Rant about Sleazy Gas Mask Salesmen

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okay so I want to do a video where I basically have a rant about all of the misinformation there are from people trying to sell you respirators who almost don't know much about how a respirator work that's okay and I got a scare monger you instead to make you think that you need to spend $400 or something on the respirator to actually get one that works so reason I'm mentioning this and showing you Israeli for a-1 is Israeli for a one's a very good mask they are made by Israel for ages for actually protecting civilians against chemical warfare biological warfare you know things like that the mask has to work because they built it yeah it's a bit cheap and simple but it were actually did a job of saving your life if you had it on with a working filter but you know according to what these sites this mask isn't good enough no you need to spend a lot of money to get a working mask right so okay so when the main misconceptions I see is that you need to spend absolutely loads of money on a respirator for it to work now that is absolute crap now as I've said before in lots of these videos respirators are really simple things what you have see the filter which filters the gas that's an important bit we'll come back to you've got your intake valve air can only come through this bit therefore you filter it because with the filter attached air is such red filter cleaned and then the clean air goes into mask then you have your exhale valve and the exhale valve is obviously designed so when you breathe out air flows out with the mask for the exhale valve obviously you have some plastic lenses glass lenses whatever so you can see out of it and your eyes are protected and that's basically it now you can obviously get a lot more complicated than that you can have all nasal cups in it good peripheral seals different strap systems always diaphragms drinking to use all that stuff all that jazz and this does have a voice drive diaphragm a drinking tube on and an oral nasal cup so I guess that's quite good for a cheap mask isn't it but regardless the point I am making is that if you bought a mask like the for a one for 20 pounds 30 pounds $20 $14 whatever you're issued at by the Israeli government if you're an Israeli citizen this mask would save your life with a working filter on it but no it doesn't cost four hundred five hundred dollars but I buy this stupid stupid expensive mask you know to actually save you and I stop to say those stupid expensive masks wouldn't save your life of course they would if you know the mask was working and had to work filter on their offers no more protection capability than something like this now that might not be strictly true I think some masks are better suited to last longer a date Lister agent something like things like that but you know that's quite a minor point in the grand scheme of things now a mass like this was made in one size fits all so you get your straps or seat but no oskol do this up evenly I've got the mask on it pressurizes I'm completely protected from inhaling gas or getting gas in my eyes but now this isn't good enough apparently no because it obviously no I've rent ranted loads of times and now you know people saying if it's surplus it doesn't work but it goes a bit further than that because I've seen people now saying Oh certain marks masks have to be CBRN rated from a certain company to say work so basically it's like we sent our masks off we sell to a company to say yen a work so therefore anything that's not rated by us doesn't work now if you want to know how cheaply you can get working lastly you get ya Soviet gp5 respirator as long as its delay time working for like ten dollars you stick a Polish fb5 filter on it that's still sealed and in Dayton works Wow for twenty dollars you have a mouse that will save your life well you know it's not that hard GP if I was going to be relatively uncomfortable and claustrophobic and very basic compared to a lot mas but the important thing is it saves your life right so the figment I really hate is lots of these sites they go on about how you need to spend loads and loads of money on a mask to protect you and then they don't mention filters or they'll sell you filters and yeah they say you've so filters that work but they don't explain how filters work all they don't sell you chemical detection kits right so or you know like actual other types of chemical detection kids I don't have any myself because I think if I end up being exposed to a gas that's horrible enough that you can't you know know it's coming in advance and all that you know you might as well get killed by it but the point is that if you are going to spend all this money on the mask then you need obviously lots of working filters what's these places go on and on about getting a really expensive Mouse but don't mention good filters then they don't mention earlier systems the gas so obviously if there's a nerve gas attack and you bought your really expensive fancy mask you're dead because yeah the chemical detector you don't speak your mask on or to let your dad and a bit like that there's this massive problem where they also don't mention NBC suits on all of these things so again if you're exposed to something really nasty like blister agent or nerve gas you're even going to die through skin contact or be permanently scarred for skin contact with no mention of NBC suits because we don't sell them no by our $400 masks please right here's what you could do if you really wanted to to actually protect yourself a reasonable price and this is what I've said a few times bear with me is if you want to buy an NBC suit fine you can buy an old rubberised NBC sue or a DuPont HM suit that's you know new olds that kind of thing for um you know like 20 dollars again ten to twenty three dollars not very much you get your mask or another you know ten to twenty dollar so that's a that's at fifty dollars so far you've got fifty dollars left to spend spend that money on filters just get a load of a back P free filters or in date CBRN filters whatever oh look you've now got enough filters and an NBC sue and everything else to protect yourself with in case you actually need to stuff but that's not how these sites operate is it scare mongering what they want to do is how you all know that cheap mask you've got even though it's perfectly functional isn't functional bio one yeah though your $500 mask let's charge you a stupid amount for filters if we sell filters as well and you know it's just disgusting it's kind of like if a company was to sell you I don't know let's just say a food company right and they stock certain kinds of food in and they said if you eat anybody else's food you get food poisoning awesome looks like that that's a crap point but the point I'm really getting to is it really does annoy me that you see all these companies Schilling really expensive masks and generally the more expensive the mask it might have some nicer features as I said like drinking tubes and everything oh look this mask has that and it's cheap and it's mass-produced for civilians in Israel oh yeah so yeah there's always that and Biden logic of the amount of money you spend on mouths should make it good let's look at the mask so I spent most money on right the most money I spent on the mask was probably only exome 28 grasshopper because it's quite round hard to get in britain so yeah I spent about 100 quid on that but us rare so it's taking all that one shall we okay I spent around 70 or 80 quid on my GSR and I got that new right with Bayer filters I really hate the GSR it's a crap mask but according to the amount of money I spend on it it's a better mask no I'd rather have a GP five in all honesty in the GSR on or gp5 em or an s hm s with an F p5 filter on your networking because I'd actually trust the Soviet mass it's very basic to work not something super glued together by a company that now was bought out on the funked that made it for the lowest bidding price possible to compete with the evil in 50 you know there's lots of masks I can think of the you know a shield is these great expensive masks and they are actually kind of fundamentally flawed because they try too hard to do new and inventive things when the mask is just needed to protect yourself as a civilian you don't need all these fancy features because I collect masks yeah I've got a massive respirator collection you know 70 or something master now that's beside the point if I wanted to buy a mask to protect myself from I'd have a lot of knowledge just go yeah this mask is good good price point lots of good features on it it's known to be reliable and work by at you know there's even some people that will literally go to so far as to say Israeli civilian masks are bad and Israeli military massive bad because apparently Israel even though they're under threat of actually being attack of chemical weapons makes masks that are useless for both its soldiers and civilians so that's why I ran out the way with I'm sure you will all know the sort of site so I'm talking about I see more and more pop-up like this where we want to sell a mask we've got very expensive masks in stock we're making a massive margin on these things but let's tell everybody everybody others everybody else is monster crap and don't work what a load of bollocks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 28,638
Rating: 4.9508772 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask
Id: f8pUjtw8GsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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