Top 10 GODS - Who Tops the List? | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #6

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge muppet we're here with michael and drew i'm scott and today we are discussing the top 10 gods uh we're going to go through every single god but we've got a few exceptions and i'm going to sort of lay out the ground rules here so we're not doing any daedric princes because we already ranked them in episode 2 plus they'd probably top the list way too easily so also no anu padme ano noel sitha so any of the variations of the primordial forces because they're not like god enough they're like two or they're two gods yeah they're like they're like too big and cosmic forces yeah they're on another level yeah um also not going to do the tribunal gods including no well not part of the tribunal but day got there as well because because dagoff would immediately win yeah and and and win but you know but look they're all basically they're too strong of a character like they're a very real mortal character rather than the sort of like abstract godlike kind of thing that the aedra and others are so it would be sort of an unfair uh playing ground um we're also not gonna do demi gods so things like moro house and stuff like that um proper proper gods um and to make the list reasonable size because if you were to look at the big list of gods there's heaps even outside the daedra but we are counting cultural variations in that one um slot so basically if it's law khan we're also factoring in shazaar and shaw or for kinereth we're factoring in kain and kanathi and like basically every cultural interpretation all counts as the one entity which we'll be ranking another thing to note as well is that we aren't going to be having i mean we are having some gods that are said to have been mortals first but we're not going to be including their mortal lives as part of their ranking for example like it's more about them as gods but also their ascension to godhood but not the whole mortal life that came before that yeah so if we talk about talos we're not going to be going through tiber septim's full life story and how we conquer you know all of that stuff it's more ascending to godhood slash being a god yeah yeah and um the other thing is this is not a power list this is not it is basically all subjective when we're factoring in things just our subjective coolness factor but also things like the rituals or the culture around them their followers just their spheres in general and also their multiple cultural interpretations uh like we just said but um i think that just about covers everything so we're going to go through this big list of gods we've created alphabetically and we're going to decide if they get into a top 10 and then we're going to sort of unanimously decide on this top 10 then we're going to rank them specifically so let's get to it starting in alphabetical order with akatosh slash alcohol auriel the time god of the aedra well this this may not be my number one but i think definitely you would be putting akatosh in the top ten i know it's not a list based on significance but part significance does add coolness as well it does it does it in a way i agree definitely and it's it's not just the fact that it's all the god of time and everything like that a lot of it as well is also like thought of being the father of all dragons and all this stuff with aldo and firstborn of akatosh and all that kind of stuff yeah i think it's just a given it's top tier um well because we'll go into deeper discussion on all of these once we actually get um fair enough it's also worth noting that our top 10 will actually be more than 10 to begin with because there'll be disputes so it's kind of like a probably top 10 pile yeah and then we'll like maybe somehow yeah yeah all right so next one would be rk slash tuwaka slash i know orky is another sort of um interpretation but that's kind of like mixed in with a little bit of malacath i still consider him to be more of a malacath or than rk even though yeah even though there's well let's just let's just stay on rk slash talk what do you guys think i'll let you guys always go first well rk being the god of the cycle of life and death is generally pretty cool but i think what sets rk apart is if you take into consideration his supposed ascension from being immortal yeah that's actually my favorite part as well even though it's probably not the most likely like it's like this little legend you find because there's different types of things about the creation of the gods and stuff like that i don't know if you want to read the story or if we'll get into that when we get more i i'm competitive with ranking them like i would for me i would definitely say top ten also because of the yokudan interpretation like tuwaka um but yeah we can talk about that later but i just really like i think it's a cool god you know is that is that the the god of nobody really cares yeah that's before he was running um before he was ferrying the um the spirits to the afterlife before mortality was there he was just the god of no one nobody really cares okay but let's go on to then so that can go in the top ten or maybe yeah i mean they're all he's a contender yeah they're all okay all right i wouldn't put him in the top ten but he's a contender all right how about okay how about bandar um okay i'll tell you what i really liked bandar when i was playing the winterson mod because you can put skoomer in people's pockets and then pray to bandar to activate it and they all explode with fire which is awesome but like it's fun right but there's not a heap of significance there like the whole idea of like being this kind of trickster god this bandit god is really cool but i don't know if it's top 10 cool there's also to me at least i don't know what what you two think of this but in elder scrolls online they've touched on some bandar stuff and there's a bandar has a realm the five fingers dance but basically there's this festival of pranks i don't know the word pranks just really makes me crank control played between teams of khajiit and wood elves so they may be granted access to the banded gods realm so it's like haha the prank festival i i just going into neighborhoods and just trying to piss off the local wood elves i do quite like the they've sort of expanded on a little bit that it's um part of the the khajiit sort of um genius like that's representative of that um outplaying their mortal enemies as it says here but um i am a sucker for poetic descriptions and i do like the man of a thousand faces i just think they couldn't you can kind of associate that with their many forms as well oh it's kind of cool so yeah no i definitely think bandar is cool i just don't know if it's top ten cool but is it is it com am i staring into the face of a man with bandar at number one i actually think the problem with bandar is he's kind of overshadowed by other khajiit unique gods yeah i prefer some of their others to bandar we i mean we could put it in the maybe pile but i'm still unsure he's gutted no no honestly well like if it was a person like we were talking about bandar bandar is in is in the is in the contenders list for now i don't find bandar terrible i just think i just think as a god it's not like it sounds cool but it's nothing that's the one thing we have to consider though is there's outside there's a few of them that are really detailed but there's a lot of these gods here that are just to be like they're one-liners or a little bit about them or they were just sort of like not really mentioned anymore they were mainly daggerfall kind of thing 100 like that's the thing especially when you get into like uh red guard and yokudan gods they might have just one sentence like the coolest like i i'd be keen to learn more about them but the coolest yokudan gods are often the interpretations of other gods yeah but the ones that only exist in like a yokudan or a red guard pantheon they might just be like very very like you don't you don't know enough about them but anyway we'll move on from bandar i think the next one on the list is diagonal yeah am i correct so this was an avatar of hunding or the hoon ding that kind of achieved permanence but i think this is kind of oh no it's not the one i was going to say but it is a small one yeah really yeah like this cool sound like that like originated in yokuda during the 27 snake folk slaughter i wonder if that's referencing say essie somehow like if they are like you know that's the only snake folk we sort of know of yeah it is interesting like all of these gods have cool things but i think i'm going to make a judgment call now that diagonal is not it's not it wouldn't be in my top in the top ten but i do just really watch out it is actually one of my like favorite of the sounding gods yeah like just there's some cool stuff too and i like the idea that um he brought the aura calcum weapons to the yokudans and so on i feel like that's something that's just not really talked about as much is the sort of aura calcum focus of yokuda and like with oracal tower but also bringing them those weapons but also because i did this in the in the video about it a while ago about the armor type but aura calcum is like actually a real mysterious metal in our real life it was like a i think they speculate it was a type of bronze or something but our real world like i guess mythology or like what plato and stuff said about it um about atlantis atlantis had like high like lots of sources of this aura calcum stuff or maybe it was just called oracal and then what sank with the pancrato sword and now there's no more well well yeah exactly but that and it had some big like pillar to poseidon made of that material but that's sort of like oracle tower on yokuta and so on so there's atlantis influences in there but um and given that he's described as the god of the sideways blade there's no doubt he's involved heavily in like teaching them their kind of unique martial arts that separates them from other warrior cultures all right next up de bella hey top 10 100 percent how do you feel about that drew uh look she's all right she's she's fine you know i'd uh have a go um no look um there's a lot of lore about her you know like putting beauty and love at the you know at the forefront of your life and you know seeing the beauty in things and all that that's it's like it is it's good but obviously i think people get a little bit carried away with it as well yeah i can kind of i can kind of agree with that in a sense like there there's a lot of information on dybala but all of it kind of you know hammers home the same concept over and over again hyper