Ultimate WWE Wrestlemania Challenge

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I love that GMM shows up here lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Roller95 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
Today we lay the smack down. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning. And good mythical luck getting through today's episode without a few bumps and bruises because today we are getting buck wild. And I'm not just talking about the wild foraging for Rice Krispies made of insect poop - that we'll be eating later on. - ( grunts ) I'm also talking about getting wild in the ring for WrestleMania. <i> That's right, it's time for...</i> Okay, what we're going to do is conduct a test to see who can perform the most accurate wrestling moves based only on verbal instructions. And normally, we would be competing. - Right, yeah. - But honestly, there's too much risk involved with our aging bodies, so we have asked two friends of ours, experts in the field, if you will, to come in and compete in our place. They're going to listen to Stevie's instructions and each attempt the move. Then Rhett and I will sit here in the comfort of the desk and give a score of one to ten based on how close they got to the actual wrestling move. Whoever has the most points will win the first ever GMM Wrestling Federation championship belt. ( yelling ) - Hey, I'm Randy. - And I'm Dandy. both: We're the Mandy brothers. Randy and Dandy Mandy. Those numbnuts Rhett and Link asked us to do some wrestling moves. That's right. We're gonna execute these wrestling moves in pristine perfection 'cause we're not a pile of wet wusses. - Let's do this! - Right! This is my training partner, Dirty Paul. This is my sparring partner, Floppy Fred. He gets me drinks and he pops the zits on my back before a match. Stevie:<i> This first move is called The Widow's Peak.</i> Never heard of it. <i> Facing your opponent, take his head and put it between your legs.</i> <i>Flip your opponent into the air and put him on your shoulder.</i> <i> Clasp both hands around your opponent's face.</i> <i>Fall onto your butt driving the back of your opponent's skull into your shoulder.</i> <i> As your butt hits the ground, release your grasp on your opponent.</i> - That's a mouthful. - You're going up, Paul. - You first? - Yeah! Here we go. ( grunting ) Okay, this is the part I know you like. Ooh. I heard that. You okay? And then we're done. All right. Get down. Whoop! ( grunts ) ( vocalizing ) Yeah! Couldn't have done it without ya. Whoo! Boo-ya. Nice work, Randy and Dandy. All right, let's see what Randy did. Link:<i> Oh, my. There it is. Going up.</i> <i> Oh, very limber.</i> <i> Not Randy, but the other guy.</i> Rhett:<i> Very intimate between Randy and Dirty Paul.</i> - Link:<i> Oh, wow. </i> - Rhett:<i> Yeah, yeah, that was--</i> Link:<i> Who was doing the move on who?</i> Rhett:<i> And then look at that. And then you see it continues.</i> Link:<i> Oh, wow. </i> Rhett:<i> And then there's-- yeah.</i> There's a little spread eagle thing that happens there. It's got a theatrical element, which is nice. Well, let's see if Mandy did any better. - Link:<i> Dandy. </i> - Rhett:<i> Dandy.</i> -<i> Let's see if Dandy-- whatever the guy's name is. </i> - Link:<i> Mandy's the last name.</i> <i> Oh, there it is. Oh, went way over the shoulder. Boom.</i> - Rhett:<i> Oh, wow, that's-- </i> - Link:<i> Yeah, very quick.</i> All right, now let's watch former WWE superstar, Victoria, show us how it's actually done. -<i> Oh, my. There it is. And then... </i> - Rhett:<i> Oh, oh. What? Oh, gosh.</i> - Whoa! - Yeah! - Rhett:<i> I'll judge Dandy. How about that? </i> - Link:<i> Okay. All right.</i> Rhett:<i> That seems fair.</i> <i> You know, Dandy did do a similar move.</i> <i> I think that I'm gonna go with-- I'm gonna give this an eight.</i> -<i> I'm pretty impressed with this. </i> - Link:<i> Out of eight.