Rapture Theories

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okay welcome I'm Robert breaker and today boy do I have a study for you hey man I've been wanting to do this study since pretty much the end of last year the beginning of this year of 2018 and I wanted to talk about this subject and I've been putting it off putting it out putting all just waiting to see and studying a little more and I've been looking up some things and some studying to do and I said you know I think now's the time now's the time to do this video I don't want to go to in detailed into this video I'm just gonna throw out there some things and hope you look it up and hope you study for yourself but what I want to talk about today is the subject of rapture theories where you talk about the rapture today turn with me if you will to Luke chapter 12 Luke chapter 12 and what I thought I'd do is I would go back to this teaching of the rapture yes I do believe in a rapture I can't believe there's people out there that don't believe in the rapture of the church Jesus Christ said he would come back he's coming for his bride his body it's coming for the church so there must be a rapture and these people say all the wraps are not in the Bible and that's kind of silly because it's clearly there I clearly see it in first Corinthians 15 I also see it in Thessalonians 4 also over there in Titus it says looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ so definitely without a doubt the rapture is in the Bible it's hard for me to believe that people want to reject the teaching of the rapture and that's fine if you don't want believe in the rapture then you help yourself and if you're saved when it comes while you'll be taking it surprised and you will be surprised oh well there was a rapture and if you're lost well you'll be surprised too because you didn't go but I believe the Bible I believe the Word of God I believe there's a rapture and I just don't understand why people can't believe it well actually let me take that back I do understand because they don't see Paul they don't go to Paul because Paul is the one that got filled the rapture - and talks about it more than anyone else now let's start with Luke chapter 12 verse 56 Luke chapter 12 456 the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking and he says there in Luke 12:56 he's speaking to the Pharisees he showed up in his ministry it begins to speak to the Pharisees and he rebukes them he rebukes the lost religious leaders of his day and here's what he rebukes them for Luke 12:56 says ye hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth but how is it that you do not discern this time Jesus Christ says why don't you discern the time what we ought to do today is we ought to discern the time the time in which we live today do you discern it do you read your Bible do you know that according to the Bible we are in the last days we are very close to the rapture of the church well says the last days will be a time of apostasy we are in that pasta see apostasy is a falling away so we're seeing every day more and more and more people falling away from the truth and we're seeing less Christianity less people getting saved although you know there's still time there's still time to get saved but we're seeing more and more people joining the dark side joining Satan doing crazy just outlandish things Apostle Paul tells us the last day perilous times will come there will be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so we know these things we have the Bible that tells us and we're supposed to take the Word of God and use it to discern the time in which we live that's what I want to do today I want to discern the time I believe we're in the very last day before the rapture and I believe Jesus is coming soon we're in the last days so what am I wanted to do is give you some ideas about the rapture no what I thought I'd do is that just for funsies I would go ahead and give you some of the past theories of the rapture the ones that didn't take place you know there are some folks that made some theories about the rapture in certain dates and I thought you know we need to see what those dates were and what the thinking was because there's many Christians and they're all thinking well we want Jesus to come back we want the rapture so maybe if we look at there asked hypotheses or theories of when the rapture could be and then we look at the future theories of when in the future the rapture could be maybe we could glean something man we can learn something let me start out by saying it is not wrong to think about the rapture and it's not wrong to read your Bible and try to find out when you think the rapture maybe there's nothing wrong with doing that the first time Jesus showed up was born in a manger Jesus's birth was prophesied in the Book of Daniel and had they been reading their Bible they would have known that the Messiah was going to show up at that date they were to discern the time and that's what Jesus rebuked them about why weren't you in Daniel he told you 490 years you know there's determined and there's a seven-year out here period so 483 years I'm showing up and here I am Jesus Christ is saying looked a certain time the Bible is written to show you what time something's gonna happen so I believe as well that when it comes to the return of Jesus Christ at the rapture I believe that the Bible talks about that and if we study we can get an idea we can discern the time of when the rapture may be now let me start out by saying I'm only gonna talk about when the rapture could be a man notice I didn't say when it will be I am NOT in this video telling you dogmatically go said the lord oh I'm sure we'll be on such-and-such a day I don't know when it happens it happens but it's not wrong to think about it and look at dates and look at your Bible and try to line up scriptures and ask questions about it and try to see when it might be some people have erroneously tried to say that Robert breaker set the date of the rapture in 2015 and then again in 2017 I did not I did not if you go back and watch those video September 23 2015 7 20 17 you'll see that I did just what Peter ruckman did many years ago he said look here's a possibility here's the idea here's what other people are saying about when it might be take it or leave it could be could not but I just want to present that just so you think about amen and I think I made a video about that talking about how workman said that he thought the rapture might be in 1988 I showed that video or that audio what are you speaking and talking about that