Best Friends Forever | Friendship Moments and Problem Solving | Karma's World

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stick around imma show you do you want to play it girl yeah okay before we play we've gotta design our character she can rock that leather jacket that's next level the belt too totally Next Level now we just have to figure out her hair what do you think Karma hmm [Music] oh this one next level how about accessories those are having a moment wait can you put bows in it or wear headbands or Clips can you do your hair like normal hair you mean can black people do their hair like yours uh well yeah uh um hey help me pick out shoes what about boots maybe sandals look at those dope sneakers out hello huh uh is there popcorn on my face what is that oh my Bonnet I wear it when I sleep you wear a hat to bed well it's not really a hat it's to take care of my curls A girl's gotta protect her hair does every black girl wear one of those um is that here harder to comb what about brushing does it have to be washed every day the hair or the Bonnet both I mean I don't know every black girl but I guess my cousin Kiki did I touch it wow it's way softer than I thought it would be really I want to touch it get off get off me whoa sure thing Carm beep beep beep fast go crash go crash to get better every day I have to test myself and my general is the way that I express myself those are my Rhymes thank you thank you those are my Rhymes you took them if you know I didn't these bars are all my my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart's on my sleeve and my Rhymes in my journal yeah crash so cool Sorry Karma my fans are waiting oh no wait come by the park after school I'm having a concert to perform all my hottest Rhymes you watch Crash is gonna be huge one day you know it hey Karma have you heard crash's new Rhymes they're amazing of course she has my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart's on my sleeve and my Rhymes in my journal no no no no no no hey you okay we saw crash plagiarizing you it is not cool to take someone else's words I just can't believe he would lie like that oh um we can't hear you okay I said now he's gonna use my words from my journal to become a huge rapper there's no way that's gonna happen eventually crash is gonna run out of Rhymes to take from your journal and remember how terrible he was when he didn't have your words to wrap [Applause] you know I'm number one the best rapper around and my Rhymes are cool alike um uh a snowman wait what that doesn't rhyme I guess the only way he can find a rhyme is if he takes it from me but you can always write more and he clearly can I promise You're Gonna Fill Up thousands of journals in your life and crash will still only have the one he took yeah you're right I've got a show crash how it's done my favorite place is is oh I've been trying for hours and nothing [Music] gotta figure out what's stopping me gotta figure out what's blocking me what is my favorite place do I even know what am I doing wrong where can I whoa uh how's the poem going it's been really hard to write poeming is so easy watch pickle chips oh pickle chips so pickly and sweet they're so good that humans and dogs want to eat oh no keys this is way bigger than that I have writer's block oh that's well what is that it's when your brain can come up with any good ideas is it contagious I don't want your writer's block I don't want it either [Music] some long Riders block see you never um my favorite place makes me happy it's my spot to chill my favorite place is the sweaty treadmill oh good morning who's ready to untangle some wires uh oh still a writer's block I don't know what to do nothing good is coming out of my brain no matter how much I focus you know you know should do check check well couldn't hurt how do you cure writer's block there's a whole list here I'm gonna try them all Oh I thought you were gonna help me with the computers today I have to focus on this poem switch I can't think about anything else till it's finished it's okay just promise you'll come help me finish this afternoon yeah of course well see ya I guess hmm to cure writer's block eat a peanut butter and jalapeno sandwich [Music] secure writer's plot try riding upside down [Music] to cure writer's block balance on one foot with a banana on your head yeah great grandparents what's that supposed to mean I'm just calling it how I see it they're old and everyone knows old people can't rap you're wrong they might be older when they get on that stage tonight they're gonna embarrass you I mean just look at them huh see you at the Showcase tonight Karma [Music] there you go I told you like I did it back in the day enough goofing around we need to rethink our whole performance for tonight or we're gonna embarrass ourselves who cares we just want to have fun no we have to work harder hmm come on [Music] oh my goodness we're just trying to have a good time oh do you want everyone to make fun of our team tonight you're old people think you shouldn't even be rappers do people think that or do you I yeah you're just gonna just gonna embarrass yourselves up there but not me I know this little girl didn't you I'm gonna tell your mama oh [Laughter] come on [Music] thought my dream team would bring Rhymes that were Supreme the entire world would put us in high esteem but can we be real rappers if they're elderly can all people really ever rhyme don't wanna be embarrassed don't want to disappoint but if you're not having fun then what's the point incoming [Music] thanks Winnie huh orange have I ever said no to my