Puss in Boots Full Story | 72 min | Fairy Tales | Little Fox | Bedtime Stories for Kids

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[Music] little fox Puss in Boots episode 1 a mill a donkey and a cat [Music] it was a chilly morning some people gathered in a graveyard the town Miller had died [Music] The Miller's Three Sons stood by the grave their names were Francis Batista and Carabas oh miss father Francis said Batista nodded I will too Carrabba's wiped away a tear [Music] I'm glad he lived a nice long life later the brothers went to the mill father was quite poor Batista said he only owned this Mill and a donkey I'm taking the mill Francis said you Batista cried I'm the oldest Francis said I'll take over father's business [Music] and I'll make money grinding flour well I'm taking the donkey Batista said I can use it to carry Goods to the market [Music] [Laughter] let's go into business together Francis said I'll grind flower and you take it to the market Batista smiled perfect what about me Carrabbas asked quietly Batista Shrugged father didn't own anything else I don't get anything Carrabbas asked that's not fair Francis Shrugged you're the youngest foreign [Music] just then a cat pounced on a mouse oh Batista said I forgot about Father's cat puss is grinned Carrabba's you can have puss y Francis and Batista laughed Carrabba's side [Music] Puss in Boots episode 2 poor Carrabba's [Music] Carrabbas was very poor [Music] his roof had holes his clothes had holes even his shoes had holes foreign each morning Carrabbas worked in his garden [Music] hello Carrabbas Batista walked by with his donkey us waved to his brother Carrabba's checked his tomatoes he said bugs were eating one tomato another was rotten suddenly an apple rolled down from the road Carrabbas picked it up the Apple was red and shiny he licked his lips [Music] then Carrabba spotted a man with an apple cart he ran after the cart [Music] you dropped an apple Carrabba said the man thanked him you're very honest later Carrabbas went into town he bought a small loaf of bread suddenly he heard music [Music] Carrabba's peeked inside a cafe a man was playing a guitar IST closed his eyes beautiful he thought nearby some people were talking did you hear the news a man asked an ogre came down from the hills the others gasped [Music] Carrabba's gulped where's the ogre now the man Shrugged nobody knows he said ogres are terrible a woman said unlocking my door tonight Carrabba's hurried home he was going to lock his door too [Music] Puss in Boots episode 3 a clever cat [Music] at home Carrabbas locked his door he fed puss bits of bread oh puss he said I wish I had more food for you Carrabbas ate his own dinner it was a small bowl of soup he dipped some bread in it puss went to sleep a chilly wind blew under the door [Music] Carrabba's put a blanket over the cat later Carrabbas counted his money [Music] that night he tossed and turned in bed soon I will need more money he thought what will I do [Music] the next morning Carrabbas worked in the garden was sleeping nearby a mouse ran past suddenly the cat's paw shot out he caught the mouse puss licked his lips Carrabba's blinked in Surprise puss wasn't asleep he thought push tricked that Mouse he's a clever cat that afternoon Carrabba spotted puss again what is that cat doing now he thought the cat was at the garden shed with his back feet he hung from the doorway just then a mouse ran by smack puss grabbed it Carrabba's laughed softly that cat is amazing he said he shook his head I wish puss could catch food for me too Puss in Boots episode 4 another surprise from Puss all right Carrabbas was in town buying flour and salt the man waited as Carrabba's counted out coins a basket of dried fish sat on the table Carrabba's sighed and thought of puss how much for the dried fish he asked the man told him the price [Music] that's too much money Carrabba's thought oh well he paid for the flour and salt and left [Music] thank you Carrabba's was walking home suddenly he stopped puss is a great cat Carrabba's thought I want to do something nice for him Carrabbas ran back to the store he bought a dried fish [Music] Carrabba's Had A Long Walk Home one of his shoes ripped but Carrabbas just smiled he couldn't wait to give puss the treat later puss ate his dried fish [Music] the cat purred happily I'm glad you like it Carrabba said after dinner Carrabbas counted his coins again each day the pile grew smaller what will I do he said how will I eat [Music] puss jumped