Tips & Tricks On Using Bowser In Super Mario Maker 2

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super mario maker 2 has a lot of bosses however the most popular and famous of them all is easily the main villain of the franchise bowser he has a lot of unique mechanics compared to any other enemy in fact he's quite different between each of the game styles as well including the four main styles unfortunately though a lot of these attacks end up being pretty chaotic leading to bowser being probably the most improperly used asset in the game at least in my opinion so to celebrate the launch of 3d world plus bowser's fury i wanted to make a tips video on the main man himself i'll cover how he works and what's different between each of the themes so that you'll know which style would be best for your level with bowser in it i also have quite a few things in this video that i think should be avoided so that you know what sort of things people don't like alongside actual good ideas of course before we start if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like and since only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed i'd appreciate it if you did that as well enough introduction though let's jump right into how bowser is different in each of the themes this section will only be talking about bowser in the four main styles we'll get to mauser in a little bit since he's quite a bit different first off the normal super mario bros bowser is of course the most basic in fact the only thing unique about him is that he doesn't have any unique moves this one will simply jump around and shoot occasional fire bars at mario he obviously can't be jumped on to kill and can only be damaged by fire flowers links weapons super balls items thrown by the srb2 mushroom stars goomba shoes bob bombs shells dry bone shells spike balls fire clown cars pals icicles being crushed and lava i'll go ahead and mention that the other themes can damage bowser by using their raccoon tail cape yoshi projectiles and gloom bugs each of these attacks do a different amount of damage bowser normally has 20 hp or 40 if you give him a mushroom on screen now i have listed the damage values of all the attacks you could do to hurt bowser and the main 4 styles the final 2 things this bowser can do is hover briefly when given wings and throw lip bombs if they're in a clown car two at normal size and for one large so this version of bowser is easily the most basic definitely not a bad thing though sometimes you just want a simple boss without any weird attack so if you're looking for something more simple he's your guy moving on to mario 3 who has our first unique bowser attack instead of only shooting fireballs he'll occasionally jump into the air and grand pound down give me a minute anyways this attack will destroy bricks underneath him and activate items as well if mario is on the floor when bowser lands then mario will also be stunned for a moment aside from this bowser remains the same as the original smv bowser mario world's rendition is probably the most different first off this bowser starts using a mechanic where mario isn't able to run through him in the previous two themes mario could just run through bowser however here he's pushed away even if he has invincibility frames he's only able to run through bowser if he has a star equipped since that obviously kill bowser in the process bowser has a brand new jump attack where he'll lunge towards mario very quickly i should also mention that he doesn't have the ground pound move from mario 3 as that move is exclusive there finally this bowser will also shoot fire into the sky that will eventually fall back onto the level our final bowser for now is the mario u variation this also has the pushback mechanic mario world had the only new attack this variant has is this sort of ring of fireballs he can do along with also being able to better aim his normal fireballs towards mario there are a few more differences however like for example bowser's fireballs will actually break through certain blocks if he's big when the big version of this bowser runs into some breakable blocks he will also break them so now that we know about each of the moves for the different bowsers let's go ahead and jump into some fun ways to use them there's one very important part of bowser's moveset that i haven't mentioned yet however it is extremely important to take into account when making any level using him bowser is able to shoot fireballs from a significantly larger distance than any other enemy that throws projectiles he's able to shoot fireballs when he's about two screens away from mario even with scroll stop this has led to a lot of levels that feature bowser having him shoot fireballs into a room that he isn't supposed to be interacting with this feature has led to a lot of unfair deaths as bowser fire is completely random of course and generally the creator did not intend for the fireballs to be there it's usually a pretty clear sign of bad design if your level contains bowser shooting into different rooms so then what can we do to fix this problem well the easiest solution would be placing the room that bowsers in a little bit more than two screens away or placing the room in a sub-area usually you won't use the entire space given to you for your level so just leaving some space between your other rooms in your boss room could save your level from seeming a bit poorly made the other way you could fix this issue would be well using this mechanic for its intended use normally in some of the mainline titles mario would have to go through a hallway before reaching bowser which is what this feature is trying to replicate so you could just make a hallway of your own to add in here which can help your level to feel more traditional these hallways usually also have pits and walls in them to make them more interesting you generally don't want a completely blank and featureless hallway so in short just make sure to take bowser's long distance fireball attacks into account and make sure to always play test your levels try standing at the edge of