The Green People - Dr. K. N. Jacob

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hi I am dr. K and Jacob and I've been taking you through an exciting series dubbed colossal people there are four colors of people read people blue people yellow people and the green people the first session I talked about the red people the second session I talked about the blue people the DAAD session I talked about the yellow people adding this session I will talk about the green people and then one more session where I will do an analysis of all four colors a comparative analysis I'll compare and contrast all these four colors then I'll be asking you to tell me what color you are what color is your partner what color your children what color is your supervisor this is exciting you see we succeed in life by learning how to work with others because life is about people everything you do is meant for the benefit of people business is a democracy business is done by people for people and through people if you don't know how to get along with people you have the universe against you you're fighting yourself you have no chance of success until you learn how to get along with others grit enterpreneurs discovered you don't build a business you build the people and the people build the business the secret in this life is your ability to negotiate with others your ability to get along with others and today I want us to talk about green people green people are peace-loving they're come they are cool they look for peace we have the best team players they are very good in support when you give them a role to support a support role you can count on a green person unfortunately you have to push green people to deliver we understand the carrot and the stick we understand the carrot the reward for achievements and a stick the punishment being reprimanded for non-performance this works well for grilled people because naturally they don't have a strong drive to achieve they don't mind moderation in fact the key word is moderation they'll have been average they are doing things with moderation today I want us to think critically about grilling people because you definitely live with a green person in your neighborhood in your house in your office and you need to learn how to handle them but more importantly if you are green you need to understand your strengths and your weaknesses and I dare you today stop working on your weaknesses you are already weak on your weaknesses focus on your strengths and that will naturally dispense your weaknesses in terms of their motto green people are friendly they are warm they dress everyone they give everyone an opportunity in terms of work they are reluctant leaders you have to be pushed a little bit to deliver they don't mind they don't might been served by others they love watching the stage they prefer pulling back and seen others perform on the arena the lot of celebrating others in terms of their relationships they are accommodated they accommodate the Reds the yellows the blues we accommodate all types of personalities in terms of communication they easily flow they gel with whatever agenda is on the floor the Habra contribute to the agenda of the meeting but they will flow with the rest they prefer flowing if they go to a place say like a church they don't like front seats or boxes they like we needed medicines they don't like starting out they don't have been noticed in enemy they just like flow in with a mood in terms of the time they are just they can sleep late or early depending on who is with them but naturally they will sleep early and wake up early just like the blue and teal they are murdered by a yellow person who stays late and they will stay late if they meet somebody either murdered by a blue person they will sleep early wake up early for green they wait for others to set the tone to set the place to set the pattern in terms of conflicts they will avoid chorus they will avoid conflict at all costs if they hate fights in terms of money they are modest they are not mean with themselves but they will not easily spread everything they are modest maybe they will finish the money by the end of the month but they are not start keeping reserves for that rainy day unlike the blue people they will not spend like the yellow whose pets immediately he receives so they are modest in their expenditure in their budgeting in terms of your sex life they prefer routine they prefer knowing this is the hour we normally get into intimacy and this is the Wurster as we are missionary guys don't surprise me with other things they prefer routine in terms of your holiday they are casual they don't want to miss the holiday the believing going for holiday but don't tell them to plan 12 months in advance will still go for holiday but we can do it three three months to time remember the yellow person we wake up and go for Holi the same day he didn't know by last night that there is a place is going no no no that's not green for you but we can do it about two months to time three master time don't tell me to plan something for two years they are a little bit casual in terms of their driving they are considerate they are considerate of other road users they don't bully their way along the highways matters parenting they are friendly with kids but they can be very permissive they're the wicked parents mutters disciplining children children raised by Green a green parent alone can easily lose focus they can Israel lack discipline because green people don't like hurting anyone they prefer just understand him as he is in terms of their marriage they are cooperative they support their partners they support the common dream of the whole in scriptures I came across a very green character by the name Abraham Abraham is a green man I'll tell you two things about green people and I'll compare them with the life and times of other Abraham the Covenant father number one green people easily trust if they are married to a red to a blue to a yellow person they trust his judgment they trust what he's doing is in the best interest of the family they trust their boss they trust their supervisor they trust the max they are given they trust their president they trust the governor's decision they trust their leaders they trust their pasta they trust people act in the best interest Abraha trusted God he had faith in God he was ready to sacrifice Isaac he fully trusted that if God could give him a son in his old age God was also able to raise that boy from the dead Genesis 22 verse 2 number 2 green people are allowed they are not anxious they have no tension Abraham laughs at God's promises Genesis 17 17 he didn't have a child all along until he was 75 God encounters Abraham when he was 75 and God comes here telling him he will get a child he loves