unique stuff yeah but also like the creativity and stuff and the beauty and stuff is like the sort of like you know arts and so on like not just it's not just the the sexual dynamic that's often talked about i definitely agree i just also think that and i just thought you got it you got it sorry you go i was i was just saying that if you if you think about um it's just interesting like out of compared to like most abrahamic religions which are very like sexually conservative it's interesting that in a um in this sort of fantasy realm you have a god that's very um forward with it like they actually have whole like you know uh what do they call them i forget that and the name or they're just the de bellan arts and so on and then oh yeah that kind of like their practitioners actually like are very active about it and but also touching on the creativity thing too like i like the uh brush of true paint that's exactly what i was going to say made supposedly from dabella's own hair and allows you to just kind of paint your own universe like that yeah that's pretty and that's pretty cool and i just like as a general rule you know i'm a sucker for aesthetics besides talking about you know the obvious but also like the um in eso there's these dybellas doll masks and stuff like that and they're sort of like kind of venisony style masks and so on but you can just imagine at least i do her realm in general just encapsulating all sort of like aesthetic creativity and stuff like that and you know beauty which is that and and i don't know to me i really like me too but this isn't a list and this is a thing you have to realize this isn't a list of who would you worship if you were dropped into the elder scrolls universe no but like we're just talking about subjectively what god oh yeah i i understand that i'm just saying i think dybella is something that i could get behind from that perspective but in terms of like oh dybello's really cool it's like yeah i know these aren't daedric princes a lot of the gods aren't gonna sound super cool except for a few like but there are um but yeah i i like the sentence pays men in moans yeah that pays men in moans yeah it's also interesting that she is actually a um human uh god well like or at more in origin or that came through the nords or so on she's not actually in the original pantheons i'll chuck it up in the contenders definitely contend this character um all right let's move on to ebon um what do we think definite top ten really yeah i really like even though there's only a small amount what not that small but i really like everything about eben arm just a description of how he appears on the battle so he's the girl of war sucker for knights bro he is his but i mean he rides a golden stallion he's accompanied by two huge black ravens as an ebony sword fused to his right arm full suit of ebony armor tower shield emblazoned with a red rose tall bearded muscular with reddish blonde hair and steel blue eyes it's like i don't know it's just a very cool description and then they say that where when he comes onto the battlefield like roses grow where he's been so that's why he has the the rose on his shield and stuff like that yes yeah i can actually i can actually agree like i i like eben arm ranks kind of highly for me and i also like the interaction which i guess we'll talk about because this is alphabetical but with psy i was just saying that yeah who eventually got given the gift of immortality and and kind of became the god of luck there's also the whole ebony warrior connection so on which isn't explicit like that but it's but it's implied yeah um i i do i do like um ebenham a lot i've also always speculated at least i thought like you know raymond eben arm as in r-e-y-m-o-n is it the first name of this character i always um in some subconscious level i don't know if it is actually supposed to be but connected to riemann cyrodiil like raymond raymond like that yakut like because he's really popular in hammerfell but like after the second empire and so on but like i don't know because because i've always thought of eben arm doesn't because he's very popular in in hammerfell and he doesn't seem very yokudan by his description to me at least i don't know like i just never really associated ebony armor and a fused sword like and the big tower shield and stuff like the big heavy uh heavily armored knight also with um what was it like tall muscular yeah reddish blonde hair and steel blue eyes doesn't sound very red guard to me and i so i've always that always confused me a little bit but like i don't know exactly where he but this is the thing when you look at this list and i know it's all subjective but i can kind of agree with drew that eben arm is sounding a whole lot cooler than dybella hmm but it's been a horrible interaction yeah the only thing is cool like any any god then that's combat oriented is gonna sound cooler like you've kind of got to factor in like i'm not the whole totally i mean akatosh isn't a combat bro it's a dragon like you know the dragon things and like auriel with his bow and how he shot the heart like there's a lot of combat fair enough yeah i mean a simple thing about ebenham is i i really like his connection with side not just because he made him a god but it's the idea that you know if you worship this god of war and you're really brave on the battlefield you could you could literally be rewarded with godhood and the idea is that he's supposed to bestow luck upon brave soldiers and stuff in the future so it's it's very much like not just combat but very much battlefield related as well uh yeah which is just 100 combat related yeah it's not just you know i i yeah or whatever it's you know i agree definitely eben um uh contender up there okay so so we'll put eben arm and we shall move to hunding um i really like god i really like the concept of him the like perseverance over infidels for the yokudans i like the sort of idea that it's this sort of manifestation that comes i just don't think it is there's not enough for it to be like top 10 material in my opinion just because i know it came as like there's some cool stuff around it about like the elder scrolls adventures red guard um story where he's like the sword or sword crown prince or both um but like it's a cool concept but do you know how it's kind of becomes like vague it's just like oh the yokudans we're gonna win god that makes sense yeah that's exactly even all the aspects it's not like they're tied into like a concept other than making way for the yeah the red gods yeah which is a really cool thing but i just it doesn't become like top 10 material i guess it's just not enough and it's also sorry i was just going to say it feels more like a force rather than an individual especially because it has avatars like it's less there's less personality to it i think judging him is is very similar to how we're going to be able to judge shazaar or law khan is the idea of can you give them credit for their aspects or their you know their champions because i've got hunding quite high up because of cyrus and franda you know being aspects of hunding but then again it's not really hunding's achievements it's just he resembles what they do you know because even diagonal you could say if you if you rate diagonal high then don't you kind of have to rate hunding high or is that yes it's a weird area it is a complicated layer but i mean we didn't rank diagonal high well i mean eben arm is supposedly also an aspect of hunding i think i've read that somewhere there might be some theory crafting thing yeah okay yeah maybe i'm too deep but like um yeah like you know um we can put it in the maybe pile if you want but i just feel like there's still a lot to go through mm-hmm um would you i'll i'll i'll leave it up okay i'm just putting have you someone actually has someone been [ __ ] um doing like keeping all of these in there maybe yes yes yeah you have okay you're doing it cool one i assumed you were but then i i realized i'm always doing it i never explicitly said i'm the list king um all right next one juliana julianos jewel julian yeah um ordonal who for me janal makes him cooler i like the idea of the owl thing and i like him being the um what what is that the whole i got to find a specific it's hermetic orders or something yeah i just like that because that's you know like hermeticism in in real life and the philosopher it's kind of like it's just tying the the magic worship to um a philosophical sort of take on it a bit more rather than just our magical powers and like associated with a mages guild instead it's that sort of like more magical magic you know what i mean it's vague and unexplained that's at least the vibe i get from him but at the same time i don't even know i don't know i think there's a lot of other gods i'd prefer over juliana's because there's not that much on them and do not journal it's only one of their interpretations really which vibes with me yeah i was going to say similar as in i like the concept but the actual yeah it's just it's just not thick you know there's there's not a whole lot there being the god of logic and wisdom can be kind of bland even though the usage of you know his sphere can be really cool it's just kind of interestingly he's also um i'm pretty sure he's an atmorin derived god like julianos is only from from i like there's no equivalent in the elven well like there's other magically related gods but i don't think they're necessarily connected but but yeah so is that a giuliano's doesn't make the cut no no all right out all right let's go joan and joe the moon gods out just everyone listening the khajiit are really cool and the moon cycles and all that are really cool but as actual like godly entities for jode and joan there's just not much i mean in the khajiit pantheon they're described as being fatimi stillborn children so like even from birth they're not actually really doing anything it's more how the other gods are interacting with them so you know it's it's kanafi who keeps them on their tracks or whatever and azura uses the moons to make the moon sugar or whatever so it's it's not so much the moons being interesting as the gods who interact with them yeah agreed all right next is kynareth kanathi slash kind slash tarva absolutely top ten yeah i was gonna put yeah i agree as well all right there's just so much stuff there and the interpretations of the gods there's a lot of different interpretations but that makes it cool like kynareth first kind and so on well let's uh move on then like we'll talk about that later leki uh which was this the one that i was gonna say no straight away yeah it's kind of the same situation as diagonal where it