Ranking Every Spongebob Episode, Movie, and Spinoff

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no this is not a joke I have spent hundreds of hours watching all 535 normal episodes three movies and 60 spin-off episodes for SpongeBob SquarePants since this was such a colossal task it makes more sense to rank these by season from worst to best then I'll rank the seasons overall and uh I cannot believe I actually did this let's just get a ranked 41 fools in April it's April Fool's Day SpongeBob's favorite day of the year Squidward despises SpongeBob's pranks despite how harmless they are so he decides to get revenge on him Squidward's prank involves physically hurting and covering SpongeBob and flower and garbage so everyone hates him of course Squidward tries to apologize but really struggles to do that and when he finally does All is Forgiven this is one of the few mean-spirited episodes in the old SpongeBob days and I don't really find it funny I like SpongeBob's pranks putting one Ice Cube in a drink instead of two they're Goofy and all but Squidward is just an [ __ ] SpongeBob's laughing is excessive so I kind of get it but what he did was so uncalled for 40. I was a teenage Gary Squidward is watching Gary for the weekend while SpongeBob and Patrick go to a jellyfishing convention however he forgets to feed his snail and SpongeBob comes back mortified so the doctor visits with a shot but chooses not to do it himself so Squidward is pressured to insert the shot in instead but hit SpongeBob's nose by accident and it turns out Gary just needed water the shot turned SpongeBob into a snail then Squidward is chased around until he manages to get the snail shot to himself I've never been the biggest fan of this episode and I can't quite put my finger on why I think it's just the fact that the doctor leaves for literally no reason there's never an explanation besides that he's too squeamish uh why are you a doctor then and what's inside this shot anyway was it going to turn Gary into more of a snail I don't know I do really like the horror element at the end but this episode is just okay 39 Valentine's Day take a wild guess what this one's about SpongeBob is handing Valentine's gifts to everyone but is saving the big one for Patrick to distract him he takes Patrick to a carnival while Sandy brings in a massive chocolate air balloon as she's coming in some scallops eat at the balloon causing a huge delay in Patrick's gift so SpongeBob goes with Plan B a friendly handshake as you can imagine Patrick feels [ __ ] since their best best friends he gets really angry and irrational until Sandy finally comes in with a balloon love is a mysterious thing that we all experience and Patrick comes off as a bit selfish even though he and Spongebob have been friends for so long it's a bit frustrating to watch him be so impatient his Antics are entertaining to watch but the episode is just alright 38. Sandy's rocket Sandy builds a rocket to collect moon rocks but SpongeBob and Patrick convince themselves it's to hunt aliens after starting the ship without her on it they think they landed on the moon but they actually come back to bikini bottom so they go out of their way to capture everybody because they're aliens of course after flying back the rocket crashes on the moon trapping everyone there I like the idea of this episode but it feels kind of off when they run into Sandy you think she would have been able to easily get the guns away from them also Sandy was able to fly to the moon with just a rocket booster so why does she need the entire rocket I mean yeah she was going to get the moon rocks and stuff but still and finally she said there wasn't room on her ship but somehow almost all of Bikini Bottom fits inside inconsistencies are naturally going to happen from time to time but the plot doesn't make sense in this case the best scene is when they capture Squidward SpongeBob just casually calls him disgusting and they get his tentacles all over their helmets 37 squeaky boots we meet Mr Krab's daughter Pearl for the first time it's her birthday and she wants some fancy flipper slippers but Mr Krabs gets her some cheap squeaky boots because of course he does so SpongeBob wears them instead after being told that their fry cook boots and he just loves them but the squeaking drives Mr Krabs crazy as in he's hearing the squeaking outside of work so he decides to steal the boots and SpongeBob is of course miserable he ends up feeling so guilty about it that he eats the boots and gets Pearl the slippers she actually wanted I have to agree with Mr Krabs that the squeaking was a bit much and yeah I know it's the point of the episode but it definitely gets irritating after a while what it does have going for it though is its psychological magical horror scene where Mr Crab only sees and hears the squeaking it really drives home how guilty Mr Krabs feels for what he did 36. home sweet pineapple nematodes suck up SpongeBob's house and now he has nowhere to live he tries rebuilding his house and living with Patrick but there's not enough space and it doesn't really work out so SpongeBob is forced to move back in with his parents but buries the pebble before he goes not realizing it's a seed the water from his tier grows a brand new pineapple right before he leaves so now he can stay for forever I like the concept of the episode but it's not as funny as the other ones in this season there's a couple of moments I like where Squidward says is it time already for you to ruin my day and then Patrick right after says is it time already to ruin Squid's day and the fact that he dresses up for it makes me giggle the whole sleepover scene is fine but by the end you just feel bad for SpongeBob that is until he gets into Squid's house and Hogs the pillow and takes full advantage of him when he's not aware so yeah this episode is fine just just not wanted care to watch multiple times 35. Reef blower the only episode where there's no talking outside of text that pops up one time Squidward kicks a clam into SpongeBob's yard to make it perfectly clean so SpongeBob takes a reef floor to fix that and goes a little overboard with his own cleanliness he somehow manages to suck up the entire ocean it's nonsensical and it's hilarious despite there being no dialogue The Comedy is timed impeccably the whole sequence of Squidward getting dumped with sand and SpongeBob cleaning him up then his dinner and then his eyes it's so great from the very beginning you can already see the complexities of Squidward's character he's a bit of a narcissist and even a jerk at times but you also feel bad since he has to live next to SpongeBob and his nonsense 34. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy the very first Mermaid Man in Barnacle Boy episode strangely enough I've seen this one the most times on Game Boy Advance video as a kid so basically SpongeBob and Patrick love these two superheroes and want to see them fight crime only to realize they've retired they decide to try to convince them to come out of retirement by creating a pretend crime right in front of them while that doesn't work they do manage to annoy both of them so much that it does bring them out of retirement to get rid of SpongeBob and Patrick it's a classic episode but there's definitely more interesting Mermaid and Barnacle Boy ones out there it establishes the new characters pretty well but nothing beyond that I also quite liked how SpongeBob and Patrick calls Squidward reflecto as he stared himself out in the sun so great 33 help wanted the very first episode SpongeBob tries to get a job at the Krusty Krab and can only get it if he finds a hydrodynamic spatula with port and starboard attachments plus turbo drive so naturally he goes to the local Bargain Mart to grab one and saves Mr Krabs and Squidward from the pile of anchovies for the first episode it does a really good job of showing what to expect from the show Patrick is a great friend despite being a bit of a dunce at times we don't really see Mr Krabs greedy take place yet outside of smelling money and counting money at the end The only discrepancy worth bringing up is how does SpongeBob already know how to make Krabby Patties like I get it's required for the story to work and the inconsistency doesn't ruin anything but it's worth mentioning but anyway the episode has awesome moments like Mr Krabs smelly smell that smells smelly the literal waves of anchovies and the Montage of SpongeBob making hundreds of panties in a matter of seconds 32. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 2. SpongeBob wins a conch signal that Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy used way back in the day when SpongeBob blows into it they're surprised to see him SpongeBob uses the Conch so his Heroes will do his chores and plumbing for him but eventually they get fed up with his Shenanigans so the heroes decide to take SpongeBob out for the day and end up in a diner they ditch him get trapped in a dirty bubble and SpongeBob saves them by complete accident it is neat seeing the invisible bookmobile used this time but honestly this episode is only slightly better than the first one 31. nature pants SpongeBob wants to live out with nature so he quits his job and roams around with a jellyfish despite the cries from Patrick things don't go so well since Patrick tries to catch him gets stung by several jellyfish and is covered in sea urchins sleeping outside he goes back home after realizing his mistakes only to be greeted by all his friends at his house I think we've all had the thought of abandoning society and living out in the wild and SpongeBob shows exactly why you shouldn't do that there's a lot of great jokes and gags in this one when the Krusty Krab is on fire SpongeBob Chucks the fire hydrant at the stove it's time so perfectly and then there's the whole sequence with Patrick and Sandy having a picnic and Squidward's remarks saying he'd give SpongeBob 11 minutes to come pack is cheeky since that's along the actual episodes are oh you clever dog 30. T at the tree Dome it's interesting to see SpongeBob talking to the audience for a brief moment telling us who Sandy is this was before the writers really knew how to format an episode so it's always me seeing subtle things like this SpongeBob meets Sandy for the first time becomes friends with her and is invited to her treatome what SpongeBob doesn't realize is that he can't breathe without water but Patrick insists he be lied to his new friend him and Patrick go unconscious due to a lack of water then Sandy brings them back and they're closer than ever it's a really heartwarming episode with tons of great gags Patrick's pinky up to be fancy and SpongeBob's I don't need it are the clear highlights you really get to see SpongeBob's character Blossom too even though he's literally dying in Sandy's treat him he's still trying to be a stand-up guy and respectful he's honestly pretty brave even when he's fighting off the clam can we also talk about Patrick just vibing on the top of his house with some shades on that is such a mood 29 opposite day Squidward finally decides to move out of his house but worries it won't sell due to SpongeBob and Patrick's Annex before the realtor arrives he tells SpongeBob it's opposite days so they'll actually behave the plan works well at first until they both think way too hard about the rules and both pretend to be Squidward the realtor shows up everyone is Squidward and she leaves everyone being Squidward is one of the most iconic moments in SpongeBob history the joke hasn't aged a day since the episode was released this is the era where Patrick's stupidity still has reasoning behind it Opposite Day to him meant no breathing efforts which technically makes sense 28. Hall Monitor SpongeBob gets a hall monitor role at boating school and accidentally waste the day monologuing about all the things he'll do Mrs Puff feels bad so she lets him wear the uniform after class but SpongeBob thinks that makes him a hall monitor beyond the classroom he causes car crashes and scares other fishes out of their houses SpongeBob is thankfully caught in the end but Mrs Puff accidentally says it's her responsibility and ends up getting herself in trouble this is a decent enough episode but it doesn't really get good until Patrick is involved SpongeBob reports him for an uh ice cream crime maybe because he spilled It On The Ground I don't really know but anyway Patrick becomes a police officer sees the picture of the maniac and isn't able to put two and two together that SpongeBob is the maniac the concept of the episode Works fairly well but Mater the cops [ __ ] they see Patrick is scared of the image so they go out of their way to scare them over and over again 27 Squidward the unfriendly ghost Squidward builds himself a full-size model of himself and takes a bath while he's there SpongeBob and Patrick toss a shell to Squid's house by accident so they come inside and think the model is the real Squidward and accidentally melt him in the warmth Squidward comes out looking like a ghost so they assume it's his actual ghost haunting them in Squidward being the great guy he is takes advantage of his neighbors and makes them do all sorts of things for him it goes way too far when SpongeBob and Patrick try to put him to rest properly by digging him a grave and eventually trapping him in a bubble I really love SpongeBob and Patrick's game at the beginning and the part where they keep giving Squidward random food it's a decent enough episode it's just not very memorable 26. The Chaperone Pearl has nobody to go to prom with so Mr Krabs asked SpongeBob to be the date she wants to be with someone that's long tan and handsome so SpongeBob makes some leg extensions for himself they go to prom he makes a big mess and a fool out of himself but Pearl still is fun anyway even though it's revealed that SpongeBob was using a dummy the whole time it's a very Charming episode SpongeBob gives it his all to make sure pro has a good night he cleans up pretty well too and makes a real effort to be taller since that's what she wanted to be honest Pearl is really hard on him at first but she lightens up as the night goes on which is awesome there's a lot of really good jokes packed into this one too the whole sponge dance sequence SpongeBob becoming the punch bowl and scraping their way to the prom 25 jellyfishing SpongeBob and Patrick ask over to go jellyfishing but he doesn't want to and pretends that he's busy so as karma he falls down a hill and breaks every bone in his body when he comes home SpongeBob and Patrick force him to go jellyfishing and he ends up catching one and smacking it on a massive jellyfish causing even more pain for Squidward when he's back home again SpongeBob and Patrick catch the jellyfish that Squidward caught and he releases it in anger and how naive they've been and of course the big jellyfish comes back one more time to zappel the plot is very simple so it really comes down to the gags and jokes to bring this one together and it it is full of them it starts with an action sequence of SpongeBob and Patrick preparing to go jellyfishing it's so over the top and fun to watch and when they get outside they're all like and then there's the firmly grasp it joke that one's pretty memorable but the best part about that joke is the net isn't even facing away from Squidward I also love the phone gag of SpongeBob and Patrick calling in the same room you never would have seen that one coming the first time watching something strange I noticed was that Squidward's bike doesn't have normal Wheels but the wheelchair does I wonder why they chose to make that inconsistency not that it matters it's just interesting 24. Neptune spatula SpongeBob and Patrick visit the fry cook Museum and try to pull a golden spatula out of the grease SpongeBob is actually able to do it which brings King Neptune down from the heavens Neptune doesn't believe SpongeBob so they have a competition to see who can make the most Krabby Patties Neptune wins by using his magic but everyone thinks his patties tastes awful while SpongeBobs are delicious so Neptune takes some Humble Pie Ai and starts to learn how to cook properly King Neptune and Larry having a bromance for a moment is pretty adorable this is a solid episode all around King Neptune is very rarely seen in SpongeBob so it's always neat to see him featured and I also love how Patrick's face is just never fixed throughout the entire episode 23. muscle Bob buff pants SpongeBob is tired of being weak and skinny so he orders anchor arms from a TV ad and everyone is super impressed after showing off his training technique Sandy puts him in an anchor throwing competition and it serves to prove SpongeBob was being a phony as someone that's been lifting weights for about a year and a half the most important thing you have to realize is you must focus on yourself and not on others everyone gets strong at their own pace and SpongeBob completely fails to realize that he literally does all of the wrong things starts exercising with too little weight too much weight and then gives up too quickly and gets some PG friendly enhancements but hey Society tells him otherwise the shark on the TV even says now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me so really it's all about how you look and not what you do 22 boating school this is our first time seeing Mrs Puff trying to pass Spongebob in her class after failing tons and tons of times Patrick has the idea of putting a radio in his head to tell him what to do so on his next exam day he wears a hat to cover the antenna and almost passes the exam while Patrick gives him the answers but SpongeBob feels guilty for cheating and ends up failing anyway it goes to show that even if you cheat in life there's always consequences to your actions I honestly feel bad for Mrs Puff she slowly goes more and more insane as the seasons go by and it's easy to see why having to deal with SpongeBob's incompetence but I also understand SpongeBob's struggle I was an anxious test taker in school too even though Patrick suggested a bad idea it shows how strong his friendship is with SpongeBob he'll do anything to help him out even if it involves cheating and he's so comfortable in SpongeBob's house he wears his pants reads his diary eats his food that's how you know they're really good friends also a fun fact this is the first time the infamous my leg line is shouted 21. Plankton Plankton's very first appearance as the villain of the show he tries to steal the secret formula but gets caught and gets frisbied back to his own restaurant the Chum Bucket Plankton decides that befriends SpongeBob but it doesn't work so when SpongeBob is sleeping Plankton controls his brain and all of his cognitive movements he runs through the Krusty Krab to get a Krabby Patty and takes it back to the Chum Bucket to analyze all the ingredients but Plankton gets greedy and decides to eat the Krabby Patty instead only to bounce off the bun and end up in his own analyzer of all the times Plankton tries to steal the formula this is one of his best plans and it was only foiled by his own stupidity in greed Plankton's interactions with SpongeBob really shows his creepiness and manipulative tactics to get what he wants he tries to show that they have something in common by saying they're invertebrates and then he gives them a gift out of nowhere to pressure SpongeBob to do the same for him it's really creepy but we also see Plankton's entertaining side the record player gag is great I would wish it was used Beyond this episode and you gotta love Plankton's lab I hope that dog had a great life the animation is really well done too SpongeBob's movements are very robotic when he isn't in control which further creates the impression that Plankton has him trapped and honestly I don't know why Plankton finds the Krabby Patty that appetizing anyway when SpongeBob puts all the ingredients in random parts of his body and then it comes out as Squidward's nose like uh 20. karate Choppers SpongeBob and Sandy are addicted to playing karate but it starts to interfere with SpongeBob's work and he almost gets fired for it Mr Krabs has them promise that they won't play karate anymore to save his job but they go for a picnic they start slicing some Barnacle loaf with their hands and they get into another fight while making sandwiches Mr Krabs is so impressed that he ends up having them use karate to serve food in a more entertaining way this just goes to show that Mr Krabs is a good businessman when he sees an opportunity no matter how strange it may be he goes with it the fight scenes are also really entertaining you gotta love the hot sauce man and Sandy's worst disguise yet 19. Suds SpongeBob is hungry late at night and grabs a snack but ends up falling asleep and leaving the fridge open making his entire house freezing because of this he catches a little cold or the suds Patrick tries to take care of him by filling all his sponge holes up but Sandy urges him to see the scary doctor and when he does finally go he has a pretty good time and is back to normal the writers could have given SpongeBob a normal cold and called it a day but they went out of their way to rework the term Suds one that's already related to sponges while I like a lot of the visual gags in the cleaning scene that's done with real sponges Patrick's stubbornness is a bit much by the end but it's okay though he gets what he deserves he's perfect for cleaning a toilet 18. bubble stand SpongeBob and Patrick make a bubble stand and sell bubbles for 25 cents Squidward gets annoyed but is intrigued and decides to blow bubbles he isn't able to make them as magnificent until the very end when he follows the technique it makes a bubble so big that it picks up his entire house this is also the first time we see a Squidward's skills at the clarinet it's fun to love how awful he sounds you also see paintings of himself everywhere showing his more narcissistic side you also see this when Squidward is putting SpongeBob and Patrick down for selling bubbles there's a lot of Great Moments the most memorable joke is Patrick saying hits a giraffe but personally I always love the subtlety of SpongeBob putting up a closed sign when Squidward approaches them gets me every time 17. R SpongeBob and Patrick are playing a treasure board game and Mr Krabs ends up trying it and gets super addicted the next day the three of them go on a treasure hunt but Mr Krabs doesn't show them what the map looks like after they travel for a while SpongeBob and Patrick get curious and find out that the board game is the map and is just strapped to a piece of paper but they managed to find the Dutchman's real treasure with it since SpongeBob and Patrick dug it out they get to keep some of the goal while Mr Krabs gets nothing it's pretty satisfying to see Mr Krabs get the short end of the stick after dragging SpongeBob and Patrick around the term sweaty gamer has aged perfectly by the way since SpongeBob and Patrick comment on how sweaty Mr Krabs gets throughout this episode 16. Employee of the Month the classic workaholic episode SpongeBob has been employee of the month for 26 months in a row and Squidward tells him it's a waste of time SpongeBob destroys his alarm clocks to ensure he wins the award again and because of that Squidward decides to try to win just to prove a point now that the camel's back is broken they become obsessively competitive before going to work the next day they try to prevent each other from getting there early by trapping each other in multiple ways and neither of them get sleep because of this so they come to work as a couple of nut jobs now personally I work a lot of hours probably too much sometimes but I really love my job I'm ranking SpongeBob episodes for crying out loud that's awesome but you have to know when to give yourself a break and SpongeBob and Squidward perfectly demonstrate the work culture in America in lots of the world grind yourself to the Bone it's not healthy and it ruins lives people have got to stop doing this it's honestly so bizarre to see SpongeBob act the way he does he's very aggressive which isn't like him but I kind of like the side of SpongeBob and it does fit well with this episode in particular 15. the paper Squidward throws a gum wrapper on the ground and SpongeBob asks if he can take it squid assures him that he'll never want it ever again so SpongeBob goes along his way having fun with a piece of paper squiver watches him and slowly wants the paper for himself more and more so he tries to bargain with SpongeBob even though he already said he didn't want it he ends up giving away his entire house and even the shirt for the paperback and almost instantly regrets his decision this is why I love cartoons and SpongeBob the amount of ways SpongeBob is creative with a piece of paper is kinda crazy and the effects can only work in this cartoon setting the story itself is on the basic side but it's still pretty fun to watch Squidward's lack of confidence really shines here he's getting self-conscious about SpongeBob having fun and he isn't what's up with that 14. Jellyfish Jam SpongeBob befriends a jellyfish and brings it home as a pet everything is fine at first and even as a party with it but when SpongeBob goes to bed the jellyfish invites all his friends over to jam out SpongeBob isn't able to get them out of the house until he realizes that he can lure them out with the power of music the Disco and Jellyfish songs are both fantastic I've unironically listened to the disco music separately because it's that catchy the main point of this episode is simple don't befriend wild animals you know nothing about Squidward was even nice enough to warn him about that a rare moment where he's being a good neighbor but then he ruins it by playing the clarinet really bad over a couple subwoofers 13. culture shock the Krusty Krab is struggling to bring in customers since they haven't done much to freshen up the restaurant so Mr Krabs puts together a talent show that's hosted by Squidward everyone does their acts and Squidward is safe for the end but everyone moves him off stage SpongeBob comes out starts mopping all the tomatoes and of course he's the star of the show in a way I do feel a bit bad for Squidward even though he was being a dick to SpongeBob for not letting him really be in the show I thought what he did was at least entertaining SpongeBob on the other hand getting praise for doing virtually nothing is another interesting parallel to celebrities in real life if you're already well known people will love you even if you do the most mundane things can I also just say that a free pair of socks with every purchase would be pretty sweet in real life so let's make that happen come on make these or someone 12. naughty nautical neighbors SpongeBob and Patrick are sending messages via Bubbles and Squidward gets annoyed and decides to send his own messages to make the best friends resent each other what Squidward doesn't realize is that SpongeBob and Patrick want to be best friends with him instead and even when he gives them both a chance it doesn't go over well so he invites them both over with some soda Squidward leaves to buy more and after a lot of burping laughing and destroying Squidward's house they become best friends once again I kind of forgot how hilarious this episode really is it starts with Squidward getting all dressed up over some food he made which is the most Squidward thing I've ever seen and then Patrick keeps saying that YOLO is ugly and can we also just talk about his grill in the backyard I never realized he owned one they could make a whole episode about that and also once Squidward is choking I love how nonchalantly Patrick's just like wow Squidward you're choking as if it's really cool or something you can feel the sheer jealousy and resentment Squidward creates against SpongeBob and Patrick SpongeBob pretends he has plenty of friends as he holds up his three fingers the desperation and loneliness is real and then there's the bath scene which should be creepy but it comes off as really funny instead it's an awesome episode that shows how important good communication is to keep a lasting relationship with someone 11. Texas Sandy misses her hometown Texas and decides to move back SpongeBob and Patrick really don't want her to leave so they try to convince her to stay but it only makes things worse so as Plan B they start making fun of Texas to get her attention she chases them back to the Krusty Krab and when she sees her surprise Texas party she decides to stay I've seen this episode so many times and honestly my favorite part now is Sandy's Chad run her stance and posture is just all business look at her cooking the Texas song Sandy sings is also really nice and we have the classic Patrick your Genius is showing wear line I'm sure the adults love that one 10. walking small Plankton wants to make a mega Bucket restaurant but he's too small to get anyone's attention so he decides to trick SpongeBob into getting everyone off the beach by showing him how to be assertive SpongeBob fails to understand it first but when Plankton gets upset he tightens up and gets everybody off the beach when SpongeBob realizes he's been tricked he uses his assertion to bring Bikini Bottom back despite Plankton's wrongdoings he does bring up a good point you should be assertive to a certain degree at least I mean SpongeBob shouldn't just accept missing out on ice cream or getting sat on but alas SpongeBob's sheer naiveness in this episode is so hilarious he technically is following Plankton's orders at all times but the meaning is always Twisted 9. hooky Mr Krabs runs into the Krusty Krab to warn everyone about the hooks Spongebob doesn't understand so he tells him that he'll basically die and be turned into a tuna can while SpongeBob's working Patrick tells him the carnival is here which is playing with the very hooks Mr Krabs just warned him about they do that for the day Mr Krabs catches them and has them vow to never touch the hooks again but of course neither of them listen SpongeBob had some getting hooked by Squidward and Patrick actually is trapped in a tuna can this is a great episode about tempting your Temptations and I love the title so much because it's a pun about SpongeBob literally playing hooky and avoiding work while they're playing with hooks and their fish the whole thing is so damn smart and there's a lot of great humor Patrick's stuffing his face with hooks the fish that tells Mr Krabs to get a mint I love stuff like that eight sleepy time SpongeBob gets kicked out of his dream and decides to visit everyone else's Gary is in a library and is a very sophisticated creature Patrick is riding a horsey and runs out of quarters Squidward is performing for a huge crowd Sandy's skydiving Pearl is having a tea party with stuffed animals Mr Krabs is catching money on the sea and Plankton is very tall and deadly nobody likes their dreams being tampered with so they all storm into SpongeBob's house and Tom to cut it out this is such a weird but intriguing episode dreams are very mystical in nature and we still don't understand why and how they happen but we can kind of pinpoint themes depending on the person so being able to see all the main characters dreams really gives them more life and shows us their passions and desires seven fun F is for a fantastic episode of SpongeBob Plankton tries to steal the formula and SpongeBob feels bad for him because he believes he's being evil due to a lack of friends so SpongeBob becomes friends with him and they go out to the movies together Mr Krabs interferes and just like that Plankton backstabs SpongeBob with another attempt at stealing the Krabby Patty I honestly feel bad for plankton in the end he really shows his true sociopathic colors all he cares about is himself and nothing else and while I do love SpongeBob's sentiment here some people are just too far gone The Fun Song is definitely the highlight it never fails to put a smile on my face due to its sheer nature and the whole chase scene is really funny even if it doesn't make sense because the chump bucket is usually in front of the Krusty Krab it doesn't matter though because it's a blast to watch and you gotta love Spongebob flying with the officer's weapon bouncing off his hat and then rookie of the day 6. ripped pants SpongeBob is hanging out with Sandy at gulagoon and Larry notices them and asks if they want to lift weights and stuff SpongeBob being in the physique years doesn't really fit in so he rips his pants by accident and then he does it on purpose after the attention he was getting and he keeps making the same joke over and over until he pretends to drown which that alone is a goofy idea because he's in the water but after taking the joke too far he plays this song about acting like a fool to get his friend's attention and it's really heartwarming I personally don't find the rip pants jokes that funny anymore but the episode has a great message there's a huge parallel to our clout culture of today SpongeBob has a checklist of what's worked and what hasn't it's basically YouTube Studio on paper I mean a lot of people nowadays do crazy things to get attention my favorite parts of the episodes are the reactions the fish have to SpongeBob's Annex the poor ice cream man and the guy eating a burger he looks so confused and appalled and then just calmly says why yes it is the underlying message and the song at the end makes this one of the best season 1 episodes 5. scaredy pants SpongeBob is a big scaredy cat and it's Halloween which means he's terrified of everything Patrick visits while wearing a disguise and accidentally scares spawn SpongeBob he's tired of feeling this way so he decides to put on a ghost costume but it's not intimidating in the slightest so Patrick shaves SpongeBob down and goes to the Krusty Krab they fail to scare everyone at the party once the Flying Dutchman arrives but when he takes off the disguise everyone freaks out seeing SpongeBob's brain and skeleton I seriously love the twist ending you don't see what he looks like until the Dutchman himself flies away and Patrick is so funny in this one too he cuts down an entire tree to make SpongeBob some shoes is very conflicted on the ghost differences and is just a big goober the whole time I don't know who I am it gets me every time Sandy's costume is ingenious by the way she's a pet goldfish and literally only she can understand that joke in this universe and it is freaking awesome I love that one 4. Rock Bottom SpongeBob and Patrick are on their way home from glove world but accidentally get on the wrong bus and end up in Rock Bottom it's a very weird and creepy Place nobody really talks outside of sticking their tongues out Patrick is able to get a bus but SpongeBob misses it he tries over and over again but the bus avoids him on purpose eventually he ends up stranded until a stranger blows up his balloon so he can float back home I'm a huge fan of the Eerie aesthetic Rock Bottom brings it's a very memorable location it strikes familiarity within the universe but it's also completely off at the same time it's also the episode that gave us Advanced Darkness you feel awful for SpongeBob and the bad luck he has but someone down there does end up helping him despite how creepy most of the fish were 3. pickles bubble bass comes to the Krusty Krab and asks for a very specific Krabby Patty he claims that SpongeBob forgot the pickles which completely messes with his mind he's so broken that he can't work at the Krusty Krab and goes completely mental at his house Mr Krabs comes over to help clear his mind and once he does bubble bass comes back this time SpongeBob learns he was hiding the pickles and he didn't actually forget it all it's a story about self-confidence you generally do worse in life if you aren't confident in yourself it's so bad for SpongeBob that he can't even remember how to get into bed to sleep or turn off his alarm clock it's also interesting to note that Krabby Patty is spelled with an ie in this episode I guess later on they thought that y would be easier to remember I'm not sure while Mr Krabs is really cheap about getting upset over losing two bucks he's at least kind enough to help SpongeBob relearn how to make a Krabby Patty Squidward on the other hand serves as the comic relief and I love it bubble bass throws him around the Krusty Krab he gets pissy with a customer about salt he burns shakes admires himself in the mirror at the worst possible time and everyone Boos him for his cooking skills this is an awesome episode you really feel the tension between SpongeBob and bubble bass 2. sb129 Squidward gets trapped in the freezer after trying to get some peace and quiet but is somehow stuck in there for 2 000 years and comes back to living in the future everything is made of chrome and things are very different to how they used to be so Squidward tries to go back to the past but goes back way too far to the prehistoric times he teaches ancient SpongeBob and Patrick out of jellyfish places clarinet really badly which angers them and he goes back into the time machine and ends up in the void and then the present again this episode doesn't make a whole lot of sense since time traveling plots are so hard to get right but it's so damn Charming that I don't care at all even the title card went all out with a more futuristic screen which in today's day and age they just turned up the old bevel and emboss in Photoshop there's so many great sequences some of my favorites being when squirrel is arguing about not being ready to go jellyfishing and then ends up outside his house in Fury then of course there's the future and the can opener room good stuff one pizza delivery this will probably always be one of my top 10 favorite episodes of all time someone calls into the Krusty Krab to order a pizza so Mr Krabs makes one with a bunch of patties and sends SpongeBob and Squidward to deliver it Squidward being the lazy bum he is makes SpongeBob Drive even though he can't and they end up getting lost and abandoned in the middle of nowhere they must Trek through the sea and they only survive because of the pioneer survival techniques of driving a big rock when they deliver the pizza the customer is mad because he didn't get his diet Dr kelp but Squidward gives him the pizza anyway there are so many iconic moments the 11 minutes just flies by Spongebob backing up the pizza getting cold the hitchhiking Squidward's nose flying on his face in the wind it's all excellent and paced perfectly the Krusty Krab pizza is a pizza for you and me oh it's a line that lives in infamy as SpongeBob makes his own remixes as they try to deliver the food and Squidward even has some character development seeing as he starts off loathing being stuck delivering a pizza with SpongeBob but when he realizes that SpongeBob was right about the Pioneers he loosens up and it willingly helps with the delivery so season one done only 12 more to go yay I've seen this season hundreds of times already and it was a blast to be able to go back and reminisce on my favorite memories as a child but now we must move on to season two oh wait a second I think I forgot about an episode what was it called oh wait a minute it was Squarespace this was a really good good one I have to admit it was about websites and building them in a snap not even SpongeBob can get in your way as you can see I've built one for bandy's universe and it was ridiculously easy I picked a template and added my content from there it's really that simple I can embed pictures videos and tie my social media to my website so it's all connected nicely Now isn't that just handy dandy I can even schedule posts to save time and there's tons of Squarespace extensions too which shows my analytics for how my site is performing to try this out for yourself go to squarespace.com Nathaniel and get 10 off your first purchase 39 squirrel jokes SpongeBob is on stage at a comedy show and is failing to tell killer jokes when he sees Sandy he decides to start making fun of how she looks which works but it affects how people treat her in real life she talks to him about it and he doesn't change his ways so Sandy decides to act exactly how he describes her to get the point across it ends with SpongeBob making fun of everyone which is honestly a beautiful ending for a comedy themed episode though I didn't really find any of it funny it's a decent plot there's just nothing here that actually made me laugh 38 Gary takes a bath the title should say Gary avoids a bath SpongeBob tries to get Gary in the tub a multitude of different ways and by the end SpongeBob is on top of a tree and falls into a mud puddle the plot's complexity is comparable to something like Reef blower which is fine that just means this episode comes down to the gags and laughs and there are some here SpongeBob comes up with a lot of innovative ways to get Gary in the tub I just feel bad for poor SpongeBob Gary's being stubbed covered and gets away with it 37. the smoking peanut SpongeBob and Patrick visit oyster Stadium on annual free day and you bet Mr Krabs was taking advantage the oyster is fast asleep so out of frustration SpongeBob throws a peanut which greatly upsets it Patrick decides to play detective and after lots of searching the police think it was him while SpongeBob confesses it's discovered that Mr Krabs stole the oyster's Pearl I do have to ask why is pactor suddenly playing Gladiator with the oyster I thought he was going to jail I do really like the story for this one I just didn't find it all that funny 36. welcome to the Chum Bucket Mr Krabs makes a bet with Plankton and loses being forced to give up SpongeBob Plankton does his best to make SpongeBob comfortable but he just refuses to do any sort of work even when SpongeBob's brain is put into a robot suit so of course Plankton gives back SpongeBob if Mr Krabs didn't want to give up SpongeBob why on Earth would he agree to gambling him away and he didn't even ask on SpongeBob's discretion that's pretty messed up there is a really good music number in here at least I'm surprised that all of them so far have aged magnificently and it's no surprise SpongeBob refused to work I mean he was forced Beyond his will 35 Grandma's Kisses SpongeBob visits his grandma and goes to work with a Kissy Kissy on his forehead so of course Squidward and the other eight-year-olds make fun of him for it Patrick tells SpongeBob to be a grown-up and when they visit Granny's house Patrick pulls a 180 and becomes the big baby SpongeBob continues to act like a grown-up but breaks down because he misses the old ways his granny a normal sane person tells SpongeBob you can do both a novel concept I know in general it's pretty cool to see more of SpongeBob's family his granny is a super wholesome character I don't mind this episode I just don't see the humor in making fun of SpongeBob at least as an adult the scenes with Granny are definitely the Highlight 34. dumped SpongeBob is playing with Gary and Patrick comes over out of nowhere Gary gets really attached to Patrick and they decide to have a sleepover however Gary he doesn't want to come back home afterwards so SpongeBob tries having replacement pets but it's just not the same so when Patrick comes over to do laundry he begs for Gary to come back only for him to eat Patrick's cookie which is all he wanted for anyone that owns a pet you know that they tend to make bizarre decisions every once in a while and this is one of those times despite how bad you feel for SpongeBob this is a pretty solid episode with some good jokes thrown in Patrick wasn't even being that unreasonable claiming How Gary preferred him although it does kind of feel like Gary is cheating on SpongeBob the way it's played out 33. no free rides Mrs Puff is tired of SpongeBob failing his exam so he asks him to write a 10 word essay on what he learned in boating school after he fails at even doing that she passes him anyway and gives him the license but the guild sets in and she fantasizes getting into serious trouble SpongeBob's parents buy him a car so she decides to steal it wearing a mask Spongebob doesn't realize it's her until the end and she gets to run into jail anyway once again the puff is at fault here I don't feel bad for her at all this is a pretty fun watch I especially like the whole boat chasing scene for just seeing SpongeBob's sheer determination at keeping his boat 32 your shoe's untied Patrick needs help tying his new shoes so SpongeBob on ties his to demonstrate that's when SpongeBob realizes he never learned how to tie his own so he isn't able to work and asks every fish a bikini bottom and none of them can help that is until Gary shows him and breaks out in a song at the end which is really catchy some of the best jokes are SpongeBob being turned on by the dancing anemone Mr crab's crossword puzzle things like this makes this episode great but watching this from a critical eye I did spot a minor inconsistency with the plot if nobody else is wearing shoes why does SpongeBob have to wear them 31 I'm with stupid Patrick's parents are visiting and he's concerned because he doesn't want to come off as stupid in front of them so SpongeBob decides to act like the stupid one to make Patrick look smarter this Theory works well in fact it works so well that Patrick forgets that SpongeBob is pretending after a while SpongeBob admits that he's playing stupid but he's taking it so far that nobody believes him and it turns out they weren't even Patrick's actual parents wanting to please her parents is a pretty big deal for some kids especially if they put a lot of pressure on them it's one of those rare moments where it sucks to see Patrick so dumb and desperate 30. procrastination SpongeBob has to write an 800 word essay for Mrs Puff and keeps getting distracted it's super nice out he takes a bunch of breaks I'm sure you understand what it's like because we've all done this before he feeds his snail cleans the kitchen has a nightmare and then writes the whole thing at the last minute but it turns out that he didn't even have to write the darn thing as it was canceled it's so easy to procrastinate when you're doing something you're not interested in I can't even imagine writing an essay about what not to do with a spotlight when I was a kid the nightmare scene used to creep me out a lot the fish popping out of the TV his house on fire and pain yelling a SpongeBob something about it had this really haunting Aura to it 29 9 bubble buddy SpongeBob wants a buddy for Leif Erickson day so he decides to make one that's a bubble this bubble is more of a nuisance than anything seeing as he pays in bubble money takes hours in the bathroom and kills a fish by not unburrying him instead of getting popped bubble buddy actually comes to life and drives away this is one of the most memorable episodes of SpongeBob and while it's still a great watch I didn't find it quite as funny or entertaining as some of the others in this season 28. imitation crabs this was the very first SpongeBob episode I ever saw Plankton's scheme this time is to build a robot that looks like Mr Krabs he manages to get the real crabs out by Rolling a penny out of the Krusty Krab and that gives plankton a chance to get the formula from SpongeBob they go through the whole initiation but before Plankton can do anything the real Mr Krabs comes back Spongebob doesn't know who's who so after being fooled by Plankton he inserts a penny into the robot that makes itself destruct only Plankton would create something like that he's just that smart I'm honestly a bit surprised how casually Mr Krabs forgive SpongeBob for what he did he was on the verge of being eaten alive and he's just like yeah it's all good this is a solid episode all around 27. the secret box Patrick has a secret box and won't show anyone what's inside it he teases SpongeBob about the contents so naturally SpongeBob gets more and more Curious when Patrick's asleep SpongeBob sneaks inside and tries to find out for himself but accidentally wakes up Patrick so Patrick reveals it's a piece of string but what he doesn't know is that the string pulled shows an embarrassing picture of SpongeBob at the Christmas party I enjoy this episode the best part being SpongeBob making an obnoxious amount of noise and not waking up Patrick but a little bit of talking and of course that wakes him up 26. bossy boots Pearl takes over the Krusty Krab and turns it into the cuddly crab this is done to make the Krusty Krab hip although Pearl gets rid of Krabby Patties so SpongeBob can only serve salads in tea and then he's just standing outside in a costume it turns out that Mr Krabs is losing money and pearl was trying to get fired anyway so SpongeBob being the middleman brought things back to normal by firing Pearl sometimes it's hard to confess things to your loved ones because you care about them and don't want a bad reaction it's really touching that SpongeBob helped keep the relationship together it made everyone happy in the end 25. wormy SpongeBob and Patrick watch over Sandy's place while she's gone for the weekend and her pet caterpillar evolves into a butterfly they have fun playing with it the day before but have no idea what a butterfly is and it looks like a terrifying bee to them this scares the crap out of everyone in Bikini Bottom so when Sandy returns she finds wormy and puts them back in a jar it's an episode about mob mentality if you don't know what the thing is just assume the first thing you hear or see and go with it and that is a dangerous mindset to have as you can see Bikini Bottom completely fall apart 24. Big Pink Loser SpongeBob keeps getting Awards and Patrick really wants one so he gets a job at the Krusty Krab and he spectacularly fails so he decides to start copying SpongeBob Bob Patrick even starts dressing up like him and after no avail Bikini Bottom gives Patrick an award for doing nothing for the longest period of time if anyone deserves an award for that it's Gotta Be Patrick the jokes are so spot-on everything SpongeBob is telling Patrick could easily be confused by someone that isn't paying full attention so they're killer every time it's also interesting to see SpongeBob getting annoyed this time instead of Squidward that is a pretty rare occurrence 23. crusty love Mrs Puff eats the Krusty Krab and Mr Krabs falls in love with her he asks her on a date and she accepts so they go to a fancy restaurant and Mr Krabs spends a hundred thousand dollars in one night for the next date Mrs Puff wants to go for a walk in the park but Mr Krabs keeps thinking he has to spend money on her SpongeBob is in charge of the wallet for some reason and he runs back and forth buying her a bunch of crap then the relationship just kind of ends Mr Krabs confliction with love and money is a very real thing when you're in love with someone you want to do anything for them without any hesitation it's a very sweet episode it's just too bad Mr Krabs couldn't get out of his own head 22. squid on strike Squidward goes on strike when Mr Krabs decides to start charging them for existing yes literally existing costs two bucks Squidward quits and manages to drag SpongeBob into doing the same he tries to teach SpongeBob how to make picket signs and protest but he's either too sad or doesn't get it at least at first after some time SpongeBob storms into the Krusty Krab late at night to dismantle The Establishment and saw the tables in half it's too bad he did that after Squidward worked out a deal with Mr Krabs being able to go on strike is very important it actively improves our work conditions the jokes are pretty great in this one as are most of them in season two 21 I'm your biggest fanatic SpongeBob and Patrick visit a jellyfishing convention in a big time Enthusiast Kevin is there speaking SpongeBob is a huge fan and tries to join the jelly spotters and gets a chance because Kevin wants to watch him be in pain it turns out SpongeBob is skilled at catching jellyfish while Kevin Gets Zapped over and over again he ties up SpongeBob to catch a queen jellyfish and it turns out it's just Kevin being so King jellyfish comes around to zap them but SpongeBob lures them away with a bubble pie for SpongeBob this is a heavily involved plot but there's a lot of good jokes I love the mwah fish Patrick touching everything and just Kevin himself he's such a stuck-up dweeb thinking he's such Hot Stuff God he's such a [ __ ] 20. artist unknown Squidward starts up an art class but the only person that shows up is SpongeBob Squidward begrudgingly starts teaching him but with each mistake SpongeBob makes his art looks more and more pristine he ends up making a beautiful sculpture but Squidward is so insecure that he tells SpongeBob he's doing it all wrong and tries to sell it off in a new Zam the head breaks off on the way out so Squidward goes out looking for SpongeBob to make it again although when SpongeBob comes back he actually takes Squidward's advice and makes a bunch of garbage so out of anger Squidward destroys the studio and makes the same amazing sculpture without realizing it when it comes to R you really can't learn the right way to do it it's all very subjective and only gets better over practice as an example we all love bold and Brash even though the show thinks it looks awful artist unknown is another great episode 19. something smells SpongeBob eats a sundae for breakfast and his breath smells awful after causing a ruckus in Bikini Bottom Patrick tells him it's because he's ugly and after trying to overcome this issue he gets upset when people react poorly at The Reef Patrick eats some of SpongeBob Sunday and then they realize it was just the Sunday despite how mean Patrick is to SpongeBob sharing the whole story about The Ugly Barnacle he's definitely trying to be nice he's just not the best at it although shouting I'm ugly and I'm proud probably did help it's good to just let it all out 18. pressure SpongeBob and Sandy make some bets against each other the ultimate Challenge begins when trying to decide if land or sea creatures are better so Sandy is pressured to survive underwater without her helmet after failing that she bets the guys to survive on dry land and while they technically do it they almost get eaten alive by seagulls what I really like about this one is how involved all these characters are a lot of times you only see two or three as the focus but having five is a treat there's a lot of solid jokes here too despite its simple premise 17. dying for pie well here you go for employee Brotherhood day Mr Krabs has Squidward and SpongeBob exchange gifts Squidward didn't get him one wow who could have seen that coming so he buys a suspicious pie and pretends that he made it the pie of chorus is a bomb and it seems like SpongeBob ate the whole thing now he's destined to blow up by the end of the day so Squidward hangs out with him to make up for his mistake and it turns out SpongeBob never ate the pie this episode is hysterical the random pirates and their bomb pies the sweater made of eyelashes all the activities SpongeBob and Squidward do it's also heartwarming seeing Squidward try to mend his heirs yet sad since SpongeBob is so naive to what's happening 16. jellyfish Hunter SpongeBob is jellyfishing and brings some Jellyfish Jam to work he gives some to a customer and it's so delicious that he breaks out into a song and as you'd expect the song is a banger Mr Krabs tells SpongeBob to catch more and more jellyfish for work and he ends up catching all of them except no name later on SpongeBob finds all the jellyfish trapped in a factory being forced to produce jelly so no name in Spongebob trick Mr Krabs to free the jellyfish and save the species while this isn't amazing episode episode it does shine a bad light on our own reality we do the same thing to our cattle for me in a sense but that's just how the system works I mean we gotta eat but conditions could be better for the animals at the very least and you know what Mr Krabs gets [ __ ] over in the end anyway serves him right 15. sailor mouth oh it's time for some [ __ ] sailor mouth SpongeBob is reading dumpster writing and someone calls Krabs a Patrick thinks it's a sentence enhancer so the next day him and Patrick are saying all sorts of curse words what Mr Krabs finds out he gets really upset with them so sponge and Pat play a nice game of eels and escalators SpongeBob loses and curses again so Patrick tells on him but Mr Krabs hurts his foot and he says every mother curse word in the book so they tell his mom and they end up painting her home we all do some cursing from time to time this is a really creative way of making an episode about it in making the curse words random fish noises is really smart it's a solid episode and now I just want to play eels and escalators in real life has someone made it yet 14. squidville Squidward actually does it after his house is destroyed he moves into another Easter Island head with a bunch of other Squidwards his life becomes perfect they have canned bread dancing biking in group clarineting over time though his lifestyle gets really boring so he plays with a reef blower to mess with people and ends up kicking himself out this entire episode perfectly explains why you don't actually want to have everything without any struggle life becomes tedious and boring if you get too comfortable then you aren't living properly at least in my opinion some people like that not me yeah and you probably knew that though right Mario 64 on my elbows that I still why 13. merman Man and Barnacle Boy 3. now we're getting to the good Mermaid Man episodes SpongeBob and Patrick are watching the marmalair while the heroes are on vacation they're told not to touch anything but of course they touch the machine that's freezing man right his head is freed and Man Ray convinces them to free him entirely but the tickle Bell stops Man Ray in his tracks so he takes lessons to become good after fooling them to take the belt off he still feels the power of the tickling and decides to actually become a good guy the Highlight by far is the wallet scene we've seen a reference a billion times online and it's still great to this day 12. Squid's day off Squidward is in charge of running the Krusty Krab and decides to take the day off and leave SpongeBob in charge while he's trying to relax at home he gets more and more paranoid that SpongeBob is gonna burn down the place to ruin the restaurant by the time the day is over they both discover the sign said close the whole time God damn do I relate to Squidward I'm running a business on multiple channels and producing a large-scale video series so allowing myself to take any time off often gives me more anxiety than just working away when big responsibilities are on your shoulders the pressure is always on this is an awesome episode there's tons of great gags throughout the entire thing 11. Sandy's SpongeBob in the worm a massive worm storms into Bikini Bottom eating a bunch of buildings and all sorts of property Sandy believes that she can take the worm down but SpongeBob tries to warn her that she isn't capable of defeating this thing and she doesn't listen as you'd expect SpongeBob chases her down all the way until she goes into the cave and defeats the worm which as we all know is just the tongue so they somehow leave the worm down into an empty trench and that's exactly where Bikini Bottom was pushed to this is one of the goofiest Concepts I've seen for SpongeBob and I simply adore it the jokes are so on point nobody's really making sense but it still all works together somehow oh and can we talk about how SpongeBob's ass is property of Sandy Cheeks oh oh my SpongeBob oh that's wow that's that's revealing 10. Shanghai oh boy Apache special this is truly awful and forgettable like why are we watching patchy get shot out of a cannon this adds nothing to the actual episode at least that though is pretty good and anchor drops from the sky and crashes into SpongeBob and Squidward's house they climb up not knowing as the Flying Dutchman ship since they've stepped foot they're destined to be crewmates for eternity Squidward complains and ends up trapped in the fly of Despair so SpongeBob and Patrick follow the Dutchman's orders by scraping up the ship screaming little leedle leedle and failing to be scary so the Dutchman decides to eat them they try to escape and they get three wishes One Wish is saving Squidward another wish is wishing they knew about the wishes earlier and the third puts them in a blender there's a lot of awesome jokes and it's entertaining to watch especially the perfume Department 9. survival of the idiots Sandy is hibernating for the winner and SpongeBob and Patrick go inside anyway after messing around with Sandy's sleeping and playing some Dirty Dan they try leaving but the door is frozen shut after freezing their butts off the rip off all of sandy's fur to warm up and of course it becomes spring in that instant and Sandy freaks out you know Sandy could have like oh I I don't know locked up the tree Dome so this wouldn't have happened but chose to leave all her doors just opened for some reason Patrick is a bit over the top on this one with his disturbing back and constantly ignoring Sandy's request to stay away even though they're kind of being jerks it also feels like normal behavior since all three of them are super close friends I love this depiction of Sandy being a super Chalker after eating all those acorns she's like a scary monster that just wants some peace and can't seem to get it this is an amazing episode with tons of visual gags 8. Life Of Crime Mr Krabs teaches SpongeBob and Patrick about stealing and borrowing they go about their day and want a balloon but neither of them have money so they steal it and after like 30 seconds it pops thinking they've committed a crime they run away from bikini bottom with nothing but a chocolate bar after a bunch of gags and jokes they both run to the county jail and admit to stealing a balloon on free balloon Day by far one of the best SpongeBob episodes It's stupidly entertaining the whole way through especially the chocolate bar scene where SpongeBob is teasing Patrick with half of his food 7. Christmas who the very very first Patchy the Pirate special even the intro is remixed it really brightens the mood right away I guess we'll start with the patchy segments and yeah they're really catered to Children these segments aren't very interesting and tend to drag on for too long the episode itself however is amazing Sandy introduces SpongeBob to Christmas so he decides to tell everyone about it Squidward doesn't believe in Santa but everyone else does and sends a letter to Santa Claus a super catchy Christmas tune plays followed by a lot of disappointed fish Squidward rubs it in that SpongeBob was wrong and feels so bad that he pretends to be Santa and gives away all his stuff this is such a charming and sweet episode Squidward is the good guy there's lots of great jokes the musical piece is fantastic it's actually a tradition for me to watch this before opening gifts every Christmas even to this day 6. the fry cook games I'm kind of surprised that this one wasn't a big special the sheer concept of parodying the Olympic Games is fantastic SpongeBob is the athlete on Mr Krabs team while Patrick is on Plankton's team and this debacle only starts because