The Top 20 BEST NEN USERS in Hunter X Hunter! | New World Review

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being a good men user is much like a good marriage a constant balancing act requiring a large aura investment and a perpetual fear of the abilities of your spouse opponent but then again when it comes to nen just being good isn't quite good enough no we need to find the best hello and welcome to the new order of your source for everything anime and manga and today we are going to embark on some sort of grand journey to discover the 20 best nin users in hunter hunter not at all an easy thing to discover actually due to the highly subjective and situational nature of nenus so instead of doing my regular thing and just you know stating a blunt opinion i've actually constructed a very special methodology to discover our nen champions a process that involved me analyzing 119 nan wielders within hunter hunter and quite frankly it took me a pretty disgusting amount of time to complete so please do justify my life choices by subscribing to the new world review which will also result in regular hunt onto content being uploaded straight into your youtube feeds now i understand that not everyone is going to be interested in the methodology and if you do want to get straight into the list then you can simply skip to this time however i would encourage you to stay because it's very important to understand our ranking criteria and if you do get bored then we'll have a slideshow of hunter hunter ladies playing in the bottom corner here just to keep your attention so you keep your eyes there whilst the adults talk essentially though every nen user was ranked according to four categories in each of these four the user was assigned a score out of 25 and then the four categories were added together to achieve a final score out of 100. the first category being aura this is designed to measure the sheer quantity of aura that an end user has access to and this is obviously important because the more aura one has the more fuel they have for nin use and the scale i've used for this comes courtesy of knuckle who measured gone moral and up giving us quantifiable aura units however with that said most nen users in hunt hunt would actually rank below gone in terms for a quantity so i used him as something of a halfway mark for measure very very few people have been able to reach morals or a quantity and even less so youpis the next section though is efficiency which aims to measure how effectively a user implements their aura because just having a lot of the aura is great but if you're not using it efficiently then it's just a complete waste and in contrast there are also a lot of nen users in the series who have minuscule quantities of aura such as komagi but they use what little they have wildly efficiently so it's a pretty important category meanwhile our third criteria is versatility and through this i aim to quantify how well a nen user can adapt their abilities to any given situation and the other famous example here would be moral who possesses the infinitely versatile deep purple which will go on to serve him well in any given scenario meanwhile someone like neil nastrad with her lovely ghost rider ability has almost no versatility because it's a very bizarre niche power and our final category is mastery the idea behind this is to measure experience knowledge and depth of menus and examples of super solid nine mastery would be pretty much any graduate of the shingen ryu school of kung fu because they are taught to harness the most advanced principles of nen on the other hand someone who is still in the process of learning these principles like seizure would not achieve a particularly great score and with all of that said there were also a couple of rare instances where nen users were awarded bonus points for transcending certain aspects of nenu's i'd give you an example of what that is but that would mean spoiling the list so just keep an eye out for it and so we are going to hop into this beast of a list commencing with the 20th best nen user in hunt hunter the ant king marowam and i can't help but feel like i've already caused some kind of controversy however i would hope by this point that we all understand that being the strongest does not automatically equal being the best especially without criteria mirom is obviously perfect in aura because well he has more than any other character who has ever been showcased in hunt hunter but where he begins to stumble is efficiency and versatility for all of his godly aura quantity marowan never really needed to push the bounds of innovation nor did he ever need to worry about trivial concepts such as efficient use which is very much a curse of having so much aura i suppose and while i cannot deny that meruem is an incomparable genius he does also lose a lot of value in mastery once again because he never really explored nen in any sense of depth which just goes to show that as monstrous as marijuana was there was still limitless room for improvement which is pretty terrifying and had he been alive for more than say 40 days i'm sure that he probably would have topped this list however we can only work with what we have and so the ant king will need to settle for 20th moving on though we find ourselves with feitan porter in 19th place trumping the ant king by a mere half point and that is made up for in mastery feitan is of course an end veteran who has a much greater grasp and knowledge base of the art form i do want to say that feitan also scored