I remember about fact that'll be my first one is 1988 we're right up here all the different theories of when the rapture was or could have been and then I'm going to show you the future series of one in the future in 1988 that was the first big thing in which the church was thinking you know the rapture just might be this year I remember growing up and I was born in the 70s and I remember hearing about the rapture and preaching in churches rapture could be any day rapture could be any day and I remember people in 1988 saying it could be in 1988 I remember seeing the book one of my friend's parents was reading it and I saw it in their in their car that says 88 reasons why Jesus should come back in 1988 well guess what happened it didn't happen but they had their arguments they had their reasons they had their thoughts on why they thought the rapture should be in 1988 and at the time many people thought that it would be now they were wrong but why did they think that why were they looking for the appearing of Jesus well they were trying to discern the time they were trying to study their Bible read their Bibles and say this could be it this could be it now they were wrong but are you gonna tell me it's wrong for people to do that it's wrong for people to want Jesus to come it's wrong for people to read their Bibles and discern the time is that what you're telling me I'll think so I think we as Christians should read our Bibles should look at what's happening in the world should look at dates should look at scriptures should look at the prophecy should look at everything we can find course prophecy in the Bible and find out if we can determine from the Bible when the rapture just might be and I think that when we do that we find out the raptures gonna be very very soon if so I'm gonna show you here in this video just how soon I firmly believe in my lifetime I pretty much believe that it can't really be much later than twenty thirty thirty let me explain to you why I'm gonna use the numbers I'm going to use the Bible prophecy I'm going to use God uses Jubilees and these other things I'm gonna show you the latest that it could possibly be tears from descriptions themselves would be 2033 and I'll get to that in a minute but the first one that people came up with was 1988 and of course that didn't take place and a lot of people were bummed I think the same guy that wrote 88 reasons why Jesus didn't come back in 88 why he wrote a book on on 89 reasons why Jesus will come in 1989 and it didn't happen then either I guess he just wanted some books but I remember this one because I was about to start Bible school this is 1993 and I remember in 1993 I think I start a Bible School in 95 but I was in church in 93 and a lot of people were saying this could be it this could be it this could be the year of the rapture 1993 now why would they want 1993 well go with me to hosea chapter 6 you see all this we speculate from the scriptures we read our Bibles and we look at the Bibles and we say could it be what does the scripture say because the Bible is the book of prophecy and it tells us things in advance and I believe that God has given us this word to know and to be able to discern the time so we can know when he comes back I didn't say I do know I don't but I think it's possible that we just might have an idea so I think as we study the scriptures and you'll see through this video what I'm talking about that it makes it very clear that it looks like the Bible can tell us when the rapture will be the question is when is that and so I'm just going to show you different theories on what people think of when the rapture might be but in a holse at chapter 6 verse 1 and 2 we have a prophecy and it's a prophecy by God to Israel enough you know your Bible you know that when Jesus Christ came he came to Israel as their Messiah and he said Israel I'm the Messiah and they they rejected their Messiah so Jesus Christ said okay well you get another chance and and through Stephen and through the early apostles to give them another chance but they finally rejected their Messiah so God took to the Gentiles the way of salvation to provoke to jealousy the Jews and for all this time the church age God's been more Gentiles the Jews now Jew can be safe today but they've got to be saved by the same way that God told Paul is the way of salvation which is first Corinthians 15 one through four which I'll give at the end of this sermon how to be saved now that means that God is dealing more with the the entire world today than just the Jews but the Bible tells us that God isn't finished with the Jews that when the rapture comes then God will go back to dealing with his people Israel so the nation of Israel will be will be dealt with by God at the Tribulation Period which takes place or begins at the end of the rapture now with that stated the question is how long will it be until God goes back to the Jews and God is done with with the church age how long will that be is there any verses in the Bible that tell us how long the church age will be well many people believe that Hosea chapter 6 verse 1 and 2 is prophecy from God to the Israel to Jews telling them that it's going to be 2000 years Hosea 6 1 & 2 says coming to let us return unto the Lord for he has torn and he will heal us he has smitten and he will bind us after two days will he revive us in the third day will he raise us up and we shall live in his sight if you go to 2nd Peter 3:8 it says that a day with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years is for one day I don't have time to get into that now but I do have a video in youtube it talks about the seven thousand years of human history and I show you how God set this whole thing up to be seven thousand years and each one of those seven thousand year periods lines up with the seven days of creation now six days God created in the last day he rested seven days and a day with the Lord's a thousand years thousand years one day and it's uncanny it's amazing how each day of creation lines up with exactly what took place over the seven thousand year period now we're here about the six thousand year period maybe a little bit over and we still have a thousand year reign of Jesus in the future after he comes back at Armageddon so meets people look at this on Sanh chapter 6 verse 1 or 2 say well that means that Israel God is going to quit dealing with them and then come back to them after 2000 years now if you read your Bible you read the Old Testament you read about Moses God used Moses and brought the children of Israel out of Egypt so