Frostbite 2019 - Japan vs North America Crew Battle

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it's time for the Frostbite 2019 North America versus Japan cruel battle as I look around this room I see in la see lots of people ready for this match we've got 10 of the best players from North America against 10 of the best players from Japan I'm your host Coney and let's get it started by introducing Team North America starting off we've got CLG Boyd I got I got 20 player save it for the rest all right come on Penta Global's ISA TSM tweaked the Canadian destroyer ally [Applause] echo fox FBG do this with me em our baby boy just recently picked up rogue light [Applause] also recently signed in United samsara [Applause] also got the long island wonder does [Applause] and finally rounding it out the inkling master himself it's panda global cosmos and hanging up the team it's their team captain I'm saving it for last it is the leader of the nut food nation and our ji [Applause] but let us not take get too ahead of ourselves we have a whole other team on this side of Hungary competitors ready to take down North America they are people [Applause] soon [Applause] [Music] they set a - excellent excellent okay all right playoff game wits Zac ray [Applause] next [Applause] Oh Mickey she tone [Music] [Applause] [Music] come ma [Music] and and this guy who's already done a lot of damage at this turn already T and of course there would be nowhere without their team captain from Japan [Applause] all right so before we get started we're going to do that thing that all smashers love when we have a little bit of banter the smash is very good at that gyro you've got all of North America riding on you America Mexico Canada what do you have to say against your opponent the team of captain Japan all right for one there's no Bowser in this crew battle so I'm gonna be trying very very hard all right all right closer okay all right that's frostbite crew battle that was the Bowser and sucked on the team I won't listen but he ain't on the team no more so now this time we're gonna win free Alberto go I must ask what is your response I know you have a buzzer pass him hababam mercy for us but we have a background [Applause] that is the secret weapon you see what he's been doing all right now it's time to find out team captains narrow who will you be sending in first the bus [Applause] Alba taco who will you be sending in first who is the best who is the best starting it off the buzz against Sioux ladies and gentlemen let's get this true battle going Kotaro d1 take it away it's time ladies and gentlemen last time two years ago there's a crew battle which actually accumulated like about a million plus views on YouTube with Japan vs. USA there were different people on the battlefield remember there was this guy who was like it's the top of the players when I come in all the others flock just jv3 suck if I play against Sonic Fox scarf around my neck so cold that I pass huh boy I got Barnes keep it bouncing like a GI block he's not here anymore who says now zero he's killing it though he's killing it though he's doing a great job as a streamer and I love them can't wait to see him come back regardless though we have a lot of amazing players here representing both countries we don't have komamura carry on the team either you know Ron is not here either we got team but still both sides have amazing players and going in into this fight instead of sending in tweek like they did in the beginning tweet did win the first match he fought against Sioux in the beginning Japan sticking to their common gameplan two years ago sue started it off but he did drop to tweek is the buzz gonna be able to help these guys start things off greatly this is interesting I can see why they put in Sioux because of you know like the whole thing with Lucario and the aura so they thinking maybe Sioux can beat the buzz and then still have the aura while having one stock left and destroy the next person however this is the buzz we're talking about he usually destroys Japan except for today yeah he still is a fantastic player often consider top five in the world but you know it might be a new top 5 player in the world his name might be Chi but we're not gonna talk about that right now we're gonna talk about this match this is Lucario versus Alomar what are you expecting to see Lucario versus orlimar of course it's sucks right now that the hit lack got changed for the our sphere because you know these Lucario means they were able to get a lot of amazing mix-ups on their opponents to up open them up using the B reversal and in conjunction with that horse fear charge now if you're able to even hit the opponent with it it's so difficult at nitin up basically impossible to get anything off of it so knowing the buzz I feel like we're gonna see Oh Lamar for some reason yeah a little more definitely Missy Alomar it's a safe pick I mean palutena can definitely fight against lucario lucario at a right height to get neutral aired by Paula Tina which could actually help out the buzz quite a bit why do that when you can fight with Alomar at Kos that like a hundred percent against lucario lucario has troublesome hitboxes don't be able to hit him so yeah yeah it's a great short character hit he's able to apply so much amazing shield pressure with this up smash which has decreased and lag it's gonna look really scary dog right I'm gonna be real with you man Olimar ain't that pain that easy to fight against and a lot of people still show that no matter how long this character has been in Smash Brothers he still continues to be that character that not too many people know how to rock properly and because of that you get blown up if you don't have proper all of our practice exactly it's coming from Japan and they son Oliver over there shoot on mainly a really good representative of that character not sure if sue made sure to you know get some practice in before fighting against the bus hopefully he did because uh it's gonna be a little bit of a tough one again we talked about how before two years ago they sent insu in the beginning and tweek managed to take that winner once tweeks Donkey Kong yeah vs. soo Salicornia like 829 stocks 227 twink only drop what stock I'm not surprised this DK was ridiculous at that point in time and also it doesn't make sense that he did that well however however however who did win it the crew battle two years ago Japan because nitro as an anchor was not a good look and thankfully I made sure to talks and I are like your dog are you gonna be the anchor this side no I was like alright good see you won we have to all of our coming out from the buzz tail Lucario's them soon USA's be true matter that's afraid they're the same thing to sue back with the advice he really still took a sec that's that's straight facts though here it is the bus sticking with the owner Marella just like you said before coming through from deep tar signals pigment forcing su to have to bat them away and you see that all and the range fire pikmin right there he's looking for these charts and smashes knowing that it's 89 percent I could get him if he's into the list so he's going for a real hard and I want to see that purple come out but that aura that aura yeah man it's there it's building right now the boom all that my pigment are gone but thankfully that buff to the plucks allows Palomar to run away and get the pigment even quicker this time a lot of people like to talk about sickle mode but they don't know about goo-goo gah-gah mode when was that shoe gets in that arm range he turns into a baby and he just literally smashed the c-stick and the smash attacks are about see one right about whoo oh my goodness and all that she'll damage look at the bus fading back trying to get please all that shield yeah dog that ain't looking healthy not at all yeah he needs to watch up will Warren that's it so long to hit it made this she'll decrease because he was only ship up the wrong way best facts he was holding it for such a long time the buzzes Simon's able to finally old Perry won't try to get the up slash but a little too far yeah he got the parry but no punish coming up after gonna say another counter yup he was try to get the force mess okay the pigments up they hit the Sun nice right the buzzes goes in with the fair and us get screams on their feet alright the buzz was looking really scared there but he did get that you got the white pigment on pants hats a combo 75% within less than five seconds fantastic it's looking scary it looks like history bites just be real it's rewriting of stats guitar it is alright now sway 100% against the or but can you come back we all be oh my god the edge guards fantastic from the bus he's just looking for that up session he'll do what he'll do to know more shield but he'll just be aggressive to bus oh yeah splash on your face here it is okay looking for that flash again against the side P but not the strong part of it is to gonna get this your net box right there 45% super or average Lucario 20% did yo and you saw how that pigment from beat still got the special attack because that's the watch out he's basically a desperate set right here yep my dad Oh ash the buzz always searching for gets it to work out good stuff by the fuzz let seems to be able to bring it back without the or this is a little bit too intense for me man and people are making a lot of noise to get for the bus yo he's bringing the press with uh oh oh nice he's trying to get the same type of leave that sweet got the first one but the head smash almost kayo he could actually do what's weak did if he gets one more just one more stuck in our sock okay however Sue's not gonna let that happen remember if he gets this one k out and then he happens to be able to get a lot of aura woo no we got nerve all right 2.0 baby and the 3.0 coming soon sue might be out the turning already when it comes to singles but he's not ready window just yet 100% he's at 100% full power open however you can be killed by a purple pigment it looks like the buzz is saving that purple pigment on purpose so you can get that up smash white pigment on him let's see what happened to an OD damn it sue had to read he saw this side beam but he ran a little too far to try to get it to connect good stuff by the bus getting that one stock right there on sue yo we got the flag right there up in the skies look at that man and the right here man happy Bobby's person in it I tell you alright telling you man that flag it's still there dawg Americans out there the bus sending out a tweet right now like hit easy peasy lemon squeezy if you already know look at the bus he's like looking at his phone he Sam's like yo autumn are nice okay Pickman busted how many people are actually in this crew battle is it eight per team oh you pick it up that come on check alright come on man it might be it might because there's a lot of flight sorry so here's the thing the but I think it's ten person okay ten man the buzz just one the buzz best Alomar in the world as it looks right now however narrowly wait narrowly escapes by the skin of his teeth AG man I can't even hear a Cody but now he might be fighting somebody these not prepared for please welcome from Japan Leia [Applause] hereis okay here we go no I must say write what they know sue did way better than he did two years ago he's off to stocks instead of one okay so not bad not bad you with the notes okay I'm liking that turtleneck you got the notes I don't even have a turtleneck my collarbone Sean baby I don't care here we go what the heck you looked at it alright but remember guys this is the counterpick stage for Leia so Leah's gonna choose the stage and the bus is gonna have to deal with it and I was actually expecting to see T come out because remember T was able to three oh the bus just case you guys don't know T apparently has gotten top three at the last three JEP Japanese supermajors okay so he got under seeded heavily at the sort of man and that's how he's able to destroy the cat and also destroyed to get you know he did a piece on time let them go on that one I'm gonna say one thing right now the way that Japan is making their decisions is very similar to again the previous crew battle in 2017 so when sue loss they went immediately to shoot on but because of the fact that the buzz is here instead of trying to opt for a and orlimar mirror they're gonna they decided to go with Leia now look at this the the third player that they sent in after shootout loss was actually soul mate the greninja man of soul mate is notably absent here also instead of going for a suit song they were like all right let's get in our game plan grim enjoy why is the buzz frozen he's still alive frostbite there we go the buzz is gonna have to jump off the stage twice and we have a countdown to begin the match let's see if your ninja could do it or if he'll end up just like last time where USA was up by pretty much two to three socks in the beak because of its weak one let's go so here we go the buzz out on the field he already has the Purple's contact that white just forcing I was about to say so man Malaya into the skies there lay a loves to go for a lot of these full jump approaches crossing Europe with the neutral that if you win and he lands on you with that neutral that big damage comes out that is surely one of the things we're gonna look for that layers looking for actually is to get the buzz in the air especially that - attack in the down so however none of it is happen yet and 10% only from that you shall be yeah having the purple pigment is actually helping the bus a lot in this mansion cuz usually if you throw the pigment right there's no hit sucks but when you have the purple out all of a sudden