Kirby's RETURN To Return to Dream Land DELUXE | He's Back Like He Never Left

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foreign [Music] Buffet video I said this next year we're gonna have a bit of a break right that means that you know they'll step back and they'd be like okay maybe this year we don't make one or two Kirby games in the same year and Shadow drop them on Twitter that's that's going to happen that video released August 28 2022. they announced this game two weeks later dude like there's really nothing easier than being a Kirby fan like honestly if you're anti-kirby somehow and you're annoyed with all the preferential treatment this franchise gets from Nintendo I understand I really do we just gotta sit here and the coolest things ever will happen to us and Captain Falcon is still dead it's like this company can't let a single direct go by without announcing something for Kirby forgotten land and dream Buffet were still both pretty fresh and Bam doesn't matter now the Wii game Return to Dreamland is getting remastered for the switch very soon okay okay yeah sure why not Kirby's Return to Return to Dreamland quite frankly I did figure that when this game was gonna come to the switch I did expect a bit of a trilogy pack with triple deluxe and Planet robot as well what it made for a sick 30th anniversary celebration pack and I mean hey if me Topia of all games can get remade for the switch why can't those but I think that's just me as a Kirby fan accustomed to being a spoiled little brat I can hear it now Kirby Triple Deluxe Deluxe easy money right there well I mean there simply Aren't Enough Kirby games for me to play though that being said right before RTD ldx released Nintendo announced in another direct that you know what tilt and Tumble an amazing mirror for the Game Boy and GBA switch on lineups respectively those are coming and it's a bigger deal than you would initially think you know these are used typical ROM drops and that's it I mean Dreamland 1 got released as soon as the app did but actually this means we will have an official console Port of tilt and Tumble for the first time with Native motion controls incredible I don't know if those GameCube holding speedrunners will make the jump over to the switch Pro Controller but damn it it's a tilt in the right direction and Amazing Mirror is going to be on an emulator that has official online play oh my God I know these emulators just inherently have online play so it's to be expected but dude Amazing Mirror online that's incredible and just those announcements on top of all the additions to this remaster man like I said Us Kirby fans really just have to sit here and relax and the best things will happen sorry about the Mad ramblings of a Kirby fan here going through a really good time in my life this uh this timeline treating someone like me really good right about now but the star of the show for today Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe uh it's an interesting choice I'm all for more Kirby content obviously as well as more Wii games getting ported big fan of that as well it's just been less than a year since forgotten land and I feel really weird that we're already here though I guess realistically the timing does make a little bit more sense than you would initially think Return to Dreamland is now the fourth Kirby game to get the Remake treatment fifth if you count Superstar stacker as a remake I don't know why you would but some people do and if you look at the timing in between the originals release as well as the remakes release you can see that we're looking at roughly 4 100 days which isn't too far off in the duration of time between adventure and Superstar and their respective remakes the timing actually makes total sense extra Epic Yarn came out the soonest and hey maybe that's why it's the weakest one you gotta shoot closer to that 4 000 day Mark that's the ticket this is a moment that double does not only a fun piece of trivia but also a reminder that we're all progressively getting older look at me reviewing the original Wii game all those years ago this little idiot had no clue what the next few years had in store for him also uh did you know that in Japan they kept we in the name so it's it's Kirby we Deluxe did you also know that while the game was called Kirby's Adventure we in Europe originally they went ahead and took the Return to Dreamland name so now the name's different depending on what console as opposed to America where to turn a Dreamland the entire time does anyone else find this interesting or am I way too far gone man I still remember when this game was originally revealed as just Kirby Wii it's easy to forget just how important this game was for this franchise Kirby's Return to Dreamland when did he ever leave right well believe it or not there did used to be a time where Kirby didn't get love every 20 minutes from Nintendo after 64 the Crystal Shards in 2000 the franchise was mostly relegated to spin-offs and remakes and the Platformers that did release Amazing Mirror in Squeak Squad while both fun in their own regards it was evident that they didn't have the amount of love and polish that the games deserved probably in part due to being handed off to another developer Flagship only in 2010 with Epic Yarn did we finally see Kirby getting the big Spotlight again it had been 10 years since Kirby felt like a big deal there was that glimmer of hope with a GameCube game but as we all know that was in development purgatory and eventually scrapped with elements from that build showing up in later games and speaking of did you see that new footage of that GameCube game was actually discovered randomly in 2022 that's wow footage once thought to be lost just happened to show up on YouTube 17 years later that's what this is what I'm