xQc Reacts to Ranking Women By Attractiveness | 5 Guys vs 5 Girls

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oh it's not me that long oh we could try it oh everyone's good was tested for covey pretty filming ranking women by attractiveness see this is gonna be the disaster we rank herself should we just like close our eyes and like scoot to where we think we should be how are we not going to bump into each other did anyone take this into consideration sorry we brought five women together to rank themselves based on attractiveness jack am i allowed to make my ranking at the beginning [Music] hi those old men uh oh this isn't a disaster chad don't be mean um let's see so i'm a dancer i'm very physical i use my body a lot i love baking cakes i always just like shove baked goods on my friends i teach acting to young kids i do mostly musical theater okay try this this is pretty easy oh my god because i'm a weenie i know um but i'm single as all heck hey uh one or one so one probably two i am a journalism major i'm also a student i'm double majoring in psychology one two or three maybe two maybe three um four maybe five nah nah dude hell nah guys i don't like ranking people because it's kind of weird but she's five or four probably a five i'm also an actress i love to travel i've been to india five times okay so we have to do this should we rank herself should we just like close our eyes and like scoot to where we i feel like my personality is really attractive my looks i feel like i'm like okay like i don't think anyone would look at me and be like oh i'm nervous how are we not going to bump into each other did anyone take this into consideration sorry we're all so humble we're like because i'm not a big uh what if you don't know like which one is the number see i saw him on some more too but i didn't know where y'all were standing oh my gosh then put yourself at him the girl who i found most attractive was jordan she has a great personality and she's confident dope oh see i thought this is okay stop dude guys obviously oh she's gonna do a plan oh see i thought this is true [Laughter] how do we do it off with like immediate first impression and attraction to the person i'm just going to put it out there just saying just so we do it one two three four [Music] what oh sorry one two three four one two three four got it um one two three four okay guys listen listen i i say this okay but listen this is four or five this is four five that that's it you're not gonna convince me of anything okay um her it's kind of hard to see under the makeup because she's wearing a lot so it's kind of tough because sometimes the the cake is so baked that it's kind of tough to see what kind of materials is inside right so her number could fluctuate depending on what happens she looks good she looks great she looks great but her is not wearing that a lot of makeup so she could be one it's kind of a tough battle between these three they're all good but these are definitely four and five depending on what happens okay uh one two three four okay i'll be two because i got all four twos okay i think i got three four the most so i'll stick in that window depending on the other person's there were attributes that i saw on the other girls that i didn't see myself and hence i would have put them higher as well over me so people like she's so sweet she's so funny she look but like i wouldn't date her i guess i'll be okay okay that's fair enough i already left so much dearly and i would date all of you so does that make me a three okay yeah i'll just stay here yeah nobody really wanted to be lost and i could kind of feel that vibe so i was just like you know it's fine like nobody is a 5 really i don't think so but i mean where do you think you would fit yourself in something guys guys well i mean i don't know because i feel like personally it's not gonna work but i'm a big uh facial feature guy okay and for me like dude it's just these small things in the face that i like a lot and none of them really have them oh by far two two three oh i'm five again i think we just put ourselves in order of most extroverted not the most personality this is final wait what what just happened least most man this is this is this is bogus finally my men fix this up man do you want to start it off you over there and then like just shift down i think michelle was the most attractive how she looked how she carried herself and it just seems like someone that's going to live an exciting life i guess you could say or that you could have like a deep conversation with could you switch with her i forgot they can't even hear me okay what would you switch i switch her and her you go over there oh those two okay all right you over there oh yeah she's she's about to get slammed did it and then she moves like but but but i was i was i was five oh no but but i was four dude out out three differently for me and i i really like christian mel sorry i probably put her in on the one or two position and i kind of like her vibe i think her whole aesthetic is very nice so for me it's either one or two appear i think that maria was the most attractive for me it was just like her whole vibe and like i liked how her hair was how her makeup was done like she looked very nice are we content with five being five i'm not where do you currently want five i want her at least three five goes up she should be a four because it's like meeting the middle i think five and four switch the we're gonna get ripped and you won i don't get the pointer here guys are not afraid to be more blunt they were straight up hey you're attractive you're attractive you're not but girls were like i don't want to be rude you know we're all beautiful in our own way all right we're good exactly [Music] but but that's not really how it is though they're like that for each other on each other right but with guys they're probably worse than they would be that's what that bias is just my [Music] thoughts [Music] okay let's see this is the men's rank a hell nah nah dude this is bugged out this is by the wazoo for me there's a swap then after this probably even swap and maybe swap but i don't know definitely two swaps here though the way the guys were ranking the girls i actually think we were doing it mostly by personality i was super anxious about ranking my hands were getting all clammy i was like really uncomfortable being the one to be like putting them where i thought you know it's obviously something that we do like in daddy's day life number one doesn't stand now that's my subconsciously but having to do it like in front of you so what was what's up with this guy man why is he what is this what are you wearing bro what is that having to do it like in front of them and like them watching you rank them was it wasn't fun but definitely a memorable experience well i was at five and now i'm here so i'm like thank you i don't know it's very interesting i feel i did think coming into this like cultural stereotypes would be a factor them making me first kind of shot that down i guess because i didn't think they would choose like an asian girl first i think when i think of a male viewing me as attracted or not versus a female it's definitely different because in a male setting judging me i knew that was going to happen like i'm not stupid so like i'm aware of how others view me i was surprised at them placing me at the bottom but at the same time i know out of a room of beautiful girls that i was put in but from the jump there was there was no chance for me i was yeah there was no chance there me being the only black girl like i knew that i wouldn't really rank but she's really attractive though american beauty standards versus what people see people of color it's different the guys that i interact with they socialize more with black women and they think more black women are attractive i think that the guys ranked the woman from appearance more than personality well no [ __ ] dude when you walk into a room dude what do you see that you see people's how they look not how to interact because you literally have to break the ice and talk to them to see how they interact and rarely even get to that point if people doesn't have the looks in the first place most of the time i feel like it just confirms that attractiveness is so subjective and circled and presented in one way and always has been even though i have my days where i'm like oh you're not really that cute in days where i'm like ooh you like you you cute i would say i wouldn't change i wouldn't change all right that was interesting i feel like he would interesting okay man [Music] give me you
Channel: xQcOW
Views: 421,530
Rating: 4.9316974 out of 5
Keywords: xQc, jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, ranking, women, by, attractiveness, 5 guys, 5 girls, rating, xqc reacts, reaction, twitch, highlights
Id: 022SDSQRmr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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