Ranking the Daedric Artifacts - Top 10 Daedric Artifacts | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #12

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudgmob but this is the elder scrolls podcast i'm scott i'm here with michael and drew and today we are ranking the daedric artifacts so i'll let michael take it away alright so there's a lot of daedric artifacts like when you actually go and compile a list there is a huge amount so what we kind of want to do at the start is first i'm going to set up some parameters and then we're just going to go on like a massive disqualification spree basically so parameters being the daedric artifacts have to be something that daedric princes are kind of known to claim like it's their artifact it's not just going to be anything from a daedric realm is a daedric artifact so in the case of the shivering isles is kind of the obvious one things like nerve shadow and rings of lordship and stuff like that isn't on the list because we don't want to be like well technically every grummite weapon every gramite dagger is a daedric artifact you know uh it's also important to acknowledge that the daedric artifacts do have different powers depending on the user and it can kind of change in appearance and power over time but we're kind of just looking at it as a whole like all the manifestations of their powers that we've seen um throughout the elder scrolls timeline so and i'll just throw in there this is being ranked on sort of coolness and subjective appreciation it's not just a power list yeah exactly although as i found when i was making it i don't know about youtube but power definitely makes the daedric artifact cooler so a lot of the tough ones uh do tend to be i'd say i i didn't really take power into consideration much at all except for maybe one or two of my top ten that would be interesting okay yeah but i know what you mean it does kind of yeah like because if they're powerful then they impact the world much more and they're more involved in the stories and therefore they just become more interesting yeah exactly exactly okay so you two speak up if any of these are in your like top 10 kind of list that you've made okay so we have the bitter cup which is like a cup of clavicus vial that can grant the user power it's cool but i don't think it's particularly interesting i think it makes you really good at what you're good at and bad at what you're bad at at least from a game play perspective um there's fear struck which is the shield given to lyricius by boethiah which was just instantly melted by dragon so i don't think i'd arrange it that highly there's also the folium discognatum which is cool it's like shea gorath's tome but it is also just like the ramblings of a mask it's kind of just like knockoff ogre infinium or black books but insane and crazy like yeah which is kind of the others anyway right yeah like if you read the black book but they're supposed to like there's like a logical reason as to why it drives you insane the other one's just a book of random scribbles by mad men it's supposedly really powerful like mages have really wanted it but the the writing kind of moves as you try to look at it you know when you get a floater in your eye and you just try and forget the book yeah exactly then we have the memory wand which is just a share growth wand which manipulates memories nothing special the mortum vivicus which is just an elder scrolls online molag bao orb weapon thing nothing special obsidian husk i believe that's a mephala based kind of just a gemstone thing yeah it it can like i don't know give you shadow powers and stuff like that um the orb of veyamina which is just like a scrying stone thing from a quest uh prismatic core another like weapon based thing uh the spear of the hunter which is one of her scenes spears but i just think it gets overshadowed by the spear of bit of mercy yeah it's just like a less cool spear that it's like whatever exactly the sword of the moon reaver which was used to defeat dagon and was owned by his like paramore and bodyguard mazkin but it's just a really boring looking sword and the totems of her scene which is the totems you collect in the companion storyline interesting definitely not top 10 material yeah okay now we move into a pile that i've i've designated as maybe um but they're still nah for me it's like maybe top ten material but that's even just getting into the highest like there's still a lot of top ten contenders at that anyway yeah okay i'll try and bank through them real quick so we've got the boa shadows which makes you invisible and it's a bow from nocturnal the dead land hammer which is like mehrunes hammer but it doesn't really do anything that crazy uh fae falcon which is like a quill of clavicus viles that lets you write like really powerful scripture but also influence your is your thoughts the classic fork of herpellation check rats fork which i know drew is that a top 10 no no no are you sure it's got a nice story but it's not gonna be top ten uh the moonlight blade which is cool it's like a sickle of azuras that can like kind of be used to access like like cut through barriers and stuff and i like sickles but again not top ten ring of her scene and the ring of namira any of you two have them in top ten no no they're cool and oh in i think it's daggerfall the ring of namira just reflects all damage yeah which is like an oblivion it reflects it's like a 12 percent spell on a 10 damage or or reverse one of those and then in skyrim you just eat people yeah yeah rings get a bit boring i think there's so many of yeah yeah yeah but i do like it was like half reflect daedra damage full reflect mortal damage and like double reflect i think undead damage it was just it was pretty cool anyway so then and ring of her scene is nothing special although i think in blood boone it actually is what lets you transform to a werewolf just by using it i had the rueful axe in the maybe pile as well it just looks cool but it's i think part of the thing is it's really weak there is that too it's a cool looking weapon there's going to be plenty of cool looking things like once again like daedric the same as the daedric prince's kind of ranking like they're all really cool by default like they're some of the coolest gods so by default a lot of their artifacts are going to be some of the coolest artifacts like in general like compared to other sort of more standard ones but you know i think a big part of my top 10 was deciding which one had the coolest story associated with it and the roofer lacks has a kind of interesting story with the uh with the guy whose daughter daughter became a hircine worshipper and his way of curing her was to slay her with this axe basically so it's an interesting story but it's not nearly as cool as some of them that we're going to get on to yeah 100 xavier's hides there too it it was you know powerful in battle spire and it's got magical resistance and all that but basically you just chuck it on her it's cool a bosma build yeah that's it shadowrend is a shadowy battle axe or claymore from the shivering isles but again not particularly interesting and i think i don't know drew the sword of jiggle ag no not really okay the sword of gigalag was definitely in my maybe pile well what were your reasons for bumping it to a maybe or having it as a maybe is there anything in particular or just because it's kind of cool i just don't find it that interesting but i guess it was in the maybe par because it has this enchantment supposedly that allows those that gaze upon its edge to see the past present and future flow as one which is cool but again i'm not going to rank something on one sentence which brings us up to the top 10 potential lists i think i've ranked some stuff based on one sentence i'm not sure if it's a particularly good sentence but we'll uh we'll see if it's a really good sentence okay okay all right so what did you two think of azura's star i'll let you two talk because i've been talking too much i mean i like azure star but not enough to put it in the top ten i mean like actually getting to kind of experience being inside of it was really cool and that the fact it can be corrupted into the black star it's kind of a it's a good demonstration of azure sphere you know like the um you know the the positivity of when she's worshipped versus how um malevolent it can get when she's scorned so i kind of like it but yeah but it is just a soul gem and it's useful too but i do like that the idea of it being an infinite soul gem and the sort of like lots of mages desire and so on it has interesting applications