</i> - Rhett:<i> An eight out of ten. </i> - Link:<i> Okay.</i> <i> And then Randy, the opponent was sitting on the shoulder</i> <i> and didn't go over the back and then-- oh, gosh.</i> <i> Nobody wins when Randy does that.</i> <i> I'm gonna give that a three out of ten.</i> Wow, that seems generous to me. All right, let's move on. Stevie:<i> This next move is called Sister Abigail.</i> - We'll get some nuns involved. - Yep. <i> Facing your opponent, grab his right arm with your left</i> -<i> and pull it around your waist. </i> - Okay. <i> Pull him towards you and hook your left arm around his neck.</i> -<i> Now drape your opponent across your right knee. </i> - Okay. <i> Kiss your opponent on the forehead.</i> -<i> Spin your opponent-- </i> - Is the kiss necessary? That's not-- that doesn't jive with my brand. <i> Spin your opponent driving him face first into the mat</i> -<i> while you land flat on your back. </i> - Okay. All right, Dandy, show me what you've got. ( grunting ) Oh! That hurt me more than it hurt the dummy. ( coughing ) - You okay, Dandy? - I'm ready. Your turn. Grab you, pull you close. Is it lips or forehead? I'll do both just in case. ( grunting ) Ooh! Ooh! Pay no-- pay no attention to the man without a wig. - Hey, man. - Don't look over here! - Don't break character. - Don't look over here, man! - What are you doing? - Nothing. Just got a quick haircut and it grew back. Okay, now let's get a replay of how Dandy did. <i> Getting ready. Getting re-- takes a moment.</i> <i> You gotta-- you gotta grab a guy to have-- oh.</i> - Rhett:<i> Coax him into position. </i> - Link:<i> A little kiss.</i> - Rhett:<i> On the forehead. Whoa. </i> - both:<i> Oh!</i> Rhett:<i> I think Dandy's got a hole on his crotch.</i> Dandy looked very stunned at the end of that. Let's see what Randy did. Link:<i> Facing off in a similar fashion.</i> <i> Looks like they're about to dance. Yeah.</i> - Rhett:<i> There you go. </i> - Link:<i> So far it's the same.</i> -<i> Kiss, still the same. </i> - Rhett:<i> Yeah, he did the kiss on the forehead and the mouth.</i> - Link:<i> Two kisses. </i> - Rhett:<i> Uh-huh. Double kiss.</i> - Link:<i> Ooh! </i> - Rhett:<i> Well, he's got a hole in his crotch too.</i> We gotta see the real thing. This is the Sister Abigail as it's supposed to be performed by Bray Wyatt. <i> Okay. Ooh, okay. We're in the same place now.</i> Link:<i> Where's the kiss? Let's see that kiss.</i> -<i> Yep, there it is. Ooh. </i> - Rhett:<i> It's a toss.</i> - You throw backwards. - You throw backwards. You throw backwards. Let me judge Randy first. <i> Now, see, now Randy does the drape, he does the kiss,</i> <i> nailing it so far. Second kiss for added measure is nothing to be ashamed of.</i> - Rhett:<i> Nothing. </i> - Link:<i> And, see, this is the point of contention here,</i> is the opponent landing on his face? - Rhett:<i> Yes. Yes. Yes. </i> - Link:<i> Yes.</i> <i> You know, you didn't land in the right way,</i> <i> but, I don't know, I'm saying</i> <i> that's a good seven...</i> Rhett:<i> Whoa, okay.</i> <i> ...out of ten.</i> <i> I mean, that's pretty good</i> <i> going blind in there, Randy.</i> Don't call me Randy. - I'm talking to Randy. - Oh, Randy, yeah. <i> Now, Dandy did some interesting things,</i> <i> but the picking up from the back and tossing over,</i> <i> while it's a cool wrestling move,</i> <i> it's not really what-- it's not really what happened</i> <i> 'cause it makes the falling down</i> <i> completely inconsequential,</i> <i> so I'm gonna have to give that a five.</i> Link:<i> Yeah, I have to agree.</i> And he, evidentially, has stunned himself. Yeah. Stevie:<i> This move is called the Blue Thunder Bomb</i> - Ooh, yeah. - Never heard of it. <i> Facing your opponent's back,</i> <i> drape his inside arm over the back of your head.