Top 5 BEST and WORST Mario Party Games - PBG

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[Music] nintendo had a pretty decent showing at e3 this year and despite what some people seem to think no i am not upset about it this tweet was a joke well this is poorly it was a joke i didn't really think nintendo was gonna re-release animal crossing amiibo festival for the switch okay but anyway i think the thing i was most excited for personally was mario party superstars but unfortunately that won't be up for a while so in order to quench my current mario party thirst i figured we could go over a few of my best and worst mario party games and i may have a couple controversial picks so uh be prepared for that i'm gonna jump back and forth between the best and the worst cause i think that's the most fun way to do it and i'm actually gonna start with the best and end with the worst because i live for the pain and let's be real i feel like there's more bad mario party games than good ones at this point so it's only fair but before we start i'd like to take a moment to thank the sponsor of this video by e the past couple of years i've been obsessed with buying things from japan things like candy and snacks toys a bunch of nintendo stuff but since i live in the u.s i can't buy things directly from japanese websites and if i'm buying from something like ebay from a reseller they usually jack up the price by quite a bit with bae you can buy anything you want from japan on the internet you might not be able to buy directly off japanese amazon yahoo japan auction or racket in japan and many other different websites but by e can ie will buy the products for you it goes to their warehouses and then they ship it straight to you using bahi i bought some japanese exclusive animal crossing manga as well as the new horizons manga before it ever released in the u.s and i also got some mario party games in box from japan i love the old japanese box art in these games so much if you use my link in the description below you'll get 2 000 yen 20 off of your first purchase with bae so make sure to take advantage of that special offer and go have some fun shopping on japanese websites and again thank you so much dubaii for sponsoring all right let's go but first i have a game that you might not be expecting yes the first handheld entry to the mario party series was mario party advance for the gba while there are things to like about it the classic pixel art style being one of them oh and also toad gets crushed to death you know if you're into that kind of thing the lack of easily accessible gba multiplayer led it to being a single player game that didn't follow the traditional mario party formula with ds not only was it nice to be able to play a normal mario party game wirelessly with your friends and with only one cartridge i might add it also has one of my favorite themes in the entire series small yes mario and crew have been shrunketh by who else other than bowser and they have to make it all the way to his castle to defeat him and regain their proper stature and they do that by playing mario party somehow don't question it or you go into the teeth jar not only do the boards play into the tiny theme a lot of the mini games do also there's a mini game where you have to avoid being sucked up into a vacuum cleaner to your death a mini game where you have to dig as fast as possible or be eaten by a mole and instead of shooting a soccer ball into a goal how pedestrian you dodged giant soccer balls being kicked at you [Music] oh my god to be honest i could have put a couple other games in this spot also but this version is super underrated and i feel like i've gotta show it some love because not a lot of people do and besides we gotta get at least one handheld mario party on the good list because just trust me there's not gonna be another one there are absolutely no other good handheld mario party games and i know what some of you may be thinking what about super mario party that's kind of a handheld game okay this is probably not a fair pick but i'm doing it anyway because this is my list at number five works i have super mario party for the switch this may come as a bit of a surprise since when it first came out i did a fairly positive video on it and even did some let's plays where i said god this game is a good mario party game it's just it's actually a good mario party game but the more i play the more i feel like i was just blinded by the fact that they kinda sorta moved back to the original mario party formula but there's a few subtle changes to the game that really screw it up and one of the biggest problems is the economy some people might say that the economy is a meme well it definitely is a meme in super mario party for starters they lower the amount of coins a star costs from 20 to 10. this might not seem like a big deal at first but play a few games and you'll realize just how easy it is to get coins in this game and if you have tons of coins and the star cost so few coins basically all the game is is a race to get to the star fastest which is made even less fun since the die rolls are one through six instead of one through ten so you're just gonna be slowly crawling to the star with ridiculously low rolls over and over too bad the mini games are actually pretty solid for the most part but too bad they don't matter at all you're never really in need of coins so the only consistently fun thing about the game is completely pointless at least in the main board mode and what's the point of even trying to get to the star anyway when you can just use the most overpowered item ever the golden pipe that takes you straight there there's always been these types of items but they usually cost 20 coins sometimes even 