The COMPLETE Luigi's Mansion Retrospective | Luigi's Spookiest Adventures Yet

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foreign [Music] is finally here Halloween is finally here how do you guys like my outfit this year I'm going as a um as a gamer to be completely honest I've never really been the biggest fan of the spooky times but I do gaming videos on the Internet it's time to do the cliche Halloween celebration special time to talk about Luigi's Mansion I know it's pretty cliche but whenever I think about gaming on Halloween Luigi's Mansion always comes to mind I got this game back on Christmas 2001 with my GameCube and Super Smash Brothers Melee and this stupid dumb baby was too spooked by the spookiness that was spooking Luigi so I just played melee endlessly instead the most I got out of this game for a while was oh that Pikmin game looks pretty neat but it didn't take long for me to finally see what this game was all about and boy oh boy having a game like this for a new console's launch was certainly a bold move but it's a damn good time can we really say that Nintendo launched a system with the Mario game if the hat and shirt were colored green instead choosing Luigi as the star character that was definitely an interesting choice sure now Luigi has a ton of love and his fear of ghosts may be his defining character trait but back in 2001 he kind of was just green Mario sometimes literally the definition of player 2. he did write about his ghost fear and wanting to star in his very own adventure back in his diary in Paper Mario but that was earlier in the same year so it was more of a cute little wink and nudge than anything but his name would have to be in the title of this one huh yeah okay let's just uh let's just go ahead and forget about that other game that he starred in nobody nobody will really mind Luigi's Mansion started off as a bit of a tech demo for Nintendo's newest Hardware a way to show off the raw power of the purple lunchbox all the while showing off a familiar character in a brand new environment and boy did it ever send shockwaves throughout the gaming community I was thinking the same thing not much more to do here than to just pop the disc in and take on one more trip to the mansion [Music] uh it's good to be home the game wastes no time at all showing Luigi walking off towards a spooky Mansion that he actually won in a contest that he didn't enter you know he could have just looked into it since it sounds very suspicious but I guess Luigi's been on the sidelines for so long he was just bored and wanted something to do I love this first shot too it's an angle of the mansion that you never get to see again we then cut to the rest of the lobby this is very much unlike anything we've seen in this franchise before muted colors all we can hear are Luigi's footsteps only to soon spot a creepy figure holding a key with sudden and intense music playing as it makes its Escape even the jingle that plays after you get an item is super unique I've always been a big fan Luigi then runs into that ghost only to encounter an old man with a vacuum cleaner attempting and failing to capture it this is Professor Elvin gadd or egad for short he brings green Mario off to safety and gives him the rundown he mentions that the Mansion only just popped up a few days ago it's filled with ghosts and he did actually see Mario run in but he hasn't seen him since well that's no good it's time to save our brother for the first time that that one game didn't happen hey did you know that if you wait on the control screen for three and a half minutes the popular musical Easter Egg totaka song plays foreign this is a track that's in a bunch of Nintendo games from Yoshi's story Mario Paint to Link's Awakening even the switch Port pretty neat but with our new vacuum the Poltergust in tow it's time to return to the spooky Mansion and do some ghost busting we're totally not ripping off Ghostbusters we promise am I the only one who is genuinely a little creeped out when the painting started talking to you granted like I said I was a dumb stupid baby but I was just starting to make peace with the fact that I was going to be dealing with ghosts I didn't need to see this too you go from room to room clear it of all the ghostly blobs yell for Mario a couple times because that's gonna do something wait for the lights to turn on to let you know that that room is safe and then you move on to the next one usually thanks to a key that you receive also letting you know where to progress to next as much as this game looks like a sort of open world one where you can explore the Mansion at your own free will something more similar to say the Spencer mansion in Resident Evil this is actually a pretty linear experience the Resident Evil comparisons are abundant too look at these door transitions I'm telling you Crimson heads got nothing on the banana peel tossing ghosts soon after the adventure begins we're brought to a dark room with no standard colored ghosts but a more human-shaped one you encounter a bunch of these within the mansion's halls and each one is a sort of Mini Puzzle within itself with the normal ghosts you just gotta wait for the right time scare it to death or it's already dead so I I don't know you just scare it and then its heart pops up and then you're able to suck it away and I really like these enemies too they're goofy looking for sure but they always seem out to get you they're not just a bunch of pranksters just goofing around and before you show up to spoil the party You're Gonna Want To Remember that bullet point most of them follow that pretty basic formula but there are a few instances where trying to shine them with your flashlight actually takes a bit of thought I wish it happened more than it did there's only like two rooms where you'll find enemies that go like this but when it does happen they're really cool encounters but for these special ones known as portrait ghosts since they used to reside within portraits before being released getting their heart to show is a bit more complicated scanning it with your Game Boy horror which I love this thing by the way usually gives you a clue on how to do so or simple trial and error can get the job done too for the most part it usually takes only one simple action based on your surroundings to expose their heart Shivers though he was the only one that never really made a ton of sense to me I mean he's scared of fire and when you light