The Greatest Story Ever - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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good morning happy easter today i should see a smile on your face happy easter there has been a debate after the day in which jesus was crucified most of us believe jesus died on a friday some people believe he died on a wednesday because it was the beginning of a high sabbath not the ordinary sabbath and that explains why he was in the earth for three days and three nights just as jonah was in the fish for three days and three nights but while we may argue and debate about the day jesus died there is zero debate about the day jesus rose from the grave eyewitness accounts one by one say very well the very first day of the first week the first day of the week jesus rose from the dead there is no debate about that now of course let me make a disclaimer we shouldn't fight over days our faith is not premised on days our faith is premised on a person christianity was founded and propagated on one singular event resurrection this is the greatest story ever told and today i want to labor to convince you that your faith is not founded haha this is hard to say on the bible hold your peace stay with me your faith is not founded on the cross i know you're about to pick stones hold your peace your faith is not founded on anything except the resurrection of jesus christ this will be a paradigm shift to what perhaps you have come to believe all along but i want you to follow me closely unless you think there is an error being taught i want to show you clearly how we have mis read the bible for so long now let's begin with this story jesus did many good things people excited the way he fed the hungry healed the sick raised the dead they had only one problem with the messiah who he claimed he was actually the jews had three charges against jesus one blasphemy two is going to destroy the temple three he did not respect the sabbath each of these three charges independently warranted a death sentence jesus was not accused of any of them but three of them but the biggest of them all was blasphemy john 10 24 the jews who are there gathered around him saying how long will you keep us in suspense if you are the messiah tell us plainly it's easy for people to tell you tell me the truth but they cannot tell the truth if you tell them the truth about say marriage their relationships their boyfriend their health they can't handle it they will easily tell you i like it that i like knowing the truth but you tell them the truth so jesus decided okay boys girls this is the truth i and my father are one all of them pick stones what did you just say you are god they understood what he said because they expected a supernatural messiah a king john 10 3 32 33 jesus said i and the father are one again his jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him but jesus said to them i have shown you many good works from the father for which of these do you stone me we are not stoning you for any good work they replied but for blasphemy because you are mere man claimed to be god the very first commandment you shall have no other god before me they can see him he looks like them there was nothing in the physical form of jesus that could distinguish them him sorry with anyone else that's the reason judas had to betray him with a kiss he looked exactly like his disciples he looked exactly like the men of his day they could see this is a man by any definition how dare you claim to be god on your screen now jesus did something phenomenal let me give you the context he did many miracles but one miracle blew up everything he raised a man from the dead just two miles from the capital city jerusalem people came for the body of this guy last night i walked for four miles with my mercy i like walking in the evenings i can tell you two miles is a very short distance these guys came to bury lazarus four days later jesus comes and he calls lazarus from the dead and hell breaks loose the entire religious council gathered together and said if this thing continues everybody is going to pledge allegiance to this guy we must silence him once and for all and the way to do it is death that's the context of the scripture john 11 47-50 then the chief priests and the pharisees called a meeting of the sanhedrin this the highest jewish ruling council what are we accomplishing they asked here is this man performing many signs if we let him go on like this everyone will believe in him and then the romans will come and take away buddha attempt our nation then one of them named caiaphas who was high priest that ear spoke up you know nothing at all you do not realize that it is better for you that one man died for the people rather than the whole nation to perish he spoke prophetically being the high priest that particular year and i want to pull from three gospel writers how they all said i'm not going to read everything but mark in your devotional time 15 11 to 15 all these guys cried together away with the messiah they were given a choice by pilot because even in this country and many other countries we have something known as presidential clemency what's that an executive president in his own relation may choose to free a prisoner it's called presidential clemency that's what was happening here so pilot every single year could free a prisoner so he gave them a choice he was trying to use this as an excuse to free jesus because he found no fault in jesus so he decided to give them a a test do we free jesus or barbas a guy who was murdered raped killed and they chose to free barrabas and crucify the messiah so pilate asked