God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and when he did and they're in the wilderness and they're about to go into the Promised Land while they rebelled against God and so God said Israel forty years you're gonna have to walk around that's my judgment on you is forty years well God is pretty angry when people reject him so Jesus showed up to Israel this time as their Messiah incarnate and they rejected him and I think it's interesting this time God said alright not 40 years this time I'm going to give you 40 do believe so you take 40 times 50 that's exactly 2000 years and God deals with the nation of Israel based upon Jubilees so there's 40 Jubilees would make 2000 years and don't you know what 2,000 years or 40 Jubilees so I think that's quite interesting now Jesus didn't come back in 1993 but a lot of people thought 1993 why were they thinking 1993 well our calendar supposedly is based upon zero ad which there's really no such thing is zero but Jesus is birth all of our calendars based upon the birth of Christ we say this is the year 2018 AD Anno Domini after his birth so these people that were thinking 1993 is going to be the rapture where did they get that figure from well they were counting from Jesus birth a thousand nine hundred and ninety three years and so they're saying the church age is only two thousand years and then there's the tribulation which is seven years so you take 2000 - 1993 and you say 7 years and so that was the thought and I remember there was a lot of Christians saying man I think 1993 is a year - Jesus is coming back because that would leave seven years for the tribulation and then there's your two thousand years well he didn't come back why well if you go to the Book of Daniel chapter nine here's a great prophecy about Jesus and everything and this is where we get the idea of the seven years of the tribulation the one week in the future but notice what it's all based upon verse 26 and after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off notice that so God's not counting from zero ad he's counting from when Jesus died which was 33 AD so the whole premise the whole idea that Jesus would come back in 1993 was based upon his birth but the Bible says no it's it's based upon when he dies so 2,000 years after Jesus dies well some people would say well that makes it 2033 okay I understand that however that's on a solar calendar lalume the lunar calendar is the calendar of the Jews so the juice are based upon the moon and so that would make it much shorter than 2,000 years on a Gentile calendar that would make it a little bit it make it we're almost in 23 to 33 now it appears if you base it on the lunar thing so that was one of the things that people thought was that 1993 but yet they were wrong because they were basing upon the birth rather than the death of Christ alright now we go to the third one and the third one is 1998 and boy there was a lot of stuff taking place in 1998 and a lot of people thought man this has got to be the year that Jesus comes back 1998 now why why would they think 1998 well if you take 1998 divide it by 3 you know what you get 6 6 6 so they said this must be it this must be when the devil's coming to reign this must be when the Antichrist takes over on the scene because 666 times 3 is 1998 or 1998 divided by 3 is 666 and so people said here you go the Lord's coming back in 1988 any didn't the rapture did not take place in 1998 I remember so many people getting disappointed and saying what what we do there was no rapture what and then the big deal about y2k and people say well it must be that the rapture is going to be in the year 2000 and a lot of people thought then well it must be the year 2000 you see there's all these different theories that people had but they all started around the 1980s even in the 70s I remember a little bit hearing about the rapture now before that you didn't hear much scuttlebutt or talk about when the rapture might be because people looked at that and said well we're probably not at the end of time yet but now the closer we get going along the more we see the world in utter apostasy and craziness and things and things are starting to happen that make it look like we are in that time period of when Jesus should come a lot going on in Israel you know you want to look at Israel because Jesus said he would come back to them after two days or 2,000 years so - mm you know y2k came to nothing a lot of people said what do you think about y2k for the breaker back then when it was about to happen in 1999 they said everything's going to be destroyed and the world's gonna end and year 2000 all the computers will crash and so I went to my computer and you can change your date down on the bottom and I changed the date to January 1st 2000 and the computer function that's just like it was supposed to and so I said nothing's gonna happen in 2000 this is all a bunch of hype and it was it was really sad that a lot of people bought into that hype and there was really no scriptural backing for that except for the fact after two days that's the year 2000 so people thought oh two days all right but again they're basing on the birth not upon when Jesus was cut off let me write that up here cut off he was cut off at the age of 33 that's when he died I'll put that here as he died so the birth of Christ is not where we try to look for when the rapture might be we have to go by when Jesus died and go by the death of Christ not by the birth well a lot of people then thought well what about 2015 and I must say there was a lot going on in the world that made a lot of people say yeah team looks like that just might be the date of the rapture 2015 and so a lot of people started saying 2015 why 2015 well 2015 was the Star of Bethlehem again coming in the sky and I don't have too much time to get into this but in the Bible itself we read that when Jesus was born there was a star in heaven that marked his birth and we see these whites been coming matter of fact let's go there Matthew chapter 2 and these wise men saw this star and they said look we see this start we need to figure this out what's this going on in a matthew chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 it says then when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea and the days of Herod the King behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem saying where is he that is born King of the Jews we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship Him so when Jesus was born there was a star that marked his birth and what did I'll get back to that here in a minute so there was this star it's