best friend's Orange did you know that they just announced the school play and did you see I know tuna fish surprise for lunch again yeah I'm pretty sure it's actually Swamp Thing surprise [Music] I survived lunch you went for an art show this afternoon sure I'm down sweet see you after school [Laughter] alrighty last up our Peach Tree School celebration is Friday and we're having contest [Music] make a video telling us what you love most about our school and you could I don't know win a trophy whoa [Music] are you thinking what I'm thinking we can write a song and turn it into the most awesome music video ever and we could wear matching outfits and we could do really cool dance moves and we could wear wigs and Tiaras and roller skates and and breathe switch oh thanks [Music] that sounds good if we're gonna win we'd better get started on our video tonight ready to check out that art show oh oh sorry Winnie I can't make it what but you said you'd come I can't go alone sorry win we've got a class project switch and I have to get started on our video well let me help I'll be your director okay sure that sounds good switch wanna choreograph our dance what about this move yes that's amazing but more important let's talk camera moves I'm thinking it's so dumb ways Winston those aren't really the kinds of moves we're talking about oh only the best music video in the wait what is that glad you asked are you tired of having to reach for toilet paper every time you need to go so why don't you try the toilet paper helmet three thousand I'm okay I don't have time to mess around our whole school's gonna see this video wait a minute a video for your whole school that's a lot of customers Karma's my best friend sorry Winston [Music] sorry orange oh I gave it to switch huh she was hungry such you're hilarious I've got some great um bye hey what's up Winston okay [Music] on our way to middle school and rhyming on the Fly not now karma but aren't you excited no I'm terrified we're gonna be the youngest kids in school again do you know our grade is so big there are three carries how am I gonna tell Carrie L Carrie B and Carrie W apart it's all good though you don't have to flow I'll keep the Rhymes going and throw it to my little bro not now karma uh what is that another invention it's the keys Grant painted snack launcher perfect for your next snap attack have some chips or candy bars um do a few bucks to work out come back okay that's gotta make you feel better how am I even gonna find the cafeteria what if I forget my locker combination what if I mix up the carries it's gonna be amazing I I so maybe you're too high way more than a little is bye bye Elementary and hello okay okay I believe you Karma I call dibs hey there's a seat next to me and it's obviously the best place to be thanks I'm Alex but everyone calls me switch I'm Karma wow your bracelet is so cool thanks I made it well oh it's awesome so do you like music gosh I mean I love making beats and hooks and collecting records and of course seeing concerts and playing the yeah I like music [Music] your incredible karma karma what does that even mean well it's my name that's not like any name I've ever heard before it's so weird what even is karma I've never heard that name before [Music] [Music] that was not cool Carrie and it definitely wasn't funny yeah Carrie she's right [Music] wow the art room is so cool and I didn't even mix up the carries once how was your first day Karma I don't want to talk about it okay I understand can I be in the other kids were so mean to me about my name I never thought it was weird before but I guess it is there's nothing wrong with your name Karma some hiccups in version 1.0 I'm proud to announce that the snack launcher 2.0 is ready oh no um this didn't happen before it is oh [Music] all right this must be serious if you can't even laugh at keys I just want a normal name like everyone else's I know I'll check I'll change my name well for what it's worth I want and Winston Taurus is taken so don't even think about it Mom Dad major ran away oh no we gotta find him come on Karma let's go search we'll stay here and let you know if he comes home come home boy oh come here baby boy major oh major major come home boys [Music] where are you come on Keys oh why are you taking me here everything in this park reminds me of major karma is something she needs to show you Karma what are you doing you know how you told me everyone in our neighborhood doesn't care about major and that they think he's just some annoying dog yeah well I don't think that's true come on guys we can do this oh you guys that's the spirit we figured if we got everyone in the neighborhood to bounce major would hear the balls and find his way home Crawford but I thought you didn't even like major no no well he has wronged his fair share of chess games but we like him and we love you you know it that's right okay everyone if Mage is gonna hear us we all have to bounce as loud as we can maybe this won't work I'm so sorry keys do you hear that it almost sounds like what level was it a plus fetch major oh buddy Karma Earth to karma let me guess lost in your own personal music video gotta warm up for the dream job jam and today your dream job is the photographer graphic novelist nope fashion designer and sculpture whoops enter amazing whoa cool are you gonna be a marine biologist let me guess astronaut you know it Demi Ray what's your dream job um well it's a you know it's silly I'm sure it's not come on you can tell us [Music] yo what is that um were you just singing like opera or something dude uh yes well um