Patrick was dissing SpongeBob's job as a fry cook so they hashed it out in a variety of different games and end up wrestling after some fighting licking feet changing names their pants fall down revealing the color of their underwear there are so many creative ways they recreated actual Sports it's really enjoyable to watch on that Frontier alone and the jokes are fantastic as well I really enjoyed this action-packed adventure 5. Patty Hype another episode where the Krusty Krab is losing interest with people so SpongeBob comes up with pretty patties Mr Krabs and Squidward think it's the stupidest idea so SpongeBob decides to open his own stand and it's a huge hit Mr Krabs being the greedy bastard he is offers the Krusty Krab to SpongeBob to trade with the Krabby Patties after the deal everyone starts getting bad side effects from the paddies and Mr Krabs is the blame the jokes in this one are pretty great and once again it's nice seeing Mr Krabs getting the karma he deserves my favorite part being the food water atmosphere AI because that does truly matter to some people 4. graveyard shift Mr Krabs decides to keep the Krusty Krab open for 24 hours a day SpongeBob is thrilled of the news while Squidward isn't so they start their shift and SpongeBob loves doing stuff at night besides taking out the trash of course so Squidward shares a ghost story in everything he said starts to come true however The Hash Slinging Slasher is just some guy that's applying for a job this is a really fun episode I've always loved the scene where Squidward is telling his story and SpongeBob is munching down on his arms the jokes here are great and the storytelling is very well paced in general three pre-hibernation week Sandy's about to hibernate so SpongeBob dedicates the rest of his time to her but all Sandy wants to do is extreme stunts like bike non-electrical wires finding a leaf and a needle stack swimming in freezing water it's too much for the poor sponge he ends up hiding under Patrick's rock and after getting caught Sandy falls asleep while her time is valuable you don't need to rush to do things the sandboarding scene is is my favorite but honestly every game is really entertaining to watch and that Pantera music hits hard but I do have a bias for metal the entire part where Sandy sends a search team out is fantastic too they all willingly participate and she pushes them way too hard without realizing it just like with SpongeBob 2. frankendoodle a random guy is drawing and drops his pencil which happens to land in front of SpongeBob and Patrick I don't know why but the IRL artist cracks me up he's such a [ __ ] goober bringing one pencil to draw with and nothing else but anyway SpongeBob and Patrick start drawing and everything they draw comes to life so SpongeBob draws himself however his drawing is Super Evil and runs rampant until SpongeBob erases him although he missed the arm so DoodleBob draws himself back to life they have a bit of a fight and the doodle was slapped into a book the pencil is shot back to the surface and the artist gets his pencil I adore this episode because of the idea alone and DoodleBob is an amazing villain you don't know exactly what he's gonna do which makes him really creepy and the jokes are hilarious too this episode has it all one band geeks nothing short of a legendary episode were introduced to Squilliam Fancy son he's basically Squidward's more successful rival Squilliam isn't able to make a gig so squibber claims he can take his place with his band that doesn't exist so Squidward gathers a bunch of people in bikini bottom and starts learning some music the first few days don't go well nobody's really trying a couple people die and fights break out before Squidward just quits SpongeBob feels awful about ruining Squidward's dreams so the band comes together at the last second right before they play Squidward expects an awful performance and instead gets one of the best musical pieces the entire show has ever had the song is so good that people have been clamoring for it to be played in the real Super Bowl for years and we still haven't gotten a full rendition of that band geeks is simply perfect Squidward gets to live his dreams for once the jokes are fantastic everything has worked together in harmony the story is fun it it's going to be hard to top this episode I honestly forgot how well these episodes have aged even the so-called Bad episodes are still pretty good it's pretty rare to find a show just in general where the entire season has Banger episodes the entire way through it's really impressive 37. Party Pooper Pants oh goody another patchy special again I don't know what these segments add to the cartoon I'll admit that patchy's sending invitations to SpongeBob and proceeding to throw it in the fire got a chuckle out of me but otherwise it's just kind of boring and cringe at least the bird brains sound decent by the end oh and also patchy explodes in a bunch of girl Birds go after him truly entertaining the actual episode starts with SpongeBob irritating a cashier at the store as well as buying a party kit he meticulously organizes the party and everyone is having a uh Splendid time once SpongeBob gets trapped outside of his own home the party really kicks in it's a little hard to watch SpongeBob try to keep everyone entertained on his schedule it's actually kind of painful my favorite joke is Larry looking into the mirror and it's just a picture of a lobster on a plate because SpongeBob got locked out and even arrested for trying to break in the party was a huge success this episode is fine but it would have been the same experience without patchy interfering every five minutes 36. missing identity SpongeBob loses his name tag and freaks out because of a surprise uniform inspection so he retraces his steps to try to find it and keeps getting frustrated when Patrick messes up what he said in the morning to SpongeBob they start dumpster diving in desperation and it turns out the name tag was behind his shirt the whole time it's a pretty simple story and I like that it's framed with SpongeBob sharing it with random people at a diner my only issue is that it's not that funny Patrick's stupidity doesn't flow very well 35 doing Time Mrs Puff is so bad at teaching SpongeBob as she gets thrown in jail this isn't the worst news to her because now she doesn't have to be around SpongeBob at least she was hoping SpongeBob and Patrick keep trying to break in to break her out even when she tells them to go away the guards don't notice and they put her in solitary confinement then the ending starts looping what originally happened and it leaves you wondering if any of the episode was even real we've seen Mrs Puff and Jill before so it's interesting to expand on what actually happens from there and honestly I just wish SpongeBob and Patrick would have left her alone I've got a sour taste in my mouth because it's almost like they're trying to torture her 34. Rock-a-Bye by wolf SpongeBob and Patrick find a baby's scallop and decide to raise him like actual parents Patrick moves in and goes to work while SpongeBob does all the cleaning and baby caring day after day Patrick is too tired to help around the house and eventually SpongeBob finds out that he's been going back home and watching TV all day after their big fight the Scout flies away and is all grown up note to self never marry Patrick it's an interesting enough plot although I didn't find it to be super funny or anything 33 the algae is always greener Plankton is so tired of failing to steal the formula so Karen reminds him of a machine that he owns that can switch lives with other people so he tries it out and swaps lives with Mr Krabs once he has the dream job he realizes that he has to put up with SpongeBob Pearl the pissy customers and Mr Krabs trying to steal the formula naked of course realizing his mistakes he reverts back to his normal self and enjoys a nicely cooked holographic meatloaf it's really easy to want something without knowing what you already have I love like this episode because of that message but season 3 has better ones 32 uh of all the patchy specials this one is probably the most tolerable patches in the past doing his stupid [ __ ] like usual but potty thinks the future is cooler so they start competing to score points by showing off things the past and future have by the end the caveman robot team up to make a pretty slapping song proving that both are equally as cool that is until patchy gets eaten by a dinosaur at least the patchy stuff is more interesting than usual as for the actual episode there's not much of a plot at all SpongeBob and squag discover fire and eat a bunch of food but they want it to themselves until it goes away honestly I think a lack of story is for the best these were simpler times after all I really like seeing everything recreated even things like SpongeBob's alarm clock are totally different Gary is also [ __ ] massive for some reason I guess because small insects in this time period used to be way bigger than today I still like watching the trio discovering all the food they can eat eat but if you're looking for a story it's not here 31. clams Mr Krabs makes his 1 millionth dollar and decides to celebrate by taking SpongeBob and Squidward clam fishing SpongeBob keeps casting out random things on the ship including Mr Krab's 1 millionth dollar that's when the music begins and a huge clam comes and takes it Mr Krab cries for a solid minute so they decide to help him get it back after three days of no luck they try to fool Mr Krabs with another dollar bill but he can tell it's different after crabs dumps all the food they try to escape but to no avail so SpongeBob and Squidward become live bait the clam comes back and Krabs gets the dollar without any of his body intact while I like the idea of this episode there's a pretty big plot hole if Mr Krabs knew the music would attract the big clam why didn't he play it immediately after losing the dollar in the first place I do still like the coral blue lipstick joke this episode is decent enough 30. born again crabs SpongeBob finds a really old Krabby Patty underneath the grill and Mr Krabs wants to sell it after not having customers in weeks for trying to sell all this Patty Mr Krabs eats the Patty and ends up in the hospital boy I wonder why the Flying Dutchman shows up to escort Mr Krabs in a Davy Jones Locker for being so cheap but he's lucky enough to get another chance so he decides to make everything free at the Krusty Krab that is until the bills come in and realize the situation is real and he freaks out by backpedaling his generosity The Flying Dutchman comes back and Mr Krabs trades SpongeBob for 62 cents luckily SpongeBob is too annoying for the Dutchman so he comes back unharmed for once Squidward is in the right for calling out Mr Krabs for selling SpongeBob out this is some pretty extreme greed even for Mr Krabs 29. sponge guard on duty SpongeBob gets ice cream on his nose and Larry thinks he's a lifeguard since Larry is cool and hip SpongeBob lies about being a lifeguard and hangs out with him for a bit after a while Larry leaves to be with some babes and SpongeBob feeds everyone ice cream so they can't swim because he can't either but Patrick gets in the lake anyway SpongeBob tries to save them but they're both drowning and Larry comes back we've all been in that scenario where we tend to be someone else in order to be with a cooler crowd and in this case it heavily backfired just be yourself if that wasn't obvious already this is a solid episode with good jokes thrown in here and there 28. as seen on TV Mr Krabs is shooting a commercial for the Krusty Krab and SpongeBob got to be in it well at least the part of his head was in it after watching the commercial in the middle of the night SpongeBob keeps thinking that people recognize him from the commercial he gets a little full of himself and decides to sing about striped sweaters and gets booed by everyone that's when he discovered that by making Krabby Patties he can make people happy it's strange to see SpongeBob act a little like Squidward but I still find the episode to be pretty enjoyable you know SpongeBob's brain is just a cereal box let's be honest 27. my pretty seahorse SpongeBob befriends a seahorse and calls her mystery they become great Pals and he decides to take a seahorse to work unfortunately mystery keeps eating all the krabby patties and Mr Krabs finds out he forces SpongeBob to get rid of her for good and Mr Krabs tries to comfort him with a sob story about losing a dollar but mystery eats all of Mr Krabs money so they try to find her at the end I don't get why Mr Krabs forced SpongeBob to completely get rid of mystery he could have found a babysitter or something the onion gags with Squidward is probably my favorite part 26. midlife crustacean Mr Krabs is having a midlife crisis people keep calling him old so he asked to hang out with SpongeBob and Patrick they start by doing some laundry and he ends up being a clown ride before ditching them Patrick reminds Mr Krabs of the panty raid so they break into someone's house find some panties and Loan and behold it's Mama Crabs house the midlife crisis is very real guys I kind of went through mine a couple years ago since I'm going to be 30 next year but eventually you realize that we all get old and that's okay I'm feeling it now Mr Krabs I'm feeling it now 25 can you spare a dime Mr Krabs accuses Squidward of stealing a dime and he gets so mad that he squeezes crab's eyes and quits his quitting leads to homelessness but SpongeBob is kind enough to take him into his place Squidward ends up staying at SpongeBob's house for so long that he becomes increasingly spoiled to the point of driving SpongeBob crazy SpongeBob drags Squidward to the Krusty Krab and basically forces him to get his job back and that's when the dime is found in Mr Krab's pocket the whole time me and my friend when we were really little used to love the whole one he put the dynamite pants line it was just the funniest thing ever to us it's a treat to see SpongeBob get so justifiably angry as Squidward considering it's a rare occurrence in the show this episode shows us that before quitting anything it's a good idea to have some sort of backup option 24. no weenies allowed SpongeBob's ready to get it on he bust out the karate gear and gets karate to the Salty spittoon line Sandy gets inside but SpongeBob can't because he isn't Tough Enough he's told to stay at Weenie Hut Juniors but just won't accept that so he keeps trying to get in he uses a wig pretends to be a tattoo but none of it is working until he sees Patrick they end up faking a fight so SpongeBob gets into the club but slips on a nice Cube on the way in and is sent to the hospital if SpongeBob has Sandy did Karate in front of Rich he definitely would have let them in just saying but yeah this is a solid episode with some really memorable jokes you've got the bowl of nails for breakfast without any milk but I always like the three day potato salad look at SpongeBob's little toes 23. the bully a new student arrives at Mrs Puff's boating school and he threatens the kick SpongeBob's butt so SpongeBob tells Mrs Puff but wants it to be a secret and of course she spoils the entire thing to the bully so he chases SpongeBob around town and traps him in his own house it turns out SpongeBob doesn't feel any of the punches because he's a sponge and eventually he tires himself out I was bullied all the time in middle school so whenever I see bullying School scenes and TV shows or movies I kind of tense up and cringe watching but man the jokes are fantastic in this one especially the one with SpongeBob in the toilet Patrick calling for pizza in the old man at least the people are trying to be heroes and poor Mrs Puff yet again she has an existential crisis before walking into class 22. Club SpongeBob SpongeBob and Patrick start a secret Club passively aggressively telling Squidward he can't fit in Squidward didn't realize they meant that literally so he gets stuck inside their little Hut while trying to escape they get flung into the middle of a forest instead of leaving SpongeBob and Patrick listen to The Magic Conch that tells them to do nothing Squidward tries to leave and after no success a bunch of food and drinks land in front of them since scuba didn't listen to The Magic Conch he wasn't allowed any food some traveler randomly shows up and finds them and they decide to do nothing yet again this is another episode where I feel bad for Squidward but it's still such a great watch not only are the jokes great but Squidward's exaggerated Expressions kill me 21. Krabby Land it's summer which means it's time for Mr Krabs to exploit parents money from children by creating Krabby Land it's very hyped up and the playground is absolutely awful and SpongeBob is left to entertain the children while Krabby the clown gets ready so he ends up hurting himself over and over again until the clown shows up and it's about as lame as you'd imagine after telling SpongeBob he doesn't care about the children they end up taking all his money and throwing it in the air once again good riddance to Mr Krabs that little deserved it this episode kind of makes you think about the play places at McDonald's it's such a manipulative way to lure kids into eating junk 20. SpongeBob Meets the Strangler this episode starts with SpongeBob and Squidward putting their time cards in bit of a weird start but as to establish that SpongeBob is a good noodle as he picks up litter he catches a guy littering gets him thrown in the cop car and wouldn't you know it the Strangler escapes can I just point out that the Strangler kind of sounds like meat Canyon by the way that's kind of cool but anyway nobody's willing to help SpongeBob until the Strangler himself wears a mustache as a disguise he tries to get alone time with SpongeBob but is struggling because of all the distractions he has to run errands loses his key and stabs the strangler's eyeballs and two surprise parties the Strangler is so tired of SpongeBob shenanigans that he runs away and gets chased down into landing in jail it's interesting how this in the bowl are both the same type of story but they're told in completely different manners I like both of them but this one is slightly better to me 19. The Great Snail Race Squidward tennis balls by Snelly For an upcoming Snail Race So SpongeBob decides Gary should also compete Gary isn't in the best shape and is pushed way too hard by Spongebob so when the race begins Gary breaks down before SpongeBob realizes he was pushed too hard but out of nowhere Squidward and SpongeBob's snail falls in love and Rocky wins the race this is a really great episode the most random thing is Sandy's saying she'll kick SpongeBob's butt out of nowhere she actually does not sure why that exists at all but maybe it's because SpongeBob was a rough coach Patrick is pretty funny in this one too standing on Squidward's shoulders gets me every time I do feel bad for Gary though one day of training just isn't enough 18. pranks alive SpongeBob and Patrick go to the Palace of pranks and want to buy the ultimate prank so the cashier sells them Invisible Spray and they have the idea of spraying a park bench after getting in an argument they spray their clothes in themselves by accident they start to scare everyone around town except Mr Krabs and they do manage to scare the crap out of him but go a little too far as they seal the doors and burn money burning the money was a bad idea since crabs throws water at it which removes The Invisible Spray when going home everyone just so happened to be in the Krusty Krab this is another enjoyable episode there's a lot of good pranks and jokes all around 17. Krusty Krab training video the name says it all it's the video you'd watch if you were hired for the Krusty Krab I used to think this is one of the best SpongeBob episodes and while it's still good the bar isn't as high anymore maybe I've just seen this one too many times but the parody nature almost feels too on the nose I still like that it goes through all the phases of a normal training video the origin story training personal hygiene emergency situations and all that it sounds like a lot of hoopla and that's because it is it's a drastic change to what SpongeBob is usually like but it still is a lot of the classic jokes I really wish I weren't here right now and the whole poop anagram is still great 16 Squilliam returns Squidward runs into Squilliam and claims that he owns a five-star restaurant so Squilliam wants to eat there and Squidward tries to turn the Krusty Krab into a fancy place to dine at nothing is working since Mr Krabs doesn't know how to cook and Patrick is picking a fight with a coat rack but SpongeBob empties his mind to learn how to be a fancy waiter and when Squilliam arrives the service is immaculate but it's all ruined when Squilliam asks what SpongeBob's name is his mind kind of explodes from this and everything goes to sh I would feel bad for Squidward but he just had to rub it in squilliam's face instead of being humble the whole time there's a lot of great scenes and jokes may I take your hat sir and the world's smallest violin are the highlights I really love seeing SpongeBob's thoughts be articulated like a bunch of mini sponge workers too that was pretty cool and and gets the idea across perfectly 15. crab Borg SpongeBob watches a scary robot movie late at night and becomes convinced Mr Krabs the robot when he starts talking to his radio has batteries in his pocket and makes beat Boop noises he does a bunch of tests to see if he can laugh cry or love and he fails them I guess so now Squidward's convinced Krabs the robot and they decide to interrogate him after destroying his appliances he starts crying over the cash register realizing he's not actually a robot now I love the Electro Beat Mr Krabs listens to it's actually pretty damn catchy there's a lot of great gags in this one my favorite is probably Squidward throwing SpongeBob into the kitchen and he appears in front of him again and Squidward is so confused how he did that 14. Plankton's Army Plankton calls up his family to steal the formula he apparently has a big Southern family as thousands of them arrive to help when he goes inside he gets made fun of for his first name being Sheldon Karen finds it quite hilarious but with all these people he manages to shove Mr Krabs in the toilet and gets his hands on the formula Krabs warns him to not look into the book and he slowly flips through until he gets to the last page that says Plankton is the secret ingredient this freaks him and his family out and the real formula is safe and sound this is a pretty neat episode in terms of its plot Plankton teaming up with his own kind only makes sense 13. idiot box I have a lot of personal memories with this episode it was my mom's favorite back in the day and me and my sister loved having sleepovers in big boxes as kids SpongeBob buys a huge TV and throws it in the trash so he and Patrick can play inside the box so Squidward takes home the TV but keeps hearing a bunch of realistic sound effects whenever he checks up on them the sounds go away so he tries watching TV but it's all about boxes at night Squidward goes into the the box and thinks he discovers the magic but it's just a dump truck picking him up this one has a lot of imagination and it's really creative it's another one of those Squidward character development episodes see no it's gonna be good it's not my all-time favorite but like I said I have so many memories with this one heck I recreated this entire episode almost word for word in my early years as a filmmaker 12. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 5. I never realized this but episodes four and five have the same Beginnings the heroes walk into the Krusty Krab that's kind of odd since they're both in the same season but anyway Barnacle Boy has made fun of for not eating a lot of food and decides to join the Dark Side so Mermaid Man recruits SpongeBob Patrick Squidward and Sandy to join him SpongeBob becomes the quickster Squidward is Captain magma Patrick is the elastic waistband and Sandy is Miss appear the crimes that are being committed are the best part it's just a bunch of high school pranks ding dong ditching and Shining a light on teenagers making out Mermaid Man in the Justice League try to save them but they don't know how to use their powers and end up destroying themselves Barnacle Boy makes some demands and it's literally just being treated with more respect and an adult-sized Krabby Patty so they go back to the Krusty Krab and voila he can't finish the Patty this is a really fun episode I just wish we saw more of the Justice League Powers get put into play but at least we got a little bit of action 11. one crabs trash Mr Krabs dumps people's trash on his lawn and puts them up for auction SpongeBob finds a soda drinking hat that he really likes but a group of investors claim the hat is worth a million dollars Mr Krabs tries to get the hat back but SpongeBob doesn't want to trade so crab scares it off him and puts it in a grave with Smitty wurban Min Jensen Mr Krabs digs out the Hat all the skeletons chase him out and the next day the investors find out the hat is worth nothing there's so much goofy [ __ ] in this episode here lies Squidward's Hope and Dreams he was number one the haunted grocery list it's such Peak Mr Krabs Behavior 10. new Student Starfish Patrick gets enrolled in Mrs Puff's boating school he and SpongeBob get a bit distracted with their 25g joke and Patrick makes a drawing of Mrs Puff while SpongeBob gets blamed for it it basically goes to for SpongeBob he loses a good noodle star gets sent to the back of the classroom and gets covered in spitballs they ended up getting in a fight and both went to detention Roger's light bulb goes out and despite how mad they are at each other team up to find another light bulb and save the Egg of course Patrick hikes up the stack of light bulbs to get the one already lit it's the most Patrick thing I think I've ever seen this is another episode that I can relate to in high school there was this girl I was super into and both of our constant talking got us in trouble and nearly made us flunk the whole class so as fun as it can be to be with friends or significant others in class sometimes it's best to have that separation 9. the sponge who could fly this is probably the most ambitious patchy special there's a lot of different locations and set pieces there's a lost episode that patchy lost so he gets a map in order to find it it's apparently located in the playground okay and then he finds a VHS tape some ran random hiker is holding an oh my God some of you don't even know what a VHS tape is when he does find it we just watched SpongeBob walking to some music it is the dumbest most random and greatest sequence I think I've ever seen from an official cartoon just when you think it's over he just keeps on going it's so goofy patchy gets really upset and destroys his SpongeBob stuff until the real Lost episode plays later SpongeBob wants to fly with a jellyfish there's a few song numbers which are pretty decent and he tries to fly but fails and gets made fun of that is until discovering he can fly with a bunch of air in his pants so of course everyone wants to take advantage of him gotta love people right when his pants eventually pop the jellyfish let him fly which is so touching I'm not gonna lie this episode is kind of dark people are pushing SpongeBob into giving up his dreams because they all failed and then when he does make his dream come true people start riding his dick it's a really great episode I just loathe every other character for being so freaking selfish 8. Nasty Patty a health inspector comes to the Krusty Krab and the TV fish head reports a fake one to be roaming around Krabs assumes it's the inspector they have so they make a nasty ass Patty he chokes on a fly but Crabs and Spongebob thinks it's from The Paddy itself the TV shows the actual imposter right after but Crabs and Spongebob believe they killed the inspector so they try burying him some Cops show up and his body slides down the hill then he stuffed into the car trunk and he wakes up it's a pretty complex and kind of dark plot but I really dig it Mr crab's Dark Side really shines here emporia's SpongeBob was smeckledorfed into it despite the plot there's a lot of good tension in gags the whole scene with Mr Krabs trying to distract and fool the cops is played off well despite how guilty they come off 7. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 4 Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy try to eat at the Krusty Crab but SpongeBob wants their autograph so they drive away while this is happening mermaid man loses his belt and SpongeBob takes it for himself he discovers the small Ray and shrinks Squidward by accident after talking to Patrick and setting the belt to Wombo he still can't figure it out so he shrinks everyone in town not even Mermaid Man remembers how it works so SpongeBob shrinks the entire town instead and Plankton comes back huge hits a pretty goopy twist ending this is probably my favorite Mermaid Man in Barnacle Boy episode the jokes are great in this one Barnacle Boy and Squidward's hmm confrontation the pickle destroying SpongeBob's insides it's good stuff 6. I had an accident SpongeBob Patrick and Sandy are surfing down Sand Mountain SpongeBob breaks his butt and has it put back together with staples and tape and the doctor warns him to not get hurt again or he'll be stuck with the Iron Butt so of course SpongeBob takes Liberty of literally never leaving his house again he makes friends with used napkin chip and Penny an iconic friend group Patrick and Sandy miss him so they try to get him to come out but it doesn't seem to work but then after Patrick pretends he's a gorilla a real life Gorilla actually attacks them that's when the family looks confused and turns off the show yeah that is how you end an episode Sandy gets so annoyed with Patrick's Antics something about that is just entertaining to watch I think it's because we never see the two of them solely hanging out and then you got this gorilla gorilla so out there out there SpongeBob real breaking cartoon Norms I really like this episode it shows that even if you get hurt you still gotta keep moving forward 5. chocolate with nuts this one immediately starts with SpongeBob scaring the sh out of the mailman he couldn't ask for a better beginning SpongeBob and Patrick decide to start selling chocolate bars after looking at Squidward's fancy living Digest Magazine they aren't the best entrepreneurs to say the least their first customer starts screaming at them the next one cons them into buying some bags and then bags for those bags ah Gotta Love Good Old capitalism this episode really shows the worst parts of it SpongeBob and Patrick try so hard to sell chocolate but just completely suck at it even when they start lying they get conned yet again that is until the crazy chocolate guy comes back and wants to buy all their chocolates that's when they spend all the money taking a couple of old ladies that were customers to a restaurant for such an amazing episode this ending is kind of stupid I mean it makes sense because it was their first customer and it is a funny idea but I don't like it four Snowball Effect an iceberg floats over bikini bottom and it starts snowing SpongeBob and Patrick have a snowball fight and Squidward finds it to be annoying and childish so naturally they try to put him on each of their teams but he kind of declares to be on his own team after getting in the snow and hitting his neighbors with snowballs he gets really into it like really into it he built a damn Castle 100 feet tall this is a really fun episode with a lot of good gags I always liked Patrick's snow DNA and Plankton hoping to harness the ice Crystal's energy to rule the world and Squidward looks great in a turtleneck I never noticed he was wearing one until now 3. just one bite Squidward admits to never eating a Krabby Patty and SpongeBob is in complete disbelief he tries and tries and tries to have Squidward try one and he eventually takes the tiniest bite afterwards he pretends to hate The Paddy but actually loves them to death he fails to eat one out of the garbage and starts dreaming about them so Squidward sneaks into the Krusty Crab late at night and gets caught by Spongebob after eating thousands of pad studies he explodes and goes to the hospital this is one of my favorite episodes because it has one of my favorite plot lines Squidward character development every SpongeBob episode that has Squidward changing is always so damn good it's just nice to see him cheer up and find some joy in his life and it's a really entertaining episode on its own and that face SpongeBob makes when he finds out oh it's so delicious 2. wet painters SpongeBob and Patrick have to paint Mr krem's house and if they get even one drop of paint on the floor they're dead so they're both really paranoid about spilling any paint and after the first stroke of paint kept dripping they accidentally made a bubble the bubble gets bigger and paints everything except Mr crab's first dollar they try to use technology to get the paint off but it doesn't work so a Mr Krabs gets back he pretends to be mad at them only to lick the pain off he finds it so funny that his spitty laughing melts all the paint in his house this is an awesome episode I wish real pain could be cleaned up with spit too and Patrick's so funny in this one making a second giant paint bubble blowing it up spending the dollar in the convenient he plays vending machine drawing on the fake one with a crayon this episode still makes me laugh out loud even after seeing it so many times in the past 1. the Camping Episode I've been looking forward to re-watching this one this whole time SpongeBob and Patrick decide to go camping in their own backyard as you'd expect this irritates Squidward once he's told to have fun inside so he tries camping himself he fails to put up the tent but at least Patrick was taking some good notes and managed to get a draw on tic-tac-toe then SpongeBob and Patrick start talking like astronauts and Squidward getting marshmallow pits blown on his face but who can forget the Campfire Song Song yet again the show just makes Banger after Banger with their music it's not only catchy but pretty funny as well Squidward hated it so he starts playing his clarinet badly and is warned of the Sea Bear and all the things to not do so Squidward does all those things and the Sea Bear shows up being the crap out of him until he stands in the anti-sea Bear Circle this episode takes so many drastic turns for being in one location the entire time it's pretty impressive if you think think about it it is a classic and still one of the best episodes out there and that wraps up the three classic seasons and while it was nice to go back and see those I'm honestly more excited to see the ones that I haven't really seen now I've seen seasons four through seven you know a little bit but anything beyond that I have no idea what to expect 38 squidtastic Voyage oh boy the first awful SpongeBob episode of many to come Squidward is annoyed at SpongeBob and Patrick Slide music so he plays the clarinet to distract them the clarinet gets lodged in squid's throat and the read is stuck so what do they do go to Sandy not a doctor are you crazy her solution is to shrink a submarine go through Squid's brain and grab the read and yank it out that surely won't fail SpongeBob is set to guard the submarine but Patrick randomly shows up so you know what happens already they go inside and Shrink themselves wow this is like Sandy's rocket all over again Patrick has this ax and he keeps destroying stuff in the ship and I didn't find it funny at all he's being dumb just to be dumb because that's his character I guess there's no reasoning behind it and that just makes the episode really aggravating to watch even when they do break the read thanks to SpongeBob uh shredding it with dancing Patrick throws the ship back to normal size and it's not like they can't do anything to fix that why not just re-shrink the submarine again 37 all that cyclers someone orders a monster Krabby Patty and SpongeBob's spatula breaks due to the weight of the meat SpongeBob cries for an obnoxiously long amount of time and claims he can't work without his original spatula it's taken to a hospital and the doctor that's just an actor tells him to find a replacement but instead SpongeBob buys lay spatula which cost him everything he has unfortunately Lei spatula is a snobby thing that won't touch Krabby Patties and runs away good thing SpongeBob's real spatula was saved the whole time but was mad at the Betrayal after even more crying SpongeBob goes back in his old spatula forgives him this episode could have been all right if it wasn't for all the crying my God it just chewed up a lot of the run time and got seriously annoying 36 good neighbors SpongeBob parade Squidward's house on a Sunday immediately putting him in a bad mood he tries to enjoy his day off but SpongeBob and Patrick keep irritating him they spray Squidward's face with paint and some random couple thinks he's sick and drive him to the hospital when he gets back he misses out on his foot massage so he decides to install secure system to keep them out the security only attacks Squidward in fact his house grows legs and kicks him out completely while Squidward attempts to relax his house is terrorizing bikini bottom and is now forced to do community service every Sunday for the rest of his life Squidward didn't deserve any of this the poor guy just wanted to chill out for a day the jokes weren't funny at all and SpongeBob and Patrick's stupidity almost came off as abusing him rather than just innocent 35. squid Bob tentacle pants Squidward has an upcoming clarinet recital and Sandy made a matter transporter SpongeBob takes it to get to work on time Olinda gets Squidward's hands stuck inside of him that's when they morph together and Sandy isn't able to fix the problem Squidward still has to go to this recital and ends up getting cheered for when looking the way he does that's when Sandy busts in gets them separated and the audience leaves in frustration Squidward mashes the separator button and gets everyone morphed together what the actual is this ending everyone looks like dying parasites this legit scared me when I was younger so yeah this episode is okay but that image at the end is scarring Mr crab doesn't feel very organic in this episode either he sees SpongeBob and Patrick show up to work like this and basically ignores the problem at first 34. rule of dumb a prime minister shows up to give Patrick a crown because he's a king so he starts mooching off Mr Krabs and some random guy's Krabby Patty and it only gets worse from here he's stealing things from everyone and SpongeBob is giving in to let him do whatever he wants Justice is served once Squidward's house Has Lifted from the ground and he convinces everyone he isn't actually a king which he isn't Because the actual crown goes to Gary this episode is okay I guess I like seeing Patrick's Decked Out rich house but otherwise I don't really care to see Patrick be an unreasonable jerk for 11 minutes 33. the gift of gum Patrick has a lot of gum for Best Friend's Day and gives it to SpongeBob if you couldn't tell this Gumball is nasty and SpongeBob is struggling to keep it he tries to get rid of it without much luck but at least he frees people trapped in decide what the hell SpongeBob Sandy and Squidward all end up getting stuck before Patrick notices and he takes back the gum by eating it all this leads Patrick to burp and the gum now covers all Bikini Bottom as someone whose OCD gets worse every day this was a bit painful to watch it's a solid idea for an episode I just didn't find it all that funny 32 bummer vacation SpongeBob has accumulated too much vacation time and is forced to take time off SpongeBob has no idea what that is and goes back after getting cleaned up again Patrick is replacing him for the time being and SpongeBob can't help but constantly get himself back into the restaurant Mr Krabs throws him into a forest and SpongeBob for some reason thinks he's being permanently replaced he goes a little cuckoo to say the least and after all of that enough time has passed so we can go back to work I don't really care for this episode as it's not very funny but I do relate to it taking time off work is a big struggle for me as well I've been getting better at it over the past year or two but there's always some form of guilt for not being productive 31 1 Funny Pants Squidward says a joke about work and SpongeBob finds it funny maybe a little too funny since he just can't hold his laughter in Squidward is driven insane he's been laughing at the same joke for over a day and SpongeBob starts getting a pain in his side from laughing so Squidward makes up a story about how he could break his lap box if he isn't careful so after waiting 24 hours SpongeBob loses his laugh box after tons of crying Squidward admits he lies and then he breaks his laugh box so SpongeBob gives him a piece of his I'm not gonna lie I wish SpongeBob would have kindly shut the [ __ ] up because it was getting annoying for me at the beginning it does subside as the episode goes on in fact it gets a lot better Patrick's tomfoolery is pretty funny especially when he needs to light a match inside SpongeBob Mr Krabs letting him touch money was uh generous for him I guess and what is it with Sandy being known as a scientist this is a weird Trend that started with this episode like yeah she's done some science things but I never Associated that as her character Arc Funny Pants is half irritating half entertaining 30. driven to tears another boating school episode SpongeBob fails for the 58th time and Patrick goes in to take the test himself since he thinks it's rigged he passes on the first try and is also the 1 millionth person to do so so he gets a brand new car Patrick rubs it in and gets cocky to the point of driving recklessly and that's when he's about to be thrown in jail for littering even though SpongeBob tore up the license after SpongeBob admits that and leaves jail Patrick throws away the boat because it ran out of gas of all the driving school episodes this is one of the more interesting ones it even has a scene where the Krusty Krab has a drive-through which I'm surprised hasn't been there from the beginning but Patrick was being such a dick like my God I wanted to slap him the whole time 29. Hocus Pocus SpongeBob makes an ass load of popcorn and watches a commercial about magic he orders the kit and Squidward takes a bus to leave as that happens a kid loses his ice cream and SpongeBob thinks it's Squidward so he spends the rest of the episode trying to get him back he even goes to Mr Magic with some admitted the Charming Wizard of Oz references it turns out he was just a phony and Squidward comes back while SpongeBob isn't looking and says a bunch of random magic words I don't know how to feel about this one on one hand it's got some good jokes but it's so stupid at the same time SpongeBob turned Patrick into a jar of mayo that sums up how I feel about this one platoonus 28. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 6 the motion picture some bad guy gets towed but it's actually just a movie at the fan club by the way it's kind of cool to see the wiener fish come back from season three so there's this movie that's gonna get made and some fake actors are taking Mermaid Man and Barnacle boy's place and SpongeBob and Patrick want to use the real heroes so they attempt to make their own movie and as disaster strikes Patrick leaves the lens cap on the whole time so he wouldn't lose it they do the refilming and Premier it at the Krusty Krab this is a very hit in this episode because some parts of it are great I love Sandy's did somebody say boom gag and seeing everyone help with their movie is enjoyable but there's a couple of creepy shots especially when SpongeBob says actors like why does this make me so uncomfortable and then there's the shot when squibber finishes his makeup artwork and it just looks creepy but it was all worth it because Mermaid Man says stolen Maggie daddies stolen Naggy daddies oh yeah 27 the thing SpongeBob and Patrick annoy Squidward once again while he tries to watch TV and he tries to escape but gets hit with a bunch of cement and becomes smelly SpongeBob and Patrick find him in Jellyfish Fields and take him home as a pet but Gary doesn't like him so Animal Control ends up taking Squidward to the zoo he gets broken out of sent to a species that looks like him and out of complete nowhere The Squid playing the smooth jazz that he was listening to earlier that day is with these animals and that's when the cement cracks and breaks holy sh all of this happened all because Squidward wanted to relax for an evening the craziest turns of events makes this an interesting watch although it does make you feel bad for Squidward the entire time 26. enemy in law Plankton controls a robot and throws some fish into the chumbaw bucket so they can eat there yeah that'll work then Mama crabs comes to visit Mr Krebs for some money and he rushes her out uh what a humble son he is anyway Plankton falls in love with Mama Krabs so he kidnaps her while also trying to woo her they go on a date at the Krusty Krab and Mr Krabs gets upset with them Plankton eventually asked to marry Mama crabs but she says no and the robot barges in with some flowers wait the robot's suddenly sentient okay sure so anyway Plankton asked for the formula and she kicks him away this is such a weird episode and the beginning feels kind of forced as well the robot and Mama crab scene are there to establish the plot like yes but it feels out of place for some reason and not well structured 25. Squid Wood season 4 is filled with so many episodes where SpongeBob is abruptly standing at Squidward's bedside once again he just wants to relax on a day off and isn't able to do so after Squidward drills into his head that he wants to be left alone mini Squidward is born SpongeBob plays with him which seems like a great deal for a Squidward until they get to work everyone prefers mini Squidward over the real one and he gets super envious and angry about it he even starts dancing and playing clarinet which secures him a record deal poor Squidward honestly he really doesn't deserve all this pain 24 Once Bitten Gary drops snail Trail all over Squid's lawn and can't stop getting attacked by the goop when SpongeBob is confronted Gary bites Squidward's butt and Patrick says he has Mad Snail Disease everyone in town gets bitten and they all think they're zombies but as it turns out Mad Snail Disease isn't real and Gary just had a 10-foot Splinter stuck inside him good old Mass hysteria though gotta love that right this is another episode that's just all right 23. shell of a man Mr Krabs is having a reunion with his Old Navy buddies but molds because he got too fat so SpongeBob goes into his shell and pretends to be Mr Krabs it works pretty well until SpongeBob gives a speech and things get a little suspicious after belly's slamming the shell breaks and Mr Krabs admits he molted his Navy buddies see this as a true Act of toughness and admits their as well while it's a touching story I feel like Mr Krabs cunning in with this dialogue was a bit much SpongeBob does something for two seconds Mr Crab reacts and that's basically the entire Navy scene it doesn't ruin the episode but the pacing is a bit on the wonky side 22 ghost host the Flying Dutchman crashes his ship and starts falling through the sky because uh ghosts have to worry about falling so while roadside assistant helps him out he goes to SpongeBob's house and plays a bunch of pranks on him while he stays SpongeBob eventually sees all his tricks and he loses his confidence in being able to scare people so he stays for a while and throws parties with his ghostly friends instead SpongeBob says enough is enough and tells him he can scare Squidward because he doesn't believe in ghosts after doing that he's off on his own again this is a decent episode the ways the Flying Dutchman tries to scare SpongeBob are honestly pretty creative the scariest thing to me is Squidward's beat up face I mean what the hell am I looking at it's kind of nice to see the Dutchman show a bit of weakness for once 21 Best Day Ever SpongeBob is on track to have the best day ever and it starts with a song that I adored as a kid it's still pretty catchy even now but everything seems to go wrong the Krusty Krab had a nematode infestation Sandy's Dome had a leak Patrick's net broke and Squidward's Reed was shot SpongeBob at this point is tar prior to this crap so he pulls out his tooth to be used as a reed but SpongeBob forgets his ticket to go inside and ends up missing the entire concert but because he helped everyone with their problems they made it up to him with some sort of Best Day Ever concert your enjoyment of this episode is gonna depend on the song a lot because it's played at the beginning and at the end so if you don't like the song it's probably just an okay episode but I still enjoy it and it's nice that SpongeBob actually gets something for everything he did 20. New Leaf Plankton quits trying to steal the formula and decides to sell knickknacks instead Mr crab doesn't believe him at first and destroys a bunch of his stuff and you know it's kind of [ __ ] up he's doing that even though we all know Plankton's true intentions so they befriend each other and hang out for the day which is pretty cute I'm not gonna lie Mr Krabs then gives him the formula and it just says gotcha on it so they both tried to fool each other and crabs came out on top this episode is decent enough I mostly like the DJ Scene because Squidward shakes those thick cheeks I mean oh yeah look at that 19. Patrick smartpants Patrick falls down a cliff and puts on a new piece of brain coral that makes him super smart he becomes a completely different person he doesn't like jellyfishing admires nature and knows a lot about music Patrick decides to break off the friendship with SpongeBob but isn't able to have fun like he used to so they go back to the cliff he fell off and end up finding the old brain coral to revert what happened you know there's nothing wrong with being a little stupid ignorance really is bliss just seeing Patrick be a jerk to Squidward and Sandy really proves that point 18. wig struck some band makes fun of the guy's wig and it ends up in SpongeBob's hands he thinks it looks great but everyone makes fun of him for him it takes him a while to catch on to that and the wig gets hair all over the Krabby Patties Sandy visits and tells him to get rid of the wig they go to a movie and cause A disruption and he finally gets rid of it that's when the band guy gets his wig back and suddenly it's cool it goes to show that you should just be yourself who cares what's hip and trendy I haven't been cool my entire life and I'm okay with that even if you like your weekly condiment so like Patrick does you do you okay 17 selling out Mr Krabs sings about money and as abrupt as it is it's a pretty catchy song He's approached by a really rich fish and sells off the Krusty Krab in his employees without hesitation so now SpongeBob and Patrick work at the crabio Mondays and Mr Krabs is Board of retirement after a couple hours so he works at krabio Mondays and the restaurant is very corporate so Mr Krabs ends up destroying it and buying it back I worked in fast food a while back and parts of this episode ring true Squidward being forced to be happy and the food being fake and synthetic but the darkest line in the episode is Carl saying code red free thinker I never caught that line when watching this previously but just damn this is a really good episode not the funniest but the concept keeps it together nicely 16. that's no lady Patrick is told to get out of town but it's just some guy selling a vacation unfortunately he doesn't realize that so SpongeBob transforms him into Patricia the disguise Works in fact everyone has the hots for Patricia especially Squidward and Mr Krabs but Trisha gets a job at the Krusty Krab and scored in Mr Krabs keep trying to get a date but later that day the scary briefcase guy shows up and he figures it out this is a really entertaining episode for how simple the plot is the jokes are timed really well in this one teen fear of a Krabby Patty Plankton opens the Chum Bucket for 23 hours so Mr Krabs has to win up him and go for 24 hours we've already seen this concept done with graveyard shift but this time you actually see several weeks go by after over a month SpongeBob goes insane and only sees evil Krabby Patties so he sees a psychiatrist Dr P Langton Plankton tries to get the formula out of him but manages to get hit by a piano and put him to sleep which is all that he needed I definitely prefer the graveyard shift over this episode but this one's still all right I especially like the Montage segment when the old guy just shows up out of nowhere and the cell phone joke got a laugh out of me as well 14. Born to Be Wild SpongeBob gets run over by a bunch of biker guys and he thinks they're called The Wild Ones which are apparently a super dangerous biker game SpongeBob and Patrick panicked for a bit but then decide to dress like them and be some bad boys I'm not gonna lie they got some drip with those outfits Mr Krabs plans for their arrival and when they finally get here they're actually just the mild ones a bunch of old fish this is a solitude episode the jokes are told well and I love how SpongeBob rides the first bubble transition such a cool and meta idea 13 wishing you well SpongeBob makes a wishing well for Mr Krabs so people will throw coins in and SpongeBob is stuck down there collecting the money people start throwing money in and Patrick somehow swings himself into the well Mr Krabs comes by to collect the money and just leaves them down there so they dig some more and hit the magic and the wishes actually start coming true Squidward falls down thanks to SpongeBob's wish and when Mr Krabs comes back he doesn't believe the magic is real it is until he turns himself into a real lobster that's about to be Ian the scene with Squidward stuck in the well at night is the best the elbow and Patrick's ribs joke is funny every single time there's also a couple songs that are well done and Mr Krabs gets what he deserves at the end 12. best Frenemies people are obsessed with drinking the new kelp shakes and is driving away sales from Mr Krabs Plankton's also upset about this since they're ruining the Krusty Krab instead of him so they actually team up to figure out what's going on the dynamic of Mr Krabs and Plankton working together is nothing short of a treat to behold they try to steal the formula a bunch of times and give up to just buy a shake instead when Karen analyzes it it's mostly just kelp juice with a secret ingredient that's never revealed but it turns everyone's skin into green hair so that's gotta suck 11. skill crane Mr crab doesn't pay his taxes big surprise anyway he buys a skill Crane and Squidward immediately gets addicted to it he loses over and over while SpongeBob has no problem getting the stuffed animals scuba just isn't able to win and is even paid in coins by Mr Krabs the absolute Gall that he has so SpongeBob teaches him to be the crane and in typical Squidward fashion he acts like a jackass when he finally wins and also destroys a bunch of construction Squidward is more over the top than usual than this one and I kind of like that this is a fun episode all around 10. the pink purloiner exotic jellyfish are in town and SpongeBob and Patrick are taking full advantage of that it's honestly super cool to see a large variety of jellyfish it's a nice spectacle compared to the usual pink we always see SpongeBob uses all reliable while Patrick's net breaks the next day all reliable goes missing so he goes searching for it that's when SpongeBob starts getting suspicions that Patrick stole it so he tries to get him to confess and it turns out Patrick made him a new net when the bus arrives all reliable was left there the whole time now there's a funny animation error in this episode that I spotted when SpongeBob opens the door into his house the background shows another door I guess that was never caught by anyone I like this episode it feels like all the characters traits are back to the way they used to be in the older seasons 9. Karate Island while Gary is getting his shell waxed the mailman arrives with a pretty suspicious VHS tape called You're a winner totally not a scam but SpongeBob plays it and it's a video saying he's worthy of going to karate Island to become the king of karate Sandy goes with since she can smell the sauce and SpongeBob arrives only to beat up a bunch of guys when Sandy leaves after getting frustrated with SpongeBob he gets chained to a chair so she goes back to rescue him after passing the four floors of fear only to discover that this was all to buy a Timeshare after that comes a surprisingly good fighting scene and SpongeBob is safe all the bosses of each floor are creative and it's a pretty good episode all around eat Whale of a Birthday Pearl is obsessed with the band boys who cry and Mr Krabs forgot it's her 16th birthday and she hasn't had the best birthdays in the past so she really wants it to be special this time Mr Krabs gives SpongeBob a credit card and he buys everything Pearl wants in the mall when Pearl comes back to the Krusty Krab for the party it's about as cheap as it can get but SpongeBob gifts arrive which include a car and boys who cry now I'm not sure why the cashier questioned SpongeBob with a credit card it's not like he's going through security at an airport while this is a pretty good episode it made me realize how lousy Pearl's friends are they were gonna leave our party because it was cheap that's all they cared about those pieces [ __ ] you could leave them Pearl you're better than them leave them 7. Chimps Ahoy SpongeBob orders a back scratcher and wants to show it to Sandy but the chimps are coming and she needs some sort of invention for them again Sandy went Mega scientist this season but hey at least this time there's a reason she affords living down there by making inventions so that counts for something Sandy ends up giving up so SpongeBob and Patrick try to invent something for her they create some sort of machine that's supposed to comb your hair and pick your nose and stuff but the monkey gets tortured by the machine before they leave Sandy's Nutcracker can peel bananas so they fund her for another 20 years there's a lot of good jokes in here that I never caught on to before SpongeBob being able to talk to a nut that says it's dark in here and then he hears the screams as it's shredded up is hilarious Dr Professor Patrick has a great line where he tells SpongeBob You're the unpaid intern you do the work so just like real life there's also a pretty good song number and Patrick invents a parallel universe where SpongeBob is French and that caught me off guard too 6. Mrs Puff You're Fired the title says it all a new boating school teacher takes over so SpongeBob can finally get his license the new teacher is all business and treats everyone like they've just enrolled in the military SpongeBob has to learn this course as thoroughly as possible even by Crawling After a ton of practice he takes his exam but can't be blindfolded so he ends up destroying the city and taking Patrick's pants if this episode tells us anything it's that the modern education system is failing some of us we're taught to memorize stuff instead of making the subject itself interesting SpongeBob could complete this entire course blindfolded because of memorization but it was a different story in the real world this is a really great episode and I love the instructor he makes me motivated just watching emboss SpongeBob around I also love how SpongeBob manages to make a rocket with a boat and Patrick so casually saying my pants when he loses them 5. crabs vs Plankton Plankton sleeping on a mattress with no comforter or sheets is the most Plankton thing I've ever seen he walks into the Krusty Krab slips on a puddle and pretends to be in a lot of pain to sue Mr Krabs a lawyer comes in to help Mr Krabs and he ends up slipping on a puddle so SpongeBob takes his place Plankton shares his sob story and convinces the jury that Mr Krabs is guilty that is until the briefcase gets open revealing a Krabby Patty and of course Plankton can't help but try to steal it because that'll definitely work out better in a courtroom compared to the Krusty Krab oh genius over here my main question though is how can Plankton even afford to sue anybody it's besides the point though it's a really cool concept for an episode and is executed quite well 4. Dunces and dragons no patchy Parts just a good old double length SpongeBob episode SpongeBob and Patrick go to Medieval moments and volunteer to be in the joust they somehow get sent to the actual medieval time period and are arrested for falling from the sky and end up in jail with Squidward or I'm sorry squid Lee they must slay the big jellyfish being controlled by planktonemore after getting some weapons from the blacksmith they sneakily get inside and climb the castle instead of catching the jellyfish though they feed it Krabby Patties and save the day what an awesome episode this is it's such a treat seeing every everybody recreated in this time period Mr Krabs is the king Gary is a leech Sandy is a dark knight Plankton is a wizard it's so much fun the action sequences are pretty good too it's a really nice change of pace some of my favorite jokes include Patrick's gloves and Sandy turning into a real life squirrel three the Lost mattress Mr Krabs is late for work because his back hurts so SpongeBob and Patrick go to a mattress store to find him a new one however all of Mr Krabs money is in the old mattress and ends up in a cash coma so the three sea Critters head to the dump to find the mattress and there's a guard worm on top of it after many attempts of getting the mattress Mr Krabs shows up and just shakes the worm off of it there's a lot of hilarious moments in this one Patrick's 10 the hospital scenes and Squidward's attempts at not getting hurt I just love how Mr Krabs goes from the hospital room to the hallways to outside and then gets kicked out it's so goofy and the dump scene is great too the jokes are all timed really well two have you seen this snail oh great Apache special except that it isn't yeah he shows up for like four seconds and then the introles oh okay I don't know what the point of that was but anyway SpongeBob buys a paddle ball and forgets about feeding and paying attention to Gary so he runs away after being ignored after SpongeBob and Patrick look for him Gary ends up with some grandma that feeds him silly SpongeBob looks all night and goes to work depressed so he and Patrick put up a ton of signs as Patrick runs inside to get some scented pine cones he says hi to Gary and completely brushes off the whole point of what he was doing eventually Gary finds SpongeBob's signs and as he tries to escape he opens a closet of snail shells