saying Us Kirby fans have to do nothing and we see some really cool and if we go even further down this Rabbit Hole remember when Nintendo dropped in a wada ask segment that revealed that Not only was that GameCube game canceled but there were two other games in development too that never saw the light of day well obviously the four player co-op one was a big selling point for return as well as star allies in the future there's this sort of isometric one that managed to finally show up in blowout blast obviously expanded upon greatly with forgotten land but this third one here the side scroller with a cell shaded art style well well how about Dad obviously art style preference is subjective whether or not you dig the remaster's outline style You could argue that Battle Royale had a similar art style but nobody actually played that game I could just be grasping at thin air here that is totally possible but I'm gonna call Return to Dreamland Deluxe closure after so many years of rare information drops for canceled Kirby games and that is that's actually really awesome yeah I think I have an unhealthy Obsession I think that much is clear oh this uh this is a Kirby cup that they released at Kung Fu tea locations it had like a a pink Berry drink it was to celebrate the release of Forgotten land it was pretty good from what I remember you can't get it anymore it was like a year ago at this point but I kept the cup and I still use it that tastes just like Kirby I saw some people say that because sand Kirby is in this game you thought I was gonna like for a gag eat sand what's wrong with you people also imperative that I mentioned that of course I did buy this game on launch and then I proceeded to play the entire game in a live stream for eight hours did the main campaign and the megalore mode back to back in one continuous stream that was crazy and then 24 hours later bam 100 completion like I said unhealthy Obsession important question right out of the gate and this remaster does King Dedede still do the thing on the title screen the game's Perfect The Story begins in the peaceful world of Dreamland oh gets the butterfly I am shattered Beyond repair and there is no saving me a mysterious ship crashes magalor needs your help to repair it it's a pretty typical stories uh something bad is happening and you're the good guys so you gotta go Gotta Go save the day that makes that makes a lot of sense there's not a whole lot more to elaborate on here magalor is one of the most trustworthy characters in this franchise and I will do anything he says but you know what this whole new king dededy thing really has me thinking far too hard about this newer redesign Club Penguin looking ass they've given this dude so many redesigns in his life they can't stick to one it's a miracle we got the same design for two games back to back we got this adorable little ball of chub in 64. this odd always mean looking design and Triple Deluxe wasn't bad he just looked very angry his anime look he was always kind of too big always pulled me off not gonna lie I think I'm also in the minority of not really digging the star allies design like Buffy Diddy was funny for a minute but but even when he's not buff this guy right here he's a he's a little too long for my liking and then forgotten land came out and gave us a king that was almost perfect the adorable 64 styled big blue ball of simultaneous happiness and anger but modernized just with a pretty cool tribal look that worked well for that game given his insane boss battles so in Deluxe having that model with his classic outfit dare I say we have reached Peak deity I definitely like this more than the original Wii model but points also go to smash DDD that's pretty damn close to the top two and why is Stone Kirby in this game can summon star allies DDD and not new DDD I don't know I'm starting to believe in a DDD Multiverse also on the topic of redesigns shout out to this Twitter user here for pointing out that the enemy waddledies and the friend waddle D's in this game use the models from Star allies and forgotten land respectively based off of Pretty slight differences in the face this is pretty important information really doing a great job doing anything but talking about the actual game itself I apologize about that while getting a brand new return to form Kirby game was actually super refreshing back in 2011 nothing changes the fact that Yep this is a Kirby game alright Return to Dreamland was Nintendo's attempt to take the formula of Kirby games I worked so well in the past like Adventure and Superstar and just polish the hell out of it something they would continue to improve upon with the 3DS sequels the basic mechanics all feel nice and tight all of the copy abilities do the Superstar thing of having multiple attacks that can be pulled off pending your button inputs each level has multiple shiny things to collect so you actually have to pay attention to your surroundings instead of just plowing through the levels and it's all bundled together with a great presentation for both the visuals and the soundtrack all really great stuff and even back on the Wii I always thought this game looked really nice all of the colors just pop the foreground pieces are nicely detailed and if you ever just stare off into the background the amount of detail that goes into every single landscape is actually kind of stunning it's easy to not even consider them because you're always running through them and focusing on what's in front of you instead of what's behind you but if you're going to a second to chill out and just look at the back there's a lot going on there and then we jump on over to Deluxe and yeah there's the matter of the most noticeable difference on the surface we have outlines now rather than Simply Having the game look like it's