those - the time are nothing but will he get stuck there will he go off maybe okay we oh that was a little too close for comfort all right trying to end it already if you can just get this one side flake get this one suck it will be even in socks oh I see why decide to pick him but the purple is still there the blue right now autumn he has a personal oh my goodness so buzz he has to watch how everyone's doing that against there's all of our now everyone's countering him however that's the time correctly Japan makes it even good against USA graces that down so always got to be careful of that all right now we have a bit of a scary situation y'all so [Applause] interestingly enough right just to give you some background remember I said it was like tweak tweak versus it was tweet versus to tweak one then it was tweak versus shoot on shoots on one then a light came in and an ally beat shoot on ally beats so man then he finally lost to Ken Wow I did really good yeah so I don't know I don't know if they want to bring our ally against against a great mayor but yeah I don't know how I feel about that cuz like their own Sam soar is actually coming yeah it makes more sense because I feel like the reason a light came out was because all of our was out so they used a light to counter the Olimar with his Mario yeah so now here it is it's time for Kody to traduce the players to the stage and yeah here we go Playa ties it back up 27 to 27 but coming up next another unfamiliar opponent it is a united Sam Sora got any here's testing testing could yah here's what's up y'all right back at it again I don't think we even introduced ourselves but it could need it for us doing a guitar we are out here Sam Sora on stage is gonna be the next character while player that's here and I don't remember simps or actually being a part of the crew battle so yeah he wasn't he wasn't at all this was like 2 years ago so it's a long time and it's a cure for cancer yeah different game back before he's looking to be about top 10 at the end of smash 4 but remember guys the Sox are even Leia is playing greninja and there's a lot of peaches in Japan so he might just have this matchup practice however there's a reason I picked this maybe same source really good against greninja maybe has a greninja in his region up in Florida or maybe they're just like it's Sam sword we believe it is a come out honestly I feel like Sam Sora's a very good character to use make sure to get rid of some of the pesky pesky opponents that are that may not be too common right what like when you fight against women so that's kind of like an obscure matchup for some yeah and it's like yo Sam sir could you just like get one it hurt that that is true so that might be a reason why they decide to put similar especially because British is a very grounded character always hopping around dashing back and forth and sometimes you can run in and get that down tilt but right now what I'm seeing right here from Leia is the fact that his short hot backers are the perfect height to stop Santorum from using his approaches oh gosh she was trying to end it already only has 77% gold for that almost fully charged up smash but Sam so I'm not gonna fall into it school Japan they are here to play nice beautiful TI samsara staying alive okay one more fair will be able to get the KO and he's looking for it already playing its best currently Japan is in the lead last time at the last crew battle it took them almost seven full players to be able to get in the lead already this early way up that this is looking very difficult anger man I wonder if Sam Starr was able to practice with what knowing that you know Plouffe is up yo Florida oh I don't know same sort of special puffs at all right now cuz it's not looking like giving you might be looking for that smash already cool trying to sneak it out Japan is in the building where's the USA chance I'm not hearing about yo cover taking some time to think I've only doing 71% of laughs oh my god I read Jesus came through oh my goodness a tie - all right hold on this is gonna be a three-stop guy the way Simpson okay hope coming through what the assistance is long all right so let's see that fantastic edge guard coming out but let's decide to bull hop all the way over everything oh oh oh the crowd went from USA two three stuck three stuck what happened a loyal man they are not loyal at all he actually cannot that was a waste encounter pick ladies and gentlemen oh this guy thought you could use speech against hey what happened get out of here before you do your top five in the world is before you do your top ten in the world list make sure you include Japan in that that's straight facts look look there's a craze popping on hillside Chris Matthews bedtime what are you doing the way it's way past as best I don't believe it his parents are here they definitely watch it they're watching though they're angry yeah boy but you better phone home or something Oh who's gonna bring it back who's gonna bring a bad guy I can't handle this I can't miss three socks ahead this is like the opposite of what happened at the crew battle two years ago you probably expecting oh there's people sigh Betty by um doing stuff in the crowd and they all are on USA cider like us a free free no wait did you did you do it Cody please please lay that was ugly but hopefully the next player from North America takes some socks off this absolute demon please welcome panda global wait did he just talk to me was like up nice seems like Pikachu over peach you all day every day yeah all day no Pikachu top 5 I'm like no Pikachu number 1 and when I asked him about Pichu and 67 I will asipi ce7 is one of the most explosive players there's a reason why he's so huge it's a reason why he's reached over a hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube this guy is such an explosive player yeah in the game y'all very aggressive he might be the most aggressive player I can even think of off the top of my head and he also has the strongest opinions on stuff yes he does if anything I feel like he saw a green ninja he's like put me and put me in now put me in their life and boys like why should we put you in he said I miss him I miss him did you forget that was a good boy at first by the way what why should we put you away why should I put you in he said I know credential I've grown inches I was from Florida we had real inches in the ocean we're like they got afib Ian's in there man he got a penguin injured dog defeats it flies but that was absolute destruction that was so bad and I can't say destruction that was absolute obliteration okay okay so maybe water like I don't know he said could be able to take this does he have enough credential practice this guy might just be the best greninja in the world and oh here's the thing here's the thing what I remember in Japan they did a cheerless they put religious number - no where are you from okay well from page one for page one record you're bad all over again both the tag and I'm definitely about to get an email from Twitter d1 how did you approve this oh good but remember they had greninja at high level of top-tier so I have a feeling that they thought let's drop the greninja early America's not gonna know what to do against this character and so far it's looking like that will easy Sam be frozen or will he at least be able to take off all the subs here we go and immediately with the pika pika well it doesn't even have to run off the stage because he's straight up three socks Sam Sora put them in the dirt oh now we're gonna go set it to this battle back on a Pokemon Center Rex have a Pokemon battle with these cats where'd it lay up is he looking like ashes greninja but yeah I mean the waste plate looks like a suspension oh [Applause] wow I'm already hit that beat man yeah I don't know what song that is but here we go he is out like a light slay it all right light it has a play yeah but here we go but he's they've already ticked off and stopped being able to do something that same circuit into a three volts locks on the side so maybe he said might be able to bring back the favor to Japan and potentially get a three sock let's see Kenneth grab and he understands exactly how to come but you don't want to be on those platforms man if you're underneath the platform when he goes for that low throw you gotta change Oh give it a little all the loops are beginning when did I stop it this right guy trying to go for it all all right it's crazy how much or how long that combo goes on but actually doesn't do that much damage beautiful you saw that air dodge he did not want to get caught right there that's how you know you knows how to fight greninja - exactly went to air dodge on that such a smart player and he actually grabbed the edge with that the whig attack so smart gets the - tak look at all that states that homeboy got now oh my goodness I am playing so aggressive just has people to watch off in a fair o sight if he went clear over his head that was a mess a pup oh I like that going for their downs you get he definitely knows how to find a pub no no not today means a little bit more percentage dog okay can ease himself a chance no no chance at a three-star putting on left however he's still looking pretty proud to be able to get a to stock on him and be able to bring it back for you a safe being only one sock behind exactly that that's the plant here it's Sam could at least take the rest of these socks without loosen to his final two he'll be good but lay ahead his combo games nice especially his movement is fantastic however however okay oh he was scheming if there's the corner all right SM took too much damage there please already trying to take off the stock and only 63% but he has a lot of ragin oh one more he did something he needs a loop he let's play starts it oh he just needs a crab oh wait wait oh wait the more you went for up there I was already expecting it okay he said we're already winning it so far for America on it at least in this free software's free stock play yo 93% he said going all the way out there didn't want to have to do with afford it nope let's see how he lands yep the ice away though smart man okay whenever you get that down to oh your nose the loops are beginning and he seems crazy he's gonna go on stage you already know Oh big it has free damage right there gets the best attack he has to watch out because it's looking for either down so or there or maybe a space fair he really needs a stock and he know he's looking for really hard however yes watch out for these up airs hurts for us say I am still he could try his best here because if he gets a match so that could work I really walk 400 Malayan it looks like he might be starting to figure out the matchup beginning to download easy I'm Gavin scritto check his soul methodical right why I went from looking like a potential three stock in so possibly Leia being able to bring it back such a good player layer right now looking like an MVP for Japan definitely MVP making work like this is why they thought greninja stop to this why they think he's top three in his country but can you follow up after it I thought one s smash noodle edge will be able to take it I know he's gonna be looking for he did earlier there it is that quick fight for a Punisher key just to go for that thunder really early one two oh okay wait nice roll back don't for a lot of crabs over there I like that up here to get out the side and say instead of bone short roll yeah that woulda been way more punishable Russell's right there by land very ambiguous with the approaches and eats em goes all in with the dash attack wow he actually went for the astronauts to get the KO people a converted no we cannot that was so scary that was so scary she's Illya yikes being able to keep his composure even though Leia was able to bring it back and always get their first free Oh on the three stocks was able to win it tell you man every time that I see lair take the stage with his greninja I keep telling myself you know what might as well stop picking up this character seriously again because he's making me a believer he and I love a frogman himself and he didn't have anything else to avoid so he wanted his wallet and used a five dollar bill yeah exactly you know I hear that you're just flat-out let's man it's thick enough you know that's exactly what happened right there because stuff the II said making us a only be two socks down now instead of three this is looking like the exact opposite of what happened at the crew battle yeah I do that - I look I do it here we go no no nobody's wagering that was just something I want to do it but he's edgy but any no good stuff again to Japan for being still two socks ahead Cody Cody take it away right now has to change yet he Sam finds a way to defeat the Chapman his Menace - let's see if he can defeat the young man from Eagle land please welcome catched waken a still Harris oh yeah here we go gasp kacct yo this guy is so amazing with his Ness I remember I put out a tweet talked about how gagged is one of the strongest players that he saw coming out of Japan and look at ECM already hands on his hip he's not gonna dip he's happy he definitely took a deep breath cuz he understands that this ain't gonna be easy there's a tall order right here for him I don't know what's up I really he's happy he has to take three shots with this only one stock versus a very very strong nest representative this ain't no ordinary that's now yes this is gap we're talking about keep in mind ECM only has one stock so each seven is actually able just to take one stock I believe that will make them even no no that actually put us a like one stock behind instead of two stocks behind so that's the complete goal of ECM right