Flaming Lead (1939) | Full Movie | Ken Maynard | Tarzan | Eleanor Stewart

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as soon as we get the herd of surprise valley panhandle you and larry go back to the ranch for more supplies right mr perk and i sure hope nothing happens to this bunch of car users don't know why we don't want to claim bad luck all the time [Music] there they come mighty considered a birch round of his horses for us come on boys [Music] [Music] you keep the hurt on the run we'll join [Music] sex he probably never knew what hit him yeah it's gonna be plenty tough having to tell his daughter all right boy look him in the wagon all right boys take the herd down to the hangout through eagle pass i gotta report back to big jim is jim cradle you're on blackie yeah he's in his office talking to bart daggett the army agent you wouldn't think a knocking point come in would you hank you ain't going social on me are you jim why you you all right we won't go into that did you get the hurt did i ever fall down on the job before no by the way i don't think you're going to be bothered by dan burke anymore good couple more raids and we'll have that burke garden outfit just where we want it what about young frank garden first partner you suppose he'll give us any trouble not him from what i hear he's too busy back east getting drunk we ain't been these parts in the last 10 years what about burke's daughter she might put up a little fight we'll take care of her now don't you worry about that oh uh when colonel mal get in town daggett in about two weeks i wanted that i didn't think the burke garden ranch would be able to fulfill their contract on those cavalry horses that i'm negotiating with you that's fine i expect that army contract's going to make me a hundred and fifty thousand dollars you mean us i don't care daggett you're getting these wrestled horses and you're getting a good price for them in foreign countries yeah sure but by the time i rebrand and smuggle them aboard ship i've lost half of my profit i'm not in this thing for my health you know now why don't you two hombres grow up there's enough money in this deal for all of us you're right hank well stick around town a few days daggett and i'll have another bunch of watches for you all right [Music] you say benson is sending 500 head to the gordon ranch right here take care [Music] they're being held in oak canyon i don't care how you do it but you've got to stop those horses from reaching the buck ranch something's got to be done to stop this rustling test do you realize that in 10 days we're supposed to deliver 3 000 head of horses and if we can round up 500 right now we're lucky well i've done everything i can miss k they seem to know every move we make so i've noticed i've spent every dollar i have trying to save that contract well what i can't figure out is they just disappear and nobody ever sees them again yeah and that sheriff's about as useful as a cayous with three legs don't you worry miss k i know where we can buy two thousand head of horses so do i what do we use for money oh yeah i never thought of that say why don't young gordon come out here he's got plenty money he's too busy spending it being a playboy i've wired him at least a dozen times explaining the situation and he hasn't even shown me the courtesy to answer i guess he's just not interested well why don't you send him another telegram and make it plenty strong tell him you're going to lose a ranch if he don't come out here and help you run it there's more truth than poetry in what you say panhandle but i guess it's our only hope i think you're wasting your time miss k maybe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you suppose this place is too high class for us no i can take it good we'll sneak over and sit down and pretend that we've been drinking [Music] this is my reserve table allow me my little chickadee coffee hello my goodness the best in the house for me and my girlfriend [Music] and keep the chains [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you know hey what's the matter you look like you mad at me well i've got a right to be you promised me would be married this morning but what about it well all we've been doing was going around from one bar to another oh tonight we'll have a good time and our first thing in the morning we'll get married yeah that's what you told me yesterday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey you want to see me do that i have finally had a robotized georgia if i only had a rope [Music] so wow [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] um that's what you think come on now get out of here now you'll get your girlfriend and get out of here [Applause] just a minute before you throw him out give him back that roll of bills you just took out of his pocket well you're crazy ken i don't know what you're talking about how about that here please [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] thank you partner why are we surely from this wish i know i'm fired i'll beat you to it i'll quit i'll take you out of here wait a minute take