but still it's not like it's just not cool enough to really get up there yeah i mean we were talking about this the other day scott and i did a full 180. azura star is in my top ten right top 10 days i just i just think there's some interesting stories like in morrowind pretty sure you hold the soul of it holds the soul of living gods right for vacant lexia well yeah it can be used to and then consumed in a ritual performed by martin's septum at least that's like the canon option yeah to kind of like open the portal to mankind cameron's paradise well that's yeah and then option like yeah the default which i imagine is canon and then there's the whole story in skyrim where you know someone uses this artifact to basically go inside of it right but then in a way you've kind of become like immortal because you're just stuck in this like void like realm just forever kind of thing yeah yeah kind of being stuck in an asylum for immortality no i'm not saying yeah you're saying it's a good it's just cool yeah yeah at least that's my interpretation of it's interesting and sought by all different kinds of people and azura is cool i don't know anyway we'll move on but just know that's that's in my turn all right we also have another one in my top ten i can say now and that's the black books of hermaeus i've got them in my top ten as well and you've just made a video on them i have just written what do you think so i've i've kind of merged my opinion on the black books with my opinion on the ogma infinium because there's there was a few books to choose from and i'm i mean me saying this could give it away but i actually have a book very high up the list but it's not the black books and it's not the ognero infinium yeah well that's the mysterious oxis but we'll talk about that you love zarksies i was kind of expecting but i mean yeah well the mysterious job specifically has some really cool reasons why i mean um it was high in my list and then it got even higher so but that's that's neither here nor there so the ogre infinium and the black books are cool but because there's a book i think is way cooler i didn't really bother ranking them yeah i mean that's i i can say that now we can just talk augma infinium same thing you know it's this book that can give you powers and i just said power is really weird powers and it can drive you a bit nice i just handle infinium sort of like budget black books like compared to black books are so much cooler by comparison and also forget like the black books are like one of the only portals to apocrypha and even though it's like kind of your soul going there it's pretty much an untouched realm unless you're this super um you know master of conjuration or something or you have some sort of daedric connections but it's not um you know and and i'll you know the little tentacles like popping out and stuff but it leads you into like you can kind of conflate a little bit of of the black books with apocrypha because you kind of go through this big gauntlet in apocrypha as reading the books but um the black books have some like really cool lines in there because it's like these the first sentences you can actually physically read when you open the book but it's like presumably like the book goes on but some of them just have really interesting like little like nods and stuff and like i think to the metaphysics what's cool about the ogre infinium it's one of those one sentence things where it says you know it was made from x's favorite moments in history and you know named after his wife and i really like the aesthetic of it at least in a in sky or oblivion and skyrim i think is that you know it's kind of made from the hides of different races um so that's all cool but yeah i agree that probably the black books on a non-aesthetic level anyway are more interesting oh and i also like speaking of the mysteriums oxies um that back when gaming was less digital you know i went to the shop and i bought oblivion which came in the box but basically it looked like the mysteriums arcses that's what the cover of a blue is a lot of people don't realize that it's kind of one of those things where it's like i can't believe i just figured that out today um anyway next up we have the daedric crescent which is actually multiple of the daedric crescents they're like a giant like crescent it's like with a handle in the middle but you hold it two-handed it's like an anime weapon looking thing but i tell you what i had it as number dead in my top 10 just for the mean fact i just really like i just like i think it looks cool and when i see like dagony looking characters and stuff like holding it and stuff it or like i just like it as like it's this sort of desired danger weapon but i correct me if i'm wrong but isn't it a relatively standard daedric weapon it's just it's scarcity after the the battle spire incident that made it an artifact or was it always that sound that sounds familiar uh i'm fairly sure like the armies were all wielding them but they were all destroyed when the battle spire incident failed and one was kept going and it basically now it's an artifact yeah so it's not that yeah that's right i mean i could easily have it like i'm i could easily be convinced to have it out of the top 10 list that i'm making like i'm not like gonna fight i do like i do like that it damages armor and also does paralysis it's a really interesting combination yeah you know i know what you're getting at as well scott because um i'll send you the photo to make sure the same one goes into the podcast but there's a really cool image from the codex of like like the orange hordes yeah and there's like heads on spikes and there's someone's holding it yes and up to the sky it looks it looks really badass with one hand as well it's a purely aesthetic decision for me yeah fair but yeah but um but yeah now we're gonna go to a controversial one drew do you have dawnbreakers number one number one seemed like it it wasn't fair it needed to be above one but zero i don't know like i didn't want to get into the negatives no it's not on there for me not on the top ten list i had i had it low ish on the top 10 list but once again easily cons um convinced otherwise but i just like it being like this sort of cool undead sort of sword but i like the meridia purity kind of stuff anyway so i like it being like sort of an embodiment of her thing with like the the purging light kind of yeah yeah and her obsession with light as well like based on the fact that she was kind of designated to a daedric realm after being like one of the magna g right yeah yeah yeah it's cool and also the effect when you kill undead and they explode for more damage is is yeah based i had i actually had dawnbreaker as number 10 for me it just made it and i'll also just say i had the black books as number four and we also talked about azure star i have azure star at number five okay i just i just so what i explained i just really like so so far what have we actually like knocked out that's in no one's top ten nothing uh we oh well we've we've knocked out the um oh the d you have i did i did have it there so nothing nothing all right let's keep going and uh ebony blade is in my top the same as number eight i had it okay because i actually kind of find it kind of boring a bit generic so i'm here curious to hear why you guys put it in the top ten i well okay you guys go i was just gonna say i um i a it's a black katana and it's so basic but it's cool right and i like the whole uh vampire kind of element to it and i the absorbing health but there's two other little lines that i like about it well not lines one of them's alone um about how it can't even be destroyed or melted down in the skyforge like this it's just sort of like this like super powerful unbreakable weapon but um i also just like the whole file element of things that it actually hungers and grows in power as it's fed by betrayal like betraying friends it's just interesting so so it's it's that thing like a lot of um appeal of daedric artifacts to me often they're like sort of like corrupting or trick influence kind of thing so it's like you made a deal with the devil but like you know you want to get more and more power so you keep betraying your friends and it's like yeah you're like yes i got a powerful sword but look what it's made you do like i like that kind of yeah i like when an artist sums up a prince pretty well i think it's just it's kind of um it's detrimental that it's just a katana but but yeah go on michael the thing i like about it as well is that mafala can whisper through it like that's cool like it's not just oh