7 Divine Covenants - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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hi today we are going to discuss seven divine covenants seven divine covenants a covenant is a part an agreement our treaty allow between two parties a covenant is not a contract contracts are business agreements they are not lifelong commitments that let me just give you some three differences between a contract and a covenant a covenant is based on trust between parties a contract is based on distrust at the heat of the Cold War Ronald Regan eloquently explained why the US and the Soviet Union a nuclear weapons he say that I quote we do not trust because we are and we are armed because we don't trust each other second difference between covenants and contrast a covenant is based on unlimited liability a contract is based on limited liability 3 a covenant cannot be broken if new circumstances arise or occur a contract can be voided where Nishal consent for example marriage is a covenant marriage is not a contract in Malachi 2 verse 14 the scripture says do not neglect the wife of volute the wife of your marriage covenant in proverbs 2:16 2:17 proverbs 2:16 2:17 God says that marriage is a covenant made before God God is a covenant making God God is a covenant keeping God in some some five verse number eight the Bible says that God remembers his covenant forever he remembers his covenants for adults that generations there are seven divine covenants seven messianic covenants in the scriptures and I'm using the oneness ionic because they are all related connected in one way or the other to the Messiah for each of these covenants are be given in the sign or the seal of the covenant and what is required in that covenant and the beneficiaries of that covenant every covenant was made with an individual with a presser on behalf of many the first covenant is known as Adamic covenant from the word Edom Adam the first man the Adamic covenant the seal of the Adamic covenant is the Tree of Life the benefit of this covenant was Dominion if we keep the covenant we will have dominion will be fruitful and productive that's the commitment God made those are the benefits that we will reap out of the Adamic covenant what was required in the Adamic covenant is just obedience so this covenant is known as the creative covenant God meditate Adam and Eve to be fruitful that's why I am coordinated Lee the creative covenant and the only requirement was obedience God give this one freedom to explore the land in the sky the waters everywhere he has zero limits but then God said there is a tree in the middle of the garden don't touch it this is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil the only thing God required even in this covenant also Adam and Eve not to touch not to eat not to touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that was a requirement so what was required of them was obedience regrettably they never kept their part of the ballgame they never kept the Covenant the targa tree and immediately God kicked them out of Eden because there were two trees in in the in the scent of the garden the other tree of the knowledge of good and evil which presents Satan and there was a tree of life which presents Jesus and they touched the tree of life they would have lived forever in a foreign state so God in His manifold wisdom decided to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and he brought shadow beams on the inside of the garden where Adam and Eve resided lest they touch from the tree of life and there'll be no redemption for our sins we would have lived in a fallen state forever like Lucifer and the bird of the agency - down with them you see Satan is in a fallen state forever there is no redemption for Satan and we tried the Tree of Life in that foreign state we would have been in a foreign state forever so God protecting us from the tree of life the tree of life is Jesus Jesus said in John 15 I am The True Vine I am the true tree of life my father is the husbandman you are the branches but God has taught everything we lost in Eden so in the close the first chapter in Genesis we loved it but at the last chapter of the Bible revelation 20:2 God eases access to the Tree of Life we have access to the Lamb of God forever so we shall live forever now not in a fallen state but in a redeemed State alayka to look at two of the passages of scripture about the Adamic covenant so God makes a covenant with Eden listen up these words in Genesis chapter 1 26 to 28 then God said let us make man in our image in our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air over the livestock over all the earth all the creatures that move along the ground so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth and subdue it rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground then God say I give you every seed-bearing tree on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it they will be you as for food they will be us for food verse 30 and all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and the creature that moved on the crowd everything that are the bread of life in ate I give every green plant for food and it was so now in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 to 17 God gives the limits of what Adam can do and what he cannot do so Genesis 2:15 2:17 the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to walk in and take care of it and the Lord God commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat of it you shall surely die God's Word is forever settled in heaven when God speaks his word cannot go between void man ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he died 930 years later but he died spiritually in mediatory this word had to be fulfilled in military man faced death since death was our first enemy death will be the first enemy to be defeated and God made provision for that but thanks be to God he was not caught unawares and maybe before I explain that let me show you how they broke the Covenant Hosea the prophet talks about it for say a six seven interesting how this man of God commented about this covenant Oh sir six verse seven light Edom they have broken the Covenant they were unfaithful to me there Hosea shows that God made a covenant we Edom but thanks be to God God has not afterthought God is all-knowing he knew we will fall short of his standards he made provision for our Redemption and he's cut Satan he caused the serpent and he say the seed of a woman shall crush your head right after our fall God revealed the redemption plan for mankind God made it clear to us he shall rest Oh Eden back we shall live but in Eden they were God intended so we see in the last chapter of the Bible Revelation chapter 22 verse number 1 to 5 verse number 1 to 5 what a mighty God ISA who already had a plan in mind the Bible says verse 1 to 5 revelation 22 then the ATO showed me the river of the water of life as clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the great Street of the city on each side of the rivers to the Tree