off that suit that's a bad idea i never did like the outfit anyhow when i change clothes oh i'll never take another drink oh here take this old man might make you feel better nasty huh oh thanks hello yourself hey you know uh you don't know how bad i feel about you losing your job but maybe i can make it up for you some way oh forget it i didn't like a place anyhow just trying to get enough money to get back to arizona arizona yeah me and my partner come to the city with a bunch of stock sold them out but he skipped with the money left me stranded hmm that's so bad that's true uh-oh this little telegram reminds me of something you know i own half of a ranch somewhere in arizona uh that is my father did and he left it to me i wonder what do you suppose they want why don't you try opening it maybe you find out that's a swell idea well that's funny there isn't anything in this you know this is the fourth one i've gotten like this in the last few weeks i wish they'd stopped fooling won't you try reading the telegram instead of the envelope huh see you're smart aren't you that's silly this is maybe you better read this guy never could read on a moving train all right absolutely imperative you come to ranch to take charge i've wired you several times regarding father's death and condition here stop need additional money it wants to carry on or will lose ranch as well as army contract sign k burke gee looks like this k bert's in quite a jam well he's always in trouble you know i haven't seen her since she was a little bug nose kid and if she's anything now like she was then she's a female cyclone according to this she needs help gordon says she's liable to lose the range also what if she does i'll be better off it's only a headache anyway joel speaking of headaches i'm sure going on the wagon you better go to arizona so arizona i want no part of arizona not me i'll tell you what though why don't you go out and sort of handle things for me i'll pay you a good salary excuse me all right wouldn't be any useful unless you went along to back me up i don't know maybe i should go out [Music] don't answer that willa sure hello yes it is i want to speak to you who is it some lady by the name of gertie i'll talk to her gertie tell her i'm not in tell her i'm on my way to arizona arizona i'm sorry miss mr garden was on his way to arizona and he left word that you what's the matter i don't know sound like she fainted or something good come here come here come here you want our cable and tell her to expect us when we get there it's either better get married we'll leave as soon as the room stops spinning around and i can find the door good tell me what's your name 30. what what birdie and she's a fine dirty take her away i know i don't want a goodie what's the matter have more gritty trouble yeah they can't do this to me what does keybridge think i'm gonna do walk out to the drains well let's get our horses come on i don't think we'll give us much trouble are you frank gordon jordan uh who me no no i i'm only a secretary uh that's gordon over there well you're frank gordon eh any crime in that yes there is when that afternoon comes through here for the east you're gonna be on it oh no i don't like trains they make me seasick you're gonna be more than seasick if you don't take my advice you ain't wanted in these parks folks are sure friendly around here ain't you now listen mr whatever your name is i like it out here i'm live will stick around here for quite some time now is that a nice way to treat a stranger well get up man get on your feet now get going tell whoever you're working for the frank gardiner's out here to run the brook garden ranch can't be bluffed by the amateur batman glory oh boy i sure used my head when i told him you was me because if i'd been you instead of you i'd have gotten beating but by you being me instead of you i'm still feeling good as a fiddle i hope you know what you're talking about because i don't what about this horse here well this is tourism partner the smartest horse in this part of the country can do anything but talk you'll go ahead and buy them if you want to what do we care about expenses uh look i i got some very important business to take care of in town and i'll be out to the ranch a little later on i look here frank you've been drunk ever since i've known you can't you stay with sober long enough to straighten things up around here are you insinuating that i drink no oh no oh go on and run the ranch the way you want you don't need me anyway and if you need any more money look me up i'll be around all right you see that ombre getting getting back his gun that's right then what you're saying about this horse here well i'll just show you a few things pretty good-looking animals they're carson come around here now look at this gentleman would you like to have him as an owner a nice little smile for this man come on a nice little smile say yes i'd love to be with you where now then show the gentleman how old you are come on how old are you now one two three three more three four four five now then will you bow nicely for the man come on [Music] boy what do you think of that now now then how would you like to go with the man huh all right go ahead go ahead and show him hey he's a loving knife that's nice that's awesome nice loving now i think he does like me we're gonna get along all right i'll take him right how about a saddle an outfit to go anywhere oh i've got the whole outfit right over here all right here he comes that dude secretary ain't with him [Applause] all right put them up and keep them up what is this a game you probably see miley interest in me you said it we even like you so much we're gonna take you out to our house for a nice long visit yeah now get on one of them horses and don't try any funny business hey get them horses [Applause] where do you think you're going i want to see kay burke she probably don't want to see you she's kind of particular i wouldn't be surprised what i can hear she's a regular female cyclone thanks to the compliment female cyclone am i gee i i'm you don't have to explain what you want why why did you try and explain so you're frank gordon yes well it's about time you got here i just don't jump at one another's throats what's the trouble trouble this is a fine time to ask me that i've been trying to get in touch with you for six months and now it's my father dead nearly all of the horses stolen you show up say are things really that bad they're worse it's one of the bunkhouse i'll show you where you can flop how's the place look to you after all these years all just about the same i guess like frank we just changed this place all around last fall oh i yes i've been going too long i i think i'll wash up hey frank there's a washroom you get mighty forgetful i guess well where'd you get them oh i thought you might be needing these with all this trouble say that's a fine looking outfit wouldn't mind having a pair of them myself they are yours what do you mean what's the matter those belong to your father you use them last time you was here imagine me forgetting that i should have remembered it i don't know what's my memory here lately i don't either but i aim to find out and first of all i'm going to jog your memory by telling you i don't think you're frank gordon all right i'm not frank guard well if you ain't then who are you ken clark douglas county arizona that's my territory say you ain't no kenda gin clark the sheriff of douglas are you here's my father well how come you use the name gordon it's kind of a long drawn out story you set out i'll explain it all to you i wish i hadn't sent foreign texts i know we'll never get along say uh you want me to sort of discourage him about sticking around no that wouldn't do any good i've got to force myself to be nice to him until i find out whether he'll put up enough money to straighten things out here hello hello miss burke hi miss k tex there's frank gordon the other half the bert gordon outfit prank me text hammer our foreman howdy how you do i just got to explain to frank what's been going on here and he wants me to show him over the ranch yes i'm anxious to see that last herd of horses you round up i'm sure you have a perfect right to him to get your own property well uh i sort of figured on going over c creely and trying to talk him out of selling us enough forces to make good on our contract then letting him wait for the money till the army pays us clearly around that many horses yeah he's about the largest horse ranch in this part of the country raises a fine breed of stock too pretty wouldn't sell us nothing not even if we had the money to pay for it he's been after that army contract himself well we'll talk to clearly later let's get going now and i heard boys it was our heard [Applause] so [Applause] hey wait a minute you might have text come on let's get out of here come on hey leather man [Applause] let the rustlers go boys let's get back to our horses come on well now we got them rounded up boys what are we going to do with them leave them out here on this open range they're ascents to be rustled again well i don't know what else we can do with them i do we drive in surprise valley that's where we're heading with the big herd when they was russell no man burke was killed yeah that's right they ought to be safe there all right let's get them moving them boys there's nothing much i can do about matter you see colonel marlow arrives the latter part of this woody up to him to decide but you're the buyer for the cavalry in this district surely you can persuade him to delay his decision at least we get a chance to recover our stolen stock i'm willing to do anything i can to help you however colonel marlowe has very definite ideas of his own and if you fail to produce a number of horses agreed upon he'll avoid that contract to someone else well i'll appreciate your efforts anyhow mr dagger [Applause] good evening good evening good evening my name is kay hi mr daggett meet frank gordon burke's partner from the east glad to know you mr garden i was talking to the young lady about the army contract i promised to help her all i could to retain it well thanks we nearly lost another herd today we'll probably need