no that's a good one crash the opera singer bro you're hilarious sorry oh my gosh we thought that sounded awesome Roger business Karma um welcome class to our dream job Jam whoa say that three times fast dream jumping dream job ah this is your chance to tell the whole class your dream job so who wants to go first not it go for it Carrie like Mr single I want to teach kids about the whole world like Argentina I love space Winston Taurus pins are extraordinaire when then whoops I want to be a computer and information research scientist Malta Kyrgyzstan to invent new approaches to Computing Technologies Colombia yes yes I'm okay so complex problem s in Computing for business medicine and science at the end well done switch all right who's left crash Watkins you're up I want to when I grow up I'm going to dude never mind okay Karma why don't you give it a shot oh my grand it's gonna be a rapper girls can't be real rappers girls can't be real rappers Karma um girls can't be real rappers oh um my name is Karma and my uh dream is I'm gonna be um I have the heart of a champ all right everyone after lunch we will get back to the dream job Jam oh so do you like my Rhymes crash yeah they were um pretty good I guess you were wrong about girls not being real rappers huh I shouldn't have ever said that obviously girls can be real rappers sorry Karma you know crash boys can be real opera singers too I I don't know about that I heard you singing earlier and it was really good you already are a real opera singer you think so but I already messed up my presentation yeah I did too but I think I know how to fix it [Music] whoa dude Peach Tree middle is the place to be we love gym time lunch time always on show for limited time it's the toilet paper helmet three thousand oh [Music] Keys what are you doing just making a commercial for my new Middle School customers [Music] okay Winston me and switch are ready for our close-up yeah yeah action Winston Winston over here the height of fast forward from the classes to the books to the Big Peach Tree ah Karma said she didn't care about the camera angles toilet paper helmet wee wee now this is a good video [Music] cut oh yeah [Music] all right all right one at a time there's enough helmets to go around hey have you seen Winston have you seen him [Music] in a video but how from the class to the books to the big peach tree I uh might have put a little something together want an apple Orange I'm sorry I you but you first no not you first I'm so sorry I left you out Winston and I'm sorry I broke my promise about going to the art show I'm sorry I ruined your video I guess I just got a little uh jealous of you and switch you're both important to me Winnie she's my newest best friend and you're my oldest best friend I know and I know we don't have to do everything together no but we do have to do this together you an art show Mama thank you thank you okay uh we're ready and action hey I'm directing this documentary I'm supposed to say action fine you say action will someone please say action action Karma Grant tell our audience what you love most about making music I love using music to express my feelings to the world yeah that is so corny here let me show you what I mean well let's do it full day up in my neighborhood I'm with my smelly brother Keith but I'm feeling good I get creative when I'm loving everything in sight I take my journal out my back and I start to write scribbling thoughts on my words past the margins Washington's in her garden walking through my community so much [Music] I'm feeling clean up in this laundromat the hottest tools [Music] that nothing is superficial headed to my school that's called Peachtree middle to get better every day I have to test myself and my journal is the way that I express my my presence is a present in my give fizzy paranormal my heart's on my sleeves and my Rhymes and my journal my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart so my sleep and my rhymes what can I say I've always been a charma you know me my name is car um crash dude that doesn't rhyme flash needs me to write his rhymes for him please I've got plenty of Rhymes that are all mine uh crash Rises on bars and you better price them um uh huh oh is that true cause I recognize them confused please help me help me I sound amazing amazing's really true jail your crash I'm just saying it's okay to admit that you're my number one fan man it hurts when you taking my verses knowing you didn't earn this no and nothing deserve this is getting on my nerves quick you think you're my words like big your words you even know with those words mean but I'm the real proof you just happy in me is copying me and all of this is my truth and here's a sign the power is in my mind cause This Little Light of mine's always [Music] awesome um I think you lost the rap battle bro diner for dinner my little violin virtuoso you got it Mom see you there switch are you okay it's just it's just I don't want to play the sunrise Sonata at the recital tomorrow what but it's so good maybe you're just nervous no I'm bored huh I've played that song forever and ever and it's just not me I want to play hip hop violin I want to make mashups I want to add beats I wanna I wanna let me just show you what I mean [Music] whoa Karma come on join in oh that's what's done is [Music] that was a that was a switch your mashups are dope but they could use a little [Music] what are you doing did switch invite you too greetings Mississippi performance emanciate hmm let's see ah here you are Mr and Mrs Stein you're here because switch has something she wants to