Ranking EVERY Super Mario Game - PBG

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[Music] hey everybody peeps here and welcome back to another mario month video i'm joined today by a very special guest uh this mane i have attached to my head yes i know my hair is very long i've also tried to convince myself to cut it but he just doesn't listen i'll keep trying i'm currently working on the final mario month video which will be a more traditional scripted style video but in the meantime i wanted to do something where i could talk about more of the mario games in the series and i figured what better way to do that than a tier list where i could talk about every mario game in the series specifically the main platforming games i decided not to do the rpg games all the spin-offs i figured that would just take forever so that's what we're gonna do and i guess let's go ahead and get started all right super mario tier list here we go [Music] all right there we go all done see you guys next time okay seriously how do we do here um yeah this isn't the best it's super mario bros and don't care one of the most revolutionary video games ever made pretty much single-handedly saved the video game industry don't care okay fine i guess we can start the real tier list uh just as soon as we have a brief message from the sponsor of this video keeps keeps provides easy access to hair loss prevention delivered to home and online doctor consultation did you know that two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time that they're 35 well the best way to avoid that is to actually do something about it while you still have some hair left which means the key is prevention treatments can take four to six months to see results so the sooner you act with keeps the more hair you can save keeps is also super easy and convenient since you don't have to go to the doctor to get your prescription you can get consultation from a doctor online and they'll ship your medication straight to your door if you're ready to take action and prevent hair 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other ones do this is what i really have the hardest time ranking really old games is do you rank it based on how good it was at the time the historical significance or do you just rank it on how much i would want to play it right this very second and i'm honestly not 100 sure how to do that i think i'm just gonna throw it at c i'm gonna throw it at c i feel bad about doing that the original mario brothers game is almost a perfect nes game the game design was really really well done i'm pretty sure they actually use super mario bros as an example of good game design when you're teaching people how to make games in video game school that's a real place right video game school but i mean it was the first of all the mario games and there are better mario games even on the nes so i have a hard time putting it any higher i guess just keep in mind we're ranking these based on other mario games not all video games in general we have to rank them compared to each other how about we move on to super mario 3d land next i really like super mario 3d land uh it's a decent 3ds game i even put it pretty high on my top 10 nintendo 3ds games video but realistically it's again when when placed up against other mario games i just don't think it really does as well i'm thinking i'm honestly gonna have to put it this this man i this is so hard already i'm gonna have to put it at d it's a fun game it really is but compared to other mario games maybe we'll come back and change some of these later i always have a hard time doing this stuff which game do i do next super mario world okay now we're talking i'm putting it uh just do it just do it it's either at a or b for me let's put it at let's put it at a oh no hey let's put it today for now again i will potentially move these around as i go i want to say super mario world was one of the first mario games i ever played but i'm pretty sure i played the original before mario world i played them around the same time though as a kid i feel like super mario world aged pretty well honestly it took the original mario platforming formula from the nes and just kind of improved on it in every way it still graphically looks super good and it was the first time we saw yoshi that's gotta count for something right okay i'll have two number nines a number nine large a number six with extra dip that's actual question does that count for something it does right it does it does it does we've decided i'm not sure how much more i really have to say about it but uh i do feel comfortable putting it at a for now i don't imagine it'll stay at the top in the a rankings though oh geez okay what are we doing next i feel like going out of order on these is making it harder i might just start going from earliest release onward that might that might just be the best way to do it let's go with super mario bros 2. of course super mario brothers 2 was originally doki doki panic i believe the game was called so it wasn't even really a mario game so it feels kind of weird to rank it but i'm just just gonna take all of that out of the picture in the u.s it is officially a mario game so i will just judge it based on what it is and i i do really like this game i actually think it's better than the original lace i have more fun playing it it's a lot harder than the original i feel like putting it just a little bit above the original super mario bros even though it feels a little bit like blasphemy because it's not even really a mario game but i said i wasn't thinking about