Ranking Every Mario Game

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we are going to rank every single mario game the catch i've only played like half of these so we may be calling on some people for help or we may just be winging it i don't know i will try to put them in like a vague order maybe we put them in like the 3d games all go together the 2d games all go together and i'll do something like that okay i think we got an order here let's go starting with mario bros 1. mario bros 1 it's a good game it's like 36 years old now but i gotta say it holds up it is still a fun 2d platformer it's obviously not the best in the world but if we're taking into consideration the time in which it came out what a game it was if it was 1987 right now this would be an s tier game i'm gonna put in a it's a little hard but honestly that's not too bad it's aged pretty well but like you can't save every boss is exactly the same it's a small game but it's a very good one and i i feel comfortable putting in eight here uh next up we have super mario bros 2 also known as super mario bros usa this isn't the real mario bros 2. this is the third mario bros game there was a mario bros 2 in japan but it was too hard for us americans instead they came out with this which was just a reskinned version of a different game i don't like that it literally is just a different game and they just put mario toad peach and luigi on it but for that i'm gonna put it in d because it's not the worst ever but it could really be better guys i am so scared right now it's so dark in here and i'm too scared to get up and turn the light switch on it's a good thing i bought the sponsor for today's video the govi glide wall light and downloaded the govi home app now with these easy to install wall lights i can finally stop being scared of the dark the basic lights are cool enough but the app also has multiple modes you can use there's a scene mode but the best one is music mode where the lights will light up with any sound being played you can use this to make your music listening experience become an insane visual experience or alternatively you can just yell at the light to make it light up i really like the rainbow color effect but honestly at this point i just want to be out of the dark all of this is really easy to set up and i honestly had a lot of fun just messing around with the app and seeing how crazy i can make the lights be but anyways now i can finally turn these lights on and stop being scared oh um back to the video mario bros 3 it's a good game one of the better in fact a lot of people would say s tier or a tier i am not a big fan of the 2d games so that does lower my opinion just a little bit it's very similar to mario bros 1 in a lot of ways great game especially at the time so you know what i'm going to put it in eight here right there with mario bros 1. but mario world on the other hand if i had to pick a favorite 2d game mario world looks amazing it plays really well became the what feels like the basis of 3d mario in the future it's a beautiful game it looks great it plays great introduced yoshi it is a monumental game of the mario series and that is why i'm putting in a nest here however the same cannot be said for our next option super mario all-stars it's just these games and sometimes this one and mario bros 2. it would have been cool they kind of modernized the games in the mario world style but they didn't they made like a new original style that honestly i'm not a big fan of so yeah i am going to put it in c i mean it's mario bros 1 2 and 3. it can't be that bad right in the middle well i guess it isn't right in the middle but these two are kind of together anyways new super mario bros i have a bit of nostalgia with this game this was one of the first games i really got into i played the hell out of new super mario bros in fact i played it so much i lost the game multiple times and got it again every time i have like three or four boxes of that in my closet i feel like my nostalgia is blinding me a little bit which i try to look past generally i think it is really good but it doesn't do much that the other games don't which is why i'm putting in a tier above mario bros 3 if only because of nostalgia next up we have new super mario bros 2 the one that's all about coins i haven't seen much but i mean let's do something real quick this is something we're not going to do often new super mario bros 2 trailer coin of course god these games look awful that's not their fault that is the nintendo ds's fault but this is reminding me of something something i forgot about god damn is it satisfying to get all those coins that just seems like the most satisfying game to play and for that i'm gonna put it in b it's like in odyssey one of my favorite things to do is when you ground pound on a question block that you can hit multiple times and you just sit there it's just like boom boom boom boom boom boom and the coins are coming out it's so cool and this is like that but that's the entire game but next up new super mario bros wii another one i played a lot as a kid and that would make me probably put it in a however there's something else you may notice one two three four the first mario game ever i believe to have four player multiplayer in the story if you put multiplayer in a game that boosts it up for me automatically god dammit it's going in s tier it automatically gives it so much credit just because you get to play with friends any game is a good game if it has multiplayer similarly we have new super mario bros wii and if i put these side by side this isn't going in s tier by the way an