Ranking Every Boss in Super Smash Bros

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there's surprisingly a lot of bosses in smash bros so today I thought it'd be fun to rank every boss and I'm also joined by skip the tutorial creator of the boss breakdown series hey how's it going folks the only guidelines for today is that stage bosses will not count so that means no yellow devil on Wiley's castle or Ridley on pyrosphere and of course any giant characters from classic mode won't count either and with that let's get her arranged 27 Ultimates Giga Bowser it's basically just Bowser's old final smash which is it to say it's the worst idea ever but it comes off as a bit lazy he definitely looks cool though and I'm glad he's been considered as a boss again just like in Mae Lee but some new attack patterns to help distinguish him would have helped out a bit Oh 26 brawls Petey piranha so here we have a boss that's made to be an introduction to the Subspace Emissary with that said it's not a surprise that he's really easy to fight but come on two attacks all he does is jump around or slowly swing a cage at you you can have an intro boss and give them a bit more to do just saying twenty-five brawls galium next on our list is generic robot number 49 gallium does have some pretty interesting attacks like shooting missiles belly-flopping turning into a tank and things like that the only issue gameplay-wise is that some of the characters are at a bit of a disadvantage from the get-go because they can't jump over him that easily and the real kicker is that he does look really bland and out of place in the game like Smash Bros where everything is just so gosh darn memorable and unique 24 brawls do on here's another generic robot that looks a little bit more interesting than gallium his gimmick is that he's two-sided and rolls around on a giant wheel because of this design he's catered to have more interesting attacks plus he's just more appealing than gallium but the two could be interchanged based on preference Oh 23 64 is Master Han it's the infamous white glove you all know and love who would have thought a hand could be such an intriguing boss well not this version of him anyway which makes sense since this is his first variation Master Hand flicks his finger at you shoots bullets while making a gun pose punches slaps and so much more but with that said he is really slow and his attacks just aren't that strong 22 melees Master Hand yeah this is essentially the same boss but he's been sped up a bit and now there's more variety with his attacks when he's also sporting this new laser attack which is admittedly kind of lame because it's so weak and doesn't do a whole lot of damage Oh 21 melee is crazy hand or basically master and 2.0 he's slightly more interesting and gives off more of that creepy aura which I kind of like and while most of his attacks are the same as master hands he does have a couple that are unique to himself Oh 20 Ultimates galium there is not too much more to say about this version that we didn't state with the original but some of the attacks are upgraded to make him a bit stronger which is nice I suppose it's also nice that when he's reduced to a quarter of health he turns red and stomps around wildly giving him a bit more of a personality I would have preferred them to bring back doo-hwan but it's still cool seeing a nod to subspace in world of light 19 brawls Master Hand you may have noticed by now but the hands slowly improve over each iteration of smash his attacks are faster deal more damage and generally feels more intimidating like a boss should my only issue with brawls master Han is his portrayal as a weak character in this game taboo basically just kills him in the Subspace Emissary which doesn't really mean much in the long haul but he still has that stigma attached to him from brawl 18 brawls crazy hand obviously as usual he's very similar to Master Hand but with more interesting attacks he's technically less powerful than Master Hand in this game so these could be interchanged by preference 17 through TS and we used master and this version has plenty of interesting nerfs and buffs for one he lost a few attacks from the previous games and some attacks do less damage now but at that same time he also gained plenty of new ones so even though some of the moves have been weakened I feel it's more important to have a more diverse and broad move set 16 3 TS and we use crazy hand really there's not much else to add here except for the fact that this one has new attack and maybe some new combination attacks with Master Hand 15 Malee's Giga Bowser Giga Bowser is a rare case of a boss with a lot conditions that you'll usually actually stand a chance at fulfilling on the adventure mode and sure his moveset can feel Sammy just after fighting giant Bowser before but past that there's a certain measure of coolness when you first see such an iconic boss powerup that keeps this fight of last 14 Ultimates master hand this is by far the best iteration of the hands and it really shows his moveset is the highest it's ever been which is fantastic since that makes him more unpredictable and just more varied in general now granted he has seen as inferior in world of light since gleam and dark honor in charge but he's part of an army a strong army 13 Ultimates crazy hand just like master Han the amount of new moves he has is insane and makes him one of the most interesting bosses even though he's in most of the other Smash Bros games Oh 12 brawls Rayquaza here's a boss that proves bigger isn't always better sure he takes two paths the screen and does look pretty awesome but when that's all he brings to the fight it doesn't nearly do justice for this legendary beast I mean we have one of the strongest dragon Pokemon in history and he does little more than fly around and roar there's plenty of potential here it just needed a few more references to his source material 11 brawls porky much like rayquaza we have another baddie taking up some screen real estate however unlike the Pokemon this fight plays a lot more of its size whether