Ranking Every Region In FF7 Rebirth From WORST To BEST

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all right back we're talking ff7 we're talking rebirth we're here to do a video that I've wanted to do for a little while now looking at all the different reasion of ff7 rebirth and kind of give my thoughts and opinions on them kind of ranking them from like best to worst or worst to best whatever I'm going to do I will say before we even get into the regions here that overall I at least like every region uh I do like some significantly less than others but there's never a region I was going through that I just absolutely like hated or despised or just couldn't wa to get through like I just had to like hurry up like let me get past this goddamn region already nothing like that there's never a region that is necessarily bad we're going to be ranking them based on like the Aesthetics of the region but also kind of the traversal of the region so I talked a bit about some of the regions on the channel before so you guys might know where some of my opinions lie here and before we even get into it though as well really quickly there is a level of a spoiler here just because one of the regions we're going to talk about is a late game region and it's a bit of a spoiler of course depending on how far you are into the game so there's that spoiler warning there so we're going to be doing these from worst to best we're actually going to be starting with the region that I gave us spoiler warning for and that is the the Meridian ocean SL Gilgamesh Island now so look of course it was cool to be able to explore the ocean at all when it came to ff7 rebirth we didn't know if that was going to be a possibility you know just a couple years back but as I said previously we're ranking these regions based on the aesthetic but also the exploration and frankly there's just nothing here really right it's just an ocean that you get to drive around in you can run over some debris collect some crafting materials there's the pirate Coes you can go to for the little side quest to craft that accessory and that's really it that's all it is there's just nothing to really do you don't have the freedom like you do in the original ff7 where if you come across any kind of Shoreline that you can drive the tiny Bronco up to you can you know disembark and explore you don't have that freedom here because you have to actually find like a dock to get off the tiny Bronco one right so that hinders the exploration when it comes to the tiny Bronco at least in this game maybe that'll be different in the future and we of course have gamish Island which is sort of it's like its own location that pops up after you do all the Proto relics in the other regions but it is tied to the mury otion in that the Intel is gathered here right the Proto stuff you do here completes the meran ocean so they are kind of one and the same but this is just a little tiny Island like it's aesthetically cool for sure but it's just a little tiny Island you just do a couple fights here you fight Gilgamesh that's really it I want to clarify that I absolutely love the prot Relic storyline all the different stories you do in all the different regions and all the interactions between like cloud and gigamesh are pretty entertaining and the fights you do here are pretty cool man the having to fight two summons at one time like those are really interesting fights and difficult at times and then the G Fight itself it's pretty cool like the storyline there and everything like it's all great but we're not ranking the regions on story elements right we're just doing it based on the regions themselves and again the ocean and go match Island just really have nothing moving on from here we get to the next intro in the list here and that is and it hurts me to say it it's Cosmo Canyon it's a little bit unfair just because of the area that they're in the terrain that they're in there's not a whole lot they can necessarily do with it but it's just this like kind of rocky deserty area right that's kind of it there's no different kind of biomes I kind of like the flying around the chocoo stuff but this is actually what kind of became became a detriment to the region for me cuz it's a little confusing at times I was able to do most of the map most of the inel by myself but there were a few like you know towers and like Proto relics and things like that that I just couldn't quite figure out how to get to and eventually had to look up like guides and stuff and that's just unfortunate I just don't I don't like doing that if if I don't have to but I got to a certain point where I'm like I'm just wasting my time here I'm like I'm going around trying to find which platform I got to like jump from and [ __ ] and I just couldn't figured out and I was just like I'm just wasting time here I've been doing this like an hour when I could have just looked it up and did in like 30 seconds and really that's kind of all I got to say about it it's just a kind of a bland region and the exploration is just not that fun the fly chugo conceptually is cool but I just don't know that it was handled the best in my opinion I do like the ruins you can explore but there's ruins all over the damn game so it's like by the time you get to Cosmic Canon you've seen plenty of ruins right so it's just it wasn't my favorite region which kind of sucks because as a kid growing up red 