RANDOM ANIMATIONS to any Property and LOOP it in Blender

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today going to learn how to animate random movements to any property in blender without creating any single key frame something really useful to create random animations so let's keep this Cube as example and let's open this and go to graph editor Let me just open clicking here another tab to have the timeline so here I have the controls to go to the beginning and the end okay so first we need to create a key frame so select the object right click and go to insert key frame and decide what you want to animate let's start with the location so what I want is to create a random movement going up and down in the Za axis so let's open here we have the three axis and I'm going to hide X and Y so how we can animate this randomly first you need to open this tab if you don't see this tab press n and to show or to hide and now we have to go here in modifiers if you don't see modifiers it's because you don't have this selected look if I click out for example now I click here now it doesn't appear so to appear remember select the property and now go to modifiers if I press a space bar you can see that we don't have any animation but now if we go to add modifier here we have different modifiers but today we are going to see only noise so select noise and look what happens now we have a wave that it's noise that basically creates an animation to the Z axis so if I press space bar we have this random animation so how this works here we have different values to play with if you want more ups and down in this property what we have to do is to increase the strength so if I click and drag now I'm increasing the wave so that means it will go further up and down let me zoom out and if I increase more you can see what I'm talking about if you want to slow down the animation so don't have too much pcks we have to click in a scale so if we increase the scale we are stretching the wave so it's more slow calm down if you want more velocity decrease the scale later you have the set basically is to change the position of the wave of the noise and you have the face to change the shape and we have depth that basically adds detail to the wave to the noise look and we have finally influence that basically allow us to say we want less noise or more noise one is the maximum but we can decrease this so we are decreasing the influence of the noise and if you leave it like zero the noise disappear so you can set up your values and just say I want 50% of the influence I want 100% so this is how it works and now we have another interesting option here restrict frame rate so click here and open this and scroll down here we have start and end and now our noise disappear why because the start and the end is when start and finish the noise however when we activate this the end say zero so that's why we don't have noise now if you want the noise to be until the end we have to put the same number 2 50 so with this you can cut at the beginning or at the end for example if I want to finish the noise at 220 I add 220 and now here we don't have noise it's flat it stops if I want to C it at the beginning for example at 20 frames I add 20 frames so at the beginning we don't have noise easy right and later we have this blend in blend out this is like an After Effects easy in Easy out so if you want to make for example the beginning more smooth just click in blending and if you drag you are making more smooth the beginning and if you want to do the same at the end just click in blend out so now it's more smooth at the end and with this trick we can Loop this how we at zero and 250 or at the end of your composition and you can smooth the beginning and the end to make the transition the loop more smooth for example let's add five and five and now when we are close to the end and press space bar when it reach the end we don't notice the cut because the end and the beginning is really smooth actually here it's not perfect so let me add another frame or let me try blend in something like that so it's really easy to Loop an animation you can play with these values to make it more smooth or more perfect as you want and remember you can add this random animation to any property for example let me delete these key frames I'm going to press n un clear key key frames and now I'm going to select the object and insert a key frame in rotation so I want a random notation in the xaxis I'm going to hide these ones and select X go to modifier and noise so we have this random animation I want more rotation then I need to increase the scale I want it slower so let's increase the scale maybe I want more slow and less strength so you get the there let's delete these key frames and let's create a key frame in the scale so insert key frame in scale and let's play with the Z axis so for example I select this go to modifiers noise and now limit the rotation now we have a random animation in the Z scale axis if you want to increase this let's increase in a strength maybe I don't want so fast slower maybe I want less influence so you can see how it's really easy to animate any property with this feature and if you want to Loop this remember let's add this 250 and let's add for example I don't know five five something like that and here should be looped sometimes it's not perfect so you can play with more smooth at the beginning and try different values
Channel: Xan 3D
Views: 463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorial, Wiggle in Blender, Random animations in Blender, Random keyframes in Blender, Loop random animation in Blender
Id: 7YAdC7scKH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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