Top 10 Mario Games! - PBG

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hey everybody I'm peanutbutter gamer and welcome to my list of the top 10 Mario games I know what you may be thinking peanutbutter game or you're just doing this video because of the recently announced Super Mario 3d World or perhaps the recently released Super Mario Luigi you something-something saga RPG well you're on I just felt like playing some Mario roll of film okay a while back on my Twitter I admitted that for whatever reason I had never played Super Mario Sunshine and I don't think I ever got more mixed reactions to anything I've ever said the responses were either whoa y-you know played zombie Beth Mario or ah sunshine worst Mario 0/10 use flames to burn needless to say I had no idea what to expect going into it after that turns out yeah I think I'm actually somewhere in the middle it was good but some things about it were just ah for starters Mario can no longer do the long jump which was one of my favorites but he can do this well that's cool he can also do this somehow these guys dare Sully the name of Mario they shall pay the level design also didn't feel as creative I don't think I've ever played a mario game where they literally had to show me where I was supposed to go and there seemed to be too much of a focus on bosses unless on the platforming I never got used to it in this game especially not when I had to use the water jetpack thing the parts I enjoyed the most were actually the parts for your flood pack is taken away and it teleports you to some very mario galaxy s clevis and then there's the legendary sand bird who is a gigantic bird made out of sand blocks for Minecraft I really just don't get this game sometimes disclaimer while recording footage for this video my 3d s capture card broke so instead of something good I hope you enjoyed this footage of the exact same level throughout the entire segment thank you for your understanding and I some nose okay bye up next is Super Mario 3d Land for the 3ds this is another game that I've seen some mixed opinions about personally I wasn't impressed at all when it first came out it didn't seem like a true 3d Mario game to me but once I finally picked it up I was surprised by just how good it actually was sure it's kind of simple sure is kind of easy but it's also colorful and fun also the music is good also check this out uh-oh looks like I'm in trouble but nope glitched through the ground so what did we learn today never give up never surrender never let your 3ds capturecard break because then you don't have a lot of material to work with and you don't know how to end your segment hey look it's pixel it's a cube fair Mario Party pretty much all of them except for the crappy ones if you want a specific game - is probably my favorite but what can you really say about Mario Party especially when you don't have any friends around to play it with you so instead I've decided to do a super fast mini top 5 of my all-time favorite Mario Party minigames so here we go number 5 books squirm watch out it's book Oh No number 4 date the races I honestly don't know why I love this game so much probably because I'm obsessed with gambling number 3 Aces High you're in a plane pew pew boom number 2 mario mix mario meets mix that's awesome number 1 mushroom mix up classic mario party game better get out of my way Yoshi Oh cut you I like it when it's black because that means you don't have to move last end definitely least bumper balls I said it before and I'll say it again it ends with the draw every time don't let anyone tell you different it sucks at number 7 is Paper Mario before I continue with this one I'll have to admit that I haven't played too much of the thousand-year door but it does look cool so I'll just leave it at that Paper Mario even though I already said that I love Mario RPGs there's something about them that's really fun and charming and Paper Mario is no exception you get fun party members there's tons of Secrets to find and there's also cool minigames and side quests like the little oints they're basically little eggs that dispense from a coin-operated machine and hash when you hit them with your hammer and then they give you things I'm no animal rights expert but something seems a tad unethical about this and the dungeons are kind of like Zelda dungeons but usually a bit more simplistic oh no there is a fire what should I do oh it's easy but it's still rewarding in a simple kind of way and thus peanut butter gamer remained the most competent video game player of all time but really did anyone ever have any doubts up next is Mario Kart 7 but as I mentioned earlier my 3ds capture card is broken and this is the best footage I could get so I guess you're just gonna have to take my word for it my bad hey I'm still in first that's kind of impressive right next Super Mario Brothers 1 is the game that started it all it's one of the highest selling games of all time and it even saved the video game industry almost single-handedly but for my money I'll take Super Mario Brothers 3 any day and as I eloquently stated in my notepad app for my phone while riding on a plane hmm one was the original but everyone remembers three live action I mean they even played the game in beat joven freaking beat hoping if that doesn't mean blah blah blah then I don't know what does beautiful speaking of this scene from Beethoven why are they both smashing away on their controllers one of these kids must be really confused right now justify yeah guys this isn't a multiplayer game I don't know if you figure that out yet also power glove whoa Super Mario Bros 3 is stuffed with colour happiness and imagination it picks you up and throws you into a world where platforms float you can walk on thousand little mushroom men waiting tiny isolated rooms to give you flutes from treasure chests that pick you up at tornadoes that somehow transport you to some island with sewage pipes that take you to a different world where flowers and trees are dancing for some reason and I don't know why but I love it and that's not even beginning to mention just how perfect and precise the controls and levels are the game is so perfectly designed that with the correct skill things like this are possible no I might not be that good but that's not gonna stop me from trying I'm gonna do a fly check it yes screw it Super Mario World is boiler for the rest of this list my favorite 2d Mario game well at least 2d platformer anyway I know a lot of people prefer three and it's a close call for me but there's just something about world that feels really special is it the music yes is it the graphics yes is it a everything else yes there's such a large variety of levels