up his Lantern he gets scared floats away and holds on to that Lit Lantern the entire time he's not not really the brightest ghost he thinks the ways to get through these apparitions is far from clever but it certainly keeps things interesting especially with Madame clairvoya a ghost that actually assists you by giving you fortunes after providing her pieces of Mario's clothing hidden throughout the Mansion you see Mario tends to only wear one single outfit but he did pack with him a spare hat a single glove a single shoe a letter and a star that's it and getting the star is one of the mansion's strongest moments you take a look at the Moon through this telescope here and it basically transports you to space and one properly aimed shot of the Moon to blow it up opens up a pathway to the item we need huh Sonic Adventure 2 released in the same year and also saw the moon getting blown up the year prior we had Majora's Mask and we all know how that went what was with the early 2000s and everyone hating moons as for the ghost capturing process itself oh boy have you ever captured a ghost before roughing up the analog stick in the opposite direction in such a way that lets you suck up as much health from it as possible as well as avoiding any obstacles the room throws at you oh man few things in life are as satisfying as this Austin ghost and Luigi's Mansion just feels good like thanks to the controller's analog triggers you push them down a little bit to suck or blow lightly and then you give it a click bam and everything comes together when you tackle the four main bosses we got unique creepy looking Arenas and wildly different attack patterns than what the rest of the portrait ghosts throw at you Chauncey the big baby is a great first boss encounter bouncy balls and rocking horses as attacks nothing else could be more terrifying and it's important to get good at capturing too this isn't really the case with the bosses but for the rest of them you get rewarded with pearls by whittling down their health and you get more and bigger ones the better you perform getting a bunch of money is a big part of this game's replayability and perfecting the capturing process so you can get some gold picture frames for them is crucial to get that money some of them are even optional too but come on just go and get all of them I honestly always forget that I can beat this game without getting some of these I can't run by Biff Atlas and not physically assault him I ain't no wimp here of course I'm gonna do it the portrait ghosts are arguably Luigi's mansion's highest defining trait they walk or float that fine line between the wackiness of the typical Mario series with the darker and creepier Vibe of Luigi's Mansion they're pretty cool and speaking of the Mario series booze hard way into the adventure Luigi presses a button that he probably shouldn't have releasing a whopping 50 booze into the Mansion as well as their leader King Boo and throughout your adventure to save Mario after a room has been cleared of the spooky new ghosts a boo will find its way in one of the room's objects you know sort of shake everything up a bunch in a very weird way that only Luigi can do and then it could be a fake it could be a bomb or a boo Ball but sometimes an actual Bool pop up and I don't know man this is fine but it's nowhere near as fun as capturing the other ghosts the Boos have no resistance so you kind of just hold the suck button and hope for the best and later on when they start having 100 200 300 health and if they go through a wall it ends up being a tedious log to just walk to the other room and get them and heaven forbid that there's no easy way to get to that new room then it just becomes a total grind it's not a tough quest to complete just a bit annoying at times but hey at least they all have cute names bamboo Bodacious Mr booge angles game boo Advance that's fun you're bound to find a bunch of them from exploration anyway there are a few extra things that you can do to get as much money as possible like finding a couple hidden rooms or special money ghosts so fighting some booze along the way doesn't feel like too much of a hassle it also ends up feeling like a way to get you to memorize the design of the Mansion so you can get anywhere you want to without having to constantly check the map the kitchen leading into the backyard the elevator leading you to the roof and then the chimney that drops you back down into a brand new room there's the billiard room that's just sitting there teasing you for a while since you run past it multiple times before being able to go into it for yourself the Mansion is just so well designed and the iconic theme song that goes along with it oh man it's so good and Luigi humming the theme song to himself so he's not as scared as he would be otherwise it is a fantastic touch and then of course we have King Boo what a perfect antagonist for Luigi bigger forms of existing Mario enemies has been a thing for a long time it's really common but his sunken eye sockets and the magenta pupils the blue tongue his design is just perfect that other King Boo that just looks like a normal boo with a crown yeah no that that's not him this is my king I love the teas roughly halfway through the game too getting just a glimpse of the final threat in this secret room it got me really excited to get into that room proper and once we finally make it to the basement with enough booze captured it's time to well check for a few more gems first sorry bro just give me a second here I gotta make as much Bank as I can King Boo has one final trick up his sleeve to capture us and put a Luigi portrait up next to the Mario one Bowser well more specifically a Bowser doll the game doesn't really clarify that it's a Bowser doll when you first encounter it so younger me when Bowser's head flew off I gotta tell you I really enjoyed sleeping up until that moment I couldn't do that peacefully for a little while this is such a cool fight though it's not Tough by any means but I love loved the aesthetic of being on the roof with this almost fiery bubble surrounding us it made this fight feel a bit more intense unlike the muted tone of the rest of the game eventually King Buu is captured just like the rest of them and with nothing else in our way we can finally bring Mario home the king would then go on to technically show up in Super Mario Sunshine and every now and then I just remembered that this is a thing and I wish I hadn't