Ranking Every Kirby Copy Ability | The More Hats, The Merrier

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foreign [Music] I never wanted to make this video I uh I I have to apologize um in in the last episode I my walls were white and that really upset a lot of you out there and understandably so that that was a mistake on my part it should have never happened I had just moved and I didn't have the time to paint I had to get the video out there I just I've made a severe lapse in my judgment today marks a very special occasion what you're watching right now this very second is my 200th episode that's right I've done this nonsense 199 times before this and now it's time to celebrate some of you may remember all the way back in episode 100 when I was taking a look at the Kirby anime right back at you I made a very distinct promise that I would continue that Saga in the near future but hey I'll be back to take a look at more of them before you know it foreign so that was a bit of a lie I got grander ideas for that concept so hopefully you know you can rest assured before episode 300 comes around I'll follow through with that promise I've dumped fingers fingers crossed on that one but hey you're all still here let's talk about Kirby anyway copy abilities the Cornerstone mechanic of the Kirby franchise right alongside excellent music and Eldritch Horror Final Bosses throughout the history of the pink puffball one of the most exciting things with each and every installment is just what crazy new moves Kirby's gonna get access to and how adorable the corresponding head is gonna be oh my God he looks like link early on in the series we went from really simple one-use abilities to full-blown movesets with Superstar and Beyond and then when we get to forgotten land we have ability upgrades that changed the whole game right there and while many of the abilities from the traditional games do show up in the spin-offs we got some spin-off exclusive abilities too a trend that I am very okay with there's a lot going on here from the debut of abilities in Kirby's Adventure all the way to the switch remaster return of Dreamland Deluxe we have a whopping 67 abilities to rank here and boy I can't wait to see what the 69th will be that's uh that's going to be an important moment in history also for this list we're going to be avoiding the likes of the animal friends and the robot armor there's the game specific gimmicks like the crystal shardability combos the super suck from Triple Deluxe and the Ravel abilities from extra Epic Yarn uh and there's gonna be no final boss items here either so apologies to the love love stick fans out there we're not gonna be ranking the love love stick not today at least if Kirby swallows it and he turns into a thing it's valid for this list and that's what we're gonna be ranking sounded a bit weird to say that whole thing out loud but you you know what I'm talking about on to the list [Music] yo light really is the dumbest the series is no stranger to abilities that only show up in a single game but man Adventure as a couple like literally only two rooms that are dark oh no and this ghost hides the key to making things brighter it changes nothing else it reveals a door that you couldn't see before but you could still enter it while the room is dark so uh and then this ghost was to never be seen again rightfully deserved Kirby performs much better as an actual light bulb anyway it's he's in a mock copy but it's actually got some forgotten context you see in Superstars since it could be played in Co-op for the first time in the series it's really meant for player 2 the helper character to have a more direct Choice with what ability they want access to since this was way before Co-op Kirby games allowing for multiplayer player kirbys and that's kind of cool that being said this is one of the most redundant abilities of all time not even the cool laser beam thing you can do saves it uh very very bad similar to Light mini is used to solve some contextual environmental puzzles an amazing mirror and to its benefit there are a lot more uses of it compared to light but all it does is make you small and you can't perform any attacks it's it's terrible you can't even bring it with you outside of the room that you get it in where the Amazing Mirror Dev is so incapable of puzzle design that they just had to put a ton of tiny corridors all over the place to justify five pixels of Kirby it's really lame okay so I'll give metal some credit now it is the first ability on this list to have more than one function there's a ground pound and you can roll down Hills as a ball so we got two we have we have two functions with this one the idea of a metallic Kirby does have some potential but ultimately it ends up being incredibly painful to use you walk so slow you fly so slow you are invincible while you're metallic and you can destroy basically anything in your path just by walking through them so I guess that's kind of cool but with all the other downsides this ability brings no thanks I'll take my chances dude even the flavor text is like it's not perfect okay well if that ain't the understatement of the decade Ball's low placement on this list isn't so much to do with this utility you strip away Kirby's hands and feet and he's suddenly able to go full blast attacking everything in his path with his whole self at super fast speed bouncing off the walls as you go it could be kind of fun it's low on this list because it's one of the only abilities that I genuinely dreaded the idea of ever trying to operate ball Kirby is a great idea for the spin-offs canvas curse blockable dream Buffet proved that Kirby just rolling around is fun but in the context of a standard platformer where the level design isn't really built with the Frantic nature of the ability in mind yeah I hate it I hate it so much I guess you're not supposed to go full speed all the time and instead you precisely time your balances but then you don't even get to enjoy the fun of the pure chaos and it's even worse and the nominee for the ability that most people forget even exists paint this is one of those classic screen nuke attacks a bunch of flashy effects pop up on the screen damage is done you move on the power of paint compels you the issue though is