Mario Speedrunner Ranks Every Mario Game

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all right friends we're making a mario to  your list whenever it comes to tier lists   there's always a few different lights you can  look at it in is something good for casual is   there something good for speed running two  very different conversations uh you can see   we have all the options to us but i  put the 18 mainline mario games up here   and we're gonna try and rank them you know  straightforward objective casual game tier list   that's not about speed running or anything crazy  i guess i'll go in chronological order that's   the order they're already in we start with super  mario bros um man this is already too hard i can't   i give up uh i don't know where to put og  super mario bros because it's like boom super   influential game huge for the video game industry  but then it's like it's kind of simple and like   it's not that crazy so i think we'll land it  right around to be i think that's pretty fair   lost levels objectively this game is not that  great like it's not for everyone but also this   is my tier list and things that i look for in a  fun game like just because it's mario and it's   hard doesn't mean like oh this is a crappy  mario game it's a terrible game i don't know   i'll probably throw it like there for now maybe  down here it doesn't have a lot of replayability   honestly you kind of beat this game just to say  you beat it and then that's all super mario bros 2   this game this game is sick i actually didn't  like it that much growing up but anytime i go back   it's just such a fun game to mess around in  i just learned there's an item in this game   like yesterday i learned there was a clock in  this game that freezes time dude i just didn't   even know that existed there's a clock in this  game that freezes time like there's a lot to this   game it probably beat her above smb1 because it's  more complex there's a lot of level routes there's   multiple characters you can play as it's a really  good game i know there's always the conversation   of is it even like a mario game or whatever  but all the people having that conversation   probably don't know that it's literally made by  mario team while in development they were testing   it and said no it needs to be more like mario so  they added like koopa shells and stars and stuff   so it's a mario game super mario bros 3. as far  as 2d platformers go and just the general premise   of this or probably thrown in a tier it has tons  of power-ups which is so sick a very replayable   game because of the warp whistles i think there's  an argument for s tier my personal opinion a tier   that's just the way it is i think swimming in this  game sucks i think a lot of the auto scrolling   levels are not great a few of them are  like fine but there's a whole bunch i   don't know super mario land it's great for  like what it was on the game boy right but yeah it's at the end of the day it didn't age  well it's fine but for the mainline mario list   something's gotta go at the bottom and it's down  there just gotta say it super mario world's hard   i think i like super mario world more than three  just in general that again has lots of different   paths even more than three it doesn't have as  many power-ups but like it's just so charming   and great it's probably estier if a 2d mario  game's making s tier it's probably mario world   in my opinion but in general i think the 3d  mario games are going to dominate up higher   and then 2d will be lower because that's just  how it is super mario land 2. this game's a lot   better than land obviously it's like a whole  different world maybe even better than smb1   maybe even better than sme2 like honestly  it's really good it like the spin attack   and the carrot like it's a really good  game top of b tier imo it is time for sm64   this is a hard game to rank objectively or  like for a casual tier list this game is   made so incredibly well there is so much depth  to it but you can very understandably know that   a lot of people playing it will have issues with  the camera they'll have issues with the controls   now if i have to be if i have to really think  about this and consider how to rank it this   is my tier list and i would much rather a game  that's more complex and someone has to tell me   oh so there's like this is how diving works like  this is the difference between diving and kicking   in this game or like there is a mario cam you can  do mario kam see down that makes the camera better   it's there in the game for you to know about it's  not like it's not there and the camera is always   terrible or like it's just random how the movement  works if you can learn that then it's s tier like   just objectively right it's so fun just to like  do what you want to in it like just sliding down   a slope and like jumping off a slope with all the  speed you can get in this game they don't let you   do that in a lot of them and it's just like  so fun i do understand it can be a bit clunky   is the way people like to talk about it but dude  a lot of games that are harder to move in have   the higher skill ceiling they have like better  potential and even though it's a casual tier   list that