now either USA's two socks behind if you simply just take one stock that's it so when it's fun you know you'd be a good coach cuz me and if I was literally the captain I'd be like II said you better take two stocks we need to but but one would be a - I'm the head coach in your - bad coach good cop bad cop person let's see what ECM is gonna be able to do so just keep in mind so ECM as one stock left yeah and they have so that if ECM loses the stock curse will be three stock swap okay mm-hmm right yeah they'll be three stocks behind your gear that man said they're better than code I think we haven't ate it together oh you should have seen us look good at math let me tell you one thing that Kony means for his look wings cuz you saw that air pot it is here yeah somebody better I would love for a video editor to actually put waves on him as he moves on oh please no rip dog gak currently having that trip right now is hair kind of looks like it in the time coming up off the bat I mean real rap I respect the GATS gax game man when it comes to the to like the Pico okay here it is Co all right we got the cap down a quick trade oh Eastham already took ten percent it's over no no he's a miss but he's really good at getting people are educating people so he's gonna try to get gag off the stage oh wait cheap stop cheap stuff very cheap but it's working out really well and trying to go for that K all right he's only 50% he says again forty really think Ness is always gonna go low these trades man gackt understands as long as he just takes trades here he's totally fine ACM went a little bit too hard there one stock all these all he needs all he needs is one stock to at least make this a decent scenario if he loses a stock it will still be a three stock lead for Japan that's it meant all the games just one stock one dream other sided stage oh my gosh he's definitely expecting those drugs it's totally fine he's a good son you did good yep dead good shot thank you so now you would say is still to stocks what does that I look shook what does that light look look look at him reading are they really gonna put it he's like please don't put me in not nothing it's bad there has to be somebody that's really good against yes even the cameraman was so he was looking at I was like dog I was crazy anyway Cody I'm sorry guys we're talk it's a production while we're here at the same time you can't hear but uh is it time to throw Cody I will just start with the Cody right off the bat right oh there's Kony I see him the sonic at how you can throw it back to us you know yeah it'll be ok there is this Oman hi hi how's it going alright instead finds a way to take out a stock but still there are two left for tact please welcome his next opponent Panther Global's cosmos oh it's might be destruction yo can we talk about how cameraman noticed that Kony was about to pick his nose on a hot stream and they're like yo check change change the angle I saw him digging for gold off he was digging for some gold cookie earlier today and now he's you know doing something else but here we go looks like the choosing counterfeit stage so one good thing about putting in cosmoses if he could get nuts off the stage I know I spoke about ECM being like potentially the most aggressive player I know your cosmos is like in there in that top five this guy if you're off stage he would do anything to hit you off and I feel that's why he plays inkling so optimal this is why he's the best inkling by far because he'll go running off the stage to hit you and perhaps the cosmos playing corn a lot of people thought that maybe it's just only a quarry main but he's doing absolutely fantastic with inkling getting top eight at Genesis losing 3-1 to the buzz yeah I mean looking at cosmos dude he's been such a hard worker and when it came to this at this game he understood that inkling could be top five a lot of people were like well I don't really see the results and he was like I see me at Genesis and Genesis that big one that he got over narrow yet spoke that that's was a lot of words right there a dog that was like way over 280 character limit on Twitter and this is what another reason why he's in this crew battle cuz a lot of top players they know how good cosmos is he you know he wasn't getting those results for a little bit they're getting a lot of nice like a glitch in stuff they had a feeling they knew like hey this guy's this kids really good and here he is right now going up against gag and they know if he could just get him off the stage it might be over however I don't recall cosmos getting too much practice against Ness man that's unfortunate man I thought like you know the cat is at home what does he play hooky does he not show up the way you don't you guys have to log do attendance like Mehcad here's a weird thing about the locker people think that like we play all the time all day and got day uh-huh I mean we kind of do on streams we do but if it's not streaming we're hanging out going to White Castle you know and chilling all the time but the thing is the cat isn't really the player that plays with almost anyone he'll come hang out yeah well it's rare to see the cat playing for us now same thing on false they don't really play with the restaurants but cosmos tweak tack room yeah myself stylish Sylvanas we all play with each I mean the reason why it falses are playing with you guys is because he's busy with the broad documentary I totally understand that the legal moment okay yes the problem be quiet here we go GAC coming up let's see what he could do you might be able to do some now let me get another candy Jackson vs. cosmos I'm losing my voice I'm gonna have to calm down a little bit there we go all right talk to him son by the way this is my son on stage just anyone son he had a lot of people seem to get D 1 & Kosmos mixed up for some reason yes that's my son dog here you go 3 2 1 let's go alright it is immediately stood him up with that splat bomb but notice how gag did not want any parts of that jumping over the platform it was like now I'm gonna fight my my way so right now cosmos again he needs to help bring it back for USA Japan is looking absolutely immaculate almost damn near unbeatable but there is that jab learn some so well when you wanna go in for a grab and you know you're not gonna get it you might as well put out the jab cuz it'll beat up their spot dodging place so here's the thing right now USA's down to socks so they're hoping for cosmos impossible to take off to entire stops if you can take on two socks about losing one I'll be perfectly if you can take off two socks while only losing one that's fine however cat doesn't care bulge avataq let's see if you could punish Oh a lot of other people can't do that yeah yeah he's good at it alright all we need is one roller and it might be the end okay up there then immortal combo now gets a little bit of ink as well he's that just in case he wants to decide to use a roller let's be careful nice he's trying to get those multipliers out there of course you already know the max 1.5 and it's very hard to get it with the roller because of the fact that gak is short hopping and using that side magnet to slow down his descent he's waiting for a roller and cosmos because it is kind of struggling to figure out what can work here smash an tires are an option fate back for dresses oh my gosh if you can flashed I was about to say you know it's slick goggles either hang back just a little bit so he doesn't get back thrown again I've raised you really looking for this KO and there it is nice 100% right here cosmos can you get one more sock I don't know if it's possible he's looking to hire percent he almost got killed by that backer a little earlier and he's going really aggressive especially gaxx on the left yeah he you know he's feeling a who's like man I could actually do it I could bring it back to the squad but he's gonna have to do a lot of work gak Coquille with a lot of amazing tools good tenant though but you should not have thrown out that attack yak able to punish you get that back throw all cosmos needs is one more stock and it will make it a lot better for Team USA nice honestly though cosmos might have been a really solid counter pick by my eyes and kept captain because in fact that you don't need is that night lost let's give me some it's a quick exactly that's right Batman everybody has to watch out for now fee I feel like that's the main issue you could have can't go too aggressive oh wait deal wait I didn't even know you could do that with the splat bomb thing up and there can we go wait uh-oh again he likes to be really aggressive off the stage he doesn't care about your upbeat and however you saw that you saw that air dodge less having the longest in us that fits so long whoo that was scary okay get away from the ledge man yo yo cactus pushing back the hoe no the gat could actually bring him back yes he definitely bring it back there's all this were talking about 72% thousands in one's one restock is he gonna go crazy it might pop out smash okay he didn't catch him okay okay back here coming up with gags gonna go off oh my gosh that could have been it right there he had gotten affair and that's gonna be wait wait wait okay there it is I never trust that animation ever again Sakurai you fooled me once never twice by a beautiful job cosmos putting them at a us at a one sock deficit not bad still a slow climb right here not bad but the thing is when every year the player that has less socks right now consoles has two stops and whoever has to fight and scream you're the one that you disadvantaged when you have the less socks because if your opponent if you take two socks two socks it's even but your opponent could potentially take your two socks first and it's just not even any more because now your opponent gets a fight against a new player with a whole new sock at 0% so you have to make sure at least cosmos has to make sure to be able to take off well two socks is fine 261 but he needs to take off three three one because then they're actually take the lead yes exactly sorry whoever you're putting in all right so guys we're about to throw it straight over to right about now let's do it cosmos almost evens it out against Team Japan but we're gonna have to see how he fares against his next opponent please welcome come May May [Applause] com'ere okay this is the champion of the last of the last crew battle please him I mean the prism oh wait you mean the person that actually let me see come aiming looking at last year you said he was it the MVP yeah yeah come a mate beat he beat zero like how bad he beat the moment the match was done it was nine to seven in stocks then he beat boat no void beat him afterwards so void beat him afterwards eight six stocks and then waited btran I then no don't run I be void Salem beat run I else take a stock off a void yeah yeah okay but end of day up you say commitment was the MVP oh yeah look right here okay let me so this one ending at twelve nine and then twelve nine was zero Bert that was the end of zebra scary huh yeah so USA was up by three socks but then come and may made it down by two socks and then come and continue to make it down by two so he took like about four stalks that's actually pretty good yeah it's actually pretty good if you play crew battle three socks guys taking four stalks is like you just you just basically warned your team appoint so good stuff to come in for doing that let's see what he could do this time around he's fight against cosmos inkling I don't know Japan has eight links of level cosmos because one of the best English for example on the down low is 300 by cosmos earlier however I don't think I know I'm a dongle one Meta Knight so I don't know if he did the whole set but yeah alright cosmos might be the secret MVP forty he was a right now he might be because of the fact that you're able to just rack up so much quick damage when you're using the England's right those throw combos they lead to a lot and even if opponents are like if cosmos is a little bit late on his timing you saw he was able to reset the situation whenever a person goes for an air dodge by landing on them with the back air confirming that it's well grab then going for another up throw up air situation so he could kind of vortex you with the character and let's not forget the fact that he could potentially get the 1.5 times multiplier with damage when he inks up his opponent fully so there's a lot of scary things that you have to watch out for when facing off against his character and cosmos definitely has a character that has the right tools to be able to mount a comeback but let's see what coming man has up his sleeve because I've seen a man named Ababa dango have a bit of a tough time with angling back in his home country okay true well what character D things going okay he's going Megaman Oh reminiscent to the old crew battle two years ago where he's able to take four stalks including taking out zero let's see how he's gonna do this time around we do have a Mega Man in the lost house how many how many things do they have for these guys we do have two mega men in the house Stiles who does play cosmos quite a bit so he has some Megaman practice but let's see if cosmos can deal with one of the best megaman if not the best mega man in the world here we go mate yes coming mate definitely a legend it is already trying to basically not let cosmos get one grab you see the pellets he's fading back full jumping throwing out metal blades he just he understands that that set up the grab is a tough one he doesn't want to deal with a even the lead plate as well yep all the best tools anti-graft gave it's the name of common man's game puts himself in the air though but you