i'm i'm being corrupted by the ebony blade because the more i betray people with it the more powerful it gets you've also kind of got the devil on your shoulder in a sense like you have mafala whispering through the blade and it slowly corrupts your mind you know there's stories about it corrupting people's mind until they snap and ensnare the souls of you know fellow friends and things like this and i also like in the kijiti myths they actually refuse to mention its name but instead call it like the black edge of shadow or the killing word of the spider all those kind of i'm pretty sold now on that being a top 10 contender out of the ones we've got okay so far cool cool i had it as number eight i had it as seven yeah and it may move up the list but anyway so then we move on to ebony mail which honestly ended up being kicked out of my top ten the main thing i like about it and kind of the only thing is the poison thing like in in um skyrim the poison emanating off with all this black shadow but i realized that was it like that's kind of the only reason what's your take drew yeah i think it's a bit lackluster yeah there could have been something much cooler for the piece of armor that um he gives to the champion so yeah i'm in the same boat i agree it's a cool little effect it looks cool but it's just not that nuts it's really aesthetic it's funny though because things get subjective because we'll be like oh it's really aesthetic but no no no no no no the idea will go mask of clavicus vile and i'll be like it's so aesthetic it's gotta be top 10. that's not more yeah i think the ebony male was really boring to look at personally well then drew tell me what you think of the golden katana gold brand is it just another katana voyage yeah i mean gold brand yeah gold brand is cool but there also isn't a great deal of interesting information on it um i mean what what happened in legend it came up in legends didn't it the car yeah it's uh that originally in the skyrim law it was supposed to be that there were like rumors that um titus mead the second uh was wielding it as he went into battle in the battle of red ring but elder scrolls legends has the forgotten hero impersonating the emperor in his armor using gold brand instead yeah and yeah that you know that's a disgusting it's said to be forged by dragons of the north i'm assuming that's dragons from atmora right yeah i guess sir yeah overall i i think it's a uh it's not as good of a katana as the ebony blade every blade has a better story and thing yeah i think it could be but it just hasn't been fleshed out properly so there's not enough to talk about and turning it into elton brand is just a massive meme yeah massive meme anyway uh next up the grey cowl of nocturnal now i'm an oblivion fiend so this one ranked highly for me what about you two that's in the top five okay okay what about you i have it in my top ten i had it at number six but it kind of looks a bit stupid in retrospect but it's got such a cool story and like the whole gray fox idea behind it and everything it's so it's still up there and it looks cool but i know that like i feel like you can make it look cooler like in the skyrim like bust of it it looks a lot better but in oblivion when you go back man the gray fox just looks so bad it looks weirdly the fact it looks kind of dull it it seems fitting at least for what it is you know the idea that it's it's anonymity and you know you get away with things yeah it's just basically literally just kind of like a gray balaclava with some danger greens on it yeah but to me i'd almost say it doesn't look dull in the sense that it's just some boring cow it like almost attracts attention because you look so silly in oblivion at least yeah well because it fallen warped his eyes and stuff they went like heaps like there's something wrong with the shape of it yeah see that's the oblivion effect isn't it yeah yeah but but it is it is cool and i i ranked it uh very highly i can tell you two right now that the gray cal of nocturnal comes in in my top ten as rank number two okay i had it four i i just really like the story of it and anything with a curse i find really interesting and the idea that it can almost like retroactively rewrite history when you wear it so that the person wearing it never existed in any way or form to me is just so interesting and thinking of all the potential that it has right like you could do anything with no consequence like say there's a daedric artifact that gives you like superpowers right you will still attract a lot of attention to yourself and you can still be killed like things you can still die even if you get some superpower but with the grey cowl of nocturnal there's this anonymity where you just put it on and then do whatever you want and then take it off and then everyone even like super powerful people they will not recognize that you're the one who just did something bad the only problem is if if you trespass you you kind of screwed because if you take it off he's still trespassing yeah but like other things you know it gets it gets really interesting but anyway we'll move on from the grey cow for now and we will talk about the mace of molag bao this is something that i found really cool when i was playing skyrim especially for our daedra priest build but upon reflection and i think because of elder scrolls online having too much molag bao stuff i'm just sick of it man it's just a big scary maze i i sort of agree that it is just a big scary mace that looks really cool in skyrim and so on but like i don't think there's anything particularly like stand out about it besides that yeah i agree totally yeah yeah yeah it's just amazed so that wasn't in my top ten but then we have the mask of clavicus vile do you call it the mask or the mask yeah it's just a it's just got this interesting spelling so the mask of clavicus vile top ten points for aesthetics it's my number two ray it's also my number two wow maybe i might have the same number one and two as you do i have a feeling oh i love you yeah we got some club but i think if we were talking about the mask of clavicus vial um for the reasons um it just looks aesthetic and super cool and it has some nice effects and so on but my main thing about it is the story like it's the epitome of like clavicus vile kind of screwing someone over and it's just such a like heart-wrenching story that so we can go into that more when we're explaining like why we really you know just tell the story by the way just to clear up the reason it's called mask spelt m-a-s-q-u-es because it's kind of like the renaissance era masquerade yeah everything like that so which you know perfectly sums up what it does but go on scott yeah yeah so i can just um i think i've just i kind of remember if this is my notes on it or if i've copied the the actual post from it but the actual story but um ever the vain one clavicle made a mask suited to his own personality the bearer of the mask is more likely to get a positive response from people of tamriel uh okay the best-known story of the mask tells the tale of um availia a noblewoman of some renown as a young girl she was grossly disfigured by a spiteful servant availia made a dark deal with clavicus vial and received the mask in return though the mask did not change her looks suddenly she had the respect and admiration of everyone a year and a day later after her marriage to a well-connected baron clavicus vile reclaimed the mask although pregnant with his child available was banished from the barons household 21 years and one day later availie's daughter claimed her vengeance by slaying the baron but i just like how it's to this big sort of that's so this big heavy story and so on but it really it's that deal with the devil thing that i love so much about the daedra and then on top of it it just looks really cool and in pretty much all of its incarnations it like it's just a very cool concept and you know like what's that uh movie i think it's maybelline undercover the iron mask or something or yeah man in the iron mask but those guys it just gives you those vibes and i'm a sucker for masks in general so i mean it's hilarious to imagine you know it's as deceptive as it is and if it if it looks the way it's portrayed in say morrowind or oblivion where it's this you know the horned helmet and the guy with the uh the goatee you can just imagine this woman wearing that like for 21 years or whatever having their children together and he doesn't realize anything is wrong while he kisses this stoneless metal mask now hold i think i think 21 years was when she got avenged the daughter but it