hoof Gary books it away from her and returns to SpongeBob this is one of the funniest SpongeBob episodes and I'm surprised more people don't talk about it so many of Patrick's lines just hit perfectly he eats the sour milk to determine how long SpongeBob took the Dirty Bubble challenge Office Products falling from the sky and this picture is crooked and at the same time you feel really bad for SpongeBob being a neglectful pet owner the music piece for the Montage is really soothing it's such an amazing episode I kind of forgot how much I liked it 1. crusty Towers Mr Krabs opens up a hotel and SpongeBob and Squidward are the only employees Patrick shows up to get a room and has a suitcase full of rocks sounds like something my brother would do and he asks for a lot of absurdy quests so Squidward quits and gets room service to show Mr Krabs what's up his requests are somehow more obnoxious than Patrick's like getting his mom's actual cookies as an example a pool gets added to his room and the hotel crashes in on itself this is my favorite episode of the season it's just so freaking funny and it's such a great concept the best part is SpongeBob saying the route of cheese and to cut the Patrick's cheese smothered room yelling hooray Squidward really lives up to the hotel's slogan it's so satisfying seeing Mr Krabs get a taste of his own medicine you know what I gotta say it season four super underrated it's definitely not as good as the first three seasons but man there are some seriously fantastic episodes in here we did finally reach a handful of kinda Bad episodes so we're in that pot now but overall this season was still a lot of fun to to watch but now we move on to season five and this is where things start to tip a little bit more number 41 rise and shine I forgot that Nickelodeon tried out many episodes for SpongeBob and this one is just uh a waste of time we watched Patrick get ready for his day he forgets to turn off his alarm clock then he's talking to his pillow he can't remember how to open a can for breakfast it's just beyond stupid this is such a nothing episode none of the jokes land and it just comes off as desperately trying to make Patrick a dummy without any thought or Reason 40. Pat no pay Patrick has Krabby Patty withdrawal so he eats an [ __ ] of patties but lies about having money so Mr Krabs puts him to work and starts eating the hand soap destroys the refrigerator blows up the Krusty Krab and shreds Mr Krabs money this is another four minutes of time wasted I softly chuckled a couple times here but there's no substance with this one either 39 picture day SpongeBob tries to stay clean for picture day but no matter what he does he keeps getting dirty on the way to boating school Patrick eventually brings him in a jar dumps SpongeBob on a taco so he starts crying for the rest of the episode the photographer cleans him up and puts a big old pair of dentures in his mouth this is another mini episode and it's okay I guess I just feel bad for SpongeBob the whole time he can't seem to catch a break and then Patrick getting mad at him for being in the jelly jar like come on man 38 waiting SpongeBob discovers a free prize offer from a cereal box after buying 99 Box Tops he just waits for quite a while for whatever reason SpongeBob feels like he needs to physically be at the mailbox and ends up turning into a jerk for a little bit as if the mailman wouldn't put his toy in the mailbox without him there but a concept that would be but in all fairness he did need to get a signature so one small point to you SpongeBob it turns out the toy is just some leafy thingy guy and SpongeBob and Patrick think they broke it but actually its limbs are supposed to pop in and out waiting is a pretty met episode the only part I liked was when Patrick arrived with SpongeBob's cake trying to find the fork only to real realized that was the gift the entire time otherwise I was waiting for it to end 37 20 000 patties under the sea this episode makes me irrationally annoyed because of how inconsistent it is SpongeBob and Patrick are jellyfishing but they're scared of the jellyfish that has never happened before unless the jellyfish is you know trying to sting them which wasn't happening at all then they find this UFO and end up doordashing a bunch of Krabby Patties but SpongeBob can't drive remember so why is he able to handle this so easily they could have had Squidward drive while SpongeBob handled the cooking but I digress Plankton is jealous of this and tries to do the same thing with a floating fist but just gets pummeled with rocks and eaten at the end oh yeah they fall down an abyss and serve a sea monster a bunch of food in the ending God the ending sponge and Patrick come back with none of the money because the ship was too heavy with colorful rocks look there's nothing wrong with slightly altering what's considered logical and the show but when its established logic is tampered with way too much that by the end of this I felt nothing at all 36 sing a song of Patrick Patrick wants to send a poem into a radio station to become famous after turning on his brain and stealing SpongeBob's money the band is forced to play it and it literally kills them the song is pretty awful it's kind of funny the first time but it gets old quickly but SpongeBob loves it of course so they go to the radio station and blast it so everyone in Bikini Bottom has to hear it they end up getting chased by a mob and make up a new song that Everyone likes it's like the quality of the music doesn't even matter the only joke here is song bad but now song good because we need falling action in plot this episode's just flat out stupid 35 gugu gas I think I lost brain cells watching this one Plankton comes up with a pretty good idea turn everyone into babies and steal the formula you would think that would work no problem in fact it does work at first however he change them from adult to baby for seemingly no reason and then ran out of his gas but then the gas makes them old out of nowhere so what does plankton do in this circumstance well obviously buy baby powder for his gas and then he tries for the third time and turns everyone into babies but as he's running out with the formula SpongeBob breaks the gas machine and Plankton is turned into the size of an atom okay first things first the mom telling her baby she can't do anything for herself is so dark yet so funny at the same time but besides that I just don't get it why didn't Plankton get the formula when he had them both as babies from the beginning he really is one percent evil in 99 hot gas I can't believe even Plankton's character has been dumbed down to the likes of Patrick this is another dumb episode I don't care much for it 34. to love a Patty SpongeBob falls in love with a Krabby Patty no seriously that's the plot he takes it out to a theme park goes adventuring and even onto a date to the Krusty Krab as you can imagine in the Krabby Patty gets nastier and nastier as the day goes on and Mr Krabs has to tell him that patties are meant to be loved and eaten so SpongeBob eats the nasty thing which is just look SpongeBob just get a body pill like everyone else all right he even ditches hanging out with Patrick and Sandy for this Patty this episode has a few funny moments but most of it just kind of exists not even the song number was that great I mean it sounds okay but it's not all that catchy and SpongeBob's voice with a rock tune doesn't flow very well 33. sponge henge wow what a bizarre episode this was bikini bottom gets super windy and SpongeBob discovers that his holes produce music that jellyfish really like the only issue is the wind never goes away so SpongeBob ends up hiding in a cave and makes a bunch of statues of him he lines them up in a circle and manages to produce a wonderful tune with them the only problem is that it took so long to build that everyone abandoned the Krusty Krab when he got back not sure why it had to end on such a sour note but all right then but 3000 years later aliens discover the statues and have no idea why they were built this whole scenario really reminds me of to save a squirrel from this season since SpongeBob goes completely nuts out in the middle of nowhere I left watching this feeling bad that SpongeBob didn't have a happy ending even after accomplishing something strangely impressive 32 the Donut of Shame Patrick wakes up in SpongeBob's house and takes SpongeBob's donut when he's asleep he takes it home and starts to feel guilty about his theft that's when SpongeBob calls saying he videotaped their party last night so he tries to hide the donut only to discover it was his birthday present the whole time there's a few jokes in here that made me chuckle but it's an episode I'll probably forget happened after a couple days at least Patrick felt bad about what he did but there's just not much to this one 31. Atlanta SquarePants I've always heard people bad mouth this episode and while I've seen it a couple times I remember literally none of it so this is another patchy special but it's like quadruple the length this thing is like 40 minutes long long which is kind of insane but also completely unnecessary this could have easily been a solid 20 minute episode but no instead it's filled to the brim with filler for no reason besides filling more ad slots the patchy segments are insanely long this time too we watch him sit in traffic get lost in the desert hallucinating this uncanny and terrifying version of SpongeBob giving a bird a sandwich because there's Mayo on it and at the end he finds his hometown shrunk down and aliens have to fix it why is any of this included okay I get it patchy lost his City or whatever but it adds nothing of value and it never seems to end this driver is sitting on the road is my exact reaction to Atlantis SquarePants as for the cartoon SpongeBob and Patrick discover half of an amulet this amulet leads SpongeBob and his friends to Atlantis the bus that they're on doesn't run on gas because it finds fossil fuels to be counter-intuitive huh this episode aired 15 years ago and now we're at a point of no return ooh fun so how does the bus move by song of course which you might think wow more song numbers and normally that would be great but these songs do not hit like they used to it's pretty much just the same normal dialogue they would have said anyway but it's timed with music very awkwardly and there's so many of them it really dampens this episode a lot they sing before writhing when they're leaving at every key location in Atlantis just like the patchy segments it's never ending I will give credit where credit is due because a lot of the locations use really distinct art styles Mr Krabs Squidward and Sandy's favorite rooms go all out and it's fun to see what styles they came up with and I really appreciate the Mario 64 reference when Squidward's thrown into the painting too but man the songs get tiring very quickly but back to the plot SpongeBob and Patrick find the oldest bubble and Patrick takes a picture which pops it the atlanteans are mad until they decide to replace the bubble with Plankton instead it was pretty entertaining to see Sandy use everyone as weapons but that's really about it this episode has tons of great ideas and instead of trimming out the not so great ones they left all of them in 30 to save a squirrel it's definitely no campfire episode that's for sure SpongeBob and Patrick cry over a grasshopper for two minutes I don't really know why this scene had to last that long but okay then Sandy's going on a hardcore survival trip and sponge and Patrick sneak in with her but end up falling out of her car they did have food shelter and water but ended up destroying it of course so they found a cave with a crazy guy in it and got so hungry that they tried to eat each other but loan and behold the old guy was just Sandy testing them I don't know man the fact that it was Sandy the whole time just makes her an [ __ ] she had a car and could have taken them home but instead she starved her friends to Insanity I mean I guess that kind of explains where the carrots ketchup and massive pieces of bread came from because at first that really broke the illusion that they were actually starving look to see if a squirrel is an okay episode not more than that 29. lay a big switch when the title says switch it means switching Cooks Spongebob works at some fancy restaurant while a French chef works at the Krusty Krab this new Chef has a sultry attitude and runs the Krusty Crab out of business for all the expensive stuffed crabs was forced to buy meanwhile SpongeBob is still making Krabby Patties and everyone loves them but as time passes the cooks switch and things are back to normal although the Krusty Krab doesn't have tables anymore because crabs is really that cheap this is a very mean-spirited one crabs celebrate SpongeBob leaving and even tries to sell Squidward just so he can stay afloat that's just messed up and crab still comes out on top at the end anyway I do like the fancy fish characters but that's not enough to save this episode 28. the Crusty sponge a food critic visits the Krusty Krab and leaves a very positive review for SpongeBob's cooking so Mr Krabs changes the name of the restaurant to the Crusty sponge and SpongeBob no longer needs the grill he's instead selling his brand doing stupid [ __ ] he doesn't care about let's just say that crabs goes a bit too far with the SpongeBob stuff there's ice cubes straws napkins and even Ron patties that turn yellow and made everyone sick Krabs ends up getting sued and only gets away with it because the judge is a fan of SpongeBob this episode is fine I do quite like the concept but it wasn't all that funny now Spongebob doesn't have to be a funny show but humor really enhances it a lot and honestly I just felt bad for score the whole time like usual 27 whatever happened to SpongeBob that's a great question because man as this show changed a lot in such a short time period this one starts by putting SpongeBob in the worst light possible he helps a mailman get struck by a truck Squidward has a nightmare Mr Krabs docks his pay ruins Patrick's cake and Sandy's robot and Gary's [ __ ] shell breaks from a hug so SpongeBob decides to cry and run away and as he's doing that he hits his head and forgets everything he ends up in a city gets rid of a gang and becomes mayor meanwhile everyone is trying to find him even Squidward as he's incentivized by some fancy ache thing when they bring SpongeBob back he still doesn't remember anything and decides to go back to the city that is until school drops his new egg on SpongeBob's head and his memory is brought back I'm really conflicted on how I feel because there's a lot I like and dislike for one it's nice to see everybody be sympathetic and realize their mistakes in the bubble scenes with the gang are fun to watch as well but at the same time this is another episode that didn't need to be 20 minutes long and don't even get me started on this image of SpongeBob this is taking the realism gag way too far if I gotta see it you do too 26. a flea in her dome SpongeBob and Patrick start by crying for over a minute oh we're off to a great start they just missed Sandy and decide to throw her a welcome home party she comes back with a flea and that flea multiplies like crazy and takes over the treatome so Sandy decides to flood the treatome with water and somehow everyone gets sucked in from this huh why is the suction so powerful now compared to the other times this door opens I don't mind this episode there are some pretty cool sequences of the fleas attacking but that's really all there is I did also like Pat Matrix line of this is gonna taste so good again yep again 25 banned in Bikini Bottom SpongeBob is once again being painfully annoying singing about Krabby Patties man I'm getting tired of this and I'm not even halfway through all these episodes some old ladies show up and are part of an organization that bans things that are fun that makes sense so she banned Krabby Patties and they're sold in SpongeBob's house in secret Plankton calls the cops on them and as they're getting arrested a Krabby Patty slips into the old lady's mouth and she changes her mind while the fact that Krabby Patties could even get banned is incredibly stupid it's still a concept that draws an interesting parallel to when alcohol was illegal over a century ago 24. the Crusty plate there's a piece of dirt on a plate that simply will not come off SpongeBob smacks it with a baseball bat a chainsaw and even brings in a damn tank but no matter what the spot will not come off so SpongeBob brings out the bad boy the spotmaster 6000 with this weapon he somehow distorts the molecules in the sea and look he may have destroyed the Krusty Crab but at least he cleaned the spot it's another short episode but I kind of like this one the laser that SpongeBob uses is admittedly pretty cool I'd love to see something like that in a SpongeBob FPS game or something 23. Stanley S SquarePants SpongeBob gets a package that contains his cousin Stanley why is he randomly here well his uncle Sherm forced Stanley to live with SpongeBob because he's that much of a nuisance I'm getting a bad vibe from you Sherm I much prefer Uncle Captain blue but anyway Stanley struggles to find something that he's able to do well he can't even do nothing with Patrick after getting a job at the Krusty Krab and making tons of mistakes he ends up working at the Chum Bucket and proceeds to blow it up if you ask me Stanley should be in the military the dude can touch things and they just explode that would be useful wouldn't it this episode isn't all that funny but I do love SpongeBob saying there's nothing good on TV anyway since we all know that's the truth 22. slimy dancing SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward all try out for a dance competition as you'd expect Squidward doesn't make it but SpongeBob and Patrick do so Squidward ends up inside SpongeBob's body to help him win the whole thing his normal routine is seen as lame that is until his legs cramp up and suddenly everyone loves it and he wins but he's disqualified for cheating and it turns out everyone cheated except for Patrick who was doing the crap for his dance move we've seen episodes with this same kind of plot lots of times now so there's nothing new here I do love Squidward's art is suffering line because damn is that the truth and it was odd to see an epilogue scene after the episode was over it was just some kid doing the cramp this one is fine just kind of forgettable 21 Money Talks Mr Krabs wishes he could talk to money so he makes a deal with a Flying Dutchman and gets his wish however all the money wants is to be spent so he actually spends some of the money but ends up asking to take back the deal he made the Dutchman ignores this and tries to take his soul but gets an IOU since he already sold his soul there is a really funny irony that Mr Krabs already sold his soul being a greedy bastard and all while there's some good jokes in this one it really goes to show just how evil Mr Krabs has gotten over the seasons kicking out an old couple because some jackass paid five bucks for his favorite table that's pretty disheartening if you ask me 20. Friend or Foe we've got ourselves another double Patty special this time patches flipping burgers and making his own patties is it just me or do the live action skits seem kind of low energy anyway he sucks at cooking while potty becomes an assistant manager and patches burgers are bad because he puts meat in a boot and feeds the mice the [ __ ] is going on here patchy gets fired and a monkey replaces him who was just as incompetent the humor feels very forced even more so than usual as for the actual episode it's basically the origin story of why Mr Krabs and Plankton became Rivals it's very touching to watch them grow up as friends and once they started selling burgers together that's when they drifted apart it's all because they killed Old Man Jenkins from their first attempt at a burger which by the way nothing happened to them for killing him I just want to point that out it's complete dumb luck Mr Krabs even has a secret formula since a bunch of random ingredients fell into his patties by accident this episode has its flaws but it's pretty cool to get some sort of lore for how it all began 19. Pest of the West it's another patchy special where he shows up for three seconds and never again I guess Nickelodeon wanted to further establish when SpongeBob's specials were actually specials so they'd throw them in there for that reason alone this is actually a pretty interesting episode as it talks about SpongeBob's past everyone in Bikini Bottom has some sort of famous relative but SpongeBob never realized that he has SpongeBob roll into Bikini Bottom hundreds of years ago before it was even called that everybody is here and plays the same kind of characters there's an old school Patrick Squidward Mr Krabs Mrs Puff and even Plankton who's the main villain who goes by Dead Eye Dead Eye robs the town with his Whip and everyone is scared of him until SpongeBob ends up as the sheriff so what does SpongeBob do to save the day he steps on Deadeye yep that's it he just steps on him his concept probably didn't need to be 20 minutes long but at least there's a lot of gags in this one SpongeBob getting tipsy from milk the coffin horse the fry cooked one it had which specifies low pay and no benefits and can we talk about SpongeBob and Plankton's cheeks I mean damn they are cheap the [ __ ] up whoa also it turns out that this statue covered in poop was sponge Buck the entire time and I love SpongeBob's line at the end he simply says maybe one day people will know the name SpongeBob SquarePants oh you're such a flexor now like I said this episode didn't need to be 20 minutes and there's even a couple song numbers which again aren't very good they're just not catchy and the lyrics are so dumbed down 18. fungus Among Us sus so this it gets into SpongeBob's house that Gary is told not to eat but it starts to spread and I mean spread everywhere everyone in the Krusty Krab ends up with this stuff that is until Gary shows up and eats all the ick off of everybody I'm not sure why Gary is such an insatiable appetite in this episode but it works pretty well it can definitely be a tad gross too especially when SpongeBob gets back to work and there's green ooze squirting out of his body that's just not pleasant to look at but I really like the idea the episode isn't half bad 17. the inmates of Summer SpongeBob is going to summer camp or sorry Camp Sun and Fun for the summer except for the part where he misses the boat and gets on board with inmates instead sponge and Patrick make a bunch of remarks to the warden completely oblivious of where they are of course and get stuck in a Chum hole eat a tire and break rocks with an ax so SpongeBob writes a script for a play with a boat in it and the inmates end up trying to escape but the boat crashes after a few seconds that's when the summer camp counselor arrives and everyone ends up doing activities that would have been at summer camp it's an interesting idea for an episode and I like how over the top the warden is 16. good old what's his name Mr Krabs tells SpongeBob and Squidward to learn everyone's name so he'll make more money Squidward declines of course the Krabs offers them a tropical getaway and I think you can guess where this is going Squidward learns everyone's name but there's a purple fish that's a bit stubborn so squid steals the guy's wallet and his name really is what's it to ya so Squid goes to jail but he wins that getaway right yeah the brochure he won the brochure with the picture of the getaway on it and to make matters worse he's stuck in jail with Patrick I would feel bad that he's stuck in jail but the man went way too far trying to discover someone's name he even got sweat all over Susie's burger and that cannot be forgiven I'm sorry Susie 15. blackened sponge SpongeBob has a dream about Jack and crazy fish and when he wakes up he gives himself a black eye by opening toothpaste with a wrench and as you'd expect SpongeBob makes up a bunch of stories about him getting in a fight but the fish he was dreaming about is actually real and and after SpongeBob admits what happened he just wanted a Krabby Patty something about SpongeBob being so full of himself is so funny the guy is such a ditch that you can't take him seriously it reminds me a lot of when he was famous for being in the commercial for two seconds 14. new digs SpongeBob is one minute late to work so he decides to live there so he won't be late again Mr Krabs only allows it since SpongeBob is paying rent but things get a little out of hand SpongeBob showers in the dishwasher the mustard is in Gary his clothes are dried in front of the customers and his parents visit and stay in Mr Krabs office so SpongeBob is kicked out and Squidward moves in the next day a lot of people live where they work and I still do that technically but back in the day my computer used to be five feet from my bed and that's all I had which was fine but having two different spaces is very important to staying sane this is a good episode with some solid jokes thrown in there 13. Blackjack SpongeBob has a cousin named Blackjack and is threatening his parents life that's a dark way to start spawn spot but okay I guess we're going in with this SpongeBob tries to find his parents and after running to his Grandma's place and even Uncle Captain blue it turns out they were just preparing a welcome back party for him leaving jail SpongeBob was pretty scared to see him again but in the end he's just a tiny little shrimp while it's a really funny twist it doesn't at all explain why SpongeBob had a fear of him for the entire episode I don't care that much because it's really cool to see more of SpongeBob's family uncle Captain blue is pretty awesome I mean just look at this wholesome sponge the only mystery for this episode is the sponge in this photo it's not SpongeBob because he has a weird looking hat on so who is this in the line of the SpongeBob family 12. boat smarts Mrs Puff makes a training video about boating school clearly they're trying to replicate the Krusty Krab training video from season three they have the goofy anagram explaining each aspect of the job specifically you name it while I did enjoy this episode especially the crash dummy shot it doesn't work quite as well that's simply because SpongeBob already being a bad driver doesn't have as strong of intentions we already know he fails to learn driving but there's also a lot of moments where he's being stupid just because he's supposed to be and for no other reason with Squidward in the training video it comes off as a lot more natural 11. the Battle of Bikini Bottom a bunch of fish are reenacting a war from bikini bottom and somehow sponge and Patrick get into a fight about being clean versus being dirty so for the entire episode they Clash it out until Patrick ends up clean and SpongeBob ends up dirty and you know what this one is actually pretty great because the visual gags and jokes work really well there's so many different shots that surprise me I mean Patrick's armpit hair coming to life to grab SpongeBob is just so out there and then Patrick takes off his hand to reveal a human hand was so jarring and Goofy I have no idea what the consensus is on this episode but I honestly liked it for how simple the idea is 10. the two faces of Squidward the infamous handsome Squidward episode I forgot what happened and boy was I not a fan of beginning since it was just SpongeBob and Patrick being extra annoying but the moment happens SpongeBob breaks Squidward's face by accident and the doctor manages to fix it and make him look like a Chad just look how powerful that chin is but seriously I can't understate how obnoxious SpongeBob is for seemingly no reason even the doctor was getting fed up but anyway people love Squidward's new look a little bit too much to say the least it got to the point where he couldn't take a bath in private so SpongeBob smashed his face with the door some more only to make him even more handsome that is until a shoe falls from the sky and Squidward is pushed into a pole to bring him back to normal Squidward learned the harsh reality of being well known it's not all it's caught up to be the amount of privacy you get is so minuscule you'll never know if a stranger recognizes you at any public place you go to and it sits in the back of your mind constantly 9. Mermaid Man vs Spongebob it's basically Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 7. there's a new crusty kid meal the Krusty Krab being promoted by the heroes so Plankton decides do the same tactic but by tearing crabs down he hypnotizes the duo with shampoo and gets Mermaid Man to say the Chum Bucket is better I can't deny that this is one of plankton's better ideas however the power of Krabby Patties and fiber frees them from being hypnotized and Plankton loses out once again I don't understand how a Krabby Patty can freeze someone from mind control but I shouldn't be questioning these kinds of things to begin with this is a fun one and we get a dose of Fry Boy which is pretty dripping if I do say so myself 8. bucket sweet bucket Plankton is told by Karen to clean up the Chum Bucket so a full SpongeBob and Patrick to do it instead Squidward also gets involved and while they're distracted Plankton tries to steal the formula when he gets in the safe the formula is just a grocery list which leads to the entire Krusty Krab being moved to where the Chum Bucket used to be Mr Krabs gets back from his vacation and the [ __ ] Chad pushes the Krusty Krab and flips it in the air back to where it was the restaurant looks a lot fancier too since Squidward took parts of the Chum Bucket to make a bunch of new sculptures and decorations it's so funny how SpongeBob's initial reaction to fix Plankton's Rusty pipes was to take the Krusty Krabs instead of going to like a Lowe's or something this is a really solid episode 7. night light well this is a particularly goofy one SpongeBob reads a scary story to himself and gets scared of the dark so he buys a ton of lights for his house him and Patrick even get the lighthouse light which for some reason Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy see which calls them to the scene and out of nowhere a monster moth attacks but SpongeBob traps him in the lighthouse but he picks up the whole pineapple and flies away it's such a nonsensical episode but honestly it's still a fun time I love Patrick running at the Sun at the end and catching on fire and SpongeBob putting two flashlights in his eyes it's so over the top 6. spy buddies well this episode is a plot twist and a half sponge and Patrick are sent out to spy on Plankton because he hasn't attempted to steal the formula in quite a while after stealing gadgets from Sandy they Snoop around and end up eating at the Chum Bucket but Patrick's laser pants destroys it and the Krusty Krab is also destroyed from a massive balloon at this point it's a pretty fun episode but it just gets better it turns out that Plankton was Mr Krabs and Mr Krabs was Plankton the whole time they made a bet that crabs could beat Plankton at his own game and he uh kind of did but then Patrick is Squidward Squidward is Squidward Squidward is Sandy and it just keeps on going it's so ridiculous I love how obnoxiously far the gag ends up going 5. SpongeBob versus The Paddy Gadget this is quite a unique episode and it's entirely narrated by Apache and all the lines rhyme with each other Squidward buys a Paddy Gadget to try to fire SpongeBob but he's still better than the machine it's a very short but surprisingly fun one to watch I was completely caught off guard seeing King Neptune again too in the whole Alex of Patrick who had to go p-line SpongeBob is one of the few shows that can get away with silly lines like that and it still fits into the show well 4. breath of fresh Squidward Squidward is once again fed up with SpongeBob and Patrick Shenanigans this time he discovers they've been sneaking into his house every night for years normally I'd find This creepy but when SpongeBob whipped out the memory book I couldn't help but laugh at all the holidays they spent with him without him knowing so Squidward sets up an electric fence and gets himself electrocuted by accident and the shock makes him super happy in fact he gets a little too happy and let's just say that SpongeBob gets a taste of his own medicine he becomes a better fry cook at the Krusty Crab gets to be employee of the month and everyone loves him SpongeBob gets upset and kicks him out of his own party so Squidward goes back to his house and gets electrocuted again wait who turned the fence back on anyway regardless everyone gets snapped and becomes a grumpy Gill it's so weird to see a Squidward be so happy and it really is satisfying watching SpongeBob go Through the Motions of getting annoyed and angry as Squidward for the same things he's done to him 3. roller cowards there's a new ride at glove world but sponge and Patrick are too afraid to admit to each other that they're scared to ride it and you know I don't blame them the fiery Fisto pain goes above the sea water for crying out loud that's pretty damn intense they end up going on at the last minute but the ride breaks down that's when they admit to each other that they're both scared but the ride works again and they just have to endure it this is a very touching episode sponge and Patrick were only trying to do what was right for each other although it is a bit weird that they're scared of roller coasters considering the previous Glove World episodes established that they love them also can I just point out that Larry randomly shows up and asks them that smell is adrenaline now that is Living Like Larry but we'll get to that quote later on 2. Krabs a la mode the Krusty Krab is kept to a cool 62 degrees and scuba turns it up only to get yelled at Plankton notices and freezes the Krusty Crab overnight the next day Krabs takes notice and turns his restaurant into an ice rink honestly you gotta give him props for thinking on his feet that is what you call working with what you got Plankton tries to steal the Patty anyway while everyone is ice skating and ends up revealing that he messed with the thermostat so he turns everything from hot to cold over and over until slipping up and the Krusty Krab uses the warm swimming pool gimmick I forgot how funny this episode was it is one of the best in this season Squidward ice skating to his heart's content getting his ass smacked with a spatula Patrick getting his tongue stuck to everything I kind of want to eat at a restaurant with one of these gimmicks now looks pretty cool one the original fry cook Jim the OG cook pays a visit to the Krusty Krab he's beloved by everyone except SpongeBob who gets a little jealous Jim tried to teach SpongeBob to make better patties and he just isn't able to perfect them so he feels like he needs to quit but Jim will never come back because Krabs wouldn't give him a raise so he went off on his own to be more successful it's super interesting to watch Jim and Squidward interact in the flashback Jim is the kind of guy that actually pushes his dreams forward and takes risks to succeed while Squidward waits for it to happen hence why he's still working at the Krusty Krab while it's always a risky move to start your own business when you find your talent and passion it might not be a bad idea to just go for it my favorite quote by far is Squidward saying well hurry up I gotta cry too this was a surprisingly good episode it's one that more people should praise well we finally reached the awful episodes not everyone is bad in this season it's very hit and miss but the awful ones really do get quite awful the characters here really start to get a lot more one-dimensional and mean-spirited and this only gets worse as we get into season six so let's just get started on it shall we 47. slide whistle Stooges do you like listening to slide whistles for 11 minutes straight you're in luck because that's what you get with this one fellas SpongeBob and Patrick get slide whistles and use them non-stop they're straight up being obnoxious on purpose they clearly realize what they're doing and are having a blast trolling Squidward I hate this era of SpongeBob I mean they're literally chasing him around town Squidward needs a goddamn restraining order when squid takes their slide whistles though they love it and convince them he has an ear for music shockingly Squidward believes this and continues to play for them with a heavy heart I hate to share that squid fell into their trap and turned into an [ __ ] too he goes around town terrorizing everybody for no reason and ends up stealing a gasoline truck that's driven off a cliff which forces him to breathe through a slide whistle in the end in conclusion everybody's just a jerk to each other and there's nothing else left 46. boating buddies dear God I didn't think a boating episode could get this bad Spongebob here is Squidward breathing so squid gets in his car to get away from SpongeBob also I just wanted to point out this animation error was SpongeBob's belt not being colored in it lasts for like 3 seconds so I'm surprised I didn't spot that but anyway squid runs a stop sign and he's caught so he's got a complete boating school to get the ticket off his record this shot a Squidward crying is how I'm feeling about this it's become painful to watch SpongeBob terrorize his life look at him Breathing heavily when Squidward is about to speak how did we derive so far from SpongeBob having any decency it's not funny at all I just want to punch SpongeBob square in the face Squidward illustrates what happened to the class and uh Mrs Puff wants to know SpongeBob's side of the story why does that matter at all but this is a boating episode which means SpongeBob has to drive badly and this time he goes through a couple stores and somehow shrinks himself and almost gets eaten off a potato chip and they randomly shrink back to normal size it randomly inconvenient locations random is funny though I guess I mean that's technically true in today's age but that doesn't work with the show by the end Squidward can't write down his answers on the Boating exam because of all his injuries and is forced to retake the test next week this was a painful one to sit through I'm usually pretty good at turning my brain off and watching stuff to just get a general Vibe but that didn't work for this one 45 Squid's visit if SpongeBob were a horror themed show this is the episode to exemplify that SpongeBob wants Cooper to visit him this is literally all that happens for the first like four to five minutes since he says no SpongeBob decides to do some house improvements which is replicating what Squidward's house looks like he ends up taking his vacuum cleaner and Squidward heads over to get it back however squid leaves a casserole in the oven and I'm sure you can see where this is going we watched Squidward freak out over how perfectly SpongeBob replicates his house he slips on cream and passes out with his head in the toilet and when he finally gets his vacuum cleaner his house is burned down so SpongeBob suggests he can stay at his place which leads to a complete breakdown of Squidward where he has dinner with his vacuum cleaner at the very least the ending is okay with SpongeBob and Squidward swapping houses but it really can't be understated how tone deaf SpongeBob is and they aren't even attempting jokes here it's just SpongeBob creepily breathing into the phone and torturing the poor cephalopod 44. the Splinter oh boy here we go this one was coming to us sooner or later SpongeBob gets his spatula stuck in the ceiling and ends up landing on the ground with a splinter he's not able to get it out and scuba threatens to tell Krabs so we'll get out of work early so SpongeBob does what makes the most sense and calls up Patrick who proceeds to hammer the Splinter deeper and dump garbage all over it like why does the imagery have to be so gruesome I've watched my fair share of Gore and gross stuff over the years but it's the fact that the wholesome nature of SpongeBob is doing this makes me very uncomfortable Mr Krabs ends up ripping out the Splinter but also gets drenched in garbage pus which is just disgusting if they made this one less gross it would have been okay there's a few decent jokes thrown in here I expect especially like Squidward's note calling SpongeBob an idiot but Patrick having no brain and everyone being so mean makes this a pretty awful one 43 cephalopod Lodge this is one of the few episodes I remember watching several years ago because of how painful it was to watch Squidward is super excited about something and SpongeBob and Patrick want to find out what that is it turns out Squidward was going to a special Lodge that only cephalopods can attend it kind of looks like a cult if you ask me but at least Squidward has something to cherish but of course SpongeBob and Patrick managed to get inside with no explanation how and because of this he's kicked out of the lodge and we're only four minutes in sponge and Patrick tried to explain the misunderstanding but just make it even worse so they make up their own club and Squidward just wants to be left alone he answers his door later on and is kidnapped to go to Jellyfish Fields to be initiated which involves getting stung by a jellyfish on the tongue yep I'm pretty sure sponge and Patrick are actual Psychopaths the next day he's full to believe he's back in the lodge but the box is just a chicken outfit SpongeBob and Patrick decide to fool everyone in the lodge there's an albino eel so Squidward can save the day but the morons completely forgot that they're supposed to be disguised it's not quite as bad as I remember but man it was still still just a disaster Squidward just can't catch a break and gets punched down relentlessly 42 do square pants are not the Square Pants ah yes stock footage of storms because SpongeBob changed his pants also Patrick doesn't remember SpongeBob's name now you know why not just make him forget how to speak entirely if you're gonna make him this freaking stupid anyway Patrick wants to make noises on the phone for so long that SpongeBob's laundry shrinks his pants down to a minuscule size so he buys some round pants and uh Patrick and Sandy don't recognize him have we really Fallen this far he thinks he has to start all over by applying to the Krusty Krab and he starts to believe he isn't actually the same person after a while it did start to get kind of funny watching SpongeBob insult customers and Chuck food at thumb just for the sheer absurdity of it all but Krabs tells him to take off his pants and he's back to normal I guess this one was a slog to sit through but at least it had a few funny moments 41 Professor Squidward Squilliam is praised for existing while Squidward watches in fury some lady offers Squilliam a chance to teach music and Squidward somehow manages to get away with pretending to be him and he doesn't have the greatest start he gets mad at a classmate Billy for asking him to write his name on the board I don't know why you're upset about that I guess Squidward does Squidward things but wait SpongeBob and Patrick randomly show up to ruin his moment no way I never saw that coming in as usual their obnoxious little heads that ruin everything they accidentally say Squidward's real name and the other students catch him to be fair squiver did kind of deserve it this time but it still feels bad it's just another lame episode 40. Plankton's regular why the [ __ ] did the first 10 seconds future Plankton ripping his skin off I did not need to see that and this happens to SpongeBob later oh come on a customer came in to order a chumpstick and he actually liked what he ate is it just me or do they actually look kind of tasty in this episode he's just enjoying it so much it makes me want to try one as well but yeah Plankton finds a customer that keeps coming back he even tells Mr Krabs about this guy which seems silly but I guess if he wants to rub it in he can he shouldn't have said anything because sponge and Mr Krabs tried over and over again to convince him to eat Krabby Patties instead now look I get that they're both in business but give plankton a break this is the first time he's ever had a loyal customer just let him have this small moment oh but no Krabs decides to steal Plankton's formula instead but plot twist Karen paid someone to eat the food the entire time I actually didn't see that coming but wow that is seriously messed up I think it might be time for Plankton to turn off Karen and get rid of her because seriously what the [ __ ] was that 39 no nose nose I'm really getting tired of episode it's starting with Squidward relaxing and sponge and Patrick show up to scare the crap out of him Patrick realizes that he doesn't have a nose and is very sad about this discovery he goes to a nose doctor and has one surgically added to his face and there's a montage where Patrick discovers all the different scents it's actually pretty wholesome until he finds the bad smells and boy oh boy are they everywhere so Patrick becomes obsessed with eliminating them maybe a little too much by adding candles in the Krusty Krab and destroying Squid's imported cheese so what was the plan to solve this create a slime ball so nasty that Patrick's nose fell off wow just wow sure Patrick was being a jerk but was that really the best solution they thought of this show kills me sometimes 38 shuffleboarding we get another introduction to Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy and they're scared awake awesome start not surprised at all a murmuring gets tossed around Shady souls and they end up in the hospital which means they can't be celebs in a shuffleboarding event so sponge and Patrick take their place after getting the trophies Patrick forgets that they're supposed to bring the costumes back and they start to believe they're the actual Heroes and throw children in jail in fact everyone goes to jail even Man Ray who was just doing laundry after locking him up the jail explodes and they finally return to the hospital honestly I was dozing off a bit with this one it was just kind of boring 37 choir boys you guys ready for another shake it on Squidward episode because here's another one to sit through I do like how it starts with Squidward having two signs on his door to stay out of his bathroom and it's also confirmed that he doesn't wipe according to his toilet paper it's nasty dude but alas Squidward is trying out for the Men's Choir and on the way there he notices SpongeBob laying on the ground all he had to do was ignore him and move on but of course he had to ask SpongeBob what was going on and apparently Patrick was gone for a little bit so instead SpongeBob and noise and harass the Squidward about the choir he's going to Squidward gets launched in a jellyfish field he stung a bunch of times and he stopped on the way constantly when Squidward finally arrives SpongeBob takes over the spotlight and nabs the solo spot that square was craving the whole time it's just a nightmare to watch but there were a few okay gags at the very least and the snail lady from have you seen the snail is playing the piano which is an interesting Cameo 36 computer overload Plankton makes Chums so bad that it seeps through the floor it's another episode where Plankton is scheming of all the character trait changes we've seen Karen in particular has gotten extra sassy and I'm all here for it Plankton decides to make a bunch of robots to replace Karen but it doesn't go over very well it's kind of odd to see him make such useless things when he was the one to make Karen wouldn't he have the skills to improve on what he's already done she ends up leaving him and he combines his new machines together to cause Havoc but when he tries to steal the secret formula the chord gets unplugged but wasn't he terrorizing the town like two minutes ago another stupid episode 35. house fancy we kick things off with some fabulous shots of Squidward's booty and he turns on this show called House fancy this house happens to be squilliams and after showing it off Gilbert calls in saying that his house is better the TV show host for some reason immediately trusts Squidward and heads to his place later that day and SpongeBob is here so you can guess what happens next he completely destroys Squidward's house with a vacuum cleaner that sucks up everything okay sure and when the host arrives he thinks the house is way fancier again the plot needed to shoot out some falling action no matter the cost but you know what I don't really mind the ending because Squidward deserves a win every once in a while this episode is okay but now that we're in season 6 the gross out shots are gonna continue to appear this one including Squidward's toenail getting ripped out of his foot it really does a great job making me squirm in my seat so thanks a lot Nickelodeon I do have to say that a hot tub inside an elevator sounds amazing and I want to see this happen in real life one day 34. pet or pests SpongeBob and Patrick are playing outside and they find a nasty looking worm sponge decides to bring him home to make friends with Gary but they don't get along very well the next morning the worm has a bunch of babies oh no I don't like where this is headed Gary chases off the Worm but the babies are still in the house so SpongeBob tries giving them away and nobody wants them until Krabs learns they're worth money you know I have expected the babies to keep multiplying inside SpongeBob's house and I'm really glad that didn't happen this one is all right it's just a little gross 33 deer Vikings Mr Krabs is offering a bunch of new sized cups that are all the exact same size but the Viking size cup lets you wear a fully put together Viking hat SpongeBob actually writes to the Vikings and one of them somehow gets a hold of it from the trash can so they come to visit SpongeBob Beyond All Odds and they start wrecking and robbing the Krusty Krab of course SpongeBob is completely oblivious to this as he no longer has a Consciousness just a strict personality he must fall for the show's sake but on the ship SpongeBob asks them some questions and he ends up being the head chef squid is about to get flung off the ship but they end up crashing the boat and SpongeBob fixes the crack with his absorbent body and that's it the episode just ends yeah quite possibly the most abrupt ending to SpongeBob I've ever seen dear Vikings is paced so poorly it's a fun idea but it takes forever for things to get moving this is one of the rare times where I'll say that this should have been a double feature 32 crusty Crushers an episode all about wrestling and it's got a million dollar cash prize so you know Mr Krabs is all in well he's fooling SpongeBob and Patrick to do his bidding who would have guessed that they call themselves The Krusty Crushers and Patrick has been working on his cheeks I mean look at those fine buns they fight and get absolutely annihilated but they're pretend fighting so they don't feel any of the pain this entire thing is kind of like the fry cook games episode but way slower paced and without all the clever jokes insults the big guys end up losing because of Patrick's Iron Butt and instead of taking the money they go to wrestle camp for a week I genuinely don't understand these obscure choices for altering the endings why do they keep doing this I really only liked Patrick slapping his cheeks everything else was very forgettable neh 31 Penny foolish after Mr Krabs goes grocery shopping he sees SpongeBob pick up a penny and he is fascinated by what he saw I mean it goes on for a few minutes after a very slow start to the episode he can't stop thinking about that penny so he tries to take it from SpongeBob after knocking his brain out setting up a movie theater and even a fancy dinner Spongebob doesn't have the penny look we all know crabs is cheap but get a grip on yourself dude come on in the end he breaks into SpongeBob's house to find it only to discover that SpongeBob collected a piece of gum which turns into a 500 bill by far one of the more forgettable episodes there's just not much here that's interesting 30. toy store of Doom SpongeBob and Patrick are bored and don't know what to play so they go to a new toy store they love the toy Barrel so much that they hide inside some doll houses after hours and wouldn't you guess they aren't fond of the dark good thing Patrick has night vision and frankly I would love to have that as well they start to imagine all the toys and monsters and eventually fight back with some bubbles after freaking out all night the store opens and they kind of just forget the whole thing happened this could have been a more interesting episode but it's really dull outside of a few action shots 29 Shell Shocked SpongeBob wakes up to a bunch of noises only to find Gary causing a ruckus and his shell breaks he tries to find a replacement in his house but ends up going to angry Jack's for it I love his line loud as the same is better which is funny since that's what a lot of YouTubers do too including myself SpongeBob keeps breaking shells in the store which equates to literally all of them he's not sure what else to try so he asked Mr Krabs for help and what does he do he gives Gary his body what am I watching I think I understand why the episode is called shell shock now because that was definitely a shock 28. Patty Caper Mr Krabs runs out of the secret ingredient for Krabby Patties but a truck is coming to bring more in and for some reason SpongeBob has to worry about this all right sure but I don't get my crabs as all of a sudden being so aggressive SpongeBob comes back with an empty briefcase so they try to figure out who stole the ingredient it wasn't Plankton surprisingly Sandy or even Gary it turns out Mr Krabs had it the whole time uh uh and the punishment is giving away Krabby Patties for free for one day this was a somewhat enjoyable one to watch but man what an anticlimactic ending 27. pineapple fever there's a big storm headed to bikini bottom and there's more skin tearing yay Squidward ends up staying with them while the storm moves through they play a bunch of games and it turns into a sloggy mess it started well with the tic-tac-toe but was just annoying after that Scuba tries playing boundaries with them but he gets hungry and everyone turns into mindless buffoons for some reason but Squidward's able to escape at least after falling from the top of the tornado bit of a wild ending but the episode itself had way too many irritating moments that didn't need to be there 26 nautical novice here we have another boating episode this time everyone is going to a field trip to the Boating Museum sponge reads a book about boating in one night and doesn't get any sleep since he knows all about boats now he tries to impress Mrs Puff but instead annoys her being and know it all he ends up turning on the boat but it was actually being pulled into the port for what feels like the 20th boating episode with the same kind of pushes and pulls it does have an interesting spin on it with SpongeBob being confident in his abilities but otherwise it's just alright 25 giant Squidward Squidward gets ready for his day and Patrick starts to eat his kelp plants but he has a bottle of kelp grow which happens to grow just about anything this includes Squidward who ends up growing to a massive size he chases sponge and Patrick around town only to get chased by a mob that ties him down so he has to prove to everyone he's a nice guy by doing a bunch of random chores for everyone in Bikini Bottom but after doing that he didn't say it blessed you when some guy sneezed I don't know this story is somehow managed to get dumber than it already was and you might think that Scuba could just get used to his life as a giant or something that would have been an okay ending actually but no sponge and Patrick make him a giant clarinet which just so happens to shrink him back to normal size this episode may have been incredibly stupid but it did make me laugh a few times so I have to give it that I especially like the random Mom pulling on her kid's arm to turn his legs into Wheels it comes out of nowhere 24. Chum Caverns uh Mr Krabs is chaining his customers to eat his food is that not going a tad bit too far Mr K Plankton tries taking the formula Again by digging underground he digs a little too deep and ends up trapped in a cave so he decides to make money by selling his jump down there and the cave dwellers help out it doesn't last long as Krabs comes down with his patties so they keep digging each other deeper and deeper until they get stuck in a pocket they decide to Parry the hatchet if they ever get out and SpongeBob saves them and Plankton immediately backstabs him to NAB the drill and dig back up but because of all the new holes the Krusty Krab collapses every character just feels very off I dismiss the old SpongeBob at this point 23. no hat for Pat the Hat Boomerang is a funny way to start this one but it's another episode where Patrick tries to get a job he lands one of the Krusty Krab by holding a sign to attract tourists but once he gets the Hat he's nervous and can't stand up everyone finds it so funny that Krabs hires him to be a clown for extra money but this only works for so long so crabs adds in a pie and as you can imagine Patrick is a hot mess the next day he's supposed to fall into spikes but Squidward and Patrick fall in and they're totally fine so the customers get a refund there's much better if Patrick Gets a Job episodes but this one is it's okay 22 gone everyone is missing the episode has a very dark undertone to it that I'm really digging so what does SpongeBob do instead of leaving town to see what might have happened he lives everyone's lives for them that sounds like a really bad idea but hey he's able to give himself a driver's license and his boat turned into his girl slash boyfriend but oh my SpongeBob reveals he's been talking to Patrick made out of Krabby Patties behind the boats back and yep he's officially lost it no worries though SpongeBob learns everyone left for national no SpongeBob day well I guess the ending is more creative than it was all just a dream the concept of being all alone is interesting and it's a fairly enjoyable one to watch despite it having not much humor at all 21 overbooked SpongeBob tries to do everything thing at once hey that's me Sandy needs help with a machine Mr Krabs can't put a telescope together and it's Patrick's birthday to say the least he struggles to keep up with all his commitments we've seen plots similar to this in previous Seasons but this time his Pals were being aggressive which is a little Annoying by the end they catch him and he admits he extended himself too much so Sandy makes a couple of clones of him while I like the episode making clones feels like the easy way out 20. the slumber party Pearl is an upcoming slumber party and Mr Krabs made a bunch of rules that Pearl's supposed to follow these are really funny if you actually read them no laughing and no eating after midnight that's a fun little gremlin's reference so Pearl kicks Out Mr Krabs and stays with SpongeBob for the night and they end up watching a scary movie about a slumber party going wrong so Mr Krabs going cuckoo like he tends to do forces SpongeBob to break in which destroys his house there isn't anything too remarkable about this episode but it was fun enough to watch I was kind of surprised to see crabs actually pay for a private party to make up for what he'd done 19. the card SpongeBob goes to the bank and throws a fit about how the bills look poor Quincy I can't believe he's got to put up with this crap but SpongeBob gets the money to buy some Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy cards he wants to get the rare hologram card so he buys all the ducks in the store besides one and the last one is what Patrick grabs which of course has that rare hologram card Patrick goes around almost causing damage to the card a thousand different ways and tells SpongeBob that he can have it at the end of the day I honestly feel like SpongeBob in a sense with some of my retro consoles I've got a couple of rare ones that I treat with lots of respect and care so I feel his pain it's very irritating to see Patrick so blatantly ignore what SpongeBob is trying to say it just destroys the card over time but Patrick only showed us one card he just so happened to have the other four in that one pack I was kind of calling this ending but didn't think they'd actually go with that but hey at least it was resolved quite nicely 18. sponge a kiss Plankton destroys his restaurant and brings in a Coliseum but nobody's interested until he says it's free to come in taking away crab's customers and Plankton actually delivers he throws out a sea lion that chases Patrick around the stadium SpongeBob comes in to save the day so while he's doing that nothing really happens and everyone is forced to eat Chum for 10 bucks a piece ethics not being considered this is a really good plan that Plankton cooked up all he needed to do was serve some decent food and he'd have some solid competition against the Krusty Crab the sausages that are around Patrick's neck end up on top of Plankton and the episode ends with crabs charging ten dollars for a Krabby Patty by threatening his customers with a lion I guess that's one way to end this episode sponge a kiss isn't the funniest but I still found it to be fairly entertaining 17. porous Pockets SpongeBob and Patrick find a shrieking clam that's choking on its own Pearl but they think it's a volleyball a jewel guy comes to them and buys it for truckloads of money literally so they spent some of it on a lifetime supply of strawberry gum and continued to spend money on ice cream and that's when SpongeBob ends up giving money to some guys that can't afford it and this somehow leads to SpongeBob building a massive mansion with his wealth can I just say how much I hate Rich SpongeBob's look he reeks of a creep with his puckering lips and mustache but can we just bring up that Patrick for some reason doesn't have half the fortune so he's forgotten about entirely not that it matters anyway since SpongeBob wastes all his money by giving it to other people at least he admits he was wrong at the end but yeah that's basically the whole thing it's not too shabby of an episode 16. gullible pants Krabs has Nails apparently and he wants to get a manicure but doesn't want anyone to know so he puts SpongeBob in charge while he's gone and he takes it very seriously and that's when Squidward decided to take advantage of him and tell him a bunch of Lies he had him doing all sorts of ridiculous things which is getting a good chuckle out of me it does start to lead on to the nastier side with scuba tongue SpongeBob to basically dump trash everywhere for season six this is one of the better ones 15. grandpappy the pirate Krabs gets a letter from his grandpa who's coming to visit to see a ship however he no longer has a ship since he wasn't making money as a pirate so they decide to make the Krusty Krab look like one the Montage of them making the ship is pretty goofy as well so is grandpappy arrived and how