that so just throw that out throw it out the window open salami [Music] when i think of super mario bros 2 one of the first things i think of is how you could actually play as not just mario but also luigi yoshi and toad they all played a little bit differently too so it made it fun to change it around and see which character you preferred it's also funny because they didn't really bring that back for a while so it it really kind of stands out in a lot of different ways not just the fact that it wasn't even originally mario game it's also you can play with other characters okay i don't actually have a list of which games came out in what order so i'm just gonna kind of guestimate here a little bit i'm imagining this is around the time that super mario land came out i didn't really play that much of super mario land at least the first one growing up but from what i remember it's not the best i honestly think it's going to be one of if not the worst mario game on this list again that doesn't mean it's bad but it was really limited by what it could do on the game boy with that being said i will just jump straight into super mario land 2. super mario land 2 i played a lot more i even did a video on it a long time ago it's basically a giant mechanical mario and the best part is that there's a level located right on his crotch it was one of my favorite games to play when i was on vacation for for the game boy it also aged quite a bit better than the original one i really liked that wario was in this game i i want to say this was the first appearance of wario i'm not 100 sure about that but it was fun to as a kid to play a game that didn't have bowser as the main enemy i'm going to put super mario land 2 the six golden coins at the beat here even though it really probably shouldn't go there i really i really like this game so screw you you get to go into mario's crotch level and then the whole level of mario's crotch is made up of balls you're going to tell me that's not worthy of beat here alone yes balls balls lots of balls mario's got lots of balls also i really love the space level in super mario land 2 also i was just thinking about that the other day it would be cool if they had another space level where you controlled it the exact same way and like a 3d like imagine mario odyssey but you're in space and yeah i mean obviously mario galaxy was in space so maybe they maybe they already did that nevermind but seriously i would love to play a mario 3d game level like where you float around by jumping over and over and slowly or falling i don't i just really i really thought that level was cool as a kid do it again nintendo i don't know what what are you what do you think about that mario oh what you say who that you only meant well well cause she did he's my best friend okay shut up now though i'm done how did i turn you off he's dead now i've killed them he's like laying there dead on the floor all right what do we have next i guess super mario brothers three i think out of all the old school 2d platforming mario games mario brothers 3 is probably the best in fact i think it's so good that i'm even gonna i think i'm going to put it a nest here would just just screw it whatever just put it in s here i don't know for sure how popular of an opinion this is to be honest because i don't really hear people talk that much about the nes uh super nintendo mario games that much anymore but i don't know i think mario brothers 3 is still to this day one of the best mario games there are and again like i said i think it's the best 2d platforming mario game anyway so there it is put it at the top i mean i already did but keeping it keep it at the top all right so let's move on we're getting to the meat of this the the meat the uh the thick of it the the we're getting we're getting into the 3d mario games is basically what i'm trying to say but failing super mario 3d world hmm look here's the thing i like super mario 3d world okay but is it how good is it when compared to the other games that is the question right i mean that's what that's the point of the video well it's definitely better than mario 3d land that much is for sure so it's gonna i'm gonna have to put it higher than d i think i like it better than mario brothers one and two i think it's safe to put it at b tier and since i mostly put mario gold six golden coins just for like my own personal nostalgia i will put mario 3d world above it in b tier how's that that's pretty good right no one's mad at me for that right i want to say this was the second time you could play as mario luigi peach and toad i it was one of my favorite things about mario 3d world i mean the game is really fun i like all the secrets trying to find all the coins and all that stuff but uh just just just kind of the throwback to super mario bros 2 of getting being able to play all uh four of the characters from that game one of my favorite things about it is just playing multiplayer it's it's so much more fun playing a game like that with other people i think i would have liked super mario 3d land better if you could play it with some friends as well but even if you don't play it with other people it's still a really fun game but by far the best part of the game is the invincibility leaf baby i was really having a hard time with that game until i got the leaf man and it's really it really helped me out thank you my miyamoto for the help for doing that and adding the leaf to the game so i can beat the game also you know what that's tear baby invincibility leaf shoot it up to the top [Music] okay fine it's just kidding