pinocchio she called and she flew away oh what an awful thing it is to disobey our parents from now on i will do whatever geppetto asks pinocchio said as he walked down the road [Music] a few hours later pinocchio began to get hungry he saw a nearby grapevine and decided to ask the owner for some grapes as he crossed the field he fell into a trap oh no someone help me pinocchio cried i have caught you said the farmer who was hiding so you are the one who has been stealing my chickens no sir i have not stolen any chickens please i was going to ask for some grapes because i am very hungry you were going to steal my grapes i'll show you what we do with thieves he said he pulled pinocchio from the trap and took him home when the farmer got home he locked a chain around pinocchio's neck my guard dog died this morning said the farmer so tonight you will be a dog and guard my chicken coop tomorrow i will decide how to punish you poor pinocchio he had tried to be a good boy but the farmer didn't believe him [Music] he was so hungry that he became tired so he crawled into the doghouse and fell asleep many hours passed and pinocchio heard voices nearby he looked outside the doghouse it was already night he saw four weasels next to the chicken coop who are you pinocchio asked they stopped well who are you one of the weasels asked and where is our friend oscar pinocchio guessed that oscar was the dog who had died so he said oscar died this morning i am the new guard dog who are you pinocchio asked again we are the weasels and we are here to get dinner said one of the weasels oscar was our friend i will make the same promise to you that i did to him every week we would visit this coop oscar promised not to bark so we would give one chicken to oscar and take seven home for dinner if you pretend to sleep we will leave one chicken for you too before pinocchio answered the weasel snuck into the chicken coop bam pinocchio locked the door behind them and began to bark he cried the farmer ran down and found the weasels in the chicken coop well done he said to pinocchio you have caught the chicken thieves oscar must have been too old to hear them pinocchio didn't say anything about oscar's promise to the weasels he only nodded you have saved my chickens so i will set you free said the farmer but first let me make you breakfast pinocchio nodded again this time with a big smile [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 10 can you see the sea pinocchio ate breakfast quickly he was very hungry but he was also in a hurry to see geppetto he thanked the farmer and ran from the house across the field and back to the road where his troubles had started as pinocchio walked he saw familiar places along the road look there is the field of follies he exclaimed a few hours later he said look that is where i met mr fox and mr cat he tried not to cry about his foolish mistake after a few more hours he said look that is where i escaped from the marionette master oh what an adventure i have had but it is taking too long to walk home i have walked almost all day and i'm still so far away pinocchio sat on a log and started to cry he was tired and he missed geppetto as he cried he could hear a soft voice calling his name pinocchio pinocchio i am here pinocchio shouted looking around to see who the voice belonged to suddenly there was a loud whoosh and a lot of feathers ah there you are i have been looking for you all month said a handsome eagle you were looking for me how did you know my name ah i am an old friend of geppetto he saved me when i was a little leg when i heard he had lost his boy i wanted to help so i have been flying everywhere calling your name i am so happy to find you pinocchio began to jump and dance you know gepetto oh that's wonderful i will see my father soon well not as soon as you may think said the eagle why not asked pinocchio worried when you did not come home from school geppetto searched the woods then he searched the countryside then he searched all of italy after searching for a month he has decided to sail to sicily and sardinia to find you so he built a boat and will sail away today oh no if only i could get there quickly mr eagle could you please help me find my father of course i'm happy to help a friend he answered the eagle carefully grabbed pinocchio with his claws and flew into the sky below him pinocchio could see the forest the countryside and the sea only a few flaps of the eagle's wings pinocchio could see the beach and a crowd of people please drop me there he said pointing the eagle carefully set pinocchio in the sand and flew away calling good luck pinocchio thank you pinocchio called back [Music] pinocchio ran through the crowd looking for gepetto excuse me where is geppetto he said who is geppetto a bystander asked geppetto is my father he has gray hair and a kind smile the bystander looks sad oh i am terribly sorry little boy do you see that small boat out there that is gepetto pinocchio looked out at the waves and could see a small brown dot oh no he is so far away pinocchio said oh look at the sky it is going to rain soon and father could drown i must help him before anyone could stop him pinocchio dived into the ocean he began the long swim toward geppetto's boat [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 11 a little work won't hurt [Music] pinocchio swam hard through the waves because he was made of wood he floated but the waves threw him all around geppetto's boat was still far away i'll never reach geppetto's boat in time pinocchio cried his mouth was full of salt water and his arms were getting tired but he kept swimming to the side he saw a small island