Ranking All The Bosses In Super Mario Maker 2!

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[Music] Super Mario maker - recently released its final major update three point 0.0 with the game in addition I never saw coming the Koopalings each of which have their own unique mechanics bringing the total bosses up from 15 with five types of Bowser and boom-boom for Bowser Jr's in a pompom - a total of 43 so today I thought it would be fun to rank them all based off their mechanics and how helpful I can see them being in future levels now you may be wondering where I got 43 from well I will not only be raking each boss but each of their different appearances across the different game styles as yes they do sometimes have different mechanics for this list the main factor will be functionality and how well they can work with the other things in Mario maker to make interesting bosses looks only really be a factor between the same type of bosses if they work the same between multiple game styles for example Roy works pretty much the exact same in Mario Brothers 1 and 3 which means looks is basically the only factor we can change I'll be going pretty quickly through some of these telling you their properties and maybe some possible uses along the way but with that being said if you enjoy this video please make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel as that helped me out a huge bunch I worked on this list with my discord so if you want to help out with future videos make sure to check out my discord link in the description but anyways let's jump into my rankings for all the positives in Super Mario maker - first off on our list was by far the easiest to decide the worst boss in Super Mario maker - is easily meowser he's way too chaotic to work at pretty much any type of level to this day I still haven't really seen a good use for him unlike all of the other bosses why is he so chaotic you may ask well he's been able to jump in and out of the background making it basically impossible to keep him in one place additionally people like to have fireball spanning Bowser fights which just aren't really that fun at all at least for normal Bowser it's a lot better but with meowser it's just so much worse as he could just randomly avoid your attacks whenever he wants if he has wings it can be even significantly worse because he stands in the background for significantly longer look how long this took me getting footage for a second I actually thought this was broken that he wasn't ever gonna come back look just how long this takes browsers way too hard to work with in any level so for that he's absolutely the worst boss in Mario maker too without question okay moving on to our next boss we have pom pom now while she may be ranked as second worst keep in mind she has infinitely better than meowser it's not even a close competition she basically creates a clone of herself if there's a ninja star at the player while cloning she will teleport into the background before coming back into the mainland this can lead her to sometimes going outside of the boss arena plus with walls being no help against her she's not really helpful in any sort of complex boss setup she's probably also the easiest boss in the game with my death count to her probably being lower than any of the others while she is not even close to as bad as meowser and I have seen her quite a few times used well she still gets the spot for being the second worst boss okay so I want to know from now on all of the same enemy will be next to each other in the ranking for example all ludwig's will take up four adjacent spots all areas will take up four adjacent spots next to each other etc so I believe the next four spots should go to Wendy sure she may be the funny smash meme but the way she works in Mario maker 2 is so boring she's way too slow and her projectiles are even slower the way they work is cool however they're way too slow to be challenging or really useful in any way now since she's the first Koopaling here there's a major difference between game styles and I think I should go ahead and mention in the first three Mario Styles being Mario won 3 in world Koopalings will jump on their shell however in New Super Mario Bros u they'll just slide along the ground like Bowser jr. when getting hit which is a lot easier to deal with it really depends on personal preference on what you prefer however to me it depends on the Koopaling which one is better in this case I think the new soup style hurts Wendy as she's already easy enough so I believe New Super Mario Bros u Wendy takes 41 the other three Wendy's are going to be based on how she looks in the other styles so smb1 wendy is at 40 smb3 Wendy's at 39 and super mario world wendy is at 38 speaking of super mario world Wendy a bit of a fun fact is that the original reveal trailer they actually showed Wendy in the super mario world theme using the sprite from Mario 3:1 this was likely just a placeholder until they made the Mario World design but I still think it's a little neat fact for you our next Koopaling is eggy man I feel bad for putting Iggy this slow after saying he's the worst Bowser jr. costume in ultimate I like Iggy I swear it's just he doesn't function great like Wendy he's fairly slow though he is a bit faster he doesn't really do much besides move back and forth which is probably the lamest gimmick out of all the Koopalings I wish he was able to climb walls like he did in his boss fights in New Super Mario Bros u as I would have been very interesting however they went with a pretty