it's that b it's still a d all right we're starting to move into the territory that i've been putting off we're moving in to the 3d platforming mario games i was both looking forward to this part and not looking forward to this part because even right this very second i don't know what i'm gonna do with these i'm very very conflicted actually i forgot i have to go i have to go i forgot see you guys later i forgot it's like midnight i can't there's nowhere for me to go okay i think i know what i'm gonna do i think from here on out i'm just gonna start ranking them in order from which one i like the least to the best so i'll save my favorite one for last and with that being said i have to rank next mario sunshine [Music] i'm sorry i know a lot of you really like this game i'm sorry okay actually i'm not sorry screw that i'm not even saying it's a bad game i in fact i'm actually going to rank it pretty hot it's just out of all the 3d mario games it's definitely my least favorite one thing i will say is when super mario 3d all-stars released i was seeing a lot of people posting their hot takes on the 3d mario games and i can't lie i saw a lot of people crapping on super mario sunshine and even though i always make fun of this game if you're ever in my live streams i'm constantly trashing on it it's like i don't want to come on guys give give more sunshine a break it's not that bad okay it made me want to defend it i wanted to protect mario i wanted to protect mario sunshine from these from these idiots on twitter they don't know anything yeah anyway eftier all right where do i put it for real though mario sunshine it's it's a really really fun game i like it a lot literally no one likes this game anyways so we don't need to get it everybody knows this is the worst mario game no but i also kind of love to hate it i have this sort of like love-hate relationship with the game i mean this game is a lot better when it's not the chaos it really is it's a lot better why is every enemy in this game so freaking annoying all right i i love it one second and then i'm just so pissed off at the next god this level is annoying oh my god it's okay it's okay it's okay sunshine is just the most annoying mario game ever freaking created it's just the most annoying freaking mario game oh my god i feel like i've just had a bad relationship with mario sunshine like we were married but then we got divorced but i still kind of want to get back with with with my sunshine the video game that i married apparently in this analogy but you know i'm still pretending like i don't because i don't need super mario sunshine but then when i see people making fun of mario sunshine i i never mind you you get the point let's put it let's rank it let's put it at um let's put it at let's put it at i'm gonna put it at i'm preparing for the comments putting it at b tier i think ah yeah b's here i'm putting in a beat here hopefully i don't regret this later i have a handful of complaints with mario sunshine i think a lot of people do it seems to be the most polarizing of all the 3d mario games one of my main complaints is definitely the controls not necessarily the flood i don't mind the flood i think it's a nice change of pace and it's very it's a little hard to get used to at first but after you use it for a while it's a nice interesting way of changing up the general mario 3d platforming game mechanics but what does bug me is how i'm not sure how to phrase this exactly how jumpy mario is when you move them around take for example the levels without the flood those are so much harder at least to me than it feels like they should be to be fair i'm not good at platforming games i'm not good at mario sunshine in particular i've always said that platforming games are one of the games that i'm worst at but something about the way it controls is just so janky i like that you can do backflips really easily i've always liked to do the backlit i just like run because i like to just run around just like all over the place like that's fine don't get me wrong i like the back flips and i like how easy it is to do the backflips whereas opposed in like mario 64 for example a lot of times i i want to do a backflip and i just can't quite get it right it doesn't seem as intuitive but it's also hard to just adjust yourself slightly or to just walk like take one step mario doesn't do that he doesn't take steps he takes like leaps he leaps i just want to move like one tiny little step to the right instead mario's like wow it's just every single time i play this game i'm just wondering like what did i do wrong i just wanted this move a little bit and he's so jumpy [Music] [Music] like like am i am i crazy am i crazy am am i crazy i mean probably i just suck i don't know whatever you know that's not even to mention the obvious levels that are really insanely difficult like the leaf level and the pachinko and stuff like that but i don't actually dislike those levels they do make me rage a lot don't get me wrong but that's actually one of the things i like about mario sunshine is it's sort of like a rage game to me there are certain levels that obviously are not that difficult but then when you do get to one of the very notoriously difficult levels it's almost fun it's like a release of anger just freaking screaming for like 30 minutes or however long it takes you to finish it i don't really dislike that i i i don't know i i like to i like to yell at mario every now and then and hit him across the face i'm sorry about that by the way mario but by far the thing i most dislike about it is that you have