very highly in aura because his core ability does have a mechanism of transmuting pain into aura an awful lot of aura which allows him to surpass most users in the series it's also heavily implied that his ability is part of a series granting great versatility as does his swiss army knife usage of the common principles of nen all in all feitan is just a solid behemoth of an end user wrapped in the package of a sadistic pint-sized lad but keeping things within the phantom troop for now one member who does outrank phaeton on this occasion would be bernoullinov the first huge surprise for me on this list actually however it does check out and where bernoullinov really demonstrates his superiority is with versatility and efficiency banalinov has a series of nen abilities that range from simple battle armor to morphing into other people or even objects and then there's the whole thing where he conjures the planet jupiter the latter of which is what gives me the confidence to place his aura score so high as well and after examining him closely i feel like bernoullinov is just a shockingly underrated member of the phantom troop but then marching forward into number 17 we find ourselves face to face unfortunately with fourth prince ceridnik which may seem quiet at odds with the fact that canonically he's only been an end user for a couple of weeks at this stage however ceradnit comes with a huge x-factor which is that he is a genius unlike any we've seen before to put it into some perspective if gone and kilauea are said to have a 1 in 10 million talent for n then seradnik would have a one in a billion talent everything just comes to him so ridiculously easily and if anything he is simply loved by aura to the point where he just subconsciously wields nen in an efficient versatile and masterful manner be it conjuring a fearsome nun beast or developing an ability to see into the future like meroem saratnik is a grand exception to the general rules of nenus however unlike miroem saradnik actually plans on wielding then to its fullest extent which is a deeply despairful thought so some very dark times ahead in hunter hunter in 16th place however we discover one silver zoldick someone who i'll be honest very much makes his way onto this list through clout alone because there were times when i was examining nen users that i really just had to make reasonable assumptions and with silver those assumptions came in the areas of mastery and efficiency there is absolutely no way that as the head of the zelda council silva has anything less than a supreme mastery and as a professional assassin he will almost certainly have incredible efficiency as well his profession just demands both of these things meanwhile his aura has been on full display on one occasion and it is big very big but i will say that his versatility suffers simply because we haven't seen quite enough of his abilities as of yet and i don't have a lot to base any reasonable assumptions on so silva you be here as for someone we do have extensive knowledge on in comes razer at number 15. this man is pure insanity he is often credited as being one of the most powerful and versatile through what we saw of him on greed island however when you stop to think about exactly how greed island even exists then you realize that we need to give razer even more credit razer's personal aura is responsible for any and all emissive effects of the cards on the island and hizora is a large factor of what keeps this game running and even with that allocation to the game of greed island he still has enough left over to be the grand beast he is razer is someone who at 100 could decimate the large majority of pro hunters and i will always find it a bit sad that he is destined to remain on greed island for what seems to be the rest of his days and as for another sad story here's nov a very powerful exploration of trauma in series but also a pretty stunning end user nov side and sikhatsu encapsulates all four of these categories to a very high degree firstly the fact that he on his own has enough aura to create an entire pocket dimension the size of a grand mansion is absurd and it also speaks to how efficiently he can use his aura to make this even possible and through this ability he has a ridiculous degree of versatility and options for use plus he is also a demonstrable master of men with a theoretical knowledge on par with the highest ranking hunters of the association and to put it quite simply nov is a boss a nen boss to number 13 now we have the delightful biscuit who you will notice as the first character to have been awarded some elusive bonus points hmm and that's because biski has gone above and beyond what should be humanly possible with nenus by using raw desire to access an ability to change her body at will and this may seem simple but the key thing to remember is that this really should not be possible other than specialization none of the nine affinities allow for this phenomenon to occur especially not biski's native transmutation i mean there is a potential explanation in an extreme form of enhancement which is sort of backed up by gon doing a similar thing with his adult form but even if that is the case biski only becomes that much more impressive because she accessed a similar transformative effect without making a deadline vow even if it was to do the reverse it's still very impressive so biski well and truly deserves her points as well as her placement here today and next up we have another teacher of gone and killua being mr kite or i