still factors in because it's  part of the game it's mario sunshine   now this one's a bit of a different story  it has all of those movement options that   are part of the game in a casual experience  but they're kind of jank and like not super   polished a lot of the levels are really weird you  have so many shines that are just infamous for   being really stupid pachinko mud boat lily pad  getting the yoshi over to the lilly pad level it's   a great game i think it's gotta be ranked above  these but also it's so weird and unpolished and   you just die randomly and it's so strange all the  bosses are bizarre i think i'm gonna put it here   um because if i have to say what's like an  objectively better game it goes above these   just because there's so much to do but man  it falls well below the others in terms   of polish and just like good gameness  it's time for new super mario bros ds   i think this game's super good i think uh this  game's reputation is now tarnished by a million   new super mario bros games coming after it finding  the secret worlds in this game is super satisfying   too because you have to beat the boss and then  see oh there's like this tiny tunnel i need to   beat the boss as mini mario and then you figure  that out like that's a really satisfying moment   finding all of the star coins and unlocking  all the paths is really satisfying in this game   uh it's just really well made especially after  like there wasn't a lot of 2d mario and then they   came up with new super mario bros this game really  nailed it this one could maybe go up to a actually   maybe like low a because when i think about  it compared to smb3 it's actually it's really   good like it has wall jumping the levels  are designed really well we might go low a   actually super mario galaxy this game is fantastic  especially when we're talking about casual game   tier list like it's got to be up here maybe right  here i think the biggest flaw of mario galaxy is   the levels themselves are pretty linear like it  doesn't have the 3d mario feel of 64 or odyssey   which do it best in my opinion of like here's the  here's the world you're in go whatever direction   you want dumb motion controls they're not dumb  motion controls all you have to do is shake like   you're not like trying to make link swing a sword  exactly 45 degrees or some garbage and yeah galaxy   is like one of the most polished games i've ever  played one thing you might not know about galaxy   motion controls you can spin with wii remote  or nunchuck but if you're mario you'll go   higher off the spin with wii remote and if you're  luigi you'll go higher off the spin with nunchuck   is that not just bizarre why why even  why so weird new super mario bros wii   they kept the new super thing it's stupid  to use it over and over but at this point   it wasn't so bad adding four players is really  good and they added some really cool power-ups   like penguin and propeller and there's yoshi  man this is where they added the ability to   ride on yoshi like suck up your friends and spit  them out into a hole like that's just good stuff   honestly like it's a really good game i guess  when i played it like i thought it was this good   in when i was 13 or whatever but i'm different  now than then i don't know it's hard to say   if i'm being totally honest with you this is what  i meant at the beginning by like there's objective   to your list and then there's like this is just  my favorite game to your list what makes decisions   hard on these is when you already have some on  the board and you're like this game's kind of   here but then like it's probably better than like  i feel like this game is worse than sunshine but   better than three so like how does the list make  any sense whatever i'm just gonna move on galaxy 2   i like galaxy one more the lack of a hub world  really bothers me personally okay obviously it   has the little ship but like i just don't like the  ship the game is even more linear than galaxy one   like it's this is like the most linear 3d mario  game which really like bothers me i guess but   still it's galaxy which is super polished good  clean gameplay so that basically gets it at here   all on its own i almost don't even want to put it  there like especially because it's my tier list i   will say i have some nostalgia goggles for all the  others but not this one so probably influencing   it but how linear it is actually really bothers  me okay i hate when you say 3d mario games and   then people include like 3d land and world are a  different conversation than that just call those   like you know the other ones 3d land 3d world we  need a different word they're not 2.5 to either   just never say that again speaking of those  games super mario 3d land i might just slap it   there but it's better than the okay these  gotta go down like seats here has to exist   when you're first playing it you're just like  dude this is a cool game especially when it first   came out it was the first game of its kind but  it's hard to rank this game in hindsight because   you just look at some of the levels and you're  like nothing's really going on here like i'm   just running straight along like a bunch  of falling donut blocks for like 10 