of Life bearing two of crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month 12 is the number of government in the Bible that's why we have the 12 tribes of Jacob the 12 apostles of the lamp the Tree of Life who bear twelve crops or the twelve months of a year God designed the whole universe the government to be in numbers of 12 12 months means what that this tree will bear fruit in all seasons and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nation's these are the doctrines of the Bible the truth of the scripture vas three no longer will there be any curse the throne of God and of the lamp will be in the city and his servants will serve Him they will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads there'll be no more night they will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the Sun for the Lord God will give them light and they will reign forever and ever when God finally lester's everything there will be no Sun or moon because the light of God will be in that city remember if you go back to Genesis 1 the father God spoke veturi and God said let there be light and there was light no Sun no moon so how did God speak where are the light coming from Jesus Jesus came on this planet jesus said I am the light of the world he was the tree of life in the Garden of Eden the fighting God spoke in the beginning of his creation is the presence of Jesus on earth this is interesting we see God creating the Sun the moon and the stars day number 4 the number 4 and God said verse 14 let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night and let him serve as science to mark seasons and days and ears and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth and it was so God made two great lights the greater light the Sun to govern the day and then lesser light the moon to govern the night he also made the Stars Genesis 1:14 2:16 these things happened date number four but the light was already there why the light is Jesus so when God finally restos Eden there will be no Sun that can harm us there will be no cars there will be no sickness there will be no death anymore there will be not temptin or acusa nor death for the devil Allah to be cast in the lake of fire yes servants of God who suck God we have been worried in the eternal rest of God there is no fatigue no sickness no aging oh my god I can't wait for that restoration so the first covenant is the Adamic covenant also known as the creative covenant and a seal the sign is the Tree of Life the benefit Dominion and what is required of Ages the second covenant is the noahic covenant from the what Noah this is a covenant God made with Noah on behalf of all living creatures now the seal of this covenant the sign of this covenant is the rainbow the benefit is life like God will no longer destroy the whole world with waters we will leave this covenant I call it today the life covenant is a covenant that God not killas with flood water what is required of this covenant receive just we see the promises of God just know he the promise making God and a promise keeping God there's nothing with quad on our part the only thing God to Noah do not eat blood I will require the blood of every animal why the life of an animal is sin the blood don't eat the life of an animal that's why I'm calling this covenant unlife covenant because God made a covenant for all living creatures to live not to be destroyed any longer by the flood let's read about this covenant in Genesis chapter 9 very interesting passage of Scripture Genesis chapter 9 I'll read verse 8 to 17 verse 8 to 17 God speaks to Noah on behalf of every living thing this is interesting remember God distributed trees and the animals then God said to Noah and to his sons with him I now establish my covenant with you everybody seddon's after you and with every living creature that was with you the birds the livestock and all the wild animals all those that came out of the ark with you every living creature on earth I establish my covenant with you never again with all will all light be cut off by the waters of a flood never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth and God said this is the sign of the Covenant are making between me at you and every living creature with you a covenant for all generations to come I'll set my rainbow in the clouds and so be the sign of a covenant between me and the earth whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds I will remember my covenant between me a Jew and all living creatures of every kite never again who the waters become a flood to destroy all life whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds I will see it and remember the Everitt in covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth so God said to Noah this is the sign of a covenant are established between me and all life on the are all like both plants and animals perhaps you don't even appreciate how much water is on the planet from space odd looks blue and white why all water blue the Seas white the cloud so if you go into space and look at our planet it's all blue and white all water either the water above us the clouds or the water on the sea now the surface of the sea the service of all the oceans combined is 17.8% dry land is 29.2% think about that think about how much water is in the sea now that's the surface what about the depth the highest point onward is Everett eight four eight four meters above the sea level if you bury the Everest in Mariana Trench roughly 11 kilometers underground the ever the peak of the Everett will be covered and they'll still be some more to more than two kilometers to cover water above the peak of the Everest that means you see the average plane lock-up flight will do about 26 27 thousand feet above the sea level the Everest is 29,000 feet above the sea level now Mariana Trench is much much higher that means water from where you're seated on the ground far beautiful please al that's how the waters are that's much and the only thing that protects us from the from the sea waters is Sun God commanded the Sun of the sea that the waters will never pass the third if you think that is much new geological findings explain the water add a cloud 400 miles beneath us the other groundwater is three times more than the waters in the sea put it allows the other groundwater would fill the oceans three turns over so we have water other grout which is the most water in the seas which is seventy point eight percent of the surface we have water above us clouds so if God wanted wanted to destroy us with water it wouldn't take him a second so he makes a vow after destroy the whole earth with floods remember after Adam men continued to see will continue to sin against God there was a lot a lot of sin so God has tried the whole world because of man contaminating the file in the LA defining the earth at a destroyed everything god only saved eight human beings Noah and his wife Northridge and the three wives so he started a game with eight people just ate eight in the Bible is the number of new beginning the New Testament was written by