all we gotta do here is use the portrification device that we've already been using but in reverse and with that Mario is saved the credits roll with one of the funkiest beats to ever be in a Nintendo game and based on the amount of money that you earn you'll finally get a mansion to call your own hey look at that I'm pretty good at this game it's not really that long of an adventure it only takes a few hours to go from start to finish and collect a ton of treasure along the way but trying to go for as much money as possible or an even bigger challenge go for as little money as possible makes this game highly replayable there is the new new Hidden Mansion a sort of New Game Plus but all that's different is the enemies deal twice as much damage and your polter gust is more powerful it's not really different enough to make it a worthwhile playthrough in my opinion it's just kinda satisfying being able to suck away enemies life super quickly besides it turns out that Europe and Australia's Hidden Mansion mode got a lot more changes to make it a really fun second Quest good on you guys but as an American that's pretty lame well that's where the 3DS version comes in releasing to such critical acclaims such as why is it not on the switch the original game found its way onto Nintendo's handheld with a bunch of small changes firstly I think this new version looks a lot better like Luigi looks normal now that's nice this includes his crying animation during the ending always thought it looked really weird in the original Bowser's lost a bit of weight I'm proud of him King Boo looks way more Sinister here and the ghosts may not be as transparent we are on weaker Hardware here but on the whole I definitely think this looks Superior even though it's at a lower resolution it's kinda like the DS version of Super Mario 64. we got a lot of graphical upgrades on a console that inherently looks worse egad's Gallery was a nice portrait showcase on the GameCube but now it also acts as a way to re-fight bosses and better your strategies instead of needing to play the entire game over from the beginning the controls are a big difference here especially on the original 3DS the right analog stick on either the new 3DS or the circle pad Pro kinda imitates the precise aiming of the c-stick but the most efficient way to do it is with a bit of motion controls it's not ideal but hey it works kinda there's also a brand new flashlight mode with the strobe bulb a feature that was introduced in the sequel probably implemented to offset the arguably more crippled controls but after so many playthroughs of the original game that was actually welcome to this new style and hey it's still an option so if you want the purest experience that you can get on the 3DS that's still there for you also we now get to see the bottom half of the Game Boy horror finally there's also no Pikmin trailer as sad as that is it was to be expected I was kind of hoping for a hey Pikmin trailer to be thrown in to compensate even though the game was already released at the time it would have just been a cute little throwback but for the most part it's the same Adventure just now in a handheld and as such I don't know man I I think this may be my preferred version of this game I don't need the map on the screen at all times but hey it's convenient there are achievements now I mean why not the game is already pretty replayable multiplayer was added too and oh God please don't ever play the game this way to be fair the world was introduced to guiji here which cool but please don't think about taking Luigi and green Luigi out on the field at the same time it runs really poorly I don't know how they thought this was a good selling point even in the trailer the frame rate's bad and then there's the brand new Hidden Mansion this time with a bunch of changes in every region there are more poison mushrooms that pop up to hamper your progress more powerful ghosts appear way earlier than normal bosses are a lot more difficult with modified attack patterns this is what I'm talking about this is what I want out of an enhanced Port especially if it's of a 10 plus year old game worthwhile new content remember when they kinda just added a floating JPEG to Kirby's Epic Yarn called it a hard mode and then shipped it boy how exciting Luigi's Mansion is still a classic after all these years now I know the purists are gonna live and die by the GameCube version but hey if my recommendation means anything to you definitely give the 3DS version a shot as well I was a big fan of what they did here and if anything once again you gotta commend Nintendo for launching a brand new console with a game like this the GameCube had a lot of experimental titles going on and it started off with a major one I'm sure it worked out really well for them oh wow it really is Halloween after all those numbers are terrifying [Music] so I know Halloween's all done with but that didn't really stop Nintendo from releasing Luigi's Mansion 3 on Halloween meaning most people were playing the game in November instead of October the spooky month of the year where the game is thematically appropriate thanks a lot for that one Nintendo I really appreciate it I'm still playing the game I promise that video is coming out next so what do we do until then well we took a look at Luigi's Mansion one last time only makes sense to take a look at Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon the sequel oh there it is happy late Halloween everybody Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon this was actually known as Luigi's Mansion 2 early in development and it even maintained that name outside of North America and I gotta say thank goodness us Americans are terrified of numbers except for the number three that one's okay apparently Luigi's Mansion getting a sequel out of nowhere was certainly a surprise the original would go on to sell well review well and elements of it made cameos in other games like Luigi finally had some defining character traits that's more than we can say for Mario his water gun in sunshine that was conveniently also built by egad had a stronger personality than he did but Nintendo was going in hard with the big titles for their brand new 3DS handheld so at E3 2011 with one of the coolest things Nintendo's ever done with a dozen oddly shaped monitors a new Luigi's Mansion was born and this time development was handed over to Next Level games the company response possible for