sounds cool but there's not much information it's the goddess of aberrant swordsmanship so kind of helping them find their own unique um way to fight um and that's kind of all you really get yeah all right that's an out lorcan sure it's a hundred percent an in top ten black hat let's move on all right mana marco slash necromancer's moon so that's that's as in um mana marco becoming um with uh in the warp in the west where the big dragon break happens and there's sort of like all of the multiple variations of uh of time but reconciled into a single timeline we um manamako both becomes a god and then remains mortal and that's the one you see in oblivion but the i'm pretty sure i just want to double check but i'm pretty sure he's said to be the next called the necromancer's moon as well and he circles rk the planet hold on huh the thing with madame while you're looking that up is most of what's interesting is there's a lot of the mortal stuff there which influences me and i would have mana marco ranked quite highly but if we are and i'm sure a lot of viewers do as well but if we're going to go straight off the this idea that their mortal life doesn't really count until they're up to the point of like achieving apotheosis then it's still he's still cool i don't know top 10 cool nah because because he's essentially just becomes in his god form yeah he's like he's just this moon he's his form ascended to godhood has taken the rightful place in the sky and hides the enemy rk from us so that we may serve him and this is about the order of the worm black worm it's also because so the revenant or the necromancer's moon but it's sort of like yeah it's a divine form but and you know it's i'm pretty sure it was in the oblivion mages guild quest line that's actually what they're using to make black soul gems in an altar using the power of the but like yeah there's not enough there to really like the lich is called manic marco himself but that's the well mortal he's a lich immortal version the non-divine version you know where he did i think you missed i think you missed magnus if we were going purely alphabetically speaking oh well i had magnus next i've just decided to mix it up you know keep you on your toes um well magnus is a hole in the sky expand guys what do you think [Laughter] yeah that magnus is to me one of the really cool gods in terms of like the creation story like it's a very imp he's a very important god but i don't rate him as like particularly interesting it's like if it's the same it kind of falls i know it's it's i know he's different to julianos but he kind of falls in that same like it's magic god like worship get more magic not really my top ten if law khan is like steve jobs then magnus is that other steve who no one remembers his last name because he's the architect of mundus but he's not really the create like he's not not the visionary guys the guy who actually puts it together yeah and then you forget about him yeah bye magnus bye bye don't make it all right next one mara i'd love to hear what you guys think first okay well i think mara is cool but i think it is easy to i think mara might be overrated i don't know who you've got in your top fives and stuff but i think mara could be overrated look i'm all about love love is great infertility agriculture compassion all that stuff's great and i definitely like the um kind of red guard interpretation with more and stuff like that that's cool the whole forearms to grab more husbands i like that but if we chuck that reference away i don't find mara super crazy interesting in the same way that i don't find de bella super crazy interesting i really like what mara stands for and if you put me into skyrim perhaps i would worship mara but as an actual god it's like i give love and if love comes to two people then so be it because love is the greatest force ever like a lot of it is just love love love love love even when you read through i mean if you go through a wiki and like look at all the information on mara there's lots of it but it is again repeating similar thing about love marriage and it's not that simple because she was not the wife of shaw which is interesting she was the concubine of sure which i mean this is something i find interesting i put in the i'm pretty sure it was in the secrets of it more a video when i was sort of trying to make sense of the the timeline and reconciling some elements but you have you know in nordic mythology the elven pantheon of gods are taken very literally to be like the enemies of the the human gods the the nordic gods so they're at opposition and mara exists in the elven pantheon as the god of love and wife of auriel is supposedly and so on but then i kind of like at least this was my kind of head canon-ish kind of interpretation but i like the idea that he she like kind of with all the compassion and love and stuff kind of that like sort of sided with men and kind of ended up becoming the concubine of sure kind of thing because he sure already has a wife in the form of kind but he but mara's you know stated as his um uh concubine so i sort of like the idea that she's and just you know with her sphere being compassion and love that she's kind of gone over to the uh to the side of man she's a minx yeah i agree she's cool but also with michael that it's not enough to get into the top 10. we're not going to start simply question how many have you got bro how many have we got in the top maybe pile oh plenty we've are we putting mara in the maybe pie i mean i would i think mara is um good but i can agree with that don't like everyone who's listening to this i only went in against mara because i know scott's probably like got mara number one or something i think i think i just think that mara's like i like her presence in the elven and nordic pantheons and how they actually feels different roles and how you can kind of but make it do they really because a lot of it and this is the thing at least as far as i am interpreting things she's not feeling different roles like she's the kind of fertility love goddess everywhere no no she she is the same same god i mean just in the like the hierarchy that they've got do you know what i mean i like that like the wife versus concubine kind of thing and right i mean yeah i just i just like the i like the idea that makes it that you know just shaw's got that you know that energy that just uh he's he's a wife stealer as well as being a betrayer i just feel like it adds that extra stuff too that should add points sure imagine how much rory auriel would hate shaw well i think mara is more of a maternal figure to non-nords because she's kind of the mother god whereas to the nords she can kind of be that more concubined wife type because um kyne kind of takes a more maternal role to them as the one who breathed them on to the throat of the world oh she's also the um handmaiden of kind as well she's so she's referring specifically her handmaiden as well who spoke to um slave alicia before she rebelled yeah well that's cool too you know okay but um i don't i don't know we can we can definitely definitely have mara in the contenders yeah all right content it's just not a top five of mine let's go all right okay on c not bone shape this is the one i was waiting for this whole time the whole time because it's just auntie taught mankind how to pull their knives into swords that's sick that's really cool but i mean there we go all right time for rajin true i've got him top ten yeah yeah um i i had him in top ten and i think i still could but my only thing is the only problem is like he's a living all these a lot of his accomplishments are done while living like and then after he's and i guess but in part related to his apotheosis you could argue that it is related because it's only because he was such an amazing brilliant thief that he became the god anyway so it is kind of yes i i definitely know what you're saying but then couldn't you argue that like mana marco's whole descent into necromancy is related to his apotheosis into a god and his whole path of finding the dark hearts is what allowed him to become people because it's more directly i guess more directly they'll go the man teller for as much as he like stole some cool stuff and so on he's just like there's not heaps on him either like if you were like do you know what i mean like like he he's cool but it's like in some ways he's just he's just a khajiit epitome of a khajiit archetype like oh i'm gonna play elder scrolls and i'm a khajiit and i'm a thief and it's just but he literally invented tattoo removal yeah he's way ahead of his diet i mean it's really lazy it's like it's like anything i feel like this is a lot like the case with a lot of the gods is that you can read like the like i love the idea of the stealing kintara's tattoo from her neck and the little things like the the mythological sounding stuff always gets me but really though if you compare like you could compare to some of the red guard gods as well i'm just trying to play devil's advocate here like i agree i do like the god but you could also go to some of the other gods with small amounts of information and say oh well like it sounds heaps mythological and cool and poetic but do you know what i mean like it's really kind of on the same yeah okay when you actually i think that's that's fair because yeah like i'm moving right into the to the gnar pile what do you two think about that that's fine that's fine yeah that's fine i think because some people really like i think some people might be a little bit miffed with that one but i actually kind of i would probably go maybe i could maybe or okay okay fine fine if if in doubt if in doubt we'll do maybe but i'm pretty sure i always when i did the top 10 for myself i put them like right towards the bottom um for that reason but yeah that's all right we'll revisit and dive deeper yeah so all right let's move on to riemann um i want to throw my two cents real quick um i think riemann is as a culture god and sort of of the second empire is not that interesting because if we're trying to actually separate his apotheosis from his accomplishments because he was kind of it's not as it like from my understanding it's not as explicit as as the understanding that like you know talos became the ninth divine instead it's a bit more like riemann they sort of worshipped him as the culture god in the same way that the sort of like real romans started worshiping their emperors after death and and saw them as divine it but it's different if it kind of makes sense like it's not as i don't think riemann cereal was worshipped on the same on par with like the ninth divine talos kind of thing yeah from my