running through Dolphin on Max settings we actually have a pretty noticeable art style shift the foreground and background elements have a lot more detail some areas go for a bit more of a pastel color palette I think it's very pleasing and yeah all of the characters have outlines now interesting choice not like the characters ever blended into the background from my experience in the past but for what it's worth I do really love how this looks I prefer when art Styles have a bit more extra artistic personality to them and realistically Return to Dreamland was always relatively uninspired in terms of its style yeah incredibly detailed for sure but grassland desert underwater snow volcano some levels later on are a little bit more memorable like the mechanical stages and especially the sky tower but in general it is pretty standard stuff not a problem necessarily but certainly doesn't Stand Out can be compared to some of the environments and themes of the 3DS games so for me this new style adds a lot to help return appear more striking and dude on the OLED screen are you kidding me with this this looks God this this looks incredible granted I do think the outlines could have still been an option like two days after the demo released there was a mod that removed the outlines and it looks fine but whatever I still like them it's even more visually interesting when we compare this directly with the Kirby Adventure built for the switch star allies even with the base Wii version yeah I think return looks better so clearly Deluxe blows that right out of the water Sorrows just didn't really have much of a style that let things pop as much as Deluxe does and also gotta say it's really nice having a console Kirby game now that runs at 60fps it's about damn time I've said this once I'll say it a million times I am no frame rate snob but when all the other modern Kirby games run at 60 and star allies rain at 30. it looks kind of gross it was fine with forgotten land since that game was an entirely different format but for the 2D games it was drawing to me in 2018 still jarring in 2023 and held in recent years there was even a mod developed just to push star allies to 60 and it looks so much better all I'm saying is yes Return to Dreamland Deluxe looks really good it's no Metroid Prime remastered because Kirby's better the soundtrack is just as good as it ever was that much was a given though there has been some changes here too mostly in regards to what songs play where one of the secret Hal rooms now plays music from dream Buffet the mini boss Tower in nutty noon now plays a remix of the Superstar boss battle theme instead of the King dededy theme the same stage in extra mode plays stage of the partners from Kirby Fighters 2 the second phase of the hrd3 fight uses rural of deity from forgotten land now which is an incredible change not a ton of differences here but just plenty of really good fan service wow the new game in a series with consistently good games is good I am shocked and appalled with this information you see see what I was most interested in with my big dumb baby brain was interested in was just what was going to be new about this release you know when it comes to remakes remasters re-releases whatever you want to call them Nintendo's track record is all over the place we could get Bowser's Fury we could get new funky mode and for this one I mean come on now what are you gonna have in this Kirby game that's going to be good for new players but also people like me who have played this game like a dozen times in the past I'm not lying like a dozen times like I said unhealthy obsession first and foremost you can now taunt with the right stick yeah the Wii game didn't have that Deluxe is better 10 out of 10. okay but for real now they added diagonal swimming to this version this is a game changer you do not understand how exciting this is for the first time in one of these Kirby remasters remix whatever you want to call them we have brand new abilities first up we got Mecca you're a Gundam now this is sick you got a laser you can charge up you can shoot some projectiles of the fire and electric variety you got a sweet jet pack and these super powered hands too this is pretty badass Honestly though a bit unwieldy at times if I'm being honest like there's this really cool charge forward backflip laser combo that looks awesome but I feel like it doesn't do as much damage as it should it looks like it would be devastating but if it feels like nothing actually happens the outfit is certainly better than its utility maybe I just need to get better at it I don't know make sure to put it in the next game you cowards and then we got sand oh my God this one's incredible harnessing the power of pocket sand you can attack in every direction in a handful of different ways and it feels like every single grain of sand Kirby pulls out does incredible damage this ability destroys bosses dude like just hold the block button and you're invulnerable forever and then you can shoot out into the sky doing a surprising amount of damage dude sand is insane plus you look like Dio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and like I can't believe I like sand more than Mecca here both abilities each have a new challenge room in the star cutter now and that's pretty cool considering how strict those rooms are to get gold rankings let alone Platinum rankings these are the perfect ways to learn what these abilities have in store yo even the sand enemy is cuter than the mecca one like this is not the outcome I expected oh and also I can't forget to mention that uh Festival from Star allies is in this game now [Applause] hooray the only other time new abilities were added to a re-release it was the Ravel abilities in extra Epic Yarn and considering that game didn't have