the punch out reboot Super Mario Strikers one of the best Mario sports games ever made and how can we possibly forget about Ticket to Ride on the Xbox 360 that was a classic I've only played through this game once before back in 2013 when it was brand new clearly I haven't been compelled to play it again since then even though I've played the original game on both GameCube and 3DS at least a dozen times I adore that game to bits but for whatever reason clearly once was enough for me so after all these years later I am very excited to take another trip to Luigi's Mansion 2. I mean Dark Moon I mean come on Nintendo Luigi's Mansion 2 colon Darkmoon would have been totally fine instead of splitting up the title across multiple regions that's very very weird the adventure this time takes place in evershade Valley we drop in on Professor E Gad doing some more research with his crew of friendly Green ghosts and everything seems just dandy but then we see a king boo-shaped silhouette in the sky break the Dark Moon into pieces scattering them across the valley and turning the once friendly ghosts aggressive and well since Luigi handled the ghosts last time he gets called upon to tackle some ghosts once again getting ripped right from his home via his television that's pretty good technology and see that's what you get for wasting energy leaving the TV on like that that's foolish well our goal is pretty clear find the pieces of the Dark Moon and take care of any spectral baddies that float in your way oh and Mario got kidnapped once again too of course he did you're losing your Edge there Mr Jumpman also can I say some of the animations here just feel unfinished sometimes a character does a thing and then they just stop moving and now we go on to the portion of today's show where I try to do the cliche YouTuber thing and reenact the weird part of a video game that I just talked about hope it makes you laugh the big change this time around is rather than having one Mansion to explore every nook and cranny of now we have five different Mansions each one with their own unique themes and gimmicks and regular instances of being pulled out by eged since the adventure is now Mission based I think this was done to push the portable gaming idea of playing a game in short sessions instead of long ones but it doesn't make sense for this type of game in my opinion when you're thrown into a mansion you still have access to a good chunk of it and there are benefits to exploration such as hidden gems and bonus rooms but being locked out of progression until you deal with some dialogue boxes and menus just doesn't feel natural since you'll often jump right back into where you left off anyway and it's not like the game isn't afraid to tell you to do some backtracking it's no knock on the actual content of the game itself elf but I'm not a fan of how this adventure is structured oh and egad also calls you like every five minutes it's terrible listen alright I get it it's a very very catchy ringtone we're using the Dual scream now instead of the Game Boy horror which is a hardware leap that I can approve of but it's pretty annoying once we jump into that first mission though oh it does feel good to be doing this again walking around these dark and unknown environments grabbing our trusted and upgraded ghost vacuum the Poltergust 5000 and doing some good old-fashioned ghostbusting it feels really good we are still not ripping off Ghostbusters we swear while each Mission does technically have an original objective everything you do boils down to going to a point specified on the map and sucking up anything that you run across especially when a lot of the missions boil down to go into this door oh wait now you can't because they took the thing go and find the thing that happens a lot and it does feel like padding at times but at least the act of going and getting the thing is pretty consistent there are a lot more puzzles this time too usually of the environmental variety which is really nice but otherwise it's a pretty simple setup to help you out along your adventure some changes have been made to the whole ghost capturing process aiming can now be done with the face buttons you press X to look up and B to look down which feels really nice and to deal with crowds of ghosts you now have access to the stroll bulb a chargeable flash of light that does a much better job than just turning a flashlight off and then on real quick and once you have a ghost pulling them back now fills up this special meter that when filled up you can do an extra powerful pull to take a bigger chunk out of their health I really like this the whole struggle that you have with the ghosts is half of the fun of the entire game so having that extra incentive to not only suck them in but to do it well is pretty satisfying the new dark light mechanic opens up some puzzle opportunities as well it's pretty obvious when you need to use it but the sound design behind it makes it a fairly gratifying item to use [Music] admittedly I do still miss the elemental Spirits from the first game they were pretty nice regarding the types of ghosts that you tackle they're handled pretty differently just from a design perspective I'm not really a fan they just come off as a whole lot more comedic and I think the more Sinister approach of the ghosts from the first game made them a more immediate threat I mean the common green ones just kind of giggle most of the time and it really just takes me out of the whole idea of oh no spooky ghosts there was also this one that was in the middle of using the toilet before Luigi comes in and ruins its day I mean yeah I would be pretty mad too but when it comes time to actually battle them this was handled really well yeah they are still pretty simple and on the surface you mainly only have four different types to go against but the basic green ones will sometimes bring in weapons or have an extra bit of protection before being able to hit them with your light and when you're thrown into a room filled with ghosts which happens a lot it's as fun as ever to take them all down as best as you can there's also no equivalent to the portrait ghosts that's a major blow the standard ones don't really have all that much personality and when they do get a chance to show it off it's just haha we're just a bunch of Goofs but that would have been fine if they were more intimidating ones to go for that had some character and there's just nothing here