say well play [Music] that song was incredible I loved those beats so you're not mad that I didn't play the Sonata mad of course not it sounds like you might be upset though you want to talk about it I'm tired of playing the same song the same way over and over because you both love it I want to play mashups I want to play music that's me I wanna I wanna I wanna be able to tell you how I really feel I'm sorry we haven't done a good job making you feel like you could express yourself but I promise we're gonna do better it doesn't matter what you're playing just that you love playing it I really do love playing my way well we can't wait to see our hip hop violin virtuo so at the recital tonight really really oh miss Torres did you get any new Lady K music this week sorry baby nothing new Karma there's never any new Lady K music why do you keep looking cause she's my favorite duh the greatest of all time I mean she grew up in this neighborhood she made the most amazing album and then suddenly stops rapping doesn't make any sense no new music in 15 years that's so long like longer than us hi they call me lady cats [Music] with us just glad you and your friends love hanging in this old place you're embarrassing me sorry sorry I'll let you get back to your dancing [Music] you should be because we're going for Lucky Number 20 tonight and we'll do anything to win Twins out oh my gosh we cannot lose to them we won't because we're gonna do our own thing welcome to Freestyle knockout yo remember this is a freestyle so all your raps better be new no repeats now it's Jayla and Taylor versus Karma a crash the point bars is poetry now poets that we know it have you in a cold sweat king and queen of freestyle don't you forget oh [Music] [Applause] hold up hold up you use these Rhymes before that's cheating which means [Applause] Carrie up here you go practice starts tomorrow after school wait no why didn't switch get in she was the best dancer out there oh that she doesn't really fit in with her crew if you know what I mean no I don't know what you mean aren't you looking for really good dancers switch might be a good dancer but she's the wrong size to join our team huh switch is too big to dance with us if it makes me makes you feel better all those other dancers didn't fit in was the right size when you I would never be on a team that would say that about someone especially my best friend switch switch come back switch don't listen to Carrie her ponytails pulled too tight she didn't say anything I haven't heard before people said stuff like that all the time in my old neighborhood I'm sorry like my mom says don't worry about the haters I know I'm awesome when I forget will you remind me you're awesome Wanna Dance some more it's just you and me teach me that move you did in your audition the jumpy kicky luggy thing okay what am I doing Carrie's right huh make our own dance team I've been thinking about it karma maybe I am the wrong size to be on a dance team they're wrong size all that matters is Talent but we don't even have even have dancers for a team there's only two of us don't you mean three keys switch and I are trying to talk about something serious wait a minute he's right I am there were lots of great dancers who didn't make the team because InStep was more focused on size than skills so now they can be on our team instead come on I've got a plan come on major welcome to the first ever rehearsal for the full out Dance Crew where it's not about the way you look it's about the way you move are you kidding me this is what you've been doing instead of dancing with our team yeah and you know what Carrie I I got this Karma Carrie you didn't want me because I didn't fit in with your crew but now we have a crew where all that matters is skill and we're gonna be way better than your team yeah right well if you're so sure battle us at your next show huh you're on see you at the park this weekend rejects are you sure we have what it takes hmm okay everyone let's see what you've got uh [Music] stop stop stop stop you're not dancing with everything you've got it's just maybe Carrie's right maybe we are rejects don't listen to what she says I know we can be in Step but to do it we have to go big and dance with our whole Hearts now let's get to work five six seven eight go off that's it oh yeah now that was full out should we start with the big dance number or maybe the music video probably the interviews why don't we film your speech first win no no not yet I uh just need a little more time check it out my Master Blaster 5000 . yeah wait a sec does that thing blast marshmallows [Music] it can blast anything well then you're hired you're my special effects technician cool I promise to do a good job wait what is the job Carmen switch are gonna perform a song and when I point to you you're gonna shoot marshmallows out of that thing lots of marshmallows got it got it places everyone hey here perfect and action Tonya Maria makes our neighborhood glow she said get to none Queen of the marshmallow cut cut cut what's wrong that was fire that wasn't nearly enough marshmallows keys this video has to be special oh let's just keep going this video has to be perfect by tomorrow all right I got this okay one second uh you okay when you seem a little fidgety I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine can we just do another take please we have to get this right all right hmm has been an important part of this community and she's been volunteering in this Garden for years she's always helping out your glasses are crooked okay cut we love wait no Chris the