was still a year oh yes sorry a year it was still a year though so you're right like a year and a day after her marriage so what she just go to bed but that's what's the cool thing about that sort of like the glamour effect of of these magical artifacts and so on yeah that even though it looks like that somehow people just love you for wearing it like you look so silly but everyone who glances upon you is like i really like you but yeah sorry go on i was just gonna say i think because because of the way clavicus vile is all about pacts and deals he's naturally gonna have the most interesting artifacts in my opinion yeah i can vibe with that for sure and on that note i do like even though in daggerfall it doesn't have that same kind of horned vibes i do like how daggerfall daedric artifacts they put this like opal effect onto everything for lack of better words like if you look at spellbreaker for example it looks just like a shield with giant like like opal you know that rainbow shiny kind of stone look yeah i really like that i think it's super cool all right let's get all right next we have mayroon's razor what did you two think of that yeah yeah i kind of glossed over it there's some cool lines about it um but it is just like you know well i hope it's a line because he's mentioned this yesterday uncle that the the cutting was it was it cutting into it could cut into you explain okay so i'll explain it because there's not a lot of solid law on it so i'll just the idea is that theoretically mehrunes razor isn't just an instant kill dagger which is cool in itself like it looks cool it can has a chance to kill anything instantly and it's like kind of you know the dark brotherhood would really love this dagger too but there's this idea like a metaphysical idea that it can like tear through barriers almost and let you go to places and like i've even heard this idea thrown around that it can sever like cosmic bonds and like yeah kind of like godly oaths and stuff and it's you know it's all like this but i find that super super cool yeah no like i find that really really interesting and for that reason i've actually got it in my top ten right i mean i i could could be convinced of it um but like i said i i have the mask of clavicus vial as well um ranked number six but i think i could put it up but i had mehrunes razor at seven although now that i look at it i think i'd move it down under the ebony blade make it an eight well let's say that's a contender so we've only knocked out like what ebony male gold brand and mace of murloc better that's all right we'll knock out a bunch in a row shortly well mysterious arksies right is the next one uh next is the mystery that was in the maybe pile no no these are all okay potential it's like a separate pile yeah so come on okay mysteriumsaxes tell us all about it so that was that was at my number six when i was when i was theorizing this but then i was looking at it again this morning and just going over it oh and i'm like actually it's my number one i have those moments as well hey like it just depends on your mood like um i'll i'll let scott talk about it first because i'll probably fawn over it for a little bit but i mean it's one of those things where there's a sentence the desert of written in the desert of western wounds that might be my favorite sentence from elder scrolls law just period but i'll talk more about it in a sec it's a really really good um i didn't even have my top 10 but the reason because is because when i was looking um at it i like a lot and i guess i guess this counts so i don't know where what to do with it but like the mythic dawn commentaries and everything and the mythic dawn itself and everything that sort of spawns from the book is what i i find interesting less so like the outside of that line like that line is really cool but then the book is just like this powerful book of crazy um you know knowledge or whatever and i do also like that that like martin septim has to be like super careful reading it and only his eyes because he's had some like daedric experience before um i could definitely that's that's no different to the black books or the ogner infiniium though he'd be reading them super duper carefully too yeah so to me it's kind of just like goes in the same thing as the ogre infinium except it has that extra cool sentence so well it looks the same in oblivion actually when you open the og moonfinium it just has the mysterium socks these pages in it because i think they got lazy with the design so to me there's a few things that sets it apart from all the other books on this list but i mean first like i really like how men car cameron describes it as he says each word is razor fed and secret thinner than cataclysms tarnish like red drink when describing reading from it which is really cool and it has a violent corrupting influence but i think what's like most special about it given that mayor and stagon is the kind of the prince of change and revolution is that it inspired the oblivion crisis you know and and it was used to create gairalata that's another thing but um simply the fact that it inspired potentially well i'd say yeah the biggest chaotic event in the whole of you know in tamriel's recent history at least um that you've got to give credit to the mysteriums arcsis for that i mean i could definitely agree to put it on a topic i'm vibing it but uh like i said i don't have many in the top 10 that i'm actually like super like yeah that tends to happen i'm sure people in the audience will agree and you can tell us in the comments do you find that when you make a list of a top 10 for example that the bottom five you end up just being like i could just switch these out with anything depending on my mood i mean for me it can even be the top five sometimes yeah like the second we did our ranking the gods podcast i went away and then i just thought for 10 minutes and everything changed suddenly i ranked akatosh way higher so like it all just depends on how you feel at the time yeah but anyway we'll move on from the mysteriums oxies and we will talk about let me have a look yes the augma infinium which we know we already talked yeah i mean unless there's anything more to say i feel like that was pretty common did you guys have it in your top 10 though no no i didn't either yeah yeah okay ring of kijiti so that's another ring that's kind of it's a bit you know it's whatever but it has a decent story with uh rajin the you know the burglar khajiit um and that's a cool story stealing off mafala's arm um but other than that there's not a great deal that's that special to me about it yeah same yeah same as me it's basically just an invisibility thief ring turns you invisible makes you fast and agile and stuff like that's cool they're all cool that's the thing but yeah definitely not top 10 potential then we have sanguine rose or sanguine's rose as i tend to call it which is as the name suggests sanguine's artifact now obviously a staff that's a giant rose is really cool but i think that it just summoning kind of like daedra to help you is nothing special it's nothing that you can't achieve with conjuration magic whereas other artifacts are specifically unique so you hit the nail on the head with that for me because i had it in my top ten but my problem with it is game mechanics i think having it just be a tool to summon dramora or daedra in general is so boring considering its potential like i love the idea that it's a rose you know whether a literal rose or like a wooden staff um and the idea that it wilts with usage it's very much like sanguine and his um hedonistic nature you know the idea is that you know you you get what you want and then you realize oh you know instant gratification it's like it it comes back to bite you in the ass and sandwich rose is perfect for that except for the fact that i think it should kind of give you what you desire rather than just giving you a dramora if it did that it would be like right in my top top three or four but the fact it just summons dramora in all the games it's like uh i agree me too i think it has so much potential and i mean we all remember the oblivion quest where you go into the the countess's party in leon and use a spell to make them lose their clothes it's just a prank but um yeah i like the idea that it wilts and that the petals actually like fall off until you've used it up and then sanguine kind of reclaims it i'm assuming grows it again and like that that's all super cool but yeah just because of the actual applications that we've seen so far it didn't make the cut for me yeah fair fair next up is