there is this one special battle against this Trio the three sisters but it's the only fight of its kind they don't even have that much of a personality it's just a mini boss that pops up in a cemetery but why why isn't there more of this stuff but what about the main bosses every single Mansion has one final challenge before you move on to the next one and they're not that great either the first boss against the spider is really cool since it's one long puzzle using fire but the others you wait for the right moment and suck away where did The Innovation go one of the bosses is legit just an enemy Gauntlet there's a sort of callback to the boo losses fight which is kinda neat but that's about it and the chili ride fight this is absolutely the worst how do they let this happen you gotta like aim these cannonballs to hit every part of this ice face but there's always going to be one panel that's near impossible to hit and then oh look at that all the panels came back oh hey look at that I hate it it's not even like the ghosts Behind these battles are interesting they all end up just being the same weird looking spooky boys with like oh this one has two horns on it cool but you catch them the same way every time we're approaching a Paper Mario sticker Star level of character variety now that's not it's not a good thing these big brain guys are like the next best thing but they yell so oh I don't know I think that kind of disqualifies them from being a threat they sound like jabber jaw it is ultimately a matter of preference on how big of a deal the lack of a portrait ghost equivalent leaves on the game as a whole but when these standard enemies are less of a threat and there's no bigger threat in sight it just reduces the tension to an incredibly low level and we already know King Boo is at the end of the game he is literally one of the first things we see yeah the dark lighting ain't fooling me on this one he shows up in the background of a few scenes later on which is kinda cool but the surprise was gone a long time ago it sometimes feels like I'm just completing this game for the sake of it rather than trying to overcome any challenges that are thrown my way that being said though Dark Moon does do some really cool things and some things I would say are better than the original if Luigi's Mansion helped launch Luigi's personality Dark Moon goes above and beyond to make sure that this green Mario brother is an absolute lovable goofball I'm not the only one going along for the ride for the sake of it Luigi clearly is too there are cut scenes abound with a ton of minor voice acting and like in every single one he's presented as this big dumb idiot who has no idea what he's doing and it's incredible honestly this is where a good chunk of the fun in this adventure was had just getting to see what Luigi was going to do next and they included a dog halter pup this game is absolutely in my good graces now add an adorable dog into anything and it immediately goes up like a good three points and on top of that the booze return but instead of just being a thing to collect there's only one permission and they're pretty well hidden capturing them ends up feeling like more of a reward as especially since now you pull them by the Tongue and then they bounce all across the room I love it every single time getting all of them for a single Mansion also unlocks an extra time based challenge to tackle it's not much but hey at least it's something and then we have the returning toads this time acting like more of an S chord Mission instead of just being cry babies like the first game and I really liked these too sometimes you get to inhale the toad and then shoot it across a gap which is a game mechanic that I can't believe I said out loud sometimes they are absolute idiots but they do more good than not and even if this game loses a lot of the charm and atmosphere I really like the idea of going through multiple themed Mansions there's a buried Clock Tower a mining area on top of a Snowy Mountain a haunted Botanical Garden it's really cool and the theming really does lend itself to some cool puzzles when you're not too occupied busting some ghosts the music is all right nowhere near as iconic as the first game's theme but it gets the job done in my opinion you also can't scream Mario's name at the push of a button this game is inching back closer to a 0 out of 10. and then well we all saw this coming after we retrieve all of the pieces of the Dark Moon we get intercepted on our trip back to egad's lab and land in King Boo's illusion where making his Grand reveal King Boo now seeking revenge for the events of the first game this King takes advantage of the now frenzied ghosts to become ruler of the world but listen buddy we have a vacuum all right nothing can possibly stop me it's a pretty alright final battle you gotta use his fear of light to lead him under the spiked balls that he himself shoots up into the air and then you do a Chase segment in a little side-scrolling area something awfully reminiscent of Miss Pac-Man maze Madness something I never thought I would say and then you do that a few times just try to suck him in with the Poltergeist every now and then when you have the chance and in no time he's back to being captured where he belongs as I said not much of a last battle I think he did a better job in the first game but oh man does the ending ever make up for it Luigi manages to pull Mario out of the portrait that he's trapped in thanks to his dark light and once the dark moon has been restored to its original form all of the ghosts become good again and they regain their pupils that was the true sign of not being evil all along just getting to see Mario and Luigi being so happy like they're finally celebrating all of the work that Luigi put into getting into this ending it's so heartwarming [Music] oh that was just the most precious thing I've ever seen and the last thing we see is Poulter pup going to sleep in Luigi's lap this is one of the greatest things I've ever seen nothing negative I've said about this game matters anymore well before we wrap things up I guess there is the multiplayer mode to talk about as well the scare scraper where up to four players taking the role of green Luigi orange Luigi blue Luigi and pink Luigi work together to Traverse a series of rooms in a variety of timed based modes like capturing every ghost trying to find the floor's exit and catching a bunch of pulture pups it's