the hell is he still alive he was in his 50s or 60s when Krabs was a baby wouldn't he be well into the hundreds by now they pretend to say I was scubard making the waves and Patrick spinning water in Grand Pappy's face after fooling him for a while Pearl arrives and everything just kind of falls apart once Grand Pappy sees the outrageous prices of his food he ends up proud of him it's a very Charming story and is told pretty well 14. sand castles in the sand here we go again with characters ripping their skin off you'd think it would have gotten used to this by now but I still haven't it doesn't get much better with SpongeBob acting as obnoxiously as he possibly can with squishing people on the bus and poking everyone around him you know what I hate about this season I feel like I can't trust SpongeBob or Patrick at all if you're gonna be in nuisance there there needs to be a good reason behind it but now it's just I exist I'm gonna kick sand in some dude's mouth but anyway they end up building sand castles and get mad at each other for destroying each other's work the sandcastles get bigger and more expansive and it's honestly pretty cool to see what they come up with they end up building a tank and a freaking robot and the battle even goes aerial it's pretty nuts what ends up happening this episode really pulled a 180 on the quality it's too bad the first half isn't as good because the second half has a lot of fun eye candy 13. suction cup Symphony it's another one of those squibbard wants to be famous playing music episodes and it goes through a lot of the same beats however this time squid is supposed to write an original composition instead of playing the music himself and he has one day to do it as he's trying to write he gets distracted by Sponge and Patrick's Antics and when he performs he accidentally writes down everything they did but this is late 2000 SpongeBob so stupid equals good as he's cheered on in the end but honestly the piece it came up with was quite wonderful outside of sponge and patch sound effects as dumb as this episode is it's got one of my favorite adult jokes I've heard in a while Patrick says my job doesn't provide me with health insurance and SpongeBob asks what job is that with the follow-up being exactly I mean wow shots fired at the American Health System it does at least give a reason for all the noises they were making 12. Sun bleached SpongeBob is Patrick's towel I feel uh a bit concerned but all right Nickelodeon you got my attention Craig mamilton is the tannest man on TV while I love the character he's a bit of an [ __ ] as he makes fun of smudging Patrick for not having a tan because not having a tan and protecting herself from skin cancer makes you a loser obviously but peer pressure is a thing so they made their own tanning bed anyway and wouldn't you guess it Patrick Waits too long to get SpongeBob out of the booth and he gets Sun bleached they all get into the party SpongeBob has claimed a hero for being overly tan and they basically all turn into dust at the end it's so stupid but this is one of those episodes where the idea is so out there that you won't forget about it I don't really care about tanning personally but they did manage to make Patrick look pretty styling and this random guy promoting the extreme soda is so cool I hope I'm just like him one day 11. not normal oh awesome SpongeBob and noise Squidward right from the get-go so he tells him to act normal I don't get why sponges all of a sudden choosing to pay attention to what Squidward is saying when he normally doesn't but sure I'll go along with it so SpongeBob learns to be normal and he proceeds to act the way for most of the episode he's making Krabby Patties with the computer and even swaps his pineapple out with a normal house SpongeBob spends so long being normal that his body transforms into a popsicle and starts printing out patties I really love how they show this as a process you don't change behaviors overnight in its Illustrated wonderfully unfortunately sponge loses his job Patrick and even Squidward since he points out his nose is too big so Patrick retrains him to be weird again but it doesn't work until Squidward shows up as being normal I guess he really drove into squids insecurities huh I honestly wasn't expecting much but this was a pretty neat episode SpongeBob may be annoying at times but thank God he ain't normal after that just be who you want to be as long as you aren't disturbing anyone else 10. ditchin Mermaid Man and Barnacle while you're selling a book with an autograph session but SpongeBob is boating school in that day so Patrick suggests ditching class while on a bathroom break it's supposed to be a quick detour with the comic signing but he gets distracted by Patrick and his friends after a while SpongeBob feels guilty for ditching and ends up in a tar pit but survives because he has to return that key when he gets back Mrs Puff gets arrested for ditching jury duty it's a fairly basic plot but it's an enjoyable watch I love the hug Fest something about that event was just so out of place and that scene cracked me up 9. single cell anniversary Plankton forgets his wedding anniversary and she got him the formula as a gift you're not gonna believe how easy it was for her to do she bought a Patty pushed the thing into her computer and printed out the ingredients if it were always that easy why why on Earth didn't she do this years ago SpongeBob tries to help Plankton figure out what to get for Karen and they decide on a serenade the song that he sings is genuinely beautiful and brought a smile to my face the whole time he really put his all into it of course it was so she would give him the formula but Karen was so happy that she started crying and shorted out before the formula was revealed this felt a lot like a classic episode albeit Karen obtaining the formula was a little far-fetched eight a life in the day guys it's time to start Living Like Larry he bursts onto the scene on a motorbike going absolutely Bonkers there's some really impressive animation in the first couple minutes but out of nowhere Larry makes fun of SpongeBob and Patrick whoa whoa whoa hold on a second he's never been mean to them before anyway that moment is brief seeing as they kind of needed to be the punching tags to move the plot forward Patrick takes Living Like Larry very seriously while SpongeBob isn't nearly as Keen Patrick does a bunch of stunts and stuff sponge and Patrick end up making a bunch of motorbikers mad which gives them both adrenaline Larry has to tell them he didn't mean what he said literally and they all end up in the hospital there's something about the phrase Living Like Larry that's just so much fun the alliteration matches with Larry's character so perfectly that it's easy to remember 7. Truth or Square this episode is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the show and patchy is back going to Nickelodeon Studios it's got a customized intro that uses claymation and it's stunning to look at but the pirate gives me the heebie-jeebies we start with SpongeBob waking up to about 89 different alarm clocks he doesn't want to be late for the Krusty Krab's 11th 7th year anniversary I gotta admit the production is pretty damn high for this one the beginning Montage goes all out and really reminds me of how the first movie started but it is Apache specials so we go back and forth between him and the cartoon and it's one of the more tolerable patchy specials the main thing he does is called a bunch of celebrities for this show and we got some pretty big ones too like Will Ferrell and Tina Fey even Robin Williams makes an appearance which made me very happy but also a little sad patchy struggles to find anyone to go on his show but he does manage to get pink to sing a song which is pretty cool and the song itself is fairly catchy but in the end he just wanted to see SpongeBob so he floats his way to the island only to get eaten by a whale while inside the whale he reminisces on a bunch of old SpongeBob media which includes a few custom intros of the other characters in a 1930s stylized short then patchy is fired out of the whale and lands back in the studio I can't believe how much was crammed into just the patchy segments as for the cartoon there's not really much of an interesting story if I'm being blunt the reason to watch this at all is for all the cameos and visual variety I mean there are so many flashbacks that it's hard to keep track of them all but anyway Karen expects this day to be a great one to steal the formula since crabs will be so distracted for the anniversary meanwhile SpongeBob decorates the place and while they try to get an ice Patty out of the freezer they lock themselves inside so they try to escape through the air ducts but can't seem to find their way out as time goes on they start to lose motivation so SpongeBob turns everyone into a battering ram to break them out that's based basically the entire plot so again there's not much here but for the amount of effort that went into this it's worth watching at least once 6. Chum Bucket Supreme Karen tells Plankton he should advertise the Chum Bucket more and creates the slogan Chum is metabolic fuel this makes Patrick's head sad which amuses me more than it should have so Patrick changes the slogan to Chum is fun and it actually attracts people to his place the situation alert showcases some pretty insane animation but basically everyone is only eating there because of the slogan the food still tastes awful I honestly kind of love this ironic humor has increasingly become more popular and it's great to see it futured in this show too when the slogan starts to get old Patrick changes it to thumb is Chum but he gets burned out and Plankton angrily insults the customers over the intercom by accident this was by far one of the most interesting Plankton themed episodes I've seen in quite a while 5. grooming Gary if you've watched The Great Snail Race that's basically what this is but it's a beauty competition instead and in some ways I actually liked it more and instead of Gary spinning out of control he stands up for himself and the rest of the snails after SpongeBob goes to a pet show and sees all the snails being pampered up he decides to do the same with Gary who clearly isn't interested at all although to be fair SpongeBob should have brushed Gary's teeth ages ago those things are nasty but Gary starts a riot and SpongeBob comes to realize his wrongdoings it's actually quite touching although I don't get the ending yet again the pet award goes to Patrick who pretends to be a snail okay sure whatever and Squidward gets attacked Again by Spongebob for minding his own business but otherwise I really like this one 4. the class of trident it's King Neptune's 5 000th birthday and he decided to celebrate by going to the Krusty Krab not sure why God would want to eat there but you do you I suppose when they get there people are paying to watch Neptune eat but he doesn't get hungry because he's reminded of his son Trident Trident is his son that wasn't interested in being a God so he trapped him in a cage instead of supporting him that's really quite sad but at least Neptune feels remorse for what he did SpongeBob finds Trident manages to free him thanks to Patrick's help and when they reunite Triton zaps Neptune into a cage he destroys the city and taunts them but by some miracle Patrick unlocks the lock on Neptune's cage and that's when he finds out that his son destroyed the city making him proud it's very rare to get a King Neptune episode and this was probably the best one I've seen so far it's a great story that's paced well the characters actually feel real and it's simply fun to watch maybe it's a bit too long but I didn't mind that much 3. SpongeBob Squarepants versus the big one I don't even know where to begin because so much happens in this double episode for once it doesn't feel like it's loaded with filler but genuinely solid content and good pacing too things start off with the Krusty Krab being really hot because Mr Krabs isn't paying the bills he owes nine million dollars so honestly I don't blame him so they go out to the Goo Lagoon and serve Krabby Patties on a surfboard the only weird part about this episode is everyone acts like they don't know each other at first Mr Krabs introduces himself Spongebob doesn't recognize Sandy's voice the writers must have assumed this double feature was going to be catered to a wider audience as you can guess serving food on a surfboard doesn't forebode well and everyone gets lost in a big wave Mr Krabs is stuck in the Dutchman's triangle and the other is on an island although Sandy's on her own this leads us bouncing back and forth between three different subplots which is another Trend that started to become more common in the 2010s and it actually works well here each character is going through different struggles but are all trying to get back to Bikini Bottom Mr Krause goes crazy with him and his cash register until the Dutchman gets in the way and drops his groceries sponge Patrick and Squidward fail at learning how to surf so they're sent down a river to meet jkl this character is a buff as hell Surfer guy that's voiced by Johnny Depp no wonder this is a double feature jkl teaches them how to surf and get back home and good timing considering the big one is about to arrive which is the perfect wave and the only way to get back Sandy manages to build civilization in a helicopter to get back but gets hit by Mr Krabs cash register and crashes in Bikini Bottom by the end everyone gets back safe and sound it's a great way to end the episode my favorite part is the Dutchman getting stuck in Davey Jones Locker by the real Davey Jones yeah I had no idea who this guy was so I looked him up and apparently he was an actor and singer for decades but man what a crazy fun episode this was two the Krabby Chronicle well damn this one really came out of nowhere Mr Krabs buys the world's smallest ad in a newspaper to bring in customers he puts his ad in a paper that isn't read by anyone so he makes his own printing press and has SpongeBob in charge of press he's not the best at the job as he reports on Patrick watching a poll very carefully so Mr Krabs tells him to lie instead and boy has this episode aged like fine wine taking things out of context in an attempt to ruin someone's life for their own game wow imagine that after SpongeBob saddens tons of people he ends up writing a story about Mr Krabs himself this was incredibly satisfying to see happen Mr Krabs even loses all his money in the end but that's not how this one ends I guess the writers didn't really know what to do here Mr Krabs starts printing his own money and Patrick shows up with a mop dresses the pole uh oh wait okay I get it that joke took me a minute this episode came out right when social media was starting to take off and it's amazing how well it's encapsulated the news cycle in today's age just lie a little bit to get people's attention and whatever happens to them if you're able to bring in the clout in big bucks one Crabby Road this episode really brings the question how is this the first time Plankton ends up in jail after trying to steal the formula it took six seasons for this to happen which is kind of wild but anyway Plankton escapes jail and not even Karen lets him back into the Chum Bucket with this stuff is his guitar that's when SpongeBob notices and decides to join Plankton's band Patrick and Squidward end up joining too and after a week they perform at the Krusty Krab after hours Plankton has caught and sent back to jail my goodness was this a hilarious episode it really felt like one of the classic ones Patrick playing the drums on his belly his amazing hairdo and Squidward getting absolutely shredded I mean damn that's impressive for one day of work there's just so many funny moments I love that Scuba was so against joining the band until he started listing off all the things that could happen and pulled a complete 180 within like 10 seconds you know I didn't have to do this but I'm In Too Deep I might as well finish the rest of these episodes because uh wow season six is a lot rougher than I remember it being I mean the characters are just so mean to each other everyone's such a jerk there's barely any good episodes at all there was a few decent ones but the majority of them were either mediocre bad or just just awful and there's more to go I'm not even halfway through we're only getting to season seven 50. a pal for Gary while SpongeBob is at work Gary takes some food and watches TV all day but SpongeBob thinks Gary feels lonely so he buys another pet to keep him company Puffy Fluffy is not the kindest creature in the world in fact he hates Gary right off the bat SpongeBob being oblivious as always doesn't notice how violent Puffy Fluffy is and gets legitimately mad at Gary as if this is his fault at all the poor snail is chased around all night while puffy destroys the house but damn if Gary didn't try to fight it off even if he didn't stand much of a chance how can SpongeBob possibly think that Gary destroyed the house would he even be physically capable of doing that but then when SpongeBob finally sees what puffy is like he thinks Gary is in the wrong still what is wrong with you Gary being the Chad he is chased out puppy fluffy himself the least but wow this just might be the worst SpongeBob episode I've ever seen it wasn't funny at all and SpongeBob was blaming Gary for everything that went wrong just what a shame this show has become 49 stuck in the ringer SpongeBob is showering and uses a ringer to dry off however he slips on soap and gets stuck in his ringer then Patrick comes along and puts forever glue on the ringer the amount of times I have sighed watching these new episodes is unfathomable why do I have to watch this starfish be such a dunce anyway SpongeBob goes to work and he's taking a much longer time making patties and makes a mess he gets kicked out as you'd expect and all Patrick does is make SpongeBob feel worse and worse they get into a fight and now everyone hates SpongeBob uh he didn't do anything wrong the next day Patrick comes back to see SpongeBob in a deep mental trance until they realize that tears dissolve the glue and they both end up in the ringer together I remember watching this a long time ago when hating it and it's not quite as bad as my memory serves it's still pretty messed up to see everyone be such the SpongeBob for something he can't even control there was nothing funny about any of this it just felt like more of a waste than anything 48 the place the thing I like how the mailman is delivering mail to Squidward not at his house but at the Krusty Krab SpongeBob blows up some condoms to imitate Squidward and the letter is saying that his play won't be performed but lucky for squid he's able to enact his play at the Krusty Krab but he still has to abide by his job so as he performs his play he's also refilling drinks and serving food SpongeBob gets distracted by his acting and burns the patties which are then thrown at the both of them this is just awful this is very much like scroll jokes but cruel for virtually no reason Mr Krabs rakes in money for selling burnt patties while Squidward and SpongeBob completely lose their minds what a massive Shot Show 47 one course meal Plankton casually blows up the ceiling for the Krusty Krab and this cues a shockingly great action scene with SpongeBob firing peas and Plankton gliding around Plankton traps them and convinces SpongeBob to reveal where the formula is but Pearl shows up and he's terrified of her in fact he gets very paranoid about Pearl but it's actually Mr Krabs dressed up as her this is a case of crabs going too far Plankton literally contemplates suicide like I can't believe it really got to that length that really killed the entire Vibe of this episode after that Plankton scares crabs with a mime and SpongeBob projects some fake whales to scare Plankton off ah it's just everyone being mean to each other again 46. Yours Mine and mine Patrick shares a Krabby Patty with SpongeBob but eats the whole thing he goes on to complain about the meal not coming with a toy so crabs make someone with another Krabby Patty Patrick Hogs a toy all day and doesn't want to share it with SpongeBob so what do they do they fight over Paddy Powell for half the episode until they roll into the Krusty Krab Patrick eats it so Mr Krabs gives them one each outside of Patrick's music kicking this episode is a waste watching them fight over Paddy pal gets old real quickly 45 tentacle Vision squid is watching Fab and fancy in the middle of the night and his favorite Show is canceled so he starts his own called Squidward chat and yep he literally just called Public Access and got a show just like that however the show is filmed a Squidward's house with no crew that doesn't make much sense Until you realize it's so SpongeBob and Patrick have an opportunity to be annoying little twits because what other direction could this plot have gone it gets to the point where everyone at Bikini Bottom shows up and it somehow ends up as the number one show but Squidward is kicked out and the show continues on in his house there's definitely some amusing moments here and there but I'm getting really bored of Squidward getting harassed this is like the only thing that happens to Squidward nowadays 44. big sister Sam Patrick's sister Sam is visiting and she's somehow even more obnoxious than Patrick on his bad days she talks like a caveman and is super aggressive for no reason at this point I've seen 49 of the 50 season 7 episodes and it sucks to be ending on such a bad note Patrick and Sam decide to redecorate and she's starts taking things like Squidward's window and it gets to a point where Squidward's house is destroyed and this man is fed up with the [ __ ] he is taking a stand with a bulldozer but Sam throws the freaking thing and now SpongeBob's house is wrecked Patrick doesn't want to admit that Sam is a problem though but she ends up leaving anyway because she's late for a manicure God this episode was awful I don't want to meet any more of Patrick's family 43 someone's in the kitchen with sandy sandy eats a Patty that Plankton was attached to and he ends up trapped inside her suit and passes out due to a lack of water but when Sandy goes home and showers Plankton wakes up and steals her fur and tries to pretend he's Sandy in front of SpongeBob meanwhile Sandy is going around town looking for her fur and she gets made fun of until she finds Plankton when she gets her fur back she goes to jail for public nudity and trapped plankton in a mustard jar Sandy was never even nude she always had a bronze panties on the whole time but okay I guess stomp on her some more because plot I actually like the idea of this episode it's just not done well everyone one is once again stupid for the sake of moving things forward Larry doesn't at all notice that Sandy isn't in her suit doesn't have eyes and sounds completely different 42 the scent of money Mr Krabs is the kind of guy to hang out in a free parking lot just because it's free he discovers that Gary can spot money when it's nearby so he comes to the Krusty Krab to find Loose Change although this process makes Gary uncomfortable he starts taking change from customers purses and even downtown dude you're just robbing people and making Gary feel awful and SpongeBob has no empathy for a suffering snail boy do I love that I expect our main character to act like this now wow what an awesome character SpongeBob does figure it out by the end though and Mr Krabs ends up in the hospital due to all the arcade's coins it turns out Gary swallowed a magnet the whole time I was thinking it was going to end like that I just felt bad for Gary the whole time but All-Star really say the only joke that was okay was crabs parking in the free parking lot and that's about it 41 That Sinking Feeling oh would you look at the time it's been a about 10 minutes since Squidward got harassed ah yes it's time for another episode where sponge and Patrick choose to be brain dead he's tired of them running across his yard so he draws a line showing them the boundaries and they don't think of going to the back side to meet up again their idea is to dig a tunnel instead and they play underneath Squid's house Squidward still hears them and after stomping in Anger his house falls into the tunnels that they built this leads to the entirety of Bikini Bottom Going Underground at least everyone gets punished instead of just Squidward this one kind of dragged on not much happens and the pacing was kind of slow 40. hide and then what happens right away Patrick doesn't remember SpongeBob's name just why why does his stupidity levels keep changing so frequently anyway he forgets how hide and seek works so SpongeBob tries to explain it to him Patrick forgets he's hiding so he just goes home and SpongeBob spends the rest of the episode looking for him that's literally like 70 of the run time Sandy lends him some sort of pod to look some more and he takes so long that it runs out of gas he finds Patrick nostar which is the only somewhat interesting aspect of this episode it's very overdrawn and boring to watch 39. keep Bikini Bottom beautiful Squidward is in a super chipper mood just look at those dance moves but a piece of gum ruins his day a cop thinks he threw it on the ground so he has to do community service this cop is the entire joke of the episode he constantly shows up to give Squidward tickets and for some reason the gag doesn't get old even Squilliam shows up with a statue for cleaning all bikini bottom in a week so scuba tries to do this in a day with SpongeBob's help he keeps moving the trash everywhere until he makes a Squidward statue and this somehow melts the Squilliam one because it smelled bad this episode is so dumb the cop kind of holds it together like Elmer's Glue 38 you don't know sponge sponge and Patrick quiz each other to see how well they know each other this goes on for half the episode The pacing is just awful it turns out Patrick doesn't know anything about SpongeBob or he's just a bad test taker so SpongeBob starts the question if he really is his best friend and ends up crying about it even Sandy calls this out calling him a crybaby the show is self-aware of the crying and it doesn't care if it's annoying or not wow so SpongeBob starts spying on Patrick and notices he's hanging out with Larry envious he confronts him and it turns out Patrick was buying him a present you know if they've been friends for so long SpongeBob should know just how dumb Patrick really is maybe he isn't the real friend 37 the Inside Job Karen gets on Plankton's back about the Chum Bucket flopping so her idea is to talk to crabs while using a mind connector to get the formula he's launched into SpongeBob's Mine by accident and gets rid of SpongeBob's eyesight and hearing temporarily accomplishing nothing so he goes inside SpongeBob's mind with just a replica of his house for some reason I gotta admit it's a cool idea as he goes into SpongeBob's library and finds the secret recipe to be in the heart and this turns him into a little spongy Plankton this just got real wild out of no nowhere Karen sends him back but he gets attached to Patrick as well and he comes back an idiot I kind of feel like an idiot after watching this episode because I don't get it but at least it had some really intriguing scenes 36 the main drain SpongeBob's Grill is super dirty when that's clean and washed up he discovers the sink is full Mr Krabs doesn't want him pulling the drain plug so he tells some story about a plug out in the open draining the entire ocean now I'm sure you're dying to know why does Mr Krabs care about this well he and Plankton were the ones to pull this plug back in the day but they didn't tell sponge or Patrick until finding it on their own but I'm sure you can predict that Patrick pulled the drain by accident but still that doesn't really explain why SpongeBob couldn't pull the sink drain earlier but yeah that's the episode it's just okay 35 summer job Mrs Puff crashes into the Krusty Krab because of SpongeBob's note oh goody more of SpongeBob being a dunce to pay for what she's done she has to work at the Krusty Krab as a cashier SpongeBob teaches her what to do in the most evading way possible he forces her to take notes he's super picky about how she does stuff he sounds just like a fast food manager after rolling on a barrel she gets infuriated and goes back to her car only to rip up SpongeBob's note and dump it on the ground which a cop spots so she sent the jail and has to go to traffic school for in Lucky Mrs Puff SpongeBob is the teacher for that summer that's what the note said ah yeah look if I wanted to watch Mrs puppy tortured for 11 minutes there's way better episodes to pick from than this 34. tunnel of glove we found a rare specimen a glove world episode Pearl is there this time with her friends and they make a joke about how SpongeBob and pearl are dating embarrassed she goes on a ride with her friends but is forced to be with SpongeBob he drives Pearl insane with his babbling so she throws him on the ceiling and a heart stops the engine now that they're trapped inside it's time for Patrick to be a [ __ ] and save the day he rips out the electricity sits on a switch and increases the water pressure to make the ride waste scarier and more intense this episode was alright it kind of reminds me of the prom night one from season 1 but without any good jokes 33 back to the past it's kind of like sb129 but way more confusing Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy run out of gas so SpongeBob and Patrick pushed the boat back to their house as a thank you they get a tour of all the old memorabilia from their shows they say not to touch anything but Patrick starts up the time machine and they go back in time when Bikini Bottom was older they're at a point in time where the hero's younger selves are taking on Man Ray and as they're about to beat him Patrick eats the tartar sauce right when they need it Patrick please stop being yourself they leave the heroes in the past while sponge and Patrick come back to Man Ray ruling the world after finding the heroes cooking at a man-rate version of the Krusty Krab they go back in time over and over until Man Ray is finally captured but since this is time travel SpongeBob and Patrick keep revisiting this moment over and over again and now my brain hurts this episode is fine but it's kind of exhausting to watch 32 shellback Shenanigans Mr Krabs calls Squidward a pet drop the [ __ ] mic that disc went hard anyway it's bring your pet to work day and SpongeBob is bringing Gary tomorrow we all know how stubborn Care Bear is and doesn't want to get cleaned up for the occasion that's when Plankton drops in and convinces Gary to go on a trip instead so Plankton takes Gary's place and doesn't get anywhere with his plan he gets cleaned sent to the hospital because he's talking and by the end beaten up by Gary it's really funny that Gary becomes a bouncer but otherwise it's just another Plankton fails plot 31 Grandma's secret recipe Plankton is visiting his grandma and you might think it's a wholesome little visit instead he's taking your teeth and hair as a disguise and goes to SpongeBob's house after looking at old pictures they eventually get to the Krusty Krab Plankton sets up a decoy while he snoops around but it ends up in the sink and SpongeBob shreds at the pieces Plankton rests in Mr Krab's safe but his grandma randomly shows up to get her stuff back it was neat to see more of plankton's relatives but otherwise it was forgettable 30. a day without tears SpongeBob cries about anything that might go wrong and it gets extremely annoying not just for this episode but just in general for a lot of these newer episodes so Squidward makes a bet with him to not cry for the rest of the day he keeps tempting him but it's not working but right at midnight when SpongeBob wins he explodes with tears flooding Bikini Bottom SpongeBob's crying can go on for too long most of the time but at least this episode makes a decent story out of it and there's something really adorable about watching Squidward hang out with SpongeBob even if it's just to make him cry it reminds me of something two little siblings would do 29. the curse of bikini bottom well this is one of the weirder ones Squidward has a shed now okay and SpongeBob and Patrick find his lawnmower Squidward lets them use it hoping they'll get hurt but instead they run into the cemetery and mess up the flying Dutchman's shirt and beard for his date so I guess canonically this is where he lives I don't know if we've ever seen that until now anyway because his date is ruined the Dutchman turned sponge and Patrick into ghost until his beard grows back after a day of being ghost they want to be transformed back and help Dutch men go on his date by SpongeBob being his beard but then there's the ending and uh it sure was an ending the Dutchman is running away from his girlfriend because she wants to get married and she's got the world's tiniest Brawn I just feel very odd after watching this one it's so weird and none of the rules that they set up were consistent throughout the entire episode I gotta say though SpongeBob breaking his spatula to turn into a ghost spatula was hysterical 28 crusty dogs SpongeBob is shaping out patties and decides to cook one like a hot dog wiener the customers are interested so now they're a new item on the menu in fact crabs just removes Krabby Patties entirely now I'm the first to admit that crabs can have smart business sense but I don't understand this move at all he's even got scuba dressing up as the stupid hot dog SpongeBob is pretty upset so he's going out of his way to tell the customers that what they're eating is horse that strangely doesn't work very well so SpongeBob instead makes a hot dog explode and everyone runs out of the restaurant it's rare to see SpongeBob retaliate anything that Mr Krabs does and he even teams up with Squidward it's a pretty decent episode simply because the outcome is more unique than usual 27 new fish in town Patrick is running out his front yard for a little extra Moolah and Howard decides to stay there squid is pretty excited since they have the same Hobbies but Howard isn't a fan of jellyfishers or bubble blowers they play some music but sponge and Patrick keep giggling outside no matter how much Cooper tries to hide it he can't stop the noise so Howard goes out to confront them only to decide that he should loosen up a bit rip Squidward's hopes and dreams but good for Howard for choosing to open up this is more light-hearted than usual when it comes to Squidward being irritated 26. sponge Kano SpongeBob sinks with his garbage because of gratitude bit of a strange start but okay sure Squidward breaks his pipe and yells at SpongeBob like usual but he tightens his pipe a little too tight he's really not in a good mood today it's even worse than usual Squidward is feisty with all the customers getting mad at them over the most minute things but suddenly a volcano erups and everyone takes shelter everything seems doomed until a dolphin flying on a pole comes to save the day this is somehow the weirdest looking SpongeBob character to me but basically a sacrifice has to be made to stop the volcano and they must be the most miserable person in town guess who that is scored is about to fall into the volcano but SpongeBob saves him at the last second that leak and Squidward's house launches it into the air and it stops the volcano ah yes it's actually the most miserable person's house that stops the eruptions damn this episode went all over the place I'd be kind of down to see a double future that's volcano themed it was fairly interesting to watch like a lot of season 7 I didn't laugh at all but at least it contained a decent plot 25. the wreck of Mauna Loa sponge and Patrick are playing tag and they end up finding a lost pirate ship filled with loads of gold when SpongeBob is at work he keeps thinking about his secret ship and once he leaves with Patrick they pay with a Mauna Loa coin which freaks crabs out crabs Falls onto the ship only discover that it's just the Lost amusement park ride which gives him the idea of bringing it back to life although sponge and Patrick wanted the whole thing to be a secret the ride ends up breaking down and crabs gets rested wow that serves him right it's about time that happens for the shenanigans he's been pulling the past couple Seasons but at the very end SpongeBob and Patrick the real Mauna Loa so good for them I suppose it's not too bad of an episode I'm just glad Mr K Gala was coming to him 24. karate star oh wow a karate themed episode it's been a long time since we've had one of these and it starts off well with Patrick punching SpongeBob to get a fly out of him and Patrick dipping his fist into some cheese after watching SpongeBob chopping bread Pat wants to learn karate too I really like how Patrick has his own colored gear they made sure to not make it green since that's what Sandy goes with after a couple of moves Patrick is really damn good at karate in fact maybe too good he gets really cocky and starts causing trouble with the Krusty Krab in around town but then he loses control of his chopping so the only thing he can do is rip his arm off and it runs away so I guess it really was alive but in the end that ripped off arm turns into another body I guess starfish grow that way well not my favorite karate episode it was a breath of fresh air after a hundred Krusty Krab ones in a row 23. Rodeo days SpongeBob jumpscare hin and Patrick have a staring contest and get a letter for Sandy it's from her brother Randy and it's about some Rodeo that she's invited to she starts singing a song about the rodeo and it's pretty catchy I especially love this cow Trio look at them jamming out when she leaves SpongeBob is concerned about her because of a clown so he asks around and nobody wants to help him he even asked Plankton I don't know why this made me cackle but this shot stayed static for so long and he just casually exploded so SpongeBob kidnaps everyone via super bubbles and this [ __ ] actually makes it to Texas the bubble Pops in the rodeo and if this isn't the most surreal episode I've seen in a while while I really like the ending the rest of it was just okay and a little boring 22 the abrasive side SpongeBob needs another lesson from Plankton about being assertive he slept at the bus stop to be first in line for glove world only to let a bunch of people in front of him he ended up being late because of Sandy's experiment which forced SpongeBob to run on a mouse wheel to blend a smoothie why couldn't she have done that on her own and he keeps letting himself get pushed around by other people and doesn't end up going to glove world at all so Gary's solution is to order in abrasive which is basically an evil version of SpongeBob I love that he looks like a real abrasive sponge that's a really clever use of that this abrasive side doesn't just say no though it's also extremely rude at first I really didn't mind because all his friends were taking hella advantage of him but it went too far so Sandy ripped it off it doesn't seem like SpongeBob really learned how to say no the right way but hey it was a decent episode regardless 21. the curse of the hex there's a storm in bikini bottom and some eel lady wants food she doesn't have enough money but SpongeBob sneaks out some patties after feeling bad for her only to get caught so this old lady curses the Krusty Krab oh boy there's no customer showing up and all of Mr Krabs money catches on fire realizing the curse is real they find her and beg to lift the curse it cracks me up how she said I like men who beg so hey I guess she's a Dom but basically this eel Madame hagfish asks for a gold Doubloon from an eel and after going out and getting it she lifts the curse by removing the close sign that is so silly this entire episode is silly it's one of the more memorable ones with a few decent jokes thrown in 20. earworm SpongeBob keeps singing at work and is addicted to the musical doodle so he buys the vinyl and listens to it all night this was basically me and Lincoln Park when I was 15 years old he's so addicted to the song that it's affecting his work he's messing up orders and spilling drinks on people Krabs tells him to stop and to prevent any Outburst SpongeBob destroys his kitchen and writes doodle everywhere I love how this just turned into a psychological horror film out of nowhere they find out that he has an ear worm which forces him to be obsessed with the song squiver plays a song so bad that it drives the earworm away and by the end that goes into his skull instead once again not really a funny episode but it's got a fairly compelling plot that we can all relate to to some extent 19. the Masterpiece there's a new restaurant called the sea Chicken Shack that's driving away crabs customers SpongeBob goes in to check it out and the place is a dump but the kids love the giant chicken statue so squirt has the duty of making a statue of Mr Krabs and he decides to make it very pointy and sharp and calls it oppression this is going up there with bold and Brash if you ask me since it's not suitable for kids to play on Mr Krabs paints himself gold and uses himself as the statue artists have to suffer to make it and Mr K is learning that the hard way 18. cracked crabs crabs is nominated for being the cheapest crab and SpongeBob is going with to the awards ceremony they even travel there by envelope my favorite part is all the different crab designs it's nice to see a bunch of variety when we Norm only only get Mr Krabs he's worried about the stiff competition so he has SpongeBob make a testimony and he just makes crabs look like a good guy I don't know why crabs had any confidence in SpongeBob to begin with when he didn't even know what exaggerating meant after the show SpongeBob and Krabs exaggerate by trying to steal the hotel room they get caught and are applauded by the other crabs and that's how he wins the award a predictable yet strangely touching story 17. squibbard and clarinet Land Two key things to note about this episode one Mr Krabs actually murdered someone in two SpongeBob knows how to use the fourth dimension this is another Squidward auditions for music episode but holy [ __ ] does it go places Squidward wants a place to put his stuff at work so Mr Krab takes out an old Locker he has to share this with SpongeBob but he makes some adjustments and when I say adjustments I mean he somehow expands the size of the locker tenfold and I can't begin to describe what the hell happens in there squirrel was checking on where his clarinet was and he somehow ends up in clarinet land and there's a bald eagle that gets sassy with Squidward what kind of acid trip is this he gets eaten catches SpongeBob and gets trapped in a tiny room the mirrors start taunting him he's in a pinball machine a giant Patrick picks him up and it just keeps on going Squidward is sucked into a vacuum he chases SpongeBob through space and finally gets back to reality was this all a dream I can't even tell at this point but he gets so mad as SpongeBob that he traps him in the locker and tosses him on a bus to Far Far Away God damn man at the audition Squidward finds SpongeBob in his clarinet case I really hate how irritating SpongeBob was about ignoring Squidward's simple requests but Jesus this episode just went everywhere it feels like the writing process was thinking of random locations and things to do and then forcing them all to work together in tandem 16 greasy buffoons SpongeBob slips on some grease only to discover the grease trap is dirty so they dump it behind the Chum Bucket now can we just take a second to talk about how SpongeBob is driving this massive truck so easily but he can't get his regular boating license anyway Plankton uses this newfound grease and sells it so crabs and Plankton keep trying to one-up each other now we all know that too much grease is pretty nasty so SpongeBob calls the health department and they're forced to get rid of it as gross as this one can be I actually kind of like this episode seeing Fair competition between crabs and Plankton is really cool it's just too bad it was about outgracing one another 15. trench billies SpongeBob and Patrick are jellyfishing and fall into a dark trench with a bunch of hillbillies they're forced to go through an initiation which involves a music contest so SpongeBob turns into a banjo and they jam out for a good while this initiation takes a good amount of the episode they have to sing show off their jellyfishing and it's enough to pass the test to get them some free novelty tea the hillbilly fish are kind of Awesome they remind me a lot of plankton's family from season three but a bit more fleshed out sponge and Patrick managed to escape but are followed back to the Krusty Krab after eating some patties and Mr Krabs gets hitched it all settles itself out I didn't think I was gonna like this episode but the hillbilly characters played the roles pretty well and made for a unique time 14. model sponge I wasn't expecting the title to be so blatant but it sure was SpongeBob overhears crabs saying he has to let someone go and he thinks it's him Krabs was talking about a scallop but SpongeBob doesn't realize that so after Patrick chugs down some drinkable sausage he applies for a couple jobs without much luck I love how SpongeBob makes a Krabby Patty out of money just the way he did it made me chuckle but he ends up auditioning as a sponge model and gets it because he's the only one to apply you know this episode is a lot like as seen on TV only he actually gets another job instead of just imagining it SpongeBob's role is cleaning a bathroom for a commercial but when they ripped his pants off I thought he signed up for an adult film by accident Spongebob doesn't like cleaning the dirty bathroom so he goes back to the Krusty Krab there were quite a few funny moments and gags I also love how the hand is just sitting on the toilet at the end can we make a mechanic character please 13. walk attack sponge and Patrick get run over by welks that are also attacking Bikini Bottom these welks attack with the lobber you know the one from cuphead they're going around eating everyone and after Mr Krabs fails to sell them Krabby Patties the Big Mama comes in and she's a little teeny bit pissed off she eats Squidward in the entirety of the Krusty Krab these things are aggressive not even Sandy's tree Dome is safe everyone gets eaten but inside the belly Sadie discovers that they're really sick so SpongeBob sucks up all the bacteria and cleans them up that way holy crap this episode was intense absolutely nothing stood a chance against the welks they were completely Unstoppable it was a fun Watch 12. Perfect Chemistry Sandy and SpongeBob make a nut teleporter machine but it doesn't really work funny enough Plankton also made new machine that turns them into a gas cloud I love the random broccoli just sitting there with a towel we're off to a good start here he tries to get into crabs safe but is instead blown to Sandy's tree dome by some miracle so in a bizarre twist the ultimate collab of Sandy and Plankton worked together to fix her nut teleporter these are the kinds of things I want to see more of characters that normally never interact doing so on a thoughtful scale she brings her machine to the Chum Bucket so they combine them together SpongeBob is the test monkey and they are getting the machine to work quite right only parts of SpongeBob's body are teleporting and they keep haunting Squidward which was cracking me up this is by far the best use of fart jokes I've seen in quite a while once the machine is figured out Plankton uses it to get the formula but instead he's trapped in the jar without it this was a really good one to watch I want to see more weird stuff like Squidward and Larry working out together or something like that 11. the bad guy club for villains SpongeBob gets a tape with a lost episode of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy this one is about a bunch of villains beating up in bikini bottom but if you remember Army Man and Barnacle Boy 5 sponge and his friends were in costumes parodying the Justice League well this episode actually shows the real versions of those characters well some of them are missing and there's one new guy but it's still cool to see regardless and then they fight it out for a little while in the end the bad guys were just getting together for a book club it's so cute how the end of the Lost episode has SpongeBob credits too this is the short but sweet one it's got a little bit of fan service and is overall a fun time 10. buried in time Mr Krabs sets up a time capsule to be open in 50 years but Squidward thinks it's the most ridiculous thing and starts making fun of customers items Patrick tries to throw rock into the capsule but squid doesn't want to allow it and they manage to slip inside Krabs even throws in the formula and he just ignores that his employees and Patrick are right there while they're trapped underground they start imagining what the future will be like and Patrick imagines a normal ass city which is pretty funny but while that's happening Plankton digs a hole through the capsule and takes the formula with that tiny hole Squidward manages to squeeze through and dig his way out with his bare hands damn but since it hasn't actually been 50 years he goes back down okay you weirdo he proceeds to step on Plankton who at the end tries to poop it out what a bizarre episode it had a few jokes that had me giggling so it's up there as one of the better ones in season seven nine the great Patty Caper we got ourselves quite the juicy double special Krabby Patties have run out so crabs and sponge are trying to make them from scratch but can't quite remember the recipe so they actually do something really smart move the formula away from the restaurant finally a solid plan but they forgot to read what the formula is don't they just order their patties from some Factory I mean I guess not because they're going on a train to get the safe open and crabs give SpongeBob the key for it and as you may expect SpongeBob loses it almost right away so now he's gotta find it he calls out people he's met on the train and they managed to bust some other thieves but none of them have the key and that's when Patrick pulls it out to clean his teeth but Plankton is all also on board and manages to take the key and kick them off but SpongeBob runs off a cliff and turns into a goddamn hang glider man we got a badass over here it's not quite enough though as Plankton traps them at the front of the train and removes the lock this train just so happens to stop conveniently right in front of the bank I gotta say this is Plankton's best plan yet while he's getting the formula sponge and Patrick try to turn the train around but it takes them quite a while as they smash into a rock and almost run into a rest home don't ask how they turn the train around because I don't know either Plankton gets the formula in just like that Krabs randomly shows up to stop him and SpongeBob's train helps when a door falls and lands on plankton a lot happened in this episode This is Gonna sound weird but the whole thing reminds me of a hat in times train mission where you have to look for a murderer while a lot of this plot didn't make sense I stole it a good time watching the great Patty Caper 8. Roth spout Pearl is having a growth spout and gets very large and hungry she threatens to eat Mr Krabs money so he goes around stealing everyone food and for once it feels Justified because it's the middle of the night and there aren't any stores open then the next day she eats a Krabby Patty at the Krusty Crab and gets full from that this was a really fun one to watch there's some pretty solid jokes and the cops did a great job at being just as stupid as Patrick yeah they're probably the only part of the episode I didn't care for but it was fairly brief and it's mostly great because Mr Krabs is actually trying to take care of his daughter 7. Gary in love SpongeBob and Gary go to a snail Park and he falls in love with one of the snails but the girl sten's boyfriend gets feisty about them hanging out on the teeter-totter so when SpongeBob's asleep Gary goes out to find her man this reminds me so much of high school I left the house in the middle of the night a couple times myself to see friends or a girlfriend unfortunately for Gary he ends up in a store as a stray snail the bad guys are on the lookout for him and Gary eventually catapults his way to his Crush SpongeBob finds him realizing why he left the house only for Gary And this tan snail to get absolutely played this is a real really solid episode not too funny but I really enjoyed the story sick welcome to the Bikini Bottom triangle a bunch of objects and even Mr Krabs were missing apparently they're in the Bikini Bottom triangle which is just a massive island with trash on it a vacuum cleaner sucks the sky and grabs whatever it can for this place I really love this concept in general maybe this is what's behind black holes all along they find that there's these mermaids that are causing all the problems and they're just teenagers stealing people's things because they're bored that is hilarious and Patrick has a crush on them too man he really does have a thing for mermaids since he was also into Mindy from the first movie so Pearl tells these mermaids about the mall and they sing their song backwards and everything returns to normal I really like this episode the characters felt genuine in this one 5. Enchanted Tiki dreams SpongeBob and Patrick keep hurting themselves and making a lot of noise when Squidward confronts them he gets Zapped by Neil and his house falls apart on top of him scoreboard starts crying under his chair just wanting some peace and quiet and for once sponge and Patrick actually feel bad and decided to make some changes so when Squidward goes out side again he notices a tiki Paradise in front of him and man squid could not have been happier everything just looks so pristine and beautiful big props to SpongeBob and Patrick for putting all this together they actually made a valiant effort here in the tiki song is super catchy as well it's too bad that Patrick accidentally knocked over a tiki and everything burned down but it looked like a vacation so it didn't feel like it was supposed to last for forever anyway the Squidward Redemption Arc this was a really nice change of pace 4. the monster who came to Bikini Bottom Patrick takes a rubber stopper out of a toxic barrel and this creates a massive monster he is completely unfazed by this guy who's called rarg and they become friends for some reason it's really funny watching Rog interact with sponge and Patrick they're just so passive about the whole thing but he starts picking up and destroying their houses because he thinks it's a fun game so the cops try to put him around a fence but all he wants to do is hang out so rag runs into town and starts reading a newspaper but the cops force him to leave thankfully there's still a for him to hang out with Patrick he serves ice cubes from a mountain to customers in the Krusty Krab look I can't explain why I like this episode so much rag is just such a Charming monster and he's really fun to watch 3. SpongeBob's Last Stand we got ourselves another double feature and it's a surprisingly good one I need to point out that SpongeBob and Patrick keep wearing these stupid goggles when they jellyfish now and I don't get why it's like they're trying to drive the point home that they're nerdy professionals way too hard but anyway Jellyfish Fields is in danger of going away because of some Highway that Plankton funded by the city SpongeBob tried to change people's minds but nobody listens to him and the highway is built and it happened to be built right over the Krusty Krab and into the Chum Bucket driving Mr Krabs to sell his formula to Plankton but the jellyfish come back because they have nowhere else to go and SpongeBob finally convinces everyone the highway is bad to have and they get rid of it this episode drives a strange parallel to our real world where climate change is happening yet nothing is being done about it people tend to only think about contact Qantas until damage has already been done that's pretty much what's happening here too it was pretty heartbreaking to see Mr Krabs SpongeBob and even Squidward torn apart about what was happening it's not often you get to see these characters go through struggles and actually feel it with them there weren't many jokes but the plot was really good and even the song numbers were decent 2. love that squid Squidward has a big crush on a lady cephalopod that rolls into the Krusty Krab he struggles to talk normally in front of her oh my God that's so adorable but SpongeBob being the absolute chat he is talks him up a storm and secures him a date since it's been so long since Squid's last date he goes on a practice one with SpongeBob instead and honestly SpongeBob is doing a pretty good job teaching scored what to do and how to act but he's not doing the best with his manners and etiquette as soon as Squidward starts yelling at SpongeBob it's very obvious what's gonna happen next he yells and yells while his real date is right behind him but she loves all of it and he gets to spend actual time with her one of the most satisfying episodes I'm I've seen in a while and it actually made me laugh one I heart dancing SpongeBob is dancing and whoo he's got some good moves so good that a lady at the Krusty Krab wants him to audition as a backup dancer Squidward finds out and decides to Tire SpongeBob out so he can take over and shockingly his plan actually works and he even gets the gig does squilliam's show oh I did not see that twist coming it got me good this was a really great episode The jokes were funny and it was fun watching SpongeBob damn out especially with a ribbon like man that's some real talent right there I just love SpongeBob's face when he said who put you on this planet this just came off so sassy well we just got through our longest season yet and uh yeah it is a lot like season six where most of the episodes suck and there's only a few decent ones and a weird thing that I noticed is a lot of these are based on the Krusty Krab like that's just a very essential theme we're always in the Krusty Krab it seems like and as we go further and further into SpongeBob this doesn't get changed this is just like the theme of the show and uh yeah I think with season seven over it's time to move on to season eight this is a season I think I watched all the episodes like one time but I don't remember any of it so oh boy here we go 47 in spongyak wow what a detailed title card that is Krabs complains that SpongeBob used one percent more mustard than he should have and really gets on his case about it why do I feel like I'm watching pickles Mash with procrastination SpongeBob slept for two less minutes than usual which apparently makes him an insomniac so now craps is making them all paranoid and is being a micromanaging little [ __ ] as you can imagine SpongeBob isn't able to get sleep now and is overthinking everything he does Now by far the strangest part of this whole episode is this shot of SpongeBob going to Patrick's rock can anyone tell me where Squidward's house is it's just it's just gone anyway Patrick reads him a bedtime story and that doesn't help at all in fact he gives SpongeBob some coffee and starts hallucinating after getting almost no sleep he goes to work and after dipping in some mustard starts crying mustard on the patties and this is the correct amount what an awful episode there was nothing funny here it's just Mr Krabs being incredibly mean-spirited for no reason 46 restraining SpongeBob SpongeBob being annoying for two minutes and then he heard Squidward for another two minutes after officially going insane Squidward gets a restraining order it is about damn time honestly since sponges Squidward can't really work together Patrick is hired to annoy Squidward he annoys and harasses him so much that Squidward replace his SpongeBob with him on the restraining order why not just get two restraining orders instead whatever this episode's pretty meh anyway 45. Patrick staycation Patrick needs a nice break from his life waking up eating sleeping man that sure sounds like a rough life he got there maybe we can trade for a bit anyway SpongeBob suggested him to take a staycation I'm a big fan of the mustache hair that he rocks later on but otherwise this is off to a bad start this is one of those Patrick extra dumb episodes I mean he's drowning in the freaking bathtub for crying out loud if I wanted to watch a good hotel SpongeBob episode I'd watch Krusty Towers look I get the joke of the episode The staycation is being treated like a normal vacation but it's just not doing much for me and I'm just not feeling the energy from the plot with the pace and the line delivery Patrick's getting a massage and then Squidward gets one for five hours so SpongeBob goes to bed tired what's happening you know what just skip I'm just skipping 44 the other Patty Krabby Patty's self-destruct 10 feet beyond the Krusty Krab the thought of that is actually really terrifying Plankton wants to steal a different patty recipe this time from the flabby Patty the crabs also wants it so it's a competition this is pretty much best front armies from season four except crabs and Plankton aren't teaming up which isn't as interesting they keep messing up but their mistakes don't even make sense Plankton gets trampled on before sneaking in and just gives up instead of uh oh I don't know going inside after that happened anyway they work together to steal the formula only for the owner to be SpongeBob this is another predictable ending so it makes waiting for the payoff not feel worth it he clearly wants them to be friends and suggests they steal together so the whole thing is super obvious 43 drive through Mr Krabs creates a drive-through this isn't the first time we've seen a Krusty Krab drive through but this episode expands on the idea Krabs makes his drive-through by Smashing a hole through the wall the menu is written on napkins and there's cans for the microphone this creates absurdly long lines to the point where the cops are giving him tickets for turning Bikini Bottom into a parking lot so the solution is to put more holes in the walls it doesn't really help so with even more holes the entire restaurant collapses on itself this is a very strange episode I don't hate the concept but it's executed in such an odd manner plot points kind of jump all over the place it doesn't feel well woven together my favorite part was probably Plankton selling his Chum nuggets while people waited in line but that's about it 42 bubble buddy returns holy crap a sequel to one of the most iconic SpongeBob episodes bubble buddy brings a letter to SpongeBob and asks SpongeBob to watch his son while he and his wife are out of town uh this is what they're gonna go with immediately his son shiny is causing chaos now I get what they're trying to pull here shiny is super destructive like his dad was but it doesn't work in this context because it