that there are only two ways to get this ability and that's from specific moves from a few bosses in superstar in situations where you would likely not even think that this little paintball that the enemy throws off would give you anything special granted it's not like it would be much higher on the list if there were more ways to get this ability the series is filled with a much more powerful feeling screen nukes anyway paint is just a fun little piece of trivia for Kirby Superstar and nothing more foreign [Applause] that's it that that's all Festival is it's a little more common to find than paint so that's nice but quite frankly it is only a step higher on the list because everybody dances now and and that's just kind of cute Payne also gets a pass because it's an older ability so they were still kind of figuring things out I guess but by the time star allies released we already had way better screen nukes like way way better than this so the comparison there doesn't really do Festival any favors I'm upset this one is so low on the list ghost Kirby is such a cool cool idea suddenly you can take control of any enemy that you come in contact with it sounds so cool on paper but in execution there are zero instances where it's more beneficial to become an enemy and use their weapons rather than just taking their ability outright and for the enemies that have lack abilities well now you can just walk into other enemies sick the implementation of ghost is so half-hearted and the real kicker here is that it's an unlockable for completing one of squeak squad's core Collectibles the ghost metal so so this is a reward once you do that this ghost guy randomly replaces one of the mini bosses and that's it that that's what you work towards if you're working for an unlockable ability it should at the very least make you feel powerful and ghost does the opposite oh thank God an ability where you finally get to do something okay so with throw you uh you grab things right and and then you can you can throw them so I mean you can actually aim things in different directions instead of just straight ahead so that that's kind of nice and they also give you a new standing animation in Squeak Squad oh boy what a badass you can gain the ability to sometimes add Elemental attributes to a throne enemy but that that really doesn't save it for me since there are a bunch of other abilities that basically incorporate a throw as part of their move set there is no surprise that this one is likely gonna stay in the past laser is definitely Limited in that it mainly shoots a laser straight forward and that's it but oi howdy is it ever convenient that the levels right after getting the laser have so many gosh darn 45 degree angles to bounce those lasers off of that's the stuff now if you're actually looking to do damage with this thing then don't get your hopes up it's uh it's it's not good Squeak Squad did add a charge option and that kinda helps but it's rarely ever something that I would choose as my primary form of attack I just think bouncing it off of walls is kind of neat because I'm simple-minded [Music] yes this just broke free of the bottom ten hear me out sleep's whole gimmick is being useless so in that Essence it succeeds Kirby pulls out a cute little sleep cap he takes a nap right then and there that's adorable right it's it's adorable the only thing you can do is Wake Kirby up faster or it would soon be able to slowly regenerate some health that's nice and in forgotten land you can upgrade it so Kirby will pull out an entire bed instead that is that's incredible I just love that in terms of challenge it's often an ability orb that you actively have to avoid I think that having an ability like that really balances out the entire ability pool and also in Battle Royale they gave sleep an actual combat moveset you like you beat the crap out of opponents with a pillow you slap a hat onto your opponent's head and force them to go to sleep make him go night night it's amazing it's still low on the list because I mean come on it's you just go to sleep but the people who say it's pointless they're lying to you I mean like I I kind of get balloons inclusion you know canvas curse isn't a platformer where you have direct control over Kirby so let's make an ability that can assist with some of the more vertical sections of the game but it's bad though it has some utility but in general it's just a massive hassle to use in like every situation on its final inflation it does do a little explosion of damage and that's kind of helpful but quite frankly call it a miracle if you make it that far in the first place with a backdrop you grab the guy and then you slam them that's it it's a very straightforward ability and it does feel kinda powerful to pull off but in grander situations when you're in a proper battle it's never going to be the ideal choice to go for this is like throw another instance of an ability that's not necessarily terrible but as the series would go on it would go away in favor of being combined with a different ability to make a more complete package much like freeze Kirby gets some points alone for rocking the ice climber outfit let's get that right out of the way the problem with freeze isn't so much what it is since it provides a perfectly functional close range attack that turns enemies into ice blocks so you can then shoot away it's nice it's that like backdrop it is now irrelevant as it is the less good of the ice abilities and it would become that later on it's no surprise that ice would take the center stage going forward it's actually a very similar story too man I almost forgot burning was even a thing I just assumed it was always fire but nope with this one you become a fireball and shoot forward that's the whole ability it's certainly impactful and it did show up on a lot more games then freeze being a prominent ability in Dreamland 2 3 and 64 but yes this would eventually get absorbed into fire going forward so the same story with these past three abilities backdrop freeze and burning not bad but they all stay pretty low because who cares anymore they're outdated so Squeak Squad introduced to this wild new gimmick we're able to mix and Rumble up different bubbles containing items and abilities within Kirby's stomach