How Many 5 Star C6s are ACTUALLY Broken

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It's Showtime this is the fourth and final one of these and you know the drill by now I would hope if not go check the other ones out but I'm here to ask one relatively simple question how many c6s are actually broken enough to justify potentially costing more than a scout PS5 or mid-range PC that you could be playing Genji impact on instead of that 10th Generation iPhone or PS4 that both struggle to load into monstad on a good day but hey at least you clear the spiral Abyss a little bit faster than you did before ah unless that C6 a child as is tradition we start off with a rather weak entry into the list and that being venti C6 thanks to the fact that any resistance Trend you apply below zero percent gets immediately cut in half this doesn't really actually add that much damage unless you're going for the Animo however it's not a far stretch to say that if you have a C6 venti you might very well have a C4 Gene due to whaling not only that but if you're trying to use C6 venti to support a character like Xiao who doesn't particularly need venti CC capabilities that's really all he's bringing you to the table and you'll get more DPS out of something else instead and while wander or AK Scaramouche may be on Horizon I don't discuss leaks here so moving on this is a rather weak constellation for being the immediate next character after venti and not being an archon Clee actually had a surprisingly strong set of constellations however I think that kind of falls apart at C6 this is a rather weak bonus sure it gives 10 pirate image bonus which is okay but not really gonna cut it for a C6 and the energy aspect of this well her teammates generally don't need energy and it doesn't even provide energy for herself it's just a really underwhelming constellation for a C6 it's pretty damn bad most people who take any interest in constellations pretty much know the meme that is child C6 by now it is one of unanimously most crapped on constellations and you have to go through the C4 to get to it which is Infamous for lowering child's DPS in some situations that being said this is one of those rare constellations that seems to prioritize Overworld usage and fun removing one of the most limiting aspects that most people view about child's kit which is the cooldown of his skill of course when played around correctly it's not a problem but that is the issue when you play Child correctly his C6 brings little to no value to the table basically just being a safety net for if you make a mistake I would love to have this as a C1 but for a C6 it ain't gonna cut it if you listen real closely you can hear the 3 000 word hate essays being typed down in the comments below over what I'm about to say about Jean Lee C6 these are things that I've said before in my worst constellation videos where I talked about this basically everything Zhong Lee has in his kit from his skill to his birth petrifying from his constellation two three four and five they all work against his C6 making it overly redundant let's go over the bullet points real quick zhongli has the strongest shield in the entire game no questions asked by default they last 8 seconds longer than the very cooldown of the skill that applies it C2 gives you yet another one of these attached to your burst that petrifies enemies making them unable to attack you on a 12 second cooldown no less C3 adds three more levels to your Shield making it even stronger than it already is C4 even adds two more seconds onto the petrification bringing it up to six seconds at level 13 which is half of the cooldown of the very burst that applies it which not to mention because the C2 is giving you another Shield yes there are enemies that can pierce your Shield like Rift towns but sadly they make a very limited amount of appearances in the spiral abyss and when they do they are barely impactful and we see other enemies of computer Shields like pyro Abyss electors even less often and even when they do show up you can just take their damage through your shield and ignore it I do it many times with Ito and the four Geo boys and the next chamber I just don't take damage because of zhongli's Shield it also makes him incompatible with one of his best teammates in the entire game hutau I'm also going to clarify that I would love to have this constellation because I am one of those lazy people who lets my Jean Lee Shield drop all the time especially in the Overworld and I take a ton of Chip damage and it would be nice to lazily heal that back without eating chickens or swapping in a Healer for a moment there's nothing wrong with liking or finding value in what is logically a bad constellation I would love to have this one I would also love to have C6 child it sounds fun I would like to have C4 yoemia which is also kind of a bad one this has been my Ted Talk on why Jean Lee C6 is a steaming pile of thank you for listening moving on after the last one it's really nice to just have a simple one albedos is just straight up mediocre it's 17 damage with a rather annoying requirement for only the main field character this is incredibly underwhelming for a C6 it's bad we all know that gonyu C6 is broken this was without a doubt the first real broken C6 we got and it still remains to be one of the strongest ones to this day it's good in the Overworld it's good to milk on you it's good in freeze gone you it's good in literally anything and more importantly it does give a real concrete purpose to her C2 which is otherwise a rather underwhelming one not much else to say about it it's very good and just make gun you better at doing what she already wanted to do kind of like the opposite of Klee Who falls apart at C6 everything Xiao has culminates in his C6 he becomes a literal God of DPS now it isn't without his limitations of course you need two enemies so anytime there's just one boss with a lot of HP yeah it's not useful but when it works oh it does so much damage it's not the easiest thing to play and it opens up an entirely new play style for Xiao that has its nuances and things you need to learn but once