each room for a few seconds if you have a bowser in the level just to test if he's too close if he is then you're gonna need to move him back alright now we've got ourselves the first boss idea using bowser mario is stuck in a small room with a few on off switches lining the floor it's obvious that he needs to defeat bowser in order to move on but he has no tools to do so mario also isn't able to hit the on off switches either so what is he going to do well if you haven't noticed yet this is the mario 3 variation of bowser so by leading him into the right spot mario can actually get bowser to hit the switch for him this dispenses out a koopa which mario can use to hit bowser after the koopa spawns the area closes requiring bowser to hit the switch again four hits with the big koopa shell will cause bowser to be defeated and allow mario to leave alright let's go over what we see here first the main area is pretty simple just have on off switches placed into the floor you can have as many or you can have as little as you would like however i personally wouldn't suggest making the whole thing switches as that'd make the fight a little bit too easy i also used hard blocks at the floor here which aren't important and they could really be anything indestructible by bowser i just thought they looked nice here now on to our two side setups outside of the boss room itself first off we have a blue pipe with the koopa inside of it and then we cover that pipe with dotted line blocks it's important that the pipe is actually covered because if the blocks are placed lower for example then a ton of koopas can actually spawn in between hits have a one way block mario from going where the koopas are and that section is all set the reason i specified it being a blue pipe is because it will only spawn in one koopa for the duration that the on off switch is flipped in order to flip it back to what it was before before bowser hit the switch we have a red pipe with lip of bombs in it covered by red dotted line blocks with switches on top this will make the dotted line blocks fill back in after the koopa spawn so that mario will keep needing to have bowser land on the switch this method for hitting the switch allows enough time for one koopa to spawn but switches quickly enough so that a second one doesn't also come out depending on if you give mario a mushroom beforehand this can be decently difficult this can also be customized in order to make it harder personally i like the way it works here but if you want to you can make the koopas small for example which do less damage though i think that could possibly be a bit too tedious for some people final note this obviously only works on the mario 3 bowser as it's the only one to have the ground pound ability still this is a pretty fun and unique boss fight moving from there mario is in another room with bowser however this time there is a wall separating the two bowser is still able to shoot fireballs at mario so he has to try to avoid these in order to attack bowser here mario has to hit these on off switches when a koopa lands on top of them so that he can shoot out their shells now these can't always just hit him mario needs to time his jump so that the shell will hit bowser while he's jumping after 4 hits mario is able to take down bowser to move on however in a parallel universe toad over here misses bowser and hits the switch 8 times which causes the floor below him to vanish if you don't want to end up like toad you're going to want to make sure to use less than 8 hits to defeat bowser so what's going on here starting off with bowser he's trapped in a small hole he's able to peek out of it every now and again with his jumps but he can't go too far as this one way stops him from escaping bowser is also given wings so that he can hover for a little bit which makes this a lot less annoying if he didn't have wings you basically would not be able to react to him jumping and would just have to guess when he's about to do it the koopa launching chamber is a slight bit more complicated you have to have a vertical pipe facing downward with a big koopa which goes into a small area that's blocked off by a one way this ground block makes it so that the koopa will stay in place and the vertical pipe with the one way will stop multiple koopas from entering the chamber at once for whatever reason if a sideways pipe is used multiple koopas will be able to enter which is not good because then the shells will hit each other and just break above the koopas have a spring resting on a cloud so that they can shoot forward and mario boost them up by hitting the switch i also have a gap for the koopa shells to fall into once they pass bowser so they don't just rebound and hit him these hard blocks are also just here to play the sound effect to signify a miss so they aren't necessary if you wanted to make something like this now you could leave the boss just like this however i think it's more interesting if you add a limit to how many shots mario can shoot for this i simply have a muncher on top of dotted line blocks which lead to a p-switch since the floor below mario is made of p-switch blocks this will obviously kill him if the muncher lands on top of the p-switch make sure that the dotted line blocks are spaced well enough so that mario can't kill the muncher while it's moving if he has a super mushroom here mario can actually hit the switch fast enough to destroy the muncher so i suggest either moving the floor down or not giving him a mushroom at all if you don't want to run into this issue but in the end this is a pretty fun and difficult boss fight especially really good for a level that's based around shooting koopa shells of things okay we've talked a bit about some actual fights with bowser but what could we do with him outside of the boss fights honestly not that much but i do have one thing here in the mario use style since bowser is able to angle his fireballs downwards we can actually recreate meteors falling from the sky jumping into this example here we see that bowser's fireballs will come crashing down towards mario and