mechanically cool practically oh no his poor TomTom so here we have the bubble ability acting sort of like the copy ability of earlier being able to transform enemies into a star obstacle or an ability outright they are able to store in your stomach for later not immediately transforming into the ability that you capture makes this way better than coffee but also the bubble beam does some actual damage so that's a genuine attack get some bonus points for not being trash but ultimately it's just not as effective as like nearly every other ability in the game a lot of copy ability showed up in a modified way in Kirby's Dream Buffet Fey but in this wild multiplayer game we got a brand new ability jelly probably easy to dismiss given how different this game is compared to the rest and it likely won't be making a jump to a traditional Kirby Adventure anytime soon but just based on its Effectiveness within the context of dream Buffet it's great in a game all about quickly navigating through a ton of obstacles to outrace your opponents getting the chance to completely bypass everything for a few seconds is a game changer plus it's pretty cute you're going to be hearing me say this a lot more throughout this episode hey now you can become a missile and just blow through the competition as far as traditional Kirby goes this only shows up an Amazing Mirror where it really made the most sense that game often had a lot more open-ended level design so being able to just roam around and explode on impact really works in that context and it's absolutely terrible when you're thrown into tighter corridors but I do got a shout out to Canvas curse though because angling the missile with the rainbow line that you draw it's pretty satisfying the best part of Stone Kirby is definitely not its utility your turned into a big rock you're crash into the ground and you usually just like gravity do the rest later on in Return to Dreamland they would give you a stone uppercut move which does give the ability a lot more points but come on now we all love stone for all the references that you can become every time I get stoned every single time I gotta spend a couple minutes just spamming the move seeing what character will show up next the fact that Grill and brobo from Superstar stacker and block ball show up hey I mean come on now that's that's incredible otherwise it is useful just not one that I really enjoy using Kirby has died and become an angel pour one out for the good old Poyo as Cupid Kirby you can fly around kinda slowly and shoot one or a couple of arrows oh okay okay it's not bad in the games it shows up in it is useful but in the grand scheme of things as movement options are really limited and outclassed by a similar bow and arrow ability that we'll see later on the Halo and little wing aesthetic is really cute but not one that I'm really jumping to whenever it shows up dude a high jump had one of the best glow ups in the entire franchise all in its debut it would it would let you jump really high [Music] certainly made for a great boss fight against Krakow but the amount of times that you would genuinely want high jump are slim to none however however when a returned in Return to Dreamland oh man you suddenly got much better movement in the air you can charge up your jumps now you can cancel your jump into a super fast dive it feels so much better to use and the superhero cape on top of all of that really adds a lot to it let's be honest when Kirby jumped into the third dimension we needed some brand new abilities that would work well with the new range of movement and drill allowing you to well drill underground to get secrets from these little dirt piles and do some damage along the way it made perfect sense combat wise it is fairly unwieldy to use its main attack only works if you do a proper loop around an enemy while underground and that's not the most effective option in Your Arsenal you do have a nice little thing where you can kind of dive into the ground with your drill and that does good damage but once again you do like an angled shot not the most effective move all things considered navigation though that's def definitely the ability strong suit and luckily the game knows that drill is a blast to use when you have a lot of stuff that you got to do quickly by going above and below ground at a fast pace that's the best part but when it comes to underground based abilities I Gotta Give a lot more credit to dude come on look at him animal Kirby is just it God it's so it's the it's the cutest thing when Kirby puts on this adorable little suit not only is he able to dig underground sometimes in glorious fashion he also has an effective close combat attack with the claw swipe it's a generally fairly straightforward ability to use and since it only showed up in Squeak Squad there is yet to be an opportunity to build upon animal to reach a fuller potential but I mean come on look look at him I almost want to put him higher because he's so damn adorable Kirby can already fly so you would think that Wing Kirby would be redundant but the amount of movement options that you were afforded to easily make this a really fun ability to play around with your wing flaps do damage you can shoot feathers for short range attacks you can dive bomb into the ground all at a really fast pace too this ability is crazy to use if you're really good at it if you learn and properly utilize the wing ability you can just blast through stages leaving nothing but feathers in your wake the more abilities that add to Kirby's in-ear Mobility the better in my opinion oh hey look at that think Wing Kirby right but a lot more mechanical here we have jet Kirby on top of also being able to infinitely fly and deal out decent damage at a close range you're also gaining the ability to charge your thrusters for more long range attacks just nudging this one out a little bit above Wing but both are very fun also this has no bearing on Jets placement on this list but a special shout out to the robobot Forum of jet some of the best segments in modern Kirby history wheel Kirby is absolutely iconic there is no doubt about that you become a wheel of course it's iconic being able to rush through anything in your path practically Invincible to boot is obviously super powerful