know why only he's only had 21 it's not that bad an anti grabbed a miss really good because cosmos he loves to grab he'll - out - back in and get the grab in this you see right there already looking for it so if you could play a way where he cannot get the grab he's gonna be in trouble oh my god off of the metal blade now may may might be the MVP of this new crew battle again while you fake if you definitely first that possible why was Randy could be the MVP of Japan's an MVP USA to guard but yeah I hit the same man a lot of times people say just don't get grabbed coming in showing basically how it's up right there okay taking them all stages probably to go off again knowing him there we go watch out for the crash by way that was spooky yes that was scary because he had tried to like protect or something he might have ended up s skiing from mistake way nice Tech chase I love that setup he's aggressive oh nice keep their actual vulnerable frame so you could squeeze in that nest down smash and cosmos peanuts up the top player that he is was able to get it squeezing in that paint puck and cosmos might now realize that he can't go for the grabs that he's looking for popular the first stop she's gonna be hopping around a lot to get that back here in the crab that's also confirmed you know it caitli bleed us out again very very tough tool to deal with man okay uh-oh here it is though the Bucs the buff for their has so much great knock back you see right there consoles D I'm back I love that the two hits of the back are getting all the hits away quick able to take that so clean wait how far ahead is Japan now well let's see cosmos was only able to take off one one stock you mentioned right yeah um are they down I think that makes it still even like they're still down to stocks cuz like remember whenever he says to sucks yeah I think it's to wait oh wait no wait what wait what wait wait wait what are you doing this segment should send in nairobi Smeg a man but why so cosmos still did pretty good he was able to take off two stops and then take off another stock so that makes it so that they're so even there's still down two stocks they didn't really change too much of what's happening but it looks like they're selling an arrow nairo actually gonna come through yeah and they're still there so deliberating Kotaro it wasn't a full confirmation as i just heard from the boys in the back okay I'm gonna wait but I think it's not where we're to come through the palutena would be highly likely what do you feel I feel like you'll probably say that probably say no but he has Mussina he's been working on we seen a lot I notice that I'm Kao picked up Mussina and this guy's because we see this I don't know but you know who would I have the answer who Cody coming up next the captain has decided to step in ladies and gentlemen the leader of Team North America and RG nairo if there are any knife who's in the chat show that screaming apex twenty thirteen or fourteen nairo when he took out zero and grand finals was able to win his first brawl national let me see them knife whose yes man the Nitro apexis use them so much that the chat actually crashes this actually helps out the people at switch to make sure that we're delivering a pristine and working product yep for the general populace that is true alright so it's looking like if I if what I think is correct USA is down to socks yeah just anyone I think can even it out I like I emphasized Leo and sweet get honestly yeah I'd say it would definitely be narrow if anything I put more money on it Nairobi a believing it out because this guy plays in a way where like he never wants to lose you can see it in space you can see it like he'll twitch I'm not losing yes yeah I've seen that so many times from nars marrow as a player who that fleep place with his heart on a sleeve right when you look at him I feel losses when he loses make sure to stay far away man because he's not you know he doesn't want to speak you want to have time to recollect himself and you know be with his own thoughts he'll be fine after he resets that's just how some people aren't me you know back in the days if people want to talk to me when I lose I'm like you're don't touch definitely be like that but let's do a character he's gonna go okay rule okay Oliver alright alright that's a joke yeah that's a joke yeah palutena okay this makes a lot more sense by the way guys you only have five stages at your disposal they are starters the starters our final destination battlefield Smashville town at City you think I know are you looking at me you think I know what commentator you're not snap but staff will hit us up with a stage in just a moment all right they're not looking but here we go Naruko and palutena vs megaman i want to see what you could do to socks down if narrow is able to take off two socks without losing one it'll be even for USA versus Japan because again the person that has the lower amount of socks is the one that's in the more in more trouble because he loses two socks let's do anything boom even and then I reduce you start over again with three stocks in 0% so that's what narrow is looking for but if you can at least take one stock and it maybe lose only one himself so let's say he takes on two stocks ok loses one then it's still like not that bad not that crazy to lead and resets his percent two stocks is the better thing is that before here we go how may may versus not alrighty it's time it's not look trying to eat the snow anyway here we go Hey look at that crotch walk okay look at read let's do the one and let's go let's get it and immediately with the auto reticle I nairo I feel like you did it right before they said go though yeah yeah cheating IRA cheat let's make that a new emote the or deny receipt Louisville done that's the auto reticle alright well here we go narrow he had to leave the beginning but I may be able to bring it back by being aggressive I like hot I wrote understands that when it comes to mitts and close range this character Mega Man can be quite annoying to deal with so he's doing it for long range battles this guy was already looking for that down air and 53% that's my remote man he will go for it it's an artist yes definitely one of the most not the fact that he's so confident with it allows them to keep practicing getting it to the point where he's almost perfect with it yeah and that back are gonna send them on stage and again nairo looking for that down there hey backyard said air dodge has to come out oh there it is yep you were so right Qatar Oman overhand I was a free crab opportunity right there yes by naira trying to see okay I like the narrative this matchup you saw how he is able to actually Clank whit the pellets from Mega Man but this is so a really good lead backer off the stage let's see if I get that supposed to play there it is so I know yep you saw the fade back right there by common man he switched the crash bomb but not good enough and he has to watch out for come and go well since get a KO you know who that was so yeah he should've went for it down smash actually good for the UPS master probably try to turn around you can almost smell the fact that coming I was looking for that up till got it to come out but missed and our unfortunate em smashed the wrong way alright good roll right there he's keeping centre and nice the pellets basically intercepted of fair by narrow narrow is buckling it right now there we go I like that up be getting to flee up the way not you see a second jump to get bread bike MMA however come in here looking for that K already he disappeared and you saw an arrow he went to the game receipt I'm getting serious vote and lean forward definitely a tough situation here that's the polity know the definite could make it happen okay he back there nairo he has the potential to be able to bring it back for the team but it's not gonna be easy yep Naru could still do this he can still make it better for the team as long as he's able to take down one stop looking for it there but coming minutes just staying away okay alright supposed to play okay yeah yeah else to go for it signal coming it was just fading back all the time oh but how many look at it really good on percent right about now Oh VI oh my gosh does not die oh but there's another backer and narrow it's just really high percents gonna be really hard to not get hit by anything that could actually chaos is that bare last I was able to ko whoa oh yeah one more one more try to be super clutch there but didn't go for it Center coming in oh that is risky still alive sliver live let's see our recovers I like that just up beings in center stage that back door is not gonna kill just yet but 150 800 coming in that's be very careful he needs you really is this last stock right here to be able to even it out or not even out be one sock away can you get it who you wanted it right there okay so bear careful no and here's a stop for Team Japan Wow instead of three stuck without guitar okay yes that's true so all my records do now is be able to still make it to socks down for Team USA that's it but if he loses another sock it'll be back to three stops ahead remember come in he was the MVP for Team Japan last time oh my gosh and he's looking at like it right now back throw but not gonna K oh oh oh at the fair sorry oh no come Amy technically SD what he had to dodge that so now I'm still keeping it even and you still be able to be okay if you can take two stalks off of the next player on team Japan what are you thinking right now I'm thinking that this is uh this is a very scary situation of palutena as a character that can actually help out a lot in counterpick situations against certain characters that can't quite deal with either her toolkit that allows her to just you know bulldog like the bigger characters or just like zone you out right she has she definitely dismantles characters that are like a little bit bigger but unfortunately with the loss potential awesome arrow that makes it a bit easier for people who let's see let's see some of the players we have left so jam a hitter Japan head has a seat like Hikaru having nairo for Hikaru could have been good yes that's like Donkey Kong right but anyway guys I think we're gonna go to Cody I'm gonna talk more about the players that we have left after this so sometimes to defeat one captain you're gonna have to send in the other please welcome from Team Japan up a dog go what is when it's Coney taking that airpot outfit out of his ears me now no dog he doesn't have the waist no waves whatsoever but he swears he got the drift here it is okay he Sam the loss of e7 is also a bit tough - he said that's a work yeah you guys know somewhere he said that work but remember y'all he still had tweak in the back he still got em Callao in the back like void has yet to come up on stage so buzz has yet to come up on stage Ally and light are also mm in the back as well so yeah the loss of Sam saw hurts yes true well Sam so are really strong that's actually like what's holding back America right now because they were even in the beginning of the game and then second character and Sam soars literally just got three stopped by Leia yeah and that's what caused this huge gap to happen and they're just fighting right now to try to recover from it they've already recovered one stock so instead of being three stocks five their one stop buying so that's better and let's player to actually made it one stop behind it was someone who played earlier American player you already mentioned cosmos oh yes cosmos I put behind event tiles just that brought it back then however let's go see pac-man oh close eye rolls frozen dang soup remember T Pakman table 2 3 oh the buzzes way not even got to play hoppin it up real battle yet i'll but Dunga with the smart counter pig-dog going with mennonite these short little characters with great burst range against polity no let's see what happens here hey Puppet eNOS she's quite the pole dancer I tell you I love how the crowd controls than the oh I love how expound controls the countdown in this okay here we go okay marinate the know that we'll probably could have gotten a fair there but stoked yes try to go for the back here might do more damage look at this man Paula Tina basically having a tough time landing there these dash attacks right now sneaky a potato member Palatine has a little bit of trouble dealing with somebody beating right up in front of her face exactly that rush down there already took away too much - oh my gosh can he recover how about that look telling man people like better night is actually really strong in this game okay that was getting juice together all right let's see gonna go for the help team not just yet but try to go for those edge guards I just noticed that men and I has barely any lag whatever he does is aerials yep Oh beautiful right there by narrow narrow news so he's able to get that tech fantastic job but I love the attempt by Abaddon go as well yet you know a you show that I slug this yeah but active hitbox right there at the edge war characters have such a hard time getting back alright but again we need an hour to at least take off one stop because the person that has the lower amount of stops when they start is the one that's more in trouble because an hour cannot take off one stop then Japan will be back to three Sox headaches and all the work has been done by USA will just go down each other so far right now Abaddon though looking like a boss character the way he's moving with it with Mennonites but I have to say my row showing his experience but when it comes to Mennonite I mean this guy was like the apex 2014 champion using Mennonite a struggler bridge none of that guy's than bro I think avocado actually