Rapture Vs 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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hi I am dr. K and Jacob and today I want us to compare and contrast the rupture and the second coming of Jesus a lot of people confuse these two events and I want us to look at some eight profound differences between the rapture and the second coming of Jesus first there is going to be a rupture make no mistake there will be a rupture when Jesus ascended on high in full view of his disciples a just came down and in Acts chapter 1 verse number 11 they said to the disciples men of Galilee why do you stand up into heaven this same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven this same Jesus make no mistake Jesus is coming back Jesus is coming again Jesus is coming soon and the agency they send Jesus will come back in like manner he was taken up in a cloud of glory he will come back in a cloud of glory he went by himself he will come back himself only the scene only the scenes on his disciples saw him I said into heaven only the Saints will see Jesus during the rapture people ask me there is no word rupture in the Bible that's a lot of ignorance rapture appears in the Bible as it is it does not appear that we in the English Bible but if you open the French Bible and a Latin Bible the word rapture appears so rupture is derived from the middle French word rupture that French word ruptures payout the same way as the English word derived from the medieval latin word ruptura are apt URL which means Caesar snatching or kidnapping whose root is the Latin word Raptors are apt u.s. raptors occurring of the Greek equivalent is the verb hapana so meta harach polysome Aida which means to be caught up ought to be taken away with a connotation that this is going to be a sudden event let me now just share with you some eight proposed differences between the rapture and the second coming of the Messiah the Christ of God Jesus of Nazareth number one rapture Jesus comes for his church in the second coming Jesus comes with his church so during the rapture Jesus comes for his church for the Salone ins for 16 and 17 for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and that we shall always be with the Lord look at how verse 16 starts for the Lord Himself will come down and then he comes himself for his church Jesus comes for his church because they that alive and remained that a believer shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air but in the second coming of Jesus Jesus comes with his church revelation 19 verse 11 to 16 now I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one except himself knew he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God verse 14 and the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean followed him on white horses who are the armies of heaven the Saints how do I know they are clothed in fine linen and revelation 19:8 says fine linen starts from the righteousness of the saints these are the Saints verse 15 now out of his mouth out of the mouths of Jesus goes a sharp sword that with it he should strike the nation's and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron he himself that's amazing emphasis the Lord Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords when Jesus comes back with the Saints he defeats all the other enemies of God with a brilliance of his coming the brightness of his glory the sword of his small which is the word of God remember that time all the armies of the world will be gathered at Megiddo also known as the valley of Armageddon also known as the valley of jehoshaphat to finally fight the chosen nation the nation of Israel and God defeats them with the brightness of his coming now if you want to know that details about his his second coming and how he defeats the armies of God you need to watch my video dubbed the Antichrist I've done another video dad the Antichrist you can get more details about the millennial reign the Antichrist and how Jesus defeats all the armies the Antichrist will gather at the valley of Armageddon the valley of Megiddo the valley of Jehoshaphat the most natural but abroad now difference number two during the rapture Jesus comes like a thief in the night in the second coming every eye will see him so during the rapture Jesus comes as a thief in the night let me read for you three passages of scripture to back this claim revelation three 3 remember therefore what you have received and heard hold fast and repent therefore if you will not watch I will come upon you as a thief and you will not know what hour I will come upon you Matthew 24:42 42 jesus said then two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding at the mill one will be taken and the other left watch therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming what was Jesus saying to people be working together colleagues in an open office the believer will be taken and the sinner will be left behind a god-fearing wife who used to go to church for prayer meetings to be taken and a husband who ignored God left behind some kids who in a university abroad or work in a different state would be shocked to call their aging parents their parents who knew God their parents worship God and the kids would be astonished that the parents don't answer back give you rush home and they will never get them again they let their phones and answered people who stream in police stations in millions reporting about their loved ones who have mysteriously disappeared oh and to the people who have been a plane that our that moment if the captain or the plane will be born again make no mistake there will be an air crash because he will get extracted last year and meet the Lord in the air two will be working side by side one will be taken and they are the one left second Peter