13 was one of my favorite characters it was always my team was always Cloud Barrett red 13 through like almost every goddamn playthrough I did as a kid dude I just like that was my favorite team it's the guy team the boy team whatever before growing up was one of my favorite characters love the cosmo Canon region I love the town of Cosmo Canyon but the region itself not that fun up on our list here we have and again it hurts to say because I love all the locations in ff7 OG uh it's KR region so first we'll start with the kostad Del Soul area of the Krell region and I think aesthetically this place is absolutely beautiful it's a very good tropical setting they don't really have like a special chugo power here which is kind of unfortunate I don't know what they would have done exactly but they just don't have one uh you do have these zip lines in this area that you can use to kind of zip line down from like higher areas which is I guess kind of cool kind of give the area a little bit of its own gimmick but besides that I think that it's like an okay area to explore that is absolutely aesthetically beautiful and then we of course have the cor region itself which doesn't have a chocoo either and know chocoo special powers but you do get the buggy which does make it a little bit fun to explore a little bit unique a little bit different um but that said it is just a desert region right there's nothing like aesthetically like crazy here you do come across like some destroy the reactor pieces and Moco pipes and things like that but ultimately at the end of the day it is just another desert setting but there's more to it than what the cosmo Canyon has right the cosmo Canon is just kind of the cosmo Canyon you do have a little bit of ruins here and there and then like the chocoo [ __ ] all the flying around and all that but you actually can actually see like debris of what used to be like locations and like maybe like buildings and towns and businesses or whatever the [ __ ] right all kind of all around the Krell region which kind of bumps up the list a little bit more for me than the cosmo Canyon I do want to add as well that there is like Mount Krell that's kind of like the story aspect of when you're leaving costol going to the K region going to Gold saucer things like that like where kind of all the story elements are there's a little bit of like exporation so to speak but it is kind of linear right so I just didn't record any gameplay of that [ __ ] but there is that that kind of bumps up the list a little bit more than some of the ones below it we say too something that just kind of weirdly puts it a little lower on the list for me was the desert setting and not just because it's the desert setting I just wasn't expecting it to be so Lively of course you got to have monsters to fight and things there's also like a bunch of water because obviously you need the buggy to drive over water that's the gimmick of the buggy in the original f57 but when it came to the original Final Fantasy 7 like the desert surrounding ing K prison desert prison all that [ __ ] was supposed to be like this Just Deadly Wasteland like that you just you if you leave you're free to leave anytime you want to but you're going to die in the desert right that's the whole gimmick of it you didn't have that anything like that when it comes to this game right there's literally water there like you wouldn't even dehydrate or die in this desert because there's water kind of surrounding the whole area and I know the deserts in real life do have bodies of water rivers and things like that that animals can drink from otherwise they would die obviously it rains in deserts too so I'm not like disputing any of that it's just basic on 7 this is supposed to be this absolutely horrendous deadly desert and it's just kind of perfectly normal now if we're not comparing to the original f57 it's still just not that interesting of an area the exploration is kind of fine I guess but the Aesthetics of the region aren't that interesting but you have the good Aesthetics of the coastal Soul that's why it's above the regions that are below it right now right kind of like bounce each other out right you have like the beauty of the costal Del Soul region and like some okay exploration and then you have like some kind of okay exploration of the Correll region but it's not that aesthetically pleasing right so they kind of blend together to be like an okay overall region if it was just the coastal Soul region if it was its own region separated a little bit bigger more [ __ ] to do probably be like a really high on the list for me but you got to have you can't do one without the other right because it's all the C region next up we have the gungaga region and to be honest I was going to put this a little bit higher initially and I kind of really thought about it and it's more fair to put it down a little bit lower and you could maybe even put it below the crow region you could probably just swap these kind of in and out right you could have like for me the Muran ocean then you have Cosmo Canan then gungaga then Corell region if you wanted to but for now we're just putting it here visually this is by far my favorite location in the entire game I think it's the most beautiful location I love the ju toos of like the jungle kind of overgrown setting and all the like technology all the Moco pipes and things like that you have a couple