and enemies and everything just feels so yes it was also the first game to feature Yoshi so that's a thing it really does feel like well a world mix all that with once again platforming that's virtually perfect yeah keeping the water levels in this game are kind of fun well okay maybe they're not that okay I can't even believe I'm saying this considering it's one of my favorite games of all time but at number three I have Super Mario RPG while the story does have a serious side it definitely doesn't take itself too seriously and weird from the enemies and characters to the items and abilities it's all really wacky and silly you also get some pretty over-the-top special news like Mario Super Jump for example the enemies can also use special moves that sometimes give you status effects you can be poisoned put to sleep and even turn into a mushroom for some reason but my favorite by far is this one that makes the character sprites look utterly depressed ah cheer up things will get better man there's no need to be blue oh wait you're underwater so I guess there is a reason to be blue brap brap brap brap sometimes you also get bonuses when you defeat an enemy like this one that lets you do a gambling minigame at the end of the battle I'm actually pretty good at these things let's see here it's that one I'm 100% positive another thing I love about this game are all the bosses they're so strange and unique especially for the Mario universe there's a huge guy in a pogo sticks some Power Ranger clones whatever this guy is supposed to be and a derpy looking dragon that eventually dives into the lava and turns into this thing that legitimately creeped me out of a kid punch it in the face and then you have this lady whose boobs jiggle every time your attacker forget dragons crown now this is offensive people where's the outrage okay topical joke check but my favorite part of the game is probably the sunken ship you discover that the ship was attacked by some kind of monster that caused it to sink that's implying that all the ghosts on the ship and there's a lot are the former crew who perished during the attack it's kind of dark in a really awesome sort of way I also love the puzzle portion except for the three-dimensional maze part anyone who's played this game knows what I'm talking about that thing sucks Mario Galaxy or galaxy 2 if you prefer I'm not too picky on which considering two is basically just an expansion for the original I'm saying galaxy one know if for no other reason than it was the original it was the first I played in the experience of playing something old something done countless times something as redundant as Mario but done in such a genuinely new and unique way is what I remember most about either game and even though galaxy 2 is possibly even better than the original that's just something it can never be speaking of new there's also new power-ups despite reading online about a lot of people disliking it I really enjoyed the spring suit you can also turn into a boo which is cool I guess and then there's by far the best Mario powerup of all time bumble bee Mario okay it's not that it's bad I mean I had fun using it it's just how did this idea even come to fruition who the Nintendo brainstorming session was just like I got it bumble bee who would ever expect it something that sounds as silly as Mario in space could be this great it even add new gameplay mechanics with motion control that I like the race surfing for example reminded me of how I felt as a kid when I first slid down the slide levels in Mario 64 for the first time and there's also Mario rolling around on the ball that was pretty fun yes I got it bakit that's right somewhat predictable but my number one Mario game is super mario 64 for the n64 obviously the footage I'm using is from the DES port but that's not necessarily because it's the best version but more because it's just the version I have been playing the most recently it's a pretty cool port though you can not only play as Mario but Yoshi Wario and my personal favorite Luigi he can't wall jump which I find to be pretty lame but he can walk on water hello yeah yeah one thing that I just love about Mario 64 as opposed to the other 3d mario games like galaxy is that each level has multiple stars to get it makes each level feel more meaningful and you grow more attached to them because every part of the level ends up being significant in some way it's also not just a linear get from point A to point B experience take tall tall mountain for example it starts off with just scale the mountain okay simple enough get all the way to the top and bam star but then it gets more complicated and later on you're looking for a hidden wall on the mountainside with nothing but a brief clue to help you figure out where it is then once you do you have to go down a huge slide to get the star oh and by the way make sure not to miss that term no no no no no no no actually that brings up one thing I dislike about the DS version when compared to the original it tells you where the stars are on the mini-map and that just kind of ruined some of the experience for me oh man I have to find a hidden igloo that houses the Power Star whoa I wonder where it could be oh there it is yeah a level that makes a great example of why Mario 64 is amazing is shifting Sandland there's a wall that looks like nothing but it actually isn't nothing and then you go in it somehow and all of a sudden you're in a land full of sand there's evil boxes and tornados and birds and then you're flying with wings on your head and then you accidentally die in have to start your recording over and then you're on a pyramid and then you're inside the pyramid and there's even more adventure to be had I mean call me nostalgia blind if you want but I swear they just don't make games quite this magical anymore hey everybody I finished the video how are you doing today you should subscribe you know I just I'm just saying if you liked this video and you want to see some other videos here's some other videos if you want to see some more Mario stuff well why don't you send out to my Game Boy chill PBG Game Boy let me plan some time super mario 64 and you can click on it right here see you
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 4,341,896
Rating: 4.8961439 out of 5
Keywords: Top, 10, Mario, Games, Top 10 Mario Games, Nintendo (Organization), Video Game (Industry), Wii (Computer), Wii U (Computer), Top 10, PeanutButterGamer, Enemies, Peanut Butter Gamer, PBG, microsoft, Sony, Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), PlayStation (Product Line)
Id: bRFHrw9osmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2013
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