the most serious question in the bible verse number two of what shall i do with jesus the christ the eternal destiny of every human soul depends on your response to this question what shall i do with jesus the christ will you shout like the crowd that afternoon crucify him away with the messiah or will you choose to embrace him as lord like his fast followers and millions of followers across different generations what was recorded by mark just for your information was recorded by john by luke crucify him away with the messiah may his blood be on us and on our children they say again in luke 22 22 luke 23 sorry 20-22 crucify him crucify him now watch this this is what pilate said for the third time he was pleading with him luke 23 22 for that time he spoke to them why what crime has this man committed i have found in him not groud for the death penalty this is the governor he's saying i can't see any grouds by the press we are going to report to the emperor just for you to have a good picture we used to have the queen of england ruling a kingdom known as the uk this kingdom from new zealand all the way to far west to canada all these were his colonies most countries were either the queen but every single nation had a governor that was their regiment then until just about 50 years ago that so he had the power to release jesus but they said we're going to report you to caesar in rome headquarters global headquarters so to retain his job he gave into the oppression now then jesus dies and here is where my message begins all hope died good friday did not present hope good friday was a state of hopelessness they saw jesus said crushed flattened like a plate they lost all hope if you missed the message on friday last friday good friday if you didn't come for that night service let me encourage you after this go to my youtube channel dr k and jacob and look for a video dubbed the passion of jesus christ p-a-s-s-i-o-n the passion of jesus christ i explained in my new details for over an hour how jesus was crushed every single part of his body mild disfigured beyond any human recognition he didn't even look like a human being so jesus dies and all hope died when the disciples followed jesus they thought perhaps just in case just maybe this is the messiah let's just keep close to him just in case he is who he says he is lester near him but now he's dead we have been duped this was a hawks we have been cheated our families warned us our friends warned us but we could not listen now he's dead hope is dead our faith is dead and they all left him now matthew 27 65 66 take a guard pilot answered go make the tomb as secure as you know how so they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard normally when someone dies you don't sell soldiers to take care of his grave but jesus had said that in public three days later he's going to rise again so to avoid that number one they sealed what's that how do you see a stone they cemented are you with me they cemented the gravestone beyond the cement so that it's solid they decided to post guards for three days because they feared if these guys steal his body and they pass on a myth that jesus rose again this is worse than what he did when he was alive we had to take care of this so penny tells them guys i have zero of that fear i don't understand judaism you guys make sure it is secure as humanly possible and they used a rock two tons that's heavier than some of your cars now they lost hope the ring leader same on peter told the guys boys three years we have wasted time i am not wasting one more day we cannot afford to live in the past let's go fishing let's get back to our career and let's start right away there's a lot why you see us as weird men who couldn't provide we are no longer a role model to our boys and girls we have followed a cult remember this when jesus was preaching his teaching was taken as a cult by everyone there was mainstream judaism and there was this growing movement which was taken as a forced teaching a cult are you with me so they are disappointed they have now finally realized we believed a lie there is no way the messiah could have died there was tradition that when the messiah comes he's going to save israel from all bodies and right now they are just liberally among the romans there is no way a dead messiah can save them and that messiah is good for nothing they expected one thing he they expected him to do what all dead men do what do they do they remain dead so watch this john 21 3 i am going out to fish i don't know about you but i'm catching up with my career i'm going out to fish simon peter told them and they said we will go with you so they went out and got into the boat but that night they caught nothing god has a good sense of humor he ensured they don't succeed in this mission until jesus came to help them in that mission that's a story for another day now i want to give you a flashback just a flashback before we got scattered and left the teachings of jesus before they all backslided remember peter box leaded the night jesus was arrested are you with me three times he denied the messiah he even cast himself i have never seen him i swear he began cussing even before a house girl a maid if you like peter was very crystal clear if this is how they are killing him i am not part of this you die alone you have been killed for one silly mistake you are doing everything good the only problem are your claims about who you are i am not part of this deal jesus why can't you preach and avoid this controversy your teachings are good about love respecting your neighbor raising the dead healing the sick everything is good why