understanding at least um and like you know if we're being fair like all you know to be honest riemann the first the part that i like about it i guess that would go in his favor is once again the mythological sort of story about his birth um in the reminder but that's kind of all it's got going for me as in terms of as a god not an emperor as the the god worshiped after death so is that a no for you guys yeah it's a no from me i mean pelano white straight screaming raymond's pretty cool but yeah but yeah it's not enough to he can't scream it into the top turn so um next then is psy yeah now i actually really like psy okay i i like the idea uh i just like the concept of being a luck god that you can't worship for too like too much or you get a disease called size affliction you know that that seeks you to become like a desperate kind of gambler like eager to to get the god's favor back and this kind of thing and also the relation of psy with eben arm as we kind of touched on before yeah what do you think drew well that like he's being the god of luck he's got a lot of response like with great power you know comes great responsibility so like he spent too much time with his nord wife i don't know if he's necessarily a wife but basically had a child with her and then eben arm comes like come mate sorted out you can't just be loving on the nords because you know there's a theory that partially size affection for his nord mistress or wife is what caused the snow elves to have such a rough time yeah i've heard that as well i i think there's a lot of interesting stuff there it's not the thing is with psy it's not a god that you really hear about much particularly if you haven't played daggerfall the location a lot of the listeners will be like who's psy the key reason is i think like loki eben arm and psy are sort of retconned well they're just not they're not explicitly but i don't think they're ever going to be mentioned again i don't think eso liked them very much no i don't know why correctly they're the ones that kind of tried to wreck on them because it kind of had it like i think when daggerfall started it was a bit more of a generic fantasy so like you know eben arm for example is listed as the enemy of all daedra and so on and it kind of had a bit they had a it wasn't as like um i guess nuance to someone it was a bit more like just demons versus good gods and i don't know if there's there's some daggerfall stuff that you kind of take with a grain of salt like for example like molag bal is said to i'm pretty sure it's malabar said to be an ally of azura because these are all the descriptions from from daggerfall but you know if you once you've the morrowind laws out and you've got the four corners of the house of troubles and stuff that doesn't really make sense and it doesn't really or or like i think there was like there was an interesting one with mafaala being allied with someone which i'm like oh okay um but um yeah i mean there's a few there's a few things that you kind of have to take with a grain of salt but i feel like i would prefer look always quality over quantity but i definitely do just like there being other gods and other deities that exist around the place and their power levels are kind of subject how much worship they're getting one of the things if it wasn't clear as well with sai sai was immortal killed in battle and eben basically appears to him and gives him a deal which is you can die now or i'll make you a mortal but you have to be this god of luck and go around and spread luck around fairly i'll be honest like there's some cool parts like i like this um the explanation of um of the baby and stuff in skyrim and how he brought all the luck to the nords and that's why they spread to the empire in early history and whatnot but um it's just still not i don't know it's not my top 10 not on my flavor exactly like it doesn't i feel like i'm going to have to put it into the maybe pile if we've got hunding there is hoon being in the maybe pile yeah because of drew it comes down to how we're going to rate them are we going to give them credit all right well look just put it in the maybe pile for now or we'll go through the rest but i feel like we'll be knocking that one from the maybe pole quick smart plus inherently eben arm comes above psy i mean if you were to group the two together and their stories as the same kind of like yeah it's related for sure different chapters of the same book well let's let's just go on then and we'll let's look at uh standard slash stone okay for me standard is absolutely a top ten i agree i i is very very cool i really like it's just one of those things that's really nice in all the pantheons i love how in the elven pantheon it's seen as the apologist of men um and then obviously i like the nordic take on stoners like instead of their eye because you know he's a god of mercy and justice but he's a god of ransom i just think that's really cool like that's the nordic way of mercy is ransom instead of execution you know what i mean or something like that oh for sure and all of the teachings and stuff are kind of interesting when you realize but the whole i like the the kind of thing where it's like about mercy and even if you do wrong by the gods you can be forgiven by standard and blessed and everything but if you're a vampire a danger an undead like or a werewolf or whatever no mercy for you you know it's it's interesting like violent but just merciful at the same time i also like i don't know why i just like his uh little statue the pouring of the the well it's taken from real world stuff isn't it um it could have been i can't i believe is it the cornucopia and there's some yeah yeah yeah so the horn of plenty yeah essentially yeah um but yeah so yeah let agree drew yeah i'm fine with him being top ten okay fine but he's not in your top ten i'm interested all right let's hit cerebene then oh cyril bane don't get me started when i was doing the uh elder the flesh magic video and i had to go into trader's vault on artem which is where mata marco kind of explored the dark arts early on you see a conversation between vanesscularian and mana marco and he goes and maybe this is right i'm not sure how many times i've heard siribane said in game but he goes what in siribane's name do you think you're doing or something like that and i was like siribani i don't know cyril bane sounds much better um i don't think he did much i'm not that anxious like he's just the patron of young mages basically yeah he helped during he helped fight the slow but i don't know yeah um let's move on then to telostia i think talos is 100 yeah is up there all right cool next one trinimac drew is pretty cool is that your eyes lighting up waiting i like trina mack yeah do we all like trinimac you see your top one i know it's not he's he's top six okay right but i just knew you'd have true to mac up there um i'm happy to put him in the contender pile but um he's to we can get into this later i just find him kind of like straightforward if that makes sense he's just an elven night god essentially i'm a bit disappointed i was really jaded to have a debate with drew about why trinimac's not number one but number six sounds so reasonable he's the enemy of lorcan like the idea of them you know the armies of elves and men in the early days fighting and then him you know kicking him down on the battlefield and ripping out lorkhan's heart on the battlefields it's all pretty cool yeah so there's a lot of reasons why he's cool you know even if he's not most powerful yeah although he is um up there even in power like consider that you know boethiah and mafaala or or one or both of them had to trick him to that's deceive him to beat him and you know [ __ ] him out and turn him into malaca but uh okay next up is sun um i do want to just add a note here is that they're in i think it's just in the varieties of faith that he is alluded there's an alluded to connection between him and xenathar but i don't think it's strong enough to really warrant putting them together so i feel like it's almost just like oh it kind of fits the eight or whatever but um soon is uh he's dead that's why he's in stoven guard yeah god of trials against adversity died defending shaw from foreign gods uh it's cool he's cool but for me he wasn't top 10 not top tier not top ten agreed i do lie i do like him i like he he's like one of those lesser gods that if you read about in other mythologies he kind of just feels like the it's this isn't i guess this isn't fair and i'm not even less a god but you know the um oh my god i forgot his name the the river man on the river sticks in greek mythology the fairy man it just kind of feels like that because he's guarding him from no i think he is literally just called the fairy man it's the river sticks yeah i swear he had a name but yeah okay oh no yeah we know who you're talking about carry on or something it began with c it definitely sharon or something like yeah h-c-i-r-o-n or something like that drew did you see yeah cosplay of soon in the next episode nah it's it's not revealing enough yeah it's um i think it's pronounced caron like but it's c-h-a-r-o-n okay whatever that dude it kind of gives me that vibe he's like because because now he's just guards the well-being bridge his kind of sphere of what he does is very you know simple straightforward so uh yeah that's a that is a no for me boom um next up is xe's hit me i have him i have him high up yeah i think he's really cool um and a lot of it is kind of mysterious as well um so you know he's the the god of secrets and hidden knowledge so in in many ways he's kind of similar to hermaeus mora and there's the idea that he served him as maura and the thing that i really like about him is where it says um he created his wife from his favorite moments in history there's so many ways you can interpret that and it's uh yeah yeah i actually thought uh everything you just said i totally agree i like it but it's just it's here and this is kind of what we'll have to work out but it's the same thing it's like really there's not much said about him it's like sounds like there's that mythological sentence and i'm a sucker for that too i love those little mythological sentences but if you want to put it on par with other gods in the in in regards to like like the amount of information i guess there's cool and and somehow like you i don't know to me at least he sounded a little bit cooler before summer said i was because you really drill in that he is like he's less like emmaus more in that sort of like uh lovecraftian like you know how it's like it gives a different vibe like the ageless one and knowledge and stuff is is how he's