written but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night the implication here is that thief does not give notice he comes at an hour you think not so it will be with the rapture of the church but in the second coming of Jesus every eye will see him the whole world it to West great and small kings and slaves every eye will see him during the second return of Christ and a lot of people are confused by these two events because the rapture does not appear anywhere in the Old Testament it's a mystery revealed in the New Testament many Jews do not understand that Jesus came simply because they were waiting for the second coming of Jesus in great glory to deliver them that's all they could see in the Old Covenant but they could not see the rapture it was revered everywhere the rapture is written about the writers edited this is a mystery it will be a sudden taking away so the second coming of Jesus every eye will see him Matthew 16:27 for the Son of Man is going to come in his father's glory with his ages and then he will reward each person according to what they have done Jesus comes back in his father's glory that means great glory the glory of the king of kings the highest glory possible Matthew 24 30 jesus said then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will moon and then you see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory revelation 1:7 behold his coming with clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced him all the tribes of the other moon because of him even those who pierced him means even the Jews will see every eye will see him the Roman soldiers will see him the questions people will see number 3 during the rupture their saints meet Jesus in the air but on the second coming Jesus comes on earth heel adds on mount Olive's so during the rapture Jesus will not blood on earth he will not come down on earth the Saints will meet Jesus in the air for the Salone ins for 16 - 17 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air to meet the lord in the air 1st corinthians 15:51 - 53 behold I show you a mystery behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed not a dream you'll die process but every one will be changed in the moment in the twin clean of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality Paul is telling the church at Corinth that some people will not die they will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air the motor bodies the decaying bodies the body that die shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye and you'll be able to go airborne with no limitation our bodies will be changed never again to die never again to feel pain never again to decay and with no limits like the angels Paul says this is a mystery and people ask so who do you fight the word rapture in the Bible that word is in fastest alone Ian's for over 17 then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up caught up that word in French is rupture in Latin is to rupture but this comes from the word rock to rock in Latin so if you're reading the Latin Bible you'd literally find the word rock to rock and in Greek Hauppauge is Amanda so those who read the Greek Bible and the Latin Bible do not struggle but during the translation to the English version then there was no direct word for rupture it was caught up that's where the word comes from and the connotation is that this will be a sudden event but in the second coming Jesus comes on earth he lets on mount Olive's Zechariah 14 verse 4 and in that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to West making a very large Valley half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south Jesus lots of mouths always the glory office are right boss blitz this mountain into two Jesus prayed a lot in this mountain in the days of his flesh and he chose this location to be his Laden point during his second Advent his second return number four during the rupture Christ himself removes the Saints from the earth in the second coming ages gathered the wicked for judgment so during the rupture the Saints are removed from the earth by who by Jesus himself he will not set a Jamaica the at age of war to get his church he said in a body to claim his bride for the Lord Himself will come for his church first Thessalonians 4:16 2:17 for the Lord Himself will be set from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air but in the second coming they just gathered the wicked for judgment Matthew 13 41 to 42 the Son of man who set out his ages and they wearied out of his kingdom everything that causes seen and all who do evil they will throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when Jesus comes the second time the ages gada the wicked for judgment so what happens is they Christ comes for his Saints but the ages gathered together the wicked for judgment number five during the rupture Saints are removed from the are sinners are led behind but in the second coming Cena's are removed from the earth Saints a leg behind for the millennial reign so when Jesus comes for his church like a leaf in the night the rapture Saints are removed that's where the word rapture comes from they are removed from the earth but sinners are left behind so it will be almost business as usual for the sinners they will plan it for a while but because only very few people will participate in the rapture most to be left behind after after a day or two many headlines people will try to assume life as no more people try to work are they used to further solonius 4:17 then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and that we shall always be with the Lord so the Saints are removed in the rapture but the sinners are left here during the no more walk cause there'll be a panic that has never been experienced in war began headlines all over