had to kill you tried to run away and the smash attack when he mistakenly - attack the wrong way he got that KO right there but let's see you finish no back here Graham in the wrong way yes watch out for the edge guard oh my how does he take those he just knows he's gonna get hit I mean this is my Road Dogg that's true works this will be still two stalks down for you a same let's see American somehow managed to take off another stock always gonna cam from a desk that would be expressive very easy wait what done - whoo okay no threes no three but he could start to come over again and the edge Gardens is the hardest part it is real easy to stuff out characters that teleport to the ledge and abba-zaba showing it right there Team USA still down to socks who's gonna bring it back who's going to bring it back we need somebody that's quite comfortable dealing with restaurant character like Meta Knight those that's what I could - crap mix-up can be scary dealing with that sword - you see i bandango he's like just like slowly staring down his opponent trying to figure out the right way to actually dismantle the man I have to say man that fight that nitro had I feel like he had to get to go above and beyond in order to put himself in a good position like I bet I'm gonna have so many six setups yeah and if if it was a play that wasn't as good as recovery recovering with Paula Tina or just taking the stage like I saw with my row he would've been out a long time ago yeah and I think Niro is ready for all those texts because he's playing again palutena real easy to stuff out whenever she's trying to teleport to the ledge yeah so he knows like I just have to are brett button ready if it's his button it's not the L button so this is up to now room for at least keeping the even or not even at least keeping it as still two stalks behind but we need some explosive player that's able to just destroy Meta Knight however it is not too many better nights in America yeah so we're deployers we have what we have the buzz we have light m'kay loyal ally tweak boy mmm I had no idea who they would send in against Meta Knight well I think cody has the answer for us guys coming up next is the man of a million characters the champion of glitch six please welcome TSM Queen the buzz is dead but here we go by the way the buzz is out y'all so we have five points left all right so if you know I was just I was only set the bus to see if you're actually paying attention you weren't paying attention all right that's a lot get out come on man yeah here we're sending in one of the big hitters people consider them top two in the world along with mko we have tweaked stepping in for Team America so again we're down to stocks and if the PERT the person who has less stocks is in the more of the trouble so it's week is that able to take on two socks without losing any that will make it like back to even but he'll be okay as long as you take out down two socks are only losing one so what character do you think tweaks gonna go I boo meki is still in Lamech he's still in he shoots on it still in T you don't wanna teach silat I don't think we're gonna see Wario I don't think water is gonna come out cuz effect that T with the pac-man but making with the pit Daisy we have Zachary Zachary with the world I think tweak wouldn't mind that but fighting against the likes of at least shoot on poo Maki NT with Ferrari oh I'm not sure about surface weak likes that because I was talking to him I was like hey man are you gonna go one feels like honestly I mean Wario he was like I love why are you a lot I think he could do it but there's certain characters that just wall amount that keep him out and he might hurt the team if he opts to go with that character so true because of this a safe that would be wolf a safe bet would indeed be wolf but imagine that idea of being able to get a walk let's take it to KO then a watch KO yeah yeah even sit out again on the next game he has three socks and he's able to use the Waffen at least once having a mezzo Aria would be amazing for the team okay look at Abaddonn logistic I feel like I love being on stage I feel like Wario is the answer but I'm not too sure what character he'll go this is against Meta Knight so are we are they able to double blind pick characters if they change stagers anything because I just thought I just saw like Abaddon go do something with his hands and I'll try to figure out if there was like well I has to state he does okay okay oh there's no way to change yes so pretty much the person that's coming in news when it's counter picking the old player they're free so it looks like they're still deciding on tags right now tweaked recently sponsored by TSM team solomid good choice right him yep yep versus a lowland leffen up on the stage I'm telling you man the moment he dyed his hair I was like yo was that left it wait that's ABBA he's one heck he's looking fresh she's dressing fresh two solo little attitude and the building all right definitely miss left in here hopefully we'll get him in a feature if anything this is Japan vs. USA right yeah so I was thinking like fools world we could have definitely had like weapon on the scene we could have yeah especially after his placing antennas to six doing amazing job right there I believe in those 30 those the 13 / 17 I think we might've been 17 but here we go I'm a down go going Mennonite and I believe this is the safe choice going with wolf coming out from Twiggy oh he's a Lowen laughing for real man look at that look at the edgy yo it is about persons even younger speaking of veg man my man tweek here we go sweet wolf you don't see you haven't seen too much of it in sort of it but here it is right here guys Oh sacrƩ has been dominating Japan winning almost every single tournament there with wolf so this might be a good choice to play against Japan or maybe they are starting to learn how to fight against wolf but it doesn't look so yet it is right now I love the way this week was able to just force how about to burn all of those jumps with that folks out there Wow amazing punish Duke yep the quit stuff because you see the way to explain it's just doing a lot of photo aerial pressure and that allows that with that board enough time to react with awe of Perry I put a lot of - tax coming out from Alba dango and a key thing though is that wolf has better combos in earlier kales getting above that platform could have been a good opportunity to speak of the down smash but he's still okay [Music] look back here there it is maverick how is gonna recover oh oh that's not good yeah man at least he put himself in a play when stock tweaked 71 percent honestly honestly he could he could do it with all his thumbs yes just has to get oh this is so okay for tweak I am but it's your hair sack I am quite good Jake's hahaha about to get deported man that's the bet a nice special right there being able to just do like a charge smash the tacky little edge however the combos with wolf especially the tech chase is so good at these low percents the tweak is able to just take off one more sock ooh oh whoa so current epoch stage edge guard I made our air dodge rather and this has been really good for tweek if he takes off just one more sock you at least put into that USA is only one stock behind Vegas still up pretty good spot here good the eye out of this combo all stop for it okay tion wouldn't want to get tech chase I like that doing that estimation try to beat him to running in no running down smash oh the fourth row okay oh I'm taking whoohoo I was seeing looking for the AB smash coming see what do you ops for dude cartoons slack it's almost as if he dug deep into him just to pull his heart out this gracious awesome fatality right there tweek even though he dropped his stock he was still able to take it here it is we got us a check for tweek it kind of looks like only the people at the front at the moment however it's weak good stuff by him being able to make it so USA's only down one soft wood again switching around switch now as few stocks he has to be able to try to take off three stocks before losing to yoke to make it even it might be possible why Japan look unfazed though they're like they're like okay where's that great yeah like oh that's a nice wolf let me show you the best bull okay you're what happened in the Cat Man hey everybody looks destroyed look at ticket eating it's gonna be alright don't touch me baby let's see I want to see if America is able to still be able to bring it back they're already down how many socks out one sock not that bad we got running already output again we have T we have Zachary but sweet decided to go wolf though so not too bad right yeah I like the wolf pick it's very safe you can't get dismantled off stage but on stage man gonna have to put in a lot of work to get rid of them and but it looks like it's about time for us to bring the next player up on the stage from Team Japan let's see it coming up next from Team Japan kick karun what this is a track kinda feel like this looking at Hikaru's face I don't know man this might be a safe this is a choice this might be a safe pick for Japan they're like hey if you lose at least try to take some socks off of them we don't want to but this might be like you couldn't you either you take away all the stocks so just take away some you know that strategy wins like yeah cuz they have a decent lead right yeah but like it's a to Stockley but that's still not I don't know I'm not a big fan of it right yeah I'm not a big fan especially I feel like a fact that tweek plays DK also so he has a good idea gives up DK she goes looking to be the best DK was either him or he carved the high end of smash Wars might be a throw I was a chat I was trying to soften it up but real rap it's looking like a throw like all right at least a I don't know but you can't throw right now he saw us two stops it's not like you just throw somebody in to take off one he has to take a warning Williams piggle to like imagine if he doesn't take off - and he loses all three then it's in favor of team to put it Team USA one of the reasons I like to of course be safe it's because the car might make us fix our face right now select the grade ek looking like this man has quite aged there's one good thing about this and maybe they realized this this week doesn't like to mash when he's grabbed oh he doesn't really practice mashing that much so this might add some to the whole world he's done hey he's never gonna be the first the best pillow for hey so they decided to throw in a car because if he could bring him up to like eighty percent and then grab him he could throw him off to the stage and squeeze him like a lemon here we go hanging on a plat here the stance arranged that Donkey Kong has good cross up and here's the chain off the plat wait okay he let him land who that laser stop okay he went for that cross over pork beautiful stop waiting okay I could have done another follow up there or he wanted that but then you got yet yeah he wanted to take that stock off right away oh the car is in a lot of trouble right yeah man did he jump and though I felt weak just double jump to get oh my gosh maybe this is the throw I've seen that he cards all tournaments in Japan throw oh my goodness fishing only flow percent this week really gonna be the MVP throw I don't know oh all right now you'll pay even Fairweather friends man or was there a fake for Japan and America is currently in the lead three socks down said currently in - oh my gosh yo tweakin so far - let him live little live don't sound smashing so who throw maybe yo Heat this wolf is quite Khalid man Dicky it's ro w like was Japan think you're thrown any color right now yeah no no that you're right what were they thinking throwing what were you thinking throwing any card comes over that down the wing Babbitt we speaking too soon maybe so we could have confirmed now smash and that right there either oh there it is okay okay okay not bad no decays mat decays mad he got the charge DK punch Lee's looking angry yes yes but still 86% now looking real good okay jumps up onto stage right here I like the up tail and oh oh okay listen live smash oh that could have been a smash tail right there good air though back here no gets the bear and Noble get up whoo oh oh I'm squeezed like a lemon oh my god very safe I think by not using a second jump early otherwise that would have been a KO nice it gets the shield snap there oh oh don't get up he saw coming oh oh please like an orange bear again sweet already taking off fighting stops hey don't touch the sage kids don't touch the stage come on man that costs money how many socks it's week wait how much the socks this week have left one buddy one oh my gosh so you literally made it go from the USA being down to socks to being up one stock a quick switch around by throwing in one of the best players in the world to week fantastic job by USA the sign thrown in I don't know what Japan was thinking I'm just gonna be honest putting in Hikaru at that point in time a big character like that gets combo too hard by wolf as you saw those first two stops I really feel like they didn't they were honestly man I think the strategy was hey we have a lead oh my head the same thing I think the strategy was hey we got a lead right and and since since we have a lead and we know tweak is extremely tough opponent maybe we'll throw in somebody that can at least break the wall down a little bit we're not gonna be able to fully break down the wall but let's put some cracks in it right let's throw throw some cannonballs in there put some more cracks in the wall make it weak enough DK doesn't have cannonballs the guy just gets combo by Wolfman so it's a figure of speech I don't care I still