called zak says he's um named but he doesn't he's he's just an ancestor elf who like keeps track of all their ancestry and so on i don't know if this will help sell you or perhaps not at all because it is kind of speculation but him being the scribe and you know he's like large yeah scribe of oriel and he's like largely responsible for the way the high elves care about ordliness and purity so in a way um if he is like an old mary priest who ascended as some claim or whatever it's like he can kind of prove that they have a pathway back to godhood the whole culture so he's really impacting their culture if they believe he was once an aldema who ascended you know because that means oh [ __ ] someone can do it we can do it yeah well it's kind of like not like i guess um descended or whatever because they were like started off as like great elven algae spirit kind of thing but yeah i know what exactly meant like um but i like zoxie zoxis gets to be a contender all right sure how about that um and then what have we got left uh zenitha slash oh sorry ephraim so if we i'm sorry to all of the bosma lovers out there who know i ranked the wood elves really highly and might be expecting me to jump in here but i actually if free just doesn't do it for me the the whole i like the green pact and i like all the things made with the the wood elf the wood elves and and all of that it's just the general concept since then is not particularly interesting to me what do you two think um for me i i'm kind of in the same boat like it's not necessarily looks definitely not my favorite like nature god archetype but um but meaning like not disliking the archetype just i prefer kinereth hands down over um but i like one thing that does put it a little bit higher for me is the songs and stories thing and having the spinners being their priests that sort of i do like the spinners i like that whole that makes him a little gives him a little bit more spice you know rather than just oh i'm the tree spirit kind of god of the forest that with the green pact and the green pact is cool and i guess it really hinges on him but i don't know there's something about vibes bro i just yeah i think it could be the absence of personality what do you think drew yeah he's my favorite god oh really yeah what are they yeah like what a take but once again this is kind of commonplace for me is that having the mystery where i can kind of fill in the gaps myself helps me love a god or love a character oh like um so like part of yeah part of it is me filling it in like the the nature god the forest god those kind of gods are my favorite in real world mythology as well you know like i i love kern and os the horned god from celtic mythology and things like that and and how kind of you've got her and the hunter in england and things like that but yeah the idea that he's a storyteller and he kind of sings and tells everything into existence and i i wrote a little bit down it's like he created the green so he shaped it with songs and stories he taught the birds to sing and the waves to lap against the shores things like that i just find it's really nice and it kind of yeah it makes valencia really cool i'd absolutely well let's go like contender then oh i mean i put him over other contenders that are in there me too me too that is fair i just it's this weird thing where i know like you can't be like objectively subjectively but i can definitely see why ifree could rank well it's just for me it's just this what you said when you're like vibes man yeah so just to clarify though he's my favorite god but he's my number two um because i still think this one is better all right look let let's keep going are we all just gonna ditch xenophar is that how it's going or does someone like him or is that going to be the true number one deals isn't the top no he's all right like the the xenophar of the imperials is like you know the god of labor and commerce the idea that you can reach happiness through hard work it's cool but nothing too special i mean i think you guys know a bit more about zen than i do well that way it's not not particularly interesting there's not that much really to uh like i look let's just say no move on zenith fans out there are going to be absolutely gutted is that zen's zen is interesting but again it's kind of just another god of agriculture like you know one interesting part of it is vengeance though and i don't know if you could relate that to a kind of like eye for an eye or like some interesting stuff there with like god of toil and agriculture and payment in kind how many have we um got left in the thing because we've gone through the list now because we've got a lot i feel like um so we're done the list now so i just laughed because i wrote i searched something on google as like a mental note for myself for something to do later and the results are very bad yeah um so we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 okay that's terrible we need to cut some all right um okay so i'll just list them for you in alphabetical order akatosh archaic bandar developer let's call out bye when we think gone call out if you think okay and bandar for me okay n bandar um can we all agree on bandar yeah bandar's out all right okay yeah next is i'd say out i think all right if we if cyrus's achievements and friend r hunting's achievements aren't really him then definitely gone because those two characters those two characters are really cool but it's the same kind of with talos and tiber septim it means we can't give lorcan credit for pelinol yeah that's fine i guess that's fine yeah that's fine so i'll take out hunding then kinerath law khan maharaja so what about oh we didn't have giuliana's did we no no no rajin i'd probably toss fridge into the side i i had him at number nine so it's not terrible well we can all agree we're going to toss psy out because we don't like him and eben arm's already there can we agree with that yeah all right let's get rid of some what do you think about side drew i think eben arm is better than psy i'm actually going to write eben arm sci even though they're different like it's eben arm but just to remind me the story of psy and then we've got stendar which is definitely staying tallos trinimax arksies and ifri can you guys sell me on standard quickly um yeah so watch our video on it yeah no i i i mean yeah a lot of it is like what his order comes from and like i said to me i kind of like the gods that it's the same way that like mara appeals to me i like the idea that she's as an entity sort of has an interaction between the different pantheons but i like that because of stone and him being in in in the eight divines he's also a um like the god of justice any sort of an imperial divine i like because now he's really entrenched in in the in the men um the sphere of the manosphere the realms of men i like that and because he is a god of mercy in general i like that his mercy made him an apologist to men from the elves perspective but his mercy made him a god of ransom to the nordic perspective and then in between like his mercy to the i like the different interpretations of mercy too little so like his mercy to the undead and to the daedric and stuff is killing them reading them because put them out of their misery kind of vibe so i just kind of like and then obviously there's the vigilant of standard and the things that sort of um come from him but um yeah fair do you know what i could say i'm going to come in with a hot take let's get rid of rk i mean i had asked people pretty low in my top 10 but yeah and drew seems keen to get rid of rk i think i'll read rk out of the list with the story what do you think no no no agreed this the story where is it let me find it okay so it looks kind of long but basically so be it known that the gods were once as we archaic the god of death and birth was an ordinary shopkeeper whose only unusual characteristic was a passion for knowledge to indulge his hobby he became an avid collector of books on almost any subject he could find in print one day he stumbled across a tome which purported to tell the secrets of life death and the purpose of existence after months of studying the convoluted logic written in opaque language he thought he was finally beginning to understand what the author was saying during this time he became so intent on understanding the book that he ignored everything else what i just laughed because it's like it's kind of like it's um it's boring me out of the top 10 like he's leaving the top 10 because he's leaving his business started to slide towards bankruptcy it's like he's failing friends stop visiting him he ignored the plague which was ravaging the town this was very interesting when i didn't read it out loud yeah i mean it can probably be summarized yeah it probably should be summarized but basically um if i was to say he prays tomorrow and then he learning about like life and death and he's dying praise tamara mara says why should i make an exception for you he goes mother mara i'm finally beginning to understand the book and the meaning of life and death and like needs a little more time to think and study on others um yeah and then i'm assuming mara grants him that ain't not cheating he's gone um i'll because was i'll just offer there on like tuaka too it's sort of like a little bit of like meme value almost like the god of nobody really cares like it's you know it's a bit more yeah he's out i'll throw right there what do you guys think about zarcy's go on bye bye not before raijin surely yeah agreed okay not two to one oh sorry sorry get where's regin regin's there i reckon we can get rid of i get regina here i'll throw you guys a bone because you guys don't like these ones as much but i would get i would concede de bella off the list before well i wouldn't before zach's like i've got to quite hide my list but i understand it might not be everyone's begone very chaste boys but um but yeah i i think of the two like kind of like love related gods mara is really good and and i'm actually getting kind of getting reminded of how involved mara is like in the rk story she's involved in alicia's story she's and also she's a common god in like pretty much every pantheon i think just to stress again though that rk story isn't necessarily true it is one of those kind of myth things yeah like yeah other people will just believe he's a god that's been around since forever if you know what i mean um so that leaves us with ten i think one two three four five one two oh if we yeah we got ten i'm happy to have mommy mara in the top 10 but maybe at 10. i i i don't why why is that my quick yeah that's true because like why haven't like compared to