Ranking All Wii Series Games from Worst to Best - Infinite Bits

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[Music] hey guys how's it going and welcome to the most active episode yet because we are ranking the wii series games i.e the line of games that are designed entirely around motion controls so it's gonna be an interesting episode for sure basically what i'm including here is any game with the word we in the title you know all those games that nintendo made to showcase all their motion controls on their consoles that's what we're ranking today so if you've been watching this ranking series you're gonna know that i rank many games in different series and sub series and have a lot more ranking videos to come so hit subscribe if you want to know when the next ranking video is released and as always i reveal the next ranking at the end of this video so with all that out of the way let's look at the wii games so we are looking at nine of the wii series games today and this line of games was pretty unique because they tried to get you physically active by using their motion controls so why don't we start off with the most physically demanding game of chess wait chess they made we chess say what they put we branding on this seriously i mean the game works the game's fine but the game's just chess what more do you really want me to say do you like chess well then you'll like this even as i'm talking in this segment i'm still confused about this game this is the only wii series game where you can't use your mis and everything is a 2d image there's not a single piece of 3d here also get this right this is the only game in the series without any motion controls what i thought that was the point i'm getting more confused the more i talk about this there's really no nintendo charm or anything else extra in this game it's just chess all right i mean it'd probably be easier just to get a board and set up the pieces for chess okay come on enough of this i'm sure you know what to expect out of this game next so that segment was probably the most i'll ever talk about chess on this channel but it's done now so we can move on to the more charming nintendo games that actually made use of the wii features so let's start with a game that made you feel like a rock star well it tried to make you feel like one at least we music uh yeah we music this was a game that came out when everyone wanted to be a music star uh well at least in video game form guitar hero and rock band were huge and were awesome games thing is it was really fun to play instruments on those games but it wasn't so fun when you're playing them on wii music the controls just don't make you feel like you're actually playing any of these instruments and that's kind of the whole point of this game it feels like you're waggling around the wii remote in the air to maybe a beat of a song or something but at least the songs are good right i mean nintendo has such a great catalog of original video game songs throughout all their games that they've made that could be used here okay let me break it to you there's only like seven nintendo video game songs in the game and they're easily the most entertaining to play the rest of the songs are possibly the most generic music pieces that nintendo could pick from just look at this song list over here i don't wanna play any of these you think that i'm gonna take time out of my day to play twinkle twinkle little star no i'm not like come on not even kids would want to boot up this game just to play uh happy birthday maybe if you're like five years old or something but that's probably because you only know 10 songs in total but anyone older than that isn't going to want to play these like this game wasn't a bad idea on paper a more casual rhythm s game and i can at least appreciate the amount of different instruments they let you choose from but none of them really feel like you were playing the instrument just shaking around the wii remote to somewhat of a beat you don't even have to follow the rhythm that much to be honest [Music] okay so moving right along here we are switching over to some more multiplayer focused games games that are great for groups and ones that you can bring to a party i mean don't actually go bringing this game to a party cause who really has a wii u but you get the idea we party you the first party game we're talking about here and it's well decent i'd say the one part i actually really liked here is that it's on the wii u and thus it uses a lot of the unique gamepad features i don't know it seemed like nothing on the system really used the gamepad in that many new ways so i always like a game that does so the tabletop mode had many games of sorts that were simple concepts but were still really fun in the end the best one i'd say was this baseball game where your reaction time and predicting the other player were all necessary to win and then there's this house party mode which turned your living room into the video game well sorta one game in this mode turns your controllers into like a game of twister which was unique or there's another one where you place the gamepad somewhere else in the room and have to scoop water from your gamepad and carry it to the tv using your wii remote and these were all cool uses of the gamepad which i liked but once the novelty ran out you realized you were just walking back and forth in your living room a bunch of times yeah that's what this game just seems like to me if i had to give it one subtitle it would be it's fun but like only for a little bit and the other traditional board game modes that it had and the mini games for those modes were just all right this is because there is so much luck involved here and not too much player input if you think about it like this highway one all you really do is roll a die and the whole board is a straight line your only input really is the simplistic mini games which only reward you with more dye to roll like this does keep the game balanced for players of different skill levels but i'd rather play mario party so yes that was we party you kind of interesting to see nintendo get into another party series of games other than mario party so why don't we just continue this party trend here with the original we party this game is just we party you but without the u and