underwhelming option as for health his game styles compare I think New Super Mario Bros u is again the worst as eggies already so easy and not letting him jump in his shell makes them absolutely no challenge whatsoever so new suit gets the 37th spot Super Mario Bros 2 oh my gosh this is the most horrific thing I've ever seen it is by far the most ugly sprite in the game no you know even though his mechanics are better in Mario 3 em I'm just gonna switch him in new soup okay so some new soup you you get to move up to 36 okay anyways Super Mario Bros 1 eggy takes 35 head Super Mario World again has its version of eggy take the highest spot at 34 now I think from this point onwards all the bosses are good the other ones were mediocre and meowser was horrible but from here up they're all at least solid starting us off we have Larry he's different from the other Koopalings and that he doesn't really have a gimmick while that may seem like a bad thing at first let me explain why I actually like this it's always good to have a more basic version to build off of for all the other Koopalings you need a good base and Larry is that simplistic base he's great for a starter boss of a super world for example as he's really one of the most basic bosses there is now yes while I do appreciate how simple he is that can only really get you so far and I think right here is just about the highest justifiable spot for him as for the game style ranking it actually goes in chronological order as I feel like they improve it is designed with every new game style so SMB 1 is at 33 smb3 Larry's at 32 Mario World is at 31 and new soup is at 30 I also want to mention Larry's one of the few Koopa things that I preferred doesn't jump in his shell upon getting hit since he's supposed to be as simple and easy boss making him slide on the floor fits much better with his intended use which is why I believe the new super one is the best one this next one here I feel will be a bit controversial I believe Roy is to be the next boss on the list while yes he may be our boy I'll hold on this the wrong one Brad that's better anyways well he may be our boy I think he's basically just a worse Morton Roy's gimmick is that he'll bury himself into the ground and jump down from the floor and ceilings and random spots well I definitely think he can be using some good setups it does bring up the issue pompom a meowser have where it's hard to contain him as it doesn't matter if there's a wall or not you could just dig through it now the reason Roy is higher than the others is because this mechanic is very unique and I believe he'll also be able to have the most interesting bathroom designs as you'll be able to appear from any surface even if it's not connected he's an interesting boss for sure however he's a bit too random to work in as many bus setups as everyone else and his son attack basically doesn't even really work especially in new soup he takes forever to attack just watch for that reason Roy in new soup is the worst Roy at 29 with the rest being in chronological order with smb1 at 28 smb3 at 27 and super mario world of 26 okay this next one honestly makes me sad since he's my favorite Koopaling but I think as Ludwig's time Ludwig is definitely the hardest Koopaling especially in New Super Mario Bros u as he's the only one who actually shoot projectiles at a good speed he also shoots three at once five of the things on his last hit he also has a flutter jump which allows him to go a lot further with his jumps and the other Koopalings he's an interesting one to be sharing with his unique property of throwing three at a time I could totally see a setup where mario has to try to survive in a survival room where they have to Ludwig's blasting at him from either side his flutter jump could also help for some more complex arenas as well at Ludwig is one I feel totally works with both types of shells both the jumping and sliding as it completely depends on your use so I'm ranking them smb1 at 25 because man he looks really weird with that fat youth super mario world at 24 cents i don't really know i just don't really like this design here for whatever reason SME 3 at 23 and new super ludwig at 22 again like I said Ludwig is great however the other bosses can be used in a few more setups also like Wendy is Mario 3 design was also used in the mario world segments of the trailer for the Koopalings taking a break from the Koopalings we have the main man himself Bowser kicking off the top 20 Bowser's of course the main body of the Mario series and as such he's a great for a final boss of a super world or just a boss in general he takes more hits to defeat than any of the other bosses and sure some will do super lame spam fireballs to win setups however you could do a lot of cool things with Bowser here for example one of my levels you have to lead a spike ball over to Bowser and hit him four times Bowser also shoots fire giving the player an obstacle to dodge in this fight Bowser is also great for setups where the player has to hit him in creative ways while dodging fire as he's the only one that can't be jumped on to defeat Bowser will also behave quite differently in different game styles in Mario 1 he's pretty basic just shooting fire and jumping around in Mario 3 he jumps into the air and ground pounds down causing Mario to get stunned if he's on the floor and he'll also break blocks he lands on in Mario World Bowser gains the ability to bounce players back trying to run through him and he could also make fire rain from the sky finally New Super Mario Bros can also