I'm a big fan of the few Speed Run segments where you have to outrun a fuse or whatever the game throws at you by perfectly timing your jumps and your turns it's so cool and who doesn't love an awesome backwards hat it's a very difficult ability to handle for boss fights but in general this is a great reliable ability only this low on the list as I much prefer abilities where you actually like do things though the wheelie Rider option that this ability provides you is very very sick suplex is a fantastic adaptation of the close combat abilities that were earlier on in this list throw and backdrop it's not just a matter of feeling like you're on an absolute Killing Spree with all these crazy flips and punches that you pull off man by the time you get to them they're already dead and they're just your play thing it's so cool one problem though when it came back in Star allies They removed the sick tan they used to give you in Superstar that's that's uh that's unfortunate but hey still a great close combat ability let me get a Yeehaw in the chat it's time to Cowboy up with some whip Kirby this is a great long-range ability where its strong suit comes from its grappling capabilities not only can you lash enemies endlessly but you're also able to grab a hold of items from afar and more importantly enemies from afar that you can then slam into the ground oh man throw in a really cool overhead move with some great range whip is definitely awesome for many situations it's just compared to the rest of the abilities in the game it's one that I never really gravitate to over others since most of the moves that you perform are at a standstill and out of though I just prefer to be a little faster that's a that's a personal thing man similar to high jump the glow up for magic really shouldn't be understated an amazing mirror it was whatever another form of the classic screen nuke but you pull something random out of your head and then you move on with your day it this this would be a whole lot lower on this list if that was it however when it reappeared in Squeak Squad oh my God they gave it an actual moveset and a giant hat throwing out cards you got a giant clown head freaking doves and you can still pull tricks out of your head this is a god-tier ability honestly this became such a good option in this game only brought down by how bad his debut was but you know what shout outs to the little Kirby that lives inside the head I love him cutter has the distinct honor of being one of the few abilities that has appeared in every single traditional Kirby game while also always being good not great but good when it was purely a projectile they would throw Boomerang Blade out and wait for it to come back it was fine never the optimal choice but I did dig Kirby throwing his entire face off in 64. once they revamped this ability and gave it a bunch of brand new close combat moves getting to slash the blade around like crazy including essentially his recovery move from Smash it became so much better but still it doesn't really do anything better than the other options that are available though the addition of throwing Buzz saws in forgotten land definitely makes it a little bit more compelling big apologies to all of you arachnophobes out there but it's time for spider Kirby as expected everything is about shooting webs you place a big web in the background to jump from you encapsulate enemies and webs to trap them and slowly starve them for air and then they die and even kick or slam them when they're in their webs to add some insult to injury movement wise it's great attack variety really good but in terms of actually using it in combat the moves are pretty weak the only major downside to be fair but enough for it to not be higher up on the list for me also if you hate spiders this is probably at the bottom of your list and that's totally valid I always really enjoyed Bell Kirby based on it just being all about blasting your enemies eardrums that's a that's a great premise slamming down with these giant Bells is simply really effective in close combat scenarios and it's really fun being able to pull out some long range moves as well with these massive sound waves or this big sound barrier move it's surprisingly versatile its only downside is that outside of the twin tanker attack they can pull off while running moves come out relatively slowly so for a Boss Rush great call in most other instances though you've got better choices but hey the Bell is cute and like I said before I am really biased with the cute hats the fact that cleaning isn't at the bottom of this list is a damn Miracle it's debut in Dreamland 3 was terrible stand still swipe your broom that that's it it was God it was so bad the versatility in that game came from combining it with your animal friends but even then it was a mediocre showing so color me incredibly surprised when it returned in Star allies and it became amazing not only do you move while sweeping now adding great Mobility to the base moveset but the entire move said brings in the animal friends from Dreamland 3 replicating what their moves were from that game essentially resulting in massive fan servers for that one game in particular also the bandana allowing Kirby to cosplay as a mother who is tired that you never clean your damn room really seals the deal it's moves like cleaning and Magic they're really giving me hope for the return of other abilities like animal and metal to return in spectacular fashion because they've shown they can do some great things with some once terrible moves kinda like this one I've made it no secret that I was not really a big fan of star allies but credit words do it took the stupid paint ability and made something awesome with artists it may only be halfway down the list but it's still a great ability to use being able to swing your paintbrush around like a sword is just as good of an attack as any other close range one but it's all about the unique artist quirks like painting something to summon it in real life including a fat Kirby who can never say no to Fat Kirby and also being able to carve a stone statue to swing that around too for massive damage those two alone really make this ability shine and the stone carving in particular it is so damn powerful it's an excellent