seconds   like that's not that great and then there's  a ton of levels like that it's just like   random like swinging platforms or like spinning  block platforms but other levels are super good   so i don't know uh we'll just leave  it right there new super mario bros 2   easily easily easily easily easily the worst game  i don't even care if it has way more content and   therefore should be above super mario land this  game sucks okay you can hate me if you like this   game obviously it's good in general like if you  compare it to a bunch of wii shovelware it's way   better but for mario oh my gosh this game is  lifeless soulless it has no charm even all the   sound effects sound like they recorded previous  game sound effects through like a 2015 cell phone this way i don't know what its problem is  but this game is just like the most rehashed   thing nintendo's ever made the thing the game is  supposed to be about where there's moments of like   huge coin explosions and you're just getting a ton  those moments are awesome but they like withhold   them from you by making the golden fire flower  really rare and when you finish your level with   gold flower you don't get to keep it it's really  frustrating like just let me get the coins that   you made the game to let me get you know what i  mean anyway i think i've insulted the game enough   if you guys like the games like it's fine you  probably think mario 64 is garbage and it's   whatever it's my favorite game of all of them so  okay new super mario bros u okay i didn't play   this originally i only played it on deluxe when  the switch came out and it was interesting because   for a long time i've been saying they're making  new super mario everything they need to make new   super mario world a game where like it has a cool  overworld like mario world that's all connected   and they need to bring back the kate power up  and different colors of yoshi's and then when i   finally played this it was kind of like that it  has different yoshi's and the overworld is kind   of connected um it doesn't have the cape powerup  or it doesn't have keys that you put in keyholes   like that kind of stuff um is really good in  mario world and like no other game has really   had that yeah overall this game kind of suffers  the same as the other one it's just so tainted by   the fact that the other ones exist if it was  the only one you ever played maybe you'd rank   it higher but the fact that the other ones  exist on this list really drags it down i'm   leaving i'm leaving it below lost levels because  i feel like this game has the unique element of   this game is supposed to be challenging and  that's like the whole point of the game and   you can have fun beating it because beating it  is satisfying but this game doesn't really have   anything going for it like that okay a couple left  super mario 3d world i think this game is actually   incredible um which is weird because on my first  playthrough of it i thought it was okay i actually   was like this game has no memorable levels and i  don't know how i thought that back then because   now when i've recently replayed it this game's  levels are great they're way better than 3d land   and you get to play as four secretly five  characters so like this game is just sick   either top of a or bottom of s tier amazing  music this game takes so much of what makes   the other games good like the multiple characters  of new super mario bros wii but they actually have   different attributes and now if you especially  if you include the switch version where you can   play online with friends like this game's just  money i'm gonna throw it bottom of s final game i might have to rearrange because i have  like too many things in s but this belongs   up here obviously the only problem  with it is that you it has the linear   problem where you can't go to different kingdoms  in different orders like galaxy you get to pick   where you go but the levels themselves are more  linear this is like the the kingdoms are great   but you can't pick the order so that's its flaw  but the actual gameplay itself is super good   it's really satisfying capturing stuff and  like finding where all the moons are and   what not it's a really good game obviously my s  tier is bloated but i think those are top five   casual mario games i am happy with the top five i  just don't know if they should all be asked here yeah s minus basically this is like perfect 2d  mario this is like super polished but like linear   levels super polished linear over world perfect  video game and then this is like super duper good   but doesn't feel as like absolutely groundbreaking  if you wanted me to throw in some spin-offs i can   throw in some that i've played here let's  find like paper mart or like yoshi's island   uh this game is so good dude this game is like the  most beautiful video game that has ever been made   just stare at it luigi's mansion i love i love  luigi's mansion it's like very much not the same   genre at all but like it's like here mario kart  games oh that's a separate tier i'm not putting   any mario karts on here because that's we'll start  fires this game obviously is like way up here you know somewhere superstar saga dude i  love that game