called the Star of Bethlehem you go to YouTube there's a documentary entitled the Star of Bethlehem and this star appears every 2,000 years so you go back 2,000 years and you get a guy named Abraham and it's quite interesting that Abraham there's a star connected with him I think that's interesting I'm not gonna go into that don't want to go to the book of Jubilees or was it yeah it was the book of Jubilees or other things but it talks about how when abraham was born there was a star if you go back 2,000 years before that why you go all the way back to Adam so it seems like God has set up this whole universe and had set up this world in such a way that he marks things in the heavens he has certain stars appear for some of the biggest events that take place in history I mean Adam was created and that star the scientists say every 2,000 years and what it is it's two stars that come together so bright that it looks like one big star and it doesn't last but a couple of years and then it goes back apart so Adam was created that star was in heaven about 2,000 years later Abraham's born so that star would have been there about 2,000 years later Jesus is born and that star marks his birth well you know what in about 2015 they said guess what that Bethlehem star is back so it's been about 2,000 years from the birth of Christ to 2015 and so many people were saying well that means the rapture could very well be in 2015 there's a lot of people begin to latch onto that say well the rapture could be in 2015 and what happened nothing it didn't happen so then people begin to say what about 2017 and here was the big big thing last year and I admit I mean I was hoping maybe across you know please come back in 2017 and I was hoping that Jesus would but now I'm starting to look more like 2018 and we'll get to that here in a minute but let me show you why 2017 we're in Matthew chapter 2 look at verse 16 then here when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding wroth and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem on all the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time of which he had diligently inquired of the wise men so after the wise men came to Herod they left and then they found Jesus and they worshiped him gave him gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh and then they just took off never went back to Herod so it appears from what we're reading here is the parent Herod waited for two years and they got mad and he killed all the babies in Israel only Jesus survived so two years was the connection with that star and sure enough that star in heaven has been going from 2015 to 2017 it's a two years it actually lasts to three years I don't know how many exactly but that star it's just uncanny how that star just seems to match the things that happen in the Bible you know just coincidence right who ain't Queen no no that's God showing that he's in charge he's made the stars like a giant clock that marks certain events you know that that he's planned that he's going to do so 2017 now this is when we had also in 2017 this sign in heaven the September 23rd September 23rd 2017 and you say what September 23rd 2017 well in the Bible in Revelation chapter 12 there's a description of something that a lot of people don't always looked at so what is this what is this in Revelation chapter 12 we see a vision by the Apostle John in which he says I saw this thing in heaven in Revelation 12 it says in there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars and she being with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered and as you go down there she eventually was ready to be delivered verse 4 but the devil was there to devour her child as soon as it was born verse 5 and she brought forth the man child who was to rule all nations with the rod of iron and her child was caught up and people say that that caught up there by that that's the rapture so they say this must be the rapture now what is this talking about well there's one date in all history in which the constellations came together in a certain way that appeared to match verbatim what's talking about here that was on September 23rd 2017 in the heavens there's all these different constellations and one of the constellations is the constellation Virgo which it means the virgin and she had these different things coming through and it looked like that she gave birth with a different planet that came through her who her loins are through her legs or whatever so it appeared to match up with this and so a lot of people were saying man this is the rapture this is the rapture and then was that different 23rd came and we saw that and it looks exactly like it said here I mean it's almost like that's what John was looking at because in the old days they all looked at the constellations they all followed the Stars they all believed the Stars had meanings and that God marked certain things in the stars matter fact in the Bible it says that God gave the Stars for signs and for seasons and four times so there's something to that now I don't want to get too far into it because you can use it for evil just as you can use it for good and a lot of people that are wicked and evil they get into what they call astrology in which they try to use this to tell the future and that's not right but astronomy is a little different astronomy is just a study this daughter is looking at where they are in their positions and everything and so you can't throw the stars out completely because God the Creator put them there to mark certain things and as we see that star Bethlehem marks some very important things and so it's possible it's very possible that this Revelation 12th thing was what we read in revelation 12 this September 23rd thing was revelation 12 but a lot of people were saying and that's when the rapture is going to be so we all with our fingers crossed we're waving rapture or September 23rd yes come on Jesus and a lot of people had connected that with the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Trumpets why Paul says the rapture comes on the last Trump and the Feast of Trumpets I believe they blow the trumpet a hundred times and so boy there was a lot of excitement a lot of Christians were saying September 23rd the Lord's coming back and guess what no rapture in 2017 so a lot of people are sitting there scratching their head go well what we do I mean in 7,000 years of human history there's no other time in history when this this Virgo does that and matches Revelation 12 so a lot of people ask me what do you think I said well I just think the Lord's