move for the game's Boss Rush and even against other players in Fighters too star allies got a lot of things wrong but I will never disrespect the developer's passion to go back to paint and cleaning and really give those abilities some life you did it you're halfway through thank you so much for watching we still got like 30 plus more to go this is your time to to get up to stretch a little bit refill your water get some more snacks we still got quite of a ways to go uh but without further Ado let's get into it it may just be an umbrella but parasol has a surprising amount of Versatility in more recent games you have a pretty decent amount of attack options with swinging and twirling it like a sword you're always able to grab enemies and make them suffer as well love that the constant suffering for any ability I then they uh they're gonna regret being in my path and as far back as the earlier games were parasol first debuted it was satisfying just being able to properly utilize its defensive attribute to deflect dangerous objects that are falling from above this is one of the most unassuming abilities in the franchise and while it's never outstanding it's always way better than you would expect it to be alright listen I know we put Festival really low so you probably expected all of the screen nuke moves to be low on the list as well but I mean come on now cook Kirby puts on a chef's head and boils his enemies to death in a delicious stew that then becomes tasty food items it may only do one thing but damn it if it doesn't do it well at this place on the list one might even say it's medium well sorry about that it kind of feels like they were desperately trying to make needle a not bad ability initially you would stop all progression and cause damage to anything that walks into you even if they're on the walls or the ceiling how terrifying oh but hey okay in return let's give it a spin dash uh okay okay you're speaking my language you can shoot the needles out of it too okay okay we're getting better and then the only reason it's this high on the list is in forgotten land dude it's it's over now you essentially become a massive Katamari able to constantly roll around latching enemies onto yourself as you go and it's it's awesome and when you upgrade the ability you add projectiles into The Fray you become Unstoppable one of the designs is also the reference to the Kirby 64 needle ability where you just have a bunch of stuff like a like a pencil coming out of you love that needle became an ability that was a constant joy to use if forgotten land didn't exist needle would be much much lower a telekinetic based Kirby ability really sounds like it would be the coolest thing in the world and that is where ESP comes in no doubt inspired by nessa's moveset in Smash Brothers once Kirby Dons this six sideways head not backwards hat uh sideways still cool though he can perform those little Instant Transmission teleportation you can summon a big ball of energy that explodes on command and and that's it sadly for what you have access to it is a good ability and it's one attack is pretty strong but it really is just one attack there's a great counter attack also but for a modern ability you're provided a surprisingly limited amount of options so it's effective but generally pretty uninteresting unfortunately God what a what a chaotic ability circus turned out to be who would have thunk it the options you have available to you with this move set are wild pulling out all of the stops from flaming bowling pins to trampolines to balloon animals it's it's crazy man circus Kirby was always a blast to use even if it's a little bit too chaotic for its own good like this isn't an ability that you would choose if you're looking to really hone your craft for your next speed run or deal the most amount of damage per second for a boss fight but in terms of pure fun Factor this is undoubtedly one of the best the circus tent hat has a mustache for crying out loud I love him but you want to talk about chaos oh baby Bomb Kirby this is where it's at be being able to summon bombs out of thin air and then just immediately be throwing them all just non-stop with no cooldown in between I love it I love it so much for long range you're covered easily this is always great against bosses if you want to attack from a distance but close range well if you time it right you can pin a bomb onto an enemy's head and watch their life flash Before Their Eyes before they explode Kirby is an absolute monster and I am here for it and the corny blue hat I love it so much this little thing this is the symbol of disaster so this is kind of cheating at the time of this video Return to Dreamland Deluxe isn't out yet but I mean come on look at this this is sick Mecha Kirby is the first ability to ever be introduced in a remaster they added nothing to Nightmare in Dreamland and Superstar Ultra this is this is a historic moment right here you got a powerful looking Dash attack similar to the Tinker Melody ability from Belle and also a chargeable laser looks like that'll do a lot of damage I really don't need to play the game to know that this will be a lot of fun to use Kirby's mechanical now and he's ready to kill if if this ability turns out it sucks and it's in the low 60s after this I I apologize Archer is not only a better version of cupid but it's just a flat out great ability to use not only do you maintain your standard speed since you don't have wings to worry about and you're not flying anymore but the versatility with your shots make this a constantly powerful ability to wield you can angle your shots attack with your bow you shoot multiple arrows at once while you're in midair it's also satisfying and there's even an exclusive guard with this ability While most times you just sit there and deflect some damage now you put up some camouflage to duck behind cupid is cute I'll give it that but Archer is so much better Kirby is clearly no stranger to Elemental abilities so it's kind of surprising that it took so long for water to show up but man when it did it showed up in style it is such a great time not only are its moves really useful in battle but it's also the perfect amount of flashy I love being able to summon a deadly rainbow all around Kirby that is that's