all the help we can get well if you'll excuse me i'll be running along so text will you take a little look at this syrup leather it looks weak sure surprise valley really knows where it is well i think that'll be all right mr daggett no thanks so you say we nearly lost another herd today frank yes a bunch of russell's trying to run off that's all three of us got there just barely in time well i reckon i heard it'd be funny safe now we get ready to deliver miss k we took them to surprise valley i want to talk to mr gordon alone if you and texts don't mind well sure ms k mr gordon the main reason i wanted you to come out here was from a financial standpoint i believe we can hold on to our contract with the army if we can get a hold of enough horses to meet this next delivery a what do you suggest there's only one thing to suggest we've got to arrange to buy enough stock to make good our agreement once the contract is renewed we've got three months to figure out a way to keep it well the idea sounds all right miss burke but it might not be a safe investment well we're certain to get our money back the army always pays on delivery well i i i i have to think it over i why should you have to think it over i know where we can buy plenty of horses and you've got the money to do it i know but you you don't understand that i understand this much it doesn't seem to make much difference to you whether i lose this ranch or not well it does to me outside of my interest in this place i haven't got a thing in the world i realize that miss berg but i i'll still have to think it over forget it i should have known better than even to mention it well panhandle i certainly got myself in a fine jam miss kate just asked me to put up enough money to buy the horses to fulfill that army contract of course i had to do a lot of stone and wound up making a fool of myself well that's something maybe we better tell her the truth no i thought of that she's so mad i didn't have the nerve though she's a mighty small person panhellenic i wish things could have turned out different the only thing i can do is look up garden and get him to explain the whole situation he's not a bad start i think i can handle him yeah the only thing is i hope you ain't got lost in the shuffle what you told me about him he's allowed to be on his way back to chicago by now but it won't take us long to find out we're riding in the mesquite first thing in the morning come on let's turn in i'll be out in a minute good morning miss burke you know where texas i certainly do i send him out to surprise valley to see if larry and the boys are all right rustlers from the herd and surprise valley they stampeded him what about the boys i was the only one got away i almost got plugged by a serious ombre a couple of miles up the trail i'm sorry miss k well that's all right larry it wasn't your fault you better go and get some rest now thanks man that certainly was a bright idea of yours taking the herd to surprise valley you were probably trailed all away i don't think so somebody must have tipped the wrestlers off no one knew where the herd was outside of our own boys from now on i'm taking matters into my own hands i'm going to town a round off a party big enough to comb this entire country um we're going to town too panel i want to locate garden and get him and k together well maybe do some good but i sure like to find out who tipped off them wrestlers larry and his boys is with a herd and the rest of us was here at the ranch all night what about this army agent supposed to either found out something no we didn't say nothing miss k about where we taking the hurt after he left wait a minute tex went out to help daddy with his saddle sensed he's with him alone long enough to tip him off by golly you're right and another thing larry didn't meet techs on the trail coming back in the valley else tex would have been with him yeah maybe easy bird took a pot shot of larry come on let's go dig him up and see if we can persuade him to talk [Applause] looks like we was on a wild goose chase ken we're nearly to the valley we ain't cut texas trail yet ah that's where you're wrong hey there come on so our hunch is right about texan daggett that animal now we got to find out where they're hiding the stolen horses now you follow daggett and i'll follow text right i'll meet you back at the bunk house go ahead so do [Applause] [Applause] start reaching now get moving he went that way [Applause] well there's no use of trying to follow him chick you'll beat another queen's ranch he's not there falling down the saloon explain what happened tell him i think we're gonna get the horses out of here [Applause] right so so you're sleeping again are you panel hey listen i found the stolen horses we got to get the town get a posse right away come on wake up come on panel panhandle wake up wake up was the worst thing you could have done i told you i couldn't help it i spotted him trailing me and i doubled back to the bird garden range i thought that would keep him from being suspicious and then well i went into the bunk house looking for texts and he