</i> <i> Grab your opponent under his inside hamstring</i> <i> and, as you begin to spin,</i> <i> lift him into the air as high as you can</i> <i> in a cradling position.</i> <i> Spin a full 180 degrees,</i> <i> keeping your head between your opponent's legs.</i> <i> Drop your opponent onto his back between your legs</i> <i> and land with at least one leg over his outstretched arm</i> <i> to apply a proper pinning predicament.</i> Predicament. This is quite a predicament. Why don't you go first. Okay, here we go, Paul. Don't hold back, Randy. ( grunting ) Whoa! Whoa, I'm seeing it! - I'm seeing it! - Avert your eyes, Dandy! - I'm seeing it! - Avert your eyes! I'm seeing it! Okay. I'm looking away, I don't wanna cheat. I think we nailed it. Whoo! Ooh-hoo! Pick him up, throw him over my shoulder, grab the back of the hamstring. ( grunts ) Whoo! ( grunts ) Oh, no! Yeah! Yeah! Whoo! Pinning predicament engaged. Okay. Let's see how Randy did this one. Link:<i> Blue Thunderbomb. Kick-- ooh!</i> Rhett:<i> Yeah, spin-a-roonie.</i> Link:<i> Oh, getting a little curtain action.</i> Rhett:<i> Yeah, nothing to be ashamed of there either.</i> - Link:<i> Okay. </i> - Rhett:<i> Okay.</i> Link:<i> Wow, this is going on forever.</i> <i> When is this gonna end?</i> Rhett:<i> Soon, I believe.</i> Link:<i> And... oh-- whoops.</i> Rhett:<i> Oh, whoa, and the finger point.</i> - What did Dandy do? - Let's see Dandy. Link:<i> Okay, dragging him up,</i> <i> throwing him over, okay.</i> <i> Oh, tickling the thigh.</i> <i> Bring-- ooh, bringing him back.</i> Rhett:<i> Okay, he's spinning.</i> <i> ( both exclaim )</i> Link:<i> Oh, what?</i> He shook his hair off for a second. - Yeah. - That was quite an impactful ending. Yeah, it's kinda surprising to learn that the hair is not real. Oh, it's real it just has an extension cord. Rhett:<i> It's kinda cool how it looks there for a second.</i> <i> Let's see how the real thing is done.</i> This is the Blue Thunderbomb done by Sami Zayn. -<i> Oh. Whoa! </i> -<i> Whoa!</i> <i> Oh, man, they're so much better.</i> Link:<i> Did you see that? Oh, my goodness.</i> <i> It's like a ride at the state fair</i> <i> that you don't survive.</i> Rhett:<i> Now, what I'll say about Dandy</i> <i> is that Dandy actually puts him up</i> <i> onto his shoulder in the proper way.</i> Link:<i> He's even landing on him in a similar way.</i> I mean, I don't have any skin in this game, but I think he's doing pretty great. Rhett:<i> It looks like you're supposed to land at the same time</i> <i> and Dandy kinda just added insult to injury</i> -<i> by landing on him later. </i> - Link:<i> Yeah, double leg drop.</i> Rhett:<i> So I'm gonna deduct a couple of points,</i> <i> but I think this is another solid eight.</i> -<i> ( bell dings ) </i> - Link:<i> Oh, wow, but Randy,</i> <i> on the other hand, the way that the crotch</i> <i> is on the chin is not something I'm seeing</i> <i> in any professional situation.</i> Rhett:<i> Uh-huh, yeah.</i> Link:<i> At the end, I'm looking for the slam,</i> <i> there's no slam, there's just a drop</i> <i> and a step over, which, I mean,</i> <i> I might give one, two style points for that.</i> - Rhett:<i> Mm-hmm. </i> - Link:<i> I'm looking at a nice, even four...</i> -<i> Okay. </i> -<i> ...out of ten</i> for Randy for that one. Feels pretty fair. Stevie:<i> Okay, guys, for this round,</i> <i> I'm gonna give you the name of the move, but nothing else.</i> - Cool. - Nothing else? Does it look like we've been needing instructions? <i> Please perform a Gorilla Press Into a Standing Moonsault.