untrained eye would not be able to tell that these are different games i wouldn't be surprised if this was dlc for this game you know what i mean the wii u kind of blue chunks this game sold really well it's selling really well on the switch right now and if new super mario bros wii never existed and this one did it would probably get a better ranking i'm gonna have to put it in b above mario bros 2 i don't know you just look at it and i i don't feel interested in this game why would i play this one if i've already played this one why would i play this one if i've already played this one you know b is still a respectable letter next up though we have mario maker 2 and mario maker mario maker 2 isn't on this list it must be kind of old lace we're going to group them together mario maker 1 mario maker 2. mario maker was a genius idea that kind of did push maybe nintendo into a corner mario maker it's like now you can make a mar a 2d mario but we've already got everything we're ever going to need in this game it's beautiful there's so many options for what you can do making levels is insanely fun way more fun than i expected even if they're awful levels it's still just so fun to mess around so i will definitely put mario maker slash mario maker 2 top of s tier so far it is the best game on this list not on the entire list i can't say if you've watched the channel for more than three days you probably already know what but next up we have a couple games that i haven't played and i feel like i can't give a proper judging on so i'm actually going to see something real quick [Music] hey joe what's up oh i'm in my car what's up so i'm ranking some mario games and i i was hoping to get your help and your input because i'm going to be honest i've not played almost any of these okay okay i'm going to ask if you've played a couple games and we'll see if you can rank them alrighty so uh have you played yoshi's island like for the super nintendo yeah okay you want to give a reasoning for that you got any i like it you like it there's a yoshi submarine yoshi submarine goes crazy actually okay there's a yoshi dump truck as well uh excavator yoshi yoshi helicopter this game is nothing like what i was imagining in my head oh no it's like an acid trip it's great have you happened to play new yoshi's island on the 3ds oh yeah i have not as good uh does not have excavator yoshi does not have airplane yoshi but i'm not just gonna throw that one and probably like be here for bad b for bad yeah you a mario land fan on the game boy oh dude that game it goes crazy solid seat here oh see yeah love that game it's really bad though so that was the game that we would play or i'd play like whenever we were driving across the state right so now whenever i see that game i get car sick oh wow here yeah have you played mario land 2 though oh golden coins that one's actually insane that that one don't get car sick looking at that one it has i don't know that one's good yeah where would you be where'd it go i i put that one in eight here honestly it did introduce wario that that is true that does add a lot of points well thank you joe this was very helpful i'm glad any friends you got during this phone call you know you can just forward them to me thank you joe no problem bye bye oh i absolutely cut him off while he was saying bye to chat but you know that's okay let me do a quick check one two nine okay we have 20 games left and i've played six i've played six out of the next 20 games oh my all right well let's figure out who else we can call hello yo hey hey small ant how's it going hey cj it's going good so we're ranking every mario game i had 23 games left to rank or 24 yeah and i've played six of them so i do need some help if you could help me get some of those rankings in uh have you played any of the paper mario games the thousand-year door okay where would you rank that s s tier 100 s2 i think chat would probably agree with you in the youtube comments as well have you played any of the other paper marios yes all of them okay where would you rank the first on the n64 yes s yes any any specific reason why it's a mario game i got a feeling there's going to be a pattern coming up i'll go ahead and put it in s what about um super pay for mario st 100 all right uh mario there thanks for calling um i think i don't think we need help anymore okay but for real thousands of your doors should be asked here i haven't played any of the other ones on your list oh you haven't played the other ones no okay all right well thanks for your help for the one i played i played uh luigi's mansion and then the other base games okay where would you put luigi's mansion b or a like maybe high b low a i'll go ahead and give it a high b all right well thank you for your help okay bye bye cj uh an interesting call we just had let me see who's streaming right now so i know who not to call okay don't call ludwig i guess here let's do this uh you're on stream right now okay so i'm doing a mario game to your list so i was hoping to get your insight wow okay yeah sure sure let me know if you've played it and then we'll get into it if you have paper mario games no mario rpg any of the mario and luigi games yes you have partners in time in time is that the only one you've played yes all right give me your ranking s through f uh for partners in time let's see if odyssey is like an s i would give partners in time an a actually an a yeah a really good game okay let's see have you played 3d land no what about luigi's mansion 2 okay well thanks for your time eric i appreciate you getting on this call i'm glad i can one is enough i appreciate it