can't you avoid this one thing that is making people to kill you i'm not part of this so jesus had already warned them that it was written strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered zechariah that in seven jesus had already told them until heaven and earth pass away not a single stroke of the pain in the scriptures shall pass away everything that was written about the messiah will play out as it was written this is how he used to speak then jesus said to them you will all fall away for it is written it is written i will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered matthew 26 31 mark 14 27 john 16 32 in in fact john goes a step further and says a time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered each to your own home that's a flashback this happens because it was written everything in the life of jesus unfolded as recorded in the law of moses the psalms and the prophets now i want you to follow me closely here if you don't follow this the entire thing you have believed is based on a weak foundation if you've been born again for many years or you got born again last friday like some of my two girls there i want you to follow this if you follow what i'm going to tell you right now your faith will be solid as long as you live our faith was not folded on the bible follow me closely the jews killed the messiah reading the bible they read the holy scriptures and concluded this is blasphemy the bible as you know it today was not compiled until 200 to 300 a.d the church began to spread and to grow without any single book of the new testament the first book of the new testament was written between 66 and 70 a.d the gospel of mark the first new testament between 66 and 70 a.d remember the gospel of mark is the eyewitness account of peter written by his personal assistant mark i need you to follow this closely the gospel of matthew and luke was written between 85 and 95 a.d matthew and luke between 85 and 95 a.d madhu was written by the disciple himself luke by dr luke who followed the apostle paul a medical doctor the gospel of john the last gospel to be written was written approximately between 90 and 100 a.d by john himself not john literally john dictated john couldn't write by the way make no mistake all the four gospels were written in greek the early disciples of jesus could not even speak greek luke and the apostle paul so peter was dictating the story to mark john was dictating to an aide john couldn't write although he said it's john it is his eyewitness account between 90 and 1 10 a.d watch this by that time christianity was in excess of 30 countries churches were all over europe and asia maina from england spain rome france all the way to turkey what you call turkey today christianity was all over asia minor and europe 1500 square miles without any single book of the new testament you see i think we read the bible without understanding even the old testament you have many people have never visualized it to us when jesus was or not there was nothing called the old testament the old testament was in scrolls there used to be a scroll of jeremiah the prophet and and and isaiah the prophet jonah the scroll of the psalms that's why when jesus entered the temple the first thing he did as recorded in luke 4 18 he picked the scroll of isaiah to introduce his ministry and then he opened chapter 61 verse 1 where it is written about his ministry the spirit of the lord god is upon me for he has anointed me and he explained why to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to set free the captives to proclaim the year of release the ear of god's favor he picked one scroll that of isaiah so the bible as you know it was not there until 200 to 300 a.d because there was a dispute in the church people are making different references the church elders sat together and said can we pick every single part that will be the bible it's called the canonity of scriptures there is a test they used and this is the test i'll give you the test before we finish there's a test they use to determine which books will remain as historical books good but not in the holy bible and there is a test they used under the guidance of the holy spirit to determine what makes the six the six books you read today so let me repeat when they were preaching there was no single bible are you with me there are different scrolls of the old testament prophets the psalms and the law the law was in one scroll so they began to preach the gospel based on one event resurrection follow me jesus died and they left the old testament cross was still there nobody believed them paul used the old testament's cross to persecute the church are you with me one thing changed everything resurrection of jesus christ the same guys who ran away the same guys who denied jesus now are ready to die for him if this is how he was crushed and i can see him i can touch him i think he can also raise me from the dead that was the argument and that's what i want you to see today now the eyewitness account i repeat christianity was founded on the eye witness account on resurrection not it is written no it was folded on eyewitness account i need you to understand this because if you follow what i'm saying you will never joke with easter this day today is the most important day in christianity not christmas not good friday it's easter this was the beginning of christianity and if you would rather go to church every day monday through sunday 365 days but if you don't have to please never ever miss easter this is the real meaning of your faith now let me give you a couple of things one when jesus died john says very clearly 