wonder what they think I'm still wanting one two casick what I heard I wonder who USA is going to throw or Japan's gonna throw and I feel like this might be a good time for some tea something a little thirsty I would share my water with you but uh I'm not literally man I got I got sprite that doesn't quench one's thirst are you kidding this that's their motto is it yes for sprite sprite Oh I figure out how you're wrong yes it is anyone a chat remember it's up something thirst quenched I'm trash that chat spread is that does not quench your thirst right if anything you get more dehydrate no look watch your either chat water how much they paid you dog nada are you friends with Vince they pick you up with the deal I'm pretty sure it's I'm pretty sure it's them know quenching gone Wow Chuck you drink it you get thirst here y'all the thirst quencher I think that's what it is all right yes yeah calm down calm down all right well here we go America is now back in the lead switching it up America at one point being down by three stocks and now in the lead by a stop this week was able to help caused this so we're gonna throw it to Kony and see what's gonna happen next comin up from Team Japan we can somehow brought it all the way back for Team North America but coming up next is going to be a tough opponent please welcome Oh Mickey Oh interesting and this is a this is a very interesting picot beat interesting I I feel like this might be the point where Team USA starts to fall apart a little bit however in meki really good edge garden we've seen them do amazing stuff in this tournament so far this is peach we're talking about so if you can edge guard wolf it'll be great but remember wolf does have that side beat that can randomly spike especially when you're trying to edge guard him as we saw against DK of bukhara just that last stop so he's gonna have to be really safe on how he tries the edge guard to try to edge guard away were like his body is above wolf or yes not edge guard at all and it when you get wolf lop stage right a lot of times you see peach try to put herself in a position where she's right in front of the edge so that if you're trying to recover your basically gonna have to deal with like you know the neutral air but you don't want to do that against wolf because if you get caught with the flash wolf that brings it just that could potentially bring you straight down yeah and spike yeah it's a really strong hitbox to men it's a very scary hit bomb very scary hitbox literally makes a spark come out sometimes that even 40 30 % I still have to be very safe on how your edge guard let's see how this goes remember tweak is the one with the lower amount of stocks he already has one stock left so he wants to still make it so Team USA has a stock lead he needs to take off a stock first before Becky can take off a stock and I wouldn't be surprised to see that happen whoops weak right now MVP for Team USA as he is I feel like crew battles are stressful really strong supporter keep it that way keep it as commentators well here like sweat and you know yeah CMS you know T North America I keep saying you want to say my bad y'all I meant to say team any team in a vs. team JP o North America yeah cuz you know they got like a lie and you got in the hey leo if we keep saying team US are we saying that way it says North America us right there okay it's all right I don't know what he was doing new enough back air from he a Bert who's Becky's features looking or Daisy was looking quite amazing when I saw him fighting against the Fox earlier yo can we talk about how beautiful this gable looks looks so beautiful goodness man this shady and lovable alright wait wait wait wait wait false start he definitely shot before it go never let that rock probably was like oh you said what go wait anyway here we go alright that's gravy will chance in the crowd right now and Emeka get he's doing the same thing he did again spots earlier he's just going for a bunch of back here is assuming that could space out but no okay landing with that down there though tweak wasn't prepared I like that back here it comes out really well out of shield so sweet throws something on his shield he's gonna immediately go fat back he just wants one stock though remember that what stock strategy talked to me about before getting one off of who make it would be very good then the peaches and meat is extremely scared okay we get them forward he made sure not to get knocked down from that fourth row though tech chases into a potential fair strike fair into a spike or a down smash he's being floating helps out a lot yep and here's the good part okay second jump use but not able to get the punish yep just notice all these different cross-ups whole shield walk out to the port okay fantastic bio mickie being able to take that stock makes it so that King North American team Japan are back to even Oh Beckett needed to do that look at his site you guys the demon is gone the Fatimid is called a demon is definitely gone right now man caught column Dante that new game coming out I can't wait cannot wait for that new game alright and uh looks like some people hoe some people money you know from the buying some food earlier today so it looks like the painting each other but that was really fantastic coming out from Lou Mackey being able to sneak in that forward air it's kind of a surprise Keo I wasn't expecting a KO at that early but those like platforms being so far off on the side I mean so far off on the side oh I get it Wow being so far off on the side it makes it so you can get chaos a little earlier but speaking of getting kalos a little earlier we're probably gonna be switching it over to coney in let's see are they ready what what kind of segue was obey your thirst by the way not quite sure if it's the same thing obey your thirst quencher if there's the same thing thirst quencher obey your thirst alright we're gonna throw it to Cody Cody take it away open it really oh babe oh I'm back hi everybody all right whoo Becky ties it back up we got 12 stocks apiece with four people left Tommy to check back in how many of you guys out here are Team Japan hi let me check back in over here how many y'all are Team North America let's see what happens next coming up next to the stage Oh Maggie's greatest terror he's thrown up the X he doesn't want to see it it is counter logic gaming boy oh dang yo Oh Becky actually said boo let me down that is the most non sports but like I will never see Japanese players in it yeah whenever you visit Japan you were there with me whenever they whenever they play they clap and everything on only Kyushu though jusu is one of the most pop in spots Shahla bruh tune in to their streams they they have a month she gave me she underscore gaming follow him right now you gotta check out the Japanese see when it comes to the on switch man they actually have a lot of amazing players good personality as well anyway well Becky doing stuff that I would never expect with the thumbs down showing that he ain't afraid of Boyd Boyd going peach I'll beat you against this peach you know I'm a little shooken knowing that beat Joe doesn't really have that range homemaking is about to come out here with those spaces with those space Sarah speech such a strong character peach one point no damage from float everybody else out here with the point 85 put their like you know what man peach affirmative action here you go most what even though was that sentence but again he did that thumbs down keep in mind he's playing Daisy Daisy's Wow alright Daisy isn't the normal girl you know basic girl basic girl peach no Daisy the evolution the evolution of the princesses so he's starting to turn in today's he's been in America too long so he stumped Townsend alright brewing because he's playing peach I mean Daisy that's something Daisy would do props to Mickey I like that I like to see some attitude coming out from Japan especially in the crew battle yeah for a crew battle I expect to see it so that's awesome but we have clg's very own boyd amazing sponsor out there and it's gonna be Pichu versus daisy open mind uh-huh he got second at genesis yeah did he be sacre avoid yeah okay I like how you're checking re I like 82nd I mean attack it's all its worst case but boy went on a crazy winner's bracket run being able to do a lot of things I'm pretty sure he'd be Zachary at Genesis though he's from Hawaii and living currently and no socks going down because remember it is even guys right now so yes he didn't did he beat him okay it kind of destroyed a bit sure oh the chat didn't say that but here we go game numero uno on this amazing set boy my birthday is the day of the ESPYs coming out from Guzman st non-stop remember when he's playing against Komodos kirby upside put up putting you on blast oh but maybe it doesn't matter because member peach you can get kales really early I don't see too many peaches sitting in a region of Japan at least top level beaches to the level of void feel like somebody did something to his controller man yeah they might have put something in his drink man wait what drink water oh yeah obey your thirst alright so here we go oh that they actually play catch at the park look at him okay hey peach it doesn't like typo okay you know hope your money play catch with all right oh who put that back here it looks like boy probably wanted to set what an heir of his own but it just so Mickey's one step ahead I love that he puts you on the platform and as he getting off the active Friends of the fair allows them to just get the care honey so let me say something that Qatar would probably say right now Oh Becky is the MVP of this group come on he's looking to be the MVP especially because I don't know for what reason but they let him go back to town in city that's where you did that amazing fair versus tweet taking that stock first and then he just did it again versus point let's see if we'll be able to take off the stock throw there okay nevermind his blood for salutes hey lightning loops when we're crab woo down there down here again okay smart block right here bite my keys trying to get back to the center though the crazy part about this is that void is kind of winning this whole time I'm fighting him back here and it's a TKO double down to give him enough damage to get the K oh boy wait I forgot a few SP did you want to see what I forgot he's doing so well it's making it look like that and she didn't even matter he's ovals coming back to making it even right now at least and stops okay he had to recover like that Oh Becky man beautiful stuff he's fading voice if it uses out of shield options with the down there Oh fantastic top player Oh lightning loop oh boy chance are coming out right now does have Daisy at the percent where you can't get the ko especially with that extra nice if he catches the landing let's see go away whoa is he gonna go up and down Pete no you wait after ooh that was smart Becky expected to actually stop the epitope cuz what would go for it again it again oh my gosh miss up that bear right there tense situation good roll away to reset a very 10 G's looking for bringing up the platform we're back okay all right chop he wanted to get the grab he forced the to heart and they say when she no Chanti recover not high beautiful peach is too high oh gosh it's so quick why is this so close maybe she thought that was Daisy that got the - attack on void enjoy so Daisy running in and I saw the spark I thought for certain because they both traded attacks if I think that was the first hit of that attack which does not KO and again it traded with the Etzel avoid that dusty oh my goodness honestly man I feel like a void he probably bought avatar this game before he's 30 cuz he gonna get a heart attack dog you see all these nail biters that he keeps experiencing and him clutching his chest I almost had a heart palpitation come on boy don't do that to me man that was a little too much I don't know what a heart palpitation is but I know I pop the heart and Pichu has been put in there due to the pokemon trainer put making the orders and making sure that what amazing guys that was an amazing display of Smash Brothers right there Boyd after that as the I thought it was coins absolutely our acquaintance it's curtains man Oh curtains I thought you said coincidence wait ins all right what is calling ready ready is that like some New York type of top crook who's not ready all right oh he's all right here we go we're gonna throw it right to them after that nail-biter of a match Boyd manages to put team North America back ahead for coming up his next opponent the master Olimar from Japan please welcome shoot Oh Oh all right shoot son on the stage Cody still has one air pod somebody probably Jack another one from them in any event here it is the battle that boy did not want to deal with and talk to Boyd Hills like as long as you don't put chute on against me but his void the poison say that I don't want to fight shoot on did he actually say that absolutely a hundred percent he understands that this Olivar it's not gonna let him play his game would beat you comfortably dawg oh this reminds me actually that good boy has had a lot of trouble against all of our I know he did lose a couple of sets to I'm hip in the Los Angeles region so you might not have a bit you might be it might not be a big fan against fighting Olivar it might have been another Olimar you lost - but Boyd keep in mind he still is a full stock ahead I believe so it's not that bad if he takes one stock you'll at least be able to make it even and let the next person come in and I feel like there's a high chance that if boy does at least take one stock and then loses we will see em kao come in because MK leo