yeah i'd say i like this game a bit more it still does have your typical board game and it is still very luck based but definitely less so than the one on wii party u however this time they included a much more strategic mode to complement this game known as globetrot this mode is awesome and easily what brings the whole game up it has a great balance of luck and skill you travel the world here you choose your path and even the direction this all just makes a very non-linear type of board game that allows for a lot of strategic moments also in wii party the mini games are a lot more enjoyable this time there's just more interesting situations and better concepts for the games like look at this one you're just the zombie over here and you gotta infect the other people to become zombies and help your team that just seems like a fun thing to do there's also other games that are similar to well other types of board games and are pretty good too like there's another one over here where you have to match the colors of me's in each of your circles you do this by trading your mies with the one that spawn in the center after every turn and the person who wins the mini game gets first pick then the second place in the game chooses and so on this gives the game another great strategic element i don't believe there's quite as much to do when compared to we party you but the content that is here is more enjoyable to me [Music] so now we're getting into what this video is all about moving around motion and getting into shape getting fit i guess i mean yeah sure motion would do that so let's talk about we fit in this entry i'm actually grouping we fit we fit plus and we fit you in one segment this is just because they are a very similar concept even sharing a lot of the same modes and mini games between the different versions plus i mean come on how long do you really want me to talk about wii fit for in one video anyways with all this motion or deal involved with the wii nintendo thought of using this to get people in shape while they do yoga poses and play various fitness minigames it was a cool and innovative concept i'll say you know a lot of people hate going to the gym but a lot of people also like video games so why not make the gym a video game and even though a lot of these mini games can be very simple it can be fun to work them into your fitness routine some of these definitely will give you a good sweat and are replayable it also gives you a bunch of fitness results and weight statistics but their measurements can be a bit wonky but the thing is right this isn't replacing traditional workouts anytime soon sure to many people the benefit is you'll have more fun working out because it's a game but you're not going to get as good of fitness results well i think at least i mean i don't really know i don't use wii fit to work out i just go to a gym how am i even supposed to rank these fitness games are you looking for a way to replace a traditional workout then wii fit probably won't do that or are you a gamer then you'll probably get bored of this after a while but i'd say realistically the best way to use this game is to go to a gym and then play this on a few occasional days on your workout schedule hopefully i mean that just sounds the best to me i don't know i'm not a fitness trainer or a nutrition expert why you asking me all this fitness advice for okay that's it i'm done here no more fitness advice on this channel i swear [Music] okay so let's get this thing moving along here with just four games left and oddly enough these last four games all come from two different i guess we sub series i'll call them the sports series and the play games so why don't we start off with the play games more specifically we play this game's all right okay yeah that's about a pretty accurate description this time we have nine mini-games here and i mean that they really are mini games because there's not that much to them and are a lot simpler this time they are more arcadey in nature focusing on high score types of games with one concept that keeps increasing in difficulty one thing i like about this game though is how they really focused on creating the mini games based on the wii's capabilities and limitations this made pretty well all the games feel responsive to control and not like you're just waggling around the wii remote and because of this some of them can actually be really fun to play multiple times to beat your high score like there's a well made target game a surprisingly fun matching me game and a tank shooter game which is like the best mini game on the collection easily the levels in the tank one offer a bunch of variety and interesting challenges most levels introduce a new color of tank enemy that all have different ai and try to kill you in different ways this game actually requires a lot of strategy and provides a great challenge especially in the later levels and while i can say all these good things about the games there are still some games that can feel let's say a bit too simplified and boring this fishing one over here is a literal snooze fest wait for a fish then pull a fish that's it i don't know maybe i just don't like fishing and some of the other games can just feel like you're barely doing anything and it's well just boring to play these types of games longer and longer to get a high score but overall i would say most of the games do provide some interesting interaction but there are a few that yeah i'd rather skip [Music] so we play how do you even top that well two words motion plus we play motion i.e the better version of we play well except for the fact that it doesn't have tanks this time but everything else is pretty well an improvement this time coming with 12 mini-games which is three more than we play on top of that each of them has different variants of the game which over doubles the amount of mini games here okay well not really but some of these games are even direct sequels to the games on wii play like the shooter one it was already one of the best mini games there but now you can move the camera around some levels will throw ninja stars and you even get a dino shooter seriously though there's like this whole on rails dino chase this time which is probably the best game in this collection then we have rock skipping while at