coming soon it's marked something I mean I think it's I think there's something to it I don't think it's just mere coincidence there's no such thing as coincidence with God you know the old saying is that he never dawn on you that nothing ever dawned on God you never heard that saying before God knows and he does everything in advance he's all-knowing so he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing so you know a couple weeks even maybe a month or so after this September 23rd thing my question was well what did God put that in the heavens for a reason and what if God was telling us hey you've got a no longer than nine months and things are gonna change because I mean it is a sign of a woman giving birth or she's being in travail to give birth and what does that mean well they say it's nine months for a baby to come out so let's go to September 23rd and count nine months where we come up to alright so something's got to happen within that nine months October November December January February April May June so before June of 2018 something big might be happening and interestingly enough and guess what the nation of Israel in 1947 was given the land by the United Nations they had to go in and have a little brief war to gain the land but on May 14th 1948 the nation of Israel declared itself a nation for the first time in almost two thousand years if you take 1948 and AD 70 you get 2018 so it looks like June would be nine months now you can have a baby before nine months and there's nothing wrong with that I think they say a baby has to be at least six months to be born and be able to live outside the womb and there very few babies survived before six months gestation period so we're looking at June of 2018 and then I back up a few weeks in that you know maybe even a month before and it's like wow something happened really big in Israel on May 14th 1948 should I be looking for May 14th 2018 I mean could could that be something important well the president Trump interesting Trump Bible says last Trump nothing to that right anyway the Bible is talking about the rapture and let's go over to when you get you to this verse with Paul first Thessalonians 5 so why are you turning the 1st Thessalonians 5 let me tell you about Trump first that's the longing is chapter 5 Trump comes out here maybe a month ago and he says listen I declare the capital of the State of Israel is Jerusalem and all of the Muslim nations will go no no no no but Trump says yes and if I'm not mistaken they had voted on that what was it 10 20 years before and so this wasn't some crazy new thing to off-the-cuff that this man did this was actually voted on by the United States Congress to declare that the nation of Israel its capital is Jerusalem but Trump came out said the capital of Israel is Jerusalem then here recently on the news Trump comes out and Trump says and we are going to have the US Embassy in Jerusalem opened on or before May 14th 2018 that's a big deal I mean that's a really big deal not only is the nation of Israel have its own country now after 70 years it has its own capital imagine having a country for 70 years without a capital how many people say well the capital is Tel Aviv not in God's eyes in God's eyes the capital of Israel is Jerusalem and now we're finally seeing the nation of Israel after 70 years now 70 is an important number I'll get to that in a minute having their capital again being declared that it's 2018 I don't know if you've seen this but it's easy to find on the Internet Israel has mented a coin and on that coin they have King Cyrus and King and in President Donald Trump and they're saying Trump is just like Cyrus because you go back in time why King Cyrus declared and allowed Israel to come back and build way back when the nation of Israel just like Trump is now declaring a Israel you can you could go ahead and make your capital Jerusalem because Jerusalem is the capital of Israel so that's amazing now back to this woman pregnant thing this woman in travail this pregnant woman that what if this September 23rd 2017 thing was for real what if it's what he saw in the book of Revelation and it's a it's a picture of a woman giving birth well it takes nine months for a woman to give it birth what if that was a sign in this heavens if you will of God Himself saying get ready Church and nine months you're out of here get ready Israel because here we go remember after two days after 2,000 years here we go 2017 many say was a jubilee year some are even saying that that jubilee here goes even into 2018 before it ends and that would be the 40th Jubilee mm year so we're starting to see all these things come together and and as we try to Jesus said discern the time we're looking at this and we're going wow while we're still in that time when the rapture should come so what does Paul say to look for when it's time to look for the rapture first that's along in Chapter five first Thessalonians chapter five verse one but of the times and the seasons brother and you have no need that I write unto you what yeah but we want to know well I guess he told them in his day and so they were supposed to know and I found it interesting I've been reading a book about the ancient church fathers people that lived 100 200 300 years after Jesus and I I found it quite interesting how many of them said the exact same thing that Paul does they believe in a pre-tribulation rapture that Jesus would come for the church first then it would go back to Israel and then Jesus would come in Armageddon don't you give me this stuff that the pre-tribulational rapture was made up in the 17 or 1800s by Darby and some woman no no no no I found the church fathers talking about a pre-tribulation rapture and a belief in it so don't give me that stuff there is a pre-tribulation rapture in the Bible now 1st Thessalonians 5 he says verse 2 for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh through the steep and the night what does Jesus come as a thief in the night well the day that he comes as a thief of the night he comes at the rapture as a thief to steal away his bride now I know the day of the Lord has an application to Armageddon but in Armageddon he comes back and every eye sees him and in Armageddon the whole world sees Jesus and he comes back destroys his enemies so he must be applying here the day of the Lord as the entire of thousand years if you will and keep top where it started with the rapture I guess it says for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape when they say peace and safety why in September 23rd 2017 the United Nations had their peace