he swam to it so he could rest while pinocchio sat on the island he looked for geppetto's boat oh father where are you wait i see you there is a whale by your boat and oh the whale ate your boat pinocchio could not see geppetto anymore he thought geppetto had drowned oh father i didn't save you i am so sorry pinocchio cried just then it started to rain oh i need to get dry father would want me to be safe and dry pinocchio said and he ran into the nearby village please sir he said to a man walking by with a coal cart may i stay at your house where it's dry if you help me carry this coal you may stay with me tonight the man answered oh i don't want to carry coal pinocchio said offended he wanted the man to help him without having to work it rained harder please ma'am he said to a woman carrying water jugs may i stay at your house where it's dry if you help me carry these jugs you may stay with me tonight pinocchio didn't want to carry the water jobs but he wanted to be dry so he agreed the jugs were very heavy but pinocchio didn't complain he carried them all the way to the woman's small house once inside he sat down here are the jugs thank you for letting me stay you are welcome the woman said a little work never hurt anyone right pinocchio how do you know my name he asked surprised the woman lifted her hood and out fell her pretty blue hair oh blue fairy it's you but why did you make me work why didn't you help me pinocchio asked i did help you pinocchio it is a good thing to get help from strangers but it is an even better thing to help strangers i wanted you to learn that lesson did you follow the road home as i showed you she asked i tried to follow the road pinocchio said but i got trapped and then flown and then i swam and when i stopped swimming i saw father get eaten by a whale as soon as pinocchio said this he started to cry do not cry pinocchio your father is safe but he is hidden i will help you find him said the blue fairy father is alive we should leave right now pinocchio said no geppetto is safe first we must eat dinner and get some sleep we will be stronger tomorrow i wish i were bigger and stronger pinocchio said if i were bigger and stronger i could have saved father but i'm only a piece of wood i wish i were a real boy who could grow into a man perhaps if you are a good boy who obeys his father you will become a real boy someday but now you must sleep pinocchio we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 12 escape to peridot [Music] when pinocchio woke up the next morning the rain had stopped he jumped out of bed hoping to see geppetto but he saw only the blue fairy do you want to become a real boy she asked yes said pinocchio excitedly do you want to save geppetto she asked oh yes said pinocchio then listen carefully to become a real boy you must obey your father but first you must save him you will save him by honoring him i don't understand how can i honor him if he is not here pinocchio asked confused you must honor his wishes what did geppetto want you to do asked the blue fairy he wanted me to go to school he said then you must go to school you may live with me and study in the village once you honor him you can save him she said pinocchio was sad to hear this [Music] he did not want to go to school but he wanted to save his father so he agreed to go pinocchio became the best student in the school his teacher was very happy with him however some of the students were mean to pinocchio one day after school some of the boys followed him home how can a wooden head become smart one boy asked use it as a bookend the other said all the boys laughed what will pinocchio be when he grows up the first boy asked the others they answered and they laughed again i'm smart and one day i will be a real boy said pinocchio oh yeah well if you prove you are smart now you can be a real boy today one boy said what do you mean ask pinocchio well if you do what real boys do that would make you a real boy right he asked well i guess so said pinocchio and if i were a real boy then i could save father faster he thought to himself i can do anything you can do said pinocchio i'll show you i can be a real boy oh yeah well today we are running away to paradise if you're a real boy you'll come with us one boy said what is paradise pinocchio asked it's an island where real boys play all day they never have to do work they deserve for every meal and everyone is rich this sounded great to pinocchio so he followed the boys to the end of the village there they met a man with a wagon full of boys the wagon was pulled by very sad donkeys wearing clothes but the boys didn't notice them they jumped into the wagon and rode to the end of the island here we are boys called the wagon master this fairy goes to paradise where every day is a holiday and you never have to work come quickly before the ferry is full pinocchio and the boys ran to the ferry pinocchio noticed there were a lot of donkeys coming off the ferry but he didn't stop to wonder why he wanted to be a real boy and he wanted to save his father at paradise he could do both and he wouldn't have to work [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 13 a real donkey [Music] pinocchio and his new friends had lots of fun at paradise they ate ice cream for breakfast played games all afternoon and stayed up as late as they wanted every day really was a holiday they had so much fun that they forgot how long they had been at paradise they even forgot about their homes and families for the first time pinocchio felt like a real boy but he knew that he was still made of wood so every night he would look in the mirror hoping to see a change one