was way more subtle back then and SpongeBob was the problem not the bubble if SpongeBob would just stop letting shiny go please hold on to that damn bubble for dear life when they get home after a million excursions he pops him when he Bops him with another bubble and tries to bring him back once he's returned his dad arrives for five seconds and leaves you know for a bubble buddy episode it barely featured actual bubble buddy at all I'm a little disappointed this episode wasn't very good 41 face freeze oh no I remember this one and I was not a fan last time I watched it SpongeBob and Patrick start making a bunch of faces and Krabs gets upset and tells them to cut it out or their faces will freeze up but they just can't help themselves and keep on doing it I can imagine it must have taken a lot of effort to come up with all these faces as animators but there's just not much substance in the episode itself and there really aren't any jokes either after they both hold a particular face for a long time it actually freezes up wow who could have seen that coming Sandy tries to fix them and it doesn't really work sponge goes to work the next day and let's just say that his new face is giving him some serious problems Mr Krabs gets really mad when he finds out and then he gets the face Freeze and so does Squidward for laughing at them all just okay what a story this sure was it wasn't as creepy as I remember but there's just not much here besides the faces 40. demolition doofus it's time for another boating school episode the only notable thing to mention are these sick Ryan SpongeBob gets before going to class Mrs pup gets so inflated that when she crashes she can no longer puff up I've seen this version of Mrs Puff has memes in the past and I kind of forgot that even existed until now SpongeBob is once again a naive [ __ ] calling her Mrs pop and having no idea why she's upset God I hate watching these ones he buys her flowers she's allergic to force her to leave the room please make this stop for some reason the hospital has a demolition derby so pup gets the idea of throwing SpongeBob into the mess to get rid of him forever after signing him up he's basically Invincible to getting hurt even his car can't get destroyed after he wins the demolition Mrs Puff takes a stab at it and ends up wrecking her boating school I really don't have much to say the demolition scenes were entertaining to some extent but it's just kind of the same thing we've seen over and over again 39 accidents will happen Squidward twists his ankle at work and tries to give the ows a call to get some paid fines I guarantee the fine is like one dollar and I haven't even seen what happens yet but crab says he'll give him anything he wants to avoid paying so he gets the day off Krabs convinces SpongeBob to figure out what actually happened so Patrick helps because of course he does and Krabs ends up giving scored a foot massage with fry grease nasty the ows guy comes anyway because SpongeBob calls and yep the find literally was one dollar this show is so predictable sometimes but squid was caught napping on the buns and ends up massaging crabs this reminds me a lot of the dime episode from season 3 but way less interesting this comes off as a really forgettable episode or maybe I've just watched too much SpongeBob at this point 38 squid itis Squidward wants to go outside so he pretends to be sick to skip work he doesn't fool Mr Krabs but uh SpongeBob on the other hand because it's spooking sponge so much Squid gets the day off but later on Sponge thinks he's contracted Squid's disease as well so he dips his feet in grease as a cure uh this makes me a little uncomfortable to watch I'm not gonna lie after being told to go home school board doesn't get the time away from SpongeBob grabs tries to run the place on his own but it's just too much so after being forced to watch romantic comedy with SpongeBob Squidward runs back to work this is another annoying episode it's a lot more tame when it comes to harassing Squidward but it's just not very fun to watch another Super forgettable episode 37 sweet and sour squid Squidward drives customers away playing the clarinet and while he cries Plankton schemes a plan to get the formula from him he tries and tries and tries until SpongeBob suggests that he talk about music with him this actually works score doesn't thrall to have a fan at all and we get a fairly decent song number two even after befriending him Squidward doesn't know the formula so frustrated he steals the clarinet but since the music was so bad he gets arrested for it this is an alright episode I'm really starting to get tired of Plankton failing to steal the formula plots though I've seen an endless amount of them now 36. Barnacle face in a weird turn of events we get a good look at what Pearl's High School is actually like Pearl is a barnacle on her face so crab's big SpongeBob get rid of it and let's just say it doesn't go over well in fact the problem just gets worse as the Barnacles spread gonna take a wild guess that the soap isn't actually soap and wow I was right they're made out of leftover Krabby Patties oh that kind of makes sense so SpongeBob takes crabs jewelry and fills her holes with it so she can go to a dance okay that's almost more nasty I'm not really a fan of this episode just take Pearl to the damn Spa crabs I mean sheesh 35 walking the Plankton okay that's some clever wordplay I have to admit Plankton isn't able to show his slide so SpongeBob helps out the story goes with crabs and SpongeBob going on a free Cruise so Plankton and Karen go along to seal the formula although Karen doesn't know that's why they're actually going while she's asleep Plankton does his usual thing there's not much interesting happening but I am very amused by the free land food buffet is the same thing as usual plane tickets to Krabby Patty but is stopped by Karen what strangely has become more of a trend in these later Seasons where she stops him she's very against him nowadays 34. pet sitter Pat SpongeBob is invited to his grandma's house for her birthday but nobody can watch Gary Squidward is busy so Patrick ends up watching him I'm sure we're all reminded of I'm a teenage Gary but Patrick takes Squidward's spot although he does a slightly better job than Squidward did instead of neglecting him he eats Gary's food right in front of him as Patrick continues to neglect Gary he kind of just gets used to it once the house is flooded they're both having a lot of fun all of a sudden despite SpongeBob being super paranoid about what's going on when SpongeBob gets back Gary is reading Patrick a story in bed this one is really really dumb but it did make me laugh a couple times 33. smooth jazz at Bikini Bottom squid be jamming out to some jazz from Kelpie G and guess whose tickets ended up in Patrick's mouth luckily two tickets are being given away and SpongeBob wins them he's a nuisance for the duration of the concert as you'd expect but honestly the music is so chill that I don't even mind that much that is until Patrick showed up ruining the mood entirely eating both of the backstage passes sometimes I I just want to smack the morn into Timbuktu they both end up losing their seats and get kicked out but they sneak into the backstage room scored and sponge play music to try to get in and Kelpie G loves SpongeBob's ukulele playing so much that he gets to play with him on stage this is just another torture Squidward episode featuring soothing music 32 bubble troubles this episode is just nothing for five minutes it takes forever to get started sponge and Pad are blowing spicy Bubbles and after destroying Squidward with a big one they ruined Sandy's tree Dome and she's running low on air she starts to go cuckoo crazy as she only has a few minutes left and is barely surviving off air from the Krusty Krab ceiling Pearl's head and Mr crab's shell so SpongeBob blows a big bubble of air and puts it in the tree Dome solving the problem or apparently not because the tree Dome is lifted in the air from the bubble when the hell did this happen it was clearly inside the tree Dome before this is one of the most brain dead episodes I've seen but it did make me laugh a few times so I'll give it points for that 31 the good crabby name Mr Krabs finds everyone in Bikini Bottom that has eaten in the Krusty Crab and wants the last two percent to take a visit so sponge and Patrick graffiti Oliver bikini bottom with that message and it just goes on and on for the rest of the episode it's the most obnoxious ad campaign you can imagine but it does work when you see something enough times you're much more inclined to remember and even try out the product that's just how our brains work I didn't really find this one all that funny but the plot was all right I suppose 30. move it or lose it the Krusty Krab and Chum Bucket are 99 feet away from each other when it's supposed to be 100 so one of them has to get bulldozed I've seen Mr Krabs pick up the Krusty Krab many times he could just slide it one foot back himself but we know that logic when applied today so instead whoever gets the most signatures from a petition keeps their restaurant SpongeBob is asking around but nobody cares what happens so Plankton decides to pay people this aside for him despite not having any money so his plan is to sell all his inventions and give the money back for signatures that is a pretty big brain move for Plankton he's risking it for the biscuit but what he doesn't know is that the bulldozing entails moving the Krusty Krab one foot back and that's it that's pretty much what I just proposed I'm kind of surprised that's what they went with I don't mind this episode I don't think I'll recall it ever in the future but it was a fine enough watch 29 for hero to go Mr Krabs has a jar of seeds whoever guesses the right amount wins a free Krabby Patty I'm surprised he's not charging for people to guess Plankton wants to guess of course but crabs won't let him so he calls the bogus business for you to complain of his unfair treatment the BBB threatens to close down the Krusty Krab and Plankton guesses the seed count correctly after a bunch of stalling they give Plankton the Patty but he has to swallow it before leaving after Karen Cuts him open they try to sell it but it's just not the right recipe with his stomach acids honestly I really wish Plankton wasn't involved in this one it would have been a lot more interesting if some Rand Random Customer guess correctly and try to sell the Paddy on his own or who knows what they could have done with that twist 28. hello Bikini Bottom Squidward is playing clarinet and SpongeBob feels the need to join in some manager slash promoter hears them and starts singing about how great they are and hot damn his songs actually catchy the only problem is Squidward doesn't want a tour with SpongeBob and Mr Krabs takes over which is super lame I really like the new guy now we gotta put up with crab's cheapness for 15 more minutes because yes this is a double special after stealing a boss and Patrick turning into a roadie they get to a concert and the manager guy is there mocking them why the hell isn't he in charge you know I'm on his side let's just say that Krabs has gone off the deep end because he pawned the Krusty Krab for this tour bruh and they don't even go to normal concert places but instead the supermarket in a retirement home wow how impressive after making a fake sign for Ned and the needlefish Krabs manages to steal the spotlight at an actual concert only for SpongeBob and scuba to get a boot off stage again none of this would have happened if he hadn't taken over what a [ __ ] now that Mr Krabs has broke and they got stranded in the middle of nowhere Squidward quits and starts walking home but not before one more song which again is pretty darn catchy Krabs guess what he deserves in the end which is nice to see but otherwise I don't think this needed to be such a long episode there's a good amount of filler for an idea that could have been fit into 11 minutes 27. It's a SpongeBob Christmas I'm not sure how this could top Christmas who but I'll give it a chance at least this intro has some pretty stunning visuals reminiscent of Santa Claus is coming to town from the 70s patchy is the mailman and he slips on a fork and Spins out of control he ends up with a flat tire and is stuck out in the cold all night and starts hallucinating there's a cave which he believes has Santa but it's just a terrifying polar bear as dumb as this patchy segment is it's at least more interesting to watch because of the change in visuals the SpongeBob intro is also remixed like Christmas whose was but instead of beautiful opera singers it's a child choir I get this is a kids show but I would have preferred if they just reuse what they did for Christmas who since it sounds way better also this one episode in particular for this season is in widescreen that's pretty wonky considering the rest of them aren't but alright sure and that's when I really noticed the art style oh my God it's just like Camp Coral I bet Camp Coral used this episode's assets as a base they're strikingly similar while SpongeBob sings a song about Christmas he goes from place to place and everything looks pretty good actually besides Patrick being kind of slimmed down this art style Works relatively well it's definitely not as expressive but for a special I think it's fine but as for the plot Plankton creates jerktonium which he puts in fruitcake to make everyone evil it doesn't work on SpongeBob but it does with everyone else in town it's so strange that everyone wants to eat fruitcake after the last Christmas special made a huge point of not eating it but yeah since The Fruitcake doesn't affect SpongeBob Plankton's got a robot version of him that's evil and somehow nobody notices how different he looks SpongeBob starts to realize how mean everyone is acting so he goes to Sandy for help after dropping some fruitcake in her analyzer they learn of the jordanium and the solution is to sing a song I'm about halfway through this and this just doesn't feel like much of a Christmas episode I'm definitely a little bit biased because I grew up with the older episodes but I just don't feel the charm at all the songs aren't as good Santa isn't a mystery the story is rushing its way to the end and it's not completely awful but it doesn't feel all that special by the end Santa's about to give everyone coal until Robo sponge comes along to fry him SpongeBob comes to the Rescue by firing fruitcakes at it proving that Plankton was evil all along I can tell a ton of effort was poured into this but I just don't see myself wanting to watch this ever again 26. glove world rip one of glove world's rides crashes into SpongeBob's house I'm not even gonna try to imagine how that was possible but the fish want the place to be closed down so sponge and Pat visit for the last time you know after seeing so many Glove World episodes how cool would it be if one day Nickelodeon makes glove world a real place and we could ride the fiery Fisto pain man that would be awesome but as they try out all the rides one last time they're all kind of falling apart even the ferris wheel makes a run for it after they try to fix the place up it turns out glove universe is its replacement once again it just wasn't all that entertaining to watch people getting hurt on the rides is the only gag for the entire episode 25 5. home sweet Rubble SpongeBob's pineapples falling apart and I gotta say the visuals of it melting away are really damn impressive compared to what we usually see SpongeBob calls for Patrick's help but he's having a dream that he's working in a huge office I don't know why this cracks me up it's just so funny since he can only hear him through the phone in his dream Squidward also ends up helping by being the support system while Sandy and crabs help rebuild they end up making uh something all right but they completely forgot that Squidward was there the entire time while the episode goes along Gary keeps asking to be fed and at the end it turns out he was holding a can that would recreate the pineapple in an instant this is a Lot Like Home Sweet Pineapple from season one but with a bit of a different spin on it I don't mind this episode actually it was nice to see his friends at least attempt to help 24. Mr Krabs takes a vacation that's right it's vacation picture time Mr Krabs announces he's closing the Krusty Krab for vacation I busted a gut when Squidward rejoice and Hallelujah started playing and for some reason crap ABS invites SpongeBob with what on Earth is he thinking Pearl doesn't want sponge going with for obvious reasons and they end up going to the mint where all the money is made Pearl was not pleased when they passed Planet roller coaster I mean hey that place looking pretty sweet but at the mint the tour guide does his thing and Mr Krabs is kind of obnoxious the whole time he tries stealing the money then cries a river when it's shredded I swear sometimes he's got the personality of a freaking three-year-old but suddenly robber starts stealing the money so Mr Krabs uses SpongeBob to flick them out and save the day they get some fancy dollar bills that Pearl takes to buy some shoes this episode is all over the place one minute it's painful then next it's hilarious I don't know how I feel about it overall 23 the googly artiste Patrick wants to make art like SpongeBob and Squidward and he's tested to put some googly eyes on a rock while he's uh making art Frederick T nitpick critique Squidward sculpture and hates it and of course Frederick gives Patrick 500 bucks for his googly Rock in fact Patrick sells tons of these rocks until he runs out that's when he runs to the Krusty Krab and slaps googly eyes on the patties these sell so well that Mr Krabs takes over Patrick's business what a jackass Patrick really should have copyrighted his product this is a very dumb episode which would have been fine if it were more entertaining but it just feels like the story is forced to move forward 22 is sentimental sponge spring has begun a bikini bottom which means it's time for spring cleaning but Patrick doesn't understand why SpongeBob is throwing away so much stuff which convinces SpongeBob to become a hoarder it gets so bad that he's saving things like grease in his sweat so the sanitation police tells him to get rid of his junk or vacate his premises Squidward suggests taking pictures of all his stuff which is actually kind of thoughtful of him after getting rid of the junk the house is now filled to the brim with photos of all the junk in a not so surprising turn of events this episode is fine enough but it didn't make me laugh at all 21. house setting for Sandy all right I forgot Gary secretly has ultra realistic hands Sandy need SpongeBob to watch her treat home for the day giving him an extremely long list of things to follow gonna guess now that Patrick will show up to ruin everything I'm about halfway through these episodes and you can tell that fresh ideas are running low since plot lines keep getting repeated from older episodes this one is very similar to wormy oh wow Patrick does show up man I'm so good at guessing aren't I oh wow and what is up with making SpongeBob look like a damn zombie when he needs water how did he even forget about the helmet after all this time I I just I've got more questions than answers okay as you'd expect Patrick distracts SpongeBob and the robots break out and start destroying everything I gotta be honest this is kind of Sandy's fault for having all these robots for no reason but she comes back with a gun and shoots everything back to normal which leads SpongeBob to destroying everything again and a robot breaks this gun as predictable as this plot was it was at least an enjoyable one to watch 20. Fiasco SpongeBob is storyboarding and crabs doesn't care for it after personally working with storyboards the past year here it's very surreal to see them inside a cartoon they're looking for a gimmick for the restaurant and while that's happening Squidward spots Fiasco a really famous artist that draws surreal art he made something and left and now the pieces for the people to look at Plankton thinks he can reverse engineer the ingredients however so he attempts to steal it but is chased by the cops at some point Patrick and Squidward end up in SpongeBob's house and Patrick eats the Fiasco and somehow Squidward's in jail he literally did nothing I actually like the idea of this episode A lot it just wasn't all that humorous 19. free samples Plankton thinks he can draw in customers with free samples of his jump and he sure does while also managing to poison everyone with his sludge except Patrick who eats the rest of them up so what does plankton do goes back to selling free samples but claims that they're Krabby Patties I also hate how all of them have Band-Aids on them that's just that's the nastiest part of this whole thing sponge and crabs try giving away their actual Krabby Patties and nobody's buying into it that is until SpongeBob calls them new 2 and all returns to normal it goes to show that it's not about what you got it's how you present what you got well this episode had a basic idea it was a decent enough watch 18. Squidward school for grown-ups sponge and Patrick scream at boaters for fun okay when suddenly Patrick gets a beard after falling asleep Squidward notices and decides to teach him how to be grown-ups and mature SpongeBob's not really getting with the program although Patrick is only somewhat going with the flow this change breaks up the friendship which we all know won't last squid and Pat go to an opera house only to be greeted by Spongebob in costumes singing like an absolute God this awakens the beard which was actually just a sea urchin the whole time this episode's plot got really solid after the screaming Shenanigans at the beginning I liked it 17. oral report this random fish slowly falling out of existence summarizes my thoughts on watching this season of SpongeBob the customers are extremely hungry and SpongeBob is paranoid about public speaking he goes to get help from Patrick but it only makes him more nervous that's when Sandy whips up some goggles that lets him see everyone in their undies he brings in the class only for Patrick to clean the goggles which ruins them he can see everyone in their underwear but they also have Angry talking faces which make SpongeBob drive away get caught by the cops finally recite his speech and Mrs Puff Goes to Jail it's just tradition that she ends up in jail somehow public speaking can be difficult for a lot of people but it gets a lot easier when you're older because you realize that the people you're speaking for you'll never see again anyway this was a decent watch with a few good jokes thrown in too 16 a friendly game SpongeBob and Patrick are gonna go golfing well that's a nice change of pace except that it's raining and they can't go out so instead they make a golf course in SpongeBob's house there's a few moments in here that really had me laughing which is super rare in these newer episodes and the mini golf courses that were made were pretty creative it gets completely off track though when the balls are shot into Squidward's house they completely destroy his place since they have to play the ball where it lies interestingly it didn't seem like they were torturing Squidward this time since they technically didn't wake him up from noise as he requested also Squidward has Dentures I never would have guessed that just for the sheer novelty this was a decent one to watch 15. are you happy now SpongeBob really likes reading the work schedule book they're happy memories for him which makes Squidward realize that he doesn't have any SpongeBob tries his best to cheer him up and he really does put in a valiant effort but nothing seems to help it gets to the point where Squidward traps himself in his house for weeks I even got a little worried when he threw some rope up but he was just hanging up a scallop what ends up making him happiest is getting to rip up a bunch of paper mache SpongeBobs so hey I guess he found something that works well I felt really bad for Squidward it was nice to see SpongeBob be caring again and Patrick not getting involved ruining everything 14. Plankton's Good Eye Plankton hides in a pickle jar to get the formula but ends up getting eaten by Mr Krabs so Karen suggests getting another eye to help with his depth perception he isn't able to get his extra to work because he needs a teardrop from someone with two eyes and lucky for him in this show everyone cries all the time after growing SpongeBob's eye he goes out to steal the formula but forgets about it as his DNA is corrupted with SpongeBobs or as Karen puts it Neville he gets his hand in the formula and gives it back to Mr Krabs so he's got to get rid of that eye this role reversal with Plankton has kind of been done before but not quite like this and it's tripping me out the town thinks plankton for all his good deeds and after a solid hug the eye pops out I actually like this one it was a nice change of pace despite not being all that humorous 13. Super Evil aquatic villain team up is go or see the tug for short the lawyer from season 4 makes a cameo that's kind of cool SpongeBob finds Plankton crying because his doomsday device doesn't work so sponge suggests joining a club and making some friends which leads him to partner up with Man Ray SpongeBob tries to get help but he gets a little distracted by some old ladies at the Shady Shoal meanwhile Man Ray and Plankton are at the Rusty crap but man ray is addicted to Krabby Patties I also love how the entire time he's basically just hanging out doing whatever flankton talks to him while he's adding canned bread to a vending machine and he's just like oh yeah I'm listening you know I don't know just the way he's acting is so funny to me man ray is just straight up vibing and eats so many patties that he fails at helping get the formula this was a really goofy episode all in all 12. karen 2.0 Plankton makes another Karen right in front of the old Karen uh why not just upgrade the parts in your old wife instead either way Plankton is basically cheating and that's messed up man he throws classic Karen away and Krabs takes her since she's just laying out on the street Karen ends up working as the cashier and wow this episode has aged really well most cashiers are automated nowadays sucks for Squidward though that he got demoted to janitor Karen 2 and classic Karen getting an argument at the Krusty Krab the rent Soldier just so stupid and goofy they also get in a fight in classic Karen wins that's when flankton realized his mistake it's a surprisingly heartwarming ending I like this episode mostly because it was a story about Plankton that didn't really involve the formula for once 11. the way of the sponge sandia's fuzzy acorns visiting they get the highest belt in karate SpongeBob wants the belt too and does some tests to try and get it he has to fight Sandy for the bell and we get the sweet Montage of SpongeBob training although he doesn't get any sleep whatsoever he comes to the match exhausted he does so poorly that fuzzy pulls down the belt of his pants sandy is a little peeved as you can imagine it's really nice to see an episode that flows and has a lot of fun action sequences to watch they end up going to the Krusty Krab and thanks to SpongeBob working hard and kicking Fuzzy's ass he gets himself a belt this is the most lenient Sensei of all time but hey at least he recognized his talent when he sees it I quite like this one there's so many great action shots 10. Chum frikase SpongeBob is struggling to clock out while Squidward is disgusted by the Krusty Krab in fact he decides to run his own restaurant with Plankton to prove to crabs he can do a much better job job Squidward makes chum fricassee which is Grandma's recipe that makes Chum really tasty the Chum Bucket changes to Le chambuket which is almost as good as Chum as bum it's now a fancy looking place with Squidward serving his delicious Chum and everyone loves it Crabs and Spongebob investigate only to get made fun of and booed out of the place but the fame gets the Squidward's head as he starts serving the chum before it's ready the problem with it being undercooked is that it causes serious stomach aches the grandma says so herself so he goes back to the Krusty Krab as the doormat Squidward had this coming he literally had everything he could have wanted and got greedy what a solid watch it wasn't really all that funny but it was really great seeing squibber create such a big impression on bikini bottom 9. the Krabby Patty that ate Bikini Bottom based off the title this sounds like it's gonna be stupid crabs looking for Treasure and notices Sandy's giant bean it's super weird to see these two interact and I kind of love it the bean is huge because of a growth serum she's making so SpongeBob brings over a Patty and they dump you the entire serum on it to see if it'll grow and boy does it grow it turns into a goddamn monster it eats the freaking Krusty Krab in invades town I gotta say I was not expecting such a solid episode out of this basically Sandy flies sponge and pad to the Patty and SpongeBob has to touch it to absorb the entire thing which lets crabs do exactly what he wanted in the end sell an overgrown Patty from SpongeBob this was by far the most creative Krusty Crab plot I've seen in quite some time eight treats a commercial place for stale bites and that is the only phrase repeated in the commercial it's supposed to be funny personally I was just waiting for it to end because it was just kind of the same shots looped over and over but SpongeBob ends up buying some snail bites for Gary and his snail gets a tad bit addicted to these treats I mean he lifts 1 000 pounds with his eyes for some snail bites holy [ __ ] dude I'm sure there's something in them that makes them addicting but this is also SpongeBob's fault for being a theater it turns out there are no more snail bites not even at the factory where they make them so sponge Bob flies around the [ __ ] world looking for a box of snail bites I have to admit that's some serious dedication which is really uplifting I mean that's a lot of love for your pet they don't end up finding a box so Patrick actually gives them some good advice just say no and guess what it actually works perfectly I really enjoyed this one it can be difficult to say no to the people you love but sometimes you have to know your limits 7. mooncation and now it's time for Sandy's vacation slides because every character in this season needs a vacation Arc immediately it starts off exactly like Sandy's rocket from season one she's even going to the Moon again except this time it's for vacation instead of collecting samples the plot beats are strikingly similar but things pick up in the second half SpongeBob's cake messes up a ventilator thingy so Sandy has to climb outside the rocket to fix it then they end up Moon crater boarding on a real-life looking Moon which is a lot of fun to watch but SpongeBob manages to hit the fuel tank by accident they managed to make it back to Earth but it's a pretty close call all it's the kind of vacation Sandy would have wanted anyway dangerous and out of control in a way I almost enjoy this more than Sandy's rocket it's way more creative in a lot of aspects 6. the Hotshot a nice car shows up at Mrs Puff's boating school and it's some race car celeb dropping off his son for school this guy can drive perfectly so I'm not really sure why he's here to begin with but at least he's got a killer hairdo Mrs Puff has Tony fast Jr Drive with SpongeBob and he manages to slow him down and be cool SpongeBob goes to Junior's house and they decide to drive one of his dad's fancy boats it's really funny how much of this reminds me of my attitude as a teenager the episode itself has been really funny too I got a chuckle out of Mrs Puff picking up Junior to kiss him after what he'd done they run into another group of teenagers and I just love how SpongeBob's being completely oblivious to the fact that he's getting made fun of it feels like his old self he ends up racing these other people and gets caught by the cops and crashes it into the boating school it's interesting to see SpongeBob drive so well it goes to show that he just likes confidence which is why he fails the exam every time boating school episodes are always such huge misses or huge wins and this one secured a dub 5. planet of the jellyfish it's time for more jellyfishing but with a big scary alien that turns jellyfish into zombie thingies and these jellyfish can eat other fish and turn them into zombies as well the imagery is a bit intense can we also talk about the shot of SpongeBob laying in his underwear eating popcorn on the couch this is what living's all about I wish I could do this more often the next day we're at the Krusty Krab and a guy wants extra mayo and all the zombies get hissy with him I'm assuming Mayo's their weakness but I guess we'll see what happens the alien from earlier has everyone in sacks in the freezer oh dear God sponge and Sandy team up and start spraying mayonnaise at the Clones which dissolves them into nothing after hitting the alien with mayo things return to normal and yes crab son the freaky Gustav is a very normal thing to see this was a super fun episode despite its predictable ending with a lot of tension and suspense it was a blast to watch 4. mermaid and begins there's a Mermaid Man in Barnacle Boy Marathon but it's ruined when SpongeBob's house falls apart from a strong wind they decide to see the real mermaid man instead and let's just say there's some memory issues the story keeps changing over and over Mermaid Man got some starfish that lets him breathe underwater and Barnacle Boy had some Barnacles shoved into his body but apparently according to the show what actually happened is the most epic over-the-top story of all time they were eating some popcorn at their apartment a radioactive ant bites Mermaid Man causing him to trip and they fall out of their living Corners that's when they land in a bed of acid an alien knocks that over causing a wave during a solar eclipse on a leap year a bomb explodes launching them into the air only to get zapped by Neon played lightning and a magical Crystal that with wings comes out during an earthquake that flies them into a billboard which knocks them back into their apartment I I couldn't make this up if I tried the sheer absurdity just gets funnier the longer it goes on this is by far one of the most entertaining Mermaid Man in Barnacle Boy episodes 3. a SquarePants family vacation SpongeBob invites everyone over for different types of parties I wonder what's going to come out of this he literally just wants to Showcase pictures from his family trip like everyone else and this is a double special so there must be something here worth the watch and well bizarre things sure do happen Patrick goes on this family road trip with SpongeBob and his parents to the Great Barrier Reef and while they're sitting in the car Patrick decides to play hide and go seek this entails Patrick to jump in front of the window spin the car out crash through a mall fly up into the water to the point of reaching a space and finding a cow then coming back down right to where they started it doesn't get more absurd than that let me zelia so they resort to singing road trip songs and it's honestly pretty catchy you gotta love Patrick keeping the beat with Road Road the car ends up breaking down and they have to push it to the next service station while the car is getting fixed sponge and Patrick plan the playground and somehow end up going down a water shoot in a creepy kelpy Forest there's monsters all over the place so they keep running away 8. bouncing off plants and swinging on vines it's a lot more action-packed than I was expecting my favorite part is this random gift shop considering SpongeBob calls it a tourist trap and proceeds to waste all his money I honestly thought the gift shop was a setup for one of the monsters to get them but no it's just a random has store in the middle of nowhere that exists for this one joke after tons of walking they make their way out of the forest but don't realize that and just keep on chugging along the song SpongeBob plays is so soothing that the scary fly ends up giving them a ride back what a strange episode this was but there were some good jokes and it was a fun watch overall definitely one of the highlights of season eight two ghoul fools sponge and Patrick are looking at Clouds until a flying houseboat appears Patrick thinks it's all lame and fake so they walk inside if you pause the frame when the inside zooms out the floor looks eerily similar to the main floor in Luigi's Mansion surprisingly this is not the Flying Dutchman ship it's other ghosts entirely they got a pretty decent song number as well it's nice that they're starting to get better or compared to Seasons five through seven Patrick still doesn't believe they're real until the anchovy pizza which finally starts to change his opinion the ghost asks if they can pick up a head gasket which is the only reason they're in Bikini Bottom he's taking their souls until they get it I gotta say I'm really liking these new ghosts a lot they're really fun characters and it's a nice change of pace from just having Flying Dutchman every time so what does SpongeBob do goes to Mr Krabs with a Doubloon what were they thinking they tell Mr Krabs about the head gasket and this mofo goes to a car rips it out in the camera slowly pans out to some guy yelling hey this was the funniest I've seen in quite a while from this show but anyway Krabs and Sandy want to hunt these ghosts which seems like a bad idea and when they get back SpongeBob Returns the gasket and as everyone tries to escape with the gold this ghost opens a void and sucks them in this void is their own personal hell your worst nightmare comes true depending on what you desire the most Sandy manages to suck them out and it turns out the gold actually belongs to the Flying Dutchman I honestly did not expect him to get involved with this what a Twist now that the Dutchman has caught them he traps everybody in the void working at the Krusty Krab for forever what a wild episode this was it was by far one of the most entertaining double specials in some time one Frozen Face-Off and it's time for yet another Double Trouble Delight there's a slay race happening with a one million dollar cash prize I like seeing everyone's versions of the slays too Patrick's gummy worms are of course the best Plankton is pretending to be in the race too but is instead using it as an escape goat to reach the formula the race goes on for a bit and it's not going too well in fact everyone ends up in SpongeBob's sleigh and gets trapped in a snowy dead end not even Squid's hilarious imported snail was a success that's when the gang meets The Abominable sea Mollusk this guy's design is really badass sponge and Friends managed to escape but they forgot Squidward so as they're going back Mr Krabs escapes to try to win the race but eventually everyone gets frozen except Sandy who has to unthaw them using the wood of the sleigh this story is going everywhere and I love how insane it gets Karen admits that Plankton set up the whole race to steal the formula and when they finally get back he actually manages to steal it that's pretty crazy Plankton has a legitimate success for once in his life unfortunately for him he doesn't know how bottle openers work and ends up in the Abominable Seymour stomach as he's mistaken for a jelly bean this was by far one of the most interesting snowy SpongeBob episodes I've seen since the original Three Seasons it had me laughing several times and the best part was Plankton splitting an atom and there's just this big ass explosion it's time so impeccably this episode is actually worth watching well at least SpongeBob's getting funnier again I mean season 8 is definitely better than six or seven but a lot of the problems from six and seven are still in season 8 but at the very least I'm laughing at the jokes again so it feels like things might be taking a turn for the better you know now that we're getting into season 9 we're officially having widescreen for everything the double specials were really good in season eight so maybe we'll see that in season nine let's see how it goes 49 SpongeBob you're fired time for another double special this time Mr Krabs fires SpongeBob to save a nickel there has to be more to this right I mean he literally makes the food I I just my brain can't handle how stupid this decision is and crabs reasoning and SpongeBob cries for several minutes my God this is such a waste Patrick introduces him to being unemployed and SpongeBob is a mess I mean I would be too I can't stand not working on something so Sandy tells him to find new work and he goes to Weenie Hut Juniors another fun callback he makes weenie patties and gets fired for doing so man the ending is so freaking predictable we all know what's gonna happen why is this over 20 minutes long anyway he keeps getting fired making his own version of food so he comes home and makes Gary homemade snail Poe which is apparently super delicious all the custom food he made has the owner is trying to force him back to work since the customers liked it so much and then a Krabby Patty suit comes in to save the day if I had to guess it's squidwarding yep it was in SpongeBob got his job back you know it would have been a cool twist if SpongeBob sold his homemade snailpo and made his own business but instead it's the most uninspired ending of all time 48 Yeti crabs Squidward is doing nothing at work while SpongeBob is doing a bunch of chores I was kind of surprised to see an actual reference to the gift of gum huh can't wait for the Splinter to get a reference in the future but basically Krabs talks about the yeti crab who feeds on lazy workers and wow he's actually real it turns out he just wanted a Krabby Patty this is the most nothing episode I've seen yet next 47 Mutiny on the Krusty we've got a ripped current coming through and Krabs is not concerned about it in fact he's not letting anyone leave unless they spend money see this is what I'm talking about when Krabs goes way too overboard with his greed it's not fun to watch him be a dick all the time as this is happening the current picks up the Krusty Krab and SpongeBob turns the place into a ship but Krabs is stuck in a barrel and gets launched outside so Squidward becomes captain and they land in some exotic place with a monster he ends up getting eaten and crabs returns but is in a pissy mood because nobody will pay him to help this is as bad as SpongeBob having no sympathy for Gary when he was about to be eaten he's being so obnoxiously greedy that all you can do is hate him he only ends up helping because SpongeBob threatens to spend his first time and then crabs beats up the monster this episode was awful it wasn't funny at all and the whole thing is a mess 46 little yellow book SpongeBob is writing in his diary and doesn't want Squidward to see what's inside after fooling him to make a delivery he reads it in a surprise that SpongeBob is delusional since when is this news to you Squid gets into the nitty-gritty and starts exposing SpongeBob's secrets to the public while this is happening SpongeBob takes a bubble break instead of a smoke break holy [ __ ] this had me cackling that is so damn goofy eventually though SpongeBob finds out that Squidward was reading his diary out loud and gets super upset unlike in fools in April Squidward has no remorse and I mean no remorse he loses his damn house because of this and is even chained out in public and despite all that he still doesn't care and reads SpongeBob's secret personal diary there were a few good jokes in here but wow Squidward really went off the deep end I think all that harassment he got the past few seasons broken for good 45 lost in Bikini Bottom SpongeBob wants to take a shortcut to work despite it literally being in bird's eye view he tries to find it and gets lost so he spends the rest of the episode finding his way back he's covered in trash though so sponges told to go home and Squidward tries to make himself dirty so he can go home welp that sure was the episode of SpongeBob that yeah that was an episode all right 44. it came from Goo Lagoon we start off in Goo Lagoon and sponge and Patrick are floating on bubbles after bouncing on them for a while Sandy comes out in a robot suit warning of how dangerous they are but nobody gives a [ __ ] about what she's saying which is really odd because people usually listen to her about these kinds of things but anyway Plankton makes it worse by allowing more goo to come from the bottom of the ocean and forms a massive bubble he manages to take control of it and actually gets pretty far with his plan of blackmailing crab for the formula SpongeBob fights back with a massive Macho bubble dude that launches Plankton and the bubble to space but they bounce off the moon and come back as if nothing happened so Krabs gives in to save the town by handing the formula to Plankton he pops the bubble anyway and the formula has TNT in it why was this a double feature this ending is so lame it reminds me of Patrick's Gumball but it affects everybody instead of just one street literally all that happened is the town got covered in goo it doesn't seem to actually be toxic this was a pretty met episode all around 43. squid baby Squidward is relaxing I wonder what'll happen next uh-huh here we go this time sponge and Patrick are pretending to be babies as Squidward scolds them he trips in a toy car and smashes his head which turns his brain into a baby the doctor says that he has to re-age so I guess SpongeBob and Patrick have to take care of him now they do a pretty awful job at this they're supposed to protect his head but do everything they can to injure him instead this episode is is not very good overall but it does have a couple funny moments once Squidward is at the Krusty Krab and is given a pen and paper he starts drawing all over them and even on the customer's faces something about this part was cracking me up but this all ends with getting cured with a bunch of ice cubes on his head so like any injury just use ice or you'll turn into a baby yeah that's the lesson here I don't know I'm not really a fan of this episode especially with Mr Krabs being such a dick like he always is in these recent Seasons 42 Tudor sauce I know these episodes are ranked worse the best but I've been watching them in order and I swear this is like the seventh Krusty Krab themed episode I am so tired of this someone orders a Krabby Patty only made out of patties for the same price as a normal one and crabs freaks out it turns out that SpongeBob failed his boating exam and he's just in a bad mood messing things up so Mr Krabs decides to teach SpongeBob himself and it goes swimmingly as you can see by Mr Krab's rear view mirror nothing all that interesting happens but man is it nice to see Mr Krabs act kind again he's actually thinking about someone else besides himself for once well kind of but yeah SpongeBob keeps messing up so Krabs as Gary drive to show him how he can do it he gets caught and is forced back to boating school so I guess this wasn't exactly a Krusty Krab episode but nothing interesting happened it's SpongeBob failing again but Krabs is the teacher instead of Mrs Puff 41. lame and Fortune cargo drops behind SpongeBob's house filled with fortune cookies he takes them to the Krusty Krab of course and Squidward wins a bunch of money for being miserable and crab takes it from him I swear to God he really has become the worst character in this show but alas the fortune cookies are actually coming true for everyone even Fred the infamous my leg guy so what must happen next Plankton writes a bunch of mean stuff on fortune cookies and replaces them with the real ones this plan works so well that he convinces crowns he's gonna die if he doesn't give him the formula as SpongeBob tries to hand it over in the sea of people he gets so impatient that he admits The Fortunes were all lies why the hell did he do that that's seriously How This Ends why didn't Mr Krabs and SpongeBob make up their own fortune cookie lies lame and Fortune this episode is pretty lame 40 sold Patrick discovers what scams are and believes he's forced to move out of his house from the guy in the commercial it even fools SpongeBob so they move out Squidward is pretty damn happy about this change but he only gets about two days of Peace before sponge and Pat want to visit scuba tries to draw them away without any success he tries to fool them by pretending other people live there but he gives up and explains that the guy on TV flips houses for profit so of course sponge and Patrick flip his house how thoughtful of them I feel like I've seen this type of plot tons of times next 39. pineapple Invasion Plankton try steel formula fails this time he uses a skunk that is oh that's nasty dude the skunk manages to reach the entirety of bikini bottom so crap decides to give SpongeBob the formula for safekeeping I'm pretty sure there's been a story similar to this one but I'm like 300ish episodes in so I I can't remember anymore Plankton finds out what's going on and manages to get in SpongeBob's house destroying the place Gary tries to protect it but can only do so much until he goes all Home Alone on him Gary shell is also a fourth dimension like guys I'm telling you SpongeBob's universe is crazy when SpongeBob gets home the formula is safe on top of the TV and they find Plankton and Gary's shell this is just another Plankton fails episode I'm really getting tired of these 38 company picnic SpongeBob is making a story up with a bunch of patties Mr Crab suggests that instead of wasting time with them he makes unpaid workers but Pete is being unproductive so SpongeBob suggests a picnic man you know this show has officially gone on for too long this is an actual plot about Patty's coming to life and they don't want to work the cow's milk isn't just dried up it's now been filled with dust and bad ideas so Krabs decides the picnic is a good idea and the blanket is a bunch of toilet paper while the food is condiments I am not surprised by any of this Plankton comes along with his chompany picnic Which is far superior to what crabs has not that that would have been much of a challenge but Squidward and crabs are into it that is until SpongeBob discovers everything is a hologram I am not sure how that works exactly but I wasn't expecting that twist so hey big props there this episode really picked up once the picnic stuff began but it's still just Plankton failing to get the formula yet again 37 Bumper to Bumper oh boy another boating school episode The Only Thing Worth mentioning are these guys that think they're watching a 3D show pretty amusing I have to admit I think even the show is aware of how often they use this plot though Mrs Puff is on parole because of all the things that have happened to her in the past her idea is for SpongeBob to take the test somewhere else entirely yeah she's going to jail calling it right now calling it this idea of hers actually works until SpongeBob ends up getting off the road and then somehow back on and he Parks perfectly but hey as I predicted she gets caught crossing the county line She Goes to Jail kind of a boring episode all around like I see an attempt at doing something different here but it wasn't enough 36 food con Castaways there's a food con happening tomorrow and crabs wants to win the golden Cornucopia sponge and Pat are annoying as hell in the car and they accidentally crashed the car that flies through a tornado into the middle of nowhere and Patrick had all the Food Supplies besides one Krabby Patty so now they have to travel by foot and end up getting lost in a scary Forest everybody is super hungry but SpongeBob does everything he can to keep the Patty safe and after getting chased he finds food con he accidentally gives the judge the nature Patty while Patrick eats the real one but the judge loves it anyway we've had a few road trip themed episodes in the past this one was just okay I just wasn't that invested or interested in what was going on we already know how the ending's gonna go so who cares 35. what's eating Patrick the Krusty Krab is having founders day it's kneading contest but the guy McNulty is only gonna need to eat one patty to win that is until Patrick shows up he's eating a bunch of patties but Krabs tells him to stop tasting them so we'll eat faster this isn't Fun for Pat but he does it for a little boy that broke his foot the contest begins they both eat like crazy but Patrick clutches it out and needs one more Patty than he does this episode is fine it's not all that funny but at least it was something a little bit fresh 34. snail mail SpongeBob is bored because Patrick is gone so SpongeBob writes a pen pal however there's a misspelling in the pen pal thinks he can't fly so SpongeBob decides to learn how to fly since he's dying yeah SpongeBob didn't read the rest of the note I guarantee that's what happened he goes to Sandy for help and she tries to teach him to fly it's good enough I suppose he manages to actually fly and discovers the pen Palace Patrick wow I can't believe it and hey he even had a second page that SpongeBob didn't read whoa the flying scenes were admittedly pretty entertaining especially the badminton on the plane but this is honestly just another met episode it's predictable from the very beginning and it kind of just drags on for most of it 33 the executive treatment the Krusty Krab is selling executive treatment patties they're literally the same thing as regular patties but they cost more that's a very Mr Krabs move Patrick wants this special Patty but isn't an executive so he buys a bunch of crap to get it only to be stormed out of the restaurant and sent to business Industries it is hilarious how this entire time literally nothing about what the business said is disgust it's just the business and that's all we get but the episode quickly turned into Patrick pretends to work there does nothing goes to jail then breaks out by putting his disguise on again I don't know what I'm supposed to say it's just straight up dumb 32. eek in urchin SpongeBob freaks out over an urchin and they're trying to get it out of the restaurant even Plankton decides to help I guess urchins are really bad if it's coming to this no matter what they do though they are not able to kill the damn thing so they dress up Plankton as a lady urchin this lure is not only the one they found but hundreds of them out from hiding so Squidward turns down the thermostat to freeze them all and that helps get rid of them SpongeBob brings the urchins far are far away from the Krusty Krab in fact so far that he ends up back at the entrance this episode is also pretty dumb the only redeemable thing is seeing crabs and Plankton team up which almost never happens 31 evil spatula SpongeBob spatula breaks because Plankton shaves it off here we go again with another spatula breaks episode although I did get a chuckle over SpongeBob's attempts to give it life again Plankton full of SpongeBob to get the fancy Sizzle Master which allows Plankton to talk to him this reminds me a lot of lay spatula but they actually work together however Mr Krabs a little sus of SpongeBob talking to his inanimate objects and eventually figures out Plankton is behind it after reading off the wrong recipe his plan is foiled yet again this episode is okay it just feels like I've already seen it despite never seeing this before 30. the whole tooth sponge and Pad are at a carnival eating Taffy and Patrick gets a toothache from the candy at the dentist Patrick is trying to get his teeth fixed but SpongeBob keeps interfering Pat's got a baby tooth and he doesn't want it pulled out so SpongeBob tells him about the Tooth Fairy it doesn't convince him scubard Street up reveals that he isn't even real which we all know isn't true this is SpongeBob after all after getting chased around seeing an old lady with her baby teeth he gets it pulled than is sent to the tooth fairy and nice choice of words there this was a fairly decent episode nothing groundbreaking but nothing bad either 29 squid defense SpongeBob asks if Squidward wants to learn karate he isn't interested as you'd expect that is until he gets freaked out by some huge dude following him around the streets Squidward runs away and claims that he was beat up by the guy what uh nothing happened but okay so Squidward ends up learning karate from Sandy it takes him a while to figure it out but he learns the basics except for the fact that he's not supposed to attack anyone for revenge and only protection he ends up beating up the guy that just wanted to give back his groceries and he goes to jail this is another stupid plot but it did make me laugh a few times season 9 has been interesting so far it's like the same kind of vibe as season 7 through 8 but it has actual funny jokes 28. safe deposit crabs crabs discovers the bank of Bikini Bottom bank is giving free interest to the first hundred customers he gets so riled up about it that he gets kicked out multiple times I'm so tired of watching Mr Krabs be so blindly obsessed with money it is amazing just how obnoxious it's gotten grabs goes into the Vault and is basically pushed inside only to break through and end up inside a massive save of money okay sure SpongeBob gets worried that he hasn't come back and discovers that he's trapped inside apparently there's no Oxygen inside the safe and he's losing his mind well I guess that does explain the whole dating a money lady ordeal I suppose so sponge and Patrick decide to break into the bank instead of like you know calling the cops to get him out only makes sense and they take so long that the bank opens and crabs ends up getting his free interest of one extra Penny this episode really dragged on the hallucinations were visually cool but it just took forever for things to move forward 27. bulletin board SpongeBob sets up a board so the customers can talk about the Krusty Krab they're mostly positive messages at first but one dude P star 7 writes something negative and crabs throws a fit this episode is literally just experiencing Twitter with real notes and and Mr Krabs is selling paper so people can write these nasty things boy I wonder who P star 7 could be after staying overnight they find it was Patrick the whole time this is another episode that's just stupid and really goes to show you why places like Twitter is such a cesspool negativity spreads and gets attention and when you're anonymous like Patrick there is typically no consequences while this was an interesting idea there just wasn't much substance here 26. salsa and bigcolis I did not pronounce that right wow Plankton fails again holy sh make these plots stop please this time Plankton uses Patrick spit to make a sauce that'll make everyone dumb yeah I'm with Karen here just slap the laugh track on more often that's how I feel about this plan he gets the sauce on him and now Plankton is dumb and the smoke goes into a cloud that makes everybody stupid except Sandy and Karen I hate everything about this but shockingly things pick up from here Sandy and Karen team up and decide to make a free University so everyone can be smart again and this actually works perfectly except that Plankton doesn't really learn anything so after a semester everybody graduates except for him and that's the end that free University that made everyone smarter sures has a lot about our society huh 25 Gary's new toy SpongeBob's alarm clock dies that's not something I thought I'd ever see in my life the real issue though is Gary chewing on a bunch of SpongeBob stuff you know him doing this is actually really bizarre after watching all these episodes because Gary's personality used to be one of those intellectuals that nobody understands but now he's just chewing everything and is impatient it's interesting to see this character change so drastically and it's not necessarily bad to see Gary act more like a normal pet it's just different anyway they go to a pet store and get Gary a toy and Gary happens to find something that he likes I mean like really likes he has a tea party with a toy SpongeBob's not allowed to join in so SpongeBob ends up leaving his house because Gary chooses the toy over him that is until Gary gets hungry and realizes he made a mistake so after fighting the toy off he goes to SpongeBob and basically apologizes this was a really strange episode but it was fairly entertaining 24 Kenny the Cat SpongeBob apparently has awful lungs or gills whatever he does to breathe he's just trying to replicate Kenny the Cat the David Blaine of Bikini Bottom he's visiting town and crabs wants SpongeBob to convince him and his fans to visit before doing that he goes to Sandy and let's just say that she is not a fan of cats at all while sponging Pat wait outside for him they paint their faces and my God I hate what I'm looking at what the hell is this the next day Kenny goes to the Krusty Krab and freshens up only for SpongeBob to discover he used an oxygen tank and he reveals this to everyone after Sandy's suspicions this episode is all right you know it's a cool concept and all but it's not all that funny 23 copy Bob ditto pants Plankton is having a party with SpongeBob oh this totally isn't a plea to get the formula he copies SpongeBob from a scanner and prints out not just him but a 3D version of him with a brain this is not what 3D printers look like but okay I'll go with it so both SpongeBob's going to work and Squidward believes he's dreaming you know I actually kind of like the light blue tie it's a good change of pace the first clone doesn't get the formula so Plankton makes tons of copies but they only last for so long this is another just strange episode but I did find a few moments funny mostly just watching Squidward losing his mind the entire time 22 jailbreak Plankton is in jail again and Spongebob works there on the weekends Plankton's trying to find a way to get out so someone suggests rubbing Chill on their face a little more of how they look and I love that it was just Squidward but let's just be real Squid's pretty hot but anyway as the jail mates find a way out SpongeBob warns Mr Krabs why him what about the guards you weirdo well they weren't much help to be honest when the wall was just destroyed the guards made a new one with their bodies and then couldn't move when Plankton the jail boys get to the Krusty Krab they break in and get to the safe but a bunch of police guards are hidden inside again the fourth dimension is just a thing in SpongeBob lore this was one of the better jail themed episodes 21. the Fishbowl Sandy getting excited over Amazon deliveries I think we all know how great this feels her book is on behavioral psychology and starts stalking strangers trying to understand them after getting kicked off the bus she decides to study sponge and Pat but they get nervous when the microphone is pointed to them it's like getting a phone shoved in your face from someone that knows who you are you don't want to tell them how awkward it is but the suddenness of being filmed is uncomfortable so what she does is set up cameras