too it's like it's like there i don't know anyway i'm just randomly throwing  some in in case you were curious super mario   maker 2 i think sick video game lets you do so  much lets you make puzzles lets you race people   whatever you want obviously an sd video game  just a separate thing to talk about okay   let's return them all down i got a chronological  this ready for me to flex my mario knowledge   okay wait i didn't need to put them  down there i needed to put them here   now it is time for the speed running to your list  this will look very different super mario bros   speed running game objectively it's probably lower  but for me i'm gonna rank it a i think because   it has a really interesting unique thing to  it where you can literally just do a perfect   run you say here's what uh 1858 warplus would  look like i have to execute exactly this with   no mistakes and you do it same with any percent  obviously 84 is like the only thing different i   might move it down we'll see but it's way up there  for me obviously there's some bias there this game   is smb1 but actually just perfect which  is weird that i would rank it here because   it's smb1 except you can't be perfect this one  was cool until we got to that level and then it   was like i need something more make it harder so  i can't be perfect anymore i think lost levels   d4 warpless which is all levels i think it  is the best 2d mario speedrun super mario   bros 2 for speedrunning uh yeah that game's  sick there's so many cool strategies with   like picking up enemies there's a lot you can do  with that you can use them as platforms you can   jump off of them you can do cool boss kills with  them you can use them to clip through the floor   every single character gets used in the workplace  speed run depending on what level so yeah really   cool speed game super mario bros 3 i think this  is a great speed running game but would i speed   run it absolutely not i mean i have but like i  wouldn't put as much time into it as i have others   the cutscenes and rng are so annoying to me you  could play perfectly and get such bad luck that   you just won't get the world record and that sucks  the longer the category the less rng based it is   but then the more auto schoolers you have so i  don't know it's really stupid super mario land   this game is unfortunately just kind of simple so  you're just running to the right and jumping the   physics are pretty wacky and then the real problem  is that it's also very rng based if you don't know   there's like a little mini game that happens at  the end of levels and or at the end of worlds   and because it's so short that time loss it's  just the end of the run it's like if you played   smb1 but at the end of every level there was  just like a one in three chance you have to   keep playing like it's just really stupid super  mario world this game is good for speedrunning   but something up it's like missing something  there's not enough like tech that you build   up to for my taste like anyone can almost who's  just decent at platforming can pick this game up   and like run through the first level perfectly  like first try and yeah obviously there's super   difficult levels with like flying with the  cape like in narrow spaces and like keeping   your speed and all that but it just doesn't  have like what i want and this is my tier list   super mario land 2 this game looks really cool  in speedrunning it does have a little bit of rng   but it's not huge like there's a witch boss that  costs you a couple seconds if you get bad luck   and then every time you enter water your speed  is like different and you have to jump out and   get back in or something i don't know that's kind  of weird but in my opinion i would much prefer to   play it over world in terms of like something i  could see myself putting lots of time into 64.   all right sunshine i'll gush about that  game at the end once we get them all   sunshine this game has very very good movement  very good game for speedrunning except of all   the 3d marios it by far has the most cutscenes  and rng and i know that they have recently sort   of fixed the cutscenes issue i mean there's  still plenty of them but in general as a speed   game if you're going to be like that and you're  going to have that much rng like this game has   i it's not for me the movement is super good  but it's kind of like mario 3 in that sense   here i'll do this new super mario bros ds this is  interesting because this game has a blue shell you   want to get at the start so there's some rng but  you can manipulate it the levels themselves are   pretty satisfying to move through and  it's not too easy to get a perfect time um i'm probably putting it there  galaxy there's some satisfying stuff but the movement is a little lackluster in my  opinion it's just kind of long jumping every   time you land it like kills all your speed which  is frustrating there's obviously some really   cool like wall jump and spins this one has less  gravity stuff it does have some gravity stuff but   yeah maybe right there okay new super mario bros  wii this game has a problem that new super mario   bros doesn't is too easy to control i'll say it it  is too easy to control this game for my taste