Ranking All Smash Brothers Games from Worst to Best

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[Music] so you've just seen the competitors now it's time to put them up against each other in order to find out which opponent can be considered worthy enough to be the best super smash brothers game what a great fighting franchise just take all the existing nintendo characters and randomly force them to fight against each other genius so with all these great competitors in the series let's get on with it and rank them from worst to best if you're familiar with this ranking series you'll know that i rank various games in different video games series and sub series and they have a lot more ranking videos to come so just hit subscribe if you want to know when the next ranking videos are released and as always i reveal the next ranking video at the end of this one so without further ado let's start up this list and just get on to the ranking the first contestant to be knocked out is always a tricky task because all of these games are fun and enjoyable but why don't we begin this list with a game that began the entire super smash brothers series and it's called super smash brothers simple i love it and the simplicity is not just in the title but also in everything that this game has it is truly smash in its simplest form this time you've really only got two modes versus and single player versus is pretty well what you expect nowadays in smash just with less customizable options and the single player mode was a lot more simple than what we have now it was one set of fighters to face with some bonus stages in the mix that you fight in the same order every time for every character it was just a different time back then you can't expect this game to have all these different bells and whistles that smash games today have but that's really one of the big reasons as to why it's last on the list the other smash games do have all the bells whistles and extra features that this game doesn't they all build and expanded upon this simple formula but for the time this game was super revolutionary about its take on a fighting game like i'm pretty sure this game invented the entire concept of platform fighting games i don't remember any games like this before this one and i'm too lazy to do the research most fighters back then had a health bar on the characters with pretty flat stages smash took this formula and flipped it on its head now you're trying to increase the opponent's percentage which makes it easier to fling them off the stage and the stages could get way more dynamic too than what we were used to but still there are some things about this game i like better than other smash games for one board the platforms and break the targets these were awesome side modes break the targets did return a few times but slowly faded out of smash existence and board the platforms was only in this one each character had a specific level designed around their own moveset and these modes were great to showcase and learn how to use each character's different abilities overall smash 64 has easily aged the most definitely has the most clunky gameplay today and broken features but i don't even want to get into that however i still do enjoy playing this game today and if you're playing it with some friends it will be a great experience oh plus the stages are fantastic in this one i just want to throw that in there now we're getting on to the smash game where i guess they forgot to title it or something because it's called super smash brothers for 3ds yes the first smash brothers on handheld as clearly made obvious by the title and that was the greatest thing about this smash brothers you can play it on the go kids nowadays are spoiled with their portable switch playing any home console anywhere but back then well i i mean the switch wasn't around back then uh yeah that's all there really is to this statement basically all this game is was the wii u version of smash with a bit less features a few tweaks here and there and ported to the 3ds and that's pretty great the wii u version had a lot of great features and new characters added to it the stages were a bit different between the two various games but honestly i think the 3ds one got the better stages especially with this rainbow road mario kart stage another thing exclusive to the 3ds version is smash run and it's a pretty sweet mode you first gotta traverse this like 2d side scroller level to defeat a bunch of enemies in order to power yourself up with more like speed attack or whatnot then you use those power ups to face off against powered up opponents in various challenges this mode i actually wish was brought back and made more accessible to more people however there are a few reasons that this game is so low in the ranking for starters it just feels like the most pointless smash to play now literally as soon as the wii u version came out everyone stopped playing this one plus the control setup is really not optimal most versions of the 3ds lack a c stick and it's just a really cramped controller to play smash on while fine for other 3ds games it really gets in the way for a game as precise as smash brothers and the whole point of smash is to be able to play with your friends however this is easily the hardest smash brothers games to do so you'll need two 3ds's and two copies of this game just to play with one other friend and don't even get me started if four players are trying to play now and there's even lag for local wireless play even if the 3ds's are right next to each other making it really hard to just play with a buddy the 3ds one is a very solid addition in the series but it lacks a lot of features other games have and it's really not an optimal setup nowadays all right enough of these handheld smash brothers games we need a solid home console version we just looked at the one for the 3ds so why don't we transition over to the one for the wii u okay say what you will about the wii u one thing that it had was a very great smash brothers game this was the first time i really felt they were nailing the controls in the smash brothers series while brawl did feel a bit casual and melee felt a bit more competitive and precise smash wii u felt like a good middle ground that appealed to both sides of smash players i'd describe this game as a really cleaned up version of smash even little things like changing up how ledges work now you can no longer hog the ledge when you're hanging onto it but you'll get booted off if someone else grabs it may seem pretty minor but this now allows for a lot more off stage fighting which just creates more tense scenarios plus while we did get snake in brawl this was like the first time they went crazy with the third party characters just to name a few there's now ryu pac-man and even mega man what capcom doesn't even like mega man anymore but he still makes it in smash that's epic and they added a bunch of new stages too the online was actually pretty fun in this game especially coming from brawl which was well something else they turned it into a mostly great mode there was simple options to choose from different play styles for different types of players and the online was free too my big complaint though as to why it's lower than other games it's because what happened to the other modes in this game target smash is now this boring hit a bomb game single player has this weird choose a path dynamic don't even get me started with smash tour and they don't even have an adventure mode anymore don't get me wrong this is a really fun game that really started polishing up the smash gameplay but it's just missing a few things the next game we have here actually came out before the one on the wii u but it is still an excellent super smash brothers game and the community around this game is uh dedicated to say the least this is smash brothers melee this game easily added the most new modes out of any other smash game in the entire series it took smash 64 and added all-star mode adventure event match home run contest special melee multi-man melee and even collectible trophies definitely a lot of variety in this game you could just see the passion that the creators put in every detail in