it's floating around for lightning attacks or even just a basic scurry there's a lot more to dodging his attacks than some of the others on this list my main problem with this the background is too boring maybe some sort of mother3 backdrops would have been nice 10 brawls ridley finally a dragon boss that makes sense or it didn't till ultimate came out anyway Ridley's attacks here echo plenty of what we've seen since the super metroid days and it just fits really well and this is back in the days when he was too big to be a fighter just look at the size of this guy while he does have some fun attacks such as a stage slash and fly by his biggest issue here is that he never takes a breather since he doesn't like the land there's plenty of opportunities that dodges moves and makes him a lot easier to deal with here nine Ultimates Gannon I'm like Giga Bowser this fight goes a long way to not just be a clone of Ganon's final smash what we get actually does a better job building on his Ocarina appearance and scores us all that - sword action that comes with one thing to note is that the green weak spot on his tail can be a pain to smack when using more grounded characters so this is definitely a fight that rewards certain character picks which might feel a little out of place with such a huge roster eight Ultimates rathalos this hunts just pure fun seriously his whole moves set has a great fire theme and references nicely to his hectic survival moves in the Monster Hunter games plus his thickness is actually put to good use here unlike some of the other dragon style fights between trotting on the floor flying overhead and hovering in the background he has a serious mix of mobility that keeps the fight compelling as you work through seven Ultimates dark on one thing to say about gleam and dark on is that they're worth the sum of their parts but dark Khan might just be a little bit weaker of the two even when you fight both of them together he is the easier one to single out his tentacle themed attacks won't keep you on your toes too much but the feel of fighting darkness personified is such a memorable experience and very fun when partnered with his other half 6 Ultimates galine sure enough galine picks up the slack and earns his spot as the trailer villain heading on to the sheer creepiness of the somewhat calm yet deadly light attacks the crazy damage of the projectiles and bombs can put up numbers quick really what keeps this fight and dark on for that matter back from the higher slots is that they're just so abstract fighting games need some raw visual feedback and these two spheres just missed the mark 5 3ds / we use master core I'm kind of shocked that this is one of the few boss fights and Smash Bros 2 actually have multiple forms as most of them go down outside of Dracula depending on the difficulty you're playing on you have master giant master Beast Master edges master fortress and master Shadow to fight the giant is basically just some big dude B's is this Kremmling looking thing edges is a bunch of swords and shadow is a clone of your character all these different forms makes master cor feels so full as an entity as you tear through all these different layers and it's really challenging to my only real issue was with Master Fortress and that's because he's incredibly hard to access the only way to play this is to get to master core on intensity 9 or higher and without getting a game over at any point in the fortress you have to fight enemies and destroy all the cores inside which is really neat but it's unnecessarily hard to play for brawls meta-ridley you're fighting on top of Captain Falcon ship awesome taking down a giant metal dragon while riding it that's kick-ass picking up or the other Ridley flight left off this time plays a lot more with stage hazards and arena boss energy sometimes we'll even knock your ride off the screen it's serious stuff throw on a time limit for some extra adrenaline if you're playing a subspace and this fight dishes out some serious epic gamer vibes oh three brawls taboo you know what boss is good when they make master Han in crazy hand look wimpy and weak taboo is not a force to be reckoned with and all of his attacks are fast unpredictable and extremely creative he shoots I beams has a dragon laser a golden whip and honestly that's just a handful of what he has that's why defeating him feels so accomplishing after beating all of that build-up from subspace there's not much quite like it two Ultimates drakula a lot of his attacks in this fight actually come right from other Castlevania titles like the first one Rondo of blood harmony of despair in portrait of ruin as examples and while that's pretty sick he also has a second form where he turns into that demon thing from the first game what's great is that all these attacks managed to translate perfectly from Castlevania from his head being the weak spot to the amount of power the attack skater in the speed of them it's just really good stuff 1 Ultimates marks at the top spot we've got Sakurai's sweetheart and hey it works just great Karl Marx over here plays very faithfully to his superstar fight but adding on to that he has plenty of new attacks like pink branches and crying out creepy black spheres it's a fight that not only honors its source Minh Tyrael the builds past it and I think that's just what a smash bros boss should do and if you really want to know why Marx is the best Smash Bros boss skip the tutorial made an entire video on it that you can check out right now thanks a bunch for watching guys and with that folks take care and you have a good one alright [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,828,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Super Smash Bros, Smash Bros Ultimate, Nintendo Switch, all bosses, Galeem, Dharkon, Crazy Hand, boss battles, Super Smash Bros Joker, Super Smash Bros Ultimate Joker, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Galleom, Master Hand, nathaniel bandy
Id: WLb4aBJsY3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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