Let's Talk About The NEW Sephiroth Story in FF7 Ever Crisis - Is Sephiroth A "Good Guy?"

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R back we're talking ff7 we're talking kind of everything remake rebirth ever crisis mainly cuz we got the new first Soldier chapter which of course focuses on Matt Glenn and Lucia and also Sethro younger sephar Ro and the newest chapter added some decent amount of info for the character of Sethro we have here is chapter eight of the first so story within ever crisis and has a couple different time frames because it starts out around crisis C it's like the fort tamblin mission that happens towards the beginning of Crisis Core where we've seen Glenn and Sethro have an interaction before in previous trailers now I've toally kept up with all this we're just kind of talking about this particular chapter here and then once you get through like all that kind of section it jumps back in time to a little bit earlier in the first soier story where it's younger Sethro and him talking to the character Rosen like the last foror or whatever and then once that section's done which we'll talk about all this stuff in a second it jumps forward in time to around I guess maybe the Remake time frame uh because we see Sethro at the edge of creation thing I've seen coming from this uh at least I've seen most people talking about is the good guy seph the [ __ ] I'm not totally good guy seph or Redemption Arc seph Type [ __ ] but it's that seph isn't totally bad I don't know relevant like The Crisis Core timeline [ __ ] is to this because there wasn't a whole lot to talk about from that for me anyways but it's mostly when we're shown the redoran segment with young Sethro where he's talking to Rosen he kills him right and he kills him to save glim at Lucia but also Rosen wanted to die because he's the last foror he doesn't want to be the only one wants to join his people that sort of thing but immediately cuts to seph at the edge of creation looking upon the universe of death the one that kind of looks like a wing or the universe will be destroyed I can't remember the exact translation of that moment which would show that that was him thinking of the moment thinking back to whenever he killed Rosen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] essentially this is a seph that isn't pure evil in the sense that he's at least thinking about his past Reminiscing on those moments and things like that at least this seph at the edge of creation the omn seph as people call him whereas obviously the one we're seeing in game with within remake within rebirth seems to be more or less like pure evil the way he's [ __ ] with Cloud what most people are pulling from at least that I've seen is seph having to choose between killing the few to save the many or you know killing Rosen to save glint man luia that whole like trolley meme where you have the tracks and they split into two and there's one guy TI of the tracks and multiple guys and who do you save that whole thing right and that maybe that's kind of what's going on with Sethro in like modern times with the edge of C the multiple timelines and worlds and [ __ ] and he's trying to do good at least in his mind and the comparison I've seen people use multiple times already is Thanos where with Marvel obviously Thanos is wanting to wipe out 50% of everything so that everything else can Thrive which obviously is a bad guy thing there's logic to it obviously there's there's a long-term plan there where instead of like a planet being wiped out at least they'll the 50% will Thrive but there's he's going about the wrong way he's doing V villain bad guy things we all know that obviously and then maybe seph out they trying to do a similar thing with the multiple worlds where I guess people think that he's going to try to combine them all I'm not entirely sure how using the multiple worlds or whatever is a good guy thing cuz we see multiple worlds being destroyed within rebirth right there's a lot of doomed worlds that were shown and that would be wiping out the many to save the few if you're taking all these different worlds and combining them into one and all these worlds and timelines are being destroyed then you're wiping out thousands millions of people just to make one world Thrive I guess so it's kind of the opposite of even what he had to do with Rosen where he killed one to save the many he's Ked the Min to save the one essentially I will say that we know because of a translation from the ultimania that seph is trying to prolong the planet's life with these other worlds so maybe that's what it is with the maybe if he's like combining these worlds like the life stream energy from that world goes to this world and if you can take all these other worlds and combine them maybe it gives the planet a [ __ ] ton of live stream energy so the planet doesn't die or whatever maybe that's the idea I don't know crazy though that kind of sounds like it would still be an evil seph because the goal with seph obviously in the original game was to wound the planet and absorb all the live stream and then now we have theoretically potentially a seph rro that wants to take all the live streams from a bunch of different worlds and combine them into one which would be more power more energy to absorb so I don't know take that take from that what you will I guess I've seen a few people kind