20 verse 9 they still did not understand from scriptures that jesus had to write from the dead john 20 verse 9 even though mary went on the first day of the week please understand what was the question she asked where have you put his body she did not believe in resurrection nobody believed in this story she didn't ask where is he she asked where have you put his body that was her question so finally jesus appears to mary and then gives her instruction she was in the company of two other mary's mark 16 7 but go tell his disciples and peter sorry these are he just telling terrin mary the father that he just told me these words go tell his disciples and peter the ring leader the one leading the rest astray he's going ahead of you into galilee there you will see him just as he told you so follow me nobody believed that jesus is going to resurrect nobody watch this john 20 19 and 20 on the evening of that first day of the week first day of the week sunday when the disciples were together with the doors locked i emphasized with the doors locked for fear of the jewish leaders jesus came and stood among them and said peace be with you after he said this he showed them his hands and said the disciples overjoyed when they saw the lord what's happening the disciples feared what happened to jesus we are next so they locked themselves lest they get arrested and crucified or stoned to death when the dust was still locked jesus comes naturally you don't get in a house when the doors are locked they never saw jesus do that before this must be a ghost so to avoid that mistake he speaks in hebrew and tell them shalom in english peace be with you then to ensure this is the guy who died he tells them touch my hands see where the spear went i'm the guy they killed and behold i'm alive forevermore and because i live you shall live also they began to connect the pieces they began to connect the dots everything he taught them now makes sense everything written about him in sons in the law of moses in the prophet begins to make sense all hope was lost on good friday easter sunday brought a new hope so strong that one by one they died for their faith even though john never died as a matter they tried to boil him alive with oil but god protected him tradition teaches peter was crucified upside down he never thought his wife to die in the same manner in which the lord died thomas was beheaded james the half-brother of jesus was the first casualty how could his own brother how could be the child of his mother believe so strong that this is the messiah the son of the living god to the extent he was the first one to die for his faith his own brother believed this is god in flesh his own brother why resurrection reception changed everything let me give you some eyewitness account the first time when jesus appeared thomas was not there so he doubted so the second time he appeared he ensured thomas was in the house this is a week later let's read john 20 26-29 a week later his disciples were in the house again and thomas was with him though the doors were locked jesus came and stood among them and said shalom peace be with you every time jesus comes in a situation the first thing he says in a marriage in a business peace that is a symbol that is his identity that is his bread peace where there is chaos and confusion there is no spirit of god wherever god is there is peace no matter what you go through no matter the sickness no matter losing your job wherever the son of god reigns there is peace that is his identity verse 27 then he said to thomas put your finger here where in the side see my hands my nails correct hands reach out your hand and put it into my sight i allow you put it right inside stop doubting and believe let me first make a disclaimer jesus will have those cars in all eternity every human being the lord will wipe away our tears and us cast any sky you have but jesus will remain with those cars eternally to always remind us what it caught us to have eternal life he resurrected with those cars to make it clear he's staying with those cars in his resurrected glorified body now watch this stop doubting he tells him and believe now i want to give you a warning never ever call thomas the doubting thomas never call them as that i need you to know this everyone doubted thomas was only disadvantaged that he was not there the first time jesus appeared to the disciples are you with me should never call him that all the disciples who are doubting everybody left him everybody forsook him we like accusing thomas falsely everybody left jesus so thomas also wanted a share of seeing him so jesus speaks to thomas thomas sees this as jesus touches his hands thomas remembers how the lord looked on that friday night and he fell on his knees and said my lord and my god never before had they called him god right now the case is settled my lord and my god and he worshipped him they realized this was god in flesh they began to appreciate god's salvation plan that god came in flesh to redeem us back then jesus changed the story and pointed to you and to me and to millions of christians in all generations he left the scene from thomas and said blessed are those who have not seen bless this nemo bless this youth bless this mr c bless this jacob blessed is josh who has not yet seen him yet have believed oh praise god let me give you two more eyewitness accounts now why am i saying this these are not people who are reading the bible these are people who are saying what they saw or they heard are you with me let's pick peter peter is an old man he is narrating his story he is trying to remember the events and he's narrating his version