has been like going on it's hair against the buzz recently like making it look free so I and the buzz is potentially the best Olimar if not shoots on so I feel like we might see em Kao come out after this if a boy does lose which will be really good for a TV si o or a team North America Boyd actually tweeted this it's at Boyd's tweet all right Boyd looking at his phone is he checking as notifications guys guys despair him at GSM notifications magnifications man notifications there's like what how many of you are watching it's like about 40k of y'all watch it blow up his phone just set him like Pichu pictures you know with hearts I never put my phone in my pocket when I'm playing I hope he has his phone on solid before it's gonna have to run down just follow us with experiment what follows at GSM boy let's get up to a hundred K how about that that's a wholesome thing to do this is gonna be very hard remember guys if chutes on is able to take off once stock before he gets to stop taking off him it will be back to even with only three players left in a crew battle for each team and it's looking like he's trying to make that happen all right let's go anyway here it is again Boyd see you can see right here he has to slow down his pace when he's facing off against lieutenant look how smart shoots on his transit make sure to keep that yellow off nevermind it's gone but it does help out when it comes to facing off against opponents with electricity okay nothing yellow I want that but 83% 85% addict consent to him so he wait way the crazy combos coming out from Boyd right now that almost looked like it was it but simply one up smash 1s smash from any of these Pikmin should be able to take it and man yeah Oh somebody active hitboxes oh my gosh oh my gosh has to watch out for that downbeat booms oh boy trying to get it set he just wants to play Oh coming out from a chutes on what boy was afraid of fighting all of our has unfortunately taken out and made it back to even why is this so close that shootin is a monster an absolute monster what's happen Lee a monster I thought you had something else to tell us oh no no definitely not oh I guess you're an echo fighter oh yeah I'm gonna echo fighter right now man well I'm wondering new America oh sorry I have to keep saying America technically America is still North America okay Mexico I always say I'm from America they're like weren't from America - and I'm like what and like oh yeah North America so keep in mind America is here in North America the entire country we might see em kao come out pecker wait wait wait he give me give me give me a second okay I'll give him a second that's looks awesome yeah I mean I'm looking at you know tweak Scott a lie light a light light m'kay leo oh that's sort of either damn I like em Callao so when are they gonna send out a lie a lie light are mka oh well it doesn't even matter because we're about to take it straight over to our boy Cody to find out right now team Japan finds a way to tie it back up and three people apiece we've got 12 stocks left but coming up next it's team North America's Beast he is the champion of Genesis 6 well he is echo fox FBG hey this is quite the pic and I think I understand why they decided to go with it I love our man he's volleyball Oliver he destroys the buzz every single time they've gotten a fight I think they've only played two times but every single time he goes in on him with that Ike so you know we're gonna see em pelo bring out that eye and just do new chiller neutral air up there but can you keep up what he's been doing is Oliver he has lost the game to the buzz before so you never know this could be the one time where he doesn't is not able to take the three socks before his three socks have taken himself all right okay can I can I mention something sure so two years ago when they had the crew battle they actually sent an ally as a counter pick after shoots on beat tweaks DK this time around they decided to save allied allies Mario did a good job against suit on it was ended at 26 to 24 socks okay so pretty interesting right there I hope it doesn't bite North America back because Ally already was able to rock out well this is oh this is a tough situation for Japan again because only three people left on both teams they're literally even with nine spots left and North America has the advantage because they get to counter pick Japan on the beginning of these last nine socks so remember again m'kay lay oh I don't believe he's ever lost to Alomar he's looking really good really crisp against Alomar I just I feel like this is gonna be rough for shoots on it yeah I don't know how much I practice he has in Japan is the character that some people say is like not really all that good okay M Kao carries the characters to make that character look that good so you might not have a lot of Ike in Japan on the other hand though I believe them saving a lie means that they wanted a lie to a hard counter probably other people then might want to hang back against some namely team so we'll see what happens oh I forgot about T yes sir oh my goodness teeth issue all right I'm not so he said your that means yes oh-oh-oh-oh 49 that up smash buff is so good haha FK lay oh right now having some trouble right now just being able to land any damage but here it is putting all of our in the air that's where you want him 96% though that's one AB smash away with the purple but he's gonna throw away some pic Nate's not scared he's not scared of the neutralizer that's not afraid Oh what if there's the thing where I'm kale ale is just an issue for depositors I know he was a hard counter for the buzz back in the smash 4 days having like a 9 to 1 record versus him but not hard counter for shoot on ok ok might be different characters we already see the whistle just get to these topples not get oh my god shoes on is running too many things hit him right now but it doesn't matter he gets that up smashing of it that whistle is gonna be a problem from Callao getting the near combos usually is a big tool that allows em Callao to obviously make it very difficult from the back yard he can't even ko whoa wow that should have been a strong kale right there but a strong beautiful whistle coming out from the chute on ok chisel up here he's trying to land on top of shoots on it and it's a little bit too obvious for suits on so he's getting these an tires yeah where we go but he's too far to the left sides not gonna get that back of the ko a little bit too early on that fort so to Qatar oh oh wow purple pigments messing up every time he throws support ok good chase gets the sole breaker - attack I'm out his socks are back he could bring this back because Olimar is not the best in the air and it Ike likes to put people in the air with the new chill air and here's the old a chance uh-huh we might get an up throw kayo we got a blue one too-hoo no three coming out yet because of the whistles he's doing fantastic you know it's gonna be kale up to the skies way up high stop guard he doesn't want the blue anymore oh well through that 10% put on him already but double champions to no grab I don't think she jumped off the Jazlyn hit shootin is an absolute monster man none of these guys wanted to face off against them oh that's almost the ko he does have the purple pigment safe right now go for that back here okay don't count em Caitlyn ever oh okay oh though hope needed that's okay oh this is crazy yes he is alright no - attack hail but back there awww he's gonna have to side B or yes there it is wait my god oh and here's another one oh he puts that front deep beautiful smite m'kay Leo gets demolished wow it is rare to see players from Japan actually pop off and shoot on popping off really hard on that one so now I'm wondering who they're gonna send in because remember m'kay this will suit all of our Sabre only took off once I look so shocked right now man cuz he like are you a little bit worried he's not you really gonna throw by a be it against this oh he did B sheets on before like he said though last time he played in a crew battle it was two years ago and he did ask Mario this time I don't know if he'll go Mario feel like he's gonna go snake we're not see Japan's looking mighty strong brother yeah looking really showing remembered and I still have T it here's the thing right one of the reasons why I think also Japan might be super strong as these guys back at home best to one pulls Kotaro that is true best of warm pools here the like you know North America Europe will give you guys two out of three s you know we want you to get the you know the most bang for your buck Japan they play for free and they play hard and if you don't win those best the ones you might as well go home dog with your tail between your legs well if you're affirming that is you know that is true this is literally up to Ally and light it everything for North America is up to a light remember Team Japan warned last time they played two years ago two years later that was looking heavily in favor of Team USA but in the end like actually is looking at heavily in favor of Japan but then you would say brought it back haven't we come out but then those shoes long yeah shoot on bringing it back so hard like so yeah I'm looking at the socks and it was like the there was nothing no like super big deficit the except let's see mister let's it was like mystery vs Abaddon go oh yes and that was like 16 I think was like 16 12 yeah I bet that was a big gap big gap right there in any event Coney got us take it away buddy shoot on finds a way to take out na is greatest threat so he will be replaced by NH greatest Dark Horse please welcome Canada's best ally here it is ally ally coming in yeah I using it I'm a slight I don't know what you cheer for you might not be cheer for me look at she's done the printers on man easy and you know it's different this time around cuz when I like fought him we had a Mario that was that had you know that's some really good tools Mario is still actually pretty nice yeah I've seen what dark Quincy is able to do with the character dark wizzy prodigy highest placing Mario at Genesis six yeah so we seen what those guys have been able to do and also Zen you of course so I'm alright right now looks like they're choosing on stages the buzz has given some strong advice for what you may need to do okay this is scary is he gonna go snake though do you think he'll go snake do you like snake versus all of our bro yeah no not at all that's why I'm scared I feel like he's not gonna want to do it [Music] I'm stuck man I am sucking like I kind of want to see the Mario yes capes right yeah capes can help if he picks like snake I mean he does have the needs he has a dash attack which has great range as well he'll be able to oh my god recovering off stage versus snake with the Nikita as all of our oh yes answer it is real he that's what I mean he'll stop taking all my turn took a hey it took catch one of these what's next alright if I thought was every time you say but here we are need to get the chicks that's $10.00 evoking like three drinks well here we go we're going on to game number one remember shoot on has two stocks left that's the scary part about this ally likely gonna go snake I don't know I don't know I saw were you okay here it is snake first Olimar all right well right now there's a lot of people are probably thinking that Japan has already won it but you gotta have faith in the North American beasts right now Japan definitely look like they've done their homework again being able to face off against a lot of opponents of numerous skill levels playing different characters right in a best of one set can be the biggest boon to this crew battle America right now not enough time to adapt on the fly it seems tweak did have an amazing showing cosmos as well yes it pretty good as you know loss hey oh yeah yeah the loss there you go you know that bias alright let's go but what's gonna happen here remember both of these players neither of them are actually from America shoot on orlimar vs. allies snake she talks enough to run off the stage before this casino oh he's making this so he starts out the same pic Manetti supposed to start out with that was very nice of him I like that platform being their ally might have the ability to use that platform we saw everybody fighting oh my goodness this is the game all right guys get hit get your s'mores ready okay kumbaya time oh my goodness 48% off of three hits alone but beautiful remember Alex a lot o people say that though what in the world was that shoots on almost got ko that likes 10% y'all out there oh oh oh that ain't no B button no can't shut us SOP grenade explosion oh no but Ally still at 79% this might be oh my gosh why does he keep going for that and why is it almost working every single time every single time ally ally could actually wait a second man he could loop he could still let me get out 125 that is a show get up smashed okay that's the technique so much stage okay hemorrhoids has to watch our lens we could be reversal has to watch his roles 55% you might actually be able to do this back here that was safe get that down throw who that is gonna be a KO because that's a blue pick middle Carol yes sir all right however it should not be too hard for him to be able to take a stock after he has such a strong lead but if he gets grabbed at this low percents oh oh No okay let's blow himself up it's a lot of damage yo he's hungry Oh family he made one mistake off the stage and was immediately ko dat literally no % fantastic stuff by shoot on we need to see one more side one more stop not from shut up the war is lost oh my goodness this is why he didn't believe what was ass bloopers he was above 124 percent you cannot live from