The Antichrist - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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I would like us to examine the Antichrist whom the Bible also refers to the Beast the man of sin and the son of perdition I will focus on eight issues one the stage is set for the Antichrist - who is the Antichrist three Antichrist would be extremely blasphemous for Antichrist will torture and kill the Saints five be a mageddon war six defeat of the Antichrist seven if you are left behind and eight there will be a rupture let's first focus on the stage is set for the Antichrist to be revealed and we have to go a little bit into the history of the holy land in the year 66 AD the Jews of Judea rebelled against the Roman masters Europe in response then Emperor Nero dispatched an army at a general West patient to restore order Nero committed suicide in 68 AD creating a power vacuum in Imperial Rome general Vespasian dispatched his son after taking over the throne he deployed his son Titus the future heir to the throne to subjugate to conquer Jerusalem and together little barriers Julius Alexander as his second-in-command they completely destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD and useless cutted all over the world a few remnants though were left in the homeland and over the years Jews were tortured persecuted by different people but the worst of it all is World War two when an estimated six million Jews were killed in the gas chambers of Naza Germany under the command of aid of Hitler and this happened not just in Germany but in Austria in Poland among other pockets in continental Europe now how is the state set now four things number one the formation of the nation of Israel 14th of May 1948 caused the displacement of the natives the Palestinians since Jews left the Holy Land 70 AD leaving just a minority remnant that lana was occupied by Palestinians majority of whom are ethnic Arabs and Muslims by faith so they occupied the land and the Burford the coalition by the UK that tried to create a homeland for the Jewish people immediately caused and internally displaced people the Palestinians so there was immediate war from the neighboring Muslim Arab states of Egypt Lebanon Syria and Iraq now other General David ben-gurion the first Prime Minister of Israel Israel defeated all these armies on the very day of Independence this was a miracle the formation of this country was a miracle been a totally adjust trying to form a country it is like fighting with a newborn infant but this was prophetic Isaiah 66 7 to 8 before she goes into labor she gives birth before the pains come upon her she delivers a son who has ever heard of such things who has ever seen things like this cannot come to be born in a day or a nation they brought forth in a moment yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children Jesus talked about it he said the generation that will witness the rebirth of the nation of Israel shall not pass away until the end comes Jesus figuratively used the fig tree in Biblical prophecy the fig tree presents the nation of Israel in Matthew 24:32 due to the 235 jesus said now learn this lesson from the fig tree as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out you know that summer is near even so when you see all these things you know that it is near right at the door truly I tell you this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away the second problem we have to add Ramos living with us within the same geographic boundary so they are always terrorizing each other and this has left a hole people nationĂ­s the Palestinians into zero zero seven the Palestinian population worldwide was estimated by the Palestinian Academy Society for the study of international affairs pas si a at ten point three million people this included four million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 1.4 million in Israel that means eight point two four million Palestinians in Israel if you include West Bank and Gaza Strip both of them claimed as Israeli territories by the Israeli government a further two point eight four million in Jordan for twenty-one thousand in LA Horton's mm in Syria 3:14 dowser in Saudi Arabia and three 53,000 in other Arab states now you understand where the Arabs are coming from these are many people who are homeless and the question they are asking where is their homeland where is their country we've got to get a solution for these people and so most of the peace deals that are try to set off the Middle East peace crisis have been trying to see how best can we settle there Palestinians most world leaders suggest a two-state nation Palestinian state and Israeli state that is what was originally envisioned by the British at the end of World War two but it has not happened so Palestinians are still homeless and over and over again they try to bomb Israel to force the Israeli government to come to the negotiation table but that problem is this while the Arabs and the world leaders are trying to besiege Israel to agree to have a two-state nation for the mental Jews think we are Mladic steadily to Egypt and to Iraq about 3500 years ago God promised Abraham the land of Canaan the promise was unconditional God confounded at least 55 times with an oath and stated at least 12 times that the Covenant was an everlasting covenant Genesis 15:18 221 on that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said to your descendants I give this led from the river Wadi of Egypt to the great river the efforts the lad of the Kenites Kenna's Ed Catmull not heated perizzite reference amorites canaanites