the world would be about the missing millions headlines all over the world would be people reporting whom they can't see imagine a president who is born again and participates in the rupture his security details is thrown into tantrums they have no clue what has gone wrong the army is put on high alert but they don't even know who to bomb and where to begin there will be so much confusion when the rapture takes place but during the second coming of Jesus seen us are removed from the earth why Jesus comes to establish the kingdom of peace then the linear reign of the Christ there of crates for a dozen years and he does not want seen when his ruin because he was a kingdom of peace so sinners are removed thrown into hell finally both sinners and hell would be thrown in the lake of fire for more details you need to look for my video dubbed the burn in hell the burn in hell I have explained about what will happen in hell who goes there God makes people to go and how to avoid the flames of hell so here's the deal Sheena's are removed from the art thrown into hell so that Jesus can rule for a thousand years so that he can illustrate demonstrate model what he intended a done to do you cannot frustrate God or God intended for this world will be fulfilled in the millennial reign so Saints are left behind for the millennial reign Matthew 13 41 to 42 the Son of Man will send out his angels and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil they will throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matthew 13:49 2:15 this is how it will be at the end of the age the ages will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth weeping and gnashing of teeth because of regret that pain people remember in the gospel the many warnings they were given to repent and receive Jesus for their sins people remembering that Jesus had paid for their sins but in Pride they rejected the gift of God and gnashing of teeth because they know no they are lost eternally no for a year not for a hundred years not for a thousand years not for a billion years but for ian's and ian's of ears forever my god I can imagine that number six during the rapture Jesus rescues deliver the scenes from the Great Tribulation during the Second Coming Jesus returns after the Great Tribulation all the sinners go through the Great Tribulation this is the first judgment of the sinners now this brings a lot of confusion to many people because some people believe tribulation is happening right now and the church is going through tribulation some people believe the church will go through tribulation and the church would be raptured in the middle of the Great Tribulation and some people believe the church will go through the entire seven years of the tribulation period let me tell you why I know without a shred of doubt the church will be rescued before the Great Tribulation first don't confuse things there is tribulation going on right now they're believers suffering right now in Saudi Arabia in Pakistan in India in China all over the world at any given stage and face and age they are Saints who get persecuted even by their own families they're Christians been killed because they are Christians by their own family members even in countries like Nigeria in Kenya and Somali in Tanzania but this is not the Great Tribulation in fact there are seven church ages the first church age is Ephesus the second is minor the people who were those minor church age was seriously persecuted a de niro they died for their faith some were burnt alive along mistake some were thrown to lions that were hung grifoll weeks some were beheaded some were bonded oil or the disciples of Jesus were tortured persecuted and killed miraculously John did not die he's the only disciple who died of old age he surveyed all the persecution but Jesus said this is not the Great Tribulation the three duration that will happen at the end of this age would be so much that it has never been seen since man was on earth so don't confuse but the key shows that have taken place in a church since Jesus from the church with a Great Tribulation there is a reason why it's called the great tribulation ADIF at the very purpose of the rupture the word rupture is to smudge in fact people who read the French Bible or the Latin Bible or the Greek Bible don't struggle to understand the church will not go through the rapture because the word rapture means to snatch oh it does not change from what to snatch away from the great tribulation to rescue the church to deliver the church from the hour of trial the great tribulation that's really good we get the Greek word Harper is Amanda which means to be caught up or taken away with a connotation this is a sudden event drop to row to snatch away in Latin let me give you four verses just to tell you the church will not go through the tribulation the great tribulation faster solonius 1:10 for the savonius 1:10 and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come the wrath to come is the great tribulation for the Salone ins 59 for the solonius 5/9 for God did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ the word salvation does not just mean saved from eternal hell it also means being saved from the Great Tribulation take us to that in Titus 2:13 looking for the Blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ the appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ is the Blessed hope why it is rescuing us from the Great Tribulation there is no blessing there is no hope in the Great Tribulation but the Bible says looking for the Blessed hope what does the great appearing of Jesus why he is coming to rescue us from the great tribulation revelation 3:10 revelation 3:10 because you've kept my command to persevere I will also keep you from the hour of trial who shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth look at this Jesus says I will keep you from the hour of trial what the our trail their Great Tribulation how do I know because it will come upon the whole world look at the verse again the hour of trial who shall come upon the whole world never before since Jesus led has tribulation heat the whole world yes I know the Holocaust was terrible we have not experienced such war since world began but the truth be told there was no war in mainland America in mainland Canada it may not blossom or Argentina in me in in eighty percent of Africa there was no war only the northern streak that touches the material see this was largely in Europe and the Japanese peninsula but you see the Great Tribulation the Bible says it will come upon the whole world I tell you this you need to watch my video called the Antichrist I have described a great duration what Hitler did during the Holocaust was terrible it was bad I don't want to dump late but let me tell you this the Great Tribulation who make the Holocaust seem like it was just a party Jesus say the tribulation that will happen in those days has never happened since man was on earth but during the Second Coming Jesus returns after the Great Tribulation the Great Tribulation a the first judgment of the sinners Matthew 24:29 2:30 immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and that all the tribes of the earth will moon and you see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory what this immediately after the tribulation of those days can you see that the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven Jesus describes in preceding verses how the great tradition will be such great tribulation that ticket or possible even their very erect what does that mean both the Saints who will meet the rapture and the erect nation they give each people even a very erect will believe in the lie offered by the Antichrist because of a pain excruciating pain they will go through so then the sign of the Son of Man will appear after the tribulation of those days will be the second advent the second coming of the Messiah number seven during the rupture the dead in cry resurrect in the second coming they're Saints who died during the Great Tribulation resurrect so during the rapture of the church those who died in Christ and those who be alive and born-again and righteous both of these two teams will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air those who died in Christ those who will not be living on earth will be the first to resurrect and then those who are alive all of them will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air now make no mistake those who died in Christ are alive some people say they are dead waiting for the resurrection that's an error please make no mistake when someone died they're good and they're born again they go to heaven immediately and I don't this is a huge topic I will not get to details but I'll give you one or two evidences Jesus was crucified between the two thieves one repented his sins he said Jesus remember me when you get into a kingdom Jesus 8 today today today you will be with me in paradise not in purgatory not in the grave not in cemetery you will be with me in paradise Jesus gave a story about the rich man and Lazarus and the rich man went to hell and Liz Alice sat by the side of father Abraham God told Moses this is my name forever I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob episode 3 14 and 15 he had God says I am not the god of the dead I am the God of the living why Abraham Isaac Jacob all alive in the New Testament the Bible does not make any reference to anything dying he talks of them sleeping in the Lord so these people are alive with Jesus in heaven they are alive so what does resurrection mean resurrection means they will come and pick up their bodies exactly how Jesus did during his resurrection Jesus was never in the grave please understand his body was in the grave for three days and three nights Jesus when he died he went into the other world and preach the gospel to seen us who died before the cross and then it's not the case from Satan the keys of hell and hates and death that's what the Bible means by saying he made a public spectacle of the enemy that means he embarrass Aten before all those people who went before us who left the body before us because to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord so Jesus was never in the grave his body was in the grave so when he resurrected he picked his body and now it was a glorified body a body that cannot die the body he will wear in all eternity the body that bear the scars of our salvation to remain Authority cause God to redeem us from here and death so the Saints who died long ago who are now with Jesus in heaven resurrect means they will wear their bodies and then we will meet them in the air and all this will happen in a flash in the twinkling of an eye so the dead in Christ resurrect in the rapture first the Salone ins 4 16 and 17 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air so the first resurrection is the resurrection of the saints but during the second coming of Christ the Saints who die during the Great Tribulation resurrect people who knew Jesus as Lord and Savior lead a compromising life they miss the rapture of the church but they refuse to take the mark of the beast because they know if you take the mark of the beast your soul is domed forever so they decide we will go through whatever pain we have to go through we will be beheaded for the sake of eternity those Saints will resurrect after the seven years of the tribulation period Revelation chapter 20 verse 4 to 6 and I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw their souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years but the rest