to do the first i think seven stars or shines in every level i really don't like that i much prefer the mario 64 style where you can just jump in a level and do whichever star you want or even a mario galaxy where there's you know there's you don't have to go to certain uh planets if you don't want to like if you don't want to go to beach ball galaxy i you you can just go somewhere else and get the get the stars you need to move on whereas mario sunshine there are certain stars you have to do every single time you play the game and considering i'm not really much of a completionist it feels like a waste of time to do it to me i don't care about getting all the stars or all the shines so why would i do one that doesn't actually help me progress through the game you know what i mean that's by far my least favorite thing about it there are a lot of things i like about the game though first of all i love the vacation theme the beach vibe all the levels are really cool and besides the fact that you have to do the first however many stars of each level it still does feel a lot like mario 64. but anyway i can rant on about mario sunshine for forever so i'm gonna go ahead and stop here there are a lot of things that i really do like about the game it's just unfortunately there's certain things that hold it back for me next let's move on to oh this is where it really gets hard we've got mario odyssey mario 64. mario galaxy 2 and mario galaxy one also i forgot i'm not ranking the lost levels just because i've never played it i probably should have mentioned there there's probably people commenting right now you forgot the lost levels why haven't you ranked the last level i don't know i just i i don't want to put it on don't care it's not that i don't care just never played it sorry all right i will put oh it's so it's so hard i'm gonna put mario galaxy one at s tier i wanna say that mario galaxy is the highest most critically acclaimed game uh out of all the 3d mario games anyway i often like to compare mario galaxy to mario sunshine where mario sunshine seemed kind of scuff and like a little bit rough around the edges kind of like it was rushed a little bit although it did have a lot of charm as well whereas mario galaxy felt much more complete super super polished very very good music the graphics look amazing especially for the wii and i remember it winning so many awards when it came out and one of the things i like to bring up when arguing which one is better is how many awards mario galaxy won versus mario sunshine let's read the awards for super mario galaxy best game from bafta awards adventure game of the year academy of interactive arts and sciences best action adventure game best console game game critics awards for game of the year game developers choice awards game design spike video game awards winner for best wii game winner for best action game let's read the awards for super mario sunshine winner this is really a killer winner most underrated game [Laughter] now just because some critics gave it some awards doesn't mean it's inherently better or that's a very good argument i just like to bring it up sometimes because i think it's funny one of my big critiques for mario galaxy is that it's a little bit too easy but it also feels kind of slow at times when you look at something like mario 64 or especially mario odyssey there's a lot of ways to move quickly mario sunshine as well where you can freaking just slide on your upper chest somehow i don't really know how that works but hey at least it's fun you can move fast that's basically what i'm trying to say whereas mario galaxy i mean you can long jump and stuff like that but a lot of the time i feel like you're just kind of running sort of slowly it's a much more slow paced and chill game for me personally though i really don't mind that i i don't care that much about whether my games are difficult or not i just want it to be a fun pleasing experience and mario galaxy definitely hits that mark for me so the fact that it's a little on the easy side doesn't really bother me that much personally but i can see why it would if you wanted a little bit more of a challenge and that's where i think super mario galaxy 2 can come in super mario galaxy 2 stepped it up a lot in terms of difficulty and they basically just expanded on everything that was there in the original before recording this i spent probably the most amount of time trying to decide which one of these two i liked the most i did eventually decide on super mario galaxy 2 because again i think the levels are better the addition of yoshi the way you control yoshi with the wiimote i think is really intuitive and fun so it just barely beats out mario galaxy one to me one thing i will say though is that i really miss the hub world of the original game i know a lot of people don't care at all about the hub world but i've always been a big fan of having these hub worlds where you jump in between levels i definitely see the arguments against but i personally prefer that a lot more than just moving on a straight line from level to level like like sort of in the old school games i guess you could argue that mario's face ship is a hub world but you know what i mean you move the face ship from level the level on the map i i i prefer this sort of mario 64 style all right here we go so mario odyssey or mario 64 and wait hold on hold on i just realized something i didn't mean to do this i didn't mean to put super mario brothers 3 above the galaxy games hold on actually and you know what i think i'm moving it down i think i'm moving it