gil - right and Jebusites the largest part of the Euphrat is in modern-day iraq genesis 17:8 the whole lad of kenan where you now reside as a foreigner i will give you as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you in our will be real god so as we try to talk about a two-state solution fundamental just think they should expect the Lord God promised Abraham they read the Torah literally so the fourth problem for the mental Jews want to rebuild Solomon's Temple according to a widely held Islamic a deal that attempts to interpret surah 17 verse 1 of the Quran most Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven from the mosque the stat on the Dome of the rock shrine in East Jerusalem and brought down the Quran this must all majid al aqsa is believed to be the third most holy mosque in the Islam faith after Mecca and Medina respectively the Dome of the rock is located at the Temple Mount Jews believe this is the exact place Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac and this is the place where Solomon's Temple was built so fundamental Orthodox Jews have vowed they are to bring down this mosque the third most holy mosque according to the Islam faith must come down so that the rebuilt Solomon's Temple for Shekinah God's presence to be in Israel they believe their luck in the presence of God because they have not restored the daily sacrifices in the most important temple in Israel and they are walking to us the rebuilding of this gentle make no mistake this temple will be revealed it is the third and the last temple that would be rebuilt by the Jews and there's a reason for number three they have tribute it because it is in this temple the Antichrist will declare himself God so we know for a fact this is going to happen any time and the current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has committed to spearhead this project I would like us to turn to the Word of God secondly solonius chapter 2 and I'll look at a couple of verses verse 1 to verse number 12 concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him we ask you brothers and sisters not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter asserting that the day of the Lord has already come don't let anyone deceive you in any way for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed the man doomed to destruction he will oppose and exert himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped so that he sets himself up in God's temple proclaiming himself to be God now here is God's Word Paul is telling the chat at the Salonika the Antichrist will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way the Antichrist will be extremely blasphemous and he will get into the Holy of Holies and proclaiming himself to be God verse 5 don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things and now you know what is holding him back so that he may be revealed at the proper time for the secret power of lawlessness is already at work but the one who now holds it we holds it back will continue to do so till he's taken out of the way the one who holds back who prevents the Antichrist from them revered is the holy spirit but the spirit of Antichrist the power of lawlessness is already at work and I believe this could be the beginning of the creation of the UN way back in 1945 that attempted to stop a recurrence of a Dada World War and since then what leaders have been talking about let's be together let's have one world religion one world government one world currency we couldn't visualize this thirty years ago but now with cryptocurrency we understood how a one-world currency is taking shape so when the Holy Spirit leaves the church lives where it is true some people believe that church was born when Jesus side was pierced and that's true but I think the actual beginning of the church is when the Holy Spirit came on earth it at two four when the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples that's when the Holy Spirit came to her residence in us Jesus had already told the disciples today he in Jerusalem Tilia clothe and dad will power from on high don't go to preach yet until I whip you with the Holy Spirit wait for the commissioning the arrival of the Holy Spirit was actually the cognition of the church to go now and fulfill the Great Commission now the Holy Spirit will go back but the good news is this he will go back with the Church of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit dwells in ours his dwelling is in the lives of the children of God so when he leaves he lives with us that is what will help us do a aboon our motor bodies cannot go airborne but the Spirit of God is able to carry us a boon for us to defy gravity as Jesus did when he leaves this world would be demonized the Antichrist will take over and do the power of Satan this world will be hell on earth and I'll talk about that in a short while verse number eight and then the lawless one will be revealed does the Antichrist whom the Lord Jesus will overdrew with a bread of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming the coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works that means the Antichrist will be anointed by Satan he will use all sorts of displays of power through science and word us the supply what is the lie the lie is that the Antichrist is the Christ and he will do great with us cause in heaven fire to fall even from heaven and all the ways that wickedness deceives who are perishing they perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved for this reason God sent them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but