copy abilities in the first place and I thought their inclusion was unnecessary honestly but here yeah they're fine they don't really feel a void that the original game was lacking but the more power-ups the better in my opinion need I remind you just how good sand is again I got into an argument on Twitter about whether or not sand is the 69th ability in this franchise and I'm sorry to report that no it's not though I get the excitement sure if you count like the anime exclusives and does anybody count normal as an ability sorry that's weird if you do strictly speaking from the games from all of these main Adventures on Nintendo consoles Mecca and sand are abilities 67 and 68 respectively I would know I did a whole ass list ranking all of them how are some of these people trying to tell me that I'm wrong that video had 67 entries and didn't even include sand because they revealed it shortly after I made that video because Nintendo actually hates me and wanted that video irrelevant as soon as possible in regards to where I would put these abilities on that ranking list uh I mean I think I was pretty dead on with Mecca's placement I think mid-20s is a perfect spot for that one but sand like dude like I I don't know so maybe in my top 10 this definitely became my Arena go-to ability stupid galactonite here did not stand a chance and this dude's like a god eat a million granular rocks you in your Galactic purple Menace you ain't got nothing on Dio Kirby but at the end of the day what this does mean is it doesn't matter what the next Kirby game is what the next ability is no matter what 69 is right around the corner interestingly enough some of the returning abilities got modified as well the energy sword moved that debuted and Triple Deluxe is here now uh fire has a couple of new moves as well one when you're at a standstill and one when you're rolling and the hammer flip move that you're really used to now because it's super powerful and also destroys bosses I totally forgot that that wasn't in the original Wii game it's here now though they even recorded a new for the microphone ability God this is this is so much to take in one of my favorite things with these Kirby games and the fan service is the stone Transformations and we have a couple new ones here magalore on the star cutter Carby from forgotten land the fat boy from dream Buffet really like that one and this one did show up in Star allies but hey it's QB on Mount Fuji wild QB sighted this is so exciting some techniques have also been modified for King dededy Meta Knight and bandanity and Co-op to more match how they played in more recent games and that's pretty cool too found this out because even though I'm not a huge fan of co-op in my Platformers you can still play as these characters in the arena mode hell yeah I know I'm gonna sound selfish but if there was anything I do wish they added I do think the challenge stages from Dream Collection would have been a really cool bonus that content is still trapped on the Wii so it would have been nice to you know not have that be the case I have to assume there was some hesitation because smash was an ability for one of them then smash isn't in this game and they had to prioritize Festival instead you know I get it but considering this was likely their only chance for this content to come back that's kind of upsetting this would have also been a pretty cool time to bring back the super spark and super cutter abilities that are cut content why not a re-release is always the perfect time to bring some of that stuff back oh yeah the super abilities one of the big gimmicks with Return to Dreamland were these areas we would get a fancy super ability you start shining something fierce and with the push of a button you get essentially a little screen nuke it's really cool and Kirby is really cute while doing so mechanically I never really thought these were that great once you get past that flashy style you feel powerful for sure but these rooms that you get these abilities in equate to just holding forward and pressing a button when something dare stands in your path and at the end of the day they were just a means to getting to these portals that transport you to Purgatory for a little Chase segment and a mini boss fight it gets the job done but it's not something I'm super excited about like I think Super suck and Triple Deluxe is way better gameplay wise it's pretty formulaic except for that one time that you become the head of a snowman that part's perfect but hey back on topic with differences with this deluxe version each of the abilities now have a lot better animation when you first get them it used to be when you would get the ability Kirby would do a nice little hey look I got it and then you'd get into the gameplay but here oh the camera's swooping Kirby's a lot more emotional about this whole ordeal this is great I love oh I love this oh it's so oh it's so nice but just in case you don't like those you'll want to get right back to the action well now you can skip the cutscenes too couldn't do that in the original they've added The gigant Sword and the Morpho sword to the ultra sword lineup that's pretty sick enemies will now fly and hit the screen with intense Force when you take them out with one of the attacks that's just a cool touch if we're going for style over substance with the whole super ability thing doubling down on the style was certainly the right call I like these changes a lot super suck is still better though they even brought back the old animations from the Wii game during one of the final boss fights that's a pretty cool throwback and outside of the abilities themselves there's even more minor visual changes like this part early on in the game with the super fire ability where you burn down this big tree in the original and