so dangerous Taste the rainbow but also Mobility wise being able to Surf over water create tidal waves at the push of a button and create an endless Fountain under you that does a bunch of good damage this is one of the best multifunctional abilities in the franchise and it is a constant pleasure but if we're to be a little controversial here maybe this is a slightly less popular opinion but poison I think perfected the water concept some of the moves basically overlap between the two but there's a lot more variety in terms of attack options with poison as some of the poison will linger to create constant damage the poison cloud is used for a couple of nifty wind-based puzzles later on in the adventure and there is a sick close combat counter which honestly really doesn't fit the poison idea a whole lot but it's still really cool and one of the moves is guys it's called The Tilted toxic Tower and tilted tower is one of the locations in in fortnite I just I I had to mention it regrettably Poison's good though you could make the argument that any of the screen nukes don't deserve to be this high on the list but I mean come on Crash Kirby puts on a pope hat and then explodes killing everything in sight it has to be this high on the list it doesn't need to be anything else when you get crash you know that is about to get very real very fast later on in the series when you gain the ability to charge it that made things even better and then hey in forgotten land the final upgrade allows you to stop time this is such a powerful move you only get to use it like once but for that one time it's awesome but okay yes sorry not sorry Mike is still the best screen nuke there is I don't really I don't really think there's a debate on that one for one you can use it three times so that automatically makes it better a single mic usage may not do as much damage as a single crash usage but yelling into a microphone in three different ways the final one being a big old pistol is always one of the best parts of any Kirby game that it's in and also uh similar to Jet this has no bearing on the ranking but I gotta give a special shout out to the robobot form of this ability because it really fleshes out what a sound based ability is capable of and your robot is a very good game here we go finally the ability that burning got thrown into fire was introduced in the same game as burning but you were only able to spit fire in adventure but starting with Superstar when the merger happened we also got a bunch of new movement options into the mix getting to be in control of fire in so many different ways it became a recipe for Success whenever you use it and funnily enough the fireball part that was burning before is my favorite part of fire but no longer being restricted to that one move really makes this great to use all around hell back in Superstar you can even set yourself on fire you gotta respect the dedication to your craft Kirby with a gun baby what sounded like a meme for the longest time finally became a reality in forgotten land and what a debut it had Ranger Kirby is so much fun to use being able to aim at anything on screen charge up a shot for extra damage and dude the Dodge where Kirby immediately will unload on the enemy that you just dodged from this is such a killer move set there are no New Movement options afforded to you and in all honesty it's not even all that flashy well but until you upgrade to the Space Ranger at least that is supremely flashy but not every good ability needs to be fancy Kirby now carries that thing on him at all times and I for one would be very afraid if this were to approach me man and now Kirby can become a ninja of course it was going to be good now we have ninja Kirby out here rocking a katana he can throw kunai he can create a smoke screen cling onto walls and wall jump to a sick drop kick and even create a cherry blossom blast out of nowhere dude there's there's like there's like no way you can play as ninja Kirby and not feel super cool that's that's but that's that's its main job description in Superstar you would even turn you purple that's just an awesome look this is one of the few abilities out there where it feels like you can go on a constant tear against enemies with a barrage of unique moves and it never once gets old plus again it kind of goes without stating but ninjas are always awesome when you think of iconic Kirby abilities sword may be the first thing that comes to mind it is the definition of iconic it's the link cat right it's totally because of the link hat it's not all about just slashing your sword to attack in front of you you get a sick spinning attack an upward slash a downward Spike the in-air sword spin is always reliable every move flows into each other beautifully there is never a situation where sword Kirby doesn't work plus it always leads to the awesome Meta Knight encounters and those sword on sword battles will always be some of the franchise's best but yeah I'm sorry maybe this is another controversial opinion but spear still wins and the ability featuring pointy thing contest it's potentially an unpopular opinion but quite Frank frankly just on the basis of spear having a longer range than sword makes it the better of the two in my opinion and that's not even factoring in the cooler downward Spike being able to toss multiple Spears at once and dude the spear copter are you kidding me of course like objectively that's cooler objectively sword is better in a more General sense but maybe it's because spear is newer and I just haven't gotten sick of it yet between the two I'm gonna go with spear every time I'm sorry however man leave it to Star allies of all Kirby games to take the spear concept and just make it better with staff and like it not get enough recognition for it the range is even longer you have a pole jump now stabbing like crazy from midair is great this is the best form this ability style has seen yet just the entire notion of having a long pointy thing whether it be ended with a sharp object or just a big old ball it is incredibly fun to use no matter how you spin it but it is also kind of neat that this is also one big Goku reference not the not not the Dragon Ball one the the Journey to the West one I really hope staff returns in a future Kirby game