of discuss this but the most recent one that I've seen was Max's video he put out a few days ago and kind of his interpretation was that it was like the you know the good guy seph Roth air quotes at edge of creation was legitimately asking for Cloud's help at the end of remake right where he's limit your strength and Cloud denies him um cuz what he's a good guy SE trying to do guy things but he's kind of flawed and he needs clouds help for something right thing is though we talked about this like more than two years ago on the channel where we got like the materal ultim Mania or something like that where it had like the story boards for the game specifically at the end with edge of creation whenever Cloud denies Sethro he smiles about it like that's what he wanted right A lot of people interpreted CL sephos look at whenever Cloud denies him as like disappointment but he's not he's smiling in that moment because that's what he wanted Cloud to do is deny him so maybe there's something wrong here through all that but it would seem like you know seph wasn't actually wanting cloud hope maybe Cloud denying him is what he needed him to do anyways or something I don't know I think that makes some sense again we've talked about this years ago at this point because this is old information but seph should know that cloud would deny him obviously at least at this moment Cloud would never accept his help or want to help him or anything like that right he wants to kill him because what he did Ne that whole thing there's no way that Sethro is coming to Cloud legitimately asking for Cloud's help because that just doesn't make sense he'd be stupid to think that he would maybe he wants Cloud to deny him because he needs Cloud to continue on his journey and get stronger or something along those lines so that he can eventually help them I think that's kind of everything maybe I'm missing some stuff here but it's just like you know one kind of quick scene in ever crisis right it's not very long I kind of skipped around when I re showed it here but I had to obviously uh but it's not a very long segment if you're not including like the earlier Crisis Core time frame stuff um the mo the main thing I've seen from this besides like the actual discussion the theory of like good guy seph Roo or partially Good Guys seph rooth is people being upset that stuff like this is not in rebirth which I can agree with it's something I think we've talked about where like rebirth is a great game but feels very disconnected from remake right like we going through remake and we have this mystery and The Whispers And The Future visions and Sethro and what we do get you know like seph frro in a little bit of Whispers And rebirth we just don't have like the same kind of mystery throughout the game until the very end obviously at the end of the game we all kinds of [ __ ] and all kinds of questions but it just felt quite disconnected then you get this big Revelation from ever crisis of like the seph at the edge of creation omn seph seems to be at least not totally evil right still gives a [ __ ] about his past thinking about the time you had to kill a kid how how many years ago was that right forever ago and if this is omn Sethro and you can introduce like him time traveling potentially then this seph could be really [ __ ] old for all we know depends on what they're doing exactly with the story but the fact that he still cares about that one moment back then and maybe he's trying to use that one moment to think about what he should do going forward do I kill the few do I save the mini kill the mini to save the few etc etc right there's some interesting stuff there and I think it a good Revelation it's probably maybe the best thing we've got out of ever crisis so far at least that I'm aware of why wasn't stuff like that in rebirth and I can definitely agree with that over overall kind of my thoughts on this uh I'm a little indifferent because I don't know how I feel about a seph that is kind of sort of goodish not fully evil there's a little bit of humanity still left it's not like the worst thing ever I mean we we've seen because of Crisis Core that seph was pretty chill ones right he wasn't always a bad guy obviously he was doing bad things for Shinra but you know that's who he's employed with or whatever and created by or whatever but he was still like you know pretty cool dude with his friends at least with you know Zach Genesis Andel U it wasn't until incident and all that stuff the revelation of Genova and him potentially being created that you know sent him down the path that he's on these days so it's not the biggest deal if there's still some Humanity there I just personally like my seph frro to be just bad I like that that's just what it is even in recent interviews with the devs they said something along the lines of him being the most evil or something like that see if I can find the quote really quick there's this translation right here that says katasi neore decided something very early in ff7 development that has remained since then within the ff7 universe there's no one better than seph he'll always be the strongest the most powerful and the most most evil there is that particular like interview happened last year right November of last year within the marketing cycle of rebirth they're saying that seph is the most evil there is in the ff7 universe so I find