Animate RANDOM TEXT Characters in Blender - Geometry Nodes

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today you're going to learn how to animate random characters in blender with zomet notes we are going to use letters and numbers and you're going to learn how to do all these animations so let's do it let's get the camera the light go to J notes let's get a new profile and let's say this first of all let's add some text so let's