this game and discovering what it had to offer was all part of the fun too like how cool was it when you were just playing along in some event matches then you had to team up with zelda to fight this big ginger monster boy and after that you unlock him as a playable fighter i had no idea what this roster was when i first played this game and it was always a great surprise just stumbling upon a new fighter you haven't unlocked yet this is something that's slowly been lost over the years with the entire roster being released on the internet and in reveal trailers there's no mystery in smash anymore so it was great discovering all this game had to offer i loved the event matches that they introduced they were all a bunch of unique mini challenges that were sometimes based off scenarios in different nintendo games and other times you just fight on a giant trophy there's a lot of different events they also introduce trophies in this game and they are some of the greatest collectibles in any video game you can unlock 3d models from various different nintendo games that all give you a backstory from where they came from and there's this little casino game where you can buy new trophies using your in-game coins the more coins you put in the machine increases your chances of getting a new trophy but i didn't know this when i was a kid so you could be sure i was pretty pissed off when i didn't get 20 trophies after putting in 20 coins i still feel ripped off as well as classic mode this game also has an awesome adventure mode it was cool to see all these different franchises being connected to one another in a very vague storyline plus it also adds some awesome extra levels in this mode a few nitpicks though with this game is that it can feel a bit dated in the controls this is because you do need to be really precise with your inputs in this game making it harder to learn but having a huge skill ceiling at the highest level still very fun to control though it's just not as smooth as smash is now melee is definitely a classic [Music] and now we're down to the final two games brawl or ultimate ultimate or brawl that's the question i'll spare you the build up and the details and we'll just get on to the number two spot it's super smash brothers brawl in this game you could tell that there was a noticeable attempt to make it more grand and epic than any other smash game the main theme showcases this quite well this time being a fully orchestrated opera that just sets the stage for what kind of game this is right when you start it up and it's just a good main theme too come on they went with a more realistic art style complete with realistic gene textures on mario's overalls and this style was alright i do prefer the less realistic more cartoony versions of smash brothers like we have it now but looking back it definitely gave brawl a distinct look to it one part of the game where i loved how this style was used was in the single player mode the subspace emissary side note but this is like the best mode in any smash brothers games to date well except for the main fighting part of the game but best other mode whatever you want to call it it told an epic and compelling story that was grander than ever you had to try and save this smash brothers world of sorts from being consumed in this dark subspace this story could get dark sad epic emotional funny and it's crazy that this was all made up from various nintendo characters it was awesome to see all these characters interact with one another in the cutscenes they all acted perfectly in character all without a single line of dialogue also all of the great additions of melee were also back once again in this game such as all star mode the stadium challenges and a crap ton of event matches there's even two player mode event match that had exclusive two-player events also they introduced a stage builder in this game and while it was flawed compared to what we have now it was a great concept for smash and they also included a bunch of challenges for players to complete these would all unlock awesome prizes such as new music pieces trophies or even stages the gameplay was a bit more slowed down than melee and it was all right certainly easier to pick up and learn than melee but it can feel a bit too slow at times and uh yeah tripping sucks but there are still so many great things to love about this game that it had to be way up here on the ranking [Music] okay here's the deal smash ultimate basically took the wii u version and injected it with like smashed steroids that's what they did this was a hard decision to make while smash ultimate is my favorite smash brothers game it was hard to judge this because brawl did certain things better than ultimate and vice versa brawl had all of the side modes down pat an amazing singer player mode and other fun and interesting game types but the gameplay was more stiff and it didn't have as much characters ultimate on the other hand was literally the exact opposite it lacked other interesting modes compared to what brawl had the world of light was pretty good but nothing compared to subspace and it didn't even have a target smash or even collectible trophies from previous games however this game had perfected the core gameplay of smash brothers every character controls perfectly and all of the moves feel satisfying to land this also has to be the most balanced smash game while there are still good and bad characters no character is downright unusable so now more than ever it comes down to the skill of the player plus there are the most characters stages and even music tracks in this game than ever before like way more of each of these i can't even see which stage i want to select half the time with all of them here and the character selection is ridiculous as of right now there are 88 total characters and with the dlc characters continuously being added we are on track for over 90 very soon also there are so many third party characters now this doesn't even feel like a nintendo game anymore it's like a video game crossover fighter now the online portion of the game while still flawed in many areas has many different features and options firstly there's the standard smash against other random people but now you can play in online tournaments too there's also a feature to share your clips with other people as well and the best thing that you can share are the stages that you've made in the stage builder of this game and yeah i guess i should probably mention that this game has the best stage builder in any smash brothers game you can have like different layers now movable objects and of course the ability to draw your stage i know the wii u one did start this drawable stages thing but this game has a lot of extra stuff that you can add to your stages compared to that one literally you can make other games within this game by using the stage builder overall while this game lacks other modes from previous smash games it perfects the core gameplay of smash brothers and that's honestly what i value more in a smash game plus with all of these different customizable options in the game you can kind of create substitutes for these modes and that was smash brothers everybody it was great rank in these games and oh hang on a sec looks like i just got an email on my phone you know being popular and all oh it's it's an invite to a party in fact it's an invite to mario's party don't recall giving that guy my email but i think i should still head there in the next video i'll see you guys then [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 95,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infinite bits, Ranking All Smash Brothers Games from Worst to Best, Super Smash Brothers Games ranked, super smash bros, best smash brothers games, #bestsmashbrosgames, ranking every smash brothers game, top 6 smash brothers games, super smash brothers ultimate tier list, worst to best, which super smash brothers game is the best, greatest super smash brothers games of all time, bros, all super smash bros games, super smash brothers ultimate, steve minecraft, reaction, in smash
Id: 2W_IuB-vlRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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