and security meeting a Council of their meeting in this they called it the the peace and security meeting what does that peace and safety so we're looking at the Bible we're looking at the world and the United Nations comes out and goes now we all have to talk about peace and unity peace and safety peace and security well that sounds just like the Bible so within nine months of when they start saying that while they said that back in 2017 why then what happens whence then sudden destruction cometh verse three upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape so it's coming like a woman with child what within nine months so what is he setting here he's saying hey watch out well that lines up with John and a woman in travail of a vision that he saw so could this all be coming together could this all be pointing to the soon coming of Jesus Christ verse four but ye brethren are not in darkness that the day should overtake you as a thief he saying look brother look you're not gonna go on it no the rapture was coming he said you should know he says there in verse two you should know perfectly he said you should know what's gonna happen in the last days because I wrote it to you God gave us the Bible to know what's gonna happen in the last days and we're looking at the dates we're looking at the scriptures we're looking at the Stars it's like everywhere we look we look down in the Bible or we look up in heaven or if we just look over there at the United Nations everything points to Israel's coming back and God's gonna deal with them not in fact everywhere all over Israel's talking about rebuilding their temple why is that important because in the book of Revelation they are worshiping in their temple when the antichrist comes in and kicks them out so there must be a temple in order for the last days and for thus the 70th week Daniel take place because the Israel's have to be the Israelites have to be back in their temple worshiping well guess what they're worshiping in their temple so I just find this so amazing and just looking at this it's like wow could the rapture be May 14th 2008 could it be in 2018 could it be before that could be a lot of people and I didn't want to get too in detail to this but a lot of people are saying guess what April 1st this April Fool's what if the rapture was April Fool's you know I don't know they say something about is it 40 days later is Easter or the the thing that I've heard is how weird this year 2018 Easter and Passover is on the same day you know how seldom that ever takes place that Easter and Passover always fall on the exact same day and there's all these different things that people are saying and going into and saying it's starting to look like it's starting to look like the rapture is gonna take place this year or 2018 and it very well could be I'm not saying it is I'm just throwing that out as a possibility as a theory you see from here up we're past theories that didn't take place but here from here on I'm going to give you a couple more these are theories of when the rapture could be all I know is all signs are pointing to the Lord coming soon that we are definitely here at the end of the church age very close to the rapture of the church now in Matthew 24:37 Jesus Christ is speaking and he says this generation shall not pass till all these things be completed or come to pass so what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 24 is about what's going on with Israel with the Jews in the tribulation well what's a generation according to the Bible well according to the Bible it appears that a generation is seventy years I'm going to show you something interesting let's go to Psalms 90 kaptur 10 I mean it's all starting to look like we just might be in the year of the rapture and maybe not you know I'm not gonna dogmatic to say that 2018 is the rapture I'm just gonna say man I'm trying to discern times I wonder if you are looking at the times I wonder if you see it a lot of Christians they go I don't believe that and you go well are they even Christians I mean they attack you and and rapidly make fun and mock and put you down for even talking about stuff like this you know it's like how dare you try to tell people that Jesus has come it's what I call that how dare you demon you know they got a demon that just goes around going how dare you know as Christians were to talk about it for many and we have an example of many Christians talking about and thinking about when the rapture could be and it's not sin to look for the rapture we should look for the rapture and boy it's looking mighty convincing that 2018 just might be the time of the rapture now I'm not saying it I'm just saying wow like Oh Peter ruckman said on the video that I did when I would I am listen to him none of my problems couldn't be fixed in less than one second when the rapture takes place every problem I have will be gone as soon as the rapture comes so sooner the better I mean I'm looking forward to Jesus coming it could be 2018 but Jesus was talking in Matthew 24 to the Jews about the Tribulation Period and what's going to take place and he says this generation shall not pass till all these things are fulfilled all right what's a generation if you go back to Psalms chapter 90 in verse 10 we see a weird thing Psalms chapter 9 and verse 10 it tells us that a generation is seventy years and then it says but if it be by strength it's 80 years so between 70 and 80 years is a generation well Israel was founded as a nation in 1948 Jesus is talking about prophecy and they're founded so does it decision saying that the generation that's born when they become a nation again within seventy years won't pass so it sounds like there must be only about 70 years so it sounds like we're getting close to the rapture I'm gonna read Psalms 90 burst in here in a second but let me back up in Daniel chapter 9 and verse 2 let every Daniel 92 we'll come back to some is 90 I've just got so much here I want to get to you but God does things over and over and he uses the same numbers over and over many times Psalms chapter 9 and verse 2 look at what he says here Daniel I said Psalms Daniel 92 in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years where of the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the Prophet then he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem alright so Daniel says I understood the times by reading the book of the Lord because the Lord wrote in the Bible this is going to take place at this time if so he said I understood I was reading the Bible and God says he's going to accomplish 70 