of their dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection of as such the second death has no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years so as Jesus reigns in the millennial reign the Saints who are raptured those who had died before the rapture and those who resurrect when he comes the second time all these Saints reign with Christ for a dozen years during which time see another in hell waiting for the great white throne judgment when they will finally be thrown into the lake of fire I told you the details you can listen to my two videos one the Antichrist and my other video the burn in hell so number eight and the last one this does not mean this list is exhaustive I only selected what I personally consider the eight most preferred differences between the rapture and the second coming of Jesus the differences are more differently but I picked what I consider are the most profound age differences between the second coming and the ratch of the church so number eight in the rapture Saints are given glorified bodies the during the Second Coming Jews who make it through the Great Tribulation you'll enter the Millennial Kingdom and they will marry and bear children so during the rapture Saints are given glorified bodies when Jesus ruptures the church a rod with ruptured where the eternal body bodies that cannot die body that cannot rot body that cannot decay body that cannot feel pain body that have no need for marriage or for sex off of food bodies like the ages Jesus said in Luke 20 35 to 36 but those who accounted worthy to attain that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage nor can they die anymore for they are equal to the ages at are sons of God being sons of the resurrection Paul writes to Philippians chapter 3 was 22 21 he tells the church at Philippi for our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform our lowly body that it may that it may be conformed to his glorious body according to the working by which he is able even to subdue all things to himself Paula says that the Lord will transform our lowly body our mortal bodies and confirmed them to his glorious body that means we will be like Jesus we will have a body like Jesus a body that cannot die and immortal body is it when Paul was was writing to the church at Corinth in first Corinthians 15:51 253 he told them look we shall be changed this motor body we were an immortal body this corruptible body we wear a body that cannot rot that cannot corrupt that cannot decay that's how we shall all be changed when Jesus returns in the rapture to meet the Lord in the air but in the second coming the Jews who will survive will make it through the Great Tribulation will enter the millinery and they will marry and bear children remember when Jesus returns he will fight people on earth and all these armies who gather at the valley of Armageddon to make war against the nation of Israel why because the devil hates what God loves God loves the nation of Israel it is his chosen nation he used the nation of Israel to reveal himself to the world to reveal his intense to reveal who he is to reveal his attributes so the devil gathers all the armies to the valley of Megiddo to Nikko again is the nation of Israel Jesus returns at the Mount of Olives and suddenly the so the Jews people are opened and they recognized whom they pierced they recognize that Jesus of Nazareth Yeshua Messiah yes and was their Messiah the Christ the Saviour of the world at that moment they will all repent of their sins they will be forgiven their sins they will all be said every Jew who will be alive they will live on this earth and because they will be Indian natural bodies they will continue working marine and getting children and his children will multiply into millions and millions and millions so the Saints will be layering them and reigning over them that's why the Bible calls the saints kings and Jesus king of kings why their sales would be Kings during the millinery perhaps there will be in billions how do I know this if you look at the history of mankind when the house of Jacob left Israel the Lord of Canaan to Egypt one single family when they left there in 400 years go up 2.4 million people one family in just 400 years there were 2.4 million people that Moses led out of Egypt into the wilderness in just 400 years now think of how 1,000 years these people will multiply think in 1,000 years how much they will multiply and these guys will not be dying that's the straight thing about the millennial reign right now the world is approximately seven point eight billion people a hundred years ago the world population was 1 billion in just a hundred years seven point eight billion people so these Jews who give birth into many many children and they say to rule together with Christ their sins will not they will not give in to marriage they will not die they will be like ages now let me read for you four passages of scripture to back what I just told you Zechariah 12:10 Zechariah 12:10 and I'll pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication they will look on me the one they have pierced and they will moon for him as one mourns for an only child and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son Zechariah 13:1 all the day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and inhabitants of Jerusalem to cleanse them from sin and impurity in these two passages passages of Scripture we see the Jews repenting their sins and God forgiving them their sins they cry with bitterness will grieve as one would moon the loss of a normal child poor reveal this mystery in Romans 11 was 25 to 27 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers and sisters so that you may not be conceited Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in and in this way all