of the story to mark and he begins the opening remarks with these words mark chapter 1 verse 1 his opening remarks the beginning of the good news about jesus the messiah the son of god hey before i tell you anything else mark this is settled this jesus is the messiah he is the son of god this is the promise on which i'm giving you my story let alone the same peter who denied jesus was told by the sanhedrin was told by the same guys who killed jesus we are looking for your head he looked at them in the eye and said my goodness after seeing the resurrection of jesus christ boys do what you have to do i will do what he sent me to do acts 4 20 as for us we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heart yes he didn't say what is written are you with me what we have seen and had now guys the ball has changed time for threat is over i am preaching until you kill me you better do it now i can't help it there is something within me boiling i will talk he is alive until i die for now i know if i die he will raise me up again that's right now i know i am beyond any doubt the very first summon peter preached the very first someone let me give you as just an abridged version one bit of that someone the very first summon acts 2 27 because you will not have battled me to the realm of the dead you will not let your holy one say decay you have made known to me the path of life you will fill me with joy in your presence fellow israelites i can tell you confidently that the patriarch david died and was buried and his tomb is here to this day but he was a prophet and knew that god had promised him on earth that he would place one of his descendants on his throne seeing what was to come he spoke of the resurrection of the messiah that he was not abundant to the realm of the dead nor did his body see decay god has raised this jesus to life and we are all witnesses of it now peter was quoting psalm 1610 nlt version for you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave peter was saying david was not talking about himself david died we can show you his grave he was speaking in prophetic terms about the messiah he was talking about the resurrection of jesus christ another eyewitness account john as an old man in the island of patmos he is recording the events and this is what today you call the gospel of john this is what he says and this is the one thing i want you to remember that's why i've written a note remember this this is what i would call the pattern shot your takeaway today john says chapter 20 30-31 jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples which are not recorded in this book but these are written why did i write this that you may believe that jesus is the messiah the son of god and that by believing you may have life in his name i could have recorded so many things in fact his closing remarks in his account he said if i wrote everything even the whole world would not contain those books i selected a few events i selected a few things for one and only one reason that you may know without a shred of doubt that jesus is the messiah the son of god why because your faith is based on who jesus is can i say that one more time your faith is not based on what jesus did your faith is based on who jesus is muslims agree jesus performed miracles jews agree jesus performed miracles our point of departure is who jesus is that's the point of departure pick i have read the quran word by word i read the bible for the first time word by word genesis 1 to revelation 22 when i was a form 2 boy what you call here grade 10 i i read the whole bible and i'm taking my children through the whole bible right now they have already done the whole new testament and half of the old testament and i can tell you this jews believed jesus did miracles muslims believe jesus did miracles in fact the quran even added miracle not in the gospels they said he created a bird from the dirt muslims believe that the koran calls him zakian sinless thoughtless a time they don't even use for muhammad sinless zakir thoughtless our point of departure is one thing who is jesus jesus i decree and declare to you today to anyone who ever watched this video he is the messiah he is the son of the living god he is god in flesh now watch this john says this about the same jesus the man he was leaning on on the table john believed without a shred of doubt this is the same man who created the world this is what he writes he begins his account by saying before we continue i need you to know this is god i'm discussing the one who created everything he humbled himself in a human body this is how he begins his account in the beginning the word he starts like genesis in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth he begins the same way john writes in the beginning the word already existed i'm reading nlt version the word was with god and the word was god who is the word jesus and jesus is god he existed in the beginning with god god created everything through him and nothing was created except through him look at verse 10 very interesting verse he came into the very world he created but the world did not recognize him but i love very verse 11 says but as many as recognized him but as many as they received him he gave them power to become the children of god the sons of god verse 14 so the word jesus became human and made his home among us he was full of and faith in love and faithfulness and we have seen we have seen we have seen we have seen his glory the glory of the father's one and only son that is an eyewitness account that's how he begins his account john says in first john 1 in his letters 1-5 listen are