The Feitan Zoldyck Theory Explained | New World Review

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hello and welcome to the new world review a source for everything anime and manga and today i'm here to present a very intriguing thought regarding a certain member of the phantom troupe being feitan and in particular his potential connection to the zoltic family and in particular even more in particular the idea that he may very well be a long lost zeldik brother which yes if you've not heard this idea before then i'm sure it sounds absurd but there is actually a shocking amount of merit to it there's a ton of evidence that makes all the sense in the world however i should also say there's plenty of counter evidence as well and furthermore as is quite standard with hunter hunter there's also a bunch of misinformation out there due to some very interesting changes made in the anime and speaking of changes if you are not currently a subscriber to the new world review then i cannot recommend enough hitting that delightful red button which will result in regular hunt on content being uploaded straight into your youtube feed and also just before we begin i want to give a shout out to grace hanley who sent me an email recently with their phaeton zodiac theory it was quite fun to read through and includes a lot of what we'll be talking about here today but we are going to begin this strange train of thought in meteor city during the chimera ant arc because this really is the crux of everything without this one thing i would probably dismiss the phaeton zoldic idea entirely however during the phantom troops battle against zazan and her minions we get to explore kalato zoldik for the first and well only time in the series thus far and i have a whole video on kalito regarding this specific topic as well which you should absolutely check out but tldr this is where kalito reveals his motivation for joining the phantom troop which is shown in the following panel but i won't give up no matter how many years it takes i want to get my brother back and in the kalato video i explore who that brother may be because essentially it can't be either illumi or milikey because there's no call to get them back meanwhile it could be killua or alaka one of which had obviously abandoned the family and the other was isolated by the family however neither of them tie in particularly nicely with this core decision to join the phantom troupe which if you're keeping count leaves us with a very unfortunate zero brothers left unless there is a secret sixth brother and at this stage i should point out that kalato was having this monologue whilst watching feitan fight kaloto's focus is geared entirely towards feitan and in the manga there's this very interesting page which juxtaposes a zoldic family photo directly against a panel of feitan and this comes right after kalato's statement about wanting to get his brother back and so this is where the phaeton zoldick idea is properly born the thought being that alaka joined the phantom troop in an effort to recover feitan and this is togashi making a visual link between feitan and the zoldik family and here's the thing really if this were any other series i would not read so strongly into panel juxtaposition like this like if this was one piece or something i would just shrug it off and go i think we're reading too much into that but hunter hunter is a very different beast tagashi is actually pretty disgustingly laid and supremely intentional when it comes to portraying his ideas visually which is why i strongly believe that he would not construct a page like this just for the fun of it with two completely unlinked images given roughly equal balance to be fair that is just me though and this subjective visual analysis is obviously not enough to draw any conclusion but this page combined with kalato's dialogue from the previous page is the seed and here's another thing i should say at this stage even prior to this chapter feitan was long suspected to have been a zoldic albeit by much more speculative information from the moment he appeared in the series parallels were drawn between his design and those of the zodik family members and a very popular one is to compare feitan's eyes to those milikey or killua as well as his spiky black hair and general sizing which are also quite killer-esque which is one of those unavoidable comparisons every time a character appears with vaguely similar features in any fandom people go fairly insane with family tie theories but the most popular and often cited physicality idea with feitan is the idea that he can change his hands into claws in a very similar manner to which killer does which was shown when he killed a miscellaneous mafia member at the auction during york new city or more specifically i should say that it was shown during the orkney city arc in the 2011 anime adaptation because this is one of the giant pieces of misinformation surrounding this idea as much as i do like the phaeton zodiac thought he never demonstrates this claw ability in both the manga and the 1999 anime adaptation feitan is not the one to kill the mafia member it's actually franklin who finishes him off with some nen bullets so this whole claw similarity cannot be used as evidence for phaeton zoltic although it does bring up the question of exactly why the 2011 anime chose to do this for the most part it's very faithful to the manga but every now and then there's this weird change it almost seems to be intentionally building a separate canon within the 2011 series and another famous example of this would be omitting the character of gyro and in my opinion intentionally structuring the events