regin who's got like some you know oh no regin's gone regina's gone so what's our list left okay akatosh eben arm kinereth law khan mara standard talos trinimax arksies and ifri gosh drew you've really influenced this thing yeah yeah i would like like to me and so regine is on it sorry on it or gone what was that gone gone i'd put xoxis at the bottom honestly i don't think he's that interesting i wouldn't have zarci's on the list at all but if he was hermaeus mora's concubine would you would you change that that changed up no but i think that but the thing with mara too like i think the reason for you guys to like but it's kind of more because it's just love bro and love and marriage and stuff but maybe i just value love and marriage a lot bro i know you do i know you do and this is kind of what i was trying to but but this is a subjective is that doesn't mean that their law is cool just because you're like a real no but then laura is cool she's involved she's involved in alicia um in coming to alicia and so on involved in the rk story and so on she's involved in um in the uh both pantheons the nordic and album dichotomy um and also she's involved like i mean just the typical like amulet of mara marriage stuff that you kind of see but um yeah i'm sure can i just ask you scott do you have kynareth as number one i do have kynareth as number one i'm happy to put kynareth up the top for now and like kind of leave in that area yeah agreed to like top three okay yeah yeah so kennerath's there think top three for a second do you want me to just read mine i think top one is undisputed i like we all agree no no no oh sorry no i mean okay someone else is the other okay so he here's what i had as top three originally i had kine then lor khan then talos i'd have law khan at number one yeah i knew it yeah i mean i i meme about trinimac but like based on conversations we've had in the past you kept on bringing up lawcom maybe it might be easier to work backwards like to work from one to ten it's pretty anticlimactic what we've already said like it kind of feels like i feel like the competition for one is kind of between kine or lorcan right yeah so we can put them as one and two kind of confirmed like i don't know what order yet but we'll okay find there so saying that ifrey wouldn't be in the top two no what what so what about talos you sell talos because talos for me again it's just a it's one of the best ascension stories yes even outside of tiber septim's things the what went into the creation of talos and the fact that he wasn't even got the fact that he changed the landscape retro um retrospectively stuff like that he's just so like the whole idea that in the timeline of like arena daggerfall he's not a god yet but then he kind of becomes a god in um okay this is scott here from the future we got into a long and confusing discussion about talos but i think it's much better if i just summarize it here basically talos is an oversoul that features three individuals tiber septim wolfarth and zurin arctus in the arena daggerfall timeline talos was not yet a god as such because the soul of zurin arctus the under king was still bound to the mantela however the end of the daggerfall timeline results in the destruction of the mantela which unbinds his soul and allows the full oversoul of talos to be formed now that talos is a god time breaks with the activation of the numidium and some retroactive timeline changing stuff happens now talos was always a god and with his new godhood he changed cyrodiil from a jungle to forests and grasslands even retroactively so cyrodiil technically never was jungle or at least that's the top theory this is also related to the warp in the west which results in the many feuding kingdoms of high rock forming into five and then when you really really look into it all of this is law that tries to explain the soft reboot of the series that was the elder scrolls iii morrowind regardless the whole thing's really confusing and debatable at points and it's one of the things that makes talos as an entity so interesting including things like the idea that he could be a kind of lorkhan reborn a champion god of men stuff like that which plays into the idea why the thalmor want to erase talos from existence so badly by outlawing his worship if you're really interested you should check out our videos on the topic and also all in all the guy who made the pelinal opera has recently made a really cool evangelion elder scrolls mashup animation that features tiber septim and the numidium with some of the more meta crazy themes check that out but yeah back to the podcast because this is the other thing sorry and what i was trying to explain poorly was the um the idea that in a conventional idea amongst if you went and asked talos worshippers or if you the conventional orthodox idea is that talos is just tiber septim was so good the nine the eight divines loved him so much that he sort of ascended and he became the ninth divine like it's not whereas the kind of reality is it involves a lot of dragon breaking new medium mantela kind of related stuff and also that talos is actually three souls combined into like an oversoul of zurin arctus izmir wolfhath who is like the ash king and ancient order king and then type of septum but um but yeah but only type of septum got credit for it because there's this whole idea that type of septum also like you know didn't know any of the shouts and stuff it was just is me working the whole time and and then you know um okay so i'll put we'll put talos's third yeah uh how would you feel about um so we've got akratosh ebene morristender trinimac zark season ifree i'd say akatosh as for yeah i think so because i mean it encompasses auriel and aldwin as well so yeah typical though yeah and now caution um i kind of agree it's just and it's all oreos but i do like him as an elven deity as the sort of orioles bow and the idea that he strung the heart of lorcan on and shot it and made red mountain and and i do like even the whole dragon thing is really cool that like i like him and all his all of his interpretations like him even in the red guard stuff being tall papa and i think that's another reason like i also really like sep in that him being i'm pretty sure he's the is the leftover he was made by in that story he was actually made by tall papa okay akatosh um so in a made sep from the remnants of old world skins i think it was from the shattered skins of of um sadder carl so it's just like i've when you put all the cultural interpretations together i think it really makes up i guess a higher yeah i i agree to be honest i might even consider over talos i was just about to say that when you sell it to me like that as if that's not more interesting than talent yeah um we've sort of kind of got the top four-ish kind of thing so where where where do we have um stender in here i mean we don't we the bottom the bottom six at this point are just whatever so there's eben mara stendar trinimax axes ifri i feel like stendar could is so the way i look at it is stendar cooler than mara i would be like yes is standard cooler than trinimac for me i would say yes uh if i was working from the bottom i think zarks uses the bottom are you going to cop it drew i'm trying to decide between xe's and eben arm but i think so maybe he's arxy's 10 eben arm nine but is that and eben arm both less cool than mara drew not to me personally but i can totally see the reasons i think outside of the poetic description of xi's and his wife and outside of the poetic description of um eben arm and like what he looks like in the roses and the graveyard and stuff like that and you know his story with psy as well but what about outside the poetic description of mara being a concubine that you're so obsessed with she's no but she's involved with elite she's involved with um coming to alicia and and bringing her like all of the the words and stuff in the i forgot the which one's the book it's not song's pelano it's not the other one adabala it's um it's the one with all of the the the quotes from um about isn't it in the songs of pelano that she comes yeah i think it is the songs of palette but regardless like so there's there is that and then um i also like the idea that she's sort of the universal goddess but like i said i it's the uh it's the elven um nordic dichotomy and also involved in like you know rk's uprising i can completely concede not high but i would definitely put over eben arm who is also basically a retconned god with a poetic description all right all right okay how about trinimaka's ten what do you two think of that trinimac absolutely beats zack season okay fine um okay yeah okay no that's good that's good i'll coincide i like mara more oh the other thing i like about mara i keep forgetting to say is i really like moa um the yokudan version and so on and the idea that she has like forearms to grab many husbands and that she has like these beehive shrines and that she's sort of worshipped as like you know sort of like the queen bee kind of thing and i also like that in need of myself i like that beehive and then in the needic methyl there's even things with her having like four breasts or something like that to feed like she's kind of a little bit more alien looking because of all the extra limbs and stuff but in the anitic mythology um there's they have some sort of like primalish versions of deities they might be connected to others but one's called the fat mother which is essentially this this needed woman or something that it was like she's pretty sure she was feeding they were like crossing a desert or something can't remember some hostile terrain um and they was feeding them um breast milk basically like from tears and they all just called her fat fat and fat and stuff like this and then she became but but basically the gods she pray i think she prayed to the gods of sonic for help or something like that but the gods made her into a god like a big fat bee thing but only in the but it was only under the condition that the tribesmen aren't allowed to disrespect her anymore because the bee will sting you if um if you'd like kind of disrespect nature that's kind of the idea that you're like because she's basically this big god of bounty and nourishment and stuff like that and kind of like a loving mother figure kind of thing or like literally called the fat mother so people could argue too that's another sort of connection to mara and so on but um but yeah i just like i just think like it's cool like the idea that she's because you know love is such a super universal force it's going to be um everywhere in some capacity and and you know he's about i think it's just you know