Random Commercial Challenge #2

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Who can make the best random commercial in 30 seconds? Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - Many of you know that back before... ...we started making this show, among many other videos on YouTube, we made... - ...local commercials for real businesses. - Yes. ♪ (At the Red House: where black people and white people buy furniture) ♪ You probably thought this deer was alive. And this coyote was alive. And this pheasant was alive. Nope. - ♪ (dance music) ♪ - ♪ (Shift it, shift it in forward) ♪ ♪ (Shift it, shift it in reverse Domestic or foreign) ♪ - ♪ (I please you with my service) ♪ - And even though we don't make... ...many of those anymore, we do want to make sure that we don't get rusty for the time when they're needed. That's right. And that's why, from time to time, we like to do what we call... - ...The Random Commercial Challenge! - ♪ ("game show" fanfare) ♪ Here's how this works. We basically have two hats. In my hat, I have a collection... - ...of products that we can sell. - And in my hat, we have principles... ...of advertising: things that make a good commercial. And in each round, we're each going to select one, match them together, and then we have 30 seconds to walk over to our set and make a commercial... - ...on the spot. - Mhm. I'm a little nervous. I prefer to not be so open-ended, but hey. This is what makes you alive. Why don't you go first? Step right into it! - You're so nervous. Go first. - All right, so should I pick the... - ...principle first? - You do whatever you want to, Link. - (paper crinkling) - Okay. "An effective motivator to... - ...get people to buy things... is fear." - Mm. Fear is an excellent motivator. Reee, fear. And... - (paper crinkling) - (Link) What am I gonna sell... - ...with fear? Plastic plants! - All right, scare 'em into getting... - ...a plastic plant. And remember, Link, you have... - Wish me luck. Psh, psh, psh! - Good luck, bro. You have props... ...wardrobe, wigs, and stuff to choose from to enhance your commercial. ♪ (vibraphone glissando) ♪ Okay, Link. Go! - (glass crashing) - Gah! Ha! Gotcha! Gotcha! What? You don't wanna die, do you? Well, then you better keep breathing. And you might need to get yourself one of these. It's a plant! Dial 1-900-FAKE-PLT. Get yourself this oxygen-making machine! It makes fake oxygen. Right here. Gah! Get yourself one if you wanna stay north-side of the dirt. - Do it today! - Time. - That's good. A little scary? - (Rhett) Uh... - Were you afraid? - No, I wasn't afraid at all. - I was afraid for you. - (Link) Yeah. - Pretty good job. - Yah! That didn't scare you either? I'm a little worried about you. (stammering) There's sort of a fundamental problem with selling... - I realized that halfway through. - ...a fake plant as an oxygen-maker. - Hey, man. You got a few seconds. - But you know what? You get people's... - ...emotions going. - Right. They're like, "I don't... It doesn't make any sense, but I'm going with it." The product, Rhett, it emits oxygen. Fake oxygen. - What kind of shirt is that you got on? - This is the shirt Chase used... ...to scare me in an old fear episode we did I think. Okay, All right. My turn. And my principle... - (paper crinkling) - Byah! "Get people to remember your products with a distinct and catchy jingle." - (chuckling) Mmkay. - Jingle. We've done a lot of jingles. - Yeah. And... - (Link) ♪ (B-B-B-Butt Drugs) ♪ (Link) Can't use that one. - Beans. - Near and dear to your heart. - Oh, yeah! All right! - (through clenched teeth) Get over there! ♪ (vibraphone glissando) ♪ (Link) All right. Go! - ♪ (bouncy piano and birds chirping) ♪ - It's that time of year again. Time for beans. ♪ (Beans! You know what I mean.) ♪ ♪ (It's beans! Sometimes they come in strings.) ♪ - (music stops) - ♪ (And sometimes they're green.) ♪ ♪ (And sometimes they're round. Even when the music stops) ♪ ♪ (You eat 'em outta the ground. Beans.) ♪ (Link) Time! Or a bowl. You eat 'em out of a bowl? - Beans! - (Link) Got it. (clapping) - (Rhett) Wow, the jingle really... - (Link) All right. They jungle got a mind of its own, man. I love how it ended with... "Beans: you eat 'em out of the ground," and then you ate 'em out of a bowl. Yeah, because I got 'em out of the ground and 'em into the bowl. - You sold me. - I just put my mouth on that part. Oh. Yeah, this is how they eat beans around the world. - All right, so I get to pick my next one. - (paper crinkling) "Sex appeal keeps eyes glued to your product." - What is that