Who Is Zigg Zoldyck? | Hunter X Hunter

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Zig and maja along with probably collet oh hold the distinction of being some of the lesser-known zoldak sin the series however I'm here to inform you that the least known family member of all is subscribe zoldak who is an even bigger stain on the family the Miller key because all subscribe Tzadik does is push that enticing red button to ensure that he receives regular Hunter hunter content uploaded straight into his YouTube feed and look he's an underachiever in the world of assassins but I certainly do appreciate him hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga and snake we're going to delve into a discussion about a fairly mysterious manga figure of Hunter hunter being a certain zigs older now if you're an anime only watcher chances are you will not have heard of this particular zoldak before but I would encourage you to stay a while and listen because there's some fairly intriguing stuff at play here for a character who has only ever been officially seen in one panel as a result you're probably going to be seeing that one panel quite a bit in this video and for that I apologize for in advance but as for margaritas I'm sure that a lot of you have also seen the runtime of this video and might be scoffing to yourself over how exactly I can say anything of substance in regard to such a seemingly fleeting existence but to tell you the truth even I was surprised at just how much there was to potentially digest here so without further ado let's begin examining Zig zoldak through his contextual appearance in the manga so Zig would make his first and currently only appearance in chapter 344 as part of a flashback featuring Isaac natural landing on the Dark Continent in his youthful days well comparatively youthful days I guess and this was a supposedly unrecorded trip even though Jing freak seems to know all about it but we do know vaguely Wynette Row was there which was in search of a strong opponent something that the Dark Continent was unable to provide as the only victory there is that of survival but on this trip Metro brought two of his young pals one of which being Lynnae hors d'oeuvre a name that I was crucified for not being able to say in what has become by far the most popular video on this channel because I am uncultured swine but in my defense even toe Gashi sucks when it comes to French and you know languages in general actually choosing to Remini's each foul three explorers names very bizarrely and inconsistently which may actually become a point of relevance to this discussion in regards to the third part of this dark continent menage tois zigs old ik now Zeke's reasons for traveling to the Dark Continent alongside metro and lenay a 100% unknown at the time of this recording and in truth it seems wildly inconsistent with everything we know about the zoldak family past far as the world's most established an infamous group of assassins the Dark Continent is not something that should appeal to them from a business standpoint because there are no clients and there are no targets it's just a gigantic game of survival of the fittest without a profit motive but there are some possible explanations for this one of which is that at the time of Zeke's generation zoldak may have not been involved in the assassination business because to the best of my knowledge it has never been stated exactly how long result ik family have been assassins but it does seem to be incredibly deeply rooted but then again at the moment we can really only dive back at least five generations with the oldest confirmed Celtic family member currently being maja zoldak the grandfather of Xena and the great great grandfather of kilwa who is somehow still alive and well to this very day and trying to see where Zig fits into this family tree is a bit difficult because there is only one unaccounted for place which is in between maja and Xena the figure represented in a sort of hey Hachi from Tekken style of look one that obviously immediately does not match up to the established image we have of Zig although it should be pointed out that the portrayal of this figure being the son of maja and father of Xena could just be what Zig came to look like much later in life because the image we have of him on the Dark Continent is quite a young whippersnapper and in fact if we directly compare nettles previous look to his more modern incarnation we can see that an awful lot can change over the course of what I assume would have been potentially over a century the thing that does give me the most pause for thought here though is that zigs facial structure does not match this mystery man at all this guy has relatively thick eyebrows a very pronounced nose and a teeny tiny mouth thing whereas Zig has super thin eyebrows a tiny nose and a long mouth so if anything zik resembles maja significantly more than maja son and that brings us to a very intriguing idea that has been floating around for a while which is the possibility that Zig is in fact maja zoldak and based on aesthetics alone I am incredibly inclined to invest in this idea because seriously maja just looks like an old man Zig they are the only members of the Tzadik family who have a head that seems to be more wide than it is tall which is reflected in all of their key facial features but the main issue that seems to stop this idea in its tracks is the fact that they are both separately named characters or are they I mean yes yes they are but it's very interesting to that maja was never actually named in either the manga or the anime he was just some old man zoldak dude who made a very brief appearance and his name was only revealed in the 2004 Dada book which was released about 12 years before chapter 344 featuring Zig and I point out that massive time difference because you know over time hunter hunter has developed a wide array of inconsistencies many of which I do hope to do videos on Monday but twelve years well that's an awfully a long time in togarashi land long enough for him to change his mind in regards to the established facts of the world and decide that no this guy is actually this guy and at this stage I should also point out that if this were any other series I would never ever propose such an idea but because this is hunter hunter literally anything is possible plus if you were to take the context of the manga alone it just makes perfect sense if your only source material was the manga and you didn't have that pesky maja name from the data book then this probably wouldn't be so much of a discussion on speculation as it would become a practically established fact and not just because they share aesthetic similarities either but because it also makes sense based on the greater context of the world specifically in relation to zigs dark constant comrades natural and Lynnae now up until recently both of them were alive and well that is until natural sacrifice himself to prevent the threat of the Chimera Hantz Lynnae is still alive though and was even put forward as a candidate to become the next chairman of the hunter Association but the fact that she is still alive is nothing short of incredible just as it was with natural Butlin a currently presents a rather withered existence very similar to that of maja but these characters are all absurdly old and nerd that is not necessarily a common feature in the Hunter hunter world as we have characters like Zeno who is a comparatively youthful 67 