the first witnesses how they said it that which was from the beginning which we have heard and which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked at they are talking about jesus and our hands have touched him this we proclaim concern in the word of life the life appeared with his life jesus the life appeared we have seen him we have seen it and testified to it and we proclaim to you the eternal life that's jesus which was with the father and has appeared to us we proclaim to you what we have seen at heart that's what i want you to note what we have seen in heart so that you also may have fellowship with us and our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ we write this to make our joy complete dude if you don't believe it i'm doing it for my own good i feel happy to put it in record what you do with it is up to you by telling you this my joy is john is complete this is the message we have heard from him and declared to you we did not read this in a motivational book we heard the directory from him he says again he passed john 4 i selected four verses verse two this is how you can recognize the spirit of god now this is the test they used to compile the bible this is the test they used this is how you can recognize the spirit of god every spirit that acknowledges that jesus christ has come in the flesh is from god but every spirit that does not acknowledge jesus is not from god i've told you before if you ever go to a church that talks about spirit spirit we are spirit led church spirit spirit music spirit preaching here we like the spirit spirit spirit but they don't talk about jesus they are celtic the holy spirit comes to glorify jesus he comes to reveal jesus the father confirmed about jesus three times the father said this is my beloved son hear him baptism transfiguration cross he repeated this is my beloved son i have put my seed on him hear him and i'm only speaking today on his behalf verse 14 and we have seen my emphasis today i want you from today henceforth as you read the new testament records watch every time they say we have seen we have heard because we are trying to give an eyewitness account verse 14 we have seen and testified that the father has sent his son to be the savior of the world if anyone acknowledges that jesus is the son of god god lives in them and they in god this is the test one is a christian let me give you a warning never try to judge anyone anyone on this planet who claims jesus to be the savior never judge a baptist never judge an angle never judge a catholic never judge a methodist never judge a presbyterian never judge an orthodox catholic never judge anyone anyone who claims jesus christ is lord leave them alone go preach to others if you want to know people are lost and they are celtic they focus on the church like jehovah's witness rather than reaching out to the sinners out there they come to your houses to preach to you anyone who comes to convince you to you are not saved enough they are celtic there is only one thing the wrote scriptures your acceptance that jesus christ is lord he is my lord and my savior don't ever put another burden to god's children he never appointed you to be their judge this is the early account of those who had him i finished with this text let alone the same jesus appeared to paul the reason i couldn't ignore paul is because though he was not among the twelve though he was not a witness to the resurrected jesus paul wrote 13 of the new testament books and jesus in person let alone appear to paul watch this the reason i selected paul paul used the bible to kill christians but now he encounters jesus and everything changes so poor was not changed by psalms by jeremiah by isaiah by leviticus paul was hardened by the old testament paul changed on his personal encounter with jesus christ and that's why he said the letter kills but the spirit gives life so paul concludes by telling us our faith is premised on resurrection if there is no resurrection we should pack up leave the church and drink some whiskey overnight we should pack up and go riot in a strippers club because we are confused rot if there is no resurrection of the dead every tithe you give in church you're wasting your money take it to the stock market if there is no resurrection of the dead every prayer we make here we are playing games we are producing a movie like hollywood he says we are to be pitted above all people we are the most miserable of all men but thanks be to god resurrection is a fact he concludes let's read together our concluding scripture verse 16 for if the dead are not raised then christ has not been raised either and if christ has not been raised your faith is futile you are still in your sins even though jesus died what confirms your salvation you are what's our salvation it's not dead our salvation is life so jesus rose again to give us a talking a guarantee an assurance a certainty that we shall live forever more yes verse 18 then those also who have died those also who have fallen asleep in christ are lost if there is no resurrection everyone who died is lost if only for this life we have hope in christ we are of all people most to be pitied king james says most miserable among all men verse 20 but christ has indeed been raised what's that it's a fact i know it he finally appeared to me he is alive but christ has indeed been raised from the dead the fast fruits of those who have fallen asleep why fast fruit because although other people were raised from the dead like crazy they died again when jesus rose from the dead he never died again he wore his glorified body the old testament saints though they are alive god