followed me inside threatened to kill me if i didn't tell him who was at the head of this horse wrestling it was either his life or mine well there's no use crying over spilled milk and i know that panhandle wasn't smart enough to figure out for himself that you were mixed in this deal that was frank garden's idea he's the one we've got to worry about now hello yes is it gentry what oh all right celtics i'll be on the lookout for gordon when he comes and i'll be out myself to help move the herd yeah all right what happened now the fat is in the fire frank gardens discovered our hangout texting the boys tried to capture him but he got away well i'm pulling out of here before anything else happened wait a minute see us through or else well we'll round up the rest of the gang move these horses to a safer place so you won't tell me another day huh well listen smirlingly i could buy and sell this joint if i wanted to and incidentally do you know who i am now what are you laughing at i'm frank gordon that's who i am does that mean anything to you wait here i said it doesn't mean anything to you well you're crazy frank garden's been out to his ranch for the last three four days oh that's so well that's what you think listen i'm frank jordan and the fellow out of the ranch is ken clark a devil i had to do my fighting for me and if you don't believe me just take a look at this look at that franklin this is frank gordon business frank jordan see that one frank gordon on that and look at this one frank gordon now am i frank gordon or my friend good hey i'm sorry we've caused you any trouble mr gordon uh you know i own the silver dollar here and uh suppose you come in my office and we'll just talk the matter over that's yeah yeah it talks we'll have a little drink special stuff here i keep my friends i knew i'd like you the minute i saw you one for you all right get him out on a horse as soon as i can get the shirt for the hangout hello operator get me the sheriff's office right away hello sheriff ram now this is jim creely speaking you say you have positive proof that the man isn't frank gordon yes i have his real name is tim clark i have word to that effect and also that the real frank gordon is missing this clock probably killed gordon and is on his way to rob k brick he's supposed to be on his way into town right now now you pick him up when he gets there well i'll do as you say jim and thanks miss burke is in my office here now we've just formed a posse and we're starting out to search for her stolen horses if this ken clark is on his way here we ought to meet him on the road all right are you sure big jim creely just told me he had proof of it i don't believe it if you're doing you'd agree with me well maybe you're right but i'm going to pick him up and question him anyway sheriff i want to see you yes and i want to see you too you're under arrest on suspicion of murder frank gordon frank gordon murdered oh don't act innocent i've got plenty of proof sheriff i don't know what you're talking about i can explain everything yeah well you'll have plenty of chance to talk after you're locked up mr ken clark all right sheriff i am ken clark miss burke panhandle has been murdered now found your stolen horses we don't get back there where they're hitting them right away the russells are moving another thing sheriff i found out that tech's having bought daggers mixed up in this that's a fine sounding yarn get going i believe he's telling the truth sheriff why don't you give him a chance to prove his story oh he's just trying to lie his way out of a tough spot k but i'm going to keep him in a safe place till i can check his story thoroughly hi ghouls [Applause] so [Applause] say listen i don't think this is a bit funny let me loosen the liquid on two at a time ah shut up or you'll get slugged again get in that shack with you now let's get saddled up we'll move the herd all right [Applause] [Applause] it's a sheriff's posse [Applause] [Applause] get out [Applause] cover that door [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] come on get up man get up come on there you are sheriff that is the man panhandle was trailer when he was killed often be hard to get a talk now well it was sure my lucky day when i hired you to be me good work ken come on you that certainly was a bad job for me now on you better try being yourself oh boy look at that look at that you know the three of us are going to be very very happy out here it is actually what i'm going to do i'm going to give up all my connections back east and come out here and live the way i always wanted to that's what you think i am hey you're coming back east with me and coming right now oh no i'm not [Music] hahaha you
Channel: Classic Hollywood Movies
Views: 19,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, Film, Classic Hollywood Movies, cowboy movie, b-western, Ken Maynard, wild west, hollywood western, Hollywood Movies, Movies
Id: Hk68ZkParVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 49sec (3409 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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