you master that you have in your hands one of the strongest constellations in the entire game if not the strongest just with its caveats who tau's final constellation has a really bad reputation and honestly misconceptions about being only for speedrunners or showing off screenshots with big numbers in it while yes you can certainly use this constellation for that purpose it does still have its uses without it for one you don't need to die to actually activate this if you read it it's just when falling below a certain Health which her skill will do eventually nor do you need to build all crit damage to get value out of this if you just build her normally and get to something respectable like 50 60 print rate you're still gonna get a huge chunk of Cartwright win this procs is it monstrously broken no is it completely useless like some people like to say it is if you're not speedrunning no absolutely not it's a pretty strong constellation eula's burst is famous for hitting like a truck that isakai's anything it touches her C6 however turns her burst into the truck that isakai's the truck that isakai something else if you couldn't follow that logic her C6 makes big number bigger and big number generally means good even if big number is really Overkill and nothing requires massively big number but you get big number anyway in terms terms of raw damage output this constellation is just insanely strong not only does it make her bursts a little bit safer by making its damaged floor really high but it also makes the ceiling ridiculously high this is likely a constellation that a lot of YULA owners dream of having and weld why wouldn't they and it doesn't even have the drawback of showers of being hard to use it just it just blows everything up here's another one of the fun bucket C6 kazua allows him to be used as an on-field pure animal DPS without having to require being infused by anyone else not that we even have that option yet if you continue to use kazua as kazua is normally used as a support that does his thing and gets off field this isn't really gonna do much for you obviously if you're gonna play him as a main DPS yeah it's gonna do better but that's not the way you normally play Kazo if you do nothing wrong with that but a lot of people are using him for his buffing capabilities which this does very little for so it's not broken but it's a lot of fun and I kind of want it on paper ayaka C6 just looks really underwhelming kqm's findings about its DPS increase really supports that but honestly I didn't expect it to be that low in case you're not looking at the screen they estimate it to be about a four percent DPS increase as I said on paper it looks rather underwhelming and this really kind of supports that I trust their math I certainly don't have c6iaka to prove them wrong and while I didn't really have high hopes for her to begin with while a 50 chance to fire an extra arrow that does 60 of the original Darrow's damage is a 30 damage increase on paper thanks to ICD and wanting to vape certain hits it doesn't equal out to actually being that much unless you're doing something like playing monopyro for example that doesn't care when you do reactions but since our best teams are often played with characters like shinxiao and wanting to vape certain hits for maximum damage this doesn't end up being as strong as it could be but still is a rather strong constellation as for a C6 it doesn't give as much as you would expect one to Ryden C6 is an extremely hard one to judge accurately because I believe it has potential to one day do crazy things in the right hand the main issue is we already have rotations that take in account our current cooldowns and plan around them so when you reduce the cooldown oftentimes you don't actually end up doing anything meaningful we see a similar issue with constellations like Ito C2 or yoemias C4 for example they've reduced their cooldown but you can't actually really do anything with it because you need to take care of your supports one day I think we could see a situation where this could be broken but many of us don't have it to actually test it out so it may take a while to be discovered kokumi's final con is yet another one that improves her personal damage which while nice and it's nice that she does better damage it is rarely the reason why she's there she often contributes her damage through either applying Hydro for other people to react off of or being the hydro that triggers reactions like in the case of Bloom by stacking a bunch of em on her which in those cases a con like this just doesn't actually contribute much and certainly isn't worth the price it takes to get it crit damage alone on this constellation is already going to offer an insane amount of value even if you lose every single 50 50 just like you do from the wishing system when you're swinging his Club around however thanks to the sheer amount of stacks he can get from the rest of his kit and things like ushi taking damage there's bound to be some extra hits that you generate from this even with some bad luck but under the best of circumstances this is going to be an absolute insane constellation that just tears everything apart in one single burst his damage rotation is obviously going to become a little bit unpredictable thanks to this however you can probably predict that the enemy is going to die before you need to worry about it much like Shanghai herself her C6 has a lot of potential with any future cryo characters we get however her C6 at present doesn't seem to do as much as you might think part of that is due to the fact that skills and bursts can still use up all the stacks and leave none to infinitely take advantage of with the tax and charge attacks however one of the main issues is that we don't have a character that can truly take this to its fullest potential but I believe it does have extreme potential the moment we get somebody like yoy Mia or ayato or child but for cryo this can really just take off and I think that's honestly pretty likely I think this C6 will realize its full potential a lot sooner than someone like ryden's for example now many look at riding C2 