of the chimera antarctic so that it looks like gyro ultimately became the ant king marouane an idea that the manga goes to great lengths to contradict so this could be an example of that this could be the anime producers wanting to build something of their own or even just give a nod to the phaeton's arctic idea alternatively it could have been made for purely dramatic reasons you know consider the whole scene in context we've just seen franklin take out a whole room of mafia schmucks so it might be a bit repetitive to watch him do it again and feitan does have the ultimate one-liner at the end being family what's that so it's a very reasonable idea to just give him the kill as well and i should also point out that feitan is clearly using aura to enhance his hand to the point where it becomes like a blade whereas killer seems to perform this technique almost completely naturally so there are key differences in what's happening even if we were to accept it as evidence which i'm afraid we can't now there's also a fair few more ideas that make feitanzoldic a tricky idea to work with most of them coming from the zoldic family structure itself firstly nen affinities the zoldic family have a very well defined pattern whereby whitehead members are all transmuters which can be seen in kilowatt silver and dino and the blackhead members are all manipulators which encompasses illumi kalato kikyo and miliki i know we also have alika but alaka's a weird one because her net affinity is never specified and nanika kind of overrides any rules that have ever existed there is also another notable exception maha zaldik who is an enhancer although to be fair we have no idea what his hair color was or even if he ever had hair so the pattern does remain intact from zeno downwards anyway the point is that as a black-haired transmuter feitan works completely counter to this pattern if he was a fully fledged zoldic sibling then he should be a natural manipulator or if he was a zelda transmuter then he should have white hair so this is a fairly strong point against the idea furthermore we do also have the fun issue of feitan's age because when trying to slot him into the zodic structure another pattern that doesn't follow is the naming scheme because every subsequent zeldik sibling's name begins with the last character of the prior sibling so for example we have illumi the me of which gets taken and put on miluki the key of which gets taken to become kilauea from which the a gets taken to alaka from which the car gets taken to become koloto and given how rather smoothly this works out it doesn't leave a whole lot of options to slot feitan in and the obvious one would be to make him the eldest brother but for that we would need to assume that feitan is not his real name as to fit the pattern it would need to end with the i sound to become illumi but fun fact here as well feitan also has a last name which is porter feitan porter which would mean that for this to work both of his names would need to be fake meanwhile the only other option would be that feitan slots in between kilwa and kalato and that alaka or more accurately nanika pretty much forced their way into the family in phaeton's place which is perfectly reasonable until you think about how that would make feitan younger than killua which he certainly is not and just on that here's another sort of misconceived fact it's very commonly stated within the fanbase that feitan is 28 years old this age gets tossed around very casually but to the best of my knowledge this is never confirmed in either the series or the data books and where this age seems to stem from is this picture of voice actor tom bower who plays phatan in the dub of the 2011 hunthunter anime and apparently listed on his audition material for the role is feitan's age which clearly states 28 and quite frankly i just don't know where this information comes from if anyone can confirm that then please please do drop it in a comment below however right now i really only have two conclusions the most favorable of which is that they were given this information directly from the japanese production team or there's the other one where the english production team just you know made it up they took an educated guess to help the actor build the character and another thing that could have happened as well is that the japanese team took a guess and then passed out onto the english team either way this is the only source i can find that states feitan's age and i really don't think we can take that as a confirmed fact with that said let's briefly explore what would be the case if it was and in many ways it does work out in the theory's favor primarily because illumi zoldick is 24 so bam feiten would automatically become the older sibling which is the most natural slot for him i would argue the only slot but here we do also need to bring kikio into this equation because she is 42 and thus she would have been 14 at the time of giving birth to feitan which is that's quite young not impossible i suppose but very young and this leads quite nicely into one of my two main conclusions for the video because with everything we've examined i really can't state with any solidity that feitan is the child of both kikyo and silvazoldik there are just far too many inconsistencies in the pattern for that to be the case however i do think it is quite possible that feiten could be the half-brother of the other's older siblings so let me explain firstly we do know for a fact that feitan is a founding member of the phantom troop thus making his home meteor city unfortunately we have no idea how long ago this was but we also know thanks to two separate data