product? - (laughing) - Abacus. Abacus. - If you can make an abacus... - A-BACK-us! Sexy abacus. - ...sexy, you deserve all the accolades... - ...you can get. - (laughing) You watch, brother. - Oh, gosh. (inhales) - ♪ (vibraphone glissando) ♪ Okay, Link. Go. - ♪ (soft jazz) ♪ - (softly) Well, hello there, slugger. You need some help with your homework? Well, maybe I can... ...have just the product for ya. It's an a-BACK-us. You use it... You use it to count your little... your little time with me. - ♪ (windchimes) ♪ - One hour with me. Two hours with me. Three hours divided by... love... equals... - ♪ (harp glissando) ♪ - ...rainbows. - (Rhett) Time! - Dial 1-900-ABA-KISS. Wow. - Come back on over, baby. - (Link) What? (Rhett) What was the math on that? One hour... (Link) One hour with me plus one hour with me plus rainbows... - No, equal rainbows. - ...equals rainbows. Yeah. One hour with you plus one hour with YOU equals rainbows? - You know how kids do homework. - Oh. Well, look at us, Link. We look like a happy couple... - (Link and crew offscreen laughing) - ...who's invited everybody over for... - ...a Christmas party. - (high voice) "Hi, guys!" - "She's great at math." - "Welcome to our house. We're gonna... - ...play some math games." - "I've got all the beans you want." - "She's great at math." - "Honeybun here's got the beans." - Okay. My turn. Great job on that. - "I've got the math." - It was very, very sexy. Ugh. - (Link) You don't need to say... - ...a lot when you look like I did. - (paper crinkling) - What's your principle, Rhett? - "Pull on buyers' heartstrings... - ...to form a connection." - Pull on the heartstrings. - Make it emotional. - (Link) Yeah. - Okay. - (paper crinkling) Hair gel. - You know a lot about that. - I do. Heh. It matters to you. Pull on the heartstrings -- ... - Whoa! - ...Whoa! -- with the hair gel. ♪ (vibraphone glissando) ♪ - (Link) And... go! - ♪ (touching paino) ♪ Hi, I'm Stucky, your average teenage boy. I used to wake up every day with dry hair, and it made my parents hate me. And they sent me to a state-run boys home. That's were I met Tony. And he introduced me to hair gel. My parents still don't love me. But... With Tony's help -- oh, shoot. With Tony's help, I was able to look cool like this. And you can, too. - Aaaand time! - Go to the boys home. (laughing) What?! Was that an advertisement for a boys home? - (crew offscreen laughing) - Or for hair gel? Or both, I guess. Go to a boys home and learn how to put on hair gel... - ...by a guy named what? Tommy? - (Rhett) Tony. Tony. "Tony made me cool, but my parents still hate me." - Look how cool I am. - You smell very strong. - Yeah. - That was a vat. Blue jelly. Did you not understand the logic? My parents didn't love me. - They sent me -- 'cause I had dry hair. - Yes, I understood. - They sent me away. - The logic was crystal clear. Met Tony. And now, still at the boys home, but I'm cool. - Yeah. And then your tagline was? - (laughing) "See ya at the boys home?" - What was it? - It was like, "Go to a boys home." - (laughing) - For what? (stammering) It was a two-for-one. It was when two brands come together. - Yeah, it's like a PSA. - It was hair gel and boys homes. "You know, as the CEO of Hair Gel, Incorporated, I want to... - ...target troubled boys." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. "There's a big market there that's untapped with hair gel." - (laughing) Okay, All right. - There probably is. Oh, gosh. I'm ready to go again to get out of this, uh... - (Rhett) Got a big glob on my shirt. - ...Little Red Riding Head. All right. My principle is... "Testimonials are a good way to show consumers your product is trustworthy." - Ah, that's good. - True. - (paper crinkling) - (Link) And that product that will... - ...be testified to is... (scoffs) - Huh. - ...uh, the good old bucket. - Yeah! (laughing) Sell away, Link. (exhales) ♪ (vibraphone glissando) ♪ (Rhett) All right, Link. Go! - ♪ (rock music) ♪ - (New York City accent) Hey! I'm Stucky's friend, Tony, from the boys home and CEO of JustBucket.com, home of the best buckets on Earth. But you don't have to take MY word for it. Listen to this. (Link) Right here. Introduce yourself. Tell 'em what the bucket means to you. Hey, I'm Goorgen. This bucket has changed all my life! And I [want to put something for this one for my life]. Okay. - What do you put in the bucket? - I think it's the best one I put... - ...in the... money inside! - Tell them! Tell them. Put the money inside, for get the bucket full to the money inside. - (Rhett) Time! - Put the money inside the