poster no turn it not around to the side no not sideways oh cut that's it good good boy nature special effects technician you ready you ready marshmallows oh geez where are all the marshmallows you know what let me do it now which one do I press away button cut um Estonia Maria's favorite color I was gonna surprise you for your big finale you uh have a little are you okay yes I'm fine stop asking me that we just have to keep filming we're losing daylight and I gotta do my speech are you sure oh uh action Abuelita no come on Winston Abuelita you are the smartest strongest most uh nope it's not ready what do you mean you are doing great no no it wasn't good enough it has to be perfect this is the most important birthday Abuelita's had ever how come she's turning 73. it just is I guess none of you even care about her birthday whoa Winston relax it's gonna be fine forget it I'll do it myself stupid Blue Smoke seriously what is up with him check out these sparkles [Music] scrunchie Club I don't get it yeah I'm not really into scrunchies me neither so what if we start our own club instead maybe one where we wrap can make beats into secret Club handshakes we'll make music and jam and we'll call ourselves the Jammer I love it now give me a jam Shake yeah okay that's the perfect secret handshake for our club the first meeting of the Jammers start snap [Music] I love lunch with my crew we're the Jammers Club come ciao bring your salad or your turkey sub oh nice like I was saying Chris do not touch the scrunchie that's a rule I just think it would look really cool in my hair you need long luscious hair like mine to pull off these scrunchies okay Karma's Club looks like a lot of fun with a lot less rules what do you think you're doing we created this crunchy Bunch first and now you're trying to copy us we're not copying we're doing our own thing oh well even if you are a club you'll never be better than my scrunchie Bunch okay thanks bye oh yeah well we've got a secret handshake do you well you know I didn't think so awesome [Music] oh so what's the big secret karma is the secret is um here's carmy the starmy's first song I'm a baby roar I love tigers I'm a baby oops I think I pooped my diaper Karma gave up your own secret to protect me no one should have their secret told if they don't want to share it wow you're right I'm sorry I didn't keep yours it's just everyone at school expects me to have perfect hair your hair s your business and nobody else's and you don't ever have to worry about me telling your secret no one should let's all take a stand I'm the first to sing everybody in school is getting carried away we supposed to be friends supposed to have trust not snooping around being nosy and such so respect everybody stay out of their business cause that didn't happen from what I witnessed it's my fault too so I'll take some blame we lost all control with these buying games [Music] okay first we can protest the school then city hall and then the state capital Karm how's that chant coming what about angry is what I am cancel the story slam perfect love the ride I think we're ready to protest but you won't have to huh because that designed a ramp that don't you Maria can use to get up on stage it's inspired by Major oh I even figured out how to make it smell like a dog ah we already know how we're gonna help my Abuelita by canceling the slam dinner's ready what are y'all up to we're getting ready for our protest hmm well you know you two come from a long line of protesters what's your grandparents that's awesome your granddad marched for all of us to be treated equally so it's wonderful that you kids are protesting for Donya Maria how's she doing oh well you know I was so angry before I didn't even check on her but I'm sure once we fix everything she'll be happy especially with her new ramp I just updated the design with the bark button that's my little Adventure angry is what I am the Stars story then no one should angry is what I am cancel the story slip oh [Music] am I supposed to go on that yep we're doing the last and first safety test now ready major it oh thanks keys but I need a different kind of ram you only are gonna get the story slam cancel for being unfair just because I can't participate doesn't mean the whole neighborhood should miss out on story slam what I want is to no they've gotta cancel it we've been so focused on our own anger we haven't asked Donya Maria what she wants but that's the only way we're gonna be able to help her what do you mean Carm we have the power to help change things but only Dona Maria knows what kind of change we really need it's not a party till you smell Sonia Maria we're so sorry when everything happened at the story slime rehearsal I was so mad I couldn't even think to ask how you were feeling so how can we help I appreciate you two being so passionate I do I've always been good at fighting for what's right I guess that's what nurses do so I don't want to live in a world where the story slam gets canceled because of me and my wheelchair I want to live in a world where we find a way for everyone to tell their stories maybe we could help you with that yay Fresh Faces fill our Hood at the start of the morning switching come about to get the crown pouring huh gotcha got what Sam YouTube cool photo you're a great photographer Sam I love taking photos of people when they're smiling but don't even know the camera's there whoa you even got Mr Crawford smiling yep you just gotta catch him during his morning juice today we begin our chapter on journalism and it's a partner project [Music] oh I get to choose your