years old and portrays aging like the normal world lifespan of a human being natural Lynnae and maja are all a very unique existence and there is a possible explanation for how these three in particular have managed to live for well over a century which has to do with you guessed it the Dark Continent because one of the reasons why humankind continues to conduct expeditions to this hellish landmass is because it contains creatures items and substances of immeasurable value the kind of stuff that would really revolutionize a species and one such sought-after item is known as nitro rice the consumption of which is said to be able to extend one's life and I would imagine that naturally the you consume them all that life is extended effectively granting you a form of immortality so long as you engage in constant numbing and so if maja were to be Zig then that provides an immediate explanation as to how these three select individuals have been able to maintain their bizarrely long life and it doesn't necessarily have to be nitro rice either there could be any number of other incredible objects or substances on the Dark Continent that are capable of performing such a thing the specifics of it doesn't really matter what matters is that the one thing they all have in common is stupidly long life and the one place that can provide that is the Dark Continent and for posterity's sake i should also say that this does not necessarily mean that Zig is maja if anything's it could be a brother of maja who Jenny but natural and upon his return gifted my heart with nitro rice or whatever was used but I find that explanation honestly just a little bit harder to believe because if such a substance was brought back to the human realm then it would surely have revolutionized more than just the life of one man whereas in reality it seems more like a thing that the Dark Continent trio would have consumed in a desperate survival situation and they may not even have necessarily known about its effects and once again if maahes name wasn't in a data book published 12 years ago then we wouldn't even need to find an excuse like this it's only information from a notoriously unreliable book that stops everything from falling perfectly into place but putting the zig maja business aside for a second it's also an interesting discussion to ask a bit more about the actual Dark Continent voyage wid netter o because there's one that we know lines up almost perfectly which is the journey instigated by the member Republic which landed at the south shore of Lake Mobius now quite notably this was not the expedition in search of Nitra rice the proposed longevity substance but instead they were hunting for something known as the Trinity elixir which is a very vaguely defined mother solution for all sorts of liquid great societal value however by the end of this expedition there were only three survivors which is a very magic number given that we only know of three individuals of Metro's expedition and three individuals that up until recently were all still alive plus this particular voyage is also what brought back the calamity hi and just quickly in case you're not familiar the calamity is something imposed on humanity by it being known as the guide in what we can only assume is some sort of punishment for their exploration of the dark continent and there are currently five established threats who were brought back via this method and one cost upon the human race in this case was I a gaseous being or group of beings known in full as a codependence of desire I'm not going to go into this here because I've done a whole video on it link in the description below if you're interested but I is almost 100% confirmed to be nanika the ghastly being that currently inhabits a locker zoldak and has the ability to grant seemingly any desire upon the fulfillment of certain conditions so upon initial thought it would make perfect sense for the member republic expedition to be the one which involved metro Lynnae and Zig as the threat brought back has directly infected a member of the Zeltiq family and any other explanation would be a pretty huge coincidence because of all of the people in this boat bond with it just happened to be the descendant of an individual who has been to the dark constant himself however as convenient as this is there are a couple of problems with this theory one of which is that Jing freaks the stated that Network conducted this voyage unofficially and effectively snuck into the Dark Continent with Lynnae and Zig meaning that it's highly unlikely that they would have been associated with the member Republic trip and furthermore it's also been said that all three survivors of this member Republic journey had lost all of their sanity as a result of encountering I the second part doesn't overly concern me though because we've seen nothing of Linnaean Zig and or maja that truly proves any semblance of sanity and does for Isaac métro himself well sanity is not something that I would serve readily accuse him of having possessed and I suppose now we should also state the possibility that Zig did not survive his trip to the Dark Continent because we only have solid confirmation that net row and the nae have been seen alive in the modern day discounting the whole Zegers maha idea of course i mean i highly doubt that he would have perished with such powerful hours by his side but until any further confirmation is achieved the possibility definitely remains and going back to the question of why he may have chosen to travel to the dark continent in the first place other than because he and Netru were bestest friends forever he may have even had business there because we do know of at least one human figure who seems to be something of a permanent resident of this hellscape which is dumb freaks so imagine for a second of always exotic for whatever reason is given a lucrative contract to assassinate dawn and thus potentially being the earliest known freak zoldak interaction which would culminate down the line of many many generations in the world's most unbreakable bond between gone freaks and killers old ik in any case as it turns out Zig zoldak is a far more intriguing figure than a simple one panel appearance would suggest and that pretty much does it for this discussion about ms does exalted if you enjoyed this video and the content this channel produced in general and please do consider donating to the new world review patreon because the support of all of your amazing people is what continues to make this channel possible and if patreon is are quite your style and please do leave this video will like share or subscribe because it also helps for this channel an incredible amount and if you'd like to join the fun at any time then please do head over to my disk or server where a wide array of Shangri takes place on a daily basis and finally please do comment with your thoughts on zigs or dec this has been the New World review and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 919,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, zigg, zigg zoldyck, zigg is maha, is zigg maha?, maha zoldyck, zoldyck family, zigg vs killua, killua, succession war, netero vs zigg, netero dark continent, beyond netero, dark continent, linne, ging, succession contest, chrollo vs hisoka, nanika, nanika is ai, what is nanika, alluka, alluka zoldyck, silva zoldyck, zeno zoldyck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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