</i> - Moonsault. - Standing Moonsault. Gorilla Press I know. Gorilla Press to a Standing Moonsault. Dandy, you hit this one first. All right, he's down. Hoo-hoo! ( grunting ) Ooh! Whoo! Boo! Boo! Boo! Boom! Moon to Moonsault. Scene. Eat it, Randy! The thing that I've learned is that most wrestling moves involve putting you and your partner in a slightly compromising situation. So we're gonna start... in a tra-- Hey, don't get any ideas. We're gonna start... ( laughs ) in a traditional wrestling pose. Like college wrestling, you remember that, Paul! You remember those days at Iowa University. Right? He's a mute, you dummy. Okay, Paul, Gorilla Press to full moon. Like that chick on "Shape of Water." Okay. ( grunting ) Okay. One, one hand off. Something ripped. Another hand. Okay. ( grunting ) Lot of grunting. Oh! There's stuffing going everywhere. Thanks, Paul. All right, let's see Dandy's Gorilla Press into Standing Moonsault. <i> All right, draping him over,</i> <i> lifting him up.</i> - Rhett:<i> Whoa. </i> - Link:<i> Boop! Oh, takes a little work there.</i> Rhett:<i> Okay, that makes sense to me.</i> Link:<i> That's showmanship.</i> <i> Nothing but showmanship there.</i> -<i> Okay. </i> - Rhett:<i> And then...</i> <i> What?</i> <i> Oh. Whoa.</i> Link:<i> What happened?</i> -<i> And then... </i> - Rhett:<i> What's going on there?</i> <i> What? That...</i> <i> That feels wrong.</i> Let's see what Randy did. Link:<i> You're starting in a prayer position?</i> <i> Oh, wow, oh, goodness.</i> <i> Like some torture.</i> - Rhett:<i> Oh, wow. </i> - Link:<i> What?</i> Link:<i> Did he rip his hand?</i> Rhett:<i> Yeah, the hands come off.</i> Link:<i> What the hands?</i> - Rhett:<i> Yep. </i> - Link:<i> That's horrifying.</i> Rhett:<i> Yeah, I mean, this is just like a gorilla would do,</i> -<i> you know? </i> - Link:<i> Oh, gosh.</i> Rhett:<i> And then... and this is very... wow.</i> Link:<i> That is not a realistic behavior</i> <i> of an opponent.</i> Rhett:<i> There's a lot of--</i> <i> whoa, now his head came off?</i> - Link:<i> Are you serious? </i> - Rhett:<i> Yeah.</i> <i> It's multi-faceted.</i> Link:<i> Gosh!</i> Rhett:<i> You gotta give him something for that.</i> <i> And then... and then...</i> Link:<i> He's just gonna lay down with a leg up?</i> Let's see the real thing from Apollo. <i> Okay, yup, that's...</i> -<i> Oh. </i> - Link:<i> Oh, yeah.</i> Rhett:<i> And then... oh!</i> Link:<i> Whoa, backflip!</i> - Rhett:<i> Okay. </i> - Link:<i> Let's start with Randy.</i> <i> There was no pulling off of hands.</i> Rhett:<i> I don't see any of that.</i> Link:<i> Nothing that happened</i> <i> in all of its violent glory,</i> <i> is anything I'm seeing in Apollo's performance.</i> <i> Zero out of ten.</i> - Rhett:<i> Okay, zero points? </i> - Link:<i> Zero points.</i> Rhett:<i> That doesn't fare well for...</i> Link:<i> I'll give him one point</i> <i> for effort and violence.</i> Rhett:<i> Okay, so Dandy is in the right place</i> <i> at the right time at the beginning</i> <i> doing the Gorilla Press, but the butt-to-butt contact,</i> <i> I put Dandy at a ten</i> <i> and then, every time he puts his butt on the other guy's butt,</i> -<i> I take points away. </i> - Link:<i> Yep, as you should.</i> Rhett:<i> I'm taking two points away every time that happens,</i> <i> so I'm working all the way down to a four.</i> <i> ( both laugh )</i> Link:<i> Yeah, he deserves that.</i> <i> I think he still came out on top.</i> He wins, 15 to 25. That means the new GMM Wrestling Federation <i> Heavyweight Champion is Dandy Mandy.</i> Whoo! Whoo-ooh! Yeah! Yeah, daddy! It's too big for you, man. Thank you, Rhett and Link! Whoo! Keep watching to see Rhett and Link eat some insect Rice Krispie poop. <i> Get a GMM hat and T-shirt</i> <i> to go with that championship belt,</i> <i> available at mythical.store.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,254,832
Rating: 4.9204812 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett ultimate wrestlemania challenge, link ultimate wrestlemania challenge, ultimate wrestlemania challenge, wrestlemania, rhett link wrestlemania, ultimate wwe wrestlemania challenge, wwe, challenge, ultimate
Id: BpkGPbnKR0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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