are delighted in wickedness in other words because for every one was refused to accept Jesus as their Messiah God Himself who made them believe the lie that the Antichrist is the Messiah who I should go do that because God cannot be moved cortisol is haughty rip revelation 13 describes the Antichrist in minut details who he is and his work verse number four people worship the dragon because he had given authority to the Beast and they also worshiped the Beast and asked who is like the Beast who can reach war against it who is like this man powerful glorious and the worship team notice the dragon gave him the power plus five the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and exercised its authority for forty-two months three and a half years that means the Antichrist remember the Tribulation Period the Great Tribulation will be seven years for the for three and a half years the Antichrist will focus on two groups two groups those who are born again and miss the rapture presidents prime ministers and kings and anyone who is a threat to his throne they will be eliminated they will be killed he'll be an extreme authoritarian and he will not stand these two groups anonymous born again but they never lived a clean life and they miss the rapture and unfortunately this would be the majority of the believers they will be killed during the first three and a half years then a three and a half years is the judgment of God and God would judge the Antichrist and the people on earth that time the people on earth will have the mark of the beast then the focus on the Antichrist will turn to the Jewish people and how to initiate them what Hitler attempted they also the Antichrist will attempt to finish and accomplish now verse number six the Beast it opened its mouth to blood from God and to slaughter his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven imagina blaspheming God slathered in the name of God and the throne of God verse seven the Beast it was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them and it was given authority over every tribe people language and nation all inhabitants of the idol worship the Beast all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's Book of Life the lamp was flame from the creation of the world now there is a second beast in verse number thirteen known as the false prophet verse 13 and it'll perform great signs even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people because of the science it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast it received the inhabitants of the earth it ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the swoon and yet lead it also forced all people the first prophet first all people great and small rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads so that they could not buy or sell and never had a mark which is the name of the beast or the number of its name this called for wisdom let a person who has insight calculate the number of the beast for it is a number of men that number is 666 and I want to break down this text through a couple of things first who is the Antichrist I want to break down revelation 13 and circuit the solonian chapter 2 and a couple of scriptures in Daniel in a systematic way so want us to ask ourselves one question now who is the Antichrist three things one he is a man a lot of people when they hear the Beast they have a picture in their head of an animal no this is a man revelation 13:18 this cause for wisdom let the person who has insight calculated number of the beast for it is a number of a man that number is 666 this is a man and we can figure out who he is where he will operate from the sand that by book gave us a hint of even how to calculate his number number two he is Satan's spiritual son revelation that into the dragon gave the Beast his power and his throne and great Authority the dragon is Satan now he gave the Beast his power he's drawn his good Authority maybe keep the Holy Trinity you see Satan tries to ape to mimic to a sub God's power and throne by mimicking God God has revealed himself in a triune manner for the Son Holy Spirit and when Jesus resurrected he said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto me has been given so then the devil now comes to give his son power they recurve the father gave Jesus all power and all authority in heaven I do not read revelation 13:2 again so the devil tries to do that the dragon get a bit that is his son his power his throne his authority and then the first prophet will try to mimic the Holy Spirit the first prophet is the religious figure of Satan Daniel 8:23 2:25 in the latter part of the array when rebels have become completely wicked a fierce-looking king a master of intrigue will arise he will become very strong but not by his own power he will cause a stone in devastation and will succeed in whatever he does he will destroy those who are mighty the holy people he will cause the sea to prosper and he will consider himself superior when they feel secure he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes the prince of princesses Jesus yet he'll be destroyed not the human power but by the brilliance of the arrival of a true Messiah he will deceive many the Bible says so when people feel secure when people will be Saint peace at last when people will be saying peace peace sudden destruction will come upon them because this guy is a deceiver he will come in the name of peace just to take over it initially the world destroy every civilization cause mayhem unprecedented in the history of mankind but number three the Antichrist masquerades as Christ second Corinthians 11:14 and no order for Satan himself must be read as an angel of light Daniel 11:31 his armed forces will rise up to dissipate the temper fortress it will abolish the daily sacrifice then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation you see the Solomon's Temple must be rebuilt in its original format so the Holy of Holies will be restored and you'll be the dividing cutting because fundamental Jews do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah know what that jesus said I came in my father's name and you receive me not another one who come in his name and he shall receive they will believe this guy who has caused peace in the Middle East is actually their Messiah until he gets into the Holy of Holies and declares himself God and immediately the eyes will open that have fallen into deception remember the Jews had three religious acquisitions against Jesus and three secular accusations against Jesus let me mention that real religious accusations that made them take Jesus to Pontius Pilate one they accused him of blasphemy - they are cute him of healing and working Sabbath days and number three they accused him of threatening to destroy the temple but the worst acquisition was blasphemy that this men even though his man declares himself to be God Jews cannot stand that so when the Antichrist declares himself to be God the Jews will rebelled against him and that the abomination that Daniel is saying causes desolation Daniel 11 21 and in his place to the rise of El Paso to whom they will not give the honor of royalty but he shall come in peaceably and see the kingdom by intrigue in tribute deception conspiracy plotting trickery you see Daniel 11 21 is saying this guy will not get into power the way people get into power he will not be royal he will not Bob be born a royal King no getting through voting he shall come to a peace process signing treaties conspiracies about solving a problem that the world has been unable to sue even as we speak nobody has a peace plan for the Middle East because I told you they're for serious issues one is that here is a problem where a Jews came in 1948 14 of me and kicked all the Palestinians displacing people Palestinians are internally displaced - there is no state for Palestinians are rivals late together three fundamental Jews believe the alive extent order to a rut into it and number four the Jews have vowed to bring down that that most holy other Muslims so that they may build Solomon's Temple because the exact place where the mosque ace it attaches a great section or the original tempo location now this is a crisis that nobody has a solution the man of peace couldn't could everybody will exert him for a while that's how they reduced will accept him do you think finally our Savior becomes the Jews were expecting 2,000 years ago an African and address Savior not a suffering Messiah not a humble servant so today they do not accept that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah but when he gets into the holy of holies declares himself to be God immediately they will awake to the reality this is deception now the Antichrist will be extremely extremely blessed famous the variation that in five the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months daniel 7:8 when i was thinking about the horns there before me was another horn a little one which came up among them and three of the first horns were uprooted before it this horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth spoke both the free Daniel age 25 he shall speak pompous words that's blasphemous words against the Most High shall pass acute the saints of the Most High and shall in Ted to change times and law when the same shall be given into his hands for a time and times and half a time does three and half years time times and half a time this guy who tried to change laws freedom of other vision freedom of speech freedom of religion and he will attempt to change time because time mentions Jesus time is divided by Jesus BC before Christ and AD Anno Domini in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ he tried to check that because he does not want to accept that Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and the king of kings so he will attempt even to change times Daniel 11 that is 6 - that is 7 and the King does the Antichrist and the King shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every God and shall speak marvellous things that blasphemous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation till the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done neither shall he regard the god of his father's nor the desire of women nor regard any God for he shall magnify himself about all I want us to look at this text closely Daniel 11:36 237 in my own analysis the Antichrist is highly likely to be a Jew most likely he is going to be a Jew and here are my reasons number 1 the Bible says in the text we have read ton 11.6 - 37 he shall not regard the god of his father's he shall not regard the god of his father's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob about God's the Bible does not call them the god of his father's cup to G it COSM idols or small G oh gods that cannot see or hear neither shall he regard the desire of women thus number two the desire of women was Jesus Christ that's what every virgin in Israel longed to give birth to because it was prophesied a virgin will conceive and give back to the Messiah for he shall magnify himself above all but number three this is a man who will have access to the temple and Jews cannot allow a non-jew to access the