into his master's lap Caraba's side huh you're lucky puss you don't have problems that's not true Master puss said suddenly your problems are my problems Carrabba's gasped [Music] you you talked [Music] Puss in Boots episode 5 boots for puss a talking cat Carrabba said [Music] that's amazing puss waved a paw talking is easy but how can you talk Carrabbas asked it doesn't matter puss said I have a plan to help you Carrabba stared at the cat [Music] puss is a very unusual cat he thought perhaps he really can help me first I need a bag and some boots puss said but plain boots are no good my boots must be fancy Carrabbas looked at the coins on the table foreign Carrabba said I can't buy nice boots puss smiled my feet are small the boots won't cost much [Music] the next day they went to the Shoemaker [Music] I need a pair of boots Carrabba said Baker looked at Carrabba's feet then he told Carrabbas the price [Music] Carrabbas gulped puss stepped forward sir the boots are for me he said [Music] the Shoemaker was shocked a talking cat amazing push Shrugged it's not a big deal puss held up a foot look my feet are quite small the Shoemaker rubbed his chin I can make you a pear for a few coins excellent puss said but the boots must be fancy the Shoemaker smiled proudly they'll be the fanciest boots in the Kingdom [Music] Puss in Boots episode six puss has a plan [Music] puss had his new fancy boots he gazed in a mirror I look fabulous he said those boots are nice Carrabba said but why do you need them puss smiled master I must look my best that is how a cat gets respect foreign picked up a bag I will be back later he said [Music] where are you going Carrabbas asked I have a plan remember puss said [Music] this went outside [Music] Carrabba scratched his head puss is special he thought but he's also very strange outside puss got a carriage from the garden he dropped it into the bag then he headed down the road puss came to a meadow and stopped this spot is perfect he said he put the bag on the ground then he hid behind a bush and waited [Music] soon a rabbit came along it sniffed the bag [Music] puss grinned yes Mr rabbit he thought first smell that carrot next climb into the bag the rabbit stuck its nose in the bag it crawled in farther Plus gotcha [Music] puss quickly tied up the bag Master might like this rabbit for dinner he said but I have other plans [Music] Puss in Boots episode 7 The King laughs foreign the king looked in a mirror he turned to the side and gassed [Music] Sal come in here the king cried a servant hurried in [Music] yes your majesty there's a hair on my robe the king said I can't reach it [Music] air thank you the king said I'm a king I can't have a hair on my robe King glanced down Sal your shoe is unbuckled Sal quickly buckled your majesty the king walked into the throne room and sat people were waiting to see him a servant LED in one person at a time a woman came in first your majesty I need a job she said I can sew her hair fell in her face [Music] the king gave the woman a job he also gave her a hair tie [Music] a man came in next his pants looked too big my neighbors are poor the man said they are old and need food [Music] some grain for your neighbors the king said he turned to a servant get this man a belt he shouted [Music] the king frowned as the man left everyone looks so messy he thought the door opened again a cat in fancy boots walked in [Music] Puss in Boots episode 8 gifts from the Duke thank you puss bowed greetings your majesty the king gasped you talk servants began to whisper push Shrugged it's no big deal [Music] the king looked at puss's boots excellent boots he said very fancy thank you puss said it's important to look neat the king grinned I feel the same way he walked over to puss you're a fine fellow how can I help you I have a gift for you puss said he pulled the rabbit from the bag it's from my master the Duke of Carrabbas wonderful the king said tell the Duke I said thank you please the next day puss went to the forest he placed seeds in the bag [Music] puss climbed up a tree and waited two birds landed near the bag [Music] they pecked at the seeds puss leaped from a branch he pounced on the birds and caught them hahaha puss returned to the castle with the birds bowed a gift from the Duke of Carrabbas lovely the king said the king handed a gold coin to puss please give this to the Duke [Music] thank you puss said but the Duke has everything he needs oh the king smiled warmly then he can buy something he doesn't need