said he's not the god of the dead he's the god of the living he told one of the thieves on the cross this day you shall be with me in paradise so they are there alive but they never returned to this planet in their glorified body no one has ever come back in their glorified body let me tell you something i know you have listened to movies you have read books about guys who resurrected from the dead and they respect some pastors who host such talk shows look at my eyes as your pastor it's all lies look at my eyes properly i'm telling you right now people confuse being resuscitated with resurrection i'm telling you right now people confuse resurrection with resuscitation so a guy show me one person who was buried okay are you with me buried three days and then i'll believe your story all the stories you're told somebody was resurrected they're on their way to hospital they're on their way to the motories why did they bury them if they were dead ask yourself that question they ensured jesus was buried lazarus was buried lazarus was buried show me one video where they buried someone and he resurrected i'm telling you this is a prerogative of jesus and jesus alone stop following myths that excite your ears for some apostles and prophets who want to scare you how spiritual they are you don't need miracles miracles do not save peter he bugs leaders in the miracles those who follow miracles end up in cults don't follow miracles follow jesus christ the son of the living god are you with me with or without miracles jesus is lord that's what shadrach means we know our god can deliver us but that is his prerogative if he does not save us we still believe in him that must be your faith as a christian don't come here looking for miracles come here looking for the savior that's right a relationship with jesus christ knowing that he's alive and when we die when we close our eyes on this planet we shall open our eyes in paradise that is the good news father i bless your name i glorify you if you're watching me on social media you do not know jesus christ as lord and savior i give you a chance right now come come come to jesus come come come to jesus he loves you he wants to save you he wants to give you life now and like eternal pray this prayer with me lord jesus christ come into my heart be my lord and savior fill me with your holy spirit i'm now your child forevermore amen amen if you pray that prayer you don't need any drama you don't need any other confirmation you are born again it is written romans 10 verse 9 and 10 if you believe in your heart that jesus christ is lord and god raised him from the dead and confess with your mouth you are saved please write to me on this facebook live i prayed to be saved i'll reach out to you and i'll raise you up as a new believer don't inbox me i receive hundreds of messages in my inbox please just write on this facebook live if you're following me on youtube write as a comment in this youtube video simple words i prayed to be saved just write to me i prayed to be saved i will personally reach out to you church did you receive the word yes can i request you to stand just for a moment i bless you let me have your hands like this may you walk this week in victory may the lord go before you may the lord level every high mountain may the lord lift up every love valley may the lord be your shield and your defense may the lord protect you in the highways may the lord bless the walk of your hands may the lord bless your families may the lord bless your children may the lord bless your future may the lord keep you in perfect faith in jesus name and god's children said amen [Music] praise the lord yes let's give another warm club [Music] that was amazing amazing i have been saying for a long time and i've had this story many times but for the first time you i felt i was in that room with the disciples it made sense i felt the helplessness and and just just being resurrected and restored to god it was powerful dark we thank god for you amen amen and amen i'm sure you online have been blessed like me that was amazing now so before i forget i really want you to go online right now in your comments line what was your takeaway that was amazing and that really really really really matters to doc we at family church continue to thank you for your gifts and love offerings unto the lord so the details are on your screen i'm sure you've joined us and we've worshiped together that's the other form of worship just give thanks for what he has done and just by giving that wonderful gift the lord has given you we continue the month of april to talk about the importance the true meaning of the death and resurrection of christ that is like transformational so you do not want to miss this so dog will continue for the rest of the month of april please let those that you know are in georgia they can join us and be blessed with us and the address is 287 mount calvary road marietta georgia 287 mount calvary road marietta georgia we love you and thank you we see you for joining us this morning walked all this week i like what doc said that his brand is peace right so let's walk tall because he has paid it all we love you be blessed in jesus name amen hey were you inspired by this video kindly like and share with your friends family and colleagues and remember to subscribe to my youtube channel dr k and jacob and enjoy hundreds of inspirational videos free of charge
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 2,880
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: TSiDrkaIRpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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