a pretty enjoyable time you know I wouldn't say Luigi's Mansion is the type of game that needed multiplayer especially since they had to just pull up a bunch of skins for Luigi and call it a day but it's still fun enough if you ever get the chance to experience it it can also be played online so back when this game was new it definitely added some replay value Luigi's Mansion 2 colon Dark Moon is a really fun sequel even though it's not the most faithful one what it does do it does pretty well even though it goes against what the original game did so well all those years prior the mission approach isn't ideal and a lot of the charm is gone but it's still a lot of fun and honestly the game is worth playing just to watch Luigi do things I I would pay 30 for that alone and actually the game was good enough to have an arcade version I found a machine at a local Dave and Buster's and it had a really good time with this it's basically a two player on Rails game where you hold your very own Poltergeist to bust some ghosts on your own and the theming of the game is obviously based on Darkmoon seeing a lot of this game in high definition in angles that you don't get to see in the main game itself it's pretty cool if you ever stumble across one of these arcade cabinets I highly recommend giving it a shot it's not every day you find a Luigi themed arcade game nowadays so this franchise covers the Home console with the GameCube the handheld with the 3DS we have a fun and quirky arcade machine we have the Nintendo Land themed attraction we can't forget about that and then next time we're going to take a look at the console handheld hybrid with Luigi's Mansion 3 on the switch I think Luigi's Mansion has covered a lot of bases all we need now take this idea Nintendo is Nintendogs Poulter pup Edition at that point Luigi's Mansion will have everything Luigi's Mansion is a pretty fascinating franchise every time a new one gets revealed it comes out of nowhere the original was hyped up to be the latest in the Mario series before showing off something entirely new dark moon was revealed amidst a handful of already existing 3DS games at E3 the remake of the first game was thrown into a Nintendo Direct like it was no big deal and then during the hype cycle four said remake just when we were expecting new details we got a new game instead Luigi's Mansion 3. no subtitle for this one huh yeah that's gonna be weird for Americans to be fair we should have saw it coming Luigi shooting a plunger in the Simon Belmont smash trailer what why that that doesn't make any sense oh okay now I know Dark Moon wasn't everybody's cup of tea but a new Luigi's mansion Game that's still really excited Me Maybe the developers were gonna listen to all the complaints that a lot of people had and give us the sequel that we all wanted the sequel that we've been asking for for years we may be well into November at this point I couldn't play the entire game and get a video out on the day this game released on a Halloween thanks for that Nintendo but here we are anyway it's time to take a look at uh green Mario's third spooky house ah this looks very peaceful what could possibly go wrong The Story begins with a toad attempting to drive a large bus I'm on board with this game already Mario Peach and a few other toads are going on vacation and this time they didn't forget to invite Luigi and he even brought his dog palter pup so cute easily the best thing to come out of Darkmoon everyone's been invited to a special hotel called the The Last Resort oh Something's Gonna Go terribly wrong things of course don't seem to be quite right everyone has these weird faces none of them have feet that's a big red flag right there and the name of the owner is Helen Gravely that's practically an Ace Attorney name without blatantly evil it is but we do have this damn this is gonna be a good game and of course things do go horribly wrong it turns out that Helen is a big fan of King Boo and she's freed him from his portrait prison seeking Revenge once more he manages to seal everybody in their own portraits again and before he manages to take one final victim Luigi makes his Escape jumping down the laundry chute down to the basement of the hotel make it to the top of the hotel and save everybody I like this premise a lot it gets to the point and doesn't really pretend to be any more mysterious than it is dark moon slipping in these King Boo teases acting as if his appearance as some sort of surprise and saving the Mario being kidnapped twist until the near end of the game it made any sort of tension feel pretty forced in my opinion as minor as it sounds here our goal is laid out to us immediately now go and do some ghost busting I know it's not technically a mansion we're exploring it's a hotel but hey check this out Luigi is canonically allergic to dust I'm pretty sure this is character development soon after with our flashlight in hand we find an upgraded Poltergust we get to play with polter pup for a little bit I love this dog to death you get it depth because it's dead deal with a few bad ghosties regain access to the dark light and free egad from his portrait prison and do you remember how the professor was so annoying in the last game he would just call you endlessly and it was one of the game's biggest problems well to make up for that they gave him a run cycle this this is the greatest thing I have ever seen oh oh no Grant Grandpa's stuck again he also gives you a virtual boy never trust anybody that gives you a virtual boy and it's as good a time as any to mention just how much animation we got here it is arguably the best part of the entire package in the past egad has always said this really Charming gibberish but now his mouth moves to said gibberish and it's really weird oh man that's so weird whether or not you like Dark Moon it is a safe assumption to say that the cutscenes were the best part of that game and the attention solely given to the animation in this sequel it's incredible every cutscene is just so filled with life and energy and when we get to guiji who lacks both of those things it makes for some of the game's strongest laughs hey look at this here's Poulter pup rubbing its butt across the floor have I mentioned how much I love it yet you know Mario plus Rabbids Kingdom battle also had a ton of really in-depth animation with its cutscenes and just like here in Luigi's Mansion that was some of the best parts about that game I am so excited