Picking Between 30 girls! Jubilee React #12

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GamerGalaxyWolf_YT 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Comment the first thing you see when you enter the comment section: wow such empty

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PedroThePrawn 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I laughed so hard whenever pewds made that CEO face and the bg music 🤣

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/rish_solanki6 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Comment the first thing you see when you enter the comment section: wow such empty

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BrownBandit02 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hot-Journalist3480 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Neuroms 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] have you ever done a dating app no you guys are all nine year old i don't know why i asked that well isn't it a weird thing you swipe left you swipe right well what if you would do it in real life jubilee has put that to the test 30 versus one dating app in real life that's crazy she looks like she's about to charge and punch the [ __ ] out of him jesus christ all right let's watch this 30 damn he's got good odds and shield to swipe through okay all right great okay so left is no right is yes okay i used a couple everything from tinder coffee meets bagel bumble i don't think it's weird to meet someone online i think it's more you just need to go into it i met someone online and i think it's weird no i never used the abs what the [ __ ] is that and with the possibility of meeting someone cool bring in the girls all right i guess we can play along as well and and say who we would swipe left or right on this should be fun oh wow they're all online wow it do be like that huh wait it'd be so funny if he says no to the first one because they've been staring at each other for a while setting this [ __ ] shot up and i'm like no i mean obviously i no him this is so awkward right we're like totally sad next you're done now [Music] now no what the [ __ ] is that stare you better pick me young man or else there will be that is consequences awkward what oh it's beautiful pick me pick me pick me damn it [Laughter] oh she should play poker she i don't know what the went through her brain no yet they look the same they both look the same what the [ __ ] they look identical why would you what made you chip oh their faces oh look at their little faces oh no one will ever love you face i don't know why i love this so much [Music] it's only fun watching them getting rejected all right yeah you try they try to hide it that's the thing i see it i see the face it's very subtle it's very subtle but it's there the look of [Music] disappointment you feel pain why am i laughing i'm sorry jesus christ how many are left no no no no oh god there's so many more [Music] again they look the same so he picked no one her but yes on her what's the difference what made you p are you just whiffling your arms around listen i'm married i'm not gonna judge the girls and that i and yeah that's it that's the end of that line i just don't understand what he's thinking guess he likes asian looking girls what was that with the last one a little power play there at the end he's like yeah you get to go sociopath the [ __ ] is wrong with you playing playing with people with emotions like that clearly disgusting they're unbelievable 16 potential matches so what's that a little intimidating i'm not gonna lie like i'm gonna get like the [ __ ] out of me like what's next if you would swipe left which means no here please leave oh oh my god somebody left yes oh that is pretty crushing man that's gonna feel terrible what a beta cringe dude if i did this everyone everyone no more i don't care what dating coaches say about me all right everyone would swipe left or right i don't know the difference all right well you got six my dude angela has 30 minutes emily hey i'm the other blonde girl that you picked nice to meet you ancho jasmine munchell nice to meet you it's like enchilada nice to meet you wait so your name is enchilada now i'm confused why would you say like that i'm sure like enchilada wait what the [ __ ] is your name hey guys felix here hey sponsor time oh yeah you better not click away you're browsing internet fringe unprotected oh double critch yeah that was pretty cringy triple cringe guys check out nordvpn how many times i gotta flip and tell you nordvpn.com it's a great offer why a great offer you ask 70 percent off that's a lot of percentages of a three-year plan you're safe for three years gamers not only are you safe browsing online or when you go to online places such as hotels and cafes where you risk your computer information going by and by by 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keep watching after the ad is over and i'm talking for no reason damn can i drag out see how long i can make you stay on vacation so how's your weekend been how have you been good very good so i guess like first question i feel like he's uh he's not being himself here it's kind of weird i shoulde nice to meet you he's doing that that ceo acting or that people do oh yeah i'm not really talking to you right now right would you spend three hours on the moon or three months in europe would you spend three hours on whatever the [ __ ] you said would you spend three months on the moon or one what the [ __ ] did you say uh obviously by the way i hate this [ __ ] question the moon i can go ahead to europe at any time of my god damn life i'm not always gonna get the offer to go to the moon am i so i'm obviously going to the moon they're not equal you should phrase the question like this if you had the choice to go to both but which one would you pick first how about that god damn so stupid three months in europe three months in europe really i hate those questions because you can make that reaction to any answer [Music] one month in the moon really three months in europe really why does this bother me hey i'm not that passionate about it by the way just to reclaim i don't really care that much months in europe yeah really i like dogs okay i'm a little bothered by it i i'm not gonna lie it annoys me a little bit usually dates so i'm like okay really yeah really that's so interesting i am a real person with real emotions wow that's how this guy talks are you from l.a or honeymoon beach area i live kind of near usc i'm a grad student there so what are you interested oh that's so interesting what are your interests [Music] i understand he's probably nervous and he's just projecting this role but he's not yeah i see through you towards the arts i actually sorry family for a very long time oh okay okay yeah so this is like totally out of my comfort zone no i don't do this i feel very special like thank you hold up you had a blog when you were 12. that's insane i love indian food yeah no i do any any reason for that one chief just gonna throw this out there i love indian food dude if this is actually that's really funny because that's what happened with me and marcia the first time we chatted