the portal just shows up in the middle well now there's a little cutscene where the tree will burn down and fall into the background cool that was my major complaint with the original game ooh the screen transitions are new here too there's there's there is so much visual polish added to Deluxe oh man what else okay so there's a helper magdalore mechanic now where magalor will give you health when it's low and pick you up when you fall down pits that's nice of him certainly not something that someone with evil intentions would ever do I like him I like him a lot he's got a bright future you can also now store items Super Mario World style uh sure the game never really needed to be easier but hey anything for accessibility to newer players is fine by me conversely the harder extra mode is still here unlocked after beating the game with roughly 70 completion and like in the original an old it's the same Adventure just made a bit more difficult harder bosses with some cosmetic changes more enemies smaller health bar with less Health pickups and an extra mode exclusive boss near the end of the game which yes is a throwback to the canceled GameCube game in deluxe's extra mode there are even more enemies and obstacles compared to the original but quite frankly without direct comparison I couldn't tell the difference I still died a bunch because of the shorter health bar I just can't tell if the enemy that killed me was in the original or not so sue me I'm a fake Kirby fan there's a new past Adventure screen on the main menu now continuing the current trend of Nintendo reminding us just how often they make these damn games with no sign of stopping anytime soon they added amiibo support so you can get item drops whenever you want okay of course Co-op is still present but unfortunately there is no online play for this there never was any indicator that there was going to be online but hey once again I was never a co-op platformer guy wasn't gonna affect me either way but I can tell that there were a lot of people online who are upset at the omission and if you are one of the upset ones consider this he's actually called bandana waddle D in this one he was just waddle D in the original but happened to wear a bandana he's finally bandana waddle D this is a big deal okay instead online play is restricted to the new minigame mode Mary magdaland because standard minigame selection menus are for losers and Kirby is not a loser damn it oh no not the whole minigame mode my apologies just uh just one just one of them is online yay oh man this magdalore dude is great he is the best he's taking me out of pitfalls he's giving me items and he made an entire ass theme park dude this guy come on now he can do nothing wrong we got a whopping 10 sub games in this one the most of any game in the franchise holy cow for new games we have magalor's Tome trackers where a specific book cover gets shown and it's a race to get to it in the pile first plus you're all wearing School caps it's adorable and booming blasters where we give everybody a gun and have a good old rounded Death Match I'm glad Kirby continues to practice as second amendment rights as for the other eight sub games they're all returning from older Kirby games yes we have egg Catcher from Adventure Samurai Kirby from Superstar checkerboard Chase from 64. bomb Rally from Nightmare and Dreamland crackity hack from Amazing Mirror smash right from the Squeak Squad Kirby on the draw from Superstar Ultra and ninja Dojo returning from the original Return to Dreamland this is so damn cool the music when you're on the difficulty selection screens are remixes of each game's respective menus the victory screens are all identical from their Source games too like the Kirby 64 award screen is exactly the same yes listen I've never been someone who's hard to please okay anything remade from this franchise I think is the coolest thing seeing eggcatcher show up after so long in HD the music is remade both Kirby and DDD have the baby chicks popping out of their mouths this is Pete Kirby right here it's just a shame we don't see the chicks popping out of meta Knight's masks or waddle Dee's mouth I mean the anime shows that he can eat so they could have they could have put that in the game and then the online mode in question is a separate entity entirely Samurai Kirby 100 where you and 99 other kirbys around the world see who can press the A Button the fastest you could quite frankly tell me these are all CPU players and I couldn't tell you the difference I don't know why this is online I feel a stronger connection to manager magalore telling me stats I was about to say that this was an incredibly dumb inclusion but then I managed to get first so now I would be upset if this wasn't here yo check out this crazy play in the standard Samurai Kirby [Music] well I'll be darn too numb I'm the fastest hand in the old wild the old wild Samurai West in all of these editions we did lose scope shot though this is so sad I did always like ninja Dojo more so I don't really feel the same pain but kind of strange that they decided to get rid of one of them at all adding salt to the wound the second hell room now plays the scope shot title theme why like why did HAL go for the throat on this one oh yeah before I forget they also added a third hell room to the game that wasn't in the original dude this company loves the Kirby franchise so much it's wild this is true love right here alongside all of the sub games Mary magdaland comes with 100 Missions and I mean that's pretty refreshing usually the sub games are just there for a fun little distraction and nothing more but now there's a whopping 100 achievements to go for many of them are very basic you beat all the difficulties for example too particularly well in some harder difficulties like catching 