to see this much charm and More in future Mario games but how about the actual Act of exploring the hotel well I'm happy to report by God they damn near fixed everything there's only one building to explore once again and there's no longer any instances of regularly being pulled back to egad's lab to stop the adventure that's all gone I mean okay it happens like once or twice really early on but after that it's gone yeah just explore until your thumbs fall off no worries and what's great is despite being in only one building each floor is essentially a different stage all having unique themes that go above and beyond anything the last game did with its multiple Mansions it does sorta stray further away from the creepy atmosphere the first game had but I was so entertained from start to finish I really didn't mind if anything I'm just kind of confused as to why some areas are as Braley lit as they are dark lighting within the rooms were the whole reason Luigi had a flashlight in the first place here though I mean come on man you're just wasting batteries between this and leaving his TV on in Dark Moon we can very clearly tell that he has no problem wasting money on energy the movie said was probably my favorite of all the floors you stumble onto a handful of blue screen sets and looking through the camera at them totally transforms the scene it's brilliant as a result of the floor setup the game takes an almost formulaic approach the point is to constantly collect elevator buttons to move higher and higher up the hotel and aside from these two instances where you're stopped by this dumb cat which just feels like a whole lot of padding in my opinion it feels like you're constantly making progress I must stop man I love him so much each button is also held by a boss ghost yes they did it they finally did the portrait ghosts again I love this so much man they all match their themed floor perfectly and each encounter leads to a pretty interesting boss fight that requires a bit of puzzle solving honestly the only thing I really miss is a bit of flavor text like we got in the first game it didn't really add a ton but it would have given these characters that much more personality the only time we really got a lot of that was with Morty a starving film director who makes a movie out of the battle that you have and once you finish that he flies off to edit the movie you can stop him from fulfilling his dreams but I just don't really have the heart to do so well until the near end of the game at least you know he has to finish the movie at some point give it a few hours and then we'll go ahead and check in on our good pal Morty it's gonna be a friendly encounter I assure you oh yeah at that point all bets are off I gotta get my achievements oh boy phew oh yeah naturally we have to go for smaller ghosts as well combat has been totally changed here and uh I'm really I'm really not sure if I like it or not you fill up a meter similar to Darkmoon but here in three you're then able to slam them onto the floor a handful of times taking off a good chunk of their health you take off the same amount every time so there is a bit of strategy in dropping the health just enough to make one slam session take it out completely and honestly it is super satisfying especially when you slam them into other ghosts oh that's really nice however this also makes the encounters easier than ever half of the fun before was overcoming the struggle of the ghosts pulling away from you and any struggle feels nearly non-existent here and when you're in crowds surrounded by them sometimes they just watch you during the capturing process what you guys enjoying the show at the very least they do look better than the ones from Darkmoon they're still occasionally a bit wacky and Goofy but it's a lot more downplayed than it was before which is nice we just see the standard ones in a ton of different outfits instead I still prefer the blank stairs and cackling laughs from the first game but since we have bigger threats of the bosses now it ends up feeling like less of an issue and actually if anything it matters even less because combat takes a huge back seat to just pure exploration and thank goodness too any form of combat means it's possible to go into low Health mode and then the music basically mutes itself in this loud annoying beeping starts happening and it's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life it's 2019 how did they think this was okay capturing ghosts is still a major components of course but this game is all about taking in your surroundings and mainly just getting a ton of money Luigi has his priorities straight I can appreciate that doing basically anything here rewards you with a bunch of cash and it's really satisfying getting it all into your vacuum the physics in this game are pretty wild I think the developers are just trying to show off at times there is a shop that you can use your money in but the options are pretty limited so you're probably better off just hoarding all of it instead using a rope attached to plungers that you can shoot justifies the entire pulling and slamming mechanic there's a brand new jumping mechanic to help you get past some obstacles that are in your way or clear out a bunch of stuff around you the dark light is no longer time limited which is awesome you can also once again yell for Mario's name whenever you want [Music] it's not as intense as it was in the first game but it's still nice to see and yes apparently this was in Dark Moon as well but only after you see Mario for the first time thank you for the dozens of people who taught me that awesome and of course Gucci a shoehorned co-op mode in mansion 3DS is now a full-fledged feature of this entire adventure with a click of the right stick you spawn it from its vacuum cleaner jail cell and Luigi suddenly goes unconscious but now you have the means to get through plenty of barriers that Luigi himself isn't able to get through when this mechanic was initially revealed I was actually really worried that this game was going to become a forced Co-op Adventure that wouldn't be all that fun in single player but that's really not the case guiji is just a sort of lesser Luigi it's sort of like how Nitro red is to me just a lesser equivalent and that's fine since it's so easy to get guiji in and out of action it never ends up feeling like a bother it's actually pretty entertaining getting guiji to slip through greats help Luigi get