scourge which is a maze which drew i'm sure you're fond of because it's said to be forged by malacath um and honestly at first i thought hmm there's nothing that interesting about scourge right um well actually it's forged from sacred ebony in the fires of fickle dyer which sounds cool with malaca yeah it does now the reason why i i think it's just because it wasn't in skyrim so it's like it's not as memorable because it was in morrowind but what it does is it banishes daedra that you hit with it right but it can also conjure daedra such as dramora and scamp so to me it's just like the mace of molag bao and sanguin's rose combined it can do everything um why would you rank it lower than either of those two you know what i mean i had that in my top ten i kind of i like the idea well it's very it's very low in the top ten and by low i mean nine or ten um i i like that it's called defender of the friendless and you know it kind of it does sum up malacath pretty well the you know it's it's like the bane of daedra um even though he's a daedric prince so it's kind of like it's cool it's kind of a little bit of trinimac left in him almost um that's coming through in that artifact but i wasn't too fond of it not enough to put it way up there yeah i didn't even rank it but i mean it could be it could i could be convinced of it like there's cool stuff about it sounds cool but like yeah i don't think it needs to be on there i'm gonna get rid of that are we gonna are we all in agreeance to get rid of sanguine's rose from the top yes yeah cool and the ebony male as well and the ogama infinium and the gold gold brand so i'm just actually deleting them now okay um we move on to a really cool one the skeleton key i had it in there i had it actually as i had it as top three though that could even move around a little bit but like i just think like the the classic i really liked what skyrim did to it because before it was just like a lock pick that like like basically like a key that can open any lock but i really liked how they expanded that idea more to the metaphysical kind of ideas that it could like unlock you know like how it was work unlock your potential yeah like things like that it's just i think it's interesting but then again i feel like now that i'm actually speaking back like maybe there's even like it could be go lower because there's actually not heaps on it i think it's just actually a really powerful artifact but i don't know what you guys think for sure so i mean i put it on there as well but um i and correct me if i'm wrong but i was reading this before and i feel like this is um this is all pretty viable but it kind of ties in in a cool way to the khajiity pantheon because the idea is that azura created the khajiit um and protected them with this lunar lattice and the idea is that nocturnal actually stole it from azura and uh so when it says that the key can open i don't know the exact words but your potential and then other you know michael you might be able to find the specific thing it says but it can unlock in you know almost interdimensional things so the way i interpret that is potentially it's a way to bypass the lunar lattice and kind of break through the barrier between um mundus and oblivion that's a really cool connection yeah yeah that is super good that's secured for that reason uh yeah i've got skeleton key as number three yeah same i i think it's yeah i think the skeleton key is super cool if you look at the aesthetic of the skeleton key in daggerfall it looks really cool again they like to do this rainbow kind of design on it but the way that the end of the key is shaped i can almost imagine it's a computer part and then you know how you can get into like all those like crazy oldest girls theories like the morrowind ones like especially like technological and stuff um you look at the the actual daggerfall one it just looks like it should be inside my pc that i'm looking at now like it should just be on the side there the morrowland one really does remind me of something like where you like stab it in like a tech kind of looking thing like if you if you were to say that that is just like a little like you know it's in cyberpunk 2077 and that's the lockpick thing like all like like an electrical one you plug it in press a button yeah oh what they call him knight field republic again uh it's not complete computer spikes aren't they just called spikes computer spy i actually don't remember so i don't want to confirm anyway but it's that kind of vibe looking thing yeah i i like it so there's this idea that the skeleton key can kind of like you know help you unlock not just doors and stuff but internal potential so like if you're a mage you can become super powerful mage or you know if you're a warrior you can become a grand master but the problem with it is is it's kind of like only usable if you're that one in a million type person who knows how to actually harness the power in it like for most people you're just going to use it to open doors and chests and you know what i mean you're not going to like slip into the aetherian crux and like you know go to league like men car cameron did and like you know make yourself dragonborn or something like that like it's kind of like the limits of the skeleton key are only as um only limited to your imagination in a way but i don't think most people would do very interesting things with it because it relies on them having kind of other knowledge and other powers and stuff but um anyway let's talk about the next one on the list which is the skull of corruption what do you two think it's pretty mad looking stuff but again i feel like it's actual game oblivions was better but like it's actual game application like i get like steel dreams and stuff to power it it's kind of a cool function but it's actually really weak as well in the actual game which doesn't necessarily have to affect it i do like that you can create a clone of whoever it's cast upon at least in previous previous games like in oblivion and it's not like some ghostly ethereal looking clone it actually is like a full-on like clone clone you know like and and it attacks that person and there's also that cool story which they say is probably fiction but um basically like a thieves guild master like the master used the skull on her enemy creating a clone and then after defeating the original the duplicates snatched the skull and used it on the master and then there were like two thieves guild masters ruling the thieves guild together right it's it's just a silly little yeah i like that story that made me like it a lot more because yeah it apart from being visually really cool it didn't really jump out to me until that story so i don't really mind if it's on top ten but i do like it for me it's not was it in your top ten no i didn't actually get there but i was tossing it up yeah yeah same what about the spear of bitter mercy yeah i had it number five i knew you'd have it higher i mean i i really in general i'm a sucker for spears i really like spears i think they're just underused in general and i like i don't know i kind of like how it almost has like staff like properties and that it like can summon this storm attract kind of thing but i was looking at it and um i wasn't like super sure but then i started reading more about it i was reminded the whole the whole thane ice hammer story of how it how it came to be i really really like it i'll try and find i'll go get the um actual book that has it or maybe i'll just i could just read the wiki it was just easy enough to do that but look there's a nord hunter named thane icehammer who in the mid late 5th century of the first era unknowingly killed several werecreatures during a hunting trip to yogram river basin i'm pretty sure this is all in solstheim um angered by the death of his kin her scene thrust his spear of bitter mercy into icehammer's side where the tip broke off and remained lodged inside him thane returned wounded to his home craig wallow but slowly the magic of hircine spear corrupted his mind eventually resulting in him becoming mad and ultimately causing him to murder an acolyte of kine in a fit of rage matron ice hammer was appalled by her husband's actions and ordered the guards to subdue the thing and basically gets put in this big ancient burial ruin where he's sealed alive for punishment but i just kind of like i don't know i i i arrive with that story plus i also like the idea that it's built um forged by marion's dagon but it's also sort of by that associated with mary's dagon but also has been associated with her scene and sheogorath as well like that