you must take it [Music] Puss in Boots episode 9 a guest at the castle [Music] Carrabbas looked around his house I need money he thought maybe I can sell something [Music] just then puss walked in with a gold coin Carrabba's gasped where did you get that plus Shrugged the king gave it to me Carrabba scratched his head the king puss nodded he and I are friends puss gave Carrabbas the gold coin oh puss thank you Carrabba said Puss laughed and nodded [Music] more good things will happen soon puss visited the king every day [Music] he brought a gift every day too from the Duke he said loved puss a singer sang for the cat a Jester juggled for him one day puss in the king had lunch tell me about the Duke the king said is he kind is he handsome puss smiled the Duke is honest and kind is he neat the king asked oh yes puss said he's rich and dresses very well excellent the king said I want to meet him Chris gulped uh-oh he thought I can't bring Carrabba's here the king will see that he is poor plus thought fast my master is um very busy right now I'm sure you can meet him soon though Puss in Boots episode 10 beautiful music [Music] puss tapped his chin the king wanted to meet Carrabbas so puss needed a plan [Music] one day puss visited the castle the King was taking a nap [Music] as puss walked around he heard music [Music] someone is playing a guitar puss thought it's beautiful [Music] puss followed the sound through the castle he came to a doorway puss saw a young woman with a guitar her fingers danced along its strings Master loves music puss whispered I could hear this [Music] the woman looked up oh she said you must be puss ER told me about you puss was confused who is your father he's the king the woman said I'm Fiona I was traveling and came home last night [Music] puss bowed it's an honor to meet you your very talented Princess Fiona laughed you are very kind she stood come let's walk and talk father and I were going to take a carriage ride but he fell asleep puss and Fiona walked and talked geez clever and kind puss thought soon the king found them outside I'm sorry I fell asleep Fiona the king said let's take that carriage ride tomorrow morning a grin spread across the cat's face now puss had a plan [Music] Puss in Boots episode 11 nuts for berries [Music] Carrabba's checked his tomatoes he heard a squawk and wings flapping he turned around [Music] several words flew off from his berry bushes They Carried berries in their beaks [Music] Carrabba shook his fist thieves he shouted [Music] Carrabbas walked back and forth birds are eating my berries he thought how will I stop them suddenly Carrabba's stopped puss gave me a gold coin he thought I'll use it for food and some Nets then I can cover the berry bushes later puss found Carrabbas in the garden Carrabbas was placing Nets over the berry bushes hello master puss said Carrabba's patted the cat Master puss said I have a plan to change your life you're getting married [Applause] Carrabba shook his head and laughed puss that's a silly idea puss told Carrabbas all about Fiona he didn't say she was a princess gosh Carrabba said Fiona sounds nice when can I meet her puss looked at Carrabba's carefully Carrabba's pants and shirt had holes his shoes were still falling apart [Music] first we must go shopping puss said where is the gold coin from the King Carrabbas bit his lip I'm sorry puss I spent it on food and these nets I ruined your plan [Music] Puss in Boots episode 12 a sneaky plan [Music] Carrabbas was upset he wanted to meet Fiona but he had no money for new clothes don't worry Master puss said I have a new plan tomorrow Fiona will take a carriage ride she'll be with her father who is Fiona's father Carrabbas asked puss didn't answer [Music] Carrabba's tapped a foot puss who is Fiona's father [Music] he's um the king puss said what Carrabba's cried I can't marry a princess I told the king you're a rich Duke puss said a Duke Carrabba's gassed you lied puss waved a paw it's just a little lie no it's a big lie Carrabba said and lying is wrong puss side huh fine forget about Fiona Carrabbas folded his arms I will forget her but puss still had a plan a sneaky plan [Music] let's go swimming puss said the next morning we can swim in the river good idea Carrabba said puss grinned I know a nice spot along the road carrabbasan puss went to the river Carrabbas took off his ripped clothes he dived in [Music] the king and Fiona were riding in their carriage Fiona played her guitar but suddenly she stopped there's puss