down i had a sudden change before i'm allowed to do it it's my video i'm moving somewhere brothers three down to a tier above super mario world i don't want to hear any crap about it i'm also moving through my sunshine update so it's those of you who wrote your comments about mario's sunshine that bt oh my god how could you do it look you got ahead of yourself now you have to put an apology in the comments direct it to me and i may or may not may or may not accept it depending on how polite you are i'm just saying this also just looks a little bit aesthetically better to me so i'll i prefer this up next i have mario odyssey also at s tier this one is a little bit tough for me because i personally like the galaxy games a little bit better or at least i mean i like the style of those games better than mario odyssey the biggest change in mario odyssey was by far making it a sort of open world that you run around in and obviously when you get a moon you don't you know go back to the hub world you just kind of keep going it's a very it's a much more modern style of game design which i think a lot of people really liked about it i definitely appreciate that about mario odyssey although part of the sort of old-school version of me kind of misses the old way of doing it i kind of like it when each star feels special and you jump into a level and it's like figure out where the igloo is you idiot and then you go and figure it out and you get the star and it's like yeah so you like punch the star maybe i don't know that was actually a star in mario 64 that a lot of people didn't know about it it was called the hidden star go beat up the star the star and mario goes in he finds the stars that was my favorite one [Music] shut up twink i definitely see the appeal of mario odyssey in the sense where you just get a star you keep on going the action keeps on moving it's personally i feel like it makes each moon feel a little bit less special to me i'm not sure how many people would agree with me but it almost makes getting moons feel like getting coins that are just like a little bit better than coins like oh cool you found the the coin that's better than the other ones does that am i making sense with this i feel like i'm not when there's so many different moons it basically doesn't feel as special to get a moon is is essentially what i'm saying but i'm putting it above the galaxy games for a reason it is insanely good the controls in particular are super fun just watching some people do speed run stuff with this game is absolutely insane i could never even dream of being as good as some people are at this game and it has so many cool levels new donk city in particular is just amazing it's crazy to have a level that's like a shout out to something as old as the original donkey kong game but still have it feel so new at the same time using cappy as a replacement for all the power-ups also worked out really well there's so many different cool things you can turn into even just having mario turn into things like bullet bill it's like holy crap mario's bullet bill he's got a mustache on whoa my mind is blown by that uh thanks for watching my video please please subscribe but one of the best things besides the controls is just how much content there is after you beat the game it's pretty insane i haven't even come close to 100 in the game but one one of these days i'm gonna do it okay sure jam and that leaves us with obviously super mario 64. i did really think hard about not putting super mario 64 as my favorite mario game but uh what are you gonna do there it is this game just means so much to me it was one of the first video games that i really just completely fell in love with running around in the 3d world and swimming in the water outside the castle alone i was just freaking it was freaking nuts to me as a kid but it's not just nostalgia this game is just insanely good there's a reason why it's still so popular even on youtube these days it feels like there's so much freedom you can do whichever star you want in any order you want or just not at all in the way that the game gives you hints for what the star is i always thought that was really fun as well mysterious mountain slide seeing a hint like that was like huh you said you just kind of roam around the level until eventually you stumble into it and when you do it's it's like whoa i freaking f i found it wow i found the star that's me as a kid that's how i sounded it made getting every star feel very special and then you get that old like animation of mario doing his thing it made me feel good and it still does so this is my mario platforming game tier list hope you guys enjoyed this video i'm working as hard as i can to get the last mario month video done it's a more uh traditional scripted video and i was a little bit busy with that so i asked the editor of my second channel peebs toasty to edit this video for me if you stuck around all the way to the end of this video i assume you enjoyed it in which case maybe you give the video a like i'd really appreciate that and check out the peebs channel where we do a lot more content like this a lot of unscripted highly edited content and it is all edited by toasty so shout out to toasty check out the mario month merch if you haven't already limited time only links in the description below and i'll see you guys next time you
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 469,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oy7FRMTk29g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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