it's kind of like gotten around or there might even be multiples as yeah um i just said but um yeah and then obviously it's got its uh its usefulness in the battle spire uh storyline but yeah i don't know what do you did you rank it drew i and i ended up not ranking it purely because there was a different artifact of her scenes that i prioritized so but yeah yeah um yeah i mean like i said like pretty much anything outside of my top three five like i really liked it but i can understand how it might not fit just to clarify that wasn't solstein was east march but still yeah yeah cool uh next we have spellbreaker which i think is really cool perryite claims this artifact but like volandrong it's um dwarven in design like the dwemer made it um and it's a shield that can kind of act like a um like a magical ward but not just in the literal skyrim sense of like stopping a spell from hitting you but also in the sense that it can kind of like dispel curses and silence a mage about to cast a spell yeah um i i had it in a number nine or something for it and the reason i did rank it more because i like obviously aesthetically and all of its like actual functions um but i liked the purpose for why it is this magical like sucking up shield or defending shield kind of thing is because um the king of clan rockin when when they were when clan rorken was crossing over into hammerfell they came across shalador the ancient um the ancient nordic famed wizard who you know made shadowrau's maze and all that and he single-handedly fought a bunch of them but that's why the king got them to to build spell breakers so to like fight the spells of charlotte or like well to defend themselves against it i just i just like that sort of that's why i made it onto the list for me cool what did you think drew yeah i i had it in there i was i was actually tossing up between that and voluntrong you know kind of part of the rocking story but um i like both of them yeah yeah tell us about savior's heart oh yeah so i guess we we mentioned savior's height but i was probably in a realm of oblivion on my own at that point but i actually i actually put saviors hired in my top ten i'm a big fan of it like um there's a few origin stories for it but i really like the idea that there was a immortal in the in her scenes hunting grounds who probably you know like like anyone who's trapped there would just become prey except he managed to escape and you know because her scene like what i really like about that prince is that he's like he's magnanimous in defeat and he respects the competition so the ultimate respect to this um this guy who escaped was to peel off his own hide and give it to him as a gift and that's why for me that's one of the coolest stories about the origins of a of an artifact yeah vibe i i could i could vibe but i could be convinced we'll go i think it's cool but i'll write it down as like extra potential but for me it's still just like it's not one of my musts so that's fine yeah okay then we're nearly at the end of the list too so and it and it was sorry i was gonna say it was used with the i think i said it before the battle spy thing with dagon which was cool to like protect you but anyway so after that what did we just finish off with spellbreaker we have the staff of shea gorath which for me was an instant no but it's like worth bringing up because it's interesting and it can kind of like what freeze time and like there's cool stuff about it but it's his stuff that he can use to sort of control the realm and do his thing it's just sheogorath stuff and you become sheogorath in shivering isles so you sort of remake the stuff like kind of like a new one and you have the eye in it and it's cool it's like it's fitting but it's yeah nothing it's just an extension of him really yeah all right now now we're coming out with a hard hitter all right this one's gonna rank high potentially number one everyone is umbra yeah it's my number one yeah is it drew's as well it's number three oh okay okay okay for me what did i what did i have oh i had a number one i i think when it came down to umbra the the xe's and the mask i was very much like any of these can be a winner for me right i was really happy because yeah umbra's story is amazing as well so that that's the biggest thing and once again like i was sort of saying about like things that appeal to me and daedric artifacts are the sort of like um deal with the devil or corrupting influence or things like that and then the idea that umbra literally corrupts you to where you start identifying with the sword and start becoming a character called umbra like you consider yourself umbra and it's interesting that it is by default umbra gets a little bit of a leg up because it's almost a character in itself because uh so there's this witch called uh nain ra weir or something like that um and she was um asked by clavicus vial to to make this sword so that this sword can be used to um kill uh kill people and send souls to clavicus vile's realm but she asked she she needed a little bit of extra juice for it to stabilize this sword so clavicus file gave a bit of peace of his own power to give to the sword which sort of like gave it its own kind of identity and separated in the same way that kind of like to think about it would be how like clavicus vile and barbus are kind of like semper separate entities of the same thing if that makes sense like um but anyway so and and then that sword um you know goes on and starts kind of like embodying people i also like that uh nenra waya could has been speculated to be show gorith in disguise to like screw him over but um yeah that whole corrupting influence of the sword then there's also the whole umbriel thing uh later on when he actually ends up separating from the sword like because there's a being within the sword like umbra is within the sword you know what i mean so yeah like it kind of takes on a life of its own and escapes and cuts away some of the prince's power for itself and a and then like black crystal obsidian look and sword like it just looks sick i'm pretty sure it even takes on the form of like a dark being in the shape of a man but but with eyes like holes into nothing i think is like one of the quotes which is super cool yeah um but yeah i i for me i i think clavicus files got some of the best artifacts earlier drew when you said clavic as well that's why i thought you had you'd have ambrose one as well but yeah yeah they're only interchangeable it's just such a cool story um so i think i mean i think we can lock umbra in at number one yeah okay okay we've got two more to like just rule out which i don't think anyone will have in their top ten uh volandrom it's got a nice little story yeah the story about um chief you know when when separating from the clans in morrowind or resdayne at the time just launched the hammer and wherever it landed is where they'd settle and that's you know that's why it's called vollenfell hammerfell it's named after the artifact which is a cool story yeah it's one one strong dwarf to throw it that far eh you know it's super cool and i like actually i think i prefer it's designed to be um dwarven i like when you look at the art for in a re in arena it kind of almost looks like it belongs in the hands of a space marine yeah like an ultramarine from 40k but as time went on it became more corrupted looking uh and way more daedric like malacath has just influenced it that much and it's just yeah it's cool but the powers of it aren't like super interesting you know yeah um so we'll move on to the final one which i think scott has at number one which is what have you been a joke if i already hadn't already said humber but but um yeah it's terrible contrary and annoy everyone i know i hate it i just hate it's the same it's the same thing i think everyone loves it just because it's crazy and wacky but i just for that same reason to me it's boring it's like typical crazy and wacky if you mean like it's not actually like a inventive interesting example of how it's crazy and weird it's just sort of like whatever goes it's basically a meme machine and you know i like memes like everyone else but i'm not going to rank it as top 10 but but scott but scott the staffs victims that are turned into animals and are cooked after the fact become meat known as waba jerky which has created debates on whether eating it would be considered cannibalism absurdly sweet power yeah no i think the fork of revelation is more interesting i agree i honestly agree un-ironically but it is it's a cool it's a really cool looking staff and it's kind of just a you know shout