eight people eight is the number of new beginning so the same convention God gave Adam he spoke to Noah be fruitful multiply subdue the earth hub Dominion God started all over again here's a new beginning a fresh start so when God's trattoria because the water is so much now he makes a covenant with himself I will never again destroyed the whole world because of man see no matter how much we see God made an everlasting covenant between him and every creature plant and animal of every kind and whenever he sees the rainbow he remembered the promise so the second covenant noahic covenant I'm also calling it again the light covenant and all required or required of us is to receive it no work no effort the sign the seal is the rainbow and the benefit is life not what comes in it now the third covenant that that divine covenant that God Messianic covenant is a covenant God with Abraham I call it the Abrahamic covenant also known as the Covenant father the only being required of Abraham was faith the sign the seal of this covenant is circumcision the benefit of this covenant is a great name God told Abraham I will make your name great or nation to be blessed because of you imagine if you carry the name of the president of your country then you go to one of the companies one of the corporate organizations in your nation and say hey I'd like you to help so-and-so to have a job here I am the daughter of the president I am the son of the president any CEO will give job to the patterning of side with irrespective of their qualifications while you curry a great bread you carry a great me to go to us Abraham you will carry my name this is how I will be remembered for river I'll be others eated with you this is my name forever the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob all I got to see the Covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 2 3 the Lord had said to Abram leave your country your people and your father's also and go to the land I will show you I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you I'll make your name great and you will be a blessing I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you what a name everybody on earth Jews and Gentiles will be blessed through Abraham Genesis 15 5 & 6 Genesis 15 5 & 6 he took him he took Abraham he took him outside and said look up every heavens and count the Stars if indeed you can count them then he said to him so shall your offspring be Abram believed the Lord and he credited to him as righteousness verse 6 again Abram believed the Lord and he credited to him as righteousness so how did Abraham do he believed God he had faith in God and God counted days as righteousness now what is interesting a that was given these promises before circumcision so God speaks to Abram in Genesis chapter 12 he comes again and reinforces the covenant in Genesis chapter 15 he is still called Abram then in Genesis chapter 17 God brings the sign the seal transition I'm saying this because there are people who think these are the promises of God to the Jews no these are the promises of God to all nations the Covenant God made with Abraham was not for Jews errors for all nations he God give him this covenant before he was circumcised the condition comes in Genesis chapter 17 let's hear what Paul says about that Romans chapter 4 paul says the same thing I'm telling you right now this was a covenant for everyone Abraham's covenant the Abrahamic covenant he was a covenant father both for the Jews and for the Gentiles Romans chapter 4 verse 9 to 15 Romans chapter 4 verse 9 to 15 listen keenly is this blessedness only for the circumcised or also for the uncircumcised we have been seen that Abraham's faith was created credited to him as righteousness and a horse of constancies was it credited with it after he was circumcised all before it was not after but before and he received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised so then he the father of all who believed but have not been circumcised in order that righteousness righteousness might be credited to them that means righteousness is credited when we believe not when we get circumcised not when we do any work verse 12 and he is also the father of the circumsized who not only as a size but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith there our father Abraham had before he was a come sight it was no fool law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be year of the world but through the righteousness that comes by faith for if those who live by law are heirs faith has no value and the promise is worthless because law brings wrath and where there is no law there is no transgression so the Apostle Paul takes time to explain the a brahmic covenant or the promise to all people to all nations go to Abraham in Genesis to all men or women or boys or girls who be blessed through him what a joy today to know I can claim the Abrahamic blessings the Bible says in Genesis 13 the men Abraham was filthy rich was blatant silver in gold in cattle inner servant in maiden servant and you can claim the same blessings Abraham had the same benefits abraham was blessed by God spiritually and literally in gold silver and cutter into this language in stocks praise God Jesus say that it comes to steal to kill and to destroy but I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10 yes you can claim the Abrahamic blessings decent Pramod blessings carries Isaac and Jacob alongside them now God appears to Moses in Exodus chapter 3 one of the most exciting passages in scripture Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 God said to Moses I am Who I am this is what you are to say to the ISA right I am has sent me to you God also said to Moses said to the Israelites the Lord the God of your father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob has to you this is my name forever the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation this is God's name forever not just in this age but even in the age to come he's the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob oh my god right from the creation story God reveals himself in a triune manner all along the Father the Son the Holy Spirit Abraham presents the father the son Isaac was to be sacrificed presents the son of God Jacob the house of Jacob presented presence of the holy spirit the spreading presence of the Holy One of Jacob 3 is the number of God in the scriptures that's what Jesus died for three days and rose again and he used an example of Jonah as Jonah was in the belly so shall the Son of Man being the belly of the earth for three days on free night everything God made is revealed in trailered manner time is three past present future space is in two three lengths bread with family father mother children all elements solid liquid gas Jesus raised three men from the dead three people from the dead an adult a teenager ADA and an infant to express his love for all he loved all his disciples but he was so close to him Peter John and James and the Transfiguration of Jesus we see three people and like John Moses