a downbeat recovery and most likely it's a nun cecal so it didn't even matter if he if the state he was dead what happened look at Team USA oh by the way this chart smash with Olivar no worky buddy oh yeah it doesn't do more damage or yet we're not back exactly shoot on acting like they already won he saw she tied just like one more guy cuz they're like yo it's free look dad go check out narrow streets and can look at a lie could we could we get somebody to read lips back look at the flag they change the right way oh goodness I put up the flag remember Japan won last time but keep in mind we have newly sponsored rogue light being the last player to be able to I think they I think America you think of everything that America can still do this you and say yo where's Bango Bango the crew battle right probably would have went the same way anyway I hope to see babes warrior do some amazing stuff hopefully he'll be at the crew battle next year cuz I believe in the kid I believe in the kid don't ever doubt the kids so I think in due time he'll get really good at the game I'm waiting for Armada mango Plouffe to be in these crew battles in the future oh we got our boy Counseling Center boy what'd he say he said I blame Sam Sora yeah I don't know I would do that because shoot I'm putting so much work just now it doesn't even matter what Sam sorted because right now I think it's seven stocks to three come on it's seven stocks to three Cody I would rather hear you than Qatar we might not even get to see the pac-man this is the saddest night like I wanted to see the pac-man all right there is only one man standing left between Japan is a holy nomination he's a take off seven of Japan stocks with only three please welcome to the stage rogue light and here we are look how confident why is he shaking his head left and right and smiling saying you can't beat me I got this man hits you fat Oh new unconstrained newly sponsored rogue white shadow I'll get tema steve aoki for investing in them good choice I actually like Hey yeah the team owners might be watching man just put on a show man put on the show man Tim look at him he was sitting there we saw that all of our three stops you so we're thinking about lowering your contract by a couple K yeah yeah you better get like 500 bucks you know actually we made of us we you didn't really actually sign the contract you didn't read the fine print well let's see what I can do all you do is take off one stock of a shoot time to make this decency get off the stage who's done to make this decent just one stop very unfortunate run by a lie but it makes it more okay because Sam saw got three sub alright so here it is man seven two three three man to light we'll have to play like a G OD yes let's see alright you did get this place at Genesis so let's see okay he's putting together its combos quite nicely understand step with the whistle out you know he's gonna happen he might as well just wait for shoot on Sun land with an air dodge or whistle and ankle for the jibs oh alright he's looking clean so far but all of our racks of damage so fast so doesn't matter I like that way up to shine so he could be able to reflect the smash attacks and the throw the Pikmin okay he's going in with a lot of these pulled up approaches we'll see an up smash soon okay alright smiling right now he made a mistake right there going for that laser looked like he might have meant to go for a graph oh wait it was a mistake of thought he meant to do that all right there goes up smash not gonna get the kale just yet was a little too early now that's 1k right there we're gonna back your pay light we're gonna stop for every stock hey hey dr. Payne hey oh my gosh that's too many purple picking that's - - punching okay and let's get it back here he's looking for you let you better make no bread dough oh come on take off the stock do another running up smash he did say I read his lips he said I can't beat this guy God is that over guys nah it's looking like it man it's not over till it's over oh it is one up smash boom wagon goodness gracious man yes he manages to get it there but let me tell you something no light nope nope no John's it's the smash community mantra' this is crazy we've had technically we've had Estie come out from void yeah he still brought it back and we just had an SD come out from white and a lie he didn't really SP but today and that caused him to get spiked he's speaking to the enemy okay lights a wild guy this is why I love this guy he's one of my favorite top players that has come out in the last year - he might be telling Japan who to bring out okay let's bring this guy out just bring this guy up say hey let's make it look good I only have one stock let's just bring this guy out or maybe saying I don't want to fight T actually he boys doesn't play back vanilla I know I'm kool-aid or lady used to play pac-man quite a bit but maybe not so much in this game oh hey Kiki knees looking sad don't worry don't worry Vicky North America is gonna bring it back just show the face of you believing we're getting jammed yeah Vicky kitty said we're getting jammed Oh cosmos with another listen listen if there's one player in America that can take six thoughts without losing a single stalk it's definitely like all right like is axe Keith all right he's actually OD yeah he's actually he's actually oh you literally he literally OD that's my son by the literally that's my son chemically she just got sponsored he buddy at the sponsor power right now this one we needed most this is why we need it most a word from rod we are the land of the free and the land of the free and the home of the brave they're quite brave man actually the only person brave is like sticking around this long okay I believe in life I believe in land I believe in life I believe in this you better tell you I say to put their hands up on some Goku's stuff and here I'm saying nitendo what's up man and oh I like you guys to know that light chose his next opponent light literally went to the other team and said I want that guy so keep that mind and now light faces the greatest challenge of his young career I see a spirit bomb forming in the back of the roof lend your energy to rogue light if you want to see my energy this is not anime this is real life all right his name is light but he's not like y'all gonna be put your arms down he got no ryu from the opposing team from Sacre and this man please welcome one of the best pack bears on the planet [Applause] tdawg is he trying to absorb all the energy Oh dag he's trying to take even given he even gave light energy Wow you're gonna need this they even put in see he literally has not lost a game I believe in his bracket or pools matches he was able to take out in the cat and he was able to take out the buzz in round 2 of pools he's he's looking like he could get top a easy and inside of the practice actually looking a little easier due to what he has to fight you might have to fight against with Myron and the winner side of bracket if he's able to take up the next players to play in topic 48 tomorrow so light how's he feeling how's he looking light right now man he's not he's living on a prayer man six time I study right now I'm put your hands in the air man I hear my boys up Bon Jovi playing in the background whoa whoa whoa that's it man living on a prayer oh I know what you were saying that's a song man come on man I know you heard that dang song I mean I heard the song living on a prayer I don't know what he'll say I'll do the other the music the music now you ain't doing anything because I know clearly sounds like it but t again this guy's at the last three Japanese supermajors he's gotten top three only Lucent sag act and I believe Zachary I Morgan to information that was the em to me by somebody I don't know I feel like the lights light sponsors man are his team they kind of need to they need to give him like higher sleeves and I'm saying cuz light actually has been held back cuz he's never been able to roll his sleeves all the way up to his shoulders like optimal light you see that he's actually struggling I think that's an undershirt that he has on and that's why he can't roll it not I think it's because of the weight he's going all the way weight gold away waitwait Street wait what's the point wait that's the point dog you got another sleeper he's confused he's like wait are you throwing up actually but I do have to know what to do he Rosa one sleeve just have another sleeve exposed [Laughter] let's see what's gonna happen pac-man vs. box Webber Fox does have a reflector [Applause] you see that case a crate hasn't even shown us yes that crate I heard sack race in his hotel taking a nap right now he'll sack right you ever played Super Mario RPG yeah you know pew licks kill its being like that secret hidden boss yeah it's kinda like when you play Kingdom Hearts when he got that endgame boss that's like way stronger than the actual bus that you have to beat to beat the game that's a crane okay apparently thick iron Zachary's in Japan he already took a plane back yo you know he forgot some food at home he wanted to bring over here cheese that's how confident they are that Zachary is not coming up but let's see what can happen here double reflector alright nice definitely using it as its intended oh look at about tilts man alright if he takes no damage on the front come on wishful thinkers will take any best really hydrants are out it's like summer you know how like it that on the East Coast we were like open the hydrants and they start spraying water all over the place and you drive your car through a block no and you get sprayed - oh he's charged a little too long so they like they kind of mess with the act of Frances's a little bit for the Oh Kotaro that's one he reflected the Hydra back Adam you were right Cutrone that's one Kotaro so knowledgeable when it comes to the Fox vs Pac Man matchup oh if what he reflects projectiles is to project now with the heck know he's gonna get up with the trix's re Stalin autumn Oh take out that belt take out that look at a key it's got the keys keys keys I got the keys to North America it's right here oh thank you reflect I keep oh no reflective look like oh my god alright it's gonna take it out again we might actually see the belt in some rock what's he messing around with Oh sibel Oh kinky you go he has to be able to reflect yes people reflect what's going on dang he's like I don't even need this can light do it he strike I feel that he's weight single hit that single get down and popped up I'm so hot oh my gosh down offstage what's gonna happen to hydrate the Hydra who down there stay healthy like goodness gracious man an apple a day definitely keeps the light away it's gonna be around the dark here in this venue and for the rest of the spirits of the guides in North America after that lost but great job to Japan taking it with a six six or five five stock victory over North America man with all the amazing points that North America has you would expect them to actually be able to take it but of course Japan came through heavy frostbite is always that one event that attracts so many great Japanese representatives and it looks like a Kanda Kanda Japan proceeds to win the crew battle and there it is let's bring it over to Coney real quick guys oh okay we'll bring it over to Coney in just a moment yeah again man like looking back look at that man man seems like hard T's like man I had to actually have to exert at least 5% of my power his swag by the way quite OD yeah it's pretty nice I'm a caller right now he might be over am I good all right all right everybody one more round of applause for Team Japan congrats to Team Japan I'd like to welcome everybody on Team Japan up on the stage to Zachary who didn't even get to play tecum a man jacked up a dongho everybodyƭs Team Japan one more round of applause for your champion thank you guys for tuning in we'll see you for teh three tomorrow top 48 ooh Becky Alba dango okay those were the two that were able to help carry the team shoots on and Leia props to them I believe they're both in winners bracket of the tournament for tomorrow I'm not too sure but I'm sure a twitch chat will let us know because they're all knowledgeable that's it man well that was a fantastic crew battle it was very close for the majority crew battle soil like somebody going into watching this on youtube and they start watching them like oh man I can't wait to see this oh my god USA is down by three six stalks oh my god 300 saves up by two stalks what what and then I don't know where they lose by five oh yeah man but it was so - see who's hype to actually see it get that close pretty amazing pretty amazing indeed I totally forgot to mention one more player gackt of course with that oppressive Ness plate but yeah all those templates good job to them really really really amazing decision a really great decision-making I have to say with these guys having Leia get that three stock on Sam soar was the catalyst to disaster that
Channel: Most Valuable Gaming
Views: 1,803,682
Rating: 4.8829832 out of 5
Keywords: frostbite 2019, frostbite 2019 crew battle, North America versus Japan, na vs japan, na vs japan crew battle, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros. ultimate, smash ultimate, smash ultimate nairo, smash ultimate abadango, smash ultimate shuton, japan vs na crew battle, smash ultimate crew battle, smash ultimate tweek, smash ultimate mkleo, smash ultimate samsara, smash ultimate esam, smash ultimate void, smash ultimate dabuz, smash switch
Id: 4PzPvwXSNg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 19sec (7219 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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