and mics all over SpongeBob's house when they're not there and they're not the most stealthily hidden to say the least but they don't notice it doesn't matter though Sandy runs experiments to see how they act with ice cream she puts Patrick in charge and they get different sizes it gets pretty wild from here sponge and pass start to get in arguments and fights and scuba keeps getting her heard from the ice cream van when things go too far Sandy says they were being filmed the whole time and then out of complete nowhere Squidward goes to SpongeBob's house which was caged the whole time it was very odd to see Sandy act so nonchalant about hurting her friends I wasn't really a fan of that but this episode did make me laugh quite a few times 20. sharks versus pods SpongeBob plays some music while cleaning the Krusty Krab and a bunch of sharks show up wanting to eat but instead they find SpongeBob jamming out and they think he's Bad to the Bone SpongeBob hanging out with a bunch of sharks is just great we keep getting all these cool Side characters but they only show up once and never again as they're snapping their way into a club they're not allowed in the pods show up which are a bunch of cephalopod Rivals this episode seemingly turns into Breaking Bad SpongeBob Edition Gary's held hostage unless SpongeBob shows up at The Showdown which turns out to just be a dance showdown in Squidward's also a part of it this cues a bunch of dancing and honestly it's really well animated especially SpongeBob's moves like hot damn this must have been so difficult to put together this is a decent enough watch I like all the different dance styles displayed blade 19 squid plus one here we go Squid's enjoying himself and SpongeBob arrives to ruin it Squidward is invited to a fancy Galleria diphtheria event and they encourage him to bring a friend that's when he realizes he has no friends besides SpongeBob and Patrick so he tries to make friends with the mailman and wouldn't you guess it they actually have a lot in common besides the fact that the mailman hates clarinets so he becomes friends with Larry of all people until he brings up protein shakes I gotta say Squidward is doing a great job showing how to be all alone everyone's into their own things just let them enjoy that thing or you'll never be able to share the things that you're into and that's when SpongeBob comes in with a mirror that's uh yeah that that's that's pretty sad all things considered though this was a decent episode I wasn't expecting much but it turned itself around quickly 18. pull up a barrel scuba tries to leave work early but a rough storm begins so he has to stay so Mr Crab shares a story about when he was in the Navy and apparently he was getting flagged for making delicious food and I have to assume that this happens in the Navy in real life too it's very strange how all these characters and crab story include Patrick SpongeBob Sandy and Squidward the difference is they're so minimal that I can't really believe this as real it's a very bizarre episode let's just say that also Sandy has the hots for Mr Krabs and I don't know how I feel about that but basically Patrick throws crabs in the break for continuing to make delicious food they get attacked by Pirates grabs breaks out balls up rotten food is a cannonball and the pirate ship sinks he also gives some dudes suntan lotion and helps fight the Pirates so yeah this very very strange episode but at least it was interesting to watch 17. license the milkshake SpongeBob makes a shake that the customer finds disgusting and claims he doesn't have a milkshake license and apparently his license expired years ago so he has to go to school to make a milkshake interesting idea for a plot I like how the school was like a military Camp as well for whatever reason SpongeBob is not able to make a proper shake and keeps making them Frozen I love this 80s music playing in the montages he tries to learn it's so Ruby SpongeBob fails the test but saves the instructor from the machine almost eating him yeah I I don't know basically SpongeBob figures out another way to make a milkshake and he gets his license after that really weird ending but it's a fun watch all around 16. don't look now SpongeBob and Patrick watch a scary movie about fisherman Hooks and are scare checklists they keep walking each other to their houses until Squidward throws them back what is scary though is this picture of Squidward in his house what the hell happened there huh anyway squid decides to scare sponge and Patrick Moore pretending to be the fisherman the hook gets stuck in Patrick's nose and he starts flying around the street he gets what's coming to him though beat up and destroyed by Sponge and Patrick although holy crap and instrumental of Now That We're Men from the first movie plays hell was so out there and so cool this was kind of a nothing episode but it had so many fun moments that I still really liked it 15. Patrick Mann sponge is heading to work but finds Patrick upset because he'll be bored all day we've seen this kind of plot quite a few times in fact earlier this season and so let's see where this one ends up going Patrick decides to be a superhero and as you can guess it's not quite his Forte he just causes problems but surprisingly the damage he does is pretty light-hearted a side of Mrs Puff getting thrown in jail I mean I'm so glad that she always gets sent to prison for like no reason now Patrick ends up finding the Dirty Bubble and even popping him by accident it's a pretty episode I really wasn't expecting much at first 14. Sandy's nightmare Sandy's tree is dying so she tries to make fertilizers so it'll survive her formula works and is now stuck with a zillion acorns SpongeBob helps get rid of them and a Shellman shows up saying they're meant to be eaten so Sandy whips up some nutty butter and it turns out everyone in town loves it so I assume that the Krusty Krab would start selling this but no Sandy opens up her own place and she's running the business however it's too many acorns and it slowly kills her tree so the shaman explains how Stars work using sponge Pat and Squid as reference characters that is surprisingly genius and even fits with Sandy's tree dilemma this was another really solid episode I gotta say we're really creeping closer to more good than bad episodes in a season and I'm very relieved to see that 13. married to money the title card tells me exactly what I'm gonna spend the next 11 minutes doing except for the fact that SpongeBob tickles sea Bears okay I didn't see that one coming Plankton discovers that crabs would marry money if he could so plankton dresses up as a stack of dollar bills this is a little creepy and weird they do the whole lady and [ __ ] gag like please please don't do that and pearl is not impressed with crab's new love until they have a little talk alone and wow it actually worked I'm genuinely impressed with Plankton managing to befriend Pearl that takes some Talent so they get married in just as crowd is about to share the formula one of his teardrops gets inside the cache and the robot explodes for the first time in what seems like forever I feel really bad for crabs everyone deserves to find love and he was straight up being catfished the whole time despite the whole literally falling in love with cash kind of thing it was a pretty solid episode 12. Sanctuary SpongeBob and Gary find a lost snail and they get along super well but there's more than that SpongeBob starts nursing all sorts of stray snails people are literally lining up so they'll be taken care of this all started because Patrick was jealous of this one new snail and he told everybody about SpongeBob and you gotta love how they made him the crazy cat lady it works really well for this episode while Squidward Den simple wedding because he's allergic to snails Patrick pretends to be one for attention but at that point SpongeBob has way too many snails and apparently they all broke out of the rescue center I thought this was Patrick's doing I don't know for once though SpongeBob looking and going crazy is valid and works really well this was a really good watch 11. squirrel record Spongebob doesn't want to throw away a Paddy so he puts it in his wallet naturally but still has to take out the trash when suddenly Sandy comes out of the trash ah she's breaking some random world record to get into a book in fact she wants to break all of them like having the world's longest tongue yeah I want to meet the person that has a 110 foot long tongue just I'm very curious she also tries to beat the record of eating raw Chum it only survives because SpongeBob feeds her the Patty afterwards I was not expecting The Paddy to foreshadow like that I gotta admit and this just keeps on going throughout the whole episode I'm really reminded of pre-hibernation week where Sandy wants SpongeBob to do a bunch of things with her at the expense of his health and while this episode has a lot of good jokes it's not quite as good as pre-hibernate Asian week it turns out though that the record book is outdated and SpongeBob is the only one to set a record the most injuries sustained while helping a friend this was a really fun one I really enjoyed it 10. the sewers of Bikini Bottom Mr Krabs secures a deal with a sports Stadium that's actually pretty damn cool while he's busy running that Squidward's in charge and they decide to dump a bunch of down the toilet including the Krabby Patty formula while they're busy getting it back Mr Krabs at the stadium and it turns out it was built very cheaply sponge and Squid end up finding the Vault but also run into a bunch of creatures including a sewer snake so they run around inside him and get puked out get the safe back the stadium pipe explodes and everything basically goes to crap the best part is the manager the dude has the balls to pull the fail safe and fight off the snake with his nose it's not all that humorous of an episode but it is incredibly entertaining 9. goodbye Krabby Patty damn this was a pretty sad watch since it highlighted so much of what our real fast food establishments are like sponge and Patrick are hanging out for the first two minutes and Mr Krabs is a cannibal apparently at the supermarket SpongeBob suggests selling Frozen Krabby Patties and frankly I'm surprised crabs didn't do this years ago so he talked to some investors and they end up selling boatloads although the patties are filled with filler and Patrick is the star instead of a SpongeBob since the patties are automated the Krusty Krab turns into a museum and Squidward is fired you can really see the downside of being famous like Patrick becomes he's always busy he can't hang out with SpongeBob even his manager says that stars don't have friends after a lot of sadness SpongeBob is sick of what's happened and starts making real patties again at a shareholder meeting Patrick spills the beans about the sand and the Frozen patties and everything returns to normal it really is the truth though I don't think people really like fast food that much it's all about the convenience and addictive additives in the past two years personally I've been working towards cooking on my own more often and only eating out once a week and it's a hard battle to fight because of all the stuff I'm working on all the time it's so tempting to eat out but I know I'll just be like every time I do so while I didn't find this episode all that funny it was still a fantastic watch because I think most of us struggle with fast food addiction to some degree 8. sonat shamots sponge doesn't know what a rusty on rye is and the customer is unsatisfied and the original owner that made it is dead so SpongeBob performs a synods to bring him back and wouldn't you guess it actually worked this is honestly pretty cool it's nice to see an original Krusty Krab plot for once SpongeBob learns how this sandwich is made and it summons a ton of other ghosts as well to eat it Mr Krabs shows up and shoves them all back into this magical ball the weirdest part of this episode was the music honestly it straight up sounds like it comes out of Banjo-Kazooie but yeah I actually like this episode quite a lot 7. Mall girl pearl Pearl wants to hang out with her friends but they're all working at the mall you know I like seeing all these different stores it really brings them all to life more after calling all her friends she decides to get a job herself she applies at all the stores her friends work at and she doesn't land a job yep that's reality Pearl you can apply it a hundred places and you might hear back from one or two she does get lucky though and Lance wanted a dark side of the mall while all this is happening scubert is trying to shop and SpongeBob keeps following him around I love how this is just never a dress but we keep seeing them periodically in the background but anyway her friends make fun of her for working at an old person store and once again Pearl has and always will have the worst friends but the store manager is great and cheers up Pearl and she gets really comfortable with herself and becomes a grandma Pearl's so-called friends show up to make fun of her some more but grainy Goes Bananas and starts attacking them with yarn and knitting and all sorts of crap her friends eventually apologize and all is good after that this was another really great episode mostly because it wasn't at the Krusty Krab but but took focus on the mall and Pearl's Life as a teenager 6. two thumbs down sponge and Pat are having a thumb war and SpongeBob learns that giving a thumbs up feels great you know he's right I dropped thumbs up emoji all the time they're a pretty big Vibe so he gives the thumb up to the customers at work and he goes a little overboard with it I'm also very amused by the ding sound effect every time he throws his thumbs up he does so much thumbs upping that they get sore I guess and we get this great flash of real life videos and his thumbs break from exhaustion it's so over dramatic as well a sad song about thumbs play there's a training montage to get back in shape he has a final thumb up with Patrick with sword sound effects I love over the top this gets this was a really fun and funny watch 5. Larry's gym okay let's go Larry opens a gym now that is Living Like Larry he's offering free service for a day but otherwise you have to sign up for a lifetime plan that's a bit extreme but alright sure one minute in and some guy brings over donuts and Larry like do not bring those in here God I love Larry SpongeBob wants to join in too and we all know how that turned out Larry's trying to help but isn't having much luck until he teaches SpongeBob crunches after one day he turns into Omega Alpha Chad Bob buff pants meanwhile Larry got really fat because he's too busy with paperwork so he hands the job over to SpongeBob it turns out all of that hydration was just built up water that's been chugging the past day then Larry does some crunches for like 10 seconds and he's ripped again sorry to break it to everyone in reality but crunches don't even give you ABS eating less and exercising normally does this was another super fun episode there were a lot of moments in here where it really felt like things were getting back to how they used to be four extreme spots oh my God this episode was hilarious it feels good to be laughing at this show again sponge and Pat are at the beach in the DraStic radicals are tearing things up it's extreme bikers that do a bunch of crazy tricks and stunts sponge and Pat want to join but they aren't very convinced at first jump roping and fighting pillows doesn't do the trick and speaking of why didn't SpongeBob do karate on Sandy the fighting scene was so goofy the pillow wasn't supposed to go in the wash so the pillow was all like avenge me and the mattress comes to life and beats the [ __ ] out of the fish but in the end it was jellyfishing that proved SpongeBob and Patrick to be extreme spots all along three Plankton's pet a random baby takes a guy's Krabby Patty the way he so casually grabs it and walks off is hilarious but I think it's pretty obvious that it's just Plankton all along Karen suggests getting a hobby and just getting over it honestly I agree so Plankton finds a cute little pet at the animal shelter he takes it for a walk and plays with him oh can spot become a new permanent character please I love this little guy just look at him spot manages to take a Krabby Patty with no problems whatsoever and eats it right in front of Plankton so when Plankton tries to discipline him from doing that he loses spot so SpongeBob and Plankton checked the shelter to see if he's there and it turns out he was hidden inside Plankton's eye and he's also capable of growing to enormous sizes spot is the best side character SpongeBob has gotten in years I genuinely want to see more of him in the future but we won't we won't I've already accepted it 2. SpongeBob long pants SpongeBob is cold so someone sells them some long pants and now he looks like a man and charms the customers for his job it leaves for five seconds until his pants get dirty now he's outgrown the place entirely he starts walking around town and the craziest happens he goes to the DMV to get his license no not Mrs Puff's boating school just straight up the DMV and he still sucks at driving but because he's a stud now he gets a license anyway but SpongeBob still has to work so he lands a job at the fancy restaurant and ends up going to a fancy guy's party and you know it really is one of those fancy ass parties without any shenanigans that SpongeBob's used to he's not having any fun instead of watching a new Mermaid Man movie they'd check out a black and white table wow look at that yeah SpongeBob gives up the pants but also loses his license this really goes to show how powerful clothes are if you look spiffy and cleaned up people will just automatically respect you more regardless of how you actually are this was a great episode I definitely watch it again one Patrick the game SpongeBob and Patrick are playing an accounting board game and Squidward is using an iPod Nano yeah it's amazing seeing how this episode has aged itself but as you can imagine the accounting game is boring and Patrick makes Tic Tac hits a 4x4 sheet and you know what I gotta try that win okay that's an oh I guess I guess I'm X sure all right here we go I'm gonna block you off oh no it's a tough one you know what I can't let you win oh no oh Patrick's games are so stupid that they're making me laugh like a [ __ ] or my mind is just mush and I find anything funny now oh let's check out these boards though we got the game of misery that sounds like a blast bottom oblique gotta add that to the collection see snakes and ladders wait what happened to eels and escalators anyway Patrick stitched all the board games together and calls it Patrick the game and honestly the rest of the episode is filled with jokes scuba can't seem to get out of jail Patrick is writing down The rules as he goes SpongeBob keeps racing around the board it's a great time scoreboard keeps trying to leave the game but Patrick just keeps changing the rules so he can't so he destroys the board and ends up going to real jail I don't know why I like this episode so much it's just so over the top so this season had me pausing a lot looking at the screen and saying what the [ __ ] just happened that's basically season nine in a nutshell things are definitely starting to pick up a little bit but you can really tell that the ideas and the plot lines are starting to repeat over and over the show is clearly run its course dry it ran its course like three seasons ago but of course it's SpongeBob It's gotta keep on going and it really starts to show here because we're seeing a lot of the same kind of plots over and over and over again and it starts to get a little bit boring to watch but at least the episodes are getting funnier again now season 10 is a much shorter season so maybe because of that the episodes will get a little bit better because of more quality that's not really how it works but you know what hey you can always dream right 22 The Incredible Shrinking sponge holy hell this episode is stupid urchins are back in the Krusty Krab and seriously what is it with bikini bottom hating them so much except for SpongeBob who shows him into the kitchen and this urchin turns up the stove's heat it's in fact so hot that SpongeBob shrinks down to the size of a penny and isn't at all concerned about this in fact he's having a great time why is he extra naive in this season he even tries to free the Urchin from the mouse trap like what are you doing dude as he makes a Krabby Patty he thinks that SpongeBob is plankton which gets him tossed out and he's flicked out of the chump bucket and handed around as an action figure from some kids when Krabs finally figures out what's going on he makes SpongeBob a personal hygiene service which is just nasty but guess what he gets bigger by absorbing water maybe a little too big what's the point of this episode we already know that the logic of SpongeBob being this small makes absolutely no sense considering in a hundred different scenarios we've seen SpongeBob get bigger or smaller from his absorption abilities and that wouldn't matter if the episode was still funny but it wasn't at all so it's just got me thinking like this and it's just awful 21. housewarming a worm gets inside SpongeBob and he's totally fine with it invading his body SpongeBob is too nice sometimes because the worm invites his other friends inside as well it seems like they just want to throw a party but it's actually just really disgusting SpongeBob gets so covered in worms that they won't leave because they have squatters rights which cracked me up but that's about the only interesting part it's mainly just gross since SpongeBob only gets rid of them because his laughing is annoying I can't believe that he just accepted the worms being inside him why not go to the doctor you psycho I wasn't a fan of this episode it makes you want to take another shower but before the episode ends there's this post show with the Worm for two minutes showing why I went to SpongeBob's house he was being chased by a clam that's basically all that happened 20. whirly brains this is the first SpongeBob episode where I can say that the show has gotten so derailed from what it used to be that it doesn't feel like the same thing at all anymore I don't know if that's a good or bad thing yet but we'll move on with this plot sponge and Patrick are bored playing a game with a cup and sticks so a commercial shows them these whirly brains in which you put a propeller on your actual brain and watch it fly around and could you guess that this wraps around to harassing Squidward although apparently a Squidward has a huge nose and he tucks it in I kind of feel bad since it must be hard to eat with your nose in the way how have I never thought of that Squidward thinks that brains are aliens from Mars which honestly isn't that far-fetched this kind of reminds me of pranks a lot but not as funny also Mr Krabs and Mrs Puff have been dating for 16 years what's with all these relevations happening in such a short time period but anyway all the kids are doing this world brains thing too and some old man has been taking the brains and stowing them away so Sandy comes along with a radar finds the brains and they're freed and everyone's brain somehow know where all their owners are this despite needing a remote control before you want to know where my brain is after watching this this shot of Patrick with a baby diaper mashed into his eye sockets that's me right now 19. Plankton retires Plankton fails to get the formula a bunch of times so he does the right thing retire he buries the Chum Bucket and leaves on the way to dollsville crab doesn't believe it for a second and follows him there Plankton gets a room at a retirement home and it turns out it was a decoy they were all robots the entire time in fact the robots end up going on a vacation at the end so really this was just a nothing episode about Plankton failing to get the formula yawn 18 SpongeBob's place I feel like I've seen this episode before like a lot of season 10 as you'll see Krabby Patties are making everyone fall in love with SpongeBob and the customers want a name change that didn't work out so well last time not even Krabs wants to do this he's kind of jealous of all the attention he's getting so he tells SpongeBob there's a ghost to scare him off so while he's bored at home he makes Krabby Patties and the customers find him meanwhile Krabs pretends to be SpongeBob but isn't able to make the same quality of food so everybody is eating a SpongeBob's house but SpongeBob still wants a boss but you know what's the actual weird part the Krabby Patty formula is Mr Crabs so therefore he owns it doesn't he wouldn't this mean what SpongeBob's doing is like illegal anyway a health inspector comes by by not passing them because they're in a pineapple so they end up back in the Krusty Krab this episode is fine I suppose but it's a forgettable one 17. don't wake Patrick SpongeBob is hella thirsty but his house is a Ruckus because Patrick is sleepwalking he almost gets hit by a boat he starts storming into other people's houses and basically everywhere it kind of reminds me of the original pilot it's very basic without much substance this one is okay it's only like eight minutes long and not much happens 16. crusty catering the Krusty Krab has a catering event for kids and Squidward is passing out the food let's just say Squidward will probably never reciprocate and and Patrick is a clown while SpongeBob is the bouncy house I'm getting a lot of crabbyland Vibes but this time it's kids being dicks just to be dicks so they try to leave only to get stopped by a rich woman that needs a caterer Krabs of course says they could do the job but everything goes to Patrick starts eating all the food Squidward plays clarinet and crabs can't get one of the kids off of him in fact this kid straight up admits that he doesn't have a father figure and starts calling Krabs his dad what the hell is going on with this show I'm appalled at what's happening what happened to it being light-hearted it really feels like an entirely different cartoon random things keep happening at such a fast pace that I can barely comprehend my thoughts 15. code yellow Squidward starts us off walking down the street with a mirror in his face he's basically living the life of a famous Instagram model he wants a nose job and while he's at the hospital he keeps getting harassed by SpongeBob as usual when he finally leaves squid B to become a candy stripper he eats the stripes off the outfit and now the doctors think he works there oh God I can see where this is going now except that I kind of didn't because SpongeBob actually starts helping people if you can even call it that after getting the doctor's attention he's the one to perform Squidward's nose job in front of an audience of all things after messing up Squidward's nose a bunch of time he reverts back to the normal one with no body left this episode is kind of painful to watch but Olivia is happy with himself in the end 14. Patrick's coupon a spider is terrorizing Patrick and he finds a coupon for ice cream but Mr Krabs wins it God this episode is starting really slow Squidward butts in thankfully and we watch Patrick act paranoid about people stealing his coupon for another five minutes when he gets to the ice cream store the coupon is expired so he goes to the Ice King to make an exception after playing some games he wins the ice cream and it melts on the way to SpongeBob's house this episode picked up a bit at the end but it really didn't do much of anything for a large portion 13. mimic Madness you ever seen ripped pants this is basically the same but on steroid it's for all the wrong reasons a Bring It Around Town references made right at the start and yeah you can tell that these writers are huge fans of old SpongeBob which isn't a bad thing but a reference like that feels so out of place this happens a couple other times in this episode but here's the thing you don't need to appease your old audience with stuff like this focus on the younger ones that are actually watching this and make new memories with them but moving on SpongeBob thinks that imitating people makes others happy and it works for a little bit but he keeps doing it and doing it and doing it the imitations get so bad that he literally forgets who he is like wow that's actually kind of deep I think all of us question who we are and what our purpose is from time to time so it's sad to see that happen to SpongeBob but his friends bring him back by imitating him oh come on guys we all know that's a bad idea it cure SpongeBob but now everyone else doesn't know who they are I'm very conflicted on this one there's so many elements that I loathe yet enjoyed simultaneously 12. the get away Mrs Puff thought it was a good idea to practice driving with SpongeBob in a cemetery put her back in jail oh wait she actually ends up in jail and I was just joking one of the prisoners gets in SpongeBob's car and drives away the rest of the episode involves this prisoner teaching SpongeBob how to rob thanks and Mrs Puff and this fish gonna have some fun tonight if you know what I mean while this episode had its funny moments this is just another one where SpongeBob has no remorse for any of his actions so you just end up irritated with him 11. out of the picture scuba tries selling his art at work and nobody cares we're at season 10 and he still doesn't realize that nobody but the audience actually wants to see that Mr Krabs buys the paintings because SpongeBob tells them they might be worth more in the future he's like any retro game collector sometimes we buy just because we think it'll be worth a lot in the future an art appraiser comes in saying the paintings would be worth more if Squidward is out of the picture I cannot believe he's suggesting that so he tries sending him to do impossible deliveries including Rock Bottom now now this is an instance where it makes sense to bring back an old reference it's super cool to see this place again scoreboard even goes to [ __ ] Mars and makes it back alive so they start destroying the paintings after mishearing the appraiser and they get nothing for it this was an alright watch the Highlight was watching where Squidward's deliveries were but everything else was pretty forgettable 10. lost and found a fish kid loses his toy so SpongeBob ends up stuck underneath the Krusty Krab which just so happens to be a massive Warehouse of lost stuff Mr Krabs could turn into an Amazon Seller with all this crap but it turns out a group of people have been stuck down there for 60 years and they have the stupid teddy bear so SpongeBob gets it back and runs for his life meanwhile Squidward ends up lost and after getting chased around they find the grease trap and escape the hatch this one has a lot of cool action segments but it wasn't very humorous but it was at least a unique Krusty Krab episode so I'll give it points for that 9. mermaid pants it's another Mermaid Man in Barnacle Boy one but this time SpongeBob Patrick make fart jokes I honestly have nothing against those if they're done well but here they just drag their butt across the sand riveting but actually this story is pretty unique outside of Squidward getting harassed for watering his plants smudge and Patrick are cosplaying as their favorite Heroes and Mr Krabs admits the Squidward that he's into that stuff too and wants him to cosplay as well so crabs and Squidward play as villains for the rest of the episode they pretend to rob a bank try throwing sponge and Patrick into a massive deep fryer but it ends up backfiring I didn't really find this funny but at least it was somewhat entertaining eight Trident trouble a bunch of shy guys in the title card narrate this episode at least this one is different and we get Neptune again SpongeBob takes Neptune's Trident by accident and with it the Krabby Patties kind of just make themselves and dance around on their own I feel like I'm tripping balls as someone that's never trip balls SpongeBob has no idea how this trident works so he makes the paddies angry and scares off the customers then he makes crabs want to give away all his money a pacifier eats a baby grass comes to life it turns into sheer chaos Neptune finds the Trident after SpongeBob loses complete control of it and everything returns to normal this was a pretty wild episode not all that funny but a fun one to watch 7. Plankton gets the boot Karen got a new screen saver and it's pretty epic you should keep it well Plankton is ignoring her he accidentally shoves himself into a machine that he built that's supposed to make a Patty with just a tiny bit of one and once again we get another reference to season one and it's really gotten old they're not even trying to be subtle about it in fact this whole episode turns into Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 3. Plankton gets kicked out of his house and breaks up with Karen so SpongeBob tries to teach him to be nice without much luck Plankton ends up figuring out a plan that moves her back by making SpongeBob a robot to make Karen jealous I don't mind this episode there's just not much of an original idea here 6. burster bubble oh yeah it's boating school time SpongeBob fails again and we get a nice shot of crabs cheeks if you know what I'm saying it seems like everyone has a boat except SpongeBob so he makes a boat out of bubbles it's so popular that everyone else wants one too and nobody drives regular boats anymore Mrs Puff is the only one left out and gets pulled over for boats being outlawed that's like gas cars being outlawed since electric cars exist now yeah that makes all the sense doesn't it so now she has to go to Bubble driving school and guess what SpongeBob's the teacher she fails the test but tons of bubbles get stuck to her and everybody almost dies because of that bubbles are outlawed instead I'm honestly amazed we're still getting creative boating school episodes this was one of the better and more enjoyable ones 5. unreal estate SpongeBob thinks he's allergic to his house because squid creates a scheme to try to move him out he covers the place and pepper to pull this off it's very strange to see him sneaking into sponges place when it's usually the other way around so once he's convinced him to move squid helps him find a place and I find it absolutely hilarious that he can't just live in a normal house no it's got to be a fruit or a sandwich or a huge drawer they eventually find a house that's so futuristic and cool that Squidward takes it for himself only for it to actually be a rocket ship what the [ __ ] he crashes back down to earth SpongeBob has Squidward's house Patrick has SpongeBobs and Squid is stuck under a rock I thought this was going to be some generic squid is moving episode that we've seen tons of times by now but I really liked how Wild this guy he even tried moving SpongeBob into an aquarium that's such a broad moment despite things going poorly for Squidward it feels Justified for how he was acting just like how it used to in the older Seasons 4. snooze you lose Squidward can't fall asleep because of of you know who he has an audition and needs rest so he takes a walk he ends up walking into the wrong house by accident so everyone sleeps on SpongeBob I don't know why this is so cute but man look how cozy they all are the next morning a Squidward won't wake up for his audition so the solution is to go inside of him like a puppet that is disturbing yet amusing watching sponge and Patrick try to control his body they get to the hall play beautifully Squidward wakes up and plays like filth this episode is a weird combination of like four previous episodes and strangely it works pretty well it had me giggling and it was a decent watch three Sports SpongeBob gets a package that's supposed to go to Sandy but they open it up and find a bunch of sports balls sponge and Patrick have never seen this stuff before and try to figure out what they're used for uh we've seen plenty of sports in SpongeBob in the past why are they oblivious this time that doesn't matter that much because this episode is actually really fun Squid's breakfast gets ruined by Sponge and Patrick and they also destroy his backyard so he decides to teach them to play these Sports the wrong way they get hurt so badly that a massive group of people come out to watch them Sandy eventually finds her package and is furious of what squibery has done but how can you blame him I mean he is the Grim Reaper after all but he's challenged to play against Sandy and he basically gets what he deserves this is another episode that I didn't expect to enjoy but it was a great watch and pretty funny at times too two life insurance what a name for an episode I can't wait for filing taxes in season 16 SpongeBob and Patrick buy life insurance but Patrick doesn't believe it'll protect him from getting hurt while they try to hurt each other Squidward wants to watch but he should know better to stay out of their way but funny enough the paper actually works and Squidward is kept out of Harm's Way this episode has cracked me up and was really creative for what appeared to be a dull concept although Krabs literally wants Squidward to die because he signed off as a beneficiary for the life insurance bruh this was a fun watch one of the best in the season 1. feral friends patchy's here for the first two min minutes I guess they didn't have enough content to fill the entire episode before I realized it's way longer than usual it's Sandy's birthday and I hate that the only thing I'm imagining from this scene is the intro to Sonic Generations it looks almost exactly the same it's a birthday party out in the grass and they're at a similar looking table as they're eating the cake Neptune's moon comes out of a volcano okay but seriously it's literally the same cut scene a portal from another world randomly shows up I mean these draw so many parallels but this Moon Turns The Fish into feral versions of themselves also Krabs and Mrs Puff are just like a couple now again that's so weird that they've decided to make this a tradition from like 16 years ago Sandy decides to call the French narrator who happens to be an undersea diver as well and he says everyone will return to normal in two hours the only issue with that is Squidward he turns into a giant octopus that can destroy just about anything this episode is awesome I love the idea so much and I love watching Sandy trying to keep her friends alive once the time passes everyone returns back to normal but you can't forget about Neptune's son which does the same thing but for land Critters so Apache turns into a caveman and potty becomes a prehistoric bird I can't get over the fact that the narrator is a deep sea diver this is by far one of the most interesting episodes I've seen in a hot minute yeah this is basically season nine part two I mean season 10 is virtually the same kind of thing the same plots repeated over and over again a lot of the episodes are just really Bland I don't know if things are gonna pick up at this point I've heard that season 11 is when the writers change I think Stephen hillenberg came back at that season so maybe we'll start to see an improvement I hope so I still have a lot of episodes to watch 50. squirrel jelly SpongeBob and Pat are playing Bali a-n-n-o-y-n-g at least to Sandy she's tired of them being all slow and delicate or in other words Sandy is too busy being a sweaty gamer it's very odd to see Sandy act this aggressive but sponge and Pat escape to go jellyfish but Sandy Springs along to be a little Pest and she's honestly really irritating what has gotten into her today she gets so bored of jellyfishing that she makes the jellyfish strong and deadly with some Frankenstein fish food after trapping them all in a cage and destroying Jellyfish Fields she thinks about her aggressive problems and tries to relax meanwhile the jellyfish grow into one big one in destroy your house and it just goes on and on and on it's like 16 minutes long instead of the usual 11. I appreciate Sandy trying to evolve and be a better person but I was really over this episode once she started meditating it should have ended there it did not feel like she earned the right to be forgiven 49 Plankton paranoia Mr Krabs wants plankton steal the formula it's almost like it's become a weird Kink to him that's uh the whole episode for the most part just that crabs starts suspecting people of being planked in and he starts hallucinating but the reason he wasn't trying to steal it for a couple days was because of a surprise party celebrating Plankton's first attempt at stealing the formula there's not much here outside of some cool visuals it was pretty boring 48 cave-dwelling sponge SpongeBob is going for a walk in his bare feet probably the strangest moment to not wear your shoes but yeah him and Patrick find an ice cave Patrick gets his tongue stuck and as it's thawed out with hot chocolate a cave sponge appears out of the wall sponge guard comes back home as SpongeBob and is obsessed with the squeaky shoes and destroys the town I don't know how SpongeBob didn't notice him for the entire day but whatever I guess SpongeBob is the one accused of breaking all this stuff and goes to jail as SpongeBob destroys the place I can't believe even Squidward has turned into an oblivious [ __ ] he didn't notice the literal bolt inside the the patties we learned the cave sponge is actually called spongy spongy and him and Spongebob makeup this episode was just dumb and not funny I much prefer a SpongeBob BC over this 47. old man Patrick Patrick has wrinkles from being in the pool for too long but some old lady thinks he's actually old which by the look of Pat's face doesn't correlate but this is the story we're going with today the old lady brings up ice cream at Shady Shoals so Patrick hops on the bus back to the retirement home and ages ridiculously fast I don't know how long SpongeBob was looking for him but he ends up super old by the time he finds Patrick and SpongeBob tries to make everyone feel young again by dancing and going out when suddenly SpongeBob feels old then some steam comes from his holes and makes Patrick young again I guess the point of the episode is that age doesn't make you old it's how you act and perceive life itself I couldn't tell you because it was really confusing and kind of boring to watch 46. the clam Whisperer claims are going south for the win winner and Patrick is a big baby dummy for a solid two minutes clearly there's not enough material for this to be an episode why Force this idea with so much filler they try luring some clams down with food and it sure does work just look at what they're doing to Squid's house they uh had a little bit too much fun if you know what I'm saying and now SpongeBob can't get rid of them this episode reminds me of when I went to Hawaii when I was a kid and the birds around us would not leave us alone because the tourists fed them way too often at least the birds in Hawaii weren't literally biting at people and scaring them and SpongeBob brings the clams into work what are you doing Mr Krabs likes them though because they keep spitting out pearls wow I absolutely love the lady that shows up for some online date and the clan is hella flirting with her by far the highlight of the episode SpongeBob has to let them go eventually and it takes an entire season to do so this one really started rough but got a lot better at the end it wasn't too bad a watch 45 Man Ray returns I mean mean he's returned a few times the past couple Seasons but okay I'll roll with it Squidward is going on vacation and Man Ray is staying at his place and look at those flip-flops they are looking hella cozy sponge and Patrick try to figure out who it is and somehow don't notice the extremely distinguishable Man Ray face until five minutes in sponge and Patrick proceed to be a nuisance for the rest of the episode it's a bunch of been there done that kind of stuff man ray just wanted a vacation and he can't even get that sponge and Patrick managed to convince him to never try again this one had its entertaining moments but it was also kind of lame 44. Bunny Hunt oh my Squidward has really outdone himself with his cooking it's too bad he's having dinner with a random wooden fish as Squidward's pulling a carrot out of his garden a sea bunny tries taking it for themselves the bunnies are little they're almost as bad as SpongeBob and Patrick when Squidward calls Animal Control SpongeBob comes in and takes the bunny as his own because of course he does and the stupid bunny is eating away at the house evil was SpongeBob's hot sauce protection idea I mean the damn bunny chews through the walls and crawls inside what the hell was SpongeBob thinking keeping this wild animal did you not learn from the jellyfish SpongeBob's solution is to buy a girl bunny and this only made things worse many more bunnies are made and they invade Squidward's house again it gets to the point where Squidward thinks that he is a bunny yeah it's safe to say that he has officially lost it I didn't mind this one but it did go by pretty slowly 43 call the cops well Plankton goes to jail for trying to steal except the secret formula is evidence so crabs decides to get it back by pretending to be an officer when suddenly Patrick shows up drunk on ice cream and ends up in Plankton cell SpongeBob starts taking his cop Persona 2 seriously by arresting some girl for selling cookies without a license this reminds me of Hall Monitor to an extent nothing much eventful happens after this Patrick complaint to try to get the formula but Krabs beats him to it they all get in a fight and all go to jail at the end this episode is overly stupid but it turned out alright I suppose 42. Pat the horse SpongeBob reads Patrick a story about being anything and he chooses to be a horse so that's exactly what he does SpongeBob rides Patrick around town when arriving at the Krusty Krab crab sees dollar signs and makes people pay to ride Patrick as you can imagine Pat doesn't want that and runs away SpongeBob goes to find Patrick and in the meantime Squidward is forced to be the horse for whatever reason this inspires a race between Crabs and Spongebob and my God this is so stupid Krabs wins the race because Patrick ate the Patty and then he gives up being a horse after that this episode was all right it was an interesting idea but a bit too dumb for my taste Pat the horse was also paced a bit slow but it did have some interesting animation at least 41 surf and turf Sandy wants to win a contest by making the best ship in a bottle but keeps failing at it out of bottles SpongeBob throws the formula out the window and takes a plane to find it you're in an air Dome that a piece of paper really escape from that well apparently yes as SpongeBob makes his way to playing Tana more Plankton somehow got his hands on the thing so Krabs ends up helping Sandy and is this the first time we've seen him use a water helmet this immediately struck me that shape looks really cool on him after failing to make a bunch of bottles crabs just makes a massive ship and makes the Dome the bottle itself but since he made it he thinks he can take all the prize money when he arrives he destroys every other bottle and wins until Sandy shows up to break her house and she wins being trapped in her helmet there was a lot happening and I don't know it was kind of painful to watch everything get destroyed because that was basically the joke for this whole watch 40. Pat Nokio huh a Disney princess parody I'm a really big fan of SpongeBob going in this direction after making hundreds of episodes about the Krusty Krab they're actually changing it up unfortunately this episode was just alright sponge teaches Pat what a conscious is so Plankton pretends to be the little voice in his head to get the Patty as you can imagine it doesn't go as smoothly as Plankton wants it to but Patrick does manage to get a Patty and it lands on Pearl's picnic basket which later ends up in her bellies so they have to dive in and get it seriously when they escape Patrick's real conscious shows up and Plankton fails again besides the Pinocchio par and Karen being a fairy princess of some sort there wasn't much that was interesting 39. ink lemonade Patrick is selling lemonade without lemons so Squidward tosses him one from his garbage this ought to go over well the lemon is bruised so Patrick rips a Band-Aid off his armpit and slaps it on and someone actually drinks it and pukes inside Squidward's house which causes scubard to ink inside Patrick's glass and of course they're gonna sell the ink now ah man I might actually get sick too everybody loves the black lemonade of course so Patrick has to continue to scare Squidward to make him ink while this is a cool concept I just feel bad for Squidward there's at least some good intent for what Patrick is doing doing so I'm not angry at the show like in season six through seven but this goes on for almost the whole time after getting spooked half to death scubard shows a long line that the black lemonade is just his ink and they all puke in squid's house this episode was alright I don't have much else to add 38 spot returns no way I can't believe spot is actually getting a second episode he's gotten a bit chunky to say the least in fact he's pregnant spot has hundreds and hundreds of new pups to take care of and they wreck the Chum Bucket so Plankton gives away the puppies instead but they end up coming back with a bunch of random stuff so Plankton decides to have the new amoebas take the formula in full SpongeBob into training them after taking the formula he once again can't get it open and SpongeBob distracts him by knocking over Karen and tells the puppies to free him when SpongeBob's free he feeds the puppies that make a bajillion more babies this episode isn't anywhere close to as good as the first one it's very average all around decent story but it didn't make me laugh at any point 37 don't feed the clowns I agree with this title card sponge and Patrick are at a circus featuring a bunch of clowns that transform into random things SpongeBob is warned to not feed the clowns but feels bad for the little guy SpongeBob tries to help him find another job and he's got hella ADHD and can't stay focused for longer than a few seconds after failing a bunch of jobs he finds some sort of clown land and stays there it's a bit of a boring watch but it's not terrible necessarily 36 girls night out Sandy lived as an amoeba that's something you can't say every day she wants to celebrate with Karen so they have a night out this Dynamic is hilarious we saw them work together a couple seasons ago and now they're BFFs and Mrs Puff joins them too their idea of a night owl is pranking Plankton and SpongeBob for Plankton they pretend to be crabs giving up the formula and for SpongeBob they throw a virtual reality headset on him and pretend he got his driving license I like the gal Pals hanging out together but it didn't quite carry itself through the whole thing by the end I was kind of ready for the episode to be over 35 shopping list Mr Krabs doesn't get his product by truck no he has SpongeBob run to the store to grab ingredients it's probably more costly for him to do that instead of you know ordering in bulk but hey Plankton's listening into their conversation this list requires SpongeBob to go to Exotic locations and Sandy helps with her submarine after traveling around and eventually destroying Sandy's ship it turns out that they were just a decoy so crabs could get the ingredients at the actual store again just order in bulk you weirdo it was great to see Sandy more involved but it was just kind of another Plankton fails episode yet again 34 teachers pests Plankton drives a tank if only he used that when failing to get the formula they end up crashing and are forced to go to traffic school the two buckaroos don't get along too well and have to watch a driving safety video didn't we already see a boating school training video this attempt at it is much better though I love SpongeBob flying out of the projector the gags have been so on point in this season they learn about the good noodle stars and want to compete over who gets the most because of this crabs and Plankton aren't really trying and end up getting in a boating accident with SpongeBob and for some reason the doctor stitched them all together well that's a little creepy but otherwise it was a decent watch 33 fun-sized friends I like this early morning backdrop it looks really pretty it's fun Should powder making breakfast outside and making a ton of noise per usual after disturbing Squidward they have the idea of making mini versions of themselves so they'll never be apart the idea is really cute honestly imagine having a mini version of your best friend besides you all the time mini Patrick and mini SpongeBob cause problems though as you'd expect and even tie up the real sponge and Pad they get seriously beat up like Jesus the Clones were pissed off after being treated poorly so the solution make a mini pineapple and mini rock this was a neat idea for an episode but it wasn't really holding my attention until around the end 32. the grill is gone the Crusty crab is a greasy filthy mess and after some cleaning the grill goes missing some teenagers stole it to make a race car and SpongeBob somehow convinces them to race for the grill bag they could just you know call the cops or something but hey this ought to be more entertaining little buggers keep cheating during the race so Krabs grabs a super long cord to turn the grill on he sure heated things up didn't he I don't mind this episode it was an alright Watch 31 bubble town that title says it all SpongeBob visits bubble town a narrator talks about how their world works and the weird quirks they have compared to Bikini Bottom what I find Most Fascinating is SpongeBob's ability to find bubble buddy despite everyone looking exactly the same literally I mean I guess he's got the Hat on but I digress after SpongeBob fixes Bubble Buddies bike he begins to help everybody sponge really is the most selfless little guy isn't he he does this all the time after helping everyone he slips on some Bubbles and destroys half the town in jail SpongeBob tries calling Krabs and his message derives via a bubble so of course Krabs comes by and Pops the whole town what a maniac but they are just bubbles so they just blow it back to normal this episode still isn't as good as the original bubble buddy but the World building was certainly an adventure 30. appointment TV SpongeBob is preparing to watch a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy episode that he hasn't seen yet it's great how he's got a copy of the Krusty Krab training video laying around in his house but the day is moving really slow for him as he wants to watch it but gets distracted by people wanting favors for him it's super interesting how this episode draws exact parallels to the sponge who could fly which was a lost SpongeBob episode SpongeBob ends up missing the show and his house catches on fire so to make it up to him everybody throws together a play that's similar to the show he missed that was very thoughtful of them appointment TV wasn't super funny but a heartwarming watch nonetheless 29. mustard O Mine SpongeBob is adding mustard to the patties after he makes them I guess he's just going wild with it but they end up running out of mustard because of his excessive use so sponge Pat and Squid must go to the mustard mines instead of going to well I don't know Bargain Mart because that would just be too easy they end up trapped in the cave but thankfully there's an escalator conveniently next to them after getting off the train station mustard is struck but the pressure of it is so powerful that it erupts right into the Krusty Krab I don't mind this episode the escalator parts were all hilarious so I've got to give it that 28 High sea diving sponge plans to dive up into the ocean and messes up the jump entirely with some balloons he almost gets to the top but the water is covered in trash while exploring he knocks some trash to the ocean's bottom and finds old man Jenkins pretending to be King Neptune to get down SpongeBob Stacks all the garbage to the bottom but the town climbs up knocking this ladder to the ground this is a super bizarre episode but the story was really solid it was nice to see old man Jenkins get more of a roll after all these years 27. doodle Dimension sponge and Pat visit Sandy as she's building a portal to visit other universes she just casually grabs some nuts from some dude in Texas this ought to be interesting until I realized that doodle Dimension is Sandy's rocket sp-129 and DoodleBob all combined into one story sponge and Patrick travel through the vortex like a bunch of morons and are trapped in the void this doesn't have the same existential feeling this time because SpongeBob is with Patrick so they just act like themselves as they try to find a way to escape what is different this time is the recreation of DoodleBob just like last time he's a mean version of SquarePants and bites away at Patrick's stomach a lot of this episode of follows the same plot lines he gets a hold of the pencil but SpongeBob makes another pencil with his shoe uh okay and with that he draws more doodles to fight back I really like how many more drawings are created from the doodle and SpongeBob but man it's just not as good the original DoodleBob was so great because there was a lot of build up and tension to realizing he's evil and slowly learning how dangerous the magical pencil really is with this it it's like SpongeBob and DoodleBob are playing Scribblenauts trying to outwit each other it is entertaining and I like how SpongeBob draws Sandy to get them home but the plot felt kind of rushed honestly this could have really benefited as a double special with more time to show how powerful DoodleBob is 26. spin the bottle Plankton pretends to be a Genie in a Bottle as a scheme to get the formula SpongeBob gets a hold of it and I think you can guess how the episode plays out Plankton is forced to grant wishes and manages to make them come true because the bottle was supposedly working SpongeBob's three friends all want it for themselves so they spin the bottle and Krabs gets it Plankton gives up and instead of ending as you'd expect the real genie shows up and returns his bottle back and jams everyone inside another bottle spin the bottle had some enjoyable moments thrown in to make it a fun enough watch 25. the string SpongeBob finds a string strangling from Squidward's shirt he pulls the string until Squid's shirt is gone and oh god he has nipples now but this string just keeps on going to other people's clothes and even Mr Krabs money but that's not all the string is on everything and I mean everything is attached to this damn string poor Squidward keeps buying new clothes and they get torn apart by the string I'm glad this episode was on the short side it was just long enough to be entertaining without overstaying its welcome 24 the night Paddy sponge and pass spend all day at glove world only to find the Krusty Krab open and they serve the fish from Rock Bottom You know despite reusing the 24-hour plot for like the fourth or fifth time now I like the concept of feeding the creepy fish at night the menu is a bit more intense as well SpongeBob breaks the chef's Hand by accident so he has to work the night shift instead and nosed ferratu is the manager that is the last character I expected to see again SpongeBob makes Krabby Patties of course and these fish hate them so he makes night patties by accident and SpongeBob cooks a robber who isn't actually a robber yeah this is a really bizarre episode but it was a fun one watch 23. Chatterbox Gary SpongeBob buys a snail box translator so he can speak English a device that all dog and cat owners wish they had I love that Gary is given a super deep and sultry voice and calls SpongeBob Papa Bob SpongeBob SpongeBob shows Gary around town in a Squidward's Place Gary makes fun of his style so at night squid comes in and replaces Gary's translator with a walkie-talkie squid makes SpongeBob do a bunch of chores while he's half asleep which includes rolling his house down a cliff Gary finds out what happens and shoves his walkie-talkie down Squid's throw and is attacked by worms while I liked this episode I wish we could have seen more of Gary interacting with other people like Mrs Puff and Mr Krabs because he was a lot of fun to watch 22 library cards SpongeBob teaches Patrick what a book is and the man can read crazy fast he's actually absorbing all the knowledge and I love the visualization of civilization and Patrick's mind being built as he reads he becomes so smart that he's a big brain and can't even leave the room this one is a a lot like Patrick smartpants he even talks similarly to that older episode to make Patrick's head smaller he must become Dumber again so he watches cartoons and shrinks back to normal this is about as good as Patrick's smart pants was I really enjoyed all the visualizations inside of Patrick's brain it's a pretty good episode 21. Karen's virus Karen is hanging out with her pal Hannah and gets sick who else to help besides SpongeBob he has to get blasted into her computer to go look for it and you know this would actually make for a really swell video game this 3D world looks pretty sweet as well SpongeBob and Karen's version of Plankton run around the computer trying to find the virus after getting to the memory bank SpongeBob finds out the virus was just hungry so he gets it out and feeds it a Krabby Patty it does look a bit odd to see 2D SpongeBob run around in this 3D environment but I thought it was really refreshing all that effort for just one episode is appreciated it's one of the better ones 20. Drive happy what's this another boating school episode nah it's just SpongeBob at a boat dealership checking out what's for sale and he finds a self-driving boat similar to Knight Rider meaning he doesn't need his license but once again Squidward's house here is missing I swear this is some sort of inside joke with the animators there is no way the house isn't being drawn on purpose this often the cars SpongeBob got is very self-aware and needy it doesn't like getting wet and cold it even sleeps on SpongeBob's bed what the hell is up with this car he doesn't even let SpongeBob go to work because it isn't classy enough and he kicks Patrick out of the car although Patrick was rubbing chocolate all over the dashboard so fair enough there at the garage while the car coop is getting his nails done SpongeBob buys a steering wheel to drive the work himself after fandangling with him for a while Coop ends up as a kitty car ride in front of the Krusty Krab honestly it serves him right for how he was acting I can't believe I'm saying that about a damn car look I'm all about self-driving cars in the future once the tech is perfected it's going to make our lives that much easier but I hope our cars don't talk like this one does because whoo 19. sanitation Insanity SpongeBob rolls around in the trash how fun because it's all forced to fit in one bag the trash explodes everywhere so now Krabs has to pick up the