bounce players back loudly shooting several fireballs at once in a semi-circle now this all sounds great so what is Bell's are only around halfway through the list while it's 2 reasons the smaller reason is that most players will just use them in poorly designed fireball spam to win fights this isn't a huge issue as we should really be focusing on their potential but the sheer amount of Bowser fights like this it becomes impossible to ignore the much bigger issue though is that Bowser loads in from way too far away there have been so many levels that I've played that get completely ruined since the boss fight that planned later on with Bowser keeps interrupting the action if you ever want to use Bowser you usually have to place them really far away from any other part of the level which is extremely obnoxious take the level I showed earlier for example I have two whole screens free of nothing which I could have been used to make more level however instead I have to keep them empty so that Bowser can't attack the player earlier than he's supposed to well I don't think they'll ever change this I really wish they did since Bowser can act so different this all comes down to personal preference but I'm gonna rake them SME one at 21 for being the most basic smb3 at 20 as his ability is pretty solid new soup at 19 as him being able to push players back is really good however sometimes he can be pretty annoying to deal with and Mario world at 18 as his attack patterns are very cool and I always like this rate for whatever reason it just looks really nice following right after Bowser is his son Bowser jr. while Bowser jr. doesn't completely change based off the game style and stays pretty much the same he's a lot less chaotic and he also gains new abilities depending on what's given to him upon giving him wings he'll be able to throw hammers and be able to fly back from the void which could lead to some interesting boss rooms in a clown car he will throw shells which I find much more useful than the bombs Bowser throws out finally Bowser jr. is able to break through more things when he has a super mushroom with just how many different ways Bowser jr. can be combined with different items he has to be up here on top of all the things I just mentioned he'll be able to shoot fireballs as well and go into his shell upon being hit while he's fairly easy when he's alone by himself he can easily be used in many different setups due to his small size and less chaotic attack patterns the most obvious example is the iconic mecha bowser la from mario maker one that can of course be recreated here with even more features he also does a load extremely far off screen like bowser does making him way more useful in levels without much space the only real issue I can think of with him is that he can go through the floor sometimes in boss arenas however this is really only a problem if your boss fight is on top of another section of your level which isn't really that common since he acts pretty similar in all the themes his looks will be the main deciding factor here so smb1 is 17 smb3 at 16 new soup at 15 and super mario world at 14 I mean Connie just looks adorable here and we are officially down to the final three Martin Lemmy and boom-boom and I think now it's time for Morton Morten is pretty easy to understand he will jump it to the air and upon landing will cause Mario to be stunned if he's on the ground and you'll also shoot out two spells to either side that will right across the ground wall ceilings well he may be pretty simple I think he's great as his shockwave spells are very unique this could lead to not only some interesting boss situations but maybe even unique attacks throughout an entire level for a cool boss example maybe you could have the player enter room and at both sides of mr2 morton's which will grab pound and Mario will have to try to avoid being stunned and have to avoid the spells being shot out at him eventually once the timer runs out he'll be able to leave you could also use this in a normal level as well by having a Marten encased in a box with one way so we can attack Mario but Mario can attack him this would lead to a section to where the player would not only have to survive from normal obstacles like these skewers here but also Morton spells Morton G's best in a normal level if he's in a section where Mario would normally have to wait so that he has time to attack for example the skewers here maybe thwomps some conveyors and maybe fire bars when doing this though he of mind you can only have seven Morton's per sub area or 14 in total his shockwave spell and stunning are both extremely useful and since you will stay inside a closed area unlike Roy he's extremely helpful I do find Martin's sliding show more useful so I rank them in chronological order smb1 at 13 smb3 at 12 super mario world at 11 and starting our top 10 new super mario bros you more in a tenth place two bosses left who will take number one will it be boom boom or Lemmy this was quite tricky but I'm going to have to give runner-up to Lemmy he's by far one of the most unique bosses in terms of his mechanics instead of a simple spell he will shoot out rubber balls at the player that will bounce them around if touched sure if by himself he's a pretty simple boss and super easy but what you can do and build around him is far more interesting like Morton he not only just works as a boss but also is a great obstacle throughout an entire level take this boss room for example it's similar to Morton's and that there's two of them on each side of Mario