should probably say miss kite these days but kite is kind of like a poster boy for efficiency and versatility the crazy slots ability provides kite with a variety of tools that are capable of handling most given situations and they are also used extremely efficiently by placing a series of restrictions upon said usage one being that kite is unable to select the weapon used but even after that some of the randomized weapons even come with restrictions of their own thus multiplying kite's effectiveness by the mathematical terminology of lots kite is quite simply one of the best a truly enviable mind in the realm of nenus and in stark stark contrast now we have men through the up in 11th place someone who gets by with let's say less mental effort however when you are a royal guard does that even matter and the answer is maybe but up scores a perfect 25 for aura as will all of the royal guard because their quantities may as well be endless up also does surprisingly well in versatility though because he can morph himself to respond to pretty much any given situation even grow wings so despite the fact that he began life as a rather basic punch man style existence he did evolve into something pretty damn great with that said he definitely had room to improve in efficiency though once again that is the curse of boundless aura and that's a very similar situation that we have for our 10th place finisher neferbito in fact pito has the exact same stats as up according to my criteria but for a weirdly different reason in pito's case they score high in versatility because they are a specialist and were thus capable of creating probably any non-ability that they could have dreamt of especially with the infinite aura reservoir of royal guard like yupi though pito loses points in efficiency because there was very little thought paid to that aspect thinking of abilities like dr blyth this was such a poorly thought out heart so in retrospect and that's because pito wasn't at all thinking of effective menus when crafting it pito was just thinking about having fun and trying to revive kite so naturally a far more frivolous ability was generated as a result of that in all fairness though pito does still score decently because they did have some more refined instances like the terps core ability which was pretty great all around but still pito is yet another victim of not really being pressured to use nenu's to its most effective degree now in the opposite camp we find illumi zoldick in 9th place someone who certainly doesn't rival a royal guard in terms for a quantity however a figure who outclasses them in pretty much every other area of nenu's and everything i said about silva well very much applies to illumi as well just to a more demonstrable degree as a trained assassin illimi is automatically going to possess top tier mastery and deficiency but where he triumphs over silver is versatility because for a pure manipulator illumi has a disgustingly wild degree of different ways to implement this incredibly basic concept it doesn't matter what it is anything illumi wants to be done can be done whether by using his abilities or by manipulating others and quite frankly he puts other fantastic manipulators like sharnak to shame and that's why illumi is awarded with the coveted number nine next up though we finally encounter one of our main protagonists of the series garoppolo who has landed himself in eighth place and you may immediately notice that karapika's aura score is quite comparatively low in fact i think it's the lowest of this entire list and that's because karapika doesn't come close to rivaling anyone in terms of raw aura but how he makes up for that is by being a master of efficiency and versatility karapika takes what aura he has and min maxes the hell out of it mostly by emperor time which allowed him to create and access a variety of abilities that make use of his neighboring and even weakness affinities plus it's also hard to call the only nen user in the series who can actively switch affinities anything less than pretty damn fantastic which may just be the luck of the draw with the scarlet eyes but it is still there krapika is a very scary blonde boy thing not scarier than number seven though where we find ourselves a familiar clown magician hisoka and for someone who exists for such a seemingly flippant life purpose hisoka has really given his all to pursuing nen for said purpose his aura quantity is undeniably large but like karapika hisoka's deadliest weapon comes with efficiency and versatility hisoka can seemingly use bungie gum to get himself out of most situations and the simplicity of its implementation is almost mind-bogglingly awe-inspiring especially compared to the weird complex abilities of most of his contemporaries and without going into spoilers hisoka has only become a greater nan user in every single aspect after a certain event hmm mysterious to number six though we have our final royal guard shirapoof who rather surprisingly at least to me has managed to significantly outrank the other two surprising because at face value i would almost always place pito above pouf mostly for the specialization aspect however what pouf has going in his favor that the other two simply do not is raw efficiency hoof isn't the kind of blunt head-to-head fighter that the others are and he actually crafts his abilities with great subtlety and control through stuff like the beelzebub hatsu poof has a demonstrable insight into how to dedicate these micro quantities vora in order to achieve their