books that kikio originated from meteor city as well before marrying into the zodiac family so the situation could be as follows kikio and her son feiten are residents of meteor city kikio comes across silva and he proposes somehow i'm sure it's all very romantic but on the condition that her son remains in meteor city because well he ain't no zoldic or we could even have the opposing scenario where feitan was the first son of silva but born to another woman and silva is 46 so he would have been 18 at the time of feitan's birth which is a bit more of a reasonable number compared to that of kikyu however for whatever reason things go very wrong with this woman and this baby feitan prompting silva to abandon both them in meteor city at which point he may very conveniently meet kikio and take her home to the mountain realm thus still making feitan a half-brother but also giving him zodic blood and either one of these scenarios does fix the inconsistencies found elsewhere firstly feitan can be a blackhead manipulator because you've introduced another set of genetics into the family and he can also keep his name because the naming scheme only applies to kikio's children and his last name porter could have been the maiden name of his mother but it also puts kalato in a convenient position to get his brother back because feitan would be kaloto's half-brother whom he may have found out about whilst overhearing kikio and or silva speaking one day why is kalito so driven to take back a brother that he doesn't even know well it's a very different question as it is i find it hard to believe that kalato is driven to get any of his brothers back given that he's the youngest and doesn't really spend any time around any of them but once again that's a very different question but as for the other potential conclusion i have well it's a bit more of a meta answer but one that i also feel is equally as likely which is that feitan was originally supposed to be a zoldic brother but togashi changed his mind and here we need to head back to the seed thought which is kalato's inner monologue during the chimera ant arc something to really bear in mind when we look at this page is that this took place before the introduction of alaka so when we're looking at this page featuring the zordik family photo at the time nobody actually knew who this mystery sibling in the back was and here togashi could have been strongly hinting that the mystery zodic in the picture was feitan however after the events of the chimera antarc togashi may have decided that he needed a device to heal gone as well as take killer out of the picture as well as set up the dark continent creatures in general and so the best solution for that would be a new zoldic sibling in alaka because i do want to emphasize that as much as togashi is absolutely brilliant with portraying ideas on a very micro scale he is most certainly not a long-term writer his plans for the future are quite deliberately vague which gives him the flexibility to explore whatever he wants at any given time it's one of the great charms of hunter hunter you never have any idea what's going to come next because well tagashi didn't when he was writing it and kalito's revelation of wanting to get his brother back was published in 2005. meanwhile the chimera antarc would not finish publication until 2011 because if you know hiatuses and all that which i point out because six years is a mighty mighty long time more than enough to seriously rework your original ideas and i think it's entirely possible that in 2005 togashi wrote the scene intending for feitan to be azoldic however when 2011 came along tagashi had grown changed evolved his ideas and decided to go in a different direction which going forward is pretty clear to see because kalato's mission has never been brought up or even hinted at since despite the fact that both carlito and the phantom troupe have been seen quite a bit during the succession war arc now this would leave kalato's statement in 2005 as a pretty massive problem for tagashi to deal with going forward however this would not be the first plot hole or inconsistency that hunter hunter has to offer far from it but in the end that's the best i can really do to reach the phaeton's aldik idea what i do know is that barring any kind of crazy dark constant menus from alka feitan is highly unlikely to be the son of both silva and kikyo there are just too many conflicting pieces of evidence however those do become quite irrelevant if feitan is the son of only one of kikio or silva thus becoming a half-brother of our established siblings but like i said it's also entirely possible that togashi did intend this to be true at one stage but then changed his mind later on hunter hunter is a bit like that sometimes which is i suppose one of the many reasons why it makes the series infinitely intriguing to discuss but what do you guys think please do leave your thoughts in the comments below or even join my discord server and if you're gained for more haunted content then please to go and check out some of my other videos or even subscribe to the channel for regular hunt on glory delivered straight into your youtube feed but for now this has been the new world review and i'll see you next time
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 1,206,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, feitan, feitan zoldyck, is feitan a zoldyck, feitan secret, phanto troupe, chrollo, silva, zeno, zoldyck, yorknew, dark continent, succession war, killua, kikyo, hunter x hunter, hxh, hunter
Id: y2mQ7R68Tow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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