night when he looked in the mirror he saw a change but it was not the kind of change he wanted he was covered in fur just then there was a knock at the door pinocchio let me in cried one of his friends pinocchio didn't want anyone to see his fur uh i'm not here now come back later he said pinocchio i know you're in there because you were talking said the boy now let me in hurry pinocchio opened the door and there stood his friend he was covered in fur too pinocchio you have to help me the boy cried help you i don't know how to help you look at me i'm furry too said pinocchio both boys sat on the floor and began to cry but when they cried they sounded like donkeys instead of boys then there was another knock on the door boys are you all right in there the wagon master asked the wagon master was their friend he had brought them to paradise he would know what to do please help us they called but it sounded like [Music] when the wagon master saw the boys his smile turned to an evil laugh [Music] now it is time for you to pay for your play he said four months you have eaten and played without work now you will become donkeys and work for me the rest of your lives doggies the boys cried together but sir said pinocchio i don't want to be a donkey i want to be a real boy when the wagon master heard this he laughed a real boy all you are going to be is a real donkey he quickly tied a rope around the boy's necks and led them to the ferry [Music] the two boys tried to call for help but their friends did not hear they did not look like boys anymore they look like donkeys i will sell one of you to a farmer and the other of you to the circus the circus will love a talking donkey pinocchio i think he will make a good circus donkey since you like talking so much the man said laughing he led the two donkeys onto the ferry there were many other sad looking donkeys inside now pinocchio understood why he had seen so many donkeys that first day [Music] he and all the other donkeys began to cry the adventures of pinocchio chapter 14 circus work pinocchio had always wanted to be on stage but not like this he was quickly sold to a circus to perform tricks but the circus people were not kind here you are donkey have some straw for dinner the trainer said dumping it on the floor pinocchio tasted a bite of straw it was dry and tasted like dirt he complained and spit it out what you don't like straw well have some hay the trainer said dumping it on the floor pinocchio tasted a bite of hay and it was as bad as the straw pinocchio complained just you wait little donkey you will be so hungry you will need anything said the trainer and he whipped pinocchio on the legs every day the trainer would make pinocchio practice jump through this hoop walk on two legs dance the cha-cha balance a ball play dead he would yell and snap his whip if pinocchio made a mistake the trainer would whip him one day the trainer said donkey your first performance is tonight if you do well i will feed you grapes if you make one mistake i will feed you nothing the circus tent filled with people there were so many people that every seat was taken [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to veto circus said the circus owner i am veto and we have a special show tonight this donkey has traveled all the way from spain to entertain you he has danced for queens and kings he has jumped for dukes and lords he is amazed children all over europe the crowd cheered and clapped and pinocchio did his tricks first he walked on two legs then he balanced a ball the crowd was smiling and pinocchio could see the happy children then he danced the cha-cha pinocchio looked at the crowd again and he noticed a woman with blue hair pinocchio jumped through the hoop and then ran out of the tent the crowd cheered and pinocchio ran and ran [Music] pinocchio didn't stop running until he got to the scene there by the water stood the blue fairy [Applause] oh blue fairy was that you in the tent asked pinocchio yes pinocchio she said oh i am so ashamed i was foolish and i was not a good boy i am sorry can you help me i know you are sorry pinocchio but i cannot help you anymore you must pay for your mistakes she said sadly but i don't want to be a donkey forever i want to be a boy again i want to go to school and i want to save geppetto he cried perhaps you will do all those things but first you must undo your mistakes how did you become a donkey she asked i was selfish and lazy pinocchio answered yes and if you do the opposite you will return to being a wooden boy she said then disappeared the opposite of selfish and lazy is generous and hard-working how can i be generous and hard-working he wondered then pinocchio got an idea the adventures of pinocchio chapter 15 better to give than receive pinocchio's idea was this he thought of someone who needed help he thought of someone who was lonely and lost he thought of someone who needed a friend he thought of an orphanage pinocchio knew how it felt not to have a family many strangers had been kind to him and had given him a lot and he remembered the blue fairy saying it is a great thing to receive help from a stranger but it is an even greater thing to give help to a stranger i am going to help children who don't have a mom or dad he decided pinocchio eventually found his way to an orphanage it was small and there were many dead trees in the yard i will help move these trees pinocchio said he looped a rope around a tree and pulled he did this for every tree until the yard was clean the children saw him in the yard and ran outside yay a donkey they cried what a nice donkey one girl said could we ride on your back mr donkey she