30 coins not 10. them being so cheap with the stars being so cheap makes actually playing the game the normal way not only pointless but actually inferior you might as well just park yourself in the corner of the map where the item shop is and go in a loop and get as many golden pipes as possible and to reiterate the one through six dice rolls really do slow down the game a bit it's a total drag just get used to rolling a lot of ones that's all i'm saying how many wines am i gonna get another one another one boom come on [Music] i'm taking screencasting gotta get a screen cap of all those ones [Music] congratulations one day mario and crew were just sort of aimlessly wandering around when all of a sudden toad and his gang of party obsessed freaks suck everyone solid to the party cube where they'll be pitted against each other in a game of mario party the winner gets their soul returned to their body and the losers are stuck in the party cube for all eternity uh something like that at the fourth best i have fittingly mario party four why thank you luigi i don't think anything particular stands out about mario party 4 i mean even its theme is party it's a freaking party themed party game but if you're looking for a solid baseline entry to mario party you could really do a lot worse than four the boards in this entry are a little bit forgettable but it does bring a lot of other stuff to the table specifically the mini games some of the best mini games in the whole series are from this version their stamp out the soccer and basketball ones even the puzzle one ends up being a lot of fun more often than not and of course the best minigame of all time dungeon duo just kidding i mean it's okay but that's that's probably like the most overrated mario party minigame out of all i'm just being real with you guys why are you booing me i'm right this is a bad time to remind everyone to uh like the video the real one of the best mini games ever book squirm they can play that happy music all they want but this is not happy it's a horror game i'm scared i'm scared all right if i haven't made everybody mad already then this one's definitely gonna do it i'm sorry but i'm not sorry mario party h i'm sorry but if you like this game then you're a loser from what i can tell feelings on this one are super mixed there's people who hate it the worst game ever completely based on luck and oh skill whatsoever by this game garbage game never buy it holy give me a refund on his garbage crap and people that love it hey there's great mini games great boards great structure and presentation it's literally all great critics talk like usual after haters man it's a great game and while i wouldn't go as far as to say it's the worst game ever but i would say that a lot of the praise for this game is uh highly exaggerated i have had so many people tell me that this is not only a good mario party game but it's the best mario party game well uh counterpoint sugar rush feels like more of a stupid cooking mama ripoff than an actual mario party mini game picture perfect or as i like to call it first puzzle shooter not fun that's the title crank the rank do i really need to say anything about this one mario matrix you just point the wiimote at the screen and click on an oct what kind of shape is this actually hexagon if this game didn't suck enough already it's also making me learn stuff rudder madness most exciting mini game ever created just look at them go twist the clock into the right position wow that's a great idea for a minigame isn't it flip the freaking chimp do you want me to keep going i i can keep going if you want me to yes mario party is more than mini games but eight really does have some of the worst in the entire series if not the worst and despite what a lot of people say i don't think it's because they use a lot of motion controls it's because the way they use the motion controls suck plural i don't dislike motion controls at all in fact warioware smooth moves had motion control minigames and they're great if the mini games in mario party 8 were even half as creative and fun as they are in smooth moves then i think it would be a pretty good game honestly it really didn't feel like this game was even developed for the wii it feels like a gamecube game that switched to a wii game last minute i mean how else do you end up with so many mini games that'll just point them webo at the screen and click on something heck even the aspect ratio is 4x3 except for the title screen for some reason this was definitely supposed to be a gamecube game i don't even know that for a fact but i am going to state it as a fact but it has that one mini game where mario is giving the wiimote a job so uh that's something right at the number three best i have mario party 2. what you think i was going to put mario party 2 at number one just because i'm a total boomer that grew up playing the n64 no ow this is no bias list i'm a professional and i don't let my personal feelings get in the way alright if this was a few years ago i would have put this at number one but i've recently had a change of heart a very slight change of heart cause this is still one of the best ones easily now i may be doing this list completely objectively with absolutely no nostalgia whatsoever but if you'll excuse me i'd like to gush about my nostalgia for mario party 2 for about 45 minutes this game just has so much charm what's with these boring basic boards what about blood i mean ketchup actually and the freaking costumes i love that they wear a different costume for each board and then they fight bowser at the end it's just ridiculous it's stupid but i love it no need to come up with some elaborate setup for anything just slap mario's head on to something and that's