that's ran toward the carriage help he shouted the Duke of Carrabbas is drowning [Music] Puss in Boots episode 13. Carrabbas is saved [Music] Carrabba's floated in the river and suddenly grabbed him what's going on Carrabba's cried two men carried him out of the river you're safe now one man said but Carrabbas was confused what [Music] ran to him thank goodness you're okay he winked at Carrabba's another man walked over Carrabba's gulped it was the king cars the king said right to the castle get dry clothes for the Duke [Music] the guards rode off [Music] soon they were back with dry clothing [Music] Carrabba's put on the fine clothes [Music] Duke the king said it's nice to meet you Carrabba's bowed thank you your majesty but I must tell you suddenly Carrabba's heard beautiful music who is playing the guitar he asked the king smiled that's my daughter what beautiful music Carrabba said [Music] King laughed yes my daughter is very talented oh what did you want to tell me [Music] Abbas said listening to the music what were you going to say the king asked caraba shook his head it was nothing the king put his hand on Carrabba's shoulder [Music] he's my daughter [Music] Puss in Boots episode 14 puss sneaks away [Music] my dear the king said to Fiona this is the Duke of Carrabbas Carrabba's bowed [Music] it is nice to meet you Fiona said you have a lovely cat Carrabba's grinned thank you the king smiled my daughter and I are taking a ride join us perfect who's thought sneaking away post can come too the king said he looked around where did he go Carrabba's scratched his head I don't know Carrabba's climbed into the carriage [Music] Fiona your music is beautiful he said can you play for me Fiona blushed she picked up her guitar and played [Music] Kyle puss ran far ahead of the carriage [Music] saw men cutting hay in a meadow hello he called foreign will be coming along soon tell him the Duke of Carrabbas owns this Meadow S one man cried we won't lie to the king another said puss showed his claws yes you will the men cried yeah The Carriage soon passed the meadow [Music] who owns this Meadow the king asked [Music] of Carrabba's owns it one man said [Music] the king looked at Carrabbas very impressive Duke Carrabbas was confused but he stayed quiet [Music] yeah Puss in Boots episode 15 the castle [Music] puss came to a cornfield hey there puss called to some workers one man looked up in Surprise yes the king is coming puss said tell him the Duke of Carrabbas owns this cornfield I won't lie to the king the man said [Music] hissed and showed his claws [Music] who is I say or I'll eat you for dinner [Music] the man held up his hands okay okay [Music] The Carriage rolled along [Music] that's a magnificent cornfield the king said I wonder who owns it Fiona didn't hear the king she was playing her guitar s didn't hear him either he was listening to the Beautiful music the king leaned out of the carriage who owns this cornfield he called [Music] the king smiled when he heard the answer Duke the king said I didn't know you owned a corn field huh Carrabba said puss danced as he walked along my plan is working perfectly he thought [Music] soon puss saw a castle it was a fine Castle a farmer was working nearby who owns that castle puss asked an ogre owns it the farmer said Don't Go Near it puss puffed out his chest I'm not afraid of ogres [Music] Puss in Boots episode 16 nervous servants thank you you play the guitar so well Fiona Carrabba said you're an amazing musician Fiona laughed I practice a lot she handed Carrabbas the guitar let me hear you play Carrabba strummed the guitar because the king whispered in Fiona's ear buds would make a great husband he's rich and owns lots of land Fiona Shrugged I want a husband who is kind [Music] puss walked up the hill he knocked on the Castle's door a young man opened it yes I'd like to speak with the ogre puss said the ogre is out the man said you may come in and wait for him [Music] lead puss into a room sit he said make yourself comfortable [Music] the man called to a servant bring us tea yes sir the servant hurried away he soon came back [Music] his hands shook as he poured the tea why is the servant so nervous puss thought he looked around other servants stood nearby they all looked nervous too thought now I'm beginning to get nervous he stood up thank you puss said to the man but I need to go now I must the man suddenly grew big and green his face became ugly puss gasped you're the ogre [Music] Puss in Boots episode 17 a game