to places that he can't reach otherwise or sacrifice him for the greater good it's okay guiji is Immortal we're now stuck with it for the rest of our lives there are even a few times where Luigi is held captive and is slowly killed with guiji being the only means to rescue him that is the true hero here and it tastes of coffee apparently so that's something and guiji is usually the key to finding the floors handful of shiny gems six on each one Dark Moon had gems as well but they were spread across all of the missions for a single mansion and you wouldn't really know which Mission you could or couldn't get one in it was pretty annoying here though it is much more enjoyable to go for since there's usually unique environments or puzzles tied to them they ended up actually being a major joy to collect you don't really get anything great for doing it but at least getting them is a good time similarly the booze return as well acting sort of how they did in Dark Moon though it really feels like they were just kind of thrown in just because the previous games had them they're not really all that satisfying to find or capture [Music] okay maybe capturing them is kind of fun getting both booze and gems are really the only reason to backtrack to floors that you've already completed but since the gems are the only thing that feel well spaced out throughout an entire floor no matter how crammed said floor is the booze just feel unnecessary honestly and going on this conversation of comparing things to Dark Moon the Toads return as well once again acting like an escort Mission the few times that you do get to play with them Luigi but you're able to shoot them into glass and they really like it so in my book oh man there's a high five button too 10 out of 10 game mechanic and now it's about that time where we discuss the end of the game but since the game is newer I don't want to spoil anything so go ahead and jump to this time right here and uh yeah we'll uh we'll go right past it all right good yeah King Boo is at the top of the hotel surprise there's a pretty simplistic battle on the roof with an easy to figure out attack pattern and then it's kind of done in no time it's honestly pretty underwhelming I guess the whole idea of shooting bombs into his mouth is like a weird throwback to that King Boo fight in Mario Sunshine but that's that's probably a major stretch this is fine at best I just hope that if we get another game King Boo trapping people in portraits it doesn't happen again we get it the King has a weird thing for framed pictures but it's time to move on as a result of the battle the hotel crumbles to the ground guiji accepts his fate since again he's Immortal and just like last time thanks of the dark light everybody is saved but all of the ghosts are upset to have lost their home so egad takes it upon himself to set up a task force to build a brand new one and this is where all of that money that you've been collecting comes in yeah just like the first game the new building that you get is dependent on how much money you have pretty cool it's also another reason why you shouldn't really buy anything in the shop it ruins your rank that's that that's no good the game doesn't really warn you ahead of time that they're going to do the whole ranking thing again so just take take my advice it's a pretty cute ending not as Charming as dark moons but like that game the last thing we see is Poulter pup sleeping in Luigi's lap I have no complaints and that wraps up Luigi's Mansion 3. there are also some multiplayer modes on top of the main Adventure making its return is the scare scraper where now up to eight people rummage through randomly designed floors to complete a specific task and then you keep moving up and up and up the tower until you make it to the roof for a boss fight against the returning boo losses pretty cool and this is so much better than it was in the last game partially due to the better controls but also because each floor has a random objective rather than a set number of Prius established ones and there's also plenty more opportunities for legitimate cooperation this is a whole lot of fun you know I didn't really expect too much after dark moons mode but this is a really good time and then there's the brand new Scream Park a handful of proper mini-games using some mechanics that are found in the main Adventure it's pretty entertaining you know it's neat to have an extra reason to pop this game in every now and then even though mini games like this are probably the last thing I thought Luigi's Mansion needed but fun is fun so I'm cool with it so yeah Luigi's Mansion 3 damn fine game way better than I thought it was going to be as for whether or not it's better than the first game that's really hard to say simply speaking purely on atmosphere Mansion 1 has still yet to be topped in my opinion and since it's so short I will still return to this game constantly for years to come but man I still loved nearly everything here in Luigi's Mansion 3. based on variety charm how much fun it is to Simply explore how amazing it is to just see Luigi do to anything this game is a fantastic achievement and I'm really excited to see what comes next from Next Level games Dark Moon was a fun game don't get me wrong but that first Adventure that was something special and then we have Luigi's Mansion 3 which is really special as well just in a different way now if we continue down the Resident Evil timeline here over the shoulder Luigi's Mansion next the best part about this franchise is not only do we get a handful of really great games but one of the strongest Personalities in the entire Mario Universe Luigi is so lovable and in my opinion it's because of these games and that's awesome but we also did get a lot of clips of Luigi petting a dog and I can appreciate that as well [Laughter] best game Nintendo's ever made [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 673,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion 3DS, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Luigi's Mansion 3, Luigi's Mansion switch, Luigi's Mansion 4, Luigi's Mansion trilogy, Luigi's Mansion review, Luigi's Mansion 3ds review, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon review, Luigi's Mansion 3 review, Luigi's Mansion trilogy review, Luigi's Mansion 2, Luigi's Mansion 2 review
Id: KMMaUgj-5N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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