a mini game and the mini games may have been simple but they were definitely fun and memorable shell shocked slap everyone's head on a tank and blow each other up bombs away run around on a tiny island and try not to get exploded bowser's big blast don't press the wrong button or you get blasted seriously though there's a lot of bombs at this party and in place of the joystick spinning from mario party one that put blisters on kids hands and an 80 million dollar blister on nintendo's bank account via a lawsuit there's button pressing mini games some people don't like these but i usually have fun with them even though i can never win them as a kid because my older brother was some kind of button-mashing god this was me pressing the button as fast as i could and this was him pressing the button as fast as he could it didn't even sound like a button being pressed over and over it was like one long continuous noise i was a pretty chill kid but i broke at least two controllers by throwing them against the wall in rage after losing a duel minigame in mysteryland or something but it's not just the mini-games all the boards are classics too from western land to space land or my personal favorite rules land that one doesn't get a lot of love online but it was a real banger hey you remember that time mario was in a car no no not that one no no no no no no no no no no no no no that one that was pretty good one right mario party had been going on for a while now so with nine they decided to try and change it up instead of coins you collect mini stars by winning mini games and defeating bowser's minions sometimes completely random we'll make you lose your mini stars but there's nothing you can do to stop it so don't bother planning or trying at all you could argue that mario party has always been random and that's not entirely untrue there's always been random things that happen but in the traditional games how do you win you get coins and spend the coins on stars assuming that you can get to the star space before everyone else and there's always different branches and paths you can take to try to accomplish this and you can get lucky or screwed over in the process both by chance and by the other players and how do you win in mario party 9 i don't know roll like a three congratulations you got the mini stars or maybe you didn't i don't know it doesn't matter oh yeah i'm also including 10 on this segment i feel like 10 has slightly better mini games than nine but other than that they're really similar and i didn't want to be redundant but i guess if i'm gonna be honest with myself i just didn't feel like playing both of them [Music] recently i've been hearing a lot of people say that mario party 6 is the best mario party game this is not an opinion that i used to hear a lot but it's popping up lately well i did play a little bit of it back in the day i wasn't as familiar with it so i decided to go back and give it a little bit more of a chance for this video and uh i agree well i mean i don't specifically agree because i'm not putting it at number one but i i agree that it's good also this just felt mario party 6 is good in mario party 6 the sun and the moon didn't like each other very much so mario had a great idea we'll have a party that'll fix it it's a party then luigi did this for a little bit but toad was super depressed and i'm not really sure how that's supposed to solve anything i said i said i'm not really i'm not really sure so every level changes from night to day which switches up what can happen on the board it's probably my favorite theme honestly maybe rivaled by the ds being all tiny and stuff which we covered earlier even the main menu is separated by day and night the sun really likes it when you use your microphone and the moon really likes it when you options the boards are probably what i like most about this version again mainly the day to night cycle it had been done before on mario party 2's horrorland but this was the first time where it was the theme for the entire game but it's not just the boards the mini games are also good i really like snow brawl even though i suck at it apparently miss if you play this game though i highly recommend that you play with friends if at all possible because the ai in this game is brutal on just the regular hard mode super early in the game peach dueled me for all of my coins and one and now i'm tiny with zero stars and zero coins and towards the end of the same game toad dueled me for a star even though i was in third place and it was a luck based minigame and he won [Music] hold on hello also it sucks that you can't play as dk but i do love his inclusion in the game not only does he hand out stars he also has his own space whoa it's donkey kong what's that crazy ape gonna do this time this he'll do that it's actually a miracle that this game isn't the number one worst even i'm surprised mario party the top 100 i was so excited for this game when it was announced i always wanted a mario party all-stars type game with all the best mini games all the best boards and i really thought this was gonna be it i was so excited about it that i decided to do an entire mario month on my channel instead of zelda month so i could talk about it but it ended up sucking so much that i didn't even bother if i had done a video about it though it would have just been a five second clip of this the glaring issue with top 100 is the lack of boards to play on there's only one and it doesn't even play like the versions everyone likes everyone moves at the same time in whatever direction they want and instead of playing a mini game every turn every now and then you get a tight squeeze bonus cool in order to play a mini game on the top 100 mini games game you have to hit a