20 eggs and egg catcher level 3 and play each of the games with a specific mask which yes there are unlockable masks in this game as well this adds a lot of gameplay time to the 100 goal right here because once you finish all 100 of these achievements and you think you're done stupid magalore throws another 20 at you that are super tough Tome trackers level 3 winning this mode with 18 points made me want to commit crimes completing all of these back to back took me about three and a half hours though admittedly I did definitely surprise myself with some of these like one of these is to get at least 20th Place in Samurai Kirby 100 and I hit first place on my second attempt so yeah you know what I am gonna brag actually I feel really good about that one Mary magdaland the happiest place on Earth would return and spend too much money there again look at it just sitting there in the background at the start of nutty noon now I love it it's like it's a real place oh yeah I can't really gloss over the mask thing it's kind of a cute addition for extra fan service you can unlock the faces of a bunch of characters throughout the series by collecting these merry magoland tickets it's pretty cute I mean definitely something to make Co-op a little bit more interesting but some of them also make noises so getting to run through these levels as Kirby making masked D to these sounds is pretty cool that's that's kind of fun fun fact if you wear the kind mask you have a more powerful bubble attack underwater the attention to detail in this game is nuts there's a couple of deep cuts on the selection too dracia and zero masks okay that's cool getting to see newer Renditions of Nago Peach and Chuchu that's nice I like that a lot can't believe dark nebula is here old friend I'm really crying in the club right now and dude pick and mine are you are you serious the Rick and line counterparts from Dreamland 3 that you saw on one screen each and that's it I love this sadly coup did never counterpart in that game so grayscale coup instead suck it up sport you'll be fine the only issue the only issue with this screen is that yellow Kirby is just called yellow Kirby now and after dream Buffet had the audacity to bring kibi back into the spotlight this will not stand if you're with me tweet out with the hashtag Justice for KB and you too can make a difference alright the moment that many of you have been waiting for spoiler time uh what spoilers isn't this a 10 plus year old game what could there possibly be to spoil in this current year well listen here idiot you big Dumbo you see the back of the box here magalor epilogue Brave and extra quest after the ending there's new stuff and I got thoughts hey you know how maggalore betrays you at the end of the story and you banish him into the shadow realm yo that's crazy this is why Kirby fans everywhere have trust issues and thought elflin was gonna stab you in the eyes in forgotten land well magalor epilogue is here to let us know just what magalor was up to after said banishment with his outfit in tatters magalor wakes up in another dimension similar to the chase levels from the main campaign on your brief travel here you run into a fruit fragment you get told to collect more go gameplay wise magalord does play quite differently than Kirby sort of similar to how he played in the star allies guest star mode but with a Twist throughout the stages you collect these magic spheres and with them you can upgrade all of your attributes like all of them the speed of your horizontal and vertical shots the effectiveness of your Shield how much longer your specials will stick around stuff like that and while upgrading moves in like any game is inherently satisfying you get the benefit of being able to grow longer chains during the gameplay you see you're not just collecting magic spheres by walking into them you get them from defeating enemies and get even more if you keep attacking them in a fast Manner and doing something like upgrading your trickery attribute benefits you because sometimes that will lengthen how long your chain could last without any activity me get up to my sneaky dirty tricks again I would never unless no one is looking yeah yep that's something that someone super trustworthy would say learning the level designs to chain the best Combos and go for the highest points is really the name of the game here and it is way more satisfying than I thought it was going to be typically these extra modes like meta Nightmare and DDD tour just play through the main game with a new character and sure it's not like visually we got anything crazy here with magalore but still by having Unique Designs sometimes pulled from the main game's Chase segments most times not made for a consistently fun adventure for the roughly two hours it took to complete it and even the bosses are more changed than I expected them to be these aren't simply the main game bosses with the color swap no no they also have new names and based on said names you can tell that these battles now have element properties too it's pretty cool stuff or shocking stuff really just depends on the fight and if you do your due diligence and pause the gameplay while you're in the battle you can get a little bit of extra lore this is the good stuff here and when doing so you can tell that all of these guys are working for a bigger bad guy but huh wait a second I thought magalor was the bad guy who's badder than this guy hmm well once all of the fruit pieces are together making a gem Apple yes very important detail magalor then battles another Grand Doomer pretty cool I mean it's got some different attacks like the other bosses nothing too special here goes down pretty easily and then this portal opens up and [Music] oh cool got it totally understood no no explanation needed you made