and Jesus I can go on and on and on but God expresses himself in a triune manner that's what Jesus stood us but ties them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and lo I am with you always even to the end of the age HS in heaven they sing to God holy holy holy three times worthy worthy worthy if the Lord God Almighty what is the father what is the son what did the Holy Spirit that's why they always say it three times in the awesome vision of Isaiah he saw the cherubs in heaven singing three times holy holy holy so God now review something about Abraham that I am the triune God so the Abrahamic covenant covers Isaac and Jacob so he says this is my name forever I'm the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob every time you pray and you begin your prayers by saying O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you're claiming the same blessings the same promises that God gave them by faith the only requirement for this covenant is faith the four covenant the four Messianic covenant the fourth divine covenant is known as the Mosaic Covenant from the name Moses remember God speaks on meda video on behalf of many Mosaic Covenant was spoken to the children of Israel so I will call it today the covenant nation the seal of this covenant is the law now the sign of the Covenant the benefit of keeping this covenant our blessings our drag the enemies before you know sickness who come near you you shall be the head and never the tail you shall not die prematurely none of you shall die young there'll be no feeble among you nor disability in your midst if it everything you touched your hand will be blessed I'll bless the work of your hands no single cause that is upon the Gentiles will touch the Covenant nation those are the blessings what was required what this is the only covenant that requires what in the in order seven Messianic covenant you do you blessed you disobey your caste thou shalt not commit other if you don't if you listen to that comet you have a stable family if you do not obey you're stoned to death this is also known as the Covenant of works and they're gonna read for you Exodus 19 verse number five to eight we can also call this covenant the sinaitic covenant from the word sin 9 Sinai because this is the covenant that was made at Mount Sinai so some people call it the Sinai covenant other people call it the Covenant of work if the Covenant nation God is making a covenant with a nation exodus 19:5 2:8 now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all nations you be my treasured possession although the whole artists mind you be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the water to speak to the Israelites so Moses went back and summoned the elders of the people and said before them or the words of the Lord had commanded him to speak their people all spotted together we will do everything the Lord her side so Moses brought the answer back to the Lord they said we will do everything we have heard you we have heard what the Lord has say we will come need to do the law of God they made a commitment to keep the entire law in fact I read somewhere Moses say in Deuteronomy 30 verse 19 and 20 Moses tells them look this day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death blessings and curses now choose wife so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God listen to his voice and would fast to him for the Lord is your life for the Lord is your life I love us 20 and he'll give you many years in the lot he sought to give to your father's Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses here ties the Mosaic Covenant they say night covenant with the Abrahamic covenant he says he will give you many years in the land he sought to give to your father's Abraham Isaac and Jacob choose before you life and death blessing and cousin the same choice is before you today we'll choose to serve the Lord or will you choose to disobey the Lord we choose blessings only choose classes for you and for your children that choice is before us every single day so the Mosaic Covenant was a covenant between God and Israel God chose a nation for one reason that he will reveal himself to the nation's so God selected a nation to show them favor for only one reason to reveal to draw a distinction between a people favored by God and those who do not live under God's favor for him to express the greatness of his majesty but I tell you today if you're a child of God you are a chosen nation you are a royal priesthood you are a people set apart for God consecrated holy holy means set apart you are now God holy nation and God is still putting before you this choice to make choose life that you and your children may leave the fifth covenant is called the Davidic covenant remember I say God makes a covenant with a man on behalf of many so God makes a covenant with David now this covenant is for the house of David so I will call it our house of covenant what is required praise the thing that is required for this covenant is praise their sign their seal of this covenant is the temple the temple what are the benefits God tells David if you build my temple and you keep praise and worship in that temple are establish you are thrown so that benefit is a throne a kingdom a kingship that will never pass away but then we see the New Covenant the Jesus comes to reign in the seat of his father David so he takes the throne of his father David everyone in the days of his flesh who recognize Jesus has been David being David does he prefer son of David yes you are being dowdy Jesus son of David anyone who recognized that received a healing does a blade but Amaya's cried Jesus son of David have mercy on me what was that he proclaimed Jesus is the Messiah remember the Jews were waiting for a nationalistic leader for a month to sit on the throne a king so anyone who understood and proclaimed Jesus to be the son of David in other words admitted and confessed Jesus is the king of the Jews I say a nine verse six for unto us a child has been born a son has been given and he shall be called wonderful counsellor Prince of Peace everlasting father the mighty God and on the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end he shall rule the nations with a scepter of righteousness he shall rule from the seat of his father David the king of kings and Lord of lords now let's look at the Davidic covenant in scriptures it's very well articulated in second Samuel Chapter seven was taught to 16 in fact allow me to pick it up from vos 11 B 11 B 2nd Samuel 7 from bust 11 B the law declares to you that the Lord Himself will establish a house for you when your days are over David when your days are over and you rest with your father's hour raise up your offspring to succeed you who will come from your own body and our establish his kingdom he the one who build a house for my name what happens when he build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever when you hear the word forever then you know this is not about Solomon you see this theft was imitated fulfilled in the son of David