temple but again number four and most important for this month to be able to cut a piece with peace deal between Israelis and other people especially Palestinians and other Arab nations of necessity this is likely to be a Jew Jews mean never trust anyone else with an angel after World War 2 they made a decree known as this Samson option the Samson option implies if you gonna kill us as Jews the word gonna die with us that's exactly what they have vowed you see George Sampson on his deathbed he put the pillars of the temple of the Philistines he killed more people on his deathbed than the people who died throughout his life Israel as I speak right now is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons and have made it very clear unequivocably to Iraq and Iran and anyone else in the Middle East you try to Allah he live the Jewish state at your own peril nuclear weapons are a button away so they are not likely to trust anyone else they have been betrayed too many times so in my honors view the Antichrist is likely to be a Jew and my number five reason why I think this is likely to be a Jew it is because the Jews are looking forward to the Messiah the Antichrist will be anti Messiah he'll disguise himself as the Messiah please understand that they are still waiting for the Messiah there is no way they can they can accept a messiah who is non Jew in the Messiah's non Jew he's not a messiah because they know from their prophecy that the Messiah will definitely be born in the lineage of Abraham Isaac and Jacob they know that because the Messiah will take over the throne of his father David this is a covenant God needed David I have spoken about the Messianic covenant look on my video in my youtube channel dubbed seven divine covenant and the fifth covenant is the Davidic covenant now god is good to read the Messiah and everlasting king from the house of David the house of David of necessity must be in Israel the Messiah must be born in the lineage of Judah and he was actually but they have not accepted that so the first Messiah is likely to be a Jew I'm saying this because remember this Christians are looking forward to the return of the Messiah Muslims are looking forward to the return of the Messiah Jews are looking forward to the coming of the Messiah don't ever confuse so many pastor these days I'll say that the Muslim Messiah is the Antichrist that is not correct that is not correct that is not a messiah who be acceptable by Jews the the anta Messiah the Antichrist will actually be going to the temple players he will be going there problem is when he will cross into the Holy of Holies and declare himself god that is the abomination that causes desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet the Antichrist will torture and kill the Saints revelation 13:7 the Antichrist it was given power to it Oh again his God's holy people and to conquer them and it was given authority over every tribe people language and nation revolution 20 was for I saw Thrones on which was seated those who had been given authority to judge and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the Word of God they had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or on their hands they came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years so many people who are born again will miss the rapture they will miss the rapture because although they knew the truth that been someone's mistress is committed adultery they lived in there and justified being someone's mistress although they knew that being corrupt is against God's will they continually received bribes from people they give governmental tediz on corrupt means they even took corrupt money to the church as tight and offering they are consience died because they consistently lived insane yes there are some pasta so we'll need the rupture they preached in the name of the Lord healed the sick in his name cut out demons in his name jesus said not all who call me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of God but they that do the will of my father because the son who will have burger eyes during the day but I have prostitutes at night there are people who will refer to me the rapture and they preach the Word of God because these guys know the truth they will not accept the mark of the beast and he will be beheaded for their faith the girl news is days we cannot exert Gods Must says we cannot exert God's love at the end of the Tribulation Period a great leader Asian the Lord will receive them and they will reign together in Christ for a thousand years those who have died in the Lord before the rapture those who will be raptured by the Lord and those who will emerge out of the Great Tribulation all of us shall have a great family reunion when Jesus comes for the second time remember there's a difference between the rapture and the second coming of Christ aha this is too long I'm not going to talk about it right now go to my youtube channel dr. kay and jacob and look for my video dubbed the rapture vs. the second coming of jesus i've given eight profound eight distinct differences between the rapture of the church and the second coming of the Son of God so all these three people those who die before the rapture those who be ruptured alive and those who will emerge out of the Great Tribulation shall reign together in Christ for a thousand years and then go into eternity with the Lord forever and ever revelation 13 9210 whoever has ears let him hear if anyone is to go into captivity into captivity they will go if anyone is to be killed with this world with this world they will be killed this cause