Ranking All 4 Star Attack Animations

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it's show time [Laughter] okay calm down it's it's time i'm finally going to do the attacks i was going to do both the normal and charge attacks but then i kind of remember that a lot of the charge attacks are very similar to each other with claymore there's only two different types bows well they they're just all charged shots but with elements fall arms are mostly all the same and swords are also very similar to each other which really only leaves catalysts for that reason it's just going to be the normal attacks it'll be more fair and more interesting that way like what am i going to do ranking a bow charge attack just rank it based on the color anyway let's just get right into it also i named the tears this time just because i felt like it they're still like the same like s a b c d f you know same stuff amber's got a pretty basic attack there's no denying that but it does have one kind of cool little detail every time she shoots it closes one eye and while that isn't really required in real life archery you do see it a lot in movies and tv shows it's pretty cool to include such a small little detail and it's something that i don't think any other archer does maybe they do but honestly i'm not going to check every single one to see if they do i only checked a few despite that she can hang out in the basic tier because well she's basic unless this is your first of my list you already know how i feel about barbara stuffer attacks everything she's got her skill stuff are all gorgeous the symbols the color the effects all of it they just they make for a really good looking package if if only i liked the rest of her character as much as i love her animations because well these things will never see the light of day on my account she's also got a gorgeous charge attack honestly probably one of the best if not the best in the game fours and five stars as always i don't need to like this character with knowledge when it comes to animations barbara's top tier [Music] we gotta get some f's in the comments verbato killing a leviathan without a vision was not enough for her she also needs to now kick a claymore with her tiny little leg probably shattering every bone just to prove how badass she is we get it girl you're too cool for an ankle that doesn't flop around like a dead fish other than that complete display of just not giving a [ __ ] i would say she's got a little bit of spice and a leg made of solid steel in this case bennett is going to stand for boring he's just so damn basic that he's boring i do not care now the only thing cool about jimin's combo is the c1 ice blades that come from his finisher but i'm not going to count those it doesn't seem fair to i mean a c1 isn't hard to get and it's basically something everybody's going to have very quickly or eventually but i just don't think it's right to count it if i did it would be one of the best in the game because it's just cool as [ __ ] and it's really unique but without it showing in as boring as all hell for the purpose of my list i'm gonna put him in boring if you feel like the c1 blade should have counted well he would have been an s the after poses of the final three hits of diona's attacks are really what make her chain special she's not the only one to do this and she's certainly not the one to do it the best not by a long shot but they still look really nice and they're very stylish very they suit her very well girl's got style and speaking of awesome after poses we have fishel probably the character who does this the best at least in my opinion this like is just official being official at her most eccentric they match her larger than the sad part is you don't really get to see a lot of it because well you only see it if you attack really slowly but you know what person who decided to do that i noticed she goes straight to the top for me [Music] one detail that some people might not have noticed with goro because who the hell attacks with goro is that on his finisher he actually drags a claw into the ground much like the other two he also has some cool after poses but quite frankly the only thing i need to see is the claw in the ground it may not be enough for me to justify putting him at the very top but it is enough to get him close just a damn shame that we don't actually get to see this stuff like i'm all about going off meta but i'm not about going so far off meta that you actually lose cell service i like things to at least be somewhat viable guys a bit of me guy is a bit of a mixed bag he's got some fancy stuff like his little teleport blink thing but he's also just got a lot of basic slashes i know it would have sucked like gameplay wise because his aoe would have been a lot worse but i think kai would have been a lot cooler if he was like more of a fencer as his final pose on his charge attack it looks like a fencing pose or at least a pose you would use with a thrusting weapon which i mean all swords kind of are thrusting weapons but still i'm not a fencer i just think it would have been cool but his aoe would have sucked i'd say kai is a little fancy despite the name i gave the s category leases just doesn't do it for me that much i mean it's good it don't get me wrong like i love the lightning effects i do wish the blink looked a little bit better and i don't know the particle effects are good looking they're nothing amazing but they they're clean and they get the job done i think she can probably hang out with kaya in the fancy tier obviously charge tech count and she'd do a lot better because her charge attack is amazing looking but we can't have lisa bringing a gun to a knife fight now old ningy wingy she has some amazing looking visuals with her with her tacks the portals that the projectiles actually come out of look really nice the only the only bad thing i have to say about this attack is it's just very repetitive because it's basically the same thing over and over again with some slightly different hand gestures and a little twirl every once in a while if not for that lack of variety she would be an easy top tier but i'm just gonna like put her right on the outside of it but she's you know pressing up against the class breathing heavily [Music] noel has only a bit more than your average claymore user has going for them she's got some kind of unique poses like her little twirls and body movements but she's exactly like where the tear i'm gonna put her is he's basic luckily those basic attacks get augmented with a gigantic geo-energy sword though so you know that makes up for it right out the gate i'm saying that i'm not