I Busted 25 T-REX Fruit Myths in Blox Fruits!

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is it possible to create a stack of 12 kiten a all on top of each other with a T-Rex at the very top all right we have got one there we go we've got two that's three we've got four four extra kits and a we've got one two 3 4 5 six now that's plus one that's plus another one there's another one we've got nine kits and a just two more plus one that's 10 and now for the finale we just going to get this last one if we can get this last one to work we we're literally having to use portals to get it to work so they can click the dealer it'll be perfect and now for the Final Touch T-Rex Tower yes this is what we've been aiming for the ultimate T-Rex Tower that's so good man I love this wait we can just travel AC go across the water wait this is my way of transporting from now on I've reached a million subscribers I got I've got such a high status just one kit a isn't enough for me I need 10 this is so good I'm like the Mr Beast of kids and a fruits well it was shortlived we did it I guess I'm Lally like a sentury tower so I've got the 25 of the weirdest T-Rex experiments and myths and I'm going to test all of them out to see if they work now for experiment number two we're going to test and see if the T-Rex can do the bug where you can like ride the ship so we need to get a I think it's a guardian is what we need yep so we can go into here and then as soon as we got a Max Fury meter we're going to transform and see if we can send our ship into the sky now if I turn into a T-Rex and then we do the same thing where we back up into the driver's seat literally nothing happens because nobody is like usually like you need some somebody on your back and T-Rex doesn't have like any mounting abilities or anything yeah it doesn't work you can't even like go on the Cannons either that one is not true all right so here we have the awaken flame fruits and the new T-Rex fruit has a move called gigantic leap which summons Flames I want to see if the Flames of that leap can hurt a flame fruit user yes they can so he's not immune to the Flames let's also try if I transform because that summons meteors all right we've got Max Fury so if I transform and summon the meteors none of them hit wow see I think we can assume that it's going to damage him all right attemp number two me yours yep they do damage okay that one is busted so a new feature of the T-Rex is it passive damage where when you hit someone they get the Hunter's Mark and slowly take damage over time which increases the further you go away so how far can you go and how high does the passive damage get all right here we go I'm going to hit him and he's going to go all the way to Great tree there he goes bye have a great time what the heck all right that wasn't crazy I thought he was going to insta kill him but maybe we can go further than that so that was doing like 100 damage every that's crazy portal C might not have worked but what if I hit him and he uses portal V so he goes into his portal Dimension it's doing 100 tick as well that's insane actually this time we're going to see what happens if he tries to go into a raid we need to First go outside the safe Zone and if I hit him a bunch of times and then he has the mark and then he goes into a raid is he loading in oh so it seems like he just takes no damage when he actually loads in because he had the mark and then just nothing happened raids might not have worked but what about if he tries to escape into the second sea all right if I hit him a bunch of times like that he's got the he's escaping to the second SE and before it just like insta kills him okay I think it did the same thing you can't change while in combat that one is completely buz it that one does not work now we've tried just hitting him with one attack but what I guess bro was just afraid of the T-Rex or something what happens if I hit him with an entire M1 combo and then he goes far away so let's see full M1 combo with a raar and then he goes away into his portal V any moment now all right hang on all right bro we're so struck with fear I've got to find a new tester so hit him with a full combo and then he leaves Oh no I got I got brought hold on experiment is not a failure yet I think we might be able to get this to do more damage attempt number two 1 2 3 boom now he did it two it's doing 200 per it did 8K damage from one left click combo so if those players that always spam those cringe portal oh whoops if they spam those cringe portal attacks then you can just like almost do all their health now we've tried every other portal move we've got to try portal X if I hit him with a full combo and he goes into the portal X mode or he just becomes immune to damage hold on but he's not immune on the end of it the T-Rex is you know a pretty big creature what happens if I get grabbed by a Buddha fruits I feel like I'm in Danger let's see what happens he's got me oh my God I got thrown away like a toy dinosaur what happens if I try to fly as an angel V4 in T-Rex transformation let's see can I fly it's doing the same thing as kids a I cannot what if I like I'm mid-flight and then I transform you know what let's add some extra Stakes if I miss this I'm falling in the ocean and I'm drowning let's do this flight okay that does not work I've got the D fruit equipped right now and my test partner has gravity I want to test something a little bit stupid right now see if this myth Works we're going to see if gravity SE move does more damage if you're a dinosaur you know because they got wiped out by a meteor all right that put me down to like 9.5 or something all right now that I have a dinosaur hit me do I go below 9.5 imagine I'm about to take this meteor to the face it did the exact same I think block RS all I'm saying you got to make that a thing make gravity viable is it possible to LEAP to a TX that is leaping in the air so I'm going to aim up he's going to leap and then I'm going to like try and aim at him while he's in the sky all right here goes here goes I got this here boom I think we both went the same height the timing might have been a bit off though so I'm going to try again there goes here goes leap I think I I did leap a bit over the top I got like a bit more height but I think nothing really happens all right to truly test if this actually works I'm going to try leaping to him in a flamingo ride yep doesn't really seem to do anything it just does like a regular big leap now we've tried testing the leap's damage but what about unawakened leap versus awakened leap is the unawakened version higher and faster or is it like slower and lower that's what we're going to find out here we go that was really fast but I think T-Rex like transformation went just a bit higher I need first person action replay of this to make sure I get the right angle 3 2 1 go oh T-Rex easily won that time easily won so the awakened