for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people Daniel 7 21 I was watching and the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailing against them Daniel 8:25 he shall speak pompous that's arrogant words again is the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High and shall intead to change times in law then the same shall be given into his hand for a time times and half a time Matthew 24:21 222 jesus said for then there will be great distress and it quote from the beginning of the world until now and never to be equaled again if those days had not been cut short no one would survive but for the sake of the elect the Saints would be left behind and the Jewish people but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened so make no mistake if you miss the rapture of the church you will either have to go to the lake of fire forever or you'll have to be beheaded that is the option and Jesus say that the duration that will be there has never happened you see the whole idea of the Antichrist is not to kill you now the whole idea is for you to receive the mark of the beast so that your soul is dumped forever so they will not just come and kill you what they will do is to invent all manner of torture I can just imagine the one they just pull one nail they - they put the other nail they three they come with with a soul and they saw your finger they cut it slowly with a blunt object maybe like an axe or a branch a knife they don't want to cut it fast the idea is to inflict pain and torture so that you renounce your faith you receive the mark of the beast and you become demonized like they are you joined a satanic army of torturing the Saints and then your soul is done forever the week after they will come with a wire put in fire and put it inside your eye you will scream you will call for help you try to pray but the Holy Spirit is gone the Holy Spirit hustle lady left the earth you have no one to help you in your prayers the prayers are dry the next day they come and they sear that wire through your heart you try to die you try to commit suicide but dead runs away the Bible says people who seek for death in that period in that season but dead will escape you jump from a building but you crush your bones they are fractured but you're not dead yet yes you waste away it they will inflict all manner of pain they will crush your testicles if you're man they will do all sorts of things they'll try to put objects into your female organ as a woman they'll try to do anything they will do that in a presence of your child to torture you emotionally and mentally they will do that in the presence of your wife because they want to mentally torture you here's the deal if you receive that mark of the beast they will not touch you you will be in the lake of fire forever if you refuse to receive that mark you cannot by you cannot sell you cannot credit your phone you cannot buy milk for your children you cannot fill your car with gas you cannot buy a matchstick that is the circumstance that to be there Jesus himself said that torture the distress is an equal from the beginning of the world it has never happened since the beginning of time I urge you don't miss the rapture be prepared be prepared don't miss the rapture at the end of the seven years when the Jews report rebelled against the Antichrist when they realized this was a fake Messiah when they realized they fell into a deception the Antichrist will gather all the armies of again is the Jewish army he will gather them at a valley known as the valley of armageddon all the valley of megiddo or the valley of jehoshaphat known by many historians are the most natural battlefront the water to be there will be so intense so intense that the human blood to be shed will reach their horse by its mouth human blood would be like a lake a lake of human blood so mad that it will be as high as the mouth of a horse concerned a mageddon war let me give you a few scriptures revelation 16:16 and they gather them together to the priests code in Hebrew Armageddon Jael three two I will also gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat and I will enter into judgment with them on account of my people my heritage Israel whom they have scattered among the nations they have also divided my land Joffre 12 let the nation's be weakened and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat for there I will seek to judge all the surrounding nations what is God saying it is at this Valley when they are just about to defeat Israel that the king of things will come and lot on the Mount of Olives and defeat or the armies of Israel with the brilliance of his glory the brightness of his coming this word of his mouth the Eternal Word of God Zechariah 14:2 two three four I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem isn't it interesting the devil and the Antichrist will think they are gathering the nations and it is God gathering the nations so that he finishes them it is God using the devil and the Antichrist these are tools in his hands listen at the carport in two two three four I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem the city shall be taken the house is referred rifled meaning set ablaze and the women ravished ripped half of the city shall go into captivity but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle please understand this would be a nuclear warfare Zechariah 14:12 describes the nuclear warfare it was prophetic this is the plague with which the law to strike of the nations that fought against Jerusalem their flesh will rot or they are still standing on their feet