Solomon but then he realized is prophetic about Jesus when you hear God saying I'll establish his throne forever verse 14 I will be his father and he shall be my son verse 15 that's about Jesus but my love will never be taken away from him verse 16 your house and your kingdom shall endure all forever before me your throne shall be established forever so God makes a promise to David the Davidic covenant the covenant of the king that your house will be the house of Covenant and you watching you right now the scripture says you are a king who will reign under the king of kings god has ordained you to be a priest and a king in the kingdom of God you shall reign as a team that means you shall be a partaker or the Davidic covenant if you know Christ as Lord and Savior if you enjoying yourself through Christ to the Davidic covenant you shall reign with him scripture says if we suffer with Christ we shall reign with Christ if we died with Christ we shall live with Christ what a mighty covenant the Davidic covenant the seal the temple the benefit throne it is request required of us praise that's what David says I will enter thy house enter a temple with praise a thousand years later Jesus appears on the scene and he says what he is the temple his body is the temple what is the what is the part of Christ the Bride of Christ the Church of Christ you and me are the temple of God Jesus took the Samaritan woman the hour is coming and now has come when the true worshipers will never worship the father in that mountain or in Jerusalem but they will worship the father in truth at his third Jesus cherished the Levitical order destroyed this temple I'll read it up in three days and that exactly happened on that old rugged cross the captain was torn into two before that cut in oh the wall of hostility between us and God Almighty we couldn't get into the throne of God we couldn't access him masses it exact one the high priest once a year he'll be tied with a rope in case he was contaminated in case he got into the throne of mass in see God killed him there on the spot and let a priesthood pull him out of the masses it we could in appear in the presence of God to make petitions the hostility between us sinners and the holy God that is Jesus died on the cross the cutting was torn into two and you and he can access the throne of grace we can get into the temple in praise that's where the Bible says let us never bored read let us in confidence go to the presence of God why you any apotheke us of the Davidic covenant we can get into the master seat and playing the same blessings of David in Jesus name and through his cross through his blood we can access the Davidic promises coconuts number six Cobra number six the New Covenant the New Covenant the seal the sign of this covenant is the blood of the lung the blood of the Son of God Jesus said in the last supper this is the blood of the new covenant which is shed for you now what the passage god almighty made his covenant with Jesus Christ so I will also call this covenant the covenant son what is required in this covenant believe believe in the Son of God the disciples was asked Jesus how then can we do the works of God John chapter 6 verse 29 jesus replied this is the work of God believe in him whom he sent this is the work of God believed Jesus is the Christ believe Jesus as your Savior that settles the New Covenant Jesus said for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him believes in him not perish but have eternal life so what is the benefit of this covenant salvation salvation what do you get if you disobey this covenant damnation damnation here the deal you receive this covenant you have salvation you reject this covenant God nativities son this is the covenant son remember I see every covenant God needed an individual this particular covenant God made with His Son Jesus Christ God said hey Norman can meet my standards all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Romans 3:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 6:23 God says hey none of them can keep my word none of them can keep my law none of them is righteous no not even one none of them does good none of them so here's the deal I will make a covenant with myself with my son this is the only one who in whom I am well pleased I'm making a new covenant a covenant that does not require your work in the new covenant no amount of prayer can save you no amount of fasting can save you no amount of giving or tithing can save you your Pope cannot save you your bishop cannot save you your pastor cannot save you they cannot present you to God nobody in Mary can present it to God no st. Peter can present you to God in the New Covenant there is only one mediator between God and man the man Jesus Christ the only one who never seen he became sin that you may become the righteousness of God he became cos that he may become blessing of God he became poor that may become the word of God he was crushed that you may walk whole he was beaten that he may be healed by his we were held their punishment of protest piece the procured us peace was upon him he walked in loneliness he walked in griever he never had a date to smile that you may walk in smile he cried with groaning that words cannot utter he was distressed for second on the cross that you may never be forsaken that he may never be left alone that he may never be emotionally a burdened he became a sin-offering that you and me if we receive this gift of God eternally through Jesus Christ we may be the righteousness of God so I did I did I tell you right now I am only not because of what I've done but because of what Jesus did I am righteous not because of anything I've ever done or never done but because of the righteousness of Jesus I claim this covenant I click all the elements of the benefits of this covenant when I receive Jesus it is amazing before God revealed the new coconut in his son Jesus Christ he showed it to his servants the prophets God does nothing before repeating it to his servants the prophets and he spoke to many prophets in the Old Covenant about the New Covenant let me just pull one of them Jeremiah 31:31 Jeremiah 31 that one too that if all God spoke to Jeremiah about the New Covenant the Bible says the time is coming declares the Lord when I make a new covenant with the house of Israel and in the house of Judah it will not be like the Covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt because they broke my covenant though all the husband to them declares the Lord this is a covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time declares the Lord how you put my law in their might and write it on their hearts I will be their God and they will be my people no longer we're among teachers neighbor or a manís brother saying know the Lord because they will all know me from the least of them to the greatest declares the Lord for I will forgive your weakness and remember their sins no more God sees the other covenant we broke I'm starting all things of flesh let me refresh your memory what he did during the Holy Communion