form is just better in every way this next myth is 100% real and true if you subscribe to Koopa Co you get mythical T-Rex fruits it works see look at this dropable T-Rex so please subscribe the next myth we're going to see if you can become a T-Rex that is like smoking and on fire with rubber's transformation so first things first we just got to transform and now we just got to get the T-Rex transformation it's looking good so far you know we've got this Smoky tail at least will it work in transformation mode honestly I don't know I hope it does here goes Smoky T-Rex please work there's no smoke at all it just literally fully hides it as you can see like I'm still Smoky that one is busted we tried the smokiness but what about ghost that's what I want to see next that a lot of T-Rex all right here goes here goes I just need to get my transformation all right here goes here goes spooky T-Rex please I'm the one that got hit with the meteor right now it's like slightly blue shade like here's another T-Rex for reference you know I've got like a Cool Glow it's like I've got Hoy next up we're going to test and see if it works on the Buddha fruit as well but I think what we need to do for this is we need to try and remove our fruits and while doing that at the same time spam equip for T-Rex okay that didn't work they removed my fruits on like a giant Buddha but now I can't really do anything like it just says remove your transformation no matter what I try and equip bro there is however one fruit I know that'll work and it's this one right here nothing like a good falcon fruit transformation so if I equip T-Rex yep we got a tail we got wings now I just need to transform and see what happens will we have little wings or like Wing arms that's what we're going to test all right here goes the Moment of Truth t-rex with wings what wait this act this myth is busted it actually doesn't work T-Rex changes the game like with kits and a they show up but with T-Rex they just don't and then they disappear as well when you un transform that M's busted for this next myth we're going to test what human V4 is capable of doing oh got it first try with T-Rex's passive so if I go V4 and then hit someone with the passive does it build my human V4 meter and then do more damage all right here we go human V4 now we go T-Rex mode and now we see if I hit them once does it build up it does it builds it up wait the damage will go crazy if I hit them like that and they go portal V it's going so fast it's going so fast attemp number two it's already 140 hold on I'm hitting them all I need to hit like just one person oh yeah that goes up so so much faster it's doing 50 damage and I'm not even like far away either here we go I'm going to hit him and then he's going to escape in his portal V and it's going to do oh my he's doing like 300 a tick I did 99.3k damage he says ow I need to see his health he's not coming back he's afraid he got down to 1.5k wow human V4 T-Rex is crazy but does this same thing work with ghoul so can I heal a bunch of Health passively if I can this might be the most busted fruit in the world okay so if I talk to experic give me my ghoul race yes there we go there we go all right here we go I'm in ghl V4 I've taken a lot of damage do I get heals no I get passive heals that's busted that's literally busted and the further away I go the more health I'm getting that's crazy I wasn't originally going to test this but I think I should I'm going to change to a cyborg and I'm going to see if the passive T-Rex damage in cyborg Awakening can like damage multiple entities I've now awakened as a cyborg but I still got some Fury meter I need to get this could be insane just two bars left so I'm going to get my helper to hit every single mob and then I'm going to hit him just one time time and we're going to see if the passive damage goes crazy oh we picked the wrong mobs we picked the wrong mobs all right here we go here we go this is going to be our actual Test please work I hope that this works okay he's got them all angry at him bring them all in close I hit him once and then I run away it's doing passive damage oh my wait hold on so if I hit them once does it just keep going or do I need to be in a all if I'm in a certain range it just keeps going that's pretty crazy actually race V4 with T-Rex is actually busted now although I've got some weird like t-rexx Wing things right now there's something I want to try because of how high up the hit box is on T-Rex do you take damage from the lava oh you do when you move but if you stand still you take no damage so you can't go stomping across the lava it doesn't work no I know what you're thinking this polar candy cane is about to get destroyed and you're exactly right what we're going to test is we're going to all hit him at once and see if he takes extra damage from all the passives combined he says I'm scared please help 3 2 1 go and if I hit and he backs away I mean I think I missed but he lost a lot of Health from just like a couple of clicks all right we'll try one more time here goes 3 2 1 go attempt number two now we run away what the heck no it doesn't work so you can only have one T-Rex stack per person for this next myth we are testing something a little bit strange Tiki Island you know looks very sturdy and strong but what if you're a shark T-Rex as you'll notice you know I'm pretty deep under the water here if I just run and dash I can just walk right through like this wall right here it's fake like I'm inside of Tiki Island right now you can just walk under everything as you can just keep going I mean it doesn't work on that side they thought about it for just that part of the map okay yeah you can do it over here as well so T-Rex is just perfect for just like escaping if you're ever being chased in PvP they won't be able to catch you under there so this myth is true I just can't get out oh there we go finally got out in my hands is the new T-Rex but in its physical form I'm going to attempt to make this fruit invisible and see if it leaves these little flame particles around all right so I've done the invisible fruit glitch yep it just leaves some little tiny particles around I was hoping like it would have some eyes or something as well just like that but this myth is true however if you want to see me try out some kits and a experiments then check out this video on screen
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,035,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits t rex, blox fruits update 21, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits kitsune fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits kitsune, blox fruits t-rex, blox fruits live, blox fruits trex, trex blox fruits, t rex blox fruits, blox fruits winter update, blox fruits t-rex fruit, experiments, myths
Id: 0B3qHOu-rE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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