Israel will be saved all Israel will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come from Zion he returned godlessness away from Jacob and this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins Paul calls it a mystery it's something hidden it's a deep secret the God has bladed the eyes of the Jews from seeing the truth what is the truth now Jesus Christ of Nazareth is their Messiah and the savior of the world and Paul gives the reason it is because God has done this for the Gentiles to be saved for the Gentiles like you and me to come to Jesus so the Jewish people the Israelites are unable to handle my message it's irritating to their ears and Paul says this is God at work toven explains how God hardened the heart of Pharaoh to demonstrate his power to illustrate he is God to manifest who he is because he is sovereign God does what he wants with his vessels the other we are the work of his hands so when the Messiah returns the blindness in Israel would be lifted and they will see the one they pierced cry for him as an only child and God will wipe away their sins and remember his covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Covenant he made with the house of Jacob God made a covenant with this net with this house of Israel please look for my video in my youtube channel dr. Kate and Jacob look for my video dirt the seven divine covenants I have explained the seven Messianic covenant the seven biblical covenants and the four covenant a the covenant God made with the house of Israel it's called the Mosaic Covenant the house of Covenant you want to watch that so God now fulfills every promise he made to these people and he explains in details in a Saye 65 17 to 25 icer 65 7225 see i will create new heavens and a new earth please as I read this book of Isaiah remember these people giving birth are the Jewish people who will be met by Christ's second return they will give bad they will marry they will get children they will build houses they will have thriving economy but the Aurora's will be the Saints who you rule with Jesus Christ as Kings and Jesus will be the king of kings ruling and reigning from the current Jerusalem this is not the New Jerusalem I will talk about the New Jerusalem when you listen to me when I'm explained about the Antichrist this is the current Jerusalem reformed by Christ this is the fulfillment of the fifth Messianic covenant the Davidic covenant that when God promised that there will always be Aurora from the house of David please look for that video in my youtube channel the seven divine covenant so let me read I saw 65 17 to 25 see I will create new heavens and a new earth the former things will not be remembered nor will they come tonight but be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people are joy I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people the south of weeping head of crying will be heard in it no more never again will there be in eat an infant who lives but a few days or an old man who does not live out his ears the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered a cause they will build houses and dwell in them he'll plant vineyards and eat their fruit no logo they build houses and others live in them or plant and others eat for other days of a tree so will be the days of my people my chosen ones we long enjoy the walk of your hands remember the Saints will not walk again after the rupture there'll be no walk again but here the Bible says they belong enjoy the walk of your hands these are Jews in their natural bodies they will not labor in vain nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune for the obeah people blessed by the Lord they under dissidence with them yes Saints who be ruptured and those who died in the Lord before the rupture and those who will resurrect at the second advent of the Messiah they cannot give birth any more they will be like the ages in heaven so who is giving birth during the millennial reign they're Jews whom Jesus meets when he returns because they will be Indian natural bodies and God wants to fulfill what he promised them about the lava flows in milk and honey and abundance with no death in this holy mountain of God there will be no bloodshed not tension no one will go through anger or tension not even the antelopes even the Lions will eat grass the snake will eat dust there will be no shedding of blood in the millinery a the reign of peace and I'll be a king in his kingdom the milliner reign of the Christ now let me read verse 24 before the call I will answer all they are still speaking of you here the wolf and the lamp will fit together and the lion will eat straw like the Ox and dar to be the Serpent's food they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain says the Lord but first there will be a rupture at an hour you think not I will conclude today's sermon with Matthew 24 but that is six to forty four jesus said these are not the words of the Apostle Peter listen of the words of the Apostle Paul these are the words of Jesus himself but about that day or hour no one knows not even the angels in heaven nor the son but only the father as it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man for in the days before the flood people were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark in other words people were reverent nightclubbing after nothing was happening they considered Noah a mud man can you imagine only eight people was saved out of the whole world and Jesus is using this analogy let me tell you the truth most of the people who go to church will miss the rapture jesus said narrow is the path that leads to eternal life jesus said not all who call me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of God but they that do the will of my father make no mistake only eight people were saved