first glance it may just look like well rock skipping but then in the side variants there's all these targets you try to land on these hoops to go through and even jumps to go off of you're rock skipping off of jumps they gave steroids to rock skipping they even took this one game on wii play that wasn't the best and actually made it fun they did this by literally turning it into that one game show with the shapes so that was cool too and they even tried out a bunch of cool ideas that really could only be possible on the wii like this ghost game with this one ghost will appear in your room everywhere except for on the tv screen so you point your wii remote all around your room to try and find these ghosts and you search for them by using vibrations and sounds from your wii remote there wasn't all that much to this mini game other than that but i like the idea of course with all these different mini games this time you are going to have a few bad ones like wow whack-a-mole on the wii that's exciting but with so many other games to choose from this time you'll find something to have fun with here okay so just two games left here and as you can see i'd say the best way that they use the wii remote was in the sports games the motions just felt the most natural here so let's get on to one of those games known as wii sports yes you know the deal you know the drill here you've statistically probably already played this game since it's one of the best selling games ever so you know what it's all about it just takes five sports that everyone knows and makes them playable with wii motion controls like technically sure this game didn't have that much but it achieved everything it was going for the use of motion controls was actually well done each sport was chosen based on what the wii remote could actually detect well mostly it focused on the motions of different sports like swinging a baseball bat or hitting a tennis ball and bowling was super fun too it actually felt like you were throwing a bowling ball for some people it may have felt a bit too realistic but for me it was my favorite sport in the game yes bowling of all things you could add a spin on the ball and you release b to let go which really mimics how you would let go of a normal bowling ball tennis was like my second favorite sport here while not as accurate as bowling there still was enough control for you to accurately position where you wanted to send the ball and golf actually felt like its own separate game with different holes and scenery in each one jeez now look at that we scenery baseball was very simplified but enjoyable i mean look at this bat movement whoa that was cool back then and boxing i didn't like that one too much this game also included a bunch of fun mini games for the sports under this training mode you can practice your tennis aim with targets on a wall or even try to hit a baseball to a certain area of the field but you already know i love the bowling one where you gotta knock down like a hundred pins that's just awesome i wanna do that in real life but since i don't have that many pins at my disposal i'm happy to play it on wii sports [Music] wii sports resort is actually a surprisingly fun game and honestly it seemed like they put a lot more into this one than the other games in the series all the games were fun and unique in their own rights while at the same time keeping to one common theme this theme being of course a vacation island see this time all the games took place on this island in different sections this really brought everything together in the game giving it a unique atmosphere that only this wii series game did and nintendo clearly liked this place because they kept bringing back wuhu island and many other games but enough about the deep lore of wii sports let's talk about the minigames they're plentiful and they're all great for the most part but they're easily the most fleshed out games there's your typical vacation games like wakeboarding canoeing and golfing again and they're all fun in their own right but you also have this airplane dogfight mode which is just great fun with friends or there's the much more casual and much more relaxing sightseeing mode it's great being able to fly around this island and see all the hot spots that it has this time you can also just joust somebody like damn what vacation spot has this i'm traveling there it's an epic sword fighting game that just puts you high up on this platform or there's a variant here where everyone's all coming after you jeez so you just gotta kill all the other island guests first hope you guys have travel insurance also the whole thing with this game was to showcase the wii motion plus and yeah the controls are better than wii sports this game literally couldn't be possible without it and it can actually be a lot more realistic when you're throwing a frisbee for example or even archery was a lot more tense because of this the better controls really helped this whole experience and made the best game that the wii series had to offer okay so this is the part of the video where i usually reveal the next ranking video i'm gonna do but once again it seems like i can't find the game anywhere this time it was gonna be ranking a bunch of different things in a single mario game but yeah like i said i can't find that game anywhere literally again i've looked everywhere it's definitely not on my computer i've looked in the shelf i've looked in this corner with no luck this couch definitely isn't hiding anything and yeah there's nothing there so i don't know what else to tell you no reveal for this video see ya [Music] you
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 63,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infinite bits, wii, wii u, wii party, wii play, wii play motion, wii fit, wii fit u, wii sports, wii sports resort, motion controls, Ranking All Wii Series Games from Worst to Best, top 10 wii games, wii series games tier list, every wii series game, ranking wii sports games, nintendo switch, wii series games ranked, video game series, greatest wii games of all time, best wii games, wii sports resort minigames ranked, wii golf, wii tennis, wii bowling, #bestwiigames
Id: Ap5NgOWk0Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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