of checkers foreign [Music] stood in the doorway puss was trapped the ogre smiled showing rotten teeth you must stay he said I rarely have visitors plus sat down I'll Escape when I get a chance he thought the ogre took a board from a shelf [Music] sat down [Music] let's play checkers the ogre said if you win I'll let you leave it's a deal puss said [Music] puss and the ogre played checkers when did you buy this Castle puss asked hiding by it the ogre chuckled I ate the last owner puss gulped the ogre was soon winning the game I took a lot of his Checkers puss thought how does he still have so many puss watch the ogre closely he saw something hidden in the ogre's hand more Checkers post thoughts he stood up and pointed at the ogre cheater the ogre laughed our deal is off Puss said I'm leaving now the ogre stood up you're not it's almost time for lunch oh I'm not staying for lunch puss said yes you are Kurt the ogre growled because you are lunch [Applause] [Music] the ogre grabbed puss and threw him into a cage [Music] Puss in Boots episode 18. the ogre makes a deal [Music] the ogre carried the cage into the kitchen he slammed it onto the counter ouch puss said cook the ogre yelled for the cook but no one came so he began chopping onions himself his lunch will be delicious he said I have to get out of here push thought he tried to bend the Cage's bars they were too stiff puss had another idea he pretended to cry oh poor me now I'll never get to live with the princess the ogre stopped chopping he asked puss sniffed my master is going to marry her the ogre rubbed his chin [Music] you're going to be rich will you pay me if I let you go but you're already rich puss said the ogre Shrugged I want more money puss pretended to think for a moment finally he said it's a deal the ogre unlocked the cage door [Music] sleep past the ogre he grabbed chopped onions he threw them at the ogre's face [Music] the ogre cried [Music] puss stashed across the counter cried my paw he brushed against a knife puss didn't have time to stop I kept running toward the door puss skidded to a stop oh no a mean lion blocks the door [Music] Puss in Boots episode 19 chased by a lion [Music] Roar [Music] the lion pounced at puss [Music] ran fast [Music] that lion is really the ogre he thought puss dashed down a hallway [Music] around how do I get out of this Castle he thought [Music] puss ran around a corner and saw stairs the lion snapped his Jaws chump yikes puss ran up the stairs puss hurried into a small room quickly he slipped out a window and hid sniff sniff I smell you cat the lion said the Lion's big head appeared in the window there you are the lion said wow puss said you're good at changing shapes the lion nodded yes I am I can change you to anything puts rubbed his chin I'll bet you can't make yourself bigger of course I can the lion yelled watch the lion quickly grows bigger his head hit the window the lion fell backward puss Pete into the room the lion was an ogre again he was a moaning and rubbing his head this is my chance to escape puss thought he slipped back inside through the window he tiptoed past the ogre [Music] he was almost at the door big hand grabbed puss the ogre laughed got you Puss in Boots episode 20 tricking an ogre [Music] I'm going to squash you the ogre growled he squeezed puss tightly [Music] puss cried stop or you won't get my money the ogre stopped squeezing he asked puss rolled his eyes I can't pay you if you squash me the ogre thought for a moment then he sighed I'll put you down now the ogre said you are trying to escape again will you puss held a paw over his heart of course not you can trust me the ogre put puss on the floor [Music] I'm sorry I tricked you before puss said I didn't believe you could make yourself bigger well I can the ogre bragged I could do lots of amazing things hmm puss said [Music] can you make yourself smaller of course the ogre said puss gave the ogre a doubtful look [Music] you open me the ogre asked puss Shrugged not really the ogre became angry what's this the ogre began to shrink soon he was a mouse foreign [Music] [Music] the tiny ogre cried [Music] Puss in Boots episode 21 happy servants puss patted his belly suddenly two servants ran into the room [Music] you got rid of the ogre one said you are our hero the other said puss waved a paw it was nothing he walked out of the room [Music] s followed him other servants peaked out from doorways is the ogre really gone one asked are we safe now yes puss said you are all safe a young