he's getting wholesome yeah making people make people then look that that's me thing and i understand that that that's an impossible sell for you guys but i i'm not no it's not for me i'm i'm not really yeah um i i do have mar in my list i did have mara just above standard but you know i it's just for what subjectively either then drew is going to really struggle to put mara above standard and all of those above trinimac ebenham and xoxies no well i'm actually happy to have x's 10 eben arm nine yep okay trinimac and and ifra i'd still want to talk about a little more okay i can look at them i honestly i could put mara at uh eight i feel like that's kind of the best i'm gonna do with you unless because because michael definitely wouldn't put above standard you don't really care but like i feel like the most the easiest sell for the group is to put her at eight yeah sure all right okay so then we're working with trinomial because i in weight like it's funny it's really funny because now i'm defending these big oh hold on but okay we could talk about e3 more but i'd put ifree below actually mara because to me besides me too besides efree just being like um so that's the green pact kind of stuff i really do like the songs part and the poetic sort of idea that and then the priests were the spinners but i don't know it's just not it's not quite enough like i just kind of you then have all the khajiit stuff as well so the idea that you know he formed it um so azura got to make her children and when and and then it was ephra who told nerney about this so then nani gave ephra the ability to create the forest people so that's why the forest people have always had the problems with the khajiit and all of that stuff as well true i mean he's he's called like like this is hmm can you sell more like the thing is look you know it's funny enough like trinimac i don't even like that much because i feel like he's i don't like dislike him i just i just don't think he's that cool he's just a very strong elven god who fought law khan and stuff but like to me so was oriel but like auriel has all of this other stuff and that's why they're up there because i would be really keen to put trinimac as 10. obviously we can't give trinimac any credit for everything that comes after the consumption because that's just malacath yeah it's like it's not part of the same deity anymore i i would probably put trinimac at eight if i think about it i i actually still prefer tr i would still prefer trinimac over at eben arm because eben arm's actually not that yeah it's just a poetic description if you actually just like because we have no description of trunam trinimac for example really take that away and then if you put ebenem on the same playing field besides like creating psy like you know i guess that's a cool story but besides that it's just a god of war but i feel like you can't just strip away all the things that make it cool and then just go oh and but besides that it's just no but i'm just terms in story yeah but in terms of story i mean that trinity you could do that to any god just be like oh i'm going to take away this distance but you could i'm saying their description she's just a god no i'm just saying the description i'm saying what makes eben arm cool half of what i'm talking about is the actual sort of mythological description for example akatosh as a thing is is an oriel or whatever through the different interpretations and so on there's it's kind of what they do as well it's not so much just what they look like it's not i'm just a dragon so i'm cool or i'm just an elf dude or or you know what you know what i mean like it's but obviously descriptions factor in but like i'm not like i'm just trying to like strip it away a little bit more that eben arm really is just in terms of what they actually do in story it was in daggerfall times it was worshiped in the fighters guilds and stuff and it was a favored god in hammerfell god of war and then made psy but outside of i think there's not much but trinidad at nine i'm happy to i'm happy the reason trinimac would be above i would say is is definitely because he's like this super strong elven warrior god that managed to kill lorkhan and then he had to be like the whole story of his portrayal and so and he's so powerful that he had to be betrayed and gets corrupted he's not when obviously not counting everything beyond the corruption but just even that whole story and significance of it and plus he is also also worshiped by orcs in contemporary times which is kind of cool with some orcs which is cool because it's sort of like this idea where they're not accepting this idea of malacath instead still a hundred percent i'm i'm all down to put trinimac over ebenham i just want to be careful that we don't just strip away the cool things yeah for sure well i would say i would put eben arm over xoxis though still i think yeah yeah yeah hundred percent 100 percent so yeah so zak sees is 10. so 10 xes 9 eben arm 8 trinimac all right are we going to say ifry's cooler than those three and put it free see i would put um either i'd put mara next personally but obviously like i've had some of the more out there takes so i would prefer a ahead of mara and standard at six personally i don't think i i i don't know michael you might have to be the i'd put mara above efri because i'm in a position of power yeah you're in a position of power i'm not going to be so i'm not going to be butt hurt either way i don't think really it's kind of semantic but like i um it's just with ifry um it's it's kind of a very specific and i guess it's kind of what you prefer like besides like we said the poetic stuff with the the storytelling and so on and and the waves and forests and stuff like you're talking about um and the green pact and also you know and also how it was related to how it was interpreted in um the khajiit pantheon is called but there's also a cool personality that does come through like portrayed as a nosy spirit that can't keep secrets eavesdropping on azure's creation of the kajeed and telling nerney what he overheard um and that kind of stuff i i think it also helped break up a couple of the divines as well i feel like i think i can put it free above mara that's just what i'm feeling sorry if free beats mara yeah let's go mara and then ifra above mara and then stand our next okay can we just get how do you pronounce this bosma deity i say ifra or yeah sometimes you say like it's one of those words sometimes you say you're free i've probably said before yeah but then you've got jeffer and other ways of pronouncing it and to the see i also that's that's one thing i guess to a fault of ifry for me or if or whatever the fault for that is outside of the valenwood elsewhere area boring as hell to me i don't i don't doesn't jeffer in the in the breton pantheon and stuff like that does not resonate with me at all because i'm like to me it's a very specific valenwood locational god if that makes sense whereas by comparison like mara is a very it's a much more of a universal force god so so the love is everywhere and multiple interpretations where it's like i'll like the interpretation in nordic pantheons i'll like the interpretation elven or could you eat pantheon's or whatnot like but but if free to me is really i like the khajiit perspective on it because it's geographical okay look look let's just assume that they're six and seven we they may change but for now they're six and six although i'm happy to put i'm happy enough to put okay free above but five is standard just for even if i was just to throw in like that effort is responsible for what else yeah yeah that that that's fairness five yeah it's just the only slot left and then it's talos akatosh and i guess we've got to decide if lor khan wins or kynareth wins i'm on team kinerath kind same see i that's kind of shocking to me because i like i i think i think kenner is awesome there's so much cool lore about her but everything everything comes down to law khan do you know what it really does the one thing i would throw there if you're not counting shazarines and stuff like that or all that kind of stuff like the avatars as much lorkhan's dead and his service is being dead so there's the heart of law khan and so on and you know that's it it's important that's how the tribunal arose with and that's how um the medium and stuff was all made um i like him as you know sure being the sort of like tough warlord god but if you actually did stripped away in the same way that auriel is a bit basic in that he's just an elven king god so is shaw in a lot of ways i do like sovereign guard in the underworld things i also really do like shaw being represented as a fox being the tricks to god i think that pushes him up because i like how they've kind of canonized somewhat the idea in the nordic pantheon that he did trick and betray just because it's in his sort of nature and stuff but the other thing i do like shazaar i think is a pretty plain to be honest version to me to me you just accidentally sold lore khan yes yeah because you're talking about how he's dead but even in death he's contributed to more cool stories and lore than anyone else his heart alone has created the most cool stuff yeah but it's not it's his corpse it's kind of like you know the god like you know i mean it's kind of his core look the reason i would say i think the corpse is a god okay so it is important yeah the the reason i'm saying um i would put um i just need to get it up as well just to make sure i cover everything i want to because there is a lot of cool but the thing about kind the biggest thing with look okay let's just throw out the nature thing real quick nature's cool okay but that's kinorat's the most boring version right the um kine in particular is just awesome i love the idea that she there's the idea that she um breathed um she created men on the throat of the world um and it's called the mother of a man that's that mother figure and so on and she's associated with i like that she's the more aggressive sort of storm wind and rain rather than the sort of just oh like you know benevolent forest kind of thing i also like it's just an interesting take that she's basically because shaw is canonically dead to them kyne is the head of the nordic pantheon and she's this sort of warrior warrior queen goddess kind of thing um i also like that she has a son in the form of morrow house he was a sick demigod as well um but i and the other thing is the the lord can't she's responsible for the thumb and i know skyrim added it and made it so it's like parthenox did it at the behest of kind and whatnot but originally she's the whole breath of kind of it's her it's