including his burst as part of his auto attacks they're not we're just judging the basic attack here which sadly is boring as all hell i do think it's slightly saved by his finisher though i love how when he slams his sword into the ground razer's body like flies upwards as i don't know i think it kind of plays in the fact that he's feral and he might go a little ham in combat and just put a little bit more force and he can handle it and the recoil makes him fly upwards it's enough to make him basic not boring rosario's got one of those attacks that i just look at and i just i just think it's cool as [ __ ] i i love it i can't say much about it but i like it i think she's a very satisfying chain to watch especially when you actually do it in full speed she's got a slam she's got a thrusting combo she's got a wide sweeps like just awesome i think it belongs in like the second highest here with ning wong it doesn't feel fair anything long to go higher but she's definitely on the same caliber this might be a little bit of a controversial one because i know there's a lot of love for sarah out there and her like no nonsense very like authoritarian personality i don't really like the whole strict like adherence to authority thing that she's got going on and as much as it does show in her animations i it doesn't do it for me i don't think it looks amazing but it suits her if that makes sense she's got a little bit of spice for me but i understand why someone might appreciate what she's got going on a little bit more than i do here's where saeu is going to have her first strong showing on any of my lists i love her attack chain i think it's really cool looking it really suits her lore and how she uses her ammo vision at least from what i understand it just it just looks really nice really clean attack chain again just a shame that we don't get to see it once again i can't justify putting in the top but damn she's got a lot of style much like lee says sucrose's attack doesn't really blow me away aha animal pun they are very nice very clean just like lisa's but they they don't quite do it for me like barbara's does again i'm highly biased towards water effects they're what i like the most i think they're very pretty these are just okay but but they fancy go hang with their fancy monster buddies just just guess where i'm gonna put tomah because you probably know everything this man does is top tier material except you know combat this attack chain like many of the newer pole arm users is just one of the coolest in the game like [ __ ] i'm sad we can't actually use this like reasonably or poor tomah but at least you're asked here on all my lists and this one isn't any different jungling may not be the fanciest of the polar musers but you know she's got a little cross chop she's got a little thrust combo none of it's particularly special looking but it's something that's kind of cool looking i think that earns her a little bit of spice because she likes chili but because you know chili is spa 0 out of 10 does not take advantage of any water effects i'm kidding of course but god damn he's boring i mean i have a mark down as basic but does he deserve that i guess like the flips and like spin at the end are kind of cool but ugh i guess he can stay because i don't want to move him it's fine i guess much like any time he uses his skill near cryo he is on thin ice jinyan usually knocks out of the park on these things but just like shincho without her special particle effects stuff she's just left with a really boring attack chain like there's there's literally nothing special going on here so she's boring you know what's great fireballs you know what's even better throwing fireballs a flare you know what's even better than that t-posing on your enemies as they burn to death in front of you she can t-pose her way right up to the top of the list because i love that she does this her charge attack is also really pretty it would also top the list if i was ranking those things and last but definitely not least we have yunjin and just like fishel if you give her a tax time to play through she does a lot of cool poses at the end they're really nice looking youngjin takes the opportunity to do this at the end of a lot of things because it's part of her theme and they really nailed it an unbelievable amount of care and time went into yunjin proving that 4 stars also get love and it's not just 5 stars that get all the fancy things she easily gets to hang out at the top of the list with everyone else there because she deserves that spot because well just look at her the five star list will be coming not directly after this one but soon after i think it'll be a little bit more interesting because they do put a little bit more effort into five star attacks at least for the most part the four stars did a lot better than i expected though i barely put any down in the boring tier i didn't even have to adjust my standards or be kinder to them because they're basic attacks and they don't have shiny particle effects like skills and bursts which if you have not seen yet i do have a list for both 4 and 5 star burst animations i've already ranked those and this has become an unintentional series that i never intended to do but was requested and i'm happy to do it i almost forgot i also literally just ranked every character from my personal favorite to least favorite which does add some context to these lists but ultimately how much i like your character does not impact their spot barbara thank you as always for watching don't forget to like comment subscribe especially on a video like this i like to hear your thoughts especially if you disagree with me because that's well let's be honest that's the most common especially on subjective opinions like this and i'm cool with it either way respect each other's opinions you know we all have different tastes be nice to each other down there and i will see you in the next one determined you
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 103,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranking all 4 star attack animations, Ranking animations, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Impact, Tier, List, Genshin Tier List, Genshin Rankings, Ratheil, Rathiel, 4 star characters, Genshin 4 stars, Amber, Beidou, Barbara, Chongyun, Bennett, Fischl, Thoma, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Gorou, Ningguang, Razor, Rosaria, Sucrose, Sayu, Sara, Lisa, Noelle, Yanfei, Yun Jin, Kaeya, Diona, part 2, genshin impact 2.5, burst animations, skill animations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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