partner but it'll be a fun chance to work with someone new so when I call your name spark your keister next to your partner okay first up switch and I know who it is it is scary scary next up Karma and this is a good one it's a good one it's Sam oh snap I got Sam oh you're so lucky this is my spot okay thanks bye so we meet again I know right I'm so hyped we get to be partners now here are your instructions you're going to be writing a newspaper article about a neighborhood hero and no it can't be me guys okay first write a list of possible Heroes with your partner oh I got one um write a list pick a hero all right all right all the time we have today everybody oh looks like my list is a little longer yeah I didn't write as much because of my dyslexia but it's quality not quantity right how's this dream team doing my dyslexia made it hard to write a lot but Karma's got a bunch of hero ideas well no worries Sam let me know if I can do anything to help quick reminder you're awesome [Music] but why not make the hero we choose me uh no Carrie that's not been great it's settled okay thanks bye Carrie is the worst partner but things must be great with Sam huh well oh she told me that she has dyslexia dyslexia my cousin told me once that her friend's sister's brother is dyslexic and he can't read or write or do math or or eat spaghetti oh that sounds terrible I can't imagine not being able to ride spaghetti I've gotta help Sam huh neighborhood hero did you say hero please and super major oh yeah Dylan what's your superpower when we eat pickle chips we get super chimpy power huh got it nice flexing oh [Music] wow did you see that he saved my camera you really are a superhero major oh so Sam ready to interview our potential Heroes sure thing please about to sing the longest note ever [Applause] [Music] hey we were watching that but we want to watch driving bloopers [Music] [Music] Rock them Rockets stay out of this world whoa those are the coolest sneakers they're a work of art and totally hip-hop they're so us are you thinking what I'm thinking [Music] the kicks are cool but mcgrails what does he know about sneakers major you'd be way better at selling them you could start in a sneaker commercial [Music] doctor mother Mr father please have a seat I'd like to talk to you about new sneakers welcome to my play me you and the shoe it's the classic tale of a boy and his Noble desire for skyrockets today I asked the question on everyone's mind what is a sneaker you we go my answer a sneaker is everything and that's why I'm asking you to buy me a new pair of skyrockets no it's not my birthday or Christmas or even daddy daughter day but to my feet not yearn do my toes not crave sneakers of the coolest variety pie chart shows a new pair of sneakers is equal to the price of just 18 apple pies for I do not want a shoe with a soul I want to shoot with soul Karma the shoes we bought you for school are practically still new no you gotta know too huh uh-huh orange Apple so we won't be rocking matching Rockets after all but I guess our regular shoes are okay I mean it could be worse thank you thank you don't write I know crash has skyrockets believe he put those beautiful sneakers on such stinky feet look at them man I can't believe your parents got you Rockets I use the money for my tour guide job and bottle myself a job Winston are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah Miss Washington wait up oh hey y'all what you want I'm on the moon watch out now miss dubs we're looking to make some money we were wondering if there's any work we could do for you well come to think of it nah this is my dancer size class it's dancing plus exercise but we need music to groove to comma your job is to sing the flex and float and Winston you'll be class cheerleader Inspire them more inspiration you're taking this class no the major is he's got to practice his dance moves to be in the skyrockets commercial oh all right everybody Welcome to miss Washington's dancer size class let's get on down get that booty off the ground put your hands in the air and touch your toes put your hands in the air and touch your toes now stir the pot eat that sauce all right way to go let's speed this time [Music] major you're supposed to be back flipping [Music] I'm glad you two didn't come for my advanced class he gave me his half of the money oh win I'm sorry Kate me too I want you to take the money and get the Rockets because they're art and that's so you no you keep the money I want you to get the Rockets they're so hip-hop and that's so you if we can't rock the sneakers together I don't want to rock them at all wait if you're willing to put our money together I've got an idea I call them the flex and flows you're flexing I'm flowing these kicks are so us let me tell you that swag is swag and style the style but created with my friend is what makes me smile we can't always get what we want but we can always be original that's how we stunt oh I like those oh like butterscotch those sneakers it seems everybody needs all the latest fashions but the most valuable things we have is passion for friendship and for being unique these flex and flows that's what's on my feet [Applause]
Channel: 9 Story Fun
Views: 839,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma’s world, kids animated show, animation, cartoons, funny cartoons, cartoon for kids, kids, videos for kids, kids cartoons, kids videos, 9 Story Kids, 9 Story, 9 Story Fun, 9Story, 9 Story official channel
Id: sKKOHtG2pZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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