locations around here that are almost like post-apocalyptic looking almost like The Last of Us type [ __ ] where you have these like factories that are overgrown you kind of see nature take back the area which I'm an absolute sucker for man I love me some post-apocalyptic video game so if you give me a location an area that kind of resembles that I'm absolutely going to love it now that being said it is my least favorite area to explore which is why I decided to put it a little bit lower down the list here the whole gimmick of the region is bouncing off these mushrooms to kind of get where you need to go and the problem with that is that you don't always know where you're going to go I think most of the time you can kind of get a good idea of where the mushroom's going to send you but the thing is sometimes you'll hit a mushroom and it bounces you 10 feet forward or some [ __ ] and another time you'll hit a mushroom and you'll fly a couple hundred yards across the map you just don't quite know where you're going to go and that's kind of the annoying part about it is when you're trying to like do the world tell [ __ ] sometimes you just kind of hard to figure out where you needed to go you do also have the ability to like grind on tree vines with the chocoo I didn't capture any gameplay that [ __ ] because honestly I kind of forgot about it I just remember it as I was recording here those are kind of fine for what they are you kind of know we're going to go with those I think for the most part they're not as confusing as the mushrooms do seem to be a kind of common complaint in the community like I actually put out on Twitter about you know my opinions of the Gaga region a lot of people agree with me they just hated exploring it it kind of sucks cuz I wanted to like the region a lot because it's aach to Zack Fair now the story elements aren't affecting the ranking on this list otherwise it's probably number one for sure I think it was just a little bit better exploration maybe a little less of the mushrooms to bounce off of a little more idea of exactly where you're going to go whenever you hit one of them it might be number one on my list just because it's so like aesthetically like by far my favorite region if it just had a little bit better exploration it'd probably be number one next up on the list here getting closer to the end we have the neble region this of course is the hometown region of cloud and tia it's kind of the opposite of the gungaga region for me where I think the exploration is fantastic like fly around on these damn chocoo piss or whatever the hell is going on here absolutely fun it's just I can't get enough of it this is literally how I Traverse the whole area just float above the water the whole time but it's not the most aesthetically pleasing area it's not bad though it's not like where the EXP is just horrible in gungaga but it's visually good-looking cuz the visuals here aren't bad it's just not like the best looking area overall there's just n really to base it off of when it came to the original ff7 it was just like an empty kind of grasslands area and then you walk into neble right so they had to kind of come up with something here I think the area itself is just kind of okay you kind of get the idea that it's maybe a little bit destroyed because of obviously chim's involvement in the area it's not quite as desolate as like maybe the Wasteland surrounding midgar and they added in like a bridge that leads kind of to neheim there's like the chocoo sages kind of house there a ruin you can get up to things like that there's a little bit of area to explore around here right it's nothing too amazing but again it's fun as hell to Traverse similar to the cor region we do have Mount neble when it comes to the neble region but that is more story based similar to mount Krell where you go there in the flashback obviously and then when you come to neheim you got to go up there for the story segment of the neheim area while kith is in the town of neheim doing his thing trying to hack the computers or whatever the [ __ ] so like it is more story based and it's not like World Intel stuff up on the mountain right there's some exploration some cool stuff to do whatever whatever but it's just not about the area the region itself as it pertains to what we're talking about here in the video you also want to add really quickly that initially the neble region was going to be right in the middle because there's seven regions in the entire game and I was going to have like three kind of the bad ones neble kind of in the middle because it's like the nice Middle Ground of like good exploration okay visuals and then we're going to get into like the kind of the best of the best but initially the gungaga region was going to be higher for me but since I moved that down to the list that became in the middle which put the neble region up a little higher even though I don't necessar think it's one of my favorite overall regions that makes any sense here we are towards the end of the video we only have two regions left and oddly enough it's the grasslands region and the junon region which are the two beginning sections which for me are some of the best regions in the entire game which is kind of crazy because you would think that as the game goes on it should get better as it goes right you think areas we get better to explore and in certain cases they do like