oh wait actually i have you played galaxy 2 no that's fascinating poincare thank you so much for your insights okay bye but did something happen he's just i'm gonna oh the call dropped oh my god oh my god okay is there anyone known for liking paper mario doesn't lingus play paper mario does he let's find out oh wait i got an idea i know someone who will answer [Music] cj is trying to call you is he really no he's not he's calling you on the phone no he's not maisie is cj calling you yeah he wants to talk to you okay here you go i'll put on speaker phone okay what's up cj hey lincus hey man what's up so i'm i'm doing a tier list right now and i need your help are you a paper mario fan huge paper mario fan okay so we've already ranked thousand year door it's an s tier i'm sure you'll probably agree with that as a paper mario fan yep where would you place the original paper mario with or without bias i'm gonna say try to minimize the bias but again this is this is your personalized uh listing so i would say that it is slightly below thousand-year door i think it's as good gameplay-wise and even the atmosphere is better than the thousand year door but it has less content because there's an n64 game so there's less stuff to do either below an s tier or a high eight here like a plus okay since i've never played it i'm gonna give it a high a tier for you okay thank you all right next up actually have you played um super mario rpg yes okay what what what are your opinions on that mixed bag if you don't have nostalgia and you go back to it now it's missing a lot of the key features i would put it on a c tier but that would make paper mario rpg fans mad but i would give it an honest seat here okay what about for a super paper mario super paper mario i have very little memory of but everyone says that it's very good so if you don't fix it on the part that it's not on rpg it probably deserves a b tier okay we've got two left here sticker star uh yeah of course slap that in the fda f dear okay that that makes sense lastly we got color splash here i actually played through the entire game of color splash this story is actually kind of fun it has a lot of humor and the graphics is good but the gameplay gets very kind of stale after a while i would probably put that on a seat here seat here well thank you so much lagus this was really helpful no worries um enjoy your pokemon playthrough thank you where are you putting origami king by the way it's not on this list which is unfortunate oh uh but i'll i'll add it in my mind at the end and uh what would your opinion be this won't be exactly where it goes maybe what would your opinion be i would rank origami king slightly above super paper mario good to know well have a good day linkus i'll talk to you later youtube bye bye bye all right that's good we're making headway and we've only got a few games left that i haven't played actually who else could i call here i have an idea what would you rank this game on a tier list oh bowser should i do it all right is it like v cj oh my god hi hello welcome who's the cj how are you i would love to help uh he's so nice personally i'd say it's a uh i thought you were playing the game no he was about to say it opinion on it oh oh i'd say it's c c oh i already write that one all right no i'm taking this guy's opinion over tanners the gameplay is kind of confusing at most times yeah it's good from a storytelling perspective there's just so many buttons to keep track of and it's and there's a lot of gimmicks in this game don't like it as well as like say bowser's inside story or like superstar this guy is so nice i played all the games uh oh mine is paper jam because i'm not playing pictures paper jam sucks all the mario and the games this would be so helpful superstar saga i would say is an a um bowser's inside story definitely asks it's it's the best game in the series um that's what you guys said dream team i'd also probably say c because well it's not really all that bad like you're also saying sna just dream birth just doesn't shut up like there are just so many tutorials thank you so much this was a huge help what a nice guy what a nice person he just helped us so much we're gonna rate him later if he's still streaming it looks like chad is saying paper jam is b's c's what do you guys think chat give me some input c c c c c c all right a lot of c oops and b all right we're gonna go with c on this one luigi's mansion two now there are multiple ways i could decide this i could call someone i could play the game here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a coin flip this coin flip is gonna decide if it's s a or b or c d or f heads it's in the top half tails it's in the bottom half tails it's in the bottom half heads it's in one of these two tails it's in one of these two all right we know what's happening now heads it's a d tier tails it's f here [Laughter] all right luigi's mansion 2 is right down there with stickers star hey i didn't make the choice the coin did okay now it's time to rank the games i've actually played plus these two super mario 64 great speed game at a top level it's one of the coolest one of the most optimized speed games of all time however casually i wouldn't give this game the light of day because there's just so many better things to play however imagine this it's 1997. you're eight years old you wake up christmas morning you unwrap your present it's a nintendo 64 and super mario 64. when you pop that game in it's not a it's not s it's a new tier above s that game when it came out was the greatest game of all time i think i can say that pretty comfortably if i were ranking