possibly destroy blocks along the way we currently don't have any meteor elements in the game so this is the next best thing in order to create this effect you need to have your level be an auto scroller i think the slowest speed here works the best by a long shot use the custom variation so that the player can't scroll the screen upwards to see the bowsers then above the player's line of sight place tracks in a pattern like this across all the level this will ensure the bowser stays in sync with the scroll and won't go past it basically you have two tracks then one pointing directly upwards and then one pointing diagonally down on these tracks place three big bowsers using any less than this i found made the meteors much less prominent than they likely should be finally place a row of blocks so mario can't accidentally jump into the bowsers and then you're all set from there you can just build your level around these meteors it's not a perfect recreation as the fireballs are always sent at an angle but it's the closest thing we'll get and i think it's a creative way to use bowser in a non-boss setting alright this right here is by far the most important bowser tip i can give you in fact this is one of the most important mario maker tips i can give that tip is do not do fireball spamming bowser fights these are basically levels where you have to fight bowser by killing him with fireballs which you get from a pipe dispensing fire flowers these have been absolutely done to death and are completely unfun to do they aren't challenging in the slightest since you keep getting a refill on your power up so you can never really die whenever i see something like this in a level it's very disappointing especially if i have to do it on a big bowser as that will take 40 fireball hits to defeat now with that said you could still use fireflowers to defeat bowser of course just make it more interesting and challenging than just simply having mario stand next to bowser with a pipe giving him power-ups by the way i call this fireball spam but this goes for bowser fights where you have to use other things as well like the tanuki tail cape etc nobody likes levels like this as all they do is slow down the level's pace without adding in anything of substance i'm not saying that your boss fights have to be complicated or super creative though even just having a bowser on a bridge like in a traditional level works well and can even be better than a super complex boss fight for some levels so again before moving from normal bowser to meowser i'm going to say it one more time do not make infinite spawning fireball spamming bowser fights they're overdone tedious and boring okay so the last thing i wanted to talk about was meowser and how to use him correctly now if you all saw my boss ranking video you would know that i think maozer is the worst boss in the game no contest and that's just because of its mechanics just like the previous bowsers it's able to shoot fireballs however what makes meows are unique is that it's able to go into the background and foreground meaning that containing it is impossible not only that but if you give it wings it will shoot fireballs from the background as well this means that fun or unique boss fights with meowzer are pretty impossible it doesn't help that him going into the background makes fireball spamming fights five times more tedious as you have to wait for him to return all of this means that i honestly don't think it works as a boss at all just because that it doesn't work as a boss that you have to defeat though doesn't mean it can't work at all the way you have to use him is far different from all the other bosses though since his attacks are far more chaotic than the others the only real way to use him is if the whole level is based and designed around him once meows responds you'll follow the player until they either enter a door warp box pipe or have meows or die this means the best way to use meowser is to have him chase mario through a large section of a level he's very hardy as well and is quite different from the other bowsers but if you really want to use him this is the best way to do it place mouser either near the start or in a sub-area to begin his large chase sequences this pretty much is the only way to use meows or super well which is a big shame but if you want to get it to work then they can be very helpful for this specific scenario i unfortunately still think he's the worst boss in the game and that also means that the segment is super short because this is really the only use i could find for meowser he just really does not work at all as a boss fight but anyways that's it for this video do you all think the ground pound from a goomba shoe one hit killing bowser is absurd let me know in the comments this one was fun to come up with ideas for but it was also really tricky because i didn't want to reuse ideas i already did in older videos like the spike bowl and of course the boss ideas video so if you want more on bowser check those videos out as well because i also made different bowser boss fights there before you do though make sure you leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it because it seriously helps out a ton now then i've gotta go play through bowser's fury because i have quite a few good ideas for videos on that game that i can't quite make until i beat it so anyways dry bones for smash and i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 74,702
Rating: 4.9487882 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, mario maker, super mario maker, bowser, bowser fury, super mario maker 2 tips tricks and ideas, super mario maker 2 tips and tricks, super mario maker 2 boss ideas, super mario maker 2 bosses, super mario maker 2 boss battle ideas, super mario maker bowser boss battle, bowser smm2, nintendo switch, odyssey central, smm2 bowser ideas, meowser, mario, mario maker 2 meowser ideas, super mario maker 2 custom boss fights, super mario maker 2 boss fight ideas
Id: wKkgAETRpbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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