bucket! JustBucket.com. Take it from Goorgen. He's a transmission specialist... - ...and a lover of buckets. - (Rhett and crew offscreen clapping) - All right, great. Excellent job, Goorgen. - (Goorgen) It's okay? - (Rhett) The Goorgen part was very good. - (Link) Yeah, the Goorgen part. - (Link) What about my part? - Uh, Tony... - Remember me? We were friends! - Yeah, Stucky thinks you did a great job. Goorgen, you can sit back here. That's fine. Here's your seat right there. - Just hang out. - (Goorgen laughing) Nice job, Goorgen. You made me feel like that bucket... meant so much to you. - Like it changed your life. - You know what? You can hold the... ...bucket for a little bit. Just chill out. - Okay. All right. - The bucket's his life. - He fills it full of money. - (stammering) That's exactly the way Tony does it. That's exactly the way he does his hair. - Just like I do. - That's right I taught you. - You just take it, and just... - I changed your life with... - ...the hair gel. - You grab the top of the head... - ...and you leave the front dry. - Just book it, man. - All right, here we go. - All right, you got one last one... - ...for me? What's your principle? - (paper crinkling) "A mascot can represent your brand and increase product recognition." - (laughing) Okay. - Mascot. - (Rhett) And... - (paper crinkling) - ...sweatpants. - Masquot wearing sweatpants. Mas-quot. I don't know what that is. Use it if you want. ♪ (vibraphone glissando) ♪ (Link laughing) Okay, go! - ♪ (orchestral music) ♪ - Hi. My name is Bartholomew. I spend a lot of time alone. You should join me sometime, because I wear sweatpants. I'm not wearing them right now. I'm just holding them. But you should come and spend some time with me on my sofa. I'll be the one in sweatpants and nothing else. I have a pair for you. You should wear them, and together, we will be sweatpant buddies. It'll be the best time of both of our lives. - (Link) Time! - Call me. The number is just my personal number. My name is Bartholomew. (laughing) What is this mask? That's amazing. Are you telling me from the moment you drew this and got up to the moment you got over there, you made that mask? No! The mask is... - It's not a mask. I'm a dog. - (Link laughing) I'm a dog with a human body. I am the result of an experiment. (laughing) Goorgen is lovin' it! I am lovin' it. - Everybody's lovin' it. - I'm a pug. I actually have... ...,breathing problems because I was bred in such a way to make my snout cute. - Does that feel good? - So people... Yes, no? (laughing) - Oh, man. That's great. - Okay. That was loads of fun. All right, Mythical Beasts. At this point, what you do is you be the judge in the comments below. Who made the better... ...impromptu commercial? Don't give too much weight to the mask. - I mean, that's kind of a crutch. - 'Cause it's not a mask! - It's not a mask! - (laughing) - It's not a mask! - Thanks for liking, commenting... - ...and subscribing. - You know what time it is! I'm Matt Brown from Pennsylvania, but right now I'm at the Outer Banks in North Carolina, and it's time to spin... - ...The Wheel of Mythicality. - When Im wearing my sweatpants... ...I like to drink liquids. (slurping sounds) And I only drink liquids from a Good Mythical Mug! (slurping sounds) Available at rhettandlink.com/store! Click through to Good Mythical More if you wanna hang out with this guy... - ...and this guy, and that guy! - (Goorgen laughing) - (Link) But first. - (Rhett) "Link... can... hear... - ...his... mug talking!" - Milk talking. Whoa! Hey, did you hear that my dog? - What, Tony? - Something's talking. - It's saying something. - I have a super sense of hearing. (whispering) Do a voice, Goorgen! - Do a voice. - (Goorgen quietly) Ooooh! - It's saying, "Oooh!" - Very scary! It's haunted! It's haunted! I think it's my mug! - Listen! Listen! - Oooooh! - It's moaning! - Oh, wow! - (louder) Oo-oo-ooh! - It's moaning! - Don't drink from that mug! - I'm gonna kill it by drinking... - ...its liquids. - Don't drink it, Tony! Tony, noooooooooooo! [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,708,941
Rating: 4.9595981 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, random commercial challenge, rhett and link random commercial challenge, good mythical morning random commercial challenge, gmm random commercial challenge, random commercial challenge gmm, random commercial challenge rhett and link, random commercial challenge good mythical morning
Id: DwqlrdqPSSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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