years in desolation of Israel well that took place literally in the time of Jeremiah and that ended the 70 years of was it Babylon and this took place in Daniels day and in the 70 years of desolation of Babylon well when Jesus showed up he was born to 0 ad 70 AD Israel was destroyed so there was another 70 years from the Messiah's birth to the destruction of Israel well for all these years 1900 something years the nation of Israel didn't exist then in 1948 they declared themselves a nation 2018 is 70 years later could this passage in Daniel be a double application prophecy that it was 70 years back then in his time and now it's 70 years now sometimes God does that he'll take a prophecy and he'll have a double even triple application of that same prophecy God uses numbers so back to psalms chapter 19 and verse 10 the days of our years are threescore years and ten will threescore well that would be 60 so 60 plus 10 is 70 and if by reason of strength they they be fourscore years so 80 years so he says that a generation of a person is 70 to 80 years now look at this verse look what it says at the end yet is their strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away what so in the Book of Psalms it says you'll live to be 70 or 80 and that's a generation and then you fly away is that is that telling us too that the rapture is gonna be at the end of 70 or 80 years or I don't know some people say that's the rapture we fly away so after 70 years if I wait but it says at 70 or 80 well jesus said to the Jews that hey Jews you've got 70 years and if a person was born in 1948 and they're live today well they're 70 years old but it says to 80 well you add seven years for the tribulation that's 77 that's almost 80 years old so could that be what it's applying to because Jesus is talking to the Jews so I think it's quite interesting as we read our Bible we can find some stuff we can look at some stuff we can say hey man this this looks like this very well could be all the prophecies coming together and the 2000 years being almost done because God went by the lunar calendar in the Jewish calendar to count the two thousand years not the solar calendar because on the solar calendar we're only in 2018 not 2033 but on the lunar calendar it looks like there's a full two thousand years and that this year 2018 could be the coming of the Lord now some people say now I just don't see that okay you don't see that all right what do you see well let's add 10 to it and let's go to 2028 so we go to 2028 because it says 70 or 80 years so you add and you get to 2028 so I have some people say well brother breaker I don't think the rapture is gonna be until 2028 well we have a problem Jubilee years every 50 years in 2017 and some say even into 2018 is the Jubilee year Jubilee in the Bible as the year that Israel gets their land back so how can it only be in 2028 when you have to add 50 you come out to 20 68 well that's that's very far into the future that is past 2,000 years so it's starting to look like huh starting to look really really good that it might be 2018 is the rapture on or before May 14th maybe even a little after May 14th could be others go to this extreme and I've seen other people say well brother breaker I do not believe that the rapture is gonna be until 2033 and so they say 2033 because we count from the death of Christ and you come over here to 2033 so they say 2033 will be the rapture so what is what is that 2033 would be how long that's 15 years away that's a long time a long time a long time to wait for the rapture I don't know how the world would even last that long I mean there's nukes in North Korea everything's coming to pass exactly like the Bible says for an attack upon Israel a lot of people have been emailing me and asking me about this Ezekiel 38 war and for the first time in history you're starting to see an alliance of the groups that the Bible says in Ezekiel are going to come together to attack Israel why would they attack Israel well there's always been prophesied in the Bible that they would be in a Bataclan Israel and that's why the Jews would have to leave and flee and that's how the Antichrist comes in and sits down on the throne so all these prophecies of the scriptures are coming to pass in our day and we are seeing it and we're seeing everything is ready now for the rapture and so I don't know all I know is I'm looking at this and I'm looking at past the reefs and learning from those looking at Scripture looking at future dates looking at the theories that people have and like I said at the beginning of this sermon I don't see how the rapture could be after 2033 that would be more than 2,000 years on the Gentile calendar and Hosea is the prophecy that God will go 2,000 years in his discipline for Israel but again that would be the Gentile calendar the Jewish calendar is by the moon every 30 days in our Gentile calendar we go by 31 days sometimes imagine an extra day or two over 2,000 years you get a lot of extra days so it could very well be that this whole time Jesus has been counting on the lunar calendar not the Gentile calendar and Jesus was showing by September 23rd that Virgo that thing said look this is my calendar and now within nine months of September 23rd get ready Christians look for the sure Jews get ready to me coming back to dealing with Israel because you had your 70 years and now your capital is Jerusalem now we're going to knock this thing off now we're gonna start the tribulation I'm excited I'm excited about this I want Jesus to come back at the rapture I'm excited about the possibility that it could be in 2018 I was disappointed that it wasn't in 2017 or 15 or 2008 98 or 93 or 88 but I see now more clearly you know Paul says we see through a glass darkly but now we can see more clearly the closer we get to it and we have the scriptures telling us times and and and how God uses numbers and such and we've seen the thing in the heaven where we go wow that can't just be a coincidence doesn't that look like revelation 12 the answer does I would see the Alliance come together people wanting to attack Israel we see the declaration by Trump of Jerusalem is the capital and he's going to set it up so I'm not saying the rapture is gonna be on May 14th but I'm I am saying it looks like we gotta buckle up get ready amen I am saying look the next two months are gonna be exciting and if my May 14th comes and there's no rapture I'll say well okay we still got till June for a full nine months and nothing happens then we'll and I'll start going well maybe it looks more like 2020 you know the other possibility is