sword once again definitely iconic God bless it but Steph Takes the Cake similar to spider I get it I hate beetles as much as the next guy but I will be damned if Beetle Kirby isn't one of the most fun abilities to use having a close combat move that has a solid upward attack isn't new at this point and you can even swing your horn around rapidly like a sword but damn it you can stab your enemies with the hook and seismic slam them into the ground that is one of the most badass moves ever conceived for this franchise and maybe ever and you can even fly around with your little Beetle wings it's this adorable you know what they may have made the entire Beetle species just for this ability and I'll I'll allow it I really like this I've always been a fan of electric powers and whatever game includes them so while I assume I like spark Kirby more than most I do admit that's because I have a major bias something about simply encapsulating yourself in this big ball of electricity to zap all of your enemies to the extreme I love it but really this became a true favorite of my once you're able to shoot Sparks above and below you with ease as well as charge up your electric beam it becomes so powerful I'm sure a lot of people hate the fact that you charge up by mashing the d-pad or God forbid shake the Wii remote in return but that's because that's how you conduct static electricity man that constant friction come on now Kirby is based in realism but arguably this one shouldn't even have its own unique spot on the list because it is very similar plasma Kirby is like maybe a little bit better than spark Kirby quite frankly I expected plasma to disappear over time as spark took over a lot of the same moves and that's just what the modern games do a very similar fate to burning and freeze but in Star allies uh nope plasma returned for some reason instead of Spark It's kind of just green spark in that game and most of the moves are missing but we do have this cool Dash move that's like Pikachu's smash recovery and I like that a lot so yeah still fun but really A negligible difference between these last two to be honest utility wise I always felt like Hammer Kirby was very similar to sword but just a lot more powerful and yeah that's all it needed to be to be this high on the list the hammer uppercut alone is enough to justify this placement it absolutely decimates anything it comes into contact with you bring this into the Boss Arena and that's it it's over you'll won and considering how rare this ability was it always felt special when you got your hands on it which really adds to its appeal no other ability in my opinion matches hammer in terms of sheer power and I will always love it as a result making a copy ability out of Kirby's Smash Brothers moveset is such an obvious decision that I'm amazed it hasn't shown up in more games much like its inspiration this is just an amalgamation of already existing moves like the final cutter and the hammer swing combined with some new close combat moves like the jab and the in-air spin it's just it's just the smash move set you don't get access to it a whole bunch but whenever you do it is so much fun and considering it brought Master Hand as a boss in a traditional Kirby game like listen here Sakurai has never made it Shy that he lets his biases shine with the Kirby franchise and I'm okay with that because if it gives us awesome stuff like this I am A-Okay with that this needs to appear in more games on their debut I'll be honest I much preferred freeze Kirby to Ice Kirby but similar to fire once their moves merged and we got a ton of new attack options including this in-air ice spin that you can pull off and then go right back to ice skating along this moves skyrocketed for me you got the range with the ice blowing you can continue to freeze enemies and shove them into the distance without losing much if any momentum and once again ice skating the whole time you see this pink puff skating towards you you can run but you won't make it very far opinions on Leaf tend to be all over the place so I have no doubt that I like this way more than others but to put it simply I believe that leaf is the best elemental styled ability this Series has ever seen you can shoot the leaves like they have the kunai from the ninja ability but they spin around you now you get this Leaf uppercut like Hammer but it's not as powerful it just looks kind of nice you have those little leaf spin like tornado It's a combination of a bunch of different moves with just enough different to make it one of the most versatile attack options in the games that it shows up in also when you dodge you like jump into a little leaf pile and that that's that's adorable I would do the same thing Far and Away the best melee ability the traditional Kirby games has ever seen fighter it's one thing to Simply have a handful of really cool looking moves but everything you can pull off with this one in this dozen plus moveset feels incredibly powerful and it is so easy to chain moves together putting you on a console path of Destruction similar to ninja in that regard but I mean look at that headband there's even a hadouken like move that you can pull off either by a basic button charge if you want to be lame I guess or you could do the command and put like an actual hadoken suplex throw and backdrop all walked so fighter can run full speed and kill everything in sight but ah damn it I'm telling you man you put wrestler Kirby in the next Mainline game we're looking at an absolute Game Changer here currently it's exclusive only to Fighters too but man it really is the entire close combat idea perfected you have all the moves that chain together like in fighter but there's a whole lot more grappling involved much like suplex and backdrop you can flip your opponents into the air like crazy give them these wild suplexes grab them from midair and slam them down he's got a Luchador mask on it's probably nonsensical to put such a relatively Niche ability so high on this list but I'm telling you it doesn't really hope that not many people played Fighters too but I'm telling you I gotta go with my heart on this one if you smell what The Pink puff is cooking tornado can take a bit of time to get used to timing your buttonholes to move higher in the