trash or sorry SpongeBob and Squidward are doing that because Krabs is too busy being a dick wad when SpongeBob starts driving he doesn't and it takes a while to get the trash cleaned up there were some interesting moments like SpongeBob's amazing hand sanitizer in this doll making a cool Chucky reference after cleaning up the town they just need to get Patrick's and he doesn't want to give his crap up no matter how much better season 11 has gotten Patrick has remained obnoxious but gets real as the dump truck turns into a freaking Transformer and he battles it out with Patrick doing this causes the trash to go everywhere yet again and then they all end up cleaning again I loved seeing a big dump on crabs as well freaking deserved it I really enjoyed this episode outside of a few things here and there 18. Krabby Patty Creature Feature holy hell this title card is well detailed SpongeBob and Mr Krabs laugh about a Patty for over a minute but the customers want something new so crabs take SpongeBob to Dexter's secret lab just like how real fast food is made everybody loves Sandy's new patties but they turn the customers into zombie patties I really like how creepy the Patty designs look they had a lot of tension even Karen gets turned into a zombie the only cure is eating Chum which Plankton just so happened to order a boatload of before all this happened this was another really good episode wasn't really funny but watching SpongeBob pound out the chum was really entertaining 17. moving bubble bass bubble bass has a pretend TV show he should collab with Nick avocado in reality he lives with his mom still which is fine but he's a lazy bum that doesn't do anything so he decides to move out of his mother's house to his grandmother's house and convince his sponge and Pat to help him move they end up packing the entire home and after a rough trip up they make it up top only for bubble bass to eat the free lunch he offered I wanted to see all of his junk get pushed down the mountain so badly but instead bubble bass's mother put him in a box and threw him around town this one made me laugh a lot it was a really fun watch 16. Chef Bob every time an episode of SpongeBob starts with him making Krabby Patties I feel like I'm getting Deja Vu people like watching the sponge cook so crabs wants him to make food in front of the customers but he has stage fright that's where Chef Bob comes in a puppet version that cooks the food and this puppet starts to have a mind of its own coming up with jokes that make fun of its customers this reminds me a lot of squirrel jokes but SpongeBob is innocent this time Chef Bob goes hard on the insult it gets to the point where SpongeBob has a spatula fight with him an action scene with a puppet attached to SpongeBob's hand shouldn't be this awesome but it's done so well they did manage to get rid of the little jerk but he survives and has his own cooking show at the end honestly what a legend great episode all around 15. cuddle e hugs it's cleaning time at the Krusty Krab SpongeBob eats a rotten Krabby Patty and ass is about to puke cuddly hugs appears I got a bad feeling about this guy right away claiming SpongeBob as his new best friend oh no SpongeBob shows him around town and spends the night and it turns out cuddly hugs can only be seen by eating the magic sandwich I think they're implying that there's some hard drugs in that nasty old Patty that is wild I mean just look at how the Aged patties look cuddly eats everybody and they all wake up days yup everyone was stoned out of their minds SpongeBob feeds the last bit of Patty to cuddly himself and I mean this kind of tells you everything you need to know what an interesting idea for an episode I really enjoyed this one 14. there's a sponge in My Soup crabs is making a special soup with a half eaten Patty moldy pickles and mashed potatoes lovely a bunch of hippies get inside and hop into the stew to warm up and eat all the food inside the idea of hippies hanging out inside the stew is fantastic Krabs isn't able to get them out they even start protesting inside the pot this episode was cracking me up I love the hippie characters and just how dumb the whole thing is even spongebob turns into a hippie Patrick turns into a hippie Mr Krabs turns into a hippie by the end the hippies end up in Squidward's bathtub wow dude this episode was like totally rad I was vibing out the whole time man like whoa 13. stuck on the roof SpongeBob is Dub stepping it up the tune is seriously jamming SpongeBob gets a Patty stuck up in the chimney and needs to get it out he gets the Patty out no problem but is now scared to come down the ladder I can understand vertigo being scary but this is also the same sponge that jumped off of Cliff the land on a moving train as a hang glider but I digress Sandy and Patrick try to help without much success so he just stays up there Squidward is celebrating with a fancy dinner and no interruptions take the opportunity while you can buddy but there's a really good Shadow gag that SpongeBob does and it's actually interactive but yeah SpongeBob never comes down so Mr Krabs brings the girl up to him and slowly but surely people start climbing up and eating up top but Wind and Rain Is a problem which means it's time for another Krusty Krab on top of the other one and after a dance party the original Krusty Krab sinks into the ground this episode is so goofy it was another fun watch 12. Grandmom's the word Plankton is giving Karen a wheel massage what a romantic moment but he's suddenly called by his grandma to stop by for a visit to celebrate Plankton owning the Krusty Krab that was a statement he shouldn't have made he asked SpongeBob while changing the words on the arrow and surprisingly they'd let him pretend for a day I'm kind of shocked that crabs agreed to this they even went out of their way to change how the restaurant looked Grandma Plankton was pretty funny she had a crush on Squidward and needed some help chewing food oh dear God but as the Plankton family does she attempts to steal the formula but isn't successful in doing so I honestly can't believe how thoughtful crabs was giving plankton a chance like this this was a very sweet episode with some Hilarious Moments 11. Larry the floor manager bubble bass takes a long time to order a meal another reference to old SpongeBob that works well in this instance the crabs gets all feisty about tiny morsels of food wasted and uh kind of hate this moment thank God Larry comes in to calm them down he ends up becoming floor manager while crab takes a break from work Larry notices how out of shape everyone is so he starts making people carry weights and run on treadmills as they eat but like Pearl and the cuddly crab Larry wants to serve salads and protein shakes only while he's trying to do the right thing the Krusty Krab ain't the place to have your gym so after forcing all the Meatheads the Krabby Patties they end up leaving and all return to normal I don't know why every layer themed episode always ends up banging because this was another really fun one to watch with great jokes thrown in 10. the legend of Bikini Bottom complete with a custom intro which I think I've seen in a previous episode I can't remember but it does look familiar the visuals must have been designed by the same people that made the Christmas special in season 8. it is absolutely stunning to watch SpongeBob puts up decorations for Halloween but are way too cute for the holiday even this Halloween costume is cute a far cry from his literal brain Patrick events of SpongeBob to go out and tells him that scary equals funny which is a coping mechanism that a lot of people use when scared so they go to Sandy's place and she plays the mad scientist with a Frankenstein puppet thingy then the Krusty Krab is the Chum Bucket which is hilarious and because of what Patrick said SpongeBob is just laughing at everything until they run into the Dutchman he takes them on a haunted ride around his ship and also turns his friends into ghosts there's even a good song number I'm genuinely impressed with the production of this episode so for SpongeBob to save his friends he tries using Sandy's puppet which doesn't work but instead the inside of his brain scares the Daylights out of the Dutchman and I mean I don't blame him it's not as good as scaredy pants but it was still a fun watch all around I have been pleasantly surprised with season 11 so far nine the checkup SpongeBob Squidward and Mr Krabs get a checkup not at the doctor's office but at the Krusty Krab because it's a requirement that 95 of all SpongeBob content is in this location Krabs is terrified of getting a checkup so sponge and Squidward end up doing the tests themselves it's a simple plot that made me laugh quite a few times I really enjoyed all the wild ideas sponge and Squidward came up with to run their test since Krabs fails every test they try to whip him into shape SpongeBob pulls a Sandy and goes a little too hard on the working out so what's Plan B Larry pretends to be Mr Krabs oh my God what a great idea that was the perfect way to end this episode 8. crusty cleaners SpongeBob is taking a delivery to an office and Spills the food and drink everywhere as way to show forgiveness he vows to clean the entire office himself even though they have a janitor already I like this work is fun poster yeah you see this yeah that is me time stamping this eight hour video so every shot is synced with what I'm saying you're welcome anyway sponge and Patrick come in and mess the office up even more and make a maze my God are they klutzy today the Pac-Man shot is a great touch as well and then all hell breaks loose the cleaning robot starts scanning the other appliances to life the fight off SpongeBob and Patrick but they don't go down in fact Patrick brings out a tank it starts firing away at the scanner and soda machine this is the most exciting office themed episode I've seen for any show ever the action sequences are unironically fantastic what a great episode this was all of that to clean a stain and they they did clean it they sure did clean it seven goons on the moon yet another Sandy's rocket type of episode this time SpongeBob brings some fishnets for fun times oh my I find it strange that Pro girl and Squid Dina are coming along instead of Patrick or something Honestly though I'm totally fine with that this is one of the couple double specials in this season and my God does it get absurdly wonky here's a few really good pun jokes my favorite being bubble bass is mooning when talking about going to the Moon before taking off scooper drops him with a Krusty Krab delivery and ends up going to space with everyone else when they land Squidward escapes and gets lost in the crater trying to find his way out he ends up in the actual storyboard of the episode God I love the meta humor so much as Sandy and her pals are doing sciency things Sandy says to study the moon's gravitational effects on my nuts and Just Smiles they almost dropped a Deez Nuts joke in SpongeBob so close when Sandy asked SpongeBob to get lunch he hits launch on the ship and somehow pulls the moon because of this the Earth's tides are messed up and bikini Bottom's water is almost gone holy crap that's a scary relevation right there while trying to solve this problem Squidward shows up with Santa and that's what I realized this is supposed to be a Christmas episode kind of anyway while trying to fix the orbit SpongeBob uses a Jack In The Box to try pushing the moon back only to demolish it instead yeah they really pulled a Sonic Adventure too the only thing they can do is use Super Soakers to fill up SpongeBob to the size of the Moon and the burp soda is Rocket Fuel to get back so SpongeBob is just the moon until Santa brings a new one this has to be one of the craziest episodes of the season and one of the most interesting space themed episodes yet I really enjoyed this one it had me saying what the [ __ ] in laughing over and over again six my leg I cannot believe they made an entire episode about this running gag there's a montage of him hurting it a bunch of times and the doctor threatens Fred that if he hurts it again it's getting replaced with a robot leg it's so stupid how my leg is shouted no matter what the context is for this entire episode my leg is repeated so much that it doesn't even sound like a real word anymore my leg my leg my leg my [Music] Fred keeps coming close to hurting his leg and of course he works for a dangerous tree cutter for some reason SpongeBob feels like he has to protect Fred from hurting his leg that's when Fred reveals that he hurts his leg on purpose to see a nurse he loves he tries to hurt his leg over and over without much luck until the hospital truck manages to run over his entire body and that's when he confesses his love and we get a jamming song number I cannot believe how much I enjoyed an episode about the Malay gag I was not expecting anything quality 5. whale watching Pearl wants to hang out with this boy Dylan at a party but Krabs won't let her ah yes because teenagers totally listen to their parents orders I can't believe Squidward is babysitting although his bribe of having one less shift with SpongeBob must make it worth it Pearl ends up sneaking out while Squidward Falls from behind and my God does he have legs of Steel I can't believe he can pedal up this hill Pearl decides to breach like the other kids did it but get stuck on the island so a Squidward has to save her and worse Pearl's date ends up ditching her what a [ __ ] that guy is but Squidward has the idea of putting SpongeBob in a box and sending it to Dylan anonymously when did Squidward get such a heart this was fantastic it was a funny and heartwarming episode all around 4. scavenger pants SpongeBob Disturbed Squidward with some dumb country song and to get rid of them Squidward asked them to find the rare desert sandwich in the Badlands as you can guess sponge and Pat actually managed to find it so squid sends them out again for a flower and they find that too I don't know why Squidward is surprised of course they're gonna find these rare objects so then they have to look for the Loch Ness monster and oh my God is this a Pirates of the Caribbean reference is this boat tricky even possible I've always wondered that the last thing Squidward asked for is his long-lost brother which doesn't exist the man gets so much free time from sponge and Pat looking for him that he combines his house with Spongebob's and Patrick's and you won't believe what happens next Squidward's mom adopts SpongeBob and Patrick I hate to say it but holy hell Squidward got owned absolutely Bamboozled this episode was hilarious I really love the story and how absurd some of the locations punch and Pat travel to 3. bottle burglars apparently if you wash a dollar bill it turns into two quarters and this is why nobody cleans their money sponge and Squid are cleaning crab's office and the safe is loaded with trash okay I have to say it season 11 is obsessed with garbage I'm not even kidding this is like the sixth or seventh episode that focuses on trash that's the theme for what's ironically been a really solid season as they're cleaning the formula is tucked into the trash and Squid throws it out without realizing that and Plankton just so happens to be right where the trash landed and snags the bottle away sponge's squid realized they lost it and as squid reaches for a secret button under crab's desk we see this cute little date May 1st 1999 which just so happens to be the day SpongeBob first premiered now that's a fun detail with the security cameras they found out it was Plankton and are you serious he can't open the bottle still will you just invest in a goddamn bottle opener here take mine oh it has a time lock okay then I don't know just smash the bottle you're killing me man sponge and Squid decide to steal the formula back at night and whoa whoa Plankton Karen sleep in separate beds this episode is so trippy oh my God even spot makes an appearance again they get to the formula but are launched into a rocket so Krabs casually punches through the chump bucket and gets it back himself this episode was hysterical by far one of the best I've seen in some time 2. squid Noir a dive into nor film I'm really digging how deep SpongeBob is going into parodying other types of media Squidward is playing his clarinet and nobody likes it as he awakes from his nap before a concert the clarinet goes missing and so does the color this is so damn cool in college I got really into noir films so it's a big throwback to see SpongeBob make his own version it's even even narrated very similarly and has that dark contrasting tone I absolutely adore this Squidward first accuses SpongeBob who did nothing and ends up joining squid on the case I was dying at the coin gag SpongeBob keeps flipping it into the air and it disappears Into Thin Air over and over again but him and Squid go around and accuse Krabs bubble bass and Patrick only to discover that jellyfish took the clarinet and Squidward ends up playing in their hive I mean why not right the direction they took with this episode was phenomenal the narration the dramatic angles the writing squid Noir hits it right out of the park one no pictures please a Twilight Zone parody now we're talking Nickelodeon I've never watched that show but it's iconic enough to where I've heard of it enough for it to be permanently ingrained in my mind Patrick pretends to be a tour guide and he guides one person around town I love how the tourists keep saying amazing because that's literally all of us when we're traveling and my God this one is hysterical there's so many gags in here I especially love the one where it looks like SpongeBob is running to work on top of the tourist and Patrick but then they move and he's just in the background that tripped me the hell out Patrick ends up making everyone mad but it turns out the tourists wasn't actually taking pictures in fact he wasn't even real ooh spooky one of my favorite SpongeBob watches in quite a long time this episode was amazing all right well that came out of nowhere season 11 actually kind of banged a little bit I'd say it's kind of on par with like seasons four and five they don't quite have the same charm as those Seasons but you can definitely tell that the New Riders are huge fans of SpongeBob they've been peacefully adding in references the old episodes it's kind of nice and you know what I'm actually looking forward to season 12. despite after what am I at episode 400 something I actually want to watch season 12. 48 Jolly Lodgers Squidward's house is being fumigated and sponge and Pat thinks his house is a circus Squidward escapes to a hotel for a few days and as soon as I saw a Spongebob show up I'm ready to unalive myself it is turned into torture watching Squidward getting tortured that's the entirety of this episode Squidward just wants some peace and quiet and can't get it no matter what he does at least he gets the zap everyone in the end but still one of the worst episodes I've seen in a long time my God 47 the nitwitting sponge and Pat are disturbing The Bargain Mart and play with boxes I'm honestly surprised it took until season 12 for idiot box to be reference to some capacity except this time people live under the box and the whole point is to rip out your brain and be empty-headed you know I can literally feel my own brain turning more and more into much as I watch this I mean look at this SpongeBob drinks everyone's spit out of this jar what the hell is going on all these idiots start ruining bikini bottom and managed to make SpongeBob stupid until he finds his brain again this was nothing short of pure stupidity and was hard to sit through 46 The Ballad of filthy muck Patrick stinky do you remember the Battle of Bikini Bottom this time SpongeBob is impressed with how smelly Patrick is he gets so stinky that he turns into a filthy muck in SpongeBob follow suit God damn this is painful to watch once again this new SpongeBob has this obsession with trash and I don't understand why it turns out that the filthy muck wasn't actually Patrick all along I'm sorry but not even the amazing Taurus can save this episode there was just nothing to it 45 swap mates SpongeBob shares a story with Gary about swap mates this story starts with bubble bath stopping man Rave from robbing a bank with his cheeks or so he pretends his mother schedules a playmate for bubble bass and guess who the friend is at least we get to see the chief again hey it's been a hot minute so Patrick comes in and can you believe that he ruins everything oh I know I'm surprised too he somehow gets the both of them trapped in a swamp inside a a trash bag again why does trash keep popping up I don't understand bubble bass finds out someone stole his Wonder Whale action figure and goes out to get it back why is this episode 15 minutes long this is so excessive and just annoying to watch Patrick and bubble bass end up kind of being friends in the end but wow this one was bad 44 squids on a bus Squidward is being a Karen on the bus ride to work he and the driver get angry at each other and end up switching jobs and Squidward is trying his best to be the best driver he can and a certain yellow sponge hops on board why isn't SpongeBob at work as you can imagine SpongeBob makes Squidward's life hell that's literally the rest of the eight minutes SpongeBob and oh Patrick gets in there too ruin Squidward's bus driving the only thing worth noting is they end up in a trench with pressure so intense that everything is flattened otherwise it kind of I felt like a waste to watch or sorry it felt like trash because you know trash SpongeBob trash he liked trash 43 quarantine crab the title alone has me so intrigued is it supposed to be covet themed well actually no it was planned all the way back in 2019. it was supposed to come out in 2020 but was banned until this year for well obvious reasons it should have stayed banned permanently though because it's just awful a health inspector shows up and finds someone infected with clam flu a highly contagious sickness so now they're forced to quarantine okay seriously this episode straight up called covid Plankton tries to escape but is incinerated on the spot so everyone stays kaput crabs accuses everybody of having the clam flew and throws them in the freezer but they all admit to each other that they actually aren't sick so after breaking out they fight Mr Krabs end up in a grease trap and by the time the health inspector comes back saying he made a mistake they get Hella [ __ ] up this was just not a fun watch I don't know maybe it's just too soon quarantine sucked for all of us I especially hated it because in 2020 I lived by myself and didn't see any friends or family for a few months it was miserable quarantine crab accidentally highlights the mass hysteria of what happened and it just wasn't funny and look if Mr Krabs freezer really had that much ice cream in a place to ski they should have just stayed there 42 in security guards Squidward's painting gets rejected from a newsam Patrick somehow gets a job as a security guard for this place so scuba decides to sneak in when he's not looking to add it himself meanwhile SpongeBob and Patrick are checking the place out yeah SpongeBob shows up they just have to be together you know and along the way they destroy everything squibber tries to add the painting but he ends up getting caught and arrested but hey his painting actually got added to the museum despite all his troubles this was another episode with Patrick being dumb just to be dumb 41 SpongeBob and randomland this is a lot like the pizza delivery plot but they go to random land instead where nobody has ever returned I really didn't have much to say since it's just SpongeBob and scuba trying to deliver the Krabby Patty but when I saw a reference the [ __ ] Squidward suicide I kind of shook my pants a little bit how the hell did a creepypasta from the internet make it into an official SpongeBob episode that is fascinating yet terrifying and then they make their way back home because the guy that ordered the food kind of looked like crabs and walked to the Krusty Krab himself leading to the exit if that image of Squidward wasn't in this episode I would have completely forgotten about it entirely 40. SpongeBob's bad habit apparently Squidward has misophonia like I do and also SpongeBob bites his nails in fact he gets them all over some patties and it quickly grows into a big problem not even Sandy can help so he goes to a doctor and gets hypnotized and apparently he's internalizing Squidward's problems as his own hence the nail biting when the doctor reveals that he's Hans the nail biting continues this is just more of a sad watch than anything I just feel bad for all parties involved 39 escape from beneath glove world this was the longest feeling episode I've watched yet I don't know why it needed to be over 20 minutes sponge and Pad are on the craziest baseball ride I've ever seen and they ride it over and over again to take a break they go to a theater and meet Hieronymus glove how do you say that or an animatronic version of him you know what let's just call him Walt glove because he's literally just Walt Disney sponge and Pat go to glove world jail because they tore off the animatronics head but it's really not like jail at all there's a bunch of kids in there and some toddler runs off so sponge and Pat chase them around for the whole episode I kept forgetting that they were in jail this place is more of a factory than anything hell they even found a sock World by the end the real Walt glove shows up and the guards dumb down the fake one since he became a threat this one just did not want to end it was the most long-winded SpongeBob episode I've seen in a long time I can't believe I don't want to see any more Glove World episodes because 38 farmer Bob we check out old man Jenkins Farm as he supplies the ingredients for the Krusty Krab crabs is trying to avoid paying him so he has SpongeBob do Free Labor the most interesting part of this episode is the classic SpongeBob tunes being remixed with banjos that's a detail I wouldn't have expected but for the most part this one is unremarkable SpongeBob and Patrick act like idiots and get their chores done in the most sloppy way imaginable although during the farm dance aliens randomly show up to the party I guess they didn't know how to end this one so add aliens yeah 37. Patrick's tantrum Spongebob doesn't know where this ringing bell sound is coming from and it turns out its crabs conditioning is customers to want to eat when hearing the Bell this actually sounds like something that he would do in fact it's almost too smart but what does Patrick have to do with all this well he sure has a tantrum as the title suggests but the bell sound gets a different reaction out of him as a kid it meant that he needed a bath but didn't want to take one the man has p TSD from the Bell that's gotta suck so SpongeBob starts getting rid of every Bell imaginable and to make up for lost Revenue Krabs makes Patrick fight some tough dude for a million dollars and he only wins because a bell goes off and the Tantrum attacks are too powerful this is just it's just annoying to watch I really miss when SpongeBob was for all ages and not just kids I can't take this 36. Pat Hart squid Squidward's house could really use a more stable base it fell apart from him leaning out the window so he stays with Patrick for the time being why he chose him over SpongeBob is beyond me however Squidward learns that Patrick can be taught how to do things and decides to teach him to be more like him this slowly shapes Patrick into looking like Squidward but he becomes the better artist jealous Squidward starts acting like Patrick to change him back to normal and after Patrick swallows mud that does the trick I guess I don't really care for this one it's pretty much just Patrick and Squidward reversing roles and that's it 35 King plankton SpongeBob convinces a couple to not have children wow that's pretty bad man SpongeBob asks Karen to take care of sea chimps and she just agrees so when Plankton finds out he decides to shrink them with a shrink belt if he can control his size why not be a giant and get the formula that way alas Plankton takes control of the siege chimp world and man that is truly pathetic this episode really highlights how insecure Plankton really is he ends up being a sacrifice for Patrick's tongue and then gets eaten so finally Plankton wraps everyone around the belt and makes them bigger see he he could have gone bigger but for some reason he doesn't increase in size with the rest of the chimps this is just another dumb watch I'll forget about it in the next hour 34. hiccup plague some random kids hiccup into a bubble and trap it in a jar man you can do some weird underwater this bubble pops near SpongeBob and he can't stop hiccuping he manages to pass around this bubble until he ends up getting it back so Sandy tickles him to get rid of it for good and the bubble goes back to the kids at the end the ultimate Karma it's just the town catching the hiccups without funny jokes or anything 33 Plankton's intern Karen is visiting her motherboard and puts up flyers for an intern I was gonna guess he'd hire SpongeBob but instead it's Patrick well at least until he clones himself a million times now he's stuck with pearl which is his biggest fear she ends up helping him with monotonous tasks until Plankton finds out who Pearl's father is they try stealing the formula until Krabs catches him yet again and pearl convinces her dad to pay her more allowance so he can keep the formula watching Pearl and Plankton work together was kind of cool but otherwise it's just another Plankton fails plot 32 crusty concessionaries the low tides come to bikini bottom and cramps wants to sell Krabby Patties to the fans I'm not really sure why this episode is a few minutes longer than usual because not much happens Krabs is trying to put up some advertisement and fails Squidward is looking for the band and SpongeBob is selling patties it's pretty unremarkable but I did get a good laugh because the audience knows that Squidward's clarinet playing is awful so they ran for their lives when he got on stage that was about the only good moment crusty concessionaries was otherwise pretty slow 31 kooky Cooks crabs and puff are on an expensive date it kind of feels like a recreation of crusty love and just kind of Krabs has the idea of getting soup on his suit to get the meal for free but instead he ruins the evening and puffy storms out frustrated so Krabs has one more chance at a good date at his house and sponge and squid have to help out even Pearl has to help who just wanted to stare at her phone all night Spongebob doesn't know how to cook anything and he keeps making repulsive garbage until he cooks himself and Mrs Puff eats him yeah she is the definition of hangry we all know the feeling but she really takes it to the extreme this one made me laugh a few times but puff wanted to eat SpongeBob at the very end felt kinda off 30 boss for a day Krabs is actually helping with serving the customers which is a rare sight but otherwise SpongeBob was in charge for the day we've seen this plot quite a few times so what's different well not much Patrick and scuba quit so SpongeBob makes a bunch of clones and they all get chopped up by a fan the only notable and important moment in this episode is Patrick near the end he comes back to take some customers food and oh my goodness he went so hard on that booty whoo that could not possibly be thicker but otherwise eh 29 Lighthouse Louis another boating school epic fail when SpongeBob fails again puff asks him to organize her stuff in the lighthouse and clean it up so while he's doing that he finds a stray snail and miss the junk but this snail is feisty and SpongeBob has to fight it off so he can clean and this somehow turned into them rolling the lighthouse around town destroying everything but they come back with all our stuff organized perfectly the only good part of Lighthouse Louis is watching Mrs Puff jam out to some metal at least that was rad 28 one trick sponge SpongeBob learns a magic trick and tries to show Squidward I gotta say of all the ways Squidward has tried to avoid doing something with SpongeBob sniffing his eyeballs and swallowing them is one I was not expecting to witness this is just another SpongeBob is oblivious episode he once again doesn't realize that nobody wants to be around him when he asks Sandy she's whoa hold on she's inside another episode okay I think this is the first time there's been a proper continuity between normal episodes SpongeBob ends up showing his trick to some rocks and Patrick sees the ending at least this one is short because there isn't much to it 27 bubble basses tab bubble bass needs to pay for his Tab and sponge and squid have to collect it to get the money they play some stupid board game but in real life and in his basement while that's happening Squidward gets more and more into the game and even Paul's in love with bubble bass's mom of all things they end up winning the board game so bubble bass has to work his tab off I didn't laugh while watching this but it was nice to see Squidward in a good mood for once I'm just getting tired of seeing bubble bass this often I didn't really mind him being included more often at first but now it's just growing tiresome because he's basically another troll just like sponge and Patrick 26. break-in Krabs is getting shot from the law for not giving his employees breaks SpongeBob has no idea what to do for his five minutes and keeps trying to work apparently Krabs has always had a break room and we've just never seen it until now so inside SpongeBob eats some expired food and has a party with the customers and that's about it short simple and to the point but there's not really any jokes 25. dream Hoppers this is another sequel episode where SpongeBob goes home from the low tides concert exhausted we'll get to that one have you seen sleepy time great you've also seen dream Hoppers SpongeBob dreams about making Krabby Patties and one of them goes Rouge the plane crashes out of his dream and goes to everyone else's this somehow makes less sense than Sleepytime and it's nowhere near as entertaining I kind of like how they're trying a very old school style without any voice acting or sound effects but it just doesn't work very well there's a lot of neat visuals and the music is synced with the action on screen so I have to compliment the effort it must have taken to make this but that style just doesn't fit well with SpongeBob 24. pineapple RV Squidward is going on vacation and guess which two numbskulls wanna go with they manage to destroy Squid's RV so they turn SpongeBob's house into one and they actually make it to porpoise Peaks Despite All Odds Patrick digs out the flower Squidward wanted to see Bloom and because that happened it died off and everyone beat up Squidward what did they not see Patrick dig it up himself I'm I'm sorry I'll move on because of that scoreboard decides to ditch them on the mountain until changing his mind and proceeds to get attacked by sea Bears he ends up with his precious flower regardless and that's pretty much it I didn't really find pineapple RV that funny but the story was somewhat intriguing at least 23. the goofy newbie we're back in Goofy Goobers again Petra gets kicked out for sampling too much ice cream and learns that the employees get free ice cream on their breaks so Patrick gets a job there and it goes as swimmingly as you can imagine so SpongeBob comes in as his hands and helps him get through the first few hours well I wouldn't say help he literally does everything and after all that Patrick gets his break and a brain freeze so intense that it freezes the entire world for 5 billion years and that's not even a random amount of time that's when the sun is going to be too big and evaporate the water on this planet hence why it took that long to melt this episode was very average but the ending was at least entertaining 22 Gary and spot Sandy narrates the beginning of this episode making it feel like some sort of classic Christmas cartoon when SpongeBob is asleep Gary leaves the house to eat trash okay seriously what is with the Stark personality changes in Gary the past few seasons he breaks into the Chum Bucket to hang out with spot they vandalize the Krusty Krab throw a party on a random ship break their Pals out of animal control and help the employee working their fine true love this one started off really jarring but it gets better by the end Gary's just having a fun night with spot despite him being the one to do these bizarre things 21 Stormy Weather one of the rain clouds is sad that his parent abandoned him so he's crying a storm now boy I can't wait for the episode when the background flower becomes a character oh that's gonna be really epic who else but SpongeBob to befriend this cloud and treat him as his own pet drizzle drizzle decides to run rampant and makes it rain snails and worms huh I get it but out of nowhere we get a Truman Show reference of all things the weather guy is about to suck up drizzle and as he passes a lady on the beach she starts promoting some random product on the spot that is pretty bizarre to see but so is this whole episode drizzle reunites with his parents and all is good in the end I didn't mind this episode it was all right 20. Sandy's nutty nieces Sandy's sister Anisa show up a day early to visit except that's not at all what's happening SpongeBob ends up babysitting and her nieces are little brats they talk in Rhymes which I guess is a fun Quirk but otherwise it's just SpongeBob not doing a great job watching over them he tries his best but it turns out Sandy was making an invention the whole time to send them back to Texas this episode was also just alright like a lot of season 12. 19. a cabin in the kelp the gal Pals her back this time going on a camping trip and pearl is new to the squad and she decides to prank her new friends with SpongeBob the camper they pack gets unattached and SpongeBob gets lost in a forest it's really strange how often SpongeBob has gotten lost in a forest specifically seriously it happens at least every couple Seasons the gal Pals arrive at the cabin and prop it up while sharing scary stories with pearl the story is about an old number of Liberty gibbet that scares Pearl and it turns out that she was real all along a cabin in the kelp is a pretty silly episode and actually fairly light-hearted All Things Considered 18. knock knock who's there another plot similar to an old episode this one being wet painters SpongeBob is watching over crab's house and is told not to let anyone in gonna predict that Patrick's getting in this house within the next 30 seconds oh my bad it took six minutes and close enough but this time they really did try to do the right thing Krabs made it very clear to SpongeBob to not let anyone in because of robbers and when Krabs needed his keys SpongeBob didn't let him in in fact he set up Home Alone style traps so crabs had to come in like a wrecking ball to get inside this wasn't a funny episode but I was amused for most of it 17. bitty-sitting sponge and Pat are babysitting six babies at the same time God damn the mama's been busy they even babysit the old chocolate lady because we haven't gotten reference to this episode yet and it turns out she's 137 years old and escapes to jump out of a plane without a parachute I hope I've got her energy when I'm in my 60s she ends up tiring herself out and that is babysitting it seems as if rubbing that chocolate all those years ago go actually has let her live for forever 16. Gary's got legs yeah I know he can tie shoes SpongeBob adds legs to Gary so he can walk strangely it looks somewhat normal on him but Gary causes problems with his new ability to kick so this drives SpongeBob to give him arms and gets pampered for an entire weekend making his arms and legs too weak to do anything after the roll reversal and Gary getting slime on everything Krabs chops off Gary's arms and legs once again I like the idea of the plot but I only got a couple Chuckles out of it 15. senior discount you can imagine by the title how Krabs feels about giving discounts of any kind old man Jenkins annoys the customers and gets a discount for being older and Krabs is fed up with it he can't just kick him off the premises so he tries turning up the Heat playing loud music and bringing his entire family from the dead back is ghosts it's really goofy and there's some good jokes in here too I really like the Krusty Krab signs long hair bopping to the metal but in the end they both get kicked out by The Ghost and play cards at the Chum Bucket the idea here was pretty good but it was kind of rehashing the whole respect your elders point a little too hard without any other substance 14. Dirty Bubble returns yeah he's returned like 80 times at this point the Dirty Bubble goes to jail for six months and interestingly is blown back to a normal looking bubble so that's how he got dirty literally just getting dirt on him but since he works at the Krusty Krab now and crabs wants him doing dishes he becomes the Dirty Bubble over and over again SpongeBob eventually gets eaten and absorbs all the dirty bubbles dirt putting him back in jail this episode was okay I guess but what was with the Dirty Bubble needing to rhyme that's a very odd Choice it just made him look less intimidating but hey now we've got lore on why the Dirty Bubble is the way he is so I'll take it 13. mind the gap SpongeBob's whistling is annoying Squidward so he removes the gap between his teeth and oh my God SpongeBob sounds hot now I'm digging the concept of his voice completely changing because of the Gap since everyone loves his voice scuba takes SpongeBob to a jazz club because he wants to fit in too but he is a bit of a clumsy mess to say the least SpongeBob's Gap keeps getting adjusted throughout the whole episode until everyone wants a gap so they can all whistle the last half of mine the Gap kind of fell flat it just seems like there wasn't much of a direction to go with the story but the first half was fantastic 12. SpongeBob's big birthday blowout oh boy a 44 minute special it's been a long time since getting one this long and I feel very mixed about it but let's go over what happens because it's pretty wild it starts with patchy trying to get a gift to spawn SpongeBob for his birthday this is what he does for the duration of the episode he passes him a few times and ends up dropping the gift into the water as for the episode itself SpongeBob is lured out of the house by Patrick to go for a sightseeing tour this is the most dangerous tour I've ever seen as they go to surface land and explore what all the humans are up to there's two main highlights to this first we get David Hasselhoff pack which that alone is a treat and we get what's essentially a real life episode of SpongeBob all the voice actors play their usual roles in the trusty slab I couldn't help but grin watching all the actors play their parts hell even Pearl is featured this really is a birthday blowout there's so many cameos thrown into this but is the episode itself decent well not really while sponge and Pad are on this tour bus his friends are trying to prepare for his party but they all want it to be themed in their own way so they get in a fight and ultimately destroy SpongeBob's house look we see things like this happen all the time in modern SpongeBob why couldn't they have worked together like the old times do something different different and Patrick is just annoying the whole time once again he fills the bus with beans which almost kills them some dog is chasing them because he won't let go of a frisbee it just never ends the biggest conflict is that Pearl's voice actor puts the bus in an aquarium but they break out and bring all the fish with them to Freedom that's honestly pretty cool but it takes a while to get to that point and when SpongeBob gets back patches gift arrives and it's just patchy's head yeah that's it that that's uh the big surprise for celebrating SpongeBob's 20th anniversary there were a lot of ups and downs I could see a lot of good ideas executed well and a lot that fell completely flat eleven broken alarm SpongeBob's alarm broke and isn't able to fix it so Patrick destroys his alarm clock more cool at the clock store SpongeBob decides to buy all the alarm clocks because he just can't pick none of them wake him up on time so he decides to use all the alarm clocks to get him out of bed and sent right to the Krusty Krab to work just watching his plan move in motion is really cool it's honestly pretty creative but bubble bass didn't get enough extra pickles so the automated clocks break down entirely and Patrick kind of fixes his old alarm this was actually a decent episode not too funny but really cool visuals at least 10. the Crusty bucket Plankton is trying to take some of crab's hair uh what hair are we talking about because I uh I don't see any hair oh sorry he has back hair I tried to repress that from my mind the point is to make a clone of Plankton and crabs and honestly the design they came up with is really good Plankton's one eye on the top with crab's arms legs and nose plank crab within three minutes manages to take over the Krusty Krab and Chum Bucket with a crazy good handshake plank crab morphs the restaurants together and crabs and Plankton get hired at this new place they end up being the janitors and when they get in a fight plank crab splits up from the sight of the fight okay I guess that happened because the combined brains were confused either way though I found it to be a pretty unique plot nine Shell Games Patrick gets caught up with some turtle named Tony but he thinks it's just his Rock still wait does this mean that Patrick's rock has been a turtle this whole time and we just never knew that would be kind of wild so Patrick and Tony fight over who owns the shell the whole time and it breaks so they take Squid's house as a new home while Patrick was annoying yet again I did enjoy Tony something about his presence was just fun to watch I think this is the first time we've gotten an actual Turtle as a SpongeBob character if I'm not mistaken I didn't mind this one and I had a few jokes that had me chuckling 8. the Crusty Slammer Plankton vandalizes and attempts to slander crabs and goes to jail again you know what are we getting an episode with Plankton and Mrs Puff in jail together I feel like that's got to happen but this is not the typical jail episode the regular prison is full so Mr Krabs is paid to make the Krusty Krab at prison after torturing plankton for a bit he gets more money to hold even more prisoners which was strangely amusing because SpongeBob was taking such good care of them all once Plankton's time is up Krabs lets go of the other prisoners and he goes to jail for doing so this was an interesting idea and I really like the design of the Crusty Slammer morphing together the restaurant with cells on the walls 7. Plankton's old chum this somehow turned into the best trash themed episode Plankton is playing with his old moldy Chum oh wow yeah what a fantastic way to start this one he dumps it into the sewer and wishing well but is all out of room so we commit to SpongeBob that he's trying to celebrate Chum Day by hiding his Chum around bikini bottom and SpongeBob gets so into the idea that he convinces everyone that it's a real holiday so the town plays around in the chum there was some really good jokes in this one which is a rarity that I like to see but the health inspector comes by with that one billion dollar fee and the only way he can avoid paying for it is to eat all the chum which he does what I'm most curious about though is what day Squidward actually thought it was he gets all excited until he realizes it's Chum day did hold on did he think it meant cut six who are Zoo SpongeBob is friends with the animals at the zoo the zoo keeper is not pleased and gives him an ankle bracelet to keep him out Patrick tries to comfort him into making his own Zoo a bubble themed one and they sure make a bubble zoo and the confines of their own houses Squidward is uh super excited about this of course so excited that he gets the Rhino to pop the enclosures SpongeBob calls for help and the real animals scare the Daylights on the bubble ones this watch was pretty fun actually and there were even a couple of decent jokes thrown in not an amazing episode but one of the better ones in this season 5. the hankering Mr Krabs is hiding the fact that he loves Chum the place that he goes to for it is closed permanently which means he has to go to the Chum Bucket for Chung that is a really interesting secret for crabs to hide in fact it almost adds to the reason why Plankton has been allowed to try stealing the formula for so long crab secretly likes Chum he's so desperate for some that he gives up the formula himself or so he thought Plankton tries to double cross in but the formula ends up inside the bucket of chum so Krabs eats all of it and burps out the bottle instead this is another episode that wasn't funny but I really enjoyed the story and thought it played out quite well 4. my two crabses it's a rule that you can't bring outside food into the Krusty Krab the hell kind of rule is that krabsy he hops into his chest which is also a tanning bed and SpongeBob thinks crabs melted this is Squidward the unfriendly ghost all over again they fill crab shell with Chum and make it come to life with electricity how how you know what again not questioning it Chum crabs ends up going on the date with puff and the real Krabs has to fight the faker until it collapses in on itself I gotta say I wasn't expecting to like the episode so much and had a few decent jokes and it was paced pretty well 3. pandemonium arm wrestlers Rejoice this is the SpongeBob for you Mr Krabs wins against everyone even Plankton wow so Plankton brings his big love to life to beat Mr Krabs and then try to get the formula but the glove gets a mind of its own and takes off destroying Bikini Bottom they tried to calm it down with a fake lady glove but the lady in the [ __ ] reference ruins that idea so SpongeBob's got another idea of singing the intro theme song to get a hold of Hans also I gotta bring up that this keeps happening in season 10 through 12 where the theme song is sung during the episode and this is the first instance where it actually makes sense to do this so Hans and the glove fight it out for a while and Hans conkers I gotta hand it to them this plot was pretty creative and I can understand the longer run time 2. the ghost of Plankton Plankton is watching a horror movie and has an idea to be a ghost to get the formula yeah I'm with Karen he ruined movie night over this dream of his so he actually does become a ghost and can't grab the formula the Dutchman starts laughing at him and it says that he has to learn how to grab stuff look the formula isn't leaving that safe that's my prediction on how this is gonna end but you know what the dynamic of Plankton and Dutchman is one I'm surprised I never thought of until now both villains kind of teaming up together that should have been done a long time ago Plankton learns how to pick things up and they become pretty friendly and wow he can't get the bottle out of the safe called it although Plankton has a funeral and the Dutchman takes his body until he gets the stampeding of his life this was one of the better episodes in season 12 but Ted's not saying much because good grief this season is a disaster 1. Karen's Baby the idea of Karen ordering a baby sounds so stupid but this ended up being a really charming and fun watch their baby chip starts off as a little calculator and then he quickly turns into a kid teenager college student and grows up all in one episode throughout this Plankton doesn't really care about his kid at all but you slowly start to see him change and learn to love and care for chip it's really sweet actually I was not at all expecting it to go like that remember when I said I was excited about watching season 12. I don't know why I don't know what I was thinking because things uh things got a lot worse let's just say that the writers have gone way overboard with referencing old episodes to the point where it's actually getting annoying bubble bass is like a character now like well he was always a character but he's like a more main character where he gets three or four of his own episodes I don't understand what's happening here you know actually I do understand what's happening SpongeBob needs to end it's been going on for way too long there's clearly no more ideas out there unless you're to take things to a completely different direction go a totally different location make a prequel oh I'll get to that later but before we do that season 13 is the most current season let's check that one out 21 lockdown for love oh my God this episode was legitimately painful and was actually getting me a bit mad at what was happening on the screen Plankton and Karen are on a hot air balloon date and look at that undertale heart possible Sans reference as Plankton is about to get some action in this beta gets distracted by Krabs dropping the formula although it was just a projection she's so tired of this happening that she locks him down until they have a romantic date so Plankton uses Patrick is a distraction while he gets the real formula that just so happened to roll right next to the Chum Bucket and this is where I face palm like a billion times in five seconds Krabs realizes the formula is missing and tries to get it back from Plankton at the Chum Bucket he's you know banging on the door trying to get the thing back but crabs hello it's right there it's right next to you hello but it gets worse Plankton cuts a hole through a wall and grabs the formula but can't get it through and never attempts to rotate the bottle oh oh come on that's when Karen reveals that she synthesized the formula so the real plankton comes out of hiding and gets caught God lockdown for love was actually painful to watch I swear every character except Squidward is just a big dunce in this show now 20. Pat the dog remember when Patrick pretended to be a horse for an entire episode now he wants to be a dog season 14 we're getting Pat the cat guaranteed you want to know why Patrick is acting like a worm because he ate worm food yeah yep yep that's the reason we're given seriously just end me now you know watching this season has turned into a challenge Can I Endure how awful these episodes get well I finished the ranked video but I don't know if it was worth it Squidward thinks he trains Patrick but he actually just pretends half the time so Animal Control gives him butcher to deal with 19. plain to see Squidward wins a contest to visit Bora Bora bottom with SpongeBob and Patrick pretending to be children Patrick manages to remove the flight attend attendants and pilots from the plane but Squidward lands the plane or so he thought it was just on autopilot but it turns out the contest he won was just to see the island and not actually visit this was bottom of the barrel bad I was starting to fall asleep because we've seen scuba get harassed like a hundred times now and not one of those times was it funny 18. a place for pets a lady is feeding a worm at the Krusty Krab even though pets aren't allowed but as you can guess she would pay double if her worm gets to be fed but the health inspector won't allow people and pets so crab picks pets this makes the people eat at the Chum Bucket and eventually they just dress up like pets to abide by the new rules side note I really don't like bubble bass's rabbit costume it's kind of creeping me out the pets go wild attacking the people and that's when the health inspector decides to change his rules on the spot wow that uh that really defeats the entire point of this episode A Place For Pets is not very good plain and simple 7 17 something narwhal This Way Comes Spongebob's friend gnarly narwhal and knobby drop by unexpectedly which quickly turns into a Shameless plug for Camp Coral the new episodes are really pushing this spin-off show hard the narwhals have wondrous character traits that I can only describe as stupidity yeah something we've never seen before they basically transform SpongeBob's pineapple into a hillbilly version in fact they change all bikini bottom so Plankton's hillbilly family itches them away and that's about that I'm kinda surprised Plankton didn't ask for the formula in return instead he gets kissed by Spongebob why I guess this episode is fine there's just not much to it besides a bunch of references to older episodes again and it's not the last time 16. Squidward's sick days the entire world is bothering Squidward in his dreams so he decides to stay home and take a day for himself and pretends to be sick Krabs is suspicious and has SpongeBob watch over him look I get why Krabs did this but now he has nobody to help run the Krusty Krab SpongeBob tortures Squidward for eight more minutes until Squidward admits he isn't sick anymore but when he gets back he becomes a mega Chad since he actually got cleaned of all his toxins but being back at work brought him back to his normal state that is just oppressing because I understand overworking affects your physical and mental health drastically it's a problem that I feel like I'm always battling too 15. sleepy days this is kind of a continuation of squid feratu we'll get to that later so Nosferatu has a cold they go to Dr calamari but Nosferatu hypnotizes the doctor to bring him blood and cookies instead this has to be the trippiest SpongeBob episode I've seen in a long time while waiting to be healed the creepy fish guy goes to the arcade and just lets his time sink and then the episode is basically over I don't really see what the point of any of that was but all right then 14. potato puff you guys ready for the 56th boating school episode this time with a baby that has never skipped Lake day Mrs Puff tries getting help from the French narrator's potatoes yes I'm not actually joking shockingly this doesn't improve SpongeBob's driving at all especially since Mrs Puff isn't watching and that's when a gamer breaks a traffic law and SpongeBob chases him down and yeah I know he's a gamer because that's what his shirt says that makes him a gamer SpongeBob gets in an accident and Mrs Puff Goes to Jail same different episode name 13. Patrick the mailman the mailman breaks his back trying to carry Patrick's new rock so he takes over for him they deliver mail the Squidward and struggle to give a letter to Kevin and that's because it's not even his male when arriving at old man Walker's house he cries that he never gets mail so they just give him the rest and that's pretty much the only interesting thing that happens sponge and Pat just mess up things for the rest of the episode there's a few parts in here that made me giggle but otherwise it's kind of the same thing we've seen a million times 12. squid feratu Squidward keeps getting nosferatu's male and he's forced to deliver all of it to him purse personally the aesthetic changes to a safety a tone as they get closer and I'm really digging it the town's people warned them to not visit but they don't listen of course Nosferatu has a fish inside him as a servant that is very disturbing but they successfully deliver as mail but they're stuck there because it's storming too hard outside Nosferatu offers him a delightful dinner and I guess pretends to try to bite them in their sleep squid and sponge are Chase throughout the castle until they get trapped in the laundry suit only for Nosferatu to return Squidward's package inside that is some garlic and then some other guys flicking the light switch on and off this entire episode is based off of one gag almost 20 years ago I get the idea of making a Halloween themed episode without the Flying Dutchman but this just does not make sense at all I appreciate the effort into this but it just didn't really work 11. Goofy scoopers Freddy Fazbear is a drummer at the goofy goobers that's cool they're known as the goofy scoopers which sponge and Pat adore but the manager brings in Skrillex the next day sponge a pat wants to roll robots back so they go to the dump without much luck they manage to reunite them all but the kids still don't like the music so Skrillex ice cream God comes in to save the day the concept for this episode is all right but it didn't leave much of an impression on me 10. Seaman sponge Haters Club all the people that hate SpongeBob meet up at Squidward's house to complain about him this is like a triple a meeting that's honestly kind of hilarious for the duration of the episode everyone shares their stories about the pain they've suffered through dealing with sponge boy the sponge is perceived as a creepy ass villain in all the stories and Squidward shares his in real time this episode perfectly describes everything that is wrong with SpongeBob and Patrick's new behaviors in the most ironic way possible and it was kind of refreshing in a Twisted way this one was okay which recently has been the high bar just okay 9. Chums Plankton tries to steal the Eno I'm not even finishing this sentence do I really need to and then a minute later we get a fun song reference you know these references were kind of cute at first but it has gotten obnoxious as we continue to move forward Plankton ends up going down a drain into bubble bass's house and then the sewer he finds a pile of chum that's alive due to the nasty gases and Plankton is the master of this Chum so take a wild guess what he does next Plankton fails again with SpongeBob's water melting away the chum I gotta give props to the action segment because it's really well done and kept me invested the whole time but otherwise it's just another Plankton failing episode eight under the small top fleas have a circus and you can buy them in a kit wow what a great idea Squidward gets SpongeBob's kit by accident and the fleas go all over his house this is giving me PTSD watching after I lived with Roaches for a year I know it's not the same thing but it's giving off the same Vibe Squidward finds the fleas on his bed and he's fascinated by them until they start eating him alive and that's basically all that happens until SpongeBob finds out where his package went the first half had a few decent jokes in there but it kind of just dragged on by the end seven food truck now that's a title Mr Krabs makes a food truck and like usual abandons his restaurant for this new Pursuit seriously just higher 's employees to expand your business it's not that complicated sponge and Squid quickly discovered that they've got competition and go to Rock Bottom to sell paddies the One customer they find keeps disappearing when in fact he was just waving his armpits dry sure they managed to sell zero Krabby Patties that is until Mr Krabs buys one so yeah they really named the episode just because they're in rock bottom for a few minutes this watch was one of the better ones I suppose at least we got to see more of what rock bottoms world is like 6. the big bad bubble bass Karen narrates another episode I don't know why this show keeps trying to do this it's just bizarre and hasn't really worked well yet but anyway this is a tale