out to shagorov being whimsical and and kind of a bit nutty i do like the look of it still it is cool looking it's just that i've seen it so much um and i also like that one of the random effects although i swear i've never seen it in skyrim i just know it's one it's so hard to get to happen but is it decapitation i think you just shoot someone with it and their head pops yeah it definitely happens i even one of my favorite ones actually is just uh turning them into a pile of coins i think that's a sounds like you're coming around no it doesn't sound like it you like it no i i okay so that's not on the list and and correct me if i'm wrong but i'm going to name some and you two tell me if you have something else on your top ten that we didn't like rule out umbra the grey cow of nocturnal skeleton key black books azura's star mask of clavicus vile ebony blade mehrun's razor spellbreaker dawnbreaker xavius hyde mysterium sarksies spear of bit of mercy is there anything else anyone wants doing i had the daedric crescent as 10 but i could be i could be convinced out of it easily or i could be convinced for it easily like obviously okay what about you drew is there anything else i forgot to mention there no everything i want in the top 10 is there pretty much okay okay so that leaves us with 14 things so we're going to have to lose well we're organizing okay to lose four tell me why we shouldn't lose the black books i just think i really really it's it's another that you know that corrupting influence kind of thing i like that you're that hunger for knowledge that they're going after but then i love the idea of um the existential dread and esoteric kind of creepy knowledge that utterly consumes someone like i really like and there's also quotes in the black books that i like but one of my favorite ones is the waking dreams which was a point that i really mentioned in um the most recent one it says the eyes once bleached by falling stars of utmost revelation will forever see the faint insight drawn by the over overwhelming question as only the true inquiry shapes the uh edge of thought the rest is vulgar fiction attempts to impose order on consensus mantlings of an uncaring godhead first and then it goes to continue on but i was actually talking about it and there's a there's a quote uh so for middle dawn in in in the first era which was this big you know thousand year long sort of dragon break that was crazy different um the only uh the only consensus on any event that actually happened was eight falling stars during that time of this dragon break and i love like and i was connecting that um to uh mana marco who in that time says that in the middle dawn that's how he learnt his great mystery um and so if you connect that to the the once bleached by falling stars of utmost revelation your eyes so experiencing the middle dawn um and the utmost revelation being he's learning the big great mystery the faint insight drawn by overwhelming question but um yeah and i like that i like the reference to to mantlings of kind of like how it's almost like futile that's not even the important thing like because the godhead doesn't care kind of thing like you know what i mean it kind of throws that like it kind of trivializes sort of the things of talos and type of septum and all the man you're sounding like someone who's read the black books a bit too much you know right i think that's i think you've you've sold it to me i'm i think yeah but i would say mrs needs to be higher on the list than black books so long as that's met i'm i'm happy but to further on there there are other somewhat other ones that are a little bit um some of them are like just a little bit you know poetic and nice like i like the city of ink seeds rose from the desert shining and decadent like it's just little lines and bits and pieces in there but ultimately it's the whole lovecraftian sort of idea of this existential dread that this can give you that even when you think you kind of understand the metaphysics and stuff and you're like yeah it's kind of like trivializing the whole concepts of mantling and and stuff it's like who cares and the whole god-head realization like the idea that you could just go down this path and just become nuts and also when this is a little bit of a of a derivative story but with maury and zenus who who um goes nuts he's his master conjuration mage and he goes nuts in the realm of apocrypha um slowly and then that his apprentice is communicating with him that he can't that he can't even understand maureen zenis's language anymore his language is something else now he's he whispers in some just some random ass language that they don't know about so i just like that whole theme of forbidden knowledge really i guess and i think the black books personify and they look cool these big black books they're with a mist that comes off them and you've just written a black books video this is so unfair yeah that's true he's he's still got the high if you master the black books you can speak randomly he's lost audio well we continue without him hello hello okay cool i lost the audio there so you were so worried that we'd maybe be against the black book so you're like not pulling out all my it's ripping out my computer so your headphones are right you'll have to invest in some news yeah i will um um yeah i'm sold on the black books um yeah okay i'm just trying to think what can we easily eliminate what else is everyone happy to like what are your thoughts on getting rid of things like breaker spell breaker what i was going to say is like daedric crescent is one that i've got at number 10 and i've got it there and i could be easily changed so and none of us have yet so let's get rid of the day ditch that one um do you two think that savior's hide is what did you rank it drew i had it eight so that that's one that i'm also willing to try what was your ten what's what's your ten drew um i mean my ten is some of it has kind of changed because like i as a joke i had wabberjack at 10. so i feel like um there's only like five or six i'm going to go to bat for here so and so what is kind of like your 10 um like so uh xe's at number one mask at number two umbra grey cow skeleton key i had sanguine rose in there um savior's hide scourge vol drum stuff like that so so most of them what's your nine my nine is spell breaker and mine is spellbreaker as well but i don't i can't admit xavier's hide being cool vanna day you you can't xavier's hide sounds like it has a cool story i i personally think savi's height is more interesting but spellbreaker should be on the list i think still because it has a cool story plus the shield itself is really unique and cool maybe where's dawnbreaker for you i had it at eight i mean i could even get i could toss that aside man i mean how about we get rid of the black books guys no good idea right just read lovecraft you don't even need to bop with a black book see now i i'll give i'll throw you to a bone because i know you're going to jump on it um i have a zoro star at five i could toss the zurich i know you two don't like it i don't dislike it it's just i don't think it's i think like everything else i've looking at like i just think azura star is better than um savior's hide okay here's an idea you two i have a feeling that our lists are a little bit too different and that we're never going to get a top ten how would you feel about agreeing on a top flight yeah i think that's a good idea yeah and then we can try to agree on like a top six a top seven attack and then yeah because that's when you'll see where it falls apart so umbra is number one i've got umbrella number one yeah i've got mask clavicus file too and you had that drew i had it um yeah too so i think i'm happy to put that in too i had the mask as like number five-ish it was in the mouth actually thought you would pick that basket now i i like the story okay look i can put mask in top three at least do you guys think the skeleton key or the grey cow is cooler than the mask of clavicus file no but i do think they're great i have a feeling i have a feeling we're not gonna agree on anything okay okay do you think that the mask is top five everyone sorry the the cow yeah i would i would put it next i'm not even necessarily convinced on the top five but i had i had it i had it at six like it could it could be i could easily like i know obviously like if you were trying to eliminate ones like i know you guys don't like the spirit of a bit of mercy as much like that could go well how about we put few mysteriums arcses at number three then the only reason the mysterious asks is the same