the exploration might be better in one region or the Aesthetics might be better in one region but since we're comparing both of those things and we're talking about any one region these two are the best in my opinion out of the two regions which one is the second to last for me it's got to be the grasslands area I think overall this is damn near a perfect beginning area for a game because for one the exploration is not complicated there's a big area to explore there's a little bit of verticality you can kind of get up on some high kind of Cliff areas so to speak but nothing too crazy right you're not getting lost at all when it comes to this map and I think simple exploration is perfectly fine considering that it is a beginning area but what also helps it for me is that aesthetically it's actually really nice because there's like three different areas to this one particular region you of course have this first grasslands area which is you know from junon up to like the chocoo farm and over to the swamp and then you have the swamp itself and the swamp is kind of small there's a little bit of exploration you can do there it is more story based but different to like you know mount KR and mount neble there is actually Regional stuff to do there we do have a combat assignment a summon crystal and a LIF spring within the swamp area so for that reason alone we can Factor it into the overall grasslands area but it's not just that because of course we can backtrack to around the calm area but we can actually work our way to the desert the Wasteland surrounding midgar we can't quite go to midgar but we can get kind of close and this honestly was something that I wasn't expecting when it came to this game just because they were always kind of sort of vague about the midgar area or just sty up saying that we couldn't go to midgar we're not going to be seeing midgar in this game things like that right so I wasn't expecting to be able to explore any sort of like Wasteland [ __ ] and any kind of gameplay that we ever got in this General region was in the grasslands they never showed off this desert area so it was a nice surprise once we got the full game so I think when you factor in the three different biomes for the grasslands area which is something that I really appreciate the swamplands the grasslands and the desert the desert's you know nothing too crazy but it's at least a different kind of aesthetic for the whole region itself and it's the first one it's the first desert you get so it's not so boring so to speak right you're doing that first and then you get to like Cosmic Canyon and Carell and stuff and you're like oh I've kind of seen this before but you have the three different biomes which I think is nice the the Region's big there's a lot to do there but it's not confusing it's very simple but it doesn't have a gimmick right that's the one thing that kind of holds it back which I think is why I have junan above it is because it's where you first get the choco BOS right so you don't have a chocoo with any sort of ability there's nothing to do special with the choco other than the choco I guess going across the swamp if you want to count that as an ability I guess but you're not like you know flying around or climbing walls or anything like that then we of course lastly have the junan region which I've been singing the Praises of since we got to play the demo and even more so since we got the full game because I love this first area right here that we got in the demo where we got to explore these kind of like destroyed almost town or something there's definitely houses here that are destroyed there was some climbable walls that we couldn't climb in the demo obviously you can with the full game here uh but then there's this whole other area to the map that just you didn't know existed really unless you pulled up the map of course in the demo that we could explore cuz once you got to about where I'm at now a little bit ahead of this that's where you could explore anymore with the demo right but I mean the map just completely opens up Beyond this for one we just for one just right here a little ahead we have this gigantic ship like on top of a mountain or something right here top of a little Hill that you can actually get up on and explore I don't do it for this video cuz that's just like it's not that big of an area to explore but it's cool that you got to get up there I seen that in the distance and wonder if I could explore and I could but then we have this Cove down here with all these grounded ships which I absolutely love it's something we'd seen in a couple of the trailers where our characters were kind of fighting around what appeared to be the junon era you could see all these ships in the background near like the water's edge and our group was fighting but then we never seen them explore but it looked like maybe you could explore some of them I'll be damned if you can't man some of these are just here aesthetically like they're just background detail you can't explore them but a handful of ships here you can which is so cool something I was wanting from rebirth when we knew there was going to be a more open kind of game and I've seen all these like ships in the background that all crashed on the land and stuff I'm like I want to go on that ship and explore and find a piece of treasure or something and you can't do that to a certain degree now again it's