his relaxed even when he is with God Almighty history rocks number green people make concessions they look for common crowd they look for middle crowd we see Abraham lying that Sarah is not his wife because he didn't want to offend the king of Egypt and also Abimelech so twice he lies lisara is not a wife Genesis 12 11 - that team and the second episode genesis 21:2 - and those who verse 5 it is true Sarah was Abraham's half-sister because they share the same father but here he was the Liberatore line because he has gone to a foreign land and he didn't want to offend the king he thought a they know this is my wife they might kill me and the little line might help does green people for you number 4 green people make excuses of all four personalities green people easily blame others for their failures you know blame their ex you blame the parent who never was or the torrent to never pay the fees they will blame the boss they will blame someone they have a holier-than-thou attitude we are natural hypocrites they believe you're righteous and the rest of sinners Abram justifies Sarah is his half sister Genesis 20 was 12 - that team he makes excuses for line number 5 green people easily obey they easily follow they are gifted team players Abram relocate without questioning when God caused him and God tells him to go to a land he doesn't know and he easily obeys Genesis 12 verse 1 to 5 without even knowing where he is going the man was preparing for retirement but he chooses to obey number 6 green people sacrifice they sacrifice for their relationships this sacrifice for the people they love this sacrifice for the sake of their friends and their friendship we see Abraham getting circumcised at the age of 99 Genesis 17 10 to 14 how do you go through such a painful operation at the age of 99 but he decides hey I don't want to destroy my relationship with my Fred the Lord I can sacrifice for our friendship number 7 green people commit they commit to a relationship they commit to a cost you commit to their work Ibrahim is ready to sacrifice his son he doesn't want to offend his Fred the Lord genesis 22:2 2:12 he's sacrificing his son an only son he never had a child for a long time and now he's ready to sacrifice his son number 8 green people are peace lovers they are peacemakers they are peaceful now Abraham gives lot his nephew a first chance to choose the Lord he doesn't want them to call viscosity he wants them to expire and he gives this other person Lord the first opportunity to sell away he goes he taught him if you select the mountains I'll go to the fertile valleys if you select the fertile valleys are go to the Rocky Mountains and he kept his word he went to the dry part Genesis 13 was 8 to 12 his compassionate green people are compassionate they feel for others Abraham is compassionate his nephew lot when he's attacked Abraham mobilizes his servants and he got to fight to rescue lot Genesis 41 2:16 green people will come for your rescue even at midnight they will go out of their comfort for the sake of who they love number 10 green people can easily compromised we see Abraham slipping Hagar the assistant of the wise Sarah they come up in a plan B to help God in delivery in the divine promise God had promised to give abraham a son by his wife Sarah but they seek God delay Sarah tells Abraham sleep with Hagar for me to get a child and he easily compromises Genesis 16 want to form hey let me tell you gentlemen if your wife ever tells you to sleep in your house girl or with anyone refuses to bring trouble to your family later as it happened in the house of Abraham now by leaven green people are reluctant by nature they don't easily volunteer for service they have to be volunteered they have to be pointed out you have to single them out Abraham doesn't fight for his firstborn son he sleeps with Hagar and God blesses them with a boy by the name Ishmael but then Sarah Tanza but again is Ishmael and Hagar and tells Abraham sent away the sleep woman and Abraham doesn't stand up for his firstborn son he doesn't stand up for Hagar and he sells them away with a single loaf of bread and a bottle of water without caring that I have gone to die in the wilderness and green people can be reluctant to fight for their family to fight for their job to fight for their right because they don't believe in fighting they will easily be reluctant in fighting for what is rightfully theirs number two from the last one green people are humble and maybe this is why God hold it easy to up in Abraham Abraham intercedes for his nephew lot with a lot of humidity he doesn't abuse the privilege of his proximity to almighty the stories recorded in Genesis 18 22 33 I want to share with you seven strands and seven witnesses of green pepper 1 green people trust and that's a major strength marriage is founded on trust Trust is the foundation upon all which relationships are built Trust is the currency upon which business transactions take place not trust no business not trust no marriage not trust no relationship green people draw their partners they tried in their best interest but that brings a weakness on their part they easily compromised matters models they are number two after yellow people in compromising and the reason they compromise is that they don't want to offend the other person so if a woman is approached by another man sometimes she can compromise not to affect that other guy we can compromise in their job for promotion we can compromise in their parenting not to evade a child number two green people are calm they are not anxious they are self controlled then control because they are not so ambitious they don't expect too much in life but that brings a weakness we are shy they are shy for their rights we are shy for example a couple that is married they would be too shy to go for sex there will be too shy to ask for money we can if it's a woman she can interest it for long without making her nail or her hair they easily understand situations if he's a child with greed they can III stay without basic necessities for their school because they easily understand things they are too shy to demand their rights number three they are reliable you can count on them you can count on your support they will not stop at your back do not work your downfall they are okay being part of a team but I brings a certain weakness they are passive they will not take initiatives they just want to follow which is okay when you're part of the team which is dangerous if you're the leader if you have a hospital in a home and you're not giving leadership you can't take initiative you can easily feel your children and your wife if he's a national leader who can take initiative to fight corruption to fight poverty to fight other diseases that may down an economy then the country