air it can be a little tough sometimes to get that right but man you really do just become an invincible Whirlwind of Destruction that's hard to compete with once you figure it out and when it was all about just spinning from left to right it was really good but then they added these angled tornado shots that you can do at will in returns and then in forgotten land in a 3D space it's even more destructive it's insane no matter what game it's in it is arguably one of the most overpowered abilities in the entire series only this low on the list only because I think the higher up ones are a little bit more fun to use and just like that we're finally at the top five the final five and if you're stu to this franchise you have a good idea of what's going to be included in these final five but uh Hey for your predictions place them down below maybe the ordering may not be what you expect who who knows it's quite the mystery let's go on to it beam Kirby is easily the most consistent ability in this franchise that I always adore using in every single game that it's in dating all the way back to its debut in adventure hell it's the first ability in that game you can't get much earlier than that Simply Having a nice swinging beam of energy destroy anything within its range is great in many instances but once again once this moveset got expanded and now you can charge the beam utilize the new command grab and the mid-air beam blast move it really hit legendary status for me it is simple but very powerful I know this is higher than many of you would expect but beam will always hold a special place in my heart but I mean duh of course UFO is going to be the better version of that what initially began as a super cool beam and Laser combo with the ability to fly the more games UFO would show up in the more varied the moveset would become making it constantly joyous to use only made more special due to how rare it is in adventure it typically was relegated to Hidden rooms and only a few stages it barely shows up an amazing mirror in Squeak Squad and it's locked behind an amiibo or 100 completion in Planet robobot that's that's it much like hammer it may not be common but whenever it's here it's incredible who gave this puffball a medical degree there is no reason for this to exist but damn it I am so happy that it does similar to artist and circus Dr Kirby is another one that practically just encompasses the simple concept of chaos throwing pills like your doc Mario from Smash is the most boring part of this moveset you can slam people in the face with a note board spray random medicine into the air and my favorite part pull out an entire science kit to come up with a random concoction to do I don't know man it's literally random there's no telling what the psychopath is coming up with in his lab if you're planning to be well thought out with your battle strategies maybe doctor isn't the one for you but just the sheer Insanity of this all even existing it is planet robobot's pride and joy and I beg and pray that this gets more time to shine in the future sorry ESP with your sideways cap yoyo Kirby with the backwards hat wins easily every time that's the best part of wheel and it's the best part of yo-yo but hey who put a little boo-boo on this guy's cheek I will kill them the range of this ability is insane like every move does immense damage to any enemy within like three to four feet range around you whether it be your spinning Dash move simply spinning the yoyo or doing the super sick upward spin-off so cool the outlandishness of a yo-yo being this ridiculously overpowered should really make Ness and Mike Jones proud because one second you could be going in spinning plastic and string ablazing and the next you could be taking a casual stroll and walking the dog and yes the ability did go up a few points just for that part alone arguably the most fun ability the franchise has to offer but sorry my bias can't help but shine here for number one it only appears in two Mainline Kirby games and quite frankly I don't care mirror is easily my favorite ability that has ever existed and likely will ever exist this is the perfect combination of usefulness and utility without right great flashiness from the swing of your magic wand so the handful of moves where you duplicate yourself and even the reflecting Shield has some extra Pizzazz That You Don't See in any other moves turning an incoming attack into a star and boomeranging it back to the enemy it's perfect the best part all of the moves are also really powerful there are no crazy movement options that are added to Your Arsenal but hey you have a new sliding run animation that's really cool to look at there is really nothing I would change with this ability like not a single thing the only thing holding mirror back is its lack of appearances but it's not about quantity it's about quality and you can't get more quality than mirror and with that that is my Kirby ability tier list thank you all so much for watching it felt very cool that my 200th episode just happened to take place in the same year as Kirby's 30th Anniversary you know may not be the grandest celebration of all time but still pretty fun to talk about never a bad time to talk about the entire franchise just remember if you disagree at all with any of the ability placements on my list that's that's your problem it's a it's a personal ranking list I I can't I can't help that that's that's that's what opinions are but one thing we can likely all agree on though is that for the most part any Kirby ability is good fun no matter how you spin it which does kind of negate the entire idea of a ranking video but whatever it's too late now on to 200 more episodes of me [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 505,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, AntDude Kirby, AntDude Kirby and the Forgotten Land, AntDude Kirby Return to Dreamland, AntDude Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe, Kirby series, Kirby abilities, Kirby copy abilities, every kirby ability, every kirby copy ability, every kirby ability ranked, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Kirby switch
Id: T1InN7g9m1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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