during the flood and the entire world perished during the flood of Noah let me continue reading vast 39 and by the way the flood came suddenly like the rupture without the expectation but latin i and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away this is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding with a hand meal one will be taken and the other left therefore keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come but understand this if the owner of the house had known at what time of night that thief was coming he would have kept watch I do not have left his house and be broken into so you also must be ready because the Son of Man who come at an hour when you do not expect him some version says at an hour you think not describing the rapture Jesus give an example of ten virgins who are waiting for the bridegroom who are waiting for Christ they were all born again they all had a lamp the light that is the symbol of salvation they all had some oil oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit but some had enough oil and fifty percent of them half of them did not have enough oil means they did not depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit always sometimes they walk in righteousness sometimes they walked in carnality they missed the hour of the bridge go are you ready for the rupture I have read that Holy Word of God from page to page Gus gave us the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation there is not a single thing paedon for the rapture of the church the administrators gave that would precede the second coming of the Son of Man he talked about floods and earthquakes famines lack of food and drought in various places he talked about pestilence that's pandemics like coffee 19 hiv/aids and cancers that are killing people by the day and heart diseases and many so-called incurable diseases Jesus talked about war like the Korean War like the Vietnam War like the Iraq war the Libya war you know the Syria war their men war the Second World War Jesus talked about rumors of war classic example the Cold War when the world thought there will be a nuclear warfare all these things have been fulfilled then Jesus give two very astonishing signs that must happen before he comes one the rebirth of the nation of Israel Jesus said before the coming of the Messiah a sir will become a nation when you see the fig tree blossom know this is the 11-hour this generation will not pass away until all these things be fulfilled Israel left their homeland 70 AD they were trodden down by the Romans and they never had a country for almost for almost 19 centuries and suddenly in just a single day 14th of May 1948 Israel became a nation jesus said the generation that who witnessed the rebirth of this nation this is the last generation and then Jesus gave the last sign he said in Matthew 24:14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end shall come jesus said this is the last sign before the rapture the preaching of the gospel not for everyone to gets it not for everyone to gets it but for everyone to hear as a witness to all nations so that no one will have an excuse I never figured out how the gospel will be preached in our generation when so the Rabia cannot allow a church when you can do Church 90% of China or Pakistan or Iran and some of the nations are broke from the Soviet Union I never figured out how you can how the gas will be preached when you can't do church in many countries in the Middle East but right now is talk with you this message you're hearing right now has been listen it's been listened in Russia people are listening in Saudi Arabia people are listening in Red China even enough Korea people are here with the gospel this is the last sign for everyone to hear this gospel and then Jesus not just a church are you ready for the rapture are you ready for the rapture be prepared jesus is coming be prepared Jesus is coming even so come Lord Jesus come maranatha come Lord Jesus come if you're not ready for the rapture and you want to be born again you want to repent your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior pray this prayer with me now Lord Jesus Christ forgive me my sins cleanse me from my unrighteous nests wash away my sins fill me with your holy spirit help me dear Lord to glorify you in this life to live for you in this life to manifest the purpose for which you made me and to bring many sons and daughters to the kingdom of God in Jesus name I pray amen at Amen now say this after me I am born again I am saved I am God's child I am ready for the rapture a man at Amen if you prayed that prayer do me a favor four things one pray every day just pray pray when you wake up when you sleep pray when you're working number two read the Bible every day read one chapter study the book of Job number field join a church if there is a brother and a sister you know the love the Lord from the bottom of your heart join them in church you are never meant to walk the Christian life all by yourself you need the support of the church sister and number four let your friends family colleagues know you have received Jesus as Lord and Savior tell them Jesus say if you confess me before men I will confess you before my father if you do not tell people they will mislead you to your former ways but if you tell them they will respect your Newsted the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord bless you and be gracious to you they love bless you and give you peace in Jesus name Amen Shalom [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 5,966
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: l4SiBX2_g5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 27sec (3867 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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