can get into the dogs if it's a pasture it is a CEO who is passing the people he's leading may luck focus and direction number four green people are diplomatic we had a man by the name Kofi Annan from Ghana many of you may remember him I admired this man a lot he broke out for peace in many nations when he was the UN secretary-general if you listen to the way he talks his calm controlled without a shadow of doubt Kofi Annan is a green prosser green people are diplomatic if you get a green person to be your Minister for foreign affairs you have a deal these are the people who should present the country but sometimes they are very indecisive they can take too long to make a decision they are not rigid like blue people but they prefer other people making decisions for them number five they are content they are content with what we have they've done God for what they have they count their blessings they are comfortable with what goddess bless them even as they trust God for higher blessings a weakness along that is they can get very permissive they can allow people to step all over them he can allow people to ruin their interests they can allow a contrary and a manipulative person to misuse them because the hardest turned up for their rights a red person cannot Todd been stepped all over they can't stand number six they are accepted they accept people as they are the exact situations are they are the Xavier jobs are they are they are that where they live they accept their houses they observe their car they observe their neighborhood the Xavier countries they accept themselves that's a strength but the weakness along that is they can lock abyssion we can settle for something less than their privileges they can settle for something less than what God had assigned for them and number seven green people are the most rational people we are able to see all sides of the coin they are able to analyze all arguments without putting themselves first they are very rational people yeah they can live with any one of all four colors the only color that can live with anyone is a green person if you live with a green person in that marriage than God that could be the reason you're still married if you live with a green person in your office then god that could be the only reason why you have maintained our job because they are always tried to reason with you not on who is right but on what is right regrettably these are weakness along this they can be indifferent they can sit on the fence they can sit on both sides of the argument because of their tendency to make everyone comfortable they feel sometimes to take a stand so you fight themselves speaking on both sides and you wonder where their division is now I want to deal with the weaknesses of green people from the Word of God let's look at these seven witnesses and what the Bible says above him number one green people can easily compromise the Bible says in Romans 12 us to don't copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind God does not want you to sit on the fence he doesn't want you to compromise the Bible says I wish you were either hot or cold I don't want a lukewarm coffee I was pure it out of my mouth number two green people are shy Matthew 5:14 jesus said you are the light of the world like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden light does not compromise it dispels darkness light is never neutral when the light comes people know because those who do what's of darkness they want to hide because light exposes their wicked deeds number three green people can be passive James 4:17 remember it is seen to know what you ought to do and then not do it sin is not just the sins of commission but also sins of omission when you know the right thing and you don't do it that is seen in your workplace if you know the right thing even if that's not within your duty do it if you know what to do good and you don't do that good you have sinned number four green people can be very indecisive John 3:14 Joyal 3:14 thousands upon thousands are waiting in the valley of the vision where the day of the Lord will soon arrive many died making a decision and even in the last day many people be caught up choosing between the Lord still in the valley or division some will miss the rupture make a decision don't sit on the fence throw your heart over the fence and your body will follow number five green people are very permissive first Corinthians 10 23 everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything a little wine is permissible but I will not allow wine to master me sex is permissible within the marriage context but I will not become a captive of sex I will not be addicted until Allah control I will not allow the TV or the phones to hold me captive our being control of my life what I consume for I see what I hear I will not be mastered by anything except Christ number 6 green people can lack addition they are an audacious Luke nineteen twenty six he replied I tell you that to everyone who has more will be given but as for the one who has nothing even what they have will be taken away this is the kingdom principle make use of the torrent God has given you you will be judged for the talents you are given and the talent you don't use you lose you lose to the one making use of that talent green people learn to take initiative learn to go the extra mile don't wait for others to initiate you are the person to go that extra mile to raise the bar to raise the standard and number seven green people can be very indifferent that means setting or defense first Corinthians 15:58 so my dear brothers and sisters be strong and immovable always work and leucistic aliy for the lord zeal put some oof enthusiasm Karishma the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:10 and 11 whatever your hand tries to do do it with all your might don't be indifferent if it's worth doing it's worth doing right if it's worth doing it's worth giving it your energy giving it your all with no reservations you'll never be rewarded for attempting to do you'll be rewarded for doing it next session I'll be discussing about all four colors I'll give you an analysis a comparative analysis our compare and contrast the red people the blue people the yellow people and the green people their strengths and their weaknesses and how this affects their parenting we our marriage their career their professional growth their health they are fun I'll be showing you in the next session thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 8,982
Rating: 4.9240508 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, talk;, Inspiration;, Preaching;, Teaching;, Personal, Growth;, Development;
Id: STtPCaM0dZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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