mini game balloon a freaking mini game balloon top 100 mini games but you don't even play a mini game you just roll dice all this game is good for is the main mode which is literally just a compilation of mini games that's it and as much as i love mario party mini games and have a lot of opinions about them i mean just check out some of my other top 10 list videos you absolutely have to have a board game mode to bring it all together otherwise what's the point of playing them i mean i love the mini game aces high it's my favorite one in fact but i wouldn't sit around with my friends and play it for two hours straight and that one's not even in the game anyway instead they've got crank the rank yeah everybody was really dying for that one to come back these are supposed to be the best games that game where all you do is count top 100 pick the highest card out of a deck at random top 100 that racing game that only lasts five seconds top 100 piranha pursuit i mean i put it on my top worst minigames but um top 100 what mario party fans wanted out of a compilation game like this was so simple but this doesn't even come close all i'm gonna do is give a plea please make mario party superstars good please i just want a good one please what do you really think i wasn't going to put an n64 mario party game in number one i'm a total boomer the girl playing the n64 give me a freaking break my lip still hurts from when i ripped it off the first time this isn't a mario party where you're playing to win this is a mario party where you're begging not to die mario party 3 is almost exactly like two but there's a few small differences that i think end up benefiting the game in a pretty big way for example the mini game selection is a little bit better i think i mean who could forget the absolute classic mario party iq how many years has your father been gone getting the milk from the store oh i know i know [Music] i miss you dad okay but for real mario party puzzle party it's a pizza chip shot challenge rocket raceway and again my favorite aces high i have to talk about how great this one is because nobody else ever does it move over star fox the next hit nintendo game is here luigi's head on an f-16 but the best change was with the item system not only are there more items in general but they're also more balanced and even better you can now hold three instead of just one everyone who's played mario party 2 knows the pain of getting stuck with a freaking skeleton key and having no way of getting rid of it luigi may be excited but all i feel is pain the number one worst mario party game is mario party island tour our heroes get an invitation to a party and then they get sucked up into the air and some bubbles to party island yes that's actually what it's called on party island pretty much all you do is stand around or play mario party island tour to be honest i think i prefer option a with mario party island tour they took all the stuff people loved from the series complex boards strategizing competitive gameplay and we're like none of that matters you know what people really like lines every map is a straight line oh press a over and over and hope you get to the end faster than everyone else it's awesome you still play mini games and to be fair they're not that bad for the most part but when you win you get items instead of coins if you get first through third you get an item and you use it even if you have a reason to not want to use it which would rarely happen since it's just a straight race to the end you have to the whole thing is just so boring every now and then something on the map will happen but guess what it all comes down to luck it all comes down to luck again having some luck in mario party is not a bad thing i'd argue it's a good thing even but island tour feels like the entire freaking game is luck i would seriously and i can't believe i'm saying this rather play tough 100 than islandtor sure it's a stupid pointless mini-game compilation but at least you don't have to waste two to four minutes of your life with boring dice rolls with completely random events in between them every board is different but somehow exactly the same all at once they're just straight lines separated into different segments where they're like oh hope you don't get screwed over in this area because that'll set you back oh hope you don't get screwed over in this area because that'll set you back hope you don't get screwed over in this area cause that will set you back you wouldn't want to be um set back now would you what a party i was definitely not gonna put this at number one but i guess i just never realized how bad this game is because i never bothered to play it for more than five to ten minutes before making this but hey at least it's the only mario party game where you can uh blow mario [Music] bye-bye thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a like subscribe for more and maybe check out another mario party video that i did or you can check out a video on my other channel peeves i play a lot of mario party on that channel and probably will be playing superstars over there quite a bit as well i'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 571,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario, party, super mario party, nintendo switch, mario party superstars, mario party superstar, superstars, peanutbuttergamer, pbg, peebs, nintendo, switch, gaming, peach, multiplayer, dk, super mario, mario bros, music, funny, comedy, top 10, list, best, worst, best mario party games, worst mario party games, mario party switch, mario switch, pc, ps5, ps4, xbox, games, mario party 9
Id: pBrMTKUB9k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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