about Bubble bass who we've seen way too much the past few seasons bubble bass goes to the store to get some action figure pigulon but it's sold out sponge and Pat get the last one so the bass tries to get it from them he fails for half the episode and cries to his mom about it she drives him to Squid's house and burps so powerfully that she knocks all the water out the ocean and oh my God SpongeBob ended up giving up pigulon anyway but in shambles there's some pretty good moments in this one it's one of the better bubble bass themed episodes 5. captain pig squeak this one went hard on the references my gosh Plankton tries to unite bad guys to help him steal the formula now I know we're all thinking of the same thing here but just wait it out the twist is done pretty well as Plankton decides to dress up this time and learns that the other Show's bad guys want to join the team too we get a nice long reel of references and this time it's a little more tasteful than usual so I don't mind as much even nosferatu's here he's just like a character I mean he got an entire episode dedicated to him okay like wasn't he meant to be a one-time gag anyway Plankton has his interview and ends up joining the team they managed to steal the formula but that's when they figure out that it's just for a sandwich and not for world domination I got handed to the writers they took the Baseline of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy 5 and made something fairly unique this episode was solid but man the references went overboard 4. there will be Greece I guess we're getting another grease themed episode in case you forgot we already had one in season seven but this one takes a different side the grease is sold like its snake oil it can cure and do just about anything after making millions of dollars Bikini Bottom wants its money back and crabs and Plankton are enemies once again parts of this plot kind of remind me of pretty patties as well but it really does feel pretty unique there will be grease was an alright watch one of the better ones from this season three upturn girls Pearl is cooking Krabby Patties and oh no the freaking narwhals are back narlene wants to be shown around bikini bottom so Pearl does the honors to get out of work they head to the mall and cause a Ruckus and have to escape via a bubble from Pearl I initially groaned when I saw narlene show up on screen but I actually kind of enjoyed this one seeing Pearl and Arlene become friends felt very authentic and real I gotta be honest like I'm getting more and more curious about watching Camp Coral since we keep seeing these characters pop up more and more often 2. say ah Plankton bad and Plankton fails because he's suddenly cute okay that's really random but you know what let's just go with it Plankton decides to make this Cute Ducky thing that can eat people and that's starting with Plankton this duck eats hundreds of people and the only way out is to pull on the emergency uvula when they escape inside glove world the duck decides to become a ride I like how the plot just pulled the complete 180 in terms of its direction this was a really good episode with some great action segments the robot duck actually looked pretty awesome and intimidating 1. SpongeBob's road to Christmas it's time for another Christmas double special I like the Jolly Spirit right from the get-go Santa is huge for some reason but I don't mind this rendition of him Santa drops off SpongeBob's gift and doesn't see the gift that was for him that's when Patrick suggests bringing it to Santa personally and of course Plankton somehow weasels his way in trying to steal the formula the three of them fly to the North Pole or Christmas land theme parks and sponge and Pat decide to take control of the autopilot they explore the area and end up finding Santa Claus who's secretly Patchy the Pirate it what the hell also can I just talk about this scene transition being ridiculously jarring and I don't know why we go from SpongeBob and Pat's face disintegrating and the next frame they're back to normal hatchy's legs are in a different spot and the background is more detailed something went seriously wrong here I'm honestly just curious what the heck happened behind the scenes but anyway they discovered they're in the wrong place so it's a good thing patchy of all people is there to help he leads the fellows in the right direction and they make it to the real North Pole sponge and Pat try to leave the present inside since they weren't allowed in but get caught in the elves and reindeers fight them off and yes the reindeers are muscle heads for no reason I honestly love that Santa gets back and receives SpongeBob's gift which was simply a nice letter despite how much I didn't really like season 13 this special was a lot of fun seeing the North Pole depicted in more detail really added a lot to this episode heck I'd watch it again I hate to say this because I'm such a huge fan of SpongeBob but this show has officially lost all of its shame constantly promoting Camp Coral over using the old jokes verbatim I mean it got awful in this season and now that I've seen them all it doesn't get any better in fact it actually gets worse season 13 you know it's still going there's a chance that they can still redeem themselves maybe things will get better over time but I don't know I'm really not feeling it now but before we move on to the spin-offs let's take a quick break and check out all three SpongeBob movies 3. the SpongeBob Movie sponge on the run this is a completely different vibe right off the get-go compared to the first two movies it starts off like a documentary about fish and the art style is entirely different too it's completely in 3D this time and it looks nice the colors are vibrant and the animation is surprisingly expressive not as much as 2D just because of how much harder that is to achieve but it works and while I have this as the worst SpongeBob movie on my list it was a lot better than I expected it to be it starts off like a typical SpongeBob episode SpongeBob and noise Squidward at the Krusty Krab yada yada yada we also get a montage of SpongeBob hanging out with Gary and that's when Karen tells Plankton that SpongeBob is the problem and not Mr Krabs and also they give Karen a much more robotic voice in this movie I don't really like it as it takes away from some of the personality in her delivery but I kind of get why they did that for a more General audience not much happens in the beginning of this movie which is probably the one big fault sponge on the Run has there's a lot of slow moments that could have been trimmed around place with something to fill the time better but as things move on we learn about Poseidon who's obsessed with his appearance and uses snail slime to keep his skin looking clean that's disgusting but the snails he's taken have all run out of slime so this is Plankton's chance to steal Gary and distract SpongeBob so that's exactly what he does and sponge and Pat are devastated looking for the Lost snail that's when Plankton conveniently shows up with a car in Sandy's Auto robot to drive them to Atlantic City it's starting to sound a lot like the first movie's plot isn't it well it kind of is up until the end except instead of the crown they're saving Gary and you know this movie actually has differentiated itself enough to not feel like a copy so I think it was fine for them to use similar parallels once the road trip begins that's when it starts to get interesting sponge and Pat fall asleep and have the same dream and end up in some western town called goner Gulch and then a tumbleweed rolls up and Keanu Reeves talks to them and this isn't just one funny Cameo no he's basically a core character in this film he's the guy that leads them forward I can't help but love that he plays such a big role in the film it's so funny because of how seriously he takes his role Keanu tells them to go into a bar and basically get rid of the zombies and could you guess that once they walk in a dance scene begins but that's not all Snoop Dogg shows up I literally had to pause the movie because I couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of his Cameo Snoop showing up comes so out of left field oh my God so after that we learn of El Diablo played by Danny Trejo and SpongeBob had accidentally incinerate him with the light coming from the window this frees the zombies and then they wake up but Keanu is just in the car with them now like I said the movie picks up once they actually leave Bikini Bottom the sponge on the Run might have a lot of generic tropes but I'm entertained so I don't care well all that's happening though Krabs is out of business because SpongeBob is missing he even gives Plankton the formula love because he's so depressed I'm surprised he didn't just hire someone else it's kind of nice to see him care about SpongeBob again after becoming such a massive dick in modern SpongeBob and by the way every typical licensed song you can think of makes it into this movie I'm pretty indifferent about that but I figured it should be brought up because some people hate when films use the same music all the time about halfway through the movie Sponge and Pat arrive at Atlantic City which is earlier than I expected them to get there they get distracted by gambling and are thrown into jail they're lucky this was put on TV or his friends would have never found out that sponge and Pat were about to get executed they decide to go out to find him even Plankton comes with which is a little sus funny enough we get to see the Patty mobile again but it turns into a sub so everybody fits in the car this is really fun to see again but it's also where the movie slows to a crawl for 20 minutes sponge and Pad are put on trial but as French show up and share their stories to defend them and while it's very touching and necessary to an extent it's also really boring I mean I get the point they're trying to make Poseidon and the audience feel bad for the execution but it's told through these Camp Coral scenes when they were all kids and it just felt overdrawn but the stories are told so well that they managed to debate Poseidon and grab Gary when he isn't looking they try to escape but Poseidon traps them all he says to let them go if he gives up Gary but SpongeBob refuses this leads to Poseidon realizing he has no friends and SpongeBob says he'll be his friend if he's just nicer to everyone and stops worrying about how he looks so Poseidon reveals he's a chunky boy uh okay sure whatever does the job to let him go and then they all lived happily ever after even Plankton who served no repercussions for causing all this to happen after not being much of a fan of newer SpongeBob this movie really pulled itself together for the most part it's worth watching at least once 2. the SpongeBob Movie sponge Out of Water I've seen this movie Once when it first came out and I remember liking it but I don't remember why what was always weird was that the 3D portions of this film was what was mostly advertised when in fact the majority of it is in 2D on to the story a pirate finds the infamous SpongeBob Island that contains a book this book tells the story of Bikini Bottom starting things off strong with a 2d animation it looks stunning just as it did in the first movie after that Revelation it takes a while for the movie to really start we get a lot of backstory about Plankton trying to steal the formula for years but always failing and there's this war with Plankton and crabs and I just look I've seen every episode now this plot is not interesting anymore I know it picks up but it just feels very tired but hey at least crabs finally updated the drive-through compared to the last time we saw it Plankton gives his last penny to Krabs which is thrown into the vault as you'd guess Plankton was hidden inside the whole time as he makes a fake formula bottle and try swapping them out he's caught by SpongeBob in the bottle vanishes this is where the movie finally picks up in a apocalypse begins with a world without Krabby Patties you know that book The Pirate found yeah he basically has the power to rewrite history in bikini bottom and steals the formula that way as someone that recently watched Death Note that's all I can compare this to it's like a Tamer yet more extreme version of that anime but unfortunately for SpongeBob and Plankton nobody believes that the formula vanished so they're on their own even Sandy has gone completely cuckoo while Plankton is learning how to work as a team there's this teamwork song that's sung and it's just not catchy at all the worst song in the first movie is better than this one it just feels kind of uninspired or something but alas they come up with a plan build a time machine and get the formula back before it disappears I absolutely love the visuals we see when they time travel but it doesn't end up working out they do time travel to the Future and meet bubbles who's by far the best character in the movie he's watching over Saturn and Jupiter making sure they don't Collide but when he takes a bathroom break sponge and Plankton can't stop that from happening and the dolphin gets fired from his job there's a reason we're even watching this believe me when they get the formula and return to the present SpongeBob grabbed the wrong bottle and before he sacrificed for no particular reason a smell randomly appears how is the smell just showing up now anyway it's the smell of a Krabby Patty which leads the town to the edge of the beach I love how the show just straight up says the secondary characters have to leave that was a really good one but since they can't breathe on top of land you'd think that they would be stuck but no bubble shows up and makes them 3D magically and strangely this is the highlight of the entire movie The 2D animation looks great but the story is kind of boring and takes a while to get anywhere here Squidward is giving some girl a massage and he has no idea SpongeBob and Patrick eat a bunch of cotton candy and travel around the world but after some goofing around they fire the Krabby Patty formula is the Pirates stole it to become rich and they were sent to Pelican Island but thankfully Sandy retrieved a rip page from the book so SpongeBob wrote on the page to make them all superheroes which leads to a really cool Chase action sequence the movie just gets really fun because of how goofy the superpowers are but it's not quite good enough to stop the pirate that is until Plankton shows up as a macho man and with the power of SpongeBob's bubbles they managed to stop him Plankton gives the formula to Krabs and everything returns to normal I don't know why he did that because he tries to steal it again anyway but hey whatever floats your boat but the movie isn't quite over yet because the pirate is stuck on SpongeBob's Island and that's when a picture frame shows up and holy this guy was painting the pirate the whole time I never even considered this being the same pirate but as this Revelation is happening bubble shows up saying the song sucks in a rap battle begins and not just any rap battle an epic rap battle yeah you guys remember Erv the creators of that channel were involved with making this rap it's even filmed in the same style with the split screen and over-the-top disses I completely forgot this was in the movie but wow what a weird thing to throw into the end I guess crb was pretty popular in the 2010s I'm so curious how nice Peter and epic Lloyd landed this deal so overall this movie isn't too bad the plot space was a pretty big problem until the book pages got involved so this is one of those movies where it's nice to watch once but never again after that 1. the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie I cannot believe this movie is almost 20 years old I remember being 11 years old and watching it in theaters while it was a magical experience to see my favorite cartoon on the big screen I actually didn't care much for the movie but this is one of those things where the more you watch it the better it gets now I always look forward to re-watching this classic the movie starts off with a bunch of real pirates that find tickets of the SpongeBob movie it immediately starts off strong with its meta humor and we get a remix of the main theme sung by the Pirates as well what I really love about this movie is that it's mostly done in 2D which even at the time was extremely rare as 3D animation was getting more and more popular to produce the animation still looks beautiful even to this day the shading and lighting is much more detailed than pristine compared to anything seen on the show before the film starts off with SpongeBob dreaming about getting the manager position for the Krusty Krab 2. SpongeBob is very certain that it'll get the position so he's pretty stoked something strange that I always remember was the shot where you see SpongeBob's ass everyone and I mean everyone thought it was hilarious back then nowadays we see thick cheeks on every SpongeBob character when the Krusty Krab 2 opens it's revealed that Squidward gets the job and SpongeBob doesn't realize it until it's too late he's told it's because he's just a kid which honestly is understandable meanwhile Plankton is jealous until he pulls out plan Z the infamous playing Z Plankton takes King Neptune's crown and Frames Mr Krabs for the crime while that's happening SpongeBob and Patrick are goofy goobers and get drunk on ice cream it's a joke kids don't understand it first but is just subtle enough to get a chuckle out of you as an adult the next day King Neptune heads to the Krusty Krab to confront Mr Krabs and Plankton sets him up so perfectly the crown is now in Shell City a place not even in the ocean SpongeBob claims he can get the crown back so crabs gets Frozen and sponge and Patrick have six days to get it back this is where some people start to hate the movie because the rest of it is mostly just SpongeBob and Patrick the other characters aren't really included and I can understand how that might get old after a while but honestly the amount of places that sponge and Patrick go to and the people they meet more than makes up for it while sponge and Patrick are on the way Plankton starts selling patties and gives everyone Chum Bucket bucket helmets these helmets turn into mechanisms to control brains so everybody turns into slaves so sponge and Patrick have no choice but to get this crown back and of course they're driving the Patty sandwich as well quite possibly the coolest vehicle I've ever seen to date on the way they get their car stolen break into a pub to get the keys back to it run into a trap and almost get eaten by a monster fish make friends with a bunch of monsters Dennis is inches away from squishing them and a cyclops man brings them to Shell City this moment gives SpongeBob's most impactful and emotional scene to date the lamp light is squeezing the water out of SpongeBob and Patrick they both realize they made it to Shell City but aren't gonna make it themselves and sing the Goofy Goober Song as they slowly perish to their death even now I get a little teared up the way that it's framed really hits the fields but both of their teardrops save the day as it Wiggles its way to the plug sets off the fire alarm sprays a ton of water everywhere and all the fish in the shop come back to life and that's when they run into David Hasselhoff the greatest character we've ever seen in SpongeBob he sends them back to Bikini Bottom at the brink of time only for Plankton to try seizing them both anyway and that's when we get to the goofy goober rock a parody of Twisted Sisters I wanna rock the song's rock and roll is so powerful that blast of energy are released from Spongebob's guitar freeing everyone from Plankton and saving the day this is one of the most quotable cartoon movies of all time I'm Ready Depression bald bald my eyes you don't need a license to drive a sandwich this will only hurt a lot and that's only a small handful of quotes the SpongeBob Movie sets out to be nothing more than an ambitiously fun time and that is exactly what it manages to achieve would it have been nice to see the other characters more yeah I suppose so but they did a lot with what they had the music is still great too and I haven't even brought up Now That We're Men yet one of the most stupidly catchy songs that SpongeBob has ever made and we get ocean man for the credits it's good all around it's a movie that I'm sure we've all seen before and I recommend watching it again because it's totally worth it and gets better and better as far as all three of the SpongeBob movies go I'm actually a pretty big fan of all of them the third one obviously has a lot more flaws in the first and second movie but I would watch all of them again especially the first movie that movie's just fantastic it gets better year after year but I'm not done yet I'm gonna be doing the spin-off shows as well if you've never heard of them there are two different SpongeBob spin-off shows there's Camp Coral which is a prequel to SpongeBob and the Patrick Star Show featuring Patrick and the rest of the SpongeBob castle we'll get into it but let's start off with Camp Coral the prequel the SpongeBob SquarePants foreign what about meat we get a different narrator which is a bit awkward considering the French narrator is still used but anyway this one is about the anchovies doing anchovy things they say meep but one of them says moop and becomes an outcast wow he wants to change his personality and ends up putting on a mop head the other anchovies copy him and he goes back to saying MEEP the most brain dead thing I've watched in years 35 Pat's a lil Sinker Patrick can't swim so Mrs Puff tries to teach him and he fails so sponge Pat and Sandy go down to the bottom of the lake instead because they're fish and breathe underwater anyway this is one of the slowest Camp Coral episodes I've seen and that's saying something honestly I'm more bothered that SpongeBob insany's karate gear has been reversed like why is the colors reversed why you gotta do that 34 game night all the adults try to have a game night but SpongeBob ruins it of course so they go hide somewhere else and guess who shows up again the adults just can't find a way to have the Knight to them so ourselves and it's kind of painful to watch 33 Camp SpongeBob uh aren't they already at Camp SpongeBob misses a field trip and just does whatever with Gary and the other animals that's all that happens and it's very boring 32 Squatch swap sponge and patter wearing big feet trying to attach squatches Sammy doesn't think they're real but of course they find one with the Squatch Patrick plays footy cake with him and they kind of just lollygag around while mistaken the squats for Patrick seriously in most of these episodes you'll find that nothing happens and this would be fine if the characters or events were more interesting but most of what we see on the show is slow and boring 31. why is Kraken I was legit struggling to stay awake watching this one Plankton is supposedly forced to go to Comedy canteen a comedy stand-up show even though we don't really see him the kids crack jokes while Plankton tries to make a deadly pie eventually a kraken shows up Plankton pies the Kraken but they ran out of plutonium and the Kraken wins The Comedy Award I I don't even think kids would have found this episode entertaining it was that bad 30. tag you're in sponge Pat and Sandy can't play tag outside because it's raining Squidward gets annoyed with how loud they're being and kicks them outside so they play tag in a bunch of different cabins and eventually gets sent back to Squid's Retreat that's when it stops raining and that's the end of the episode it's literally just about playing tag there is nothing else happening 29 in search of Camp nudist camp Coral is bored just like me watching this show so narlene shows up to talk about a nudist camp and then when they find it she actually meant new dust new dust that was the joke well actually no we do get to an actual nudist area and it's a bunch of fish hanging out and we also see Mr Krabs cheeks you know I am so tired of SpongeBob using butt cheeks as a joke it's been burned to the goddamn ground for this show I really didn't like watching this one 28 are you afraid of the Dork the second double special for Camp Coral bubble bath says sharing a scary story The Flying Dutchman appears which is kind of cool but bubble bass goes on talking about rolling a one in a board game over and over again the Dutchman is not impressed with the stories so he joins for fun he manages to scare Larry and uh yeah I I don't know why this episode's so long Dutchman gets some badges for scaring people but isn't able to scare a sponge and Pad they managed to scare him though by snapping their fingers and making him 10 years old again you know whatever I guess this sure was a uh sure was a cartoon episode that I watched yeah 27 first and last Aid SpongeBob and friends keep getting hurt but Krabs tells them to walk it off so Mrs Puff calls for a real nurse and Helga arrives in style SpongeBob keeps getting Helga hurt and then a sin is committed black plays before white in chess look I'm sorry but that's just breaking the rules and that's the whole plot there really is just nothing happening in these episodes 26 my fair Nabi sponge and Pat have to babysit knobby oh yeah this should go over well knobby causes a bunch of chaos you know this whole dumb equals funny shtick we've been seeing way too much of just doesn't work here the jellyfish that being seen at the very least looks cool visually but instead Nabi somehow ends up well trained yeah this is kind of like Patrick smart pants but with knobby instead narlene doesn't like this so she tries to deprogram him but ironically I like this new version of Nabi way more but of course he was just playing a prank on her the whole time wow what an episode 25 Camp crossbones sponge Pat and Sandy are trying to get pirate badges they dig for crabs treasure and Find Pearl's diapers as well as steal badges from the others except they weren't actually stealing them they were cleaning them for a badge washing badge since crabs didn't want to give them pirate badges they ended up using his undergarments as pirate badges instead so that's a thing I was starting to snooze on this episode too God I'm glad nearing the end of this 24 the jellyfish kid since I've never seen this show until now I decided to watch the intro for this one since it's the very first episode and uh well it it sure is an intro right it's ridiculously fast paced and just kind of goes through the motions of SpongeBob going around this camp with everyone else I'm also not a fan of them including Stephen hillenberg's name since he stated he did not want spin-offs of SpongeBob we don't know if he would have liked this show or not specifically but anyway on to the episode itself SpongeBob goes out to catch his first jellyfish because yes this is actually a prequel show as you can tell from the characters being betrayed as younger kids however within two minutes this immediately gets confusing SpongeBob knows who Sandy is at this camp but didn't he meet her for the first time when he was an adult and it's a little weird that the voice cast is exactly the same as well you'd think it would be different because well their kids and they're younger but no they sound virtually the same and then Mr Krabs is the camp director but didn't he first meets SpongeBob in the pilot episode for a show that's supposed to be a prequel it immediately breaks its continuity as for what happens SpongeBob wants to catch his first jellyfish he fails at this so Sandy makes Squidward pretend to be gone instead of catching Squidward a Monster eats him in SpongeBob and they escape via a big bubble I'm not gonna lie this kind of feels like a normal SpongeBob episode why isn't there more distinctness and this wasn't funny at all now look I'm not expecting to giggle even once for the rest of Camp Coral but wow this show really is boring 23. squishery Squidward is annoyed with Patrick and falls down a cliff what's new though right Squidward broke his ankle on the fall down so Patrick built shelter and acts like an idiot for the next 10 minutes Squidward at least feels content and is actually getting help for his ankle Until It Breaks again and they weren't actually lost in the forest but 10 feet from Camp I was a little bit weirded out by Patrick and Squidward's romantic moments but sure whatever works 22. sugar squeeze everybody loses their or candy it turns out narlene and Navi were stealing it yes I know we've already seen them a few times but this is the same annoying idiots that we saw in season 13. expect to see more of them oh goody I'm also just realizing knob looks like a minion oh no the candy was stolen to make sugar squeeze which the camp loves the kids run rampant because you know kids and sugar do that and Arlene gets rid of the sugar squeeze with the Thunder squeeze once that's squeezed out narlene and not escape with a leftover sugar so they really did steal it at least this one was short since not much happens besides the fact that I really don't like these new characters and hate to break it to you but they don't get any better 21. sun's out Fun's out it's very hot out and Mr Krabs is the only one with AC huh this kind of reminds me of holes for some reason but sponge and Pals pay to stay inside and so does everyone else so the house explodes I like the concept but the execution is lacking and not much really happens 20. boo Light Special Krabs is having a busy day in needs help so the Dutchman shows up he helps his cashier but SpongeBob makes his life hell it's really sad to see SpongeBob turn into nothing but a plot device for conflict when there's no other ideas but yeah the Dutchman curses items that people buy and they all get a refund in the end decent idea but really boring to watch 19. Camp Spirit a dirty sock is found on the ground and they make it dirtier there's also some new ghost girl Maisie and Mr Krabs is not a fan they go around scaring people at the camp and then Maisie just leaves it's not all that interesting like most of these episodes 18. the jelly life SpongeBob still can't catch any jellyfish so Sandy tells him to study them he struggles with this until literally dressing up like one and learns their ways he floats around with the jellyfish and comes back with the knowledge only to not use it while this episode was really tedious at least the backstory on how SpongeBob learned jellyfishing has been revealed to some extent 17. give me a news break SpongeBob's on TV because he can't catch a jellyfish and then Sandy is launching a volcano rocket thingy I was pretty amused by Squidward telling a five-year-old that his art sucks and the cameraman believes there's martians but these martians they keep seeing are just pinatas you know the more of these episodes I watch the more I realize they really weren't made for all ages and I know we're all aware of this but I'm doing it cause why the hell not 16. painting with Squidward Krabs is throwing an art show and Squidward waza teaches campers how to draw he isn't satisfied with their work so Sandy makes a machine that automatically makes art Krabs is impressed with what it produces but scuba throws a fit he slips on a painting and somehow manages himself into the machine this episode isn't too bad it just feels a little dull and I know I've said that a million times but that's just the best way to describe Camp Coral 15. cabin of Curiosities SpongeBob won a friendship badge and are struggling to get it so at night they go to the weirdo cabin and meet people they've never seen including hid ferratu yes they really have a kid version of Nosferatu again he was just a one-time gag originally sponge and Pat earned some nighttime badges instead except they weren't actually real this one was just okay like the rest of the show 14. hard time out Patrick is thirsty and drinks crabs price ship Patrick runs away before getting caught and SpongeBob gets a timeout so Patrick tries to break him out but SpongeBob doesn't want to leave that's when Patrick breaks a rule to get in only to find SpongeBob has gone completely cuckoo with a fake Patrick and that's basically the episode Krabs tells them to leave the time out and there you go there really isn't much else to say here like there's no story in these episodes just things happen that's it 13. Night of the Living stench Patrick and SpongeBob argue about showering yet again this is oh what the third or fourth time we've had this exact plot The Twist though for Night of the Living stench is somehow worse than the other ones Krabs wants to avoid buying soap so he gives sponge and Pat badges for not showering this leads everybody but Squidward to be stinky and after Chasing squirter around at night to get him dirty they all end up in the late Queen but then Squidward absorbs the dirt at the end this was a dumb episode but at least it kept my attention as if that's the standard at this point it kind of is it is 12. Quest for tire Camp Coral is waiting for a food truck to arrive except they get shoes instead the kids decide to find food themselves and they sure do find a food truck all right for some reason it's sentient seeing as it drinks gasoline and eats a motorcycle in Patrick my response to what's happening is a resounding okay but yeah the kids take down the food truck and apparently there is a driver inside of it this is somehow the best episode I've watched so far that is just sad that's so sad 11. midnight snack attack sponge a powder playing for so long that they missed dinner so Patrick decides to sneak in to get food they accidentally get into Plankton's secret lab and Karen convinces them to try some snacks but these snacks have side effects of transforming into monsters so Plankton creates an antidote and turns them back to normal it's a pretty basic story but was kind of dragging on 10. hillfoo Sandy has the wrong color gloves again why there are green gloves make them green Sandy green SpongeBob red it's always been this way how do they mess this up come on sorry this is basically the prequel to SpongeBob learning karate and SpongeBob learns from knobby wow this somehow managed to be like the worst timeline I could have imagined God Spongebob doesn't learn but he does get a rope belt but at the very least the ending was pretty solid we get a decent fight scene with SpongeBob and Sandy getting a tie so I'll take it he just knew karate I guess didn't need to learn anything he just did it good job SpongeBob 9. Outhouse outrage the Outhouse explodes and Krabs is trying to figure out who did it also holy Patrick potential Spy Kids reference anyway sponge Pat and Squid share their stories and the spirit of the Outhouse shows up to reveal what actually happened it turns out crabs is also at fault for dumping diapers down there so they all have to rebuild the Outhouse I liked Patrick's story in this but that was the only highlight eight Hot Potato crabs needs to wash his money but Pearl needs babysitting so she's handed off to the rich lady that I will never remember her actual name and eventually SpongeBob gets a hold of Pearl after going on a walk Pearl gets lost so sponge and squid have to find her in the forest Pearl's about to pass out without air but gets her air bottle and saves her Babysitters from a giant moose snail I didn't mind this episode it had a few decent moments here and there and now that we know that Pearl needed an air bottle that makes me wonder why regular SpongeBob never covered what Pearl does for air 7. help not wanted Patrick's dad shows up to visit and decides to stay longer than planned he starts making spicy chili that causes a lot of burping you know just another joke that's overused to death in Camp Coral but he becomes the camp master so crabs puff and plane to pretend to be Camp kids to get control again I mean sure I guess that could fool someone but instead they all end up having fun until Patrick's mom shows up to pick up the dad this was a really strange episode but definitely one of the better ones 6. kitchen sponge Plankton needs help in the kitchen I wonder which of these cloned fish will help seriously though it's all the same fish but in three different colors I'm getting Sonic forces Vibes SpongeBob Volunteers Of course and make some tasty food it's funny how SpongeBob can make all this food as a kid but as an adult only Krabby Patties I really don't know why Camp Coral is classified as a prequel like seriously but he does end up making a Krabby Patty and Plankton decides to steal the formula wait what really this is a prequel do we really need these same stories retold in a different setting in different time but anyway the recipe burns from a fire and and past Sandy talks to Future Sandy about how it was all according to plan and the formula would be we discovered I'm not sure how that's supposed to happen it burned in the fire but at least there's a tiny bit of continuity carried from Camp Coral to SpongeBob 5. the ho ho [ __ ] Santa's on vacation and has never been to Bikini Bottom finally some continuity that actually makes sense except he pulls up his phone with Camp Coral's contacts I I can't do this anymore anyway Santa Claus delivers gifts on the spot and the campers are scared to open the gifts God I still can't get over that Santa knows the creatures a bikini bottom I just okay sorry anyway the kids end up burning the gifts so Santa reveals himself he doesn't get the warmest welcome but Sandy tells everyone who Santa is and they all understand and get gifts anyway besides not even attempting to make the show an actual prequel at least this episode was entertaining 4. Camp cow sponge Pat and Sandy find a feel with tall crafts and play with a cow called lucky lucky ends up following them home and Squidward is in love with the cow because of his uh conditioning the more they feed this cow the bigger it gets and I mean it gets big and the whole time this is happening lucky is just so relaxed it's kind of Epic in a weird way it turns out though that lucky was just full of milk and needed to let it all out at the end and then we've got this last shot of SpongeBob stepping on some lucky poop and kissing his shoe this is currently the newest Camp call episode and this shot this particular shot is the last thing I got to see just wonderful three The Treasure of Camp Coral sponge and Pat get a shovel and find some treasure they blow all their money at crab store upgrading their cabin and in a variety of other ways that's when porpoise Peak is introduced remember that from a couple seasons ago well this time crabs is getting paid by a sponge and pad to go up and down the hill in fact sponge of pass spend all their money on this so the other kids get a ride too but the best part it was literally Mr Krabs hidden chest the entire time finally we've stumbled onto our first somewhat decent episode all because of a plot twist I wasn't expecting 2. camper Gary the first episode with Gary and he's just trying to find some food to eat Gary and SpongeBob are friends each summer during camp and Mrs Puff is out to get the snail for getting into her garden so Sandy decides that Gary should blend in with everyone else and participates in the upcoming picnic games Mrs Puff ends up giving an award to Gary until finding out he was in Disguise she chases him to a cliff the puff almost Falls and Gary saves her and that's when Mrs Puff forgives Gary I would hope so after what he did I actually kind of like this episode it was paced well and kept my attention plus seeing Mrs Puff lighten up at the end was great to see one late Crashers Sandy has an idea of having a demolition derby with the camp they have the Derby underneath the lake and the action scenes look really nice the tank designs are pretty creative too hell even Mrs Puff gets in on the action I mean she freaking launches sponge and Sandy into goddamn space finally an episode that's memorable this is the best one of the season so far just for the pure spectacles so this might be a hot take but I don't think Camp Coral was complete hot trash it was just boring as hell which hey maybe you could say that's worse than being bad but yeah Camp Coral just kind of exists for some reason it's literally just modern SpongeBob but in 3D so it doesn't look as good it's not nearly as expressive as it is in 2D I don't know why the show needs to exist it doesn't really attempt to actually be a prequel what's the most disappointing thing about it but let's move on to our last show the Patrick Star show I've heard this one's the worst we're saving the worst for last oh boy 24 late for breakfast this is the first episode of the spin-off so of course I'm checking out its intro for the first time and it doesn't even feel like an intro it's just Patrick pointing out who's in his family and that he has a show this is not off to a good start things began with Squidward delivering the mail which is a strange thing to change there's a set in Patrick's room which reminds me of iCarly of all things but within one minute the original SpongeBob theme song plays out of Patrick's head like what why do they reference this so often in the spin-off shows to drill into the viewers that this is SpongeBob I don't get it but anyway Patrick kisses an urchin and has to get ready for his show but he doesn't know what to do so they cut to a commercial break and Plankton plays an ad for the Chum Bucket Patrick misses breakfast somehow so he opens the fridge and knights chase after him this is literally random equals funny the TV show I feel like I'm scrolling through Tick Tock but all the tick tocks are jankly can join together the only plot in quotations was Patrick looking for something to eat but ends up making something on his show as a segment burned his so-called meal and then his mom makes the meal that Patrick made and I swear like every five sentences every character forgets who they are and where they are this is just this is bafflingly awful and I sat through 24 episodes 23 Star Wars Patrick and his grandpa can't get around each other on the stairs and have to fight over who has to move the craziest part about this is there is plenty of room to walk around each other look I I get it it's a cartoon and not all rules have to apply all the time but this show never established any sort of ground rules so that means I have to make them up in my head which makes this very frustrating to watch then suddenly Patrick and Plankton in a completely different art style start fighting over what to watch I mean the stop motion looks really cool but what is the purpose of this and this is a recurring segment by the way it's not just some one-time ordeal but that's when Frank and SpongeBob splits the TV in half and uh we cut back to Patrick and Grandpa still fighting over who gets the stairs oh but thank god Patrick had the golf club he needed stuck between his teeth like I said funny equals random 22. pattathon can I just go on record and say the green fish that's nosferatu's servant makes me extremely uncomfortable just needed to throw that out there I honestly have no idea what's happening in this episode grandpat is doing some crazy stunt and Patrick is trying to raise money for his Telethon and Gary learns to tap dance because Sandy made some spray okay 21 clocknodian Heritage Festival the title says it all a festival's in town and Pat's family checks it out stuff happens yeah really like this is the most stuff happens episode I've ever seen 20. gas station vacation Pat's family is going on vacation to Gasland yep a gas station they cause a bunch of trouble and Patrick puts a microwave inside a microwave possible Mr Beast reference I don't have anything else to add beyond that 19. I smell a Pat Patrick has the world's tallest bookshelf and there's also a nasty smell that he isn't sure of where it's coming from he spends the entire episode looking for it and it's just a Grandma's cabbage Meal which turns into a monster at the end I forgot what else happened even after literally just watching this 18. enemies Allah mode Patrick wants ice cream and the ice cream man drives away since Patrick didn't get any he doesn't want to do his show so his sister squadena plays a pre-recording of an urchin and bunny fighting when that's over Patrick chases the ice cream man while his sister tries to get footage of her mom and Grandpa's enemies and that's the extent of that besides more random LOL moments in between 17. Terror at 20 000 leagues we've got a Halloween double special Plankton thinks the holiday is a big ruse which I mean he isn't completely wrong he changes the channels a bunch of times one of the shows we see is about some witch voodooing people around town she can't control Patrick because he doesn't have a mind and he eats all the dolls they flip back to Patrick and wow he's eating some of bubble bass's stuff you know what is it with Patrick eating literally everything nowadays this is another recurring thing that has gotten further and further exaggerated over the past few years and I don't get it why does he eat everything Petra tries to get candy from the people watching their show and and they do and somehow bring it back to their world I just don't understand what's happened I don't get any of this I don't get it 16. bummer jobs Patrick wants a job like his parents so he tries to tie his tie on the show when he goes out for a job we run into SpongeBob why on Earth is this even a spin-off if all the main characters are still present I mean yeah he's got this new hairdo thing in a bow tie but he's got basically the same personality traits outside of being stupider because it's Patrick's show gotta be dumb moving on though they find a job as Baggers at a grocery store and paint a fence then on their lunch break they watch a show about the my leg guy good freaking Lord the my leg joke has been nuked to the ground so deep that it has reached another parallel universe sponge and Pat keep getting fired from jobs so Squidward hires them to get the money for the paper from Patrick's dad and he keeps forgetting Patrick is his son God damn this is grating to watch I literally have to become Patrick to be able to sit through this 15. who's a big boy oh here we go a SpongeBob theme song reference again thank God because oh man I completely forgot of its existence will you just remind me every episode please so Patrick goes to the 1940s and brings back a nuclear head which makes him huge his burps are what's making him bigger of course because burp's funny then Patrick becomes a threat to the town and they shrink him by radiating his insides instead of his outsides truly genius 14. Patrick's alley Patrick runs out of money for a show and starts babysitting for money the babies Escape their playpen multiple times and they cause a lot of trouble then the parents come back for their kids there you have it another Patrick Star episode that I'll never remember 13. the haunting of star house Squidward once again is trying to get money from his paper you know the dude should just work at the Krusty Krab again so we'll actually get paid something but Patrick wants a ghost on his show so who else but the Flying Dutchman to help he buys ghosts from him to scare his family for the show so yeah he's basically an epic YouTube prankster now but the ghosts come to life in the end and do an awful job scaring them anyway I didn't mind the premise of this it just didn't really go anywhere 12 to Dad and back Patra gets the mail and decides to go inside his dad's body he has to shrink down by running down the hallway and then that that that's it what uh-huh anyway uh he checks out his dad's body and aesthetically this all looks kind of cool but like every other episode there's just no substance at all and look I don't even want anything complex just a fun little story would be great but instead Patrick causes trouble the end 11. nitwit Neighborhood News Patrick Show talks about a bunch of random news going on in their house and that is the extent of what happens he gets into a few with perch Perkins at the end and the robber they've been reporting on puts ski masks on everybody so they go to jail instead rip to them I guess I mean I suppose this episode was fine there's just not much to it 10. mid-season finale what a strange episode title this is kind of a big mashup of all the previous characters in the show doing some sort of act and for a big finale nothing really happens until the very end where tea is the celebrity appearance for the entire episode and we get Bootsy Collins I've never heard of the guy before apparently he's a really famous bassist and helped create the funk genre well that's pretty awesome actually it's too bad the episode itself doesn't do anything 9. squadena's little helper squadena is struggling to produce Patrick's show and needs some help so they hire an intern and this guy helps a lot on the first day but the next day he steals everything and gets six seasons from a network in nothing is done about it outside of Patrick dropping a toilet into their show God damn they got Bamboozled and don't care at all eight Pearl wants to be a star the first Patrick episode with pearl in it and she wants to be a star on the Patrick Show but flops hard at the beginning and of course it's not even her fault the audience just doesn't like it because of the run time but then at the end she starts singing which was still as talented as the other thing she was doing and wow we're at nine minutes so now the audience likes what she's doing this episode is fine it's even got a small subplot that I didn't mind but it's just kind of there seven Survivor ring Pat's going on a camping trip I'm surprised they didn't go to Camp Coral the RV looks pretty sick though it's packed with a bunch of missiles in case of monsters but this RV gets dropped off a cliff so they have to tough it out for the rest of the episode I didn't mind this one seeing as there was an actual purpose to what Patrick squadena and their dad was doing squadena learns to talk to isopods and they build them a shelter so good for them I guess 6 the yard sale Patrick is throwing a yard sale and they're selling grandpat stuff he's not happy about this and reminisces on what his things mean to him the flashbacks go on for so long that this is a double special and surprisingly it's somewhat entertaining kind of crazy how when you have plot points you create an investment with what's being watched by the end someone buys grandpat for 50 bucks so Patrick has to find a new Grandpa it's sad that this was one of the better watches 5. lost in couch Patrick is watching TV for a show just like I'm watching him from my show he ends up losing his remote in the couch so Pat goes in to look for it I kind of like how this turns into this weird massive adventure and he finds all of his other lost stuff the way he's displayed is really neat but man does it get confusing as he's suddenly inside of bubble bass's couch so the couches are Wormhole like portals holy sh but Patrick isn't just traveling through couches he shows up in all sorts of random drawers too so squidena has the town go into the couch to save Patrick and it turns out that the remote turned vicious because it was low on batteries the only reason I'm ranking this episode as one of the better ones is because there's a plot that somewhat makes sense kind of I'm losing my mind here four super sitters SpongeBob and Patrick Marathon Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy and wanna see them in their Prime so they take the time closet and end up babysitting them in daycare but they're also with a bunch of super villains and at first they're well behaved but sponge and Pat want an adventure and decide to make the babies fight each other something that really shocked me though is that Nickelodeon actually got new voice actors for Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy I gotta admit I was not expecting that to ever happen again but I understand that they would want to eventually bring those characters back after the original va's passed away I didn't mind this episode it was alright 3. x marks the pot Man Ray leaves jail to commit crimes again but discovers his lair has Patrick's house built over it I swear to God this episode is filled to the broom with references first off Man Ray wears a hat and mustache like Marios then the real Pizza Guys called Luigi because you know he was pretend to deliver a pizza and Luigi has an order of 30 pizzas like what like Papa John eating 30 pizzas in 40 days maybe I'm just being tin foil Bandy today or this show has actually driven me insane Man Ray just wants to find the basement but keeps getting distracted by the fam he eventually gets down there for his black hole bomb but Patrick already found it and it explodes creating a parallel universe well at least I was entertained this time 2. bunny the Barbarian Pat's family is having a family movie night but have to do chores first Pat's mom finishes cleaning early and uses Pat's time machine to visit a barbaric time she finds some jewels and it Powers up her vacuum cleaner so she runs into a dust demon causing messes and has to keep cleaning them up and then there's Patrick's family that are just watching her do this on TV and that's basically it but frankly this was a decent episode simply because it was paced well and really toned down the randomness a lot 1. just in time for Christmas I can't even imagine what a Christmas themed episode is going to be like for the Patrick Star show Patrick still has to get gifts for his family so he uses this time closet to find things he gets a futuristic razor for his dad an egg from the past for his grandpa a tattoo for his mom and a monkey for swedina the people he stole from come to get their stuff back and Patrick gives them gifts as an apology well I'll be damned this somehow ended up as the best episode in the spin-off Patrick was still stupid at times but smart enough to carry the plot forward wow what a concept yeah that was [ __ ] awful I'm not gonna lie but I think I figured out what kind of happened with this season because I did notice a weird change as I was watching them the first like five to six episodes are kind of different to everything else because those first five to six are definitely the worst it's literally just random equals funny this random thing happens and then this one happens and then this one and then this one and oh yeah that one right there I think the writers eventually realized that they kind of have to have some sort of plot to like make the story engaging so we start to see more plot driven episodes but there's still just random humor thrown in and yeah it's awful now before you know ending things off I did want to go ahead and rank every single season overall because I might as well I thought about doing every episode individually but there's 595 episodes including the movies that just seems a little redundant so let's go ahead and rank every season overall 16 the Patrick Star show by far the absolute worst of the bunch this show takes all the worst aspects of new Patrick and exemplifies it with not just him but every main character everybody is stupid and when everyone is stupid no one will be okay not really it just makes it nearly impossible to care about what's happening on screen there was literally only one decent episode out of the entire thing so far and there's still more episodes coming in the first season this honestly might be one of the worst cartoons I've ever watched in my life and they only get away with it because it's SpongeBob and it can do anything 15 season 6. you might be surprised the second Worst season isn't Camp Coral but even that can't compete with some of season six worst of the worst slide whistle Stooges boating buddies cephalopod Lodge do I really need to go on this is where I believe the show really started to decline hard it's kind of crazy how much these episodes ruin SpongeBob's reputation people still love the guy but now there's a stigma that all new SpongeBob is bad and Ness started with the season six and that is really rough 14. Camp Coral I really thought I was going to despise this as much as the Patrick Star show but that's not even the issue it's just boring so many of the episodes were putting me to sleep in and didn't do much to stand out amongst the original SpongeBob the idea of having a prequel series is really cool but they have yet to fully commit to that idea continuity breaks constantly the voice actors are the same it has all the same beats as modern SpongeBob but it doesn't look as good and I applaud the efforts to make the 3D expressive because you can clearly see the effort but but it just doesn't work as well 13 season 7 I was debating on putting this below Camp Coral but at the very least there were a handful of decent episodes despite its many shortcomings a pal for Gary and stuck in the ringer is some of the worst SpongeBob content out there but at the very least there was a handful of decent episodes compared to Camp Coral which has almost nothing I can at least applaud a few bright moments 12. season 12. this is basically the current season in the longest one as well it's an improvement over most of 2010's SpongeBob but my God it pushes for SpongeBob's Nostalgia way too much they are constantly referencing old jokes and gags even though my late guy gets an entire episode in season 11 and while I ironically enjoyed that one they have not lit up on stuff like that they think they're being all nostalgic which will make us all happy but they've overused these old jokes so much that it just makes me peeved instead like God damn stop with the Spongebob theme song reference every five episode make your own eyes identity but at the very least some of the episodes are starting to get funny again 11. season 13. this is very similar to season 12 and is still running and I've noticed the episode Concepts in general are slightly more interesting they're still referencing old SpongeBob gags way too much though and they keep cross-promoting with Camp Coral which is really getting obnoxious but at the very least some of the jokes are cracking me up which is a rarity in modern SpongeBob 10. season 8. I don't actually remember a lot of this season outside of the fact that the episodes were not nearly as bad as season 7 and 6. it's kind of all over the place and the jokes weren't told very well but at least it's trying to be its own thing I gotta respect for that alone 9. season 9. this season is similar to eight where the episodes are all over the place in terms of quality but things are definitely getting better the main issue is the character's personality changing so drastically in a lack of good ideas this was the point where the show had clearly run its course but of course it wasn't going to end I doubt it will ever end it's our generation Simpsons eight season ten I mostly liked watching this season because it was shorter but it's very similar to season 9. Seasons eight through Ten kind of all blend together and this one didn't really have any like awful episodes the worst of it was just really Bland ones and too many repeated plot lines which is why I've kind of ranked this in the Middle Road 7. season 11. maybe at this point I had just lost my mind watching SpongeBob but I actually started to like the episodes here the writing seemed to get decent again and I was cracking up at a lot of the jokes they still don't quite hold up compared to the older ones but they did a pretty decent job with this season the references to older episodes begin here but at least they were done more Tastefully than they are now 6. the movies probably a hot take but I like all three of the movies in their own ways obviously the first movie tops the other two but I think all them are distinct and stained amongst each other I really hope when they inevitably make a fourth movie they'll go back to 2D but I highly doubt that's gonna happen because the first movie ages better every single year it ranks fairly High overall five season five a lot of people don't seem to like this season and while I think the decline started to Teeter in season 5 there's still a ton of really great episodes to check out a lot of the stories they came up with were really out there and were implemented pretty well into the show a good chunk of these episodes I've happily watched multiple times and I can't say that much Beyond this season Four Season four the season that was never supposed to happen as the first movie was gonna originally be the end of the series but alas it continued forward and there's a ton of fantastic episodes in this season you can definitely feel that the general Vibe has shifted a little bit but some of my all-time favorites are here the Lost mattress have you seen the snail crusty Towers these have me cracking up every time even just writing this down brings a smile to my face this season is almost up there with the golden era three season one a beginning of an icon that'll never be forgotten about I could go on and on about why classic SpongeBob is so good but I don't think that's really necessary you guys already know that I only have this lower than Seasons two and three because there's a few episodes that aren't perfect as their footing is still kind of getting put together two season two picking between this and season three as the number one spot is like picking between your favorite canned bread it doesn't feel Fair every episode is an absolute Banger and it age magnificently well the only difference is more of my all-time favorites are in the third season and speaking of one season three the absolute peak of SpongeBob SquarePants a crowning achievement and not just cartoons but creating content that everybody of all ages can enjoy that is a very hard balance to find and this season does that perfectly you can't go wrong with any of the episodes all of them are super memorable hilarious and iconic if you've made it to the end then I just wanted to say a big thank you for watching all the way through I really really appreciate it so after watching all of this SpongeBob it took what five to six months since I'm still doing other things at the same time I actually am still a pretty big fan of SpongeBob I don't think I'll ever not be a fan and it was really fascinating going through every single episode and watching the show change drastically over time and seeing how things evolved so at the very least that was pretty interesting but I'm kind of ready to move on if you guys like the video if the video does well then I would love to do you know one or two of these every year where I watch an entire TV show or some sort of movie marathon and we just kind of ranked them all I think it'd be a lot of fun anyway thanks for watching guys I'll talk to you all soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 2,098,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spongebob, spongebob squarepants, spongebob squarepants memes, best spongebob season, patrick star, the patrick star show, kamp koral, squidward, squidward tentacles, mr krabs, plankton, stephen hillenburg, tom kenny, ranking every spongebob episode, nathaniel bandy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 458min 30sec (27510 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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