Mario 26 was 28 words directly from the lips of the master that talk about the seal the sign of the new covenant Jesus said Matthew 26:28 this is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins when God delivered his children the house of Jacob from Egypt he demanded of them to kill Elaine's spotless clean meal first of all as a shadow of the love of God so whenever God would see the blood of the lamb on the adore the age of death would pass over the age of death would pass over then God comes Ian says I am making a new covenant with the house of Jacob when I see the blood of my son when I see the blood of Jesus the eater of death will not touch you you have salvation this is the seal that you're the return to God that you are the children of God that you are born again the blood of the new covenant so the Sikh covenant is the new covenant the Covenant of the Sun all that is required of you is to believe in Jesus and the seal of this covenant is the blood of the Son of God Covenant number seven and the last one the last covenant is the eternal covenant the eternal covenant the seal the sign of the eternal covenant is the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit the benefit of this covenant is eternal life is eternal life this covenant I also caught it today the covenant of redemption the Covenant of redemption all that is required of you is to love the Brethren and to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your might jesus said this is my commandment that you love one another Jesus let us with only this command he said this is my commandment that you love one another greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends so Jesus summary the entire law by saying is love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your mind with all your strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself if you love your neighbor you cannot sleep in his wife if you love your neighbor you cannot sleep with this house but if you love your neighbor you cannot madam if you love your neighbour you cannot steal from him you cannot steal from the government because you're stealing from millions of people if you love your neighbor you do not convert their car or your house if you love your father and mother you will honor them so this summarizes the entire law of God so holy is required in this covenant is love I want to show you this covenant in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 and 4 team officials chapter 1 verse 13 and verse 14 scripture says and you also are included in Christ when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation have been believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who have God's possession to the praise of his glory you are sealed with what the Holy Spirit for what this is a deposit in you a guarantee there is a deposit in you of redemption that's why Paul writes the vessel onions in chapter 2 and says when the Holy Spirit is going he will go in the Church of Jesus so when the church and the Holy Spirit leaves during the rapture of the church this world will be demonized the obese the tribulation that will occur jesus a has never been seen the scale sees life began on earth the only reason we can't experience full-scale troubles is because the church is here and who is inside the church the Holy Spirit he lives in us and with us when he's removed I'll be teaching you this topic about the end of times in the month of May for four Sundays I'll be teaching you about the end of times deep stuff about the rapture the second coming of the Messiah the Antichrist I'll teach iboga Magadan war the millennial reign the eternal future our teaching this coming month of May 2020 but here is the deal the Holy Spirit is a guarantee that deposit now watch this Ephesians 4 verse number 30 Ephesians 4 vast number 30 and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you are sealed with whom you are sealed for the day of redemption for the day of redemption so the eternal covenant is the Covenant of intention what does that mean it is the Holy Spirit not to make us go airborne in the moment in a flash we shall be changed and meet the Lord in the air our mortal bodies cannot go airborne but we shall meet the Lord in the air during the rapture of the church when he comes as a thief in the night why the Holy Spirit of God is a spirit of redemption and the benefit of this covenant is eternal life now so that we are together I would like to make a quick summary of the covenants and then I want to mention two or three things about the last covalent and then I pray for you let me repeat I want to give you a quick summary of the covenants and then I will tell you a little bit two or three things about the eternal covenant and then I want to pray for you so let me summarize them the first covenant is the Adamic covenant a covenant God made with Edom on behalf of everyone the first covenant is the atomic covenant what the seal and the sign is the Tree of Life the benefit is Dominion what is required is obedience that's why this covenant is also known as the creative covenant covenant number two no Iook covenant a covenant God made with Noah on behalf of all life the seal the sign in the rainbow the benefit is life protected from flood protected from God's law what is required of this covenant is just to receive the promise of God just to receive the Covenant of God I call it today the life covenant because the covenant God makes he will never destroy all life the third covenant I call it Abrahamic covenant it's a covenant God made with Abraham the seal the sign of this covenant is a condition the benefit is a great name all nations will be blessed through you now what is required of this covenant is faith just faith faith in God's promises I call him the covenant father Abraham is a covenant father the fourth covenant covenant number four Mosaic Covenant God made a covenant with Moses and the entire nation of Israel basically this was a covenant between God and the whole Israel nation but it spoke to a man Moses now the seal the sign of this covenant is law the benefits blessings what is required of his covenant work keep the law and you're blessed disobey the law in your caste so I call it the covenant nation the nation of Israel the Covenant nation Covenant number five Davidic covenant Davidic covenant the sign the seal the temple now where is the benefit the throne will never depart from you David the through leadership kinship this is a covenant of pray so God with choirs is placed in his temple worship in his temple so I call this house the house of David the house of Covenant number six the New Covenant the New Covenant now the seal the sign of this covenant is the blood of Jesus in the blood of the new covenant the Covenant in his blood the benefit is salvation salvation of our souls being saved from eternal condemnation this covenant got me to the man the man Jesus Christ the only God's Son the only begotten Son of God he is the Covenant son what required of you believe that Jesus is your Lord and your Savior and you