girl stepped forward [Music] sir she wiped away a tear my parents work here over put them in the dungeon oh yes puss went down to the dungeon [Music] with prisoners [Music] he set everyone free [Music] everyone cheered for puss how can we ever repay you a servant asked the king will be here soon puss said he will ask who owns this Castle tell him the Duke of Carrabbas owns it the servant said perfect puss said he looked at a couple of servants [Music] comb your hair and tuck in your shirts [Music] soon The Carriage rolled up to the castle this is a fine looking home the king said I wonder who owns it just then Fiona's eyes went wide it's pus huh Carrabbas looked over puss stood in front of the castle he waved welcome home master [Music] Puss in Boots episode 22. home Carrabba's ran over to puss what are you doing we don't live in this Castle [Music] puss said just pretend that we do Carrabba's frowned lying is wrong puss [Music] y the king and Fiona walked over this is a fine Castle Duke the king said actually Carrabba said [Music] several voices called [Music] servants stood in the doorway come inside one said lunch will be ready soon the king's eyes lit up what a nice surprise I am rather hungry everyone went in [Music] weird the servants everybody looks neat and tidy he said let's go to the dining room puss said [Music] Carrabba started to walk [Music] silly Duke puss said the dining room is this way the king laughed this Castle is so big Duke you forgot where the dining room is [Music] puss LED everyone down a hallway Carrabba's and Fiona walked together you have a lovely home Duke Fiona said oh it's um just a house Carrabba said Fiona smiled it's nice that you don't brag the king whispered to Fiona [Music] for about money father Fiona said I just want to marry a kind man Puss in Boots episode 23 a kind caring man [Music] a feast was waiting in the dining room the king sniffed hmm the food smells wonderful puss clapped his paws Lunch is ready your majesty [Music] everyone sat down the food looks delicious Carrabba's thought but I must tell everyone the truth puss handed Carrabbas the Bread Basket would you like some bread master Carrabba's gasped puss your paw is bleeding puss looked at his paw oh it's not a big deal master I cut myself earlier but I'm fine Carrabbas jumped to his feet and bowed excuse us for a moment please he said then he picked up puss you poor thing come with me [Music] Carrabba's carried puss to a washroom Master this is silly puss said I'm fine you're hurt Carrabba said [Applause] Carrabba's cleaned the wound a servant brought some bandages gently Carrabbas wrapped the bandage around puss's paw thank you puss said you're a wonderful master Carrabba's padded puss his head and you're a wonderful cat soon puss and Carrabbas returned [Music] smiled and turned to her father it's what I was talking about father she whispered [Music] Puss in Boots episode 24 a royal wedding [Music] Fiona and Carrabbas were having a picnic puss hunted mice nearby [Music] Fiona played her guitar [Music] said Fiona smiled I wrote that song for you [Music] Fiona will you marry me Carrabba's blurted out she blushed course [Music] puss's head popped out of a bush Ray he whispered Carrabbas bit his lip Fiona I must tell you something puss dashed over master no puss Carrabba's held up a hand I must tell Fiona the truth Fiona I'm not a Duke Carrabba said I'm actually just a poor man I understand if you won't marry me now Fiona shook her head I'm glad you told me but I don't care if you're rich or poor Carrabba's I love you [Music] three weeks later there was a royal wedding Carrabbas and Fiona were married wiped away a tear [Music] happy for master he thought well puss turned around a cat was looking at him [Music] her eyes were big and bright light sparkled on her whiskers [Music] nice boots she said [Music] um the hello puss said I mean um thank you the cat smiled would you like to dance yes puss bowed together they headed for the dance floor [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] little fox
Channel: Little Fox - Kids Stories and Songs
Views: 658,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: littlefox, kids, english, stories, animation, children, for kids, for children, educational, kindergarten learning videos, kids story, fairy tales, fairy tales audiobook, audiobook english, story for kids, story for kindergarten
Id: W1xloAQZzUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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