thing is it it's just it's the book itself but the thing is it's what the book inspires it's a manifesto that's the whole point you know it's what it causes not necessarily just what it is it's not just um mayor and stegon just sitting there with his several hands just pondering what to write in his memoirs it's it's a bit more than that i mean i could even i could even budge skeleton key like thinking about it like there's cool applications though what you did say with the connection um with the lunar lattice what did you have skeleton key as drew uh five let's put skeleton key at five though sure i can i can so umbra one mask of clavicus file two and then what what's three and four because black books is one of them i'm just gonna have to concede so the podcast doesn't go for it i think grey cal should go above skeleton key yeah okay what did i i put yeah i put that as well okay so we just need one spot to fill you know where i would put the xe's in there um i think the zags is more interesting than the black books um is there any other artifact that deserves to be in top five like would you put spell breaker or dawnbreaker in there no yeah so i guess it kind of comes down to those two unless there's something i'm forgetting yeah this kind of is my top five except that i had the black books instead of mysteriums so i mean look i can concede but i re i really do think the mysterious is a lot cooler than the blood yeah look i think everyone we can all agree that no matter what list we end up making it's not going to be a genuine list of any of ours because yeah it's all based on we all have compromise and that's what that's what makes it fun though just pick your choice of books to go in the top five oh that's a lot of pressure i'm gonna have to put the blackbeard sorry i'll do the same just because there's actually for starters we can actually read some of the blackboards is that is that a good thing yeah like that's interesting um yeah okay i mean i mean there is a translation of the mysterium's arcs but it's it's curved bride okay but it is i mean look he basically i'm sure he was a big part of conceptualizing the the mysterious ark sees you know that there are lines like um as for the rest the week shall cast down the mighty shell or as for the rest the weak shall cast shall be cast down the mighty shall tremble um yeah okay this is like it's written like the uh dead inside do not open or whatever so it's like i'm reading different sentences together but um yeah there's there's some cool sentences in there i mean look i i can see this if it's not in the top five it's definitely six but fine mysterious arcs can be six because it is cool like if you do factor in all the mythic dawn commentaries like mythic dawn commentaries are like right up there in like favorite books but it's would we say the mysteriums arcses is cooler than the skeleton key did any of you two think i mean i i to be honest i kind of could be convinced of that like i'm i'm being convinced of that as well let's just chuck it in number five i think that that's a good that's okay so skeleton key so what are you kind of got something sorry i've got to say this sentence from the mysterious in my first armor storm my second the rush of plagued rain the third all the tinder of anu the fourth the very eyes of pad home it's like it's so badass yeah okay okay so we've got umbra the mask of clavicus file the black books the grey cowl of nocturnal the mysterium xoxis and the skeleton key yes as six i feel like we have to have after hearing the story that ebony blade in the top ten i i mean i would put it in there but okay like oh well so i i think we've got the first six pretty yeah pretty we're pretty well sorted so um what are we kind of what are the competitors for the last like four like how can people compete competitors uh we've got the um so you two definitely would not have azure star i can i can concede like okay honestly the rest i think you two should just put together because there's nothing else that i really want to defend all the good stuff what is the remaining what are the remaining saviors hide the spear of bit of mercy dawnbreaker spellbreaker mehrunes razor ebony blade if we're gonna have a her scene artifact just pick one of them oh you you kind of um i don't know i just feel like spirit being a mercy gets used a lot more and stuff and like in the battle size store battle spy story but also how it like belonged to one of the herns like one of the daedric hunters like her in the hunter like kind of thing literally just what if we put what if we put in spellbreaker as number seven and then we can decide is xavier's hide or the spear of bitter mercy cooler than spellbreaker no football breaker yeah what do you think scott i mean if you were to ask me which one do i want like i'd probably take the spear with this this is a comment i can know i can summon this there's a lot of history too yeah but also like even just the power like i like it like it's got a magical shield on the spirit bit of mercy and the storm atronach i just kind of like it sort of almost the spear kind of i don't know i imagine the spear is like kind of like taming the storm astronaut kind of thing like it's sort of like a hunter with his side i don't know the spear of bit of mercy is at seven and then we've got spellbreaker at eight um unless you think dawnbreaker oh sorry the ebony blade is cooler than spellbreaker 100 yeah come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll put ebony blade above spellbreaker at eight but you think the spear is cooler than the ebony i think so too i prefer speed of katanas okay all right drew you love katanas i'm the biggest weeb and then we have three left to put into not spot number 10 or above spell breaker or ebony blade mayroon's razor dawnbreaker and save he's hired aaron's there's a i would put uh i don't i think i'd put spellbreaker funnily enough now i'm thinking about it like i did wait spellbreaker not already in there um yeah it is it's yeah spell break is not so hard on which number we're just doing 10 now right we're just doing yeah all right so read me the whole list okay umbra mask of clavicus file black books grey cowl of nocturnal mysteriums arcsies skeleton key spear a bit of mercy ebony blade spellbreaker and what the razer the breaker or the hide [Music] i i'll probably rule out hide out of those two as it's got a cool story but if i actually think about it it is just like sort of like a i'm going to put mehrunes razor i'm going to put mehrunes razor because of the metaphysical potential like dawnbreaker is just a sword with light and mehrun's razor is just a dagger that kills things instantly but then meirun's razor also has yes potential potential i think that's fair i think that's fair okay so we think spellbreaker is cooler than dawnbreaker yes mm-hmm yeah okay the list is coming i think that's a pretty good list so give it a give it a final read the top 10 all right final top ten and thank you to everyone who's watching the podcast i really want to hear your top tens or see your top tens in the comments and follow us on twitter i wonder how much flack will catch for not having wabberjack even in there nah i think people agree man it's fun in game shayagorath is super cool but and wabberjack's really fun all these artifacts are great it's just not like in terms of like cool law right surrounding it is not as not as cool so we've got umbra the mask of clavicus file the black books of hermaeus mora the grey cowl of nocturnal the mysteriums oxies the skeleton key spear of bit of mercy the ebony blade spell breaker and mehrunes razor yeah there we go i'm pretty i'm pretty uh happy with that i'm content all i really cared about was amber and mask clavic as well the top two yeah i think they just said that's cool yeah all right well thanks everyone for watching as i said social media links there in the description below you can get our merch if you're interested in supporting the podcast and looking and looking awesome and uh i look forward to nerding or we look forward to nerding out with you again very soon thanks so much everyone
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 85,295
Rating: 4.9320083 out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim lore, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls podcast, elder scrolls lore podcast, daedric artifacts, best daedric artifact, top 10 daedric artifacts, umbra, mehrunes razor, dawnbreaker, spellbreaker, masque of clavicus vile
Id: HaQ9SHH70Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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