however he doesn't have much room to stand so if he gets hit by the balls he has a very high chance of getting pushed off the platform and dying before the timer expires you can also use let me to dispense these balls throughout a level maybe you can put him in a tight corridor romário has to try to avoid them in order to get through with maybe a few pits along the way so that I have Mario Falls he died maybe you could have the balls in a more open area that will cause Mario to fall if hit or you could bounce off of them in order to get a secret or maybe even just progress through the level I'm definitely not stealing that idea for my brother by the way but yeah out of all of these other Koopalings he has more sense than any of the others the only real negative thing is that I really wish we could place his ball spells and bullet blasters just by themselves like how he can play spiked balls by themselves is that'd be super helpful whatever I'm just happy they're here at all as for the ranking since the main way I see him being used is in contraptions the way his shell moves barely matters so I'm again raking them in chronological order being SMB one for ninth SMB three for eight Super Mario World for seventh and finally new super lemming taking six this one I'm really interested to see how players use in the future so let me know if you guys think of any good ideas for him well we only have one left that mad lad himself boom boom takes the top five spots now I could definitely see some of you being confused by this decision so let me explain boom boom is simple which makes him incredibly helpful for making custom bosses he doesn't really have any wacky mechanics in his normal form and he really just acts like an enemy that takes three hits or more if you're using a weapon like a fire flower to kill this however is an extremely good thing mario maker is all about customization and making unique and interesting experiences for your players and with how simple boom boom is he does this job the best out of anyone in fact I would say he does his job perfectly in my boss battle ideas video I made a little while back he was the boss that was used the most being in 3 out of the 10 ideas objection [Music] he's great for basically any type of arena you want to make for example here's a fight from my first level I made where Mario has to try to avoid boom-boom all on a seesaw until they eventually make it to the top and escape another one I'm working on right now for my new level that I should hopefully finish here shortly about the boomerang flower is Mario gets trapped where he has to hit a boom-boom with boomerangs while avoiding spiked balls and stopping this bum from killing him boom-boom is great for nearly any type of boss fight you want which is why I feel he has to take the top spots he's good for actually fighting him directly good for avoiding or fighting him in a custom arena or he's good for requiring the player to have something to hit multiple times until they can finish a room but as for the ranking of the boom-booms they each act slightly differently with SMB 1 being the worst at number 5 new soup at 4 for being a bit too easy SMB 3 at 3 mario world at 2 for being the best 2d boom-boom with a bunch of different moves and not being too easy unlike the others and the best has to be the 3d world boom-boom he has a bunch of different types of attacks like going into his shell upon getting hit spinning his arms around and even turning invisible all of these are cool but the main reason he's number 1 it's because he's really the only boss in 3d world that can be used in great ways and in contraptions since the other to completely ignore walls boom is basically the only useable one here making him the best and most helpful boss in the game kind of nice ending with 3d world with us starting with it huh but let's be honest all of these bosses fail in comparison to the absolute Chad dry bones dry bones for smash but anyways that's it for this video this is quite a challenging list to put together and I can't think my discord enough for helping me figure out this ranking usually I'll say my video ideas in my discord ahead of time so if you want to hear about them early or maybe even help out like they did in this case then join using the link in the description it was truly a lot of fun to do and I could not have done it by myself but anyways do you all agree with my list let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like and maybe even subscribe for more on Super Mario maker 2 and anything else in 10 DOS which link to my Twitter and maker id are in the description also I mentioned that new boomerang level I'm working on I showed you all that boss fight let me know if it looks a bit too confusing because that's mainly the main gripe I have before uploading it once I'm sure that it's good then it'll be up soon but anyways I'll see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 828,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, super mario, super mario maker, mario maker, smm2, mario maker 2 bosses, top 10 super mario maker 2 bosses, mario maker 2 koopalings, super mario maker 2 update 3.0 koopalings, super mario maker 2 all bosses, super mario maker 2 all bosses ranked, super mario maker 2 3.0 all koopalings, super mario maker 2 update, odyssey central, mario bosses ranked, super mario bosses ranked, mario maker 2 tips and tricks, mario maker 2 ideas, mario maker 2 boss ideas
Id: JGrIX7DyuBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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