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It would be a banger lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Accomplished_Aide_40 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ksi too

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YVNG_B1GM0N 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen the sidemen are back on our football pitch we are very excited to announce that we have officially partnered with satan orion we are all very honored to be supporting a local club particularly through this difficult pandemic period so expect a lot of stuff together in the future come on the o's now this machine is going to be crossing the ball in because none of us can because we all suck let's see who is the best sidemen striker how's it going guys we are here in the lion's den the home of the mighty leighton audience and we are doing a crossing challenge wait wait lion's dead [Music] so it's a crossing challenge we're getting three goes each on each power level of the crossing machine um most goals wins yeah yeah let's get it first one [Music] [Applause] is he's injured [Music] here we go oh [ __ ] oh oh oh good save all right oh [Laughter] oh [Music] all right let's go vic come on send it oh who wants to follow that okay gladly come on beds happiness [Music] okay i don't feel so bad anymore use the thing on the edge that pig yes time to see how he's done boys here we go [Music] celebrate lads good music it's not good enough for you [Music] i'll go for the first one oh [Music] oh [Applause] round two go on harry oh jesus oh all right go on then let's go sat down bro [ __ ] hit it don't let him mock you come on score he told me [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh did you say that why did you say you heard that to him this ain't going to be much better god [Music] no support silence all right here we go back oh no oh my god oh my god i mean okay well yeah i was sick though i'd like that bicycle kick mate oh no i bruised my leg all the wind ah who needs wind it's fine come on meet ed [Music] we are shy either [Music] oh [Music] yeah there she comes oh boy oh oh what's that then no i'm trying something go on yeah lovely you're good [Music] [Music] oh on that round i scored the same as ksi simon and toby i'm kind of sick you know i said should i turn on the jets boys so i turn on the jets yeah so we should be should we have some fun now okay cool oh it's doing something oh [Laughter] yes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] that's the one yeah yeah didn't hit the side oh yes vicky that's good this is hard start send oh oh that was good that's his tactic yeah bombshell into it don't say that oh i thought that was it put your body in you got it come on we will score wait i've got the same as vic yeah she comes bazinga oh go on that's lovely good connection though great connection oh my god oh come again backspin oh lovely cushion oh club's [Music] [Laughter] oh my god hacking banks from him yeah josh come on come on let's see we'll see something show us the adidas special okay functional movement oh yeah how can we almost always slice it how do we always slice it so we're not hitting it over it you're hitting it too early as well oh you still got halloween where are you going i know i know [ __ ] out i guess again he looks away every time he falls down every time he's return to [Music] [Applause] i'll go for him here oh this is looking special no pressure but this is your last ball oh this could be it this could be it this could oh yes right toby toby follow that like come on we need [Music] and he's let the family down it's your favorite family what do you mean your family lives that was to save the family thanks simon i need it here's hog that was nowhere near that angle it won't here [Music] all right what's going on again yeah [Music] no no no he's trying to control that right is that control oh no this is this is actually the one he runs forward yeah he runs onto it oh great man the connection was disgusting oh my noggin oh this is great let's go look at the at mach 4 again i'm here let's go yeah he pushed it back he got thicker put your body [Laughter] it's okay [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] oh i'll give you a turn up big suck if you score that yeah i will i'll lick my own shoe i don't know if this goes outside [Music] okay you oh my god something great here yeah we are great shreddies wait there's not even that is that [Applause] super duper cool i remember when we used to sprint around the cameras round number five the hardest one max speeds oh my god sublime stuff man that was great thank you i do try oh no wind perfect setup [Music] i like it there we go and then i need to score some goals okay uh sorry okay very cool ksi good pass come on hang on all right volley please come on vickster we're [ __ ] old listen go on oh that's right i have faith in you on this one mate you've done at the canyon every round it's a diving error it's gotta be oh i'm not doing a diving come on let's dive in come on [Laughter] [Music] oh went in my [ __ ] leg last yeah last time i had a bruise give me a bit i'll take i bet you that you can't score without the ball hitting the ground first oh yeah are you betting i'll lick you i'll lick the bottom of your foot and that's worth it no no no the boot not your foot the boot the boot the boot yeah that's content go on all right all right look at the studs go on he's gonna do it as well oh my god my god that's your first show that's literally the best strike you've done [Laughter] oh i'm trying to get that gopro another one [Music] [Applause] [Music] he scored even did you see that i did simon's done really well yeah no i didn't he did really great come on well that's the one do not scratch your mic [Music] i might try to take a touch first quickly it was a great episode he won the vip [Music] you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 1,968,054
Rating: 4.9732008 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: ue4aHmOvknU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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