asked pinocchio nodded and the girl climbed on one by one he gave the children rides around the yard they laughed and were very happy [Music] when it was dinner time the children ran inside to eat macaroni pinocchio was hungry and he wanted to be inside but he also wanted to be generous so he ate grass and slept outside every day pinocchio worked at the orphanage he gave the children rides into town to buy food he cropped the grass short so the children could play safely he carried firewood if there was any hard job to do pinocchio was happy to help [Music] in the afternoons he would sit outside the house and listen to the children study their lessons children what is two plus two the teacher asked five they all shouted children where is our nation's capital the teacher asked rome they all shouted good the teacher said now it is time for a story pinocchio loved the teacher's stories so he listened carefully once there was a man named jonah he tried to disobey god and he ran away but he was swallowed by a whale he lived in the whale for three days he was sorry for disobeying god so the whales bit him onto a beach we must always obey god children pinocchio sat up jonah lived inside a whale of course father must be living inside the whale too the blue fairy said he was safe and hidden that must be where he is oh if only i had stayed in school i would have learned the story a long time ago i could have saved father faster just as pinocchio said this a big change happened his hooves changed to fingers his ears got small again his fur fell off and he sounded like a boy again it worked he cried the blue fairy was right i was generous and worked hard now i can be a boy again pinocchio ran to the ocean as fast as his wooden legs would go he was not going to stop this time not for gold or a circus or paradise he was going to find geppetto [Music] the adventures of pinocchio chapter 16 the belly of a whale pinocchio ran to the ocean because he had worked at the orphanage he was very strong he swam through the waves easily he swam so fast he was able to swim with some dolphins hello dolphins pinocchio called i am looking for a large whale do you know where i can find it yeah yeah yeah the dolphin said they swam a big circle around him one dolphin came below pinocchio to help him swim deeper the dolphin swam off in a new direction pinocchio held on tightly this is fun he shouted through the bubbles the dolphins dove deeper and deeper pinocchio could see something very big ahead it looked like a big blue house it was the whale the dolphin swam near the whale hi big whale they called hello the whale called back when the whale opened its mouth to say hello pinocchio jumped inside it's so dark in here pinocchio said walking carefully along the whale's teeth it's nice and warm though he walked deep into the whale's throat as pinocchio got closer to the whale's stomach he noticed a bad smell oh that's gross he said what smells so bad i do said a voice father pinocchio called pinocchio is that you depedo called back even though they were inside a smelly fish they had never been happier they ran across the whale's stomach and held each other [Music] oh father you are very thin i am sorry it took me so long to find you please forgive me pinocchio said pinocchio how did you find me i had given up hope i thought you were lost too said geppetto they both had many questions to ask and even more stories to tell but the whale was swimming deeper father we must get out of this whale quickly said pinocchio it is no use said geppetto i have tried many times but the whale will not open its mouth pinocchio remembered the story of jonah the whale had spit jonah out how could pinocchio make this whale spit them out suddenly he had an idea father climb with me up to the whale's mouth here i will help you together the two climbed up and sat on the whale's teeth can you reach up and tickle the top of the whale's mouth pinocchio asked i can try answered geppetto he stood very tall and tickled the whale the whale started to swim up very quickly its tongue started to jump the whale said and it sneezed them onto the sand hooray we made it cheered pinocchio oh you are so smart son said geppetto how did you know to tickle the whale i got the idea from something i learned at a school pinocchio said smiling just then the whale began to slide up onto the sand and speak its voice was soft and pretty well done pinocchio it said you have proven yourself to be a good boy you have honored your father you have been obedient and generous you have risked your life to save him suddenly the whale vanished in its place stood the blue fairy blue fairy you were the whale pinocchio asked very surprised yes i kept geppetto safe until you learned to be a good boy farewell gentlemen i wish you a happy life together she said and the blue fairy flew away pinocchio and geppetto waved goodbye as pinocchio waved he looked at his hand it was the hand of a real boy wow i'm a real boy father look i'm really real he cried father and son laughed and hugged and danced all the way home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little fox you
Channel: Little Fox - Kids Stories and Songs
Views: 4,026,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlefox, kids, english, stories, animation, children, for kids, for children, educational, 리틀팍스, 영어동화, 어린이, 애니메이션, storiesforkids, fairytales, moral story, the adventures of pinocchio, pinocchio, liar, bedtime story, englisht story
Id: 95e3nTL0Kh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 42sec (4302 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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