her giving the thumb which is i think is the coolest ability out of pretty much all the elder scrolls to the nords my interpretation of that is a more practical one in that the nords chose to credit um kine for the firm whereas the reality is the dragons just get like path and acts defected for whatever reason whether it be kinds influence and simply taught them their language like anyone teaching a language that's the way i interpret it more than because it does kind of sound like the nord said that through path and axe kind did this but it's like well there's no proof of that as well but yeah it's just the two different things saying that parthenox did or versus kind did kanafi is also great in this in the sense that to the khajiit she kind of like uh carries them up to the sounds behind the stars and kind performs a similar kind of thing like for example for um wolfhath when he gets blasted into ashes it said that kind lifted the ashes into the heavens below above and so on and i think it was even he got blasted into oblivion but she pulled him from oblivion or whatnot but um and and yeah like amara house is is uh super cool one second there's mort i hate to like devalue your argument but at the end of the day i feel like we're having this conversation because of law khan everything exists the way it does because of him yeah but reason has her role but then orioles will be number one then auriel should be number one because the universe wouldn't begin to be able to start without the concept of time because time stabilized the universe which then allowed the concept i'm not gonna argue that the concept of time is the coolest whereas i think his trick he's deceiving of all the other original you know the the the spirits of aetherius to create the mundus once inherently cooler than time yeah the one the one thing that was cool too i um that is a blood moon thing one of the default like enemies are they they're called the fry's hags and they're basically just these like nature witches that are addicted to worshiping kind and so on and they like really take it seriously and stuff like that there's just little bits of like kind of it's sort of like you know how morrowind's interpretation of the gods of other cultures are often better and so on but it's the other thing to um i don't know i feel like i'm just this referee sitting here about to decide the fate of our list by saying that it's gonna be number one yeah it's it's gonna come down to you the doom drum come on that's the thing i love that yeah i mean that is really cool i mean look i like lorca it's any poetic words will always get me but like um yeah it's boring but yeah i mean kind will be my number one still i just think and i i think you know i just like it is cool and was ranked really high for me subjectively and then when we started to talk about it i was like oh this is actually quite like i think law khan's cool it's kind of less it's just to me at least i guess i guess it's also what you'd value but like kine in a way i would say is more in an active role versus a passive role because lorcan died and then the tribunal tribunal like lorkhan didn't like bless the tribunal and stuff with their power or anything like that his they just took it from the heart that was there and froze in the ground like it's kind of all friends it's it's passive because he's dead he was just a cool warrior beforehand whereas kyne you know gave the nord's thumb supposedly you know it depends if you just take them at face value gave him the thumb breathe life into the into the world sent down maura house to help helen a white strike and the humans rebellion like she's essential to human um uh well birth or peripheral proliferation so what i'm trying to say on tamriel um and then also like i do just like the kanathi sort of also tarva as well i like that she's the one that um that's a nice poetic description i actually think i'll go on if you're sorry what to say about kanawha no no because mine is like a final four on the the final hammer in the nail the smell um i just try to find um i just want to find the exact description of type because there's something really nice that i like okay while you do that i think michael if if you don't want to be the one to decide i don't know if this is yeah okay well we what we could also do on the side is maybe it's worth having pinned comments for each god i know people will have their own opinion on who's number one but maybe we can get some help on deciding who's better out of law khan yeah i i think i think we should still agree upon one to say but then also just see if like or who should have won and then like comment both well yeah so michael what was your final decision oh i think i've had to put law khan as number one the doom come on just keep saying the doom draw when you win i yeah i thought to be honest i thought lorcan would win by a landslide for all of us i i it's just i guess the ultimate it comes down to is it's just the passive role like if you actually analyze like kind of like i know the big trick thing and he did it and there's the cool like nordic fox connection stuff like that the symbolism and so on but like ultimately what he is is a god that either tricked or did create people so i want to create like you know what i mean it varies depending what perspective but um but then his purpose to the sort of story is being dead and then he's he's and people abused his corpse and used his power but he didn't like do he just doesn't have the same active role there are parts actually oh look i'll throw in extra stuff there is some cool stuff in there with um him and woolfarth and so on like there's this version of battle red mountain in the in the five songs of woolforth where he's he goes to red mountain it's a line something like um don't you know what this battle really is it's basically this idea that they're going to reincarnate carnate shaw because dagor third comes to the nords and he's like can't like i'll show you where the heart of your dead god is essentially and there's a chance at reviving him and so on and i guess there's some sort of ghost to shore stuff like that but um and look let me we can agree that uh kine and i and shaw are the power couple gods of uh of the elder scrolls for sure i think it's just to me being dead means nothing when it comes to the aedra because they're so disconnected anyway i mean that's like all of them are incredibly disconnected and it's kind of you can say oh you know they're actively doing this but even if they were dead and it was still like their power was still having an effect on the world the difference isn't really important to me if anything it's cooler that you know the corpse of him and the still beating heart i mean what i don't know what's happened to the heart now technically but so long as it's still beating he can't really be a dead god was it ever beating or is it just that one 3d model that just sits there and hums i mean humming you know is a very small kind of beat i guess also if you yeah yeah yeah i i'll put the top but for to me it's not a complete landslide you need to be a lawyer drew humming is a kind of beat like you won't even give him that look i i think i think it's gonna have to like we can agree but at the same time i think it will come down to which comment has the most likes curious though where did you have um kine and kinereth because you didn't have s2 or anything did you i had her at nine that's crazy so that's why i like that's like because what would you have michael as for for kinera yeah kind one like yeah that's right with my list that was super subjective and constantly changed i had law khan as number one at one point yeah and i had kain as number one at one point yeah um i didn't expect to see ifree up the list this far but i kind of didn't either i feel like this is just um it's just cow towering to drew here i'm probably gonna get um a bit of hate for some of the weird ones i don't think so i feel like weird guys into the top ten i feel look at love more than anything yeah i feel like i'll get the horny police set on me yeah for wanting just just because i wanted some some uh representation for women up the top there you know right let me know that i was fighting for women's rights scott has ascended he's the god of sims all right the final list reach heaven through simping the final list is lorkhan khan akatosh talos stender ifrie mara trinimac i feel like xoxis doesn't belong there but whatever all right it's just that like it's gonna be hard like it's compared to the aedra like where there's sorry compared to the daydream where there's like heaps of strong feelings because they're really they've all got a big personality the personalities are way more vague and they're not really as concrete as they are like for the daedra so like i feel i don't i'm not as as um 100 like it has to be for like a lot of them a lot of them i'm kind of indifferent like it's really kind of like only the top five-ish that i kind of cared about yeah same i feel like i'm much more passionate about the daedric princes yeah rankings i mean there was way more to choose from in this video as well so yeah and you know like i said if if we had any of the tribunal and stuff in there it would just blow him out of the water hands down but yeah uh yeah all right well that that there's your disappointing answer for some of you but some of you will love it because you loved look on the top but basically top two i feel like not everyone will agree on the kind kinerath stuff as a number two yeah they'd say way lower but basically although i was looking at some of the comments some people were some of them were surprising like um julianos and sometimes like i mean you must really like commerce or something like really just like heavy on that angle or something but like yeah yeah all right well thank you everyone for watching thank you for tuning in i am glad that you guys love the elder scrolls law as much as we do and will actually listen to us talk about all this nerdy stuff social media links are in the description below and we'll put comments in the description that you can thumb up for who you think the winner should be all gone kind thanks for watching guys yeah i will be back to nerd out with you again next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 149,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim top 10, top 10 gods, top 10, elder scrolls top 10, elder scrolls podcast, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore
Id: DYxfsxxD5wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 22sec (5542 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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