shall be a partaker of the New Covenant the servant Messianic covenant the seventh divine covenant is the eternal covenant the seal decide the Holy Spirit that benefit eternal life this is the covenant of redemption the guarantee that you'll be ruptured by Christ when he comes what is required here love the Brethren love the Lord your God with all your heart or your might or your strength and love one another so you are sealed with the Holy Spirit in eternal past God sealed you before the world began let me show you something in Revelation 13 verse number 8 revelation 13 please catch this revelation all inhabitants of the earth revelation 13:8 all inhabitants of the earth will worship the Beast the context of this passage of Scripture in the Tribulation Period the seven years of tribulation the church is already taken away I'll teach about that in May because a lot of people confuse the rapture and the second coming the rapture is when Jesus comes for his church like a thief in the night the second coming seven years later Jesus comes with his Saints and every eye will see him so when during the rapture nobody knows what has happened because Jesus comes like a thief in the night and only picks the Saints so the rupture he take the Saints payable the second coming seven years later he comes with his Saints and every eye will see him in between there is wailing in heaven for the seven years on earth the Tribulation Period I'll be teaching that in me you do not want to meet this series because in the last hour of the be our tell you dipster about the coming of the Messiah so this is the context in which revelation 13:8 has been written so let me read it sorry revelation 13 verse number eight all inhabitants of the earth will worship the Antichrist we worship the Beast all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world your name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before Adam was created God has no afterthought we did surprise God when we sinned you never surprise God there is not seen you can do that who catch God by surprise God is all-knowing the Spirit of God is omniscient he was able to travel eternity to eternity and see our behavior our thoughts our deeds our words and God planned our Redemption plan before creating the first one of us that's what Jesus said for God so loved the world God saw us sinning he was compared by love to slay his own son before the war began in the Old Covenant every time they were slain an animal and a furred alum a bull whenever they were slain a lump it will cover their sins because God was looking for the blood of Jesus because in the heart of God Jesus died before the world began here is a deal the blood of bulls never forget anybody seen in both covenants in the old and in the new God forgives sees because of the blood of the Covenant the blood of His Son Jesus Christ why God does not live in eternity eternity lives in God God does not live in time time lives in God God does not live in space space lives in God God does not live in the universe the universe lives in God everything came out of God everything is in God this is some mystery none of us can understand God cannot be explained God can only be revered and he reveals himself to us in different ways and in all eternity he shall continue to reveal himself to us bit by bit light upon line precept upon precept every single revelation he makes the ages are old and they say oh wow is the Lord God Almighty who was who is and who is to come three the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit then God makes another revelation of himself they are old and in wonder the power gain and say what they what they wanted three times father son Holy Spirit worthy worthy worthy it the Lord God Almighty they don't do that at a compulsion they're just old by the revelation of who God is no mind can comprehend God not even ages no one can comprehend God but thumb speak to God we have the mind of Christ when he comes in us he gives us the mind of God he reveals a little bit about the eternal God so God knew we would see he plan our redemption before we sinned that's what in Genesis 3 he reveals to Adam and Eve the redemption plan and says a the seed of the woman the son of God would breathe Satan's head he'll crush Satan and our fate that plan was already there that's why the Tree of Life Jesus Christ was the hidden Eden ready to crush Satan's head in first Peter 18 watch this Peter had the same revelation first Peter 1:18 to 21 first Peter 1:18 to 21 for you know that it was not a perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life had it down to you from your forefathers but we the precious blood of Christ and lamp without blemish or defect PETA's are my witness of Jesus and he says Jesus without blemish or defect verse 20 he was chosen before the creation of the world but also revealed in these last times for your sake through him you believe in God who raised him from the dead and glorified him and so your faith and hope are in God Peter confronts Jesus redeemed us before the world was made are like us to close by knowing this you can be born again and never be filled and not be filled with the Holy Spirit you can be born again and not filled with the Holy Spirit a lot of people teach but whenever you say you're full of the Holy Spirit make no mistake it is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin righteousness and judgment it is the Holy Spirit who draws us to Christ it is the Holy Spirit who glorifies Christ in us but it's a difference between the Holy Spirit with you and the Holy Spirit in you one major reason a lot of Christians live in sin bucks leaden life this struggle with sexual scenes this travel with giving they complain about giving for the cost of the gospel they are full of rage and bitterness they are depressed the reason is because while the Holy Spirit is with them he is not in them they don't have been dwelling power of the Holy Spirit without whom you cannot walk a life of power let me give you an example and then I'm going to read for your scripture Pizza followed Jesus Peter was brave he was full of courage and natural strength you are the most bored of the apostle's of Jesus during the Last Supper Jesus say you guys will all be scattered you see the scriptures say I'll strike the Shepherd and scatter the Sheep this scripture had to be fulfilled Peter vowed or others will leave you but not me for me I'm tied with you and true to his word when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus picked up pick his ward and decided to kill the first guy graciously the sword means the head and chopped off the ear of the servant of Caiaphas the high priest Jesus rested but that ear Peter was born by any stretch of imagination but Jesus took Peter before the crows you will deny me three times Peter's abhorrest he was in great pain he was remorseful that he denied the Son of God three times Jesus wanted to make it clear to Peter I do not want you to follow me in your carnal strength I do not want you to do the work of God using your natural brevity