as people say the calendars for four years off so the calendar is really now not 2018 you have to add 4 to it so what is 8 9 10 11 12 22 this is really 20 22 or Jesus was born maybe it's the other way around it's minus 4 Jesus was born in 4 BC and so you take that off you got 8 7 6 5 4 so it's 2014 you know so ok then 2018 is when Jesus come I don't know all I'm saying is look at the numbers look at the scripture look at what the world is doing and how everything is pointing to Israel someone sent me something the other day and it says that Trump is interested in brokering peace in the Middle East and he sent his would it be his son-in-law Jared Kushner and Jared Kushner supposed to be the one that that is the one that makes peace between Israel and the Arabs and could this be the Covenant of the Bible talks about in the Book of Daniel that's supposed to be in the tribulation period and it tells us that in the middle of that week that seven-year tribulation they break the covenant all these things are coming to pass I don't know when the rapture is gonna be place sure looks like it's got to be soon we're in 2018 I don't see how it could be any later than 2033 and if God's going by the lunar calendar rather than the solar Gentile calendar why 2018 fits really well really well so I'm saying please come Jesus please come now let me close with first Corinthians 15 because I'm worried about you I know there's people that might watch this that aren't even saved and I have to tell you the bad news if you're not saved when the rapture does come you're gonna be left behind you'll be left behind in a time which God lets the devil take over the entire earth all of God's people leave at the rapture people left behind our lost folks and eventually it might be three and a half years I think it'll be three and a half years before you have to take the mark of a beast I believe in a seven-year tribulation period but eventually the devil will tell people you must take a mark in your right hand or your forehead and if you don't do that then he cuts off your head and I don't want you to have to go through that I don't want you to have to be under the Antichrist because the penalty for not taking the mark of the beast is death and the Bible says that if you take that mark of a beast then when Jesus returns a time Armageddon he will put you in hell God will never accept anyone who's taking the mark of the beast so the Tribulation Period if you miss the rapture then you're gonna have to literally die for Jesus by allowing the Antichrist to cut off your head by saying no I will not take your mark and then your head will be chopped off all this is in the book of Revelation I believe it's in Chapter 13 it talks about this so the question is are you saved the best thing that could possibly happen to you is to get saved now so that you will go at the rapture and not be left behind you say how do you get saved though the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 verses 1 through 4 and the Bible tells us we're saved by believing the gospel by trusting in what Jesus did in 1st Corinthians 15 one-third for the Bible says more of her brother and I declare unto you the gospel so the Apostle Paul is speaking here and Paul says I'm declaring to you what the gospel is he says which I preached unto you which also you received and where you stand by which also ye are saved safe from hell but also save from the tribulation you're saved by believing the gospel and you get out at the rapture and you don't have to worry about the Antichrist and the mark of the beast and he says in verse 2 but which also you're saved you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you believed in vain for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins you see Jesus Christ died for your sins but how he died he shed his blood the Bible says without the shedding of blood is no remission of sins you must trust the blood of Jesus to be saved it's all about what he did he died in your place for your sins how that Christ died for our sins according to scriptures that he was and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture so you have a choice you can either get saved now by trusting the blood trust the blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross the Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth from all sin the gospel is that Jesus died in your place how did he die shed his blood and if you trust that blood that you're saved and you go at the rapture or if you don't want that if you just chuckle and say all that bunch of junk that religious nut huh and then you see the rapture coming you're left behind you're said oh whoa oh maybe he was right what do you have to do you got to come to Jesus you have to believe in Jesus as your Savior and then you have to tell the Antichrist go ahead cut my head off and as that blood pours out of your neck that's how you get to heaven do you really want to go through that let the Antichrist chop your head off you know a lot of people I've talked to some people in my day that have said you know III hear what you're saying but you know what I'll take my chances I don't want to accept Jesus as my savior I don't accept him I'll just I will go ahead and just let the Antichrist kill me really you ever heard of peer pressure the entire world is gonna line up say give me the mark can you imagine that peer pressure and they're not gonna live here go come on everybody else is doing it do you really think you're strong enough to tell the whole world nope I'd rather have my head cut off I don't know people that are that strong I'd rather you get saved today and go at the ranch so this is what I have for you rapture theories I tried to present to you the theories of when people thought the rapture was going to be and then I showed you the theory of when it could possibly be when men you're thinking it might be this year but it's not this year why it can't be any later than 2033 because that would be the absolute latest that it could take place because that would be 2,000 years and he can't go over 2,000 years so I hope this is a blessing to you hope you've watched this and I hope you get something from it if you're not safe please get saved please get safe today so you don't have to go through the tribulation hope this is a blessing god bless you we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 87,373
Rating: 4.7652512 out of 5
Keywords: Rapture Theories, Rapture of the Church, The Rapture, Jesus's Coming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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