greatest possible effect and in general he just thinks a lot more than both pito and up whom rely more on natural instincts and that is what has ended up pushing pouf into sixth place whilst the others were 10th and 11th respectively still not quite top 5 material though but to commence our rise to the pinnacle i will present you with moral in 5th place a man with the most versatile single nun ability we've seen in the entire series also someone with what should be a staggering amount of aura only really surpassed by the true monsters of nature that hunter hunter has to offer but what has always impressed me most about moral is just efficiency moral is an extremely rare individual whose primary hatsu makes use of his most unfriendly net ability being transmutation however through a stupidly clever system of restrictions and minor reliance on the affinity moral takes that and incorporates it into his strengths to craft a glorious aberration of the world and yeah it takes someone pretty serious to surpass moral and i would say we only have about four of those we have four of those in hunter hunter the first of which is xenozoldic dragon diving himself straight into fourth place when the words nen master are uttered the first image in my head is usually of zeno his experience his profession his contacts his abilities everything is designed for xeno to succeed under the criteria that i have laid out and it's actually kind of difficult to know what to say about zeno that isn't just like absolutely obvious from his feats in the series his aura quantity is on a completely different level to most he has the efficiency of a master and assassin he can adapt to any scenario and he is one of the greatest established nun masters in this entire world so i guess that's that well that's that until we step into pure insanity where we first discover crolo lucifer in third place now he does not have the aura quantity of someone like cesino but for a man who can acquire pretty much any other none ability it would be inaccurate to give krollo anything less than a perfect score and versatility what's more impressive though is that skill hunter is an ability that should be nigh on impossible to implement the restrictions are absolutely ridiculous however crollo isn't mine sharp enough to take the impossible and just make it work hence the shockingly high scoring efficiency chrollo exists on this supremely thin line pushing the limits of men to their extremes whilst of course knowing exactly when and where to compromise and what results is this overwhelmingly marvelous nen wielder a description that i would also apply to our second place finisher jing freaks now jing is someone that i would often refuse to rank on a list like this because i previously held the opinion that we just did not have enough information regarding him and for reference that opinion does still apply to characters like paristan and actually most of the zodiacs we just don't know anywhere near enough about them so they did not rank very highly at all if i bothered to rank them at all however jing is very different especially with what we know in the manga jing is a he's a completely different type of nen user having demonstrated an ability to copy the powers of other nan users which i want to emphasize is not jinx hatsu the fact is that jing is just such a great nin user that he can immediately dissect and copy the abilities of others through technical aura wielding and not only that he can also use them to a far more effective degree blast is someone who has been quite literally referred to as one of the top five best men users in the world it's just not canonically feasible to deny him a place on a list like this in anything other than a top 5 spot but of course the person who made that claim about jing happens to be our number one contender and the person who i solidly believe is the best end user in series isaac natara although we do have a bit of another bizarre situation happening here in terms of aura efficiency and mastery netro achieves obvious full marks where he does lose a huge chunk of points though is versatility because having thoroughly explored netero his abilities are geared towards one aspect alone being combat preferably 101 combat and using a giant statue for that purpose also doesn't help especially when you need to resummon it every time you move however netro is also the beneficiary of elusive bonus points because he has transcended his natural human limits by spending years and years training and meditating in the mountains to the point where he became a legitimate superhuman and that acquired superhumanity plays a major role in his menus allowing him to really become the beacon of life that none can surpass and while netero would ultimately lose to the number 20th spot on this list maruem that has next to nothing to do with actual menus in fact the very idea that netro was even capable of standing up to the ant king speaks more profoundly to his nan mastery than any words that i could ever hope to conjure and so as a result mr netro will be crowned as the best men user in hunter hunter and if you'd like to see more fun and shenanigan read then please do check out this video of the most useful noun abilities in the series lots of great stuff in that so i look forward to seeing you there
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 1,097,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: uRbgFcevl6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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