Fortas unit strength no God never intended us to walk in our natural strength to serve Him God intended us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit God spoke to the rouble Zachariah 4:6 not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord you will only live a victorious Christian life when you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit not new year resolutions not your resource but only in the power of the Holy Spirit that's what Jesus told the disciples Tommy he in Jerusalem Antillean tau good clothed with the power of the holy spirit that's found in Luke chapter 24 verse 49 don't go don't preach don't witness don't heal the sick don't do anything until the Holy Spirit comes on you until you have a new experience the Holy Spirit is with you right now but don't go anywhere don't do my work and till you clothed me power from on high and in Acts chapter 2 verse 4 they were all filled with the Holy Spirit they all spoke in new tongues that particular afternoon the Saint Peter who denied Jesus three times preached about the resurrected Jesus three thousand people gave their life to Jesus a few days later five thousand people gave their life to Jesus he or some would by the Sun had read preach no more in this name Peter they're damned you do what you need to do I will do what I had to do I will do what I was called to do I will do the work of the one who caught me I can't help but preach in the name of Jesus I cannot top must speak in his name do what you had to do in finery they crucified him upside down according to tradition the st. Peter in his own strength who denied Jesus when he was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit he turned the world upside down because God did not want you to do this Christian life in yon strength in your own determination in your only soul but in the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus told the disciples in John chapter 14 no less with that John chapter 14 verse 16 to 17 John chapter 14 verse 16 to 17 and I will ask the Father and He will give you another counselor to be with you forever forever forever the Spirit of Truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you and he will be in you right now when I'm talking to you Jesus says to the disciples he's with you now the Holy Spirit is with you but shortly he will be in you Jesus told the disciples you're clean through the words are spoken to you they were already saved born-again Jesus died on the cross resurrected ascended on high yet they were not yet filled with the Holy Spirit we see them in Acts chapter 1 seeing Jesus growing up by the way not yet filled with the Holy Spirit and in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 Jesus tells the disciples but you shall receive power this is after resurrection men and women who walk with Jesus yet they were not yet filled with the Holy Spirit there are with Jesus every day and Jesus tells them in acts 1:8 but you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea is Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world when you receive the power of the Holy Spirit you will be unstoppable you will not travel with the scene anymore you will walk a victorious Christian life and he read for you the last passage of Scripture and then I pray for you Acts chapter 19 here for the word of God says Acts chapter 19 verse 1 to 6 while Apollo's was at caried port took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus there he found some disciples at other did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed these are people who were born again they're Christians going to have insane in the name of Jesus by the blood of Jesus the stew he asked them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they answered no we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit so Paul asked then what baptism did you receive John's baptism they replied Paul said John's baptism was a baptism of repentance he told the people to believe in the one coming after him that is in Jesus on hearing this they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus when Paul placed his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied when the Holy Spirit comes back to the church the chata prophesy at last who speak in new tongues that you have the word of Norwich and that will have the water discernment all the fruits of the Holy Spirit will be manifested the entire creation grows in unless for the manifestation of the sons of God we are here to manifest ourselves because we are not walking in the power of the Holy Spirit young man watch me walk in the power of the Holy Spirit you will preach and people will get saying you will pray and they will be healed begin walking in the power of the Holy Spirit you will leave a victorious Christian life no struggling with sin any more on a pray for you right now that you receive the power of the Holy Spirit your struggle with senior backslider you know Jesus as Lord and Savior but you're living a life of compromising raise your heart right now on the screen raise your heart by faith right now on the screen and I want you to trust and believe God with me URI receive that power the Holy Spirit you express the fullness of God in you the fruit of a horror spirit shall we pray together father in the name of Jesus I thank you for the promise of a Holy Spirit and I pray Almighty God feel the brother with the Holy Spirit let him walk in the power of the Holy Spirit fill this sister with the power of the Holy Spirit fill her with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus let them begin to prophesy to speak in new tongue let them begin to the son the hour of your living in let them study the sign we are living in let them begin to experience God in a new way to pray in power to avert your eyes in the neighborhoods in the name of Jesus may they manifest different gifts of the Holy Spirit may they go out there and raise the dead and heal the sick may they go out there and stand up for the name of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen amen if you're not born again you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior I want you to pray this prayer with me right now and Jesus will save you and you will have life eternal in the Son of God pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus Christ I am a sinner I am in need of the Savior save me now cleanse me now from our sin cleanse me now from all unrighteousness fill me with your Holy Spirit give me the joy of salvation I will follow you you are my lord you are my Savior I'm a child of God from now even forever I receive you Lord in my life as Lord and Savior in Jesus name I pray amen at Amen thank you very much the Lord bless you they Lord keep you in Jesus name Amen at Amen Salah [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 2,938
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: s-LZiWDik5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 54sec (4914 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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