their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues will rot in their mouths this culture could not be understood just a generation ago but now we know that the nuclear weapons they can consume your flesh before your bones your skeletons hit the ground but finally when they Christ the real Messiah comes with his sins remembering the rupture he takes the church in a cloud of glory the rapture Jesus comes for his sins but in the second coming he comes will he sings when the Lord Jesus after seven years comes with his Saints because he's king of kings and Lord of lords the undefeatable God the Rock of Ages the Ancient of Days the man of war who loses no battle who say that we build my and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it when he shall learn he will add on the Mount of Olives his arrival be so strong the mountain will split into two his arrival is so forceful on a white stallion in power in great glory watch this second Thessalonians 2:8 and then the Antichrist and then the lawless one why does the Bible call him the lawless one he shall not respect or regard any law and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with a breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming revelation 19:20 and the Beast the Antichrist was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped His image this both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone the Bible says a lake of fire a fish in the lake a barbash water beneath his water both satus water the Bible describes the future hell as a lake of fire when you are thrown there a barbies fire beneath is fire on the side is fire the first prophet and the Antichrist will be thrown in the lake of fire immediately when Jesus arrives it is interesting they will be through their 1,000 years before Satan himself and before all other sinners I don't know why but maybe because they are human beings they had a chance to repent the devil had no chance to repent if you are sinner and you don't want to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior how good news for you the Antichrist and the false prophet will be warming up hell for you they will warm up that place for a dozen ears and fading out how hell is this place will not be for a year or two hair will not be for a dozen ears hair will not be for a million years not a billion years aliens and ian's and ian's of ears God's words turns true jesus said heaven a - of pass away but my words will pain no means pass away look for my video dubbed their burning hell I have explained about the gravity of Hell this message which a pastor does not want you to hear get to my youtube channel dr. K and Jakob watch that video there burn in hell you certainly don't want to get there listen to that video ed you will snatch every person you know all your relatives or your loved ones from unbelief and rebellion against God Daniel 7 21 to 22 I was watching and the same horn was making war against the Saints and prevailed against them until the Ancient of Days came and a judgment was made in favor of the Saints of the Most High and the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom Daniel 8 27 then the kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms and the other the whole heaven shall be given to the people the Saints of the Most High his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey Him if you know Jesus as Lord and Savior you will not go through the Great Tribulation we are looking forward to the Blessed hope the rapture of the church if you are left behind if you are left behind and miss the rapture don't take the mark of the beast no matter how mighty touching you no matter the pain say no to that muck no matter what they do say not to that muck if you receive that mark your soul is damned forever do not take that mark of the beast revelation 14:9 - 12 are that age of followed them and said in a loud voice if anyone worshiped the Beast at its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their head they too will drink the wine of God's fury which has been poured full strength into the cup of his rod they will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels aid of the lamp and the smoke and the smoke of the atonement will rise forever and ever there will be no rest day or night for those who worship the Beast and its image or for those who receive the mark of its name all for anyone who receives the mark of its name this cost of patient and gerunds on the part of the people of God who keep his commands $1 and remain faithful to Jesus if you're left behind this is my advice for you there will be no preacher to preach to you the gospel we shall all be gone if you're left behind this is my advice for you number one and most important don't take the mark of the beast number two flee to the countryside leave the cities because the greatest persecution will begin in the cities the Antichrist will try to maximize his agenda by getting as many people as possible receive the mark of the beast so get out and go to the countryside this is not my discovery Jesus said it in Matthew 24:15 2:17 therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place who's ever read let him understand they let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house Jesus expressed such urgency that when the Antichrist gets into the holy of holies and declares himself to be God don't even get back to your house run as fast as possible to the countryside especially to the mountains because a nuclear warfare will erupt and you're safer in the mountains and my dad advice store as much food as you can go with your