wispy Woods you made him a God that's awesome and cool ah dude like come on man like what do you what do you mean huh we got a biblically accurate wispy Woods here as the final boss what what is this God I love I love Kirby so much dude this battle takes some Inspirations from the previous battles against Eldritch Horrors in this franchise but this really stands out on its own just based on the fact they final boss the tree you see why this is a thing is because the gem apple seed that you freed from beating the crown to Doomer immediately gets attached to the master Crown the thing that turned magalore scary in the main campaign so simple math you have a you have a seed that will turn into a tree combined with this source of evil bam monstrous tree God and it's a pretty fun battle too finally being able to use all of magalore's skills against a unique boss fight that isn't simply a reskin of something that Kirby fought before it's really satisfying this one move that he does when he comes like crashing down on you and then will continue to go into the ground and then stare at you this is a tree jump scare but even still bang bang boom you take him out no problem and once you're done magalor finds a conveniently placed sword well isn't that nice he then uses his powers to make a gigantic and size has one final anime Clash of power and then slashes it in half defeating it as this franchise continues to Dethrone another God you know typical Kirby things but you may be asking what's to become of magalore after all of this well thankfully a new portal to the outside world opens up after wiping away a single tier oh my God poor baby he jumps in for hopefully a brighter future and if you pay attention to the credits images you can see magalore pops up in a new yet kind of familiar land alongside the gem Appleseed he sets up a shop in this brand new Village to do some business and just like that team Kirby Clash Deluxe and super Kirby Clash have been injected into the cannon it took a few years but now we know why he was finally nice all of a sudden and dressed in green looks good on him too I approved the new digs see man what did I tell you nicest guy you ever met you you played Super Kirby Clash right he's like super nice in that game it was just the crown that was messing him up he's he's a great dude in that game if I remember correctly he was like uh giving you really good things right that was helping you on your quest but they also kind of required actual money they were microtransactions he's responsible for microtransactions this guy's evil magalore epilogue is awesome it's a little Annoying that it's locked behind playing the whole main game to get the new stuff but considering the plot is based off of the end game plot twist I guess it makes sense leave it to Hal to add story closure to a spin-off in what is seemingly just a run-of-the-mill remaster I think when directly compared to another remake Superstar Ultra that game provided more new stuff than Return to Dreamland Deluxe did but Magle or epilogue raises the bar for those post-adventure alternate playable character modes can't wait for the next Kirby remake where you can play as the dream Fork all of a sudden because we have to know why it popped up in front of Kirby that one time I have so many questions after dream Buffet man I need them answered worth quickly mentioning the arena here as well I mean yeah it does act the same way it always did typical Boss Rush But True Arena got some notable changes not only does it add the magdalore epilogue fights so you can now battle biblically accurate wispy woods with Kirby but the magalore soul fight yo not only does he move faster and hit harder than he used to not only does he still utilize the same super ability attacks that he did before but also he conjures up sand tornadoes and shoots from the Mecha cannons this is oh this is a scary fight and if you haven't done this battle yet you can thank me later for this information because getting 21 fights in and dying to attacks that you didn't see coming I would be furious it's not my tiny switch cartridge in half no thank you now you can tackle this with a steady mind you're likely still going to be stressed out but at least it'll be a little bit more steady but with that all in mind that wraps up the entire Kirby RTD ldx package it's a good game are you are you surprised this video was longer than my forgotten Land one [Music] Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe as an excellent remaster they took a great game and made it a lot better that's all it needed to be it's a new Kirby release of course it's good but now maybe finally we can like dude like come on now after forgotten land and dream buffet and Return to Dreamland Deluxe and the original Dreamland and tilt and Tumble an amazing mirror all coming to the Nintendo switch online game boy and Game Boy Advance apps than me maybe now maybe now he can take a bit of a break okay the anniversary is over we can maybe take like a year work on something really special for you know what [Music] I'll be back in six months to talk about the next Kirby thing [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 390,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, antdude kirby, kirby return to dreamland deluxe, kirby's return to dreamland deluxe, kirby's return to dream land deluxe, kirby return to dream land, kirby return to dreamland deluxe review, kirby return to dream land review, kirby and the forgotten land, kirby switch, kirby remake, kirby review, new kirby game, kirby wii, kirby switch game, Kirby’s dream land 2, Kirby’s dream land game boy, Kirby’s dream land NSO, Kirby’s dream land Nintendo switch online
Id: qFjyZwhGHgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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