Text Animation ROTATE LETTERS in Blender - Geometry Nodes

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today going to learn how to do this text animation with geometry notes so let's do it let's say the camera like go to Geometry noes create a new profile first of all let's create a text so let's use a string to curve let's connect here and let's write some word here for example I'm going to write letters so right now here we have a text now let's enter this text in the middle selecting Center and here middle now let's give a mesh to this text with field curve and now let's make it 3D let's give some volume so let's extrude this mesh I'm going to select for example 0.3 and really important Remember When J through a Tex we always have this empty ugly face so we need to fill this text to do this what we're going to do is to create another path here and connected so let's use join geometry and connect this here so we have this face back however it's not in the right orientation we can know this if we select here face orientation and we see that this face is red that means that the normal is inside it's facing the wrong direction so we need to flip these faces so let's add flip faces and now we have the the right orientation okay we have this text and now let's rotate it 90° in this axis so let's add here transform and in this axis let's select 90° so we have this vertical text now let's focus in the animation so let's go at the beginning and here let's use rotate instance why because every letter is an instance and we want to rotate every letter separately so we are going to use for example this rotation in this axis by the way if you don't want the letters that are rotating from this line so from this invisible line as you can see right now then disabled local space and now they rotating from the Middle Point so from this point as you can see now we want to animate this but we want to use index because we want to apply an animation for every letter so let's use here index however first of all we need to isolate this and also if you going delay that it will give you an error so we need to isolate this axis with combination and now if we connect index to this axis we have this rotation in a letter why really important remember that when we connect a vector to a rotation remember rotation is in degrees and when we connect a vector now it's working with radiant so it's not the same adding one degree here so we have a little little of one Dee for example I'm going to select 50° that adding here one value as you can see this value is an 1° it's more why because this this rotation from zero to one it's one radian if you don't know what is a radian I recommend you to see this tutorial where I explain you the difference between radians and degrees so this concept is really important to understand when we use a vector connected to rotation like right now because we are isolating the three axis so the main thing you have to know is that for example if we want to do a full cycle so a full rotation it's 2 pi so if we write Pi this number it's upside down because we did only half cycle so if we want to do another half cycle so a full cycle then we need to multiply this number by two so Pi multiply by two it's a full cycle as you can see it's the same position but with this number is a full cycle the only important thing you have to remember is that this number is really important to do a full cycle animation okay so if I say one is this rotation if I select two this rotation that's why when we connect index here every letter have a different rotation because this one is the number zero so the L doesn't have any rotation this one is one radian two radians three four five and six radian so you can see this one that is six is almost one full cycle but remember one full cycle was 6.28 Etc okay so now that we know we are working with radians we want to animate this so let's here a math note and if we change this number we are changing the index so basically we are changing increasing the rotation of all the letters okay but how we do that so we want this animation from zero focusing this one okay to this number remember 2 pi by the way 2 pi is the same that writing this word this word means 2 pi so if I write this we just did one full cycle so how we do this animation but for every letter in order to do this what we have to do is to add here a control so let's use a m range and now as you can see this one is in zero and these ones have this inclination the this inclination is one radian do you remember how I know that because it's this number so let's focus first of all in these two numbers these two numbers that says to minimum to maximum to minimum means in which rotation is before doing the animation so let's select zero that's perfect like this letter and now the others are in one radian that's why this is the maximum rotation however we say that we want one full cycle and we remember one full cycle is 2 pi so if we this as you can see with the other letters we are increasing the maximum rotation and remember we wanted this word 2 pi so now with these two numbers we are defining how many cycles we want so basically we want one full cycle okay so now if I move this let's check it as you can see if I decrease this every letter is rotating one full cycle perfect so I'm going to start I think one and if I decrease this until the number six so- 6 it stops why because we have seven letters so it goes from the value one to- 6 the important thing to know is that we have seven values because right now we have seven letters okay now before we continue as you can see when we rotate this it's not rotating from the center by the way if you don't want to rotate this in this direction so like this and you want to rotate it in this direction this is really easy just write this number in negative so now it's going to rotate in this direction as you can see right now okay so let's fix that they are rotating from this line right so remember they're rotating from the origin so basically they're rotating from the red line the xaxis as you can see so we need to offset this to fix this rotation to have the rotation from the center of the letters so let's add here before all this I'm going to move this here let's add set position because we want to offset these letters and in which axis let's check it this one no this one no this one Z this is because before remember we rotated this so if I mute this you can see that actually is this axis but however when we add this rotation looks like it's another axis but is this one if you don't know just click until you see it okay so basically what we want is to move the letter until we have this in the middle so we can do it like this or if you want to know exactly which number is this is what easy we need to know how long is this right and divide it by two and how we can know this this really easy is the two number so this value remember this is the value of x3 in these letters so for example if I select 0.3 then here it should be then here should be 0.3 divide it by two however it's going in this direction and we want the opposite we want this letter to go here so let's add minus and now as you can see the letters are perfectly centered in the origin axis so when we are going to rotate this they are going to rotate perfectly okay you can leave it like that but if you want to change for example this and update this I'm going to show you how to do it so basically what I'm going to do is to add here a value to control the offset so this to control the offset and we say that this number have to be this number divided by two in negative so let's add here a com ey to isolate this number and then a math note and connect here and connect this number here and really important we need to divide it by two so we can select divide and select two Co remember have to be negative this number so if we want this number negative then select by minus two and now if you want to change the extrud with this value don't worry that always will be Center and now to finish if you want to animate this we need to add key frames here what you can do is to do a full cycle one letter and then the next one starts so like right now for example from one until zero is doing this letter one cycle right and when this reach zero it starts the second one you can do this animation if you want but if you want to have a more organic animation because this is a bit boring then we need to play with these values so the important thing basically if you increase this number you are adding more letters to start rotating before this one finish so let's check it I'm going to select something like something like this and you can see that this is making the other letters rotating so for example I don't know I'm going to set this number and come back to the start so right now will be this number and if I decrease this you will see that before this one finish the second one starts so with this number you can play and decide how many letters do you want to start rotating before the first one finish you can increase more if you want and you will notice that almost all the text is rotating I'm going to select something like I don't know for examp pipe and let's try so let me go to the beginning I think it's okay here in I think it's the same number so let's select pip and now I'm going to create a key frame here insert key frame and I'm going to select this the text to see the key frames and select this very important and I don't know go here and decrease this until the last letter have done a full cycle so right now and insert another key frame so now if we press play we have this animation if it's too fast just increase this distance and if you want to make make it smoother what you can do is to play with this and select for example a smooth step or a smoother to see if there is some difference I think looks better with this animation let's try again linear and see difference yes for me I don't know why it looks better or maybe this one let's check so select the one that you this one or a smoother basically this is how to do this animation by the way as a final tip I want to tell you how to solve this little problem that we can see that the letters move a bit out of the range of the position of the letters what I mean so imagine we have these two lines this one and this one so when the letters spin as you can notice they go out of these lines right so how we solve this to solve this what we have to do as you can see for example here the t is just to move a little bit this axis so if we press shift and we drag this we can solve this problem just moving this for example in this direction trying to match the letters in the same range so they don't spin so much maybe a little less something like for example let me check maybe like this let's check so now look at the T when it's spinning we don't see this really big difference between the lines so it's more perfect so I hope you learn something new and if you like this video give a like subscribe and you can do this project many more on my P and see you in the next video
Channel: Xan 3D
Views: 707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorial, Text animation Geometry Nodes, Text Animation Blender, Spin characters Blender, Rotate Characters Blender
Id: gBwL8HbcHGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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