winter clothes cut it fuel and all basic necessities carry the Bible carry the sermons on YouTube download them because you come out switch on your phone if you switch on your phone you will definitely be spotted by the Antichrist because of the signals of course your phone you run out of church so you've got to print this message you're hearing today carry the old traditional way papers even fire you've got to learn how to make fire the old-fashioned way you should prolong your stay so that you reach as many people as possible with the eternal truth that is the Word of God because the objective of the anti-crisis to torture you for you to renounce the faith is not just to kill you make no mistake I will not go through the tribulation period make no mistake there will be a rupture there will a rupture if you don't believe it that's your problem there will be a rupture so many people believe that the safe will go through the rupture no it is those who compromise their thing how can I say that there will be a rupture how can I be so confident in Matthew 24:42 41 Jesus the one who ruptured the church said then two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other one led where will they be taken to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air to a man who be grinding at the mill one will be taken and the other one left taken where when Jesus comes the second time he is taking people know where we will be here on earth ruling with him for a thousand years look for that video in my youtube channel rupture was the second coming I have explained in details I'll shed the light so to even we'll be working in the same Factory one will be taken the other one will be left two men will be in the field playing God working on the corn field during the military war field wherever they are one is a believer he's taken again on his left there will be a rapture period it's not about your feelings or your emotions it's the Word of God for the Salone ins for sixteen to seventeen for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up caught up we're caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air in the second return of Christ we will not go up we will come back with him but here we shall be caught up together with them who are them those who died in the Lord before us we shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be with the Lord forever first Corinthians 15:51 two fifty-two behold I tell you a mystery why is it a mystery because some people will not know it is a secret the rapture is not revealed in the Old Testament Jesus revealed the rapture it's a mystery behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed because our bodies cannot go extraterrestrial we've got to be changed to immortal bodies - the same kind of a body Jesus resurrected in when Jesus rose from the grave he was in his glorified body that body could defy gravity we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye in just a flash in just a moment and we shall be able to overcome gravity and celebrate with the Lord and shall we join with the Lord in the air and then we shall go for the wedding supper of the Lamb for seven years when the sinners are being tortured on earth for seven years there'll be the wedding supper of the Lamb of God in acts 1:12 - ages came to the disciples and Adam you men of Galilee why do you gaze up into heaven there same Jesus who has taken up from you into heaven we will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven he was taken in a cloud of glory he shall come in a cloud of glory he went himself he will come himself he lost said edge of my car or edge of Cabrio to claim his bright he had nobody to clean his church for the Lord himself only the church saw him go up only the church will see him during the rupture in the second coming every eye will see him I tell you again and again look for my video the rapture and the second coming and see the difference in john 14:3 jesus said and if i go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also wow what a good news you don't have to feel the Antichrist you don't have to go through the Great Tribulation you don't have to go to hell jesus paid it all for you your sins will either be judged on you although I judged on Jesus on the cross make no mistake God does not forgive sins God judges all sins God forgives sinners God forgives sinners your sins will either be judged on you eternally in hell although our judged on Jesus on that old rugged cross if you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior and you want to receive him as Lord and Savior or you have lived a life of compromise as a Christian I want you to pray with me right now and be prepared for the rapture of the church pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus Christ I repent my sins I receive you in my life in my heart be the Lord of my life I have decided to follow Jesus Lord leave me and guide me fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen at amen if you make that prayer you pray the prayer your sins are forgiven the Lord is your Savior he will save you not just from eternal hell but he will save you from the great tribulation may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord bless you and be gracious to you may the Lord bless you and give you his peace his Shalom [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 4,544
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: 6780ZKikIQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 8sec (4028 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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