she was like i'm just gonna throw this out there i love swedish meatballs and i was like oh oh that's that's crazy because cause i'm swedish wow stress of dates you know oh boy choose one person right now oh he gets to pick up between them really i feel like this is dating life goes into the real world right like how do you make that kind of decision nice to see you yet again katherine yeah yeah i guess she's got that lip tyler look or whatever good for him now you can go eat indian food together guys i had a really great time talking to you i love the chance if you'd like to see me again sometime i'd love to take you on a date maybe like next weekend yeah yes so is that how you get a girl i really like to take you on a date i had a really great time talking to you would you like to go on a date with me i would like to chat next weekend if you're free what cool i'll send you sometimes let me get your number real quick let me just let me just get your number real quick here on my cell phone here here you go it's strange strange it's interesting that we do this all the time and like i've definitely done this multiple times on my phone but but i'm not doing in their face i don't know i don't really see it this it's it's really fun video wise but it's not like an eye opener yeah seeing it in real life being like oh my god it's so crazy we're doing this to people uh this really changed my perspective on my whole dating curtain like now i feel like it's so different from dating in real life or even dating generally it generally takes a lot longer a lot more talk a lot more understanding but this was like oh done in five seconds that's so strange so you can judge a whole person in five seconds just like you did it wasn't even five seconds i saw the swipings imagine taking an hour drive just to get swiped left yeah everyone simply for the girl he picked this guy has to my family or millionaire smile i know it this girl does not look happy yes it's her [Laughter] obviously we gotta check out the girl version to compare what are the differences and now people that prefer uh guys let's watch this is female version sup dudes oh god shut up dudes sup pewds all right let's see the crushed faces of these guys can guys hold it in better than girls that's really what i'm curious about here you have beautiful eyes please please swipe left pips please oh god that's all i want that's all i want come on swipe left swipe left swipe left begin got you [ __ ] you goddamn simp god damn it that would have been so funny you little weasel yeah you weaseled yourself in there i hope you're proud [Music] so sorry i want to see his reaction i guess he's laughing so sorry oh my man you can't do my man like that he looks so happy come on hey look it's chad anything for views will he make it no no oh oh ah they break my heart i feel my of course yeah tall man yeah you're fine let me guess no oh wow so surprised mr clean made it through damn all right what the [ __ ] is that is that is that giga chad giga chad's step cousin what is that joe all right respectable jawline of course he makes it of course with the jawline like that god's damn all right what do we got if you were on a dating app and you would swipe no please leave now okay this is interesting because a lot of the girls left they didn't want to date the guy i'm curious how many of the guys will say i'm gonna guess most of the guys will stay giga chad left of course wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait something just happened and i don't think did it what the guy that said you have pretty eyes is it him holy sh it's him why would you i am so confu damn it he used you you you ah i hate you so giga chad and master manipulator left fair [Music] are you not from around here i'm not do i do i give off that vibe no i just i just feel a tiny accent i am from ohio so what is there to do in ohio nothing no we have the rock and roll hall of fame uh we got you know that sounds really boring right sorry should i say it with a smile it's got the rock and roll hall of fame yeah that that's old man wait rock and roll holland thing that's pretty cool that looks pretty cool i'll [ __ ] with the rock and roll hall and fame yeah it's a building in ohio what can you do in ohio shatter point a zoo these are pretty unique things for a city a museum of art what that's insane funny when you found this earlier in like kind of a half circle um my sense of humor is a defense mechanism did the height help you want your kids to make varsity yes now my kids will be athletes packer fan patriots oh and we're playing each other tonight tonight i love yeah i shouldn't have swiped um i shouldn't swipe right god damn it um i'm still trying to look for a church right now since i'm like you're chopping flying drones is what i do i break drones and freestyle them um yesterday i was just had a race in a competition for nice that seems like a great guy as a best friend but as a date he's not going to make it happen i mean i kind of got catfished once but like by a completely different person or they just didn't look the same she just looked nothing like her like her pictures yeah i don't know what kind of apps these girls are using it's filters they're magicians yes it's filters they're magicians it's messed up oh like i'm a huge like that's awesome okay this is important top three movies uh network okay independence day okay lion king okay those were three completely okay gotcha they're very connected lion king it was nice to meet you lion king independence day yeah i can see a pattern here mufasa dies in both ways it was really nice to meet you nice to meet you i don't think so what is that bad yeah it's bad um i think i'd really enjoy them all as people and i i picked them all because i do find some part of them attractive but i just didn't feel like that all-around connection that i was hoping interesting i mean obviously you shouldn't force yourself to date someone if you don't want to but she did say in the beginning didn't she that all her dates were literally just like meeting up and not having a connection and now she did the same thing with six people and or was it eight i don't remember oh my god you guys picked up on it your eyes are beautiful one minute leaves a circle what the [ __ ] does she want to date anyone like i don't get it it takes time to build connection with people don't doesn't it it'd be really fun to see a bisexual dude yes that'd be really interesting i love the office is that a hobby yeah it should be all right uh that was really interesting i love this video check out jubilee they got a ton of great more videos like this thanks for letting me react i appreciate it thank you it's so fun thanks for watching this video thanks for becoming a member 107 million subscribers let's get it see you guys next time hey dope ah children of nine parks it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits hoopty is coming to nintendo swings and remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotions i mean
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,986,565
Rating: 4.958415 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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