it by today's standards i'd give it a b or a c but it truly was the new direction the video games would go for the rest of time and we still see it today so for that reason i am going to put an s tier i'm a speed runner i'm only where i am today because of speed running and i have mario 64 to thank for that i would probably still be working at subway if it weren't for mario 64. so i gotta give respect to the grandfather of gaming and the grandfather of speedrunning put it in nest here where it belongs however next up we have sunshine which in my opinion better than 64 in almost every way it's not as cool as a speedrun maybe but casually i loved this game which is why i'm putting it at the top of s here i think it's an amazing game i think it could have been better but i loved this game i loved playing this game and i played it two years ago everything about it except for controlling yoshi is great and mario galaxy there's a bit of a trend with these 3d games because mario galaxy another great game i wouldn't rank it above mario sunshine i probably wouldn't rank it above a couple of these i think it's an incredible casual game it's beautiful but it is one of the worst speed games i've ever played movement in it is very limited the cut scenes make it just a chore to go through it does belong in s tier right above mario 64. actually i'm gonna put it above everything i haven't played i think it's a good game okay abby texted me she said i haven't played any of them either but 3d land is mid wait have you played 3d land though yeah you thought it was pretty mid all right abby where would you rank 3d land if i had to pick having not played it but seen a good amount i would put it in like b or c mid b or high c okay i'll put it right there above new yoshi's island next up the last game that i have not played which is super mario galaxy 2. a lot of people do say that it's better than galaxy one that might be true however as you know i take originality into account and frankly some of the game does feel similar to the first it has some cool stuff from what i've seen throwback galaxy that's a cool idea but there is a problem with originality i'm going to put it in a i'm going to put it right below paper mario 1. this is a controversial opinion some people might not agree i've never played the game so i don't think i even have the right to do this but that's exactly why you're not allowed to judge my opinion and i can't put something in s here without having played it or been on the phone with someone who played it and if you're getting mad about that you should really rethink your priorities in life now i played 3d world pretty recently actually there's a video on the channel if you want to check it out it is an amazing game so initially you know i might want to say s it had some stickers or stamps and stars that were awful and just didn't make any sense so that would make me want to put it maybe an a but if you remember when i talked about new super mario bros wii it has multiplayer and specifically if we're talking about about the switch version it has online multiplayer so i cannot comfortably let it stay anywhere below s this game does belong in s tier above galaxy probably i think it was really fun even when i played by myself because i played most of the game by myself i had a great time and last up we have smo and again if you've been watching the channel for more than two days you know where this is gonna go it's pretty mid honestly i'm just kidding smo deserves its own damn tier the greatest mario game if not in my opinion the greatest game of all time it has the most content it has the most unique gimmick being captured it is the most beautiful it has amazing music i think it is a perfect game i think none of these are even close to it discounting the mods and everything because that adds multiplayer which damn i'd make another tier if i was counting that but i can't as well as the fact that unlike any of the games on this list only one of them has given me a career before ever you know making a living off of it it was my favorite game of all time and now it means a lot more to me because it is my job it is what i get to do every day rather than making sandwiches at subway or cleaning up dog poop at petsmart but yeah i guess there's a couple missing from here origami king what did he say b or c and then uh bowser's fury is another one that's not on here i'd put it in b it's short it would have been a but it's short i mean it's supposed to be short but and that's it that's our tier list of all the mario games i've played 11 games on this list out of however many there are a lot considering that my job is to play mario i've not played a lot of marios and we're gonna fix that this year all right gosh darn it if i don't say by the end of this year we look we will have at least played half of these games 28 games oh so i would need to only play three more we will have at least played 20 of them maybe not finished them but played them thank you guys for watching youtube and twitch because i think i'm going to end it here because i really want to rate that guy and i hope he's still streaming thank you to everyone who helped me with the list this is fun to make i just want to say this isn't my opinion this is official this is the list so if anyone ever asks you what's the best mario game what's the worst mario game you know what to say bye youtube like and subscribe please bye [Music] you
Channel: cjya
Views: 226,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lb-wSYx05Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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