and they're like yeah that's broken and understandably so and then they look at something like guy Miko C6 and they're like yes this must also be broken and yes it is very strong but it's not as strong as ridins because Ryan's burst is almost 100 of her damage where yaimiko's skill on the other hand it is a lot of her damage but it isn't 100 thanks to her burst hitting like an absolute truck as well that being said defense ignore still an incredibly powerful thing and this is just very strong ayato got one extremely similar to his sister ayaka and well while not as underwhelming it is certainly not extremely strong it's by no means a bad or worthless constellation but when you factor in the fact that it's a C6 I don't think it quite lives up to what the expectations for one should be neither in fun or the power that it provides on paper you learn sixth constellation may look a little bit underwhelming compared to what it sounds like and the reasoning for that is because it's causing you to use extra feel time for you a lot herself and you're taking that away from from a character who would otherwise be using it however here's the deal uh she does so much burst damage with the C6 that most things won't even live long enough to require dpsing with somebody else in short bursty fights this is going to end it almost immediately with the insane amount of burst damage as she provides it's also the fact that while she's firing these off she's also triggering her own burst adding even more single Target onto it personally I think this is one of the strongest ones in the entire game adding on to her already crazy list of constellations it just has the caveat of being not so great in really long sustained fights which unfortunately we don't have many of right now technology 6 constellation is a rather interesting one it has use not only in his normal play style being used as more quick swap do his thing and get off onto other characters or just to actually stay on field with them and fire charger as if you were gone you the extra cluster Bloom arrow that this fires has no ICD so every time you shoot it it will trigger spread as well as do pretty respectable damage on its own not only that but the decreased charge time will actually shave time off his normal rotations it's just a matter of how you take advantage of that time and how well you can actually take advantage of the reduced charge time and fire off his arrows quicker in the best of scenarios it ends up being a pretty strong constellation and in scenarios where you want to use him more as a charge shotter well it helps that out too making it just a pretty good constellation overall finding exact numbers on Sino C6 isn't exactly the easiest thing to do right now however you can look at the raw motion values that this can provide and when you do that it looks pretty good not to mention more hits equals more reactions which are aggravate really freaking strong just to Raw motion values of these bolts alone can they can add up to over 1500 damage which is a lot of extra damage to be adding on not to mention any individual reactions they may be procking I literally have no data to back this up other than that you could trigger about 12 to 16 of these things in a single burst and with that it sounds pretty strong but I could be wrong either way admittedly I won't start nilu C6 looked like the most broken thing I'd ever seen uh that was before actually trying her for myself and seeing what kind of damage number she could personally do now they're not completely laughable numbers they are decent enough however they're just not why I bring neelu into my teams I want her there to either be triggering reactions hopefully get her some em and some HP on her her personal damage just ends up being more of a bonus to me similar to units like cozuma or kokomi but I can say this about the C6 the raw value here and the requirement to get it is so good you already want to Stack HP on her so that's no problem at all and 30 crit rate and 60 crit damage that is huge I'm really not entirely sure gut reaction is to say this is good but probably not broken just like I thought just like Jeong Lee this gacha splash does not work with this transition so obviously nahida is still super new and she is not fully solved yet however you can look at this constellation much like Sino you can see that the damage numbers are pretty good however there's a big difference Sino is a main DPS who should be building a lot of crit stats and attack and has good stuff to scale off of nihida however a little bit different wanting to build a yam and while this does have em scaling her crit rate is usually going to suffer by using an em hat and she's obviously not usually building a dendro cup the damage that this offers is a little bit under what a level 12 or 13 najita skill would offer so it essentially almost doubles her skills damage so how good this is depends on how much damage your skill is currently doing I suppose obviously an AOE that'll generate a pretty good amount of damage in single Target yeah it'll probably just be okay I feel like this is probably just somewhere near the middle not broken but not underpowered certainly not overpowered you know like my patrons are my patrons are very overpowered they're once you subscribe to my patreon which is cheaper than a C6 by the way you can plug in USBS on the first try one side of your pillow will always be cold spoons will never fall into pots that you're cooking with on top boy none of your left socks will ever go missing ever again you want to deal with that problem anymore where you'd have to sneeze but ton [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 440,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin impact, five star cons, most op c2, strongest constellation, raiden c2, op cons, genshin op, ratheil, rath, Rathiel, broken constellation, broken, constellations, broken c2, Most op c6, strongest c6, op c6, c6, best c6, eula c6, xiao c6, zhongli c6, shenhe c6, ayaka c6, yelan c6, kazuha c6
Id: qRBOiJ4ZfC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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