it hard to believe when I see stuff like that that there's like a seph rro that's has any kind monum of good trying to do good guy thing trying to save everybody save the world or whatever this doesn't really make sense to me when the plan from ff7 original back in 1997 until now has been this where he's the most evil there is now this all said I do like villains that aren't just always evil or inherently evil it's boring when you get to a movie or a game or something and like the villain's plan is to destroy the world like how many [ __ ] times have we seen that that shit's boring right so I do like villains that have layers to them like Thanos going back to the Thanos example right again bad guy for sure but there's logic to his plan and he even does what he says he's going to do right he retires on a farm afterwards he has no aspirations to take over the universe or destroy the universe in the first movie at the beginning of the second movie End Game he even snaps away and destroys the the stones themselves cu the temptation to how to use them right that's a good guy thing too in its own way right so I like villains that have layers to them so I'm not totally against a seph that it still has some good to him but if it's like a seph rro that's like is trying to do a good guy plan and he's just [ __ ] up and doing bad guy stuff and killing people accidentally or whatever the theory is I don't know how I feel about that I think it's better if what we kind of talked about earlier in the video that the plan is to bring all the worlds together to make like more life Stream Energy to absorb so like maybe he's putting on like a facade like he's trying to good guy [ __ ] but the plan is still a bad guy thing in the end or he still wants to win the planet that's now just super full of energy and he still wants to absorb all the energy to become very very strong but then again this is like omn sephra he's already like kind of omnipotent or whatever omnipresent he seems to know everything he can hop worlds in timelines that's been confirmed in the ultiman as well so it's like I don't know what the plan is like even with like the the the story right now with like remake and rebirth he's still doing the black Materia meteor [ __ ] right but it's like how much stronger does he need to be what's he trying to get stronger for cuz the SE that we have right now in remake rebirth is infinitely stronger than Sethro was in OG F7 so I mean I guess you could always get stronger but just what's [ __ ] point now that all said too I do think there's more to it obviously we're still going through the ff7 motions but I think we've talked this before on the channel That I think seph's going to do something different he's still probably going to summon meteor and all that other [ __ ] but I think like the ultimate end game is something else we talked about Omega before that could still tie into the multiple worlds maybe live stream energy trying to absorb it all or whatever if you take like the live stream energy from all these different worlds and put into like one world and then use Omega to absorb it all then he could just kill Omega and take the energy or something like that or ride Omega to another planet or whatever his plan is exactly that could still work as well I not the biggest fan of like kind of good guy Sethro but those are my thoughts I pass off to you guys this has been out for like a week or so now several days at this point that we've had this chapter people been talking about it y'all had probably more time to think about this than I have because I'm only kind of recently getting into this what are your thoughts on this and ultimately even if I don't necessarily like it there is something here there's a reason they're shown SE out that the edge of creation REM missing back on the conversation and what he did to Rosen right there's a reason for that it's going to come up later at some point so there's some sort of level of some good to seph ro what are your thoughts on a sephar that isn't inherently evil or not totally evil has a little bit of humanity to him maybe trying to do some good in some way how do you feel about that because I'm again I'm I'm indifferent I don't totally hate it I don't necessarily like it either I'm just kind of right there like I don't know how I feel anyways that's a video if you guys are new soci in description below follow myt that's it bye used to what people thought but now I care more and nobody out here's got it figured out so therefore I've lost all hope of a happy ending depending on whether or not it's worth so insecure no one's perfect spend with no shame we blow that like train we in here like l or leave it like
Channel: Dashing David
Views: 1,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashing david, final fantasy 7, final fantasy vii, ffvii, ff7, final fantasy vii remake, Final Fantasy vii rebirth, Final Fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy 7 remake, rebirth trailer, ff7 trailer, ffvii trailer, final fantasy trailer, ever crisis, final fantasy vii ever crisis, final fantasy 7 ever crisis, sephiroth, the first soldier, young sephiroth, glenn, ever crisis sephiroth, sephiroth redemption, first soldier, first soldier chapter 8, crisis core, edge of creation
Id: wcqrAmvv1yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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