in   a speed run there's some really hard strats like  the bowser jr boss you have to fight near the end   you have to do like frame perfect hits on him or  something honestly that's that's not a good thing   because it's just like one really stupid part  that i think a lot of people get frustrated with   it like it's kind of interesting but if that's  all it has going for it uh i think it's too simple   yeah galaxy 2 i i enjoyed speedrunning galaxy one  better than 2 but that was just because i liked   galaxy 1 more galaxy 2 is probably like cooler  for a speed run i don't know they're basically   the same super mario 3d land this game's way  up here if you have not seen speedruns of it   it's so sick the movement it lets you do  and all the skips you get to do when you   play the longer categories and you get to  play luigi you can do the hyper speed strats   as mario you can do hyper speed strats but luigi  is like way crazier and no one's even gotten there   like this game's very untapped potential yeah  3d lens the speedrun community is really hurt   because it's on 3ds so it's super hard to  record and no one wants to play it if i   had a dollar for every person that said i'd play  that if it wasn't on 3ds i'd be swimming in cash   but that's still a lot if you think  about it new super mario bros 2.   anytime i describe a cool trick in this level it's  an auto scroller skip or in this game there's like   a platform you're supposed to ride and you get  to fly past it or there's this tunnel where like   the blocks fly towards you and you land on them  but you can fly past it or there's like a part   where platforms slowly appear for you to jump on  and you can fly past it and like the game has so   many auto scrollers half the run is auto scrollers  and the other half is skipping auto scrollers and   it's kind of dumb because it does have those  cool skips i would put it above wii but   i'm leaving it right there you super mario bros  u i don't think i know this game well enough but   it's kind of like this one but acorn  instead of propellers so just worse   3d world this game more potential than 3d land but  i personally don't like it as much there are a lot   of strats where you need to use the touchscreen or  if you're on switch you would use gyro controls to   be optimal and that kind of drags it down for me  but like the four characters and the way you move   in this game is so sick also one of the coolest  tricks in any speeder knife scene is in 3d world   on the wii u version you can get out of bounds  on the overworld and it's useful in the speed   run because it lets you like go to a level  that normally you don't have unlocked yet   it's so cool like coolest trick in any speed  run almost okay mario odyssey shoot this is   hard my s tier's getting bloated again when  you watch a top odyssey player from standstill   they do like spin pound like sideways cap  throw or whatever to keep speed and then   they're just they're just instantly going fast  and then they're like wall jump cap throw bounce   spin jump ground pound like they're just doing a  lot of actions really fast and it's really good   but unfortunately a lot of those actions are  rolling which looks like this i did do some of   the koopa free runs and even just doing those  like it did not feel good to constantly shake   the controller and i can't imagine the people that  are grinding any percent in this like it's gotta   be really annoying to have to constantly do that  motion controls suck that's gotta drag it down   because objectively i think it's like here or here  but like my opinion it's like there how willing i   am to like actually play the game more probably  like there actually i probably would play sun   i don't know okay i'm leaving it right there  there's my speedrunning tier list for all   the mainline mario games nothing's in f gear  because i think they're all decent speed games   f means bad none of them are bad once again  you can say very different things about   how to objectively order them super mario  world can get very cool at high level   but it's not my thing sunshine obviously one of  like the best movement games ever it's like here   but also there's tons of jenkins  cutscenes and rg and it sucks   so i don't know oh yeah you're right i didn't  explain sm64 time to gush let's explain why it's   better than all the other ones they just like went  way harder than they had to they made tons of move   options there's no other game that has slide kicks  and break dance it has more than any other game   um the way you transition from like sliding on  a hill to sliding on the ground you can slide   on your belly there's just so many options you  can do like whatever you want the way wall kicks   work is great also yeah has blj one of the best  glitches ever so yeah it's just a great game dude you
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 125,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kosmic, cosmic, kosmicd12, speedrun, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight, Super Mario Bros., Mario 64, SM64, Odyssey, SMO, SMB1, Tier List, Tier, List, Ranking, Every, Mario
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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