kind of a problem I've talked about with this game before where there's not really like good hidden treasure like you're not going to stumble on one of these ships and find a treasure chest and has like a new sword in or whatever that just doesn't really happen in this game too too often if I'm not mistaken I think there might be like a side quest or two here and there that could give you some weapons some side content here and there but you're not just going to like stumble across like really really good loot just out in the wild but still I'm a massive fan of exploration when it comes to video games that's one my favorite things about open World Games is just exploring the world and I think this area is probably offers the best exploration overall from all these crash ships here that we've been talking about on the shoreline to this gigantic cargo ship in the distance that yes you can swim to and you can explore it we don't do it in this video cuz I Veer off to the left here we climb the mountain a bit but you can explore that crash car ship there too which is crazy cuz I didn't even know if that was going to be a possibility it is a bit of a swim so I was wondering if it was all for nothing but it was nice that you can actually do that but then you also have these climbable walls with the chocoo which is where you get a lot of the exploration in this area but this is very simplified it's not confusing there's not a ton of these in the area right it's not like the mushrooms in gungaga that are just bouncing around everywhere like it's pretty self-explanatory where these are going to lead you to it's very nice and there's just a ton of verticality to the region man especially if you go over back towards the town of junan where you can start climbing the walls over here there's some verticality for sure but you can't get quite as high as you can over there where if I do a quick side by side here you can see like I'm on top of this mountain here and in the distance you see that big ship that's a ship I showed towards the beginning of this junon area that I said you can get up on that we didn't for the sake of the video because there's not a whole lot to explore on it but you can see like the distance that we've traveled and how high up we are but I think overall that's why I love this region the most because it's pretty damn big I don't know what is considered actually the biggest region overall like in terms of like square footage or miles or whatever the [ __ ] I don't know what it actually is the biggest region but it's definitely a massive region especially for the beginning of the game but there also a ton of verticality and I just absolutely love exploring areas in video games but I think with the relatively high level exploration you get with this region but also the visuals all the crash ships all the the ocean front setting be able to climb up the mountains and stuff like that I think it's just overall by far my favorite region in the entire game that said though there are other regions that could compete if if aspects of them are better like the grasslands I love the diversity of the area with you know three different biomes but there's nothing really special about the traversing of the area that makes any sense because it's the beginning area right and that's fair it's the beginning area it doesn't really need like a chugo with some magical power or whatever but that is what's going to hold it back slightly right so if you had like some sort of chobo with like a kind of cool ability in the grasslands area that might be number one for me to be honest or of course with the Gaga region if it was more fun to explore that probably number one as well of course the video is pretty long so I want to pass off to you guys when it comes to the different regions within Final Fantasy 7 rebirth what is your favorite what is your least favorite if you want to rank them from you know best to worst worst to best all seven regions whatever feel free to there there's of course more to this game than what we talked about in this video in terms of like areas and [ __ ] there's like obviously myth mine and there's like gold saucer and there's the Temple of the Ancients and sleeping forest and all other [ __ ] that are beautiful and cool locations but we're mostly talking about the world Intel [ __ ] the regions when it comes to ff7 rebirth we might talk about other regions and other areas and things like that in a separate video at some point anyways that's video subcribe If you guys new social description below follow me on twitt that's it bye but now I care more and nobody out here got it figured out so therefore I've lost all hope of a happy ending depending on [Music] whether's with no sh like train here like coang
Channel: Dashing David
Views: 2,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashing david, final fantasy 7 rebirth, ff7 rebirth, ff7, ff7r, ff7 rebirth demo, final fantasy 7 rebirth news, ff7 rebirth news, ff7 rebirth new, new ff7 rebirth gameplay, final fantasy 7 huge news, ff7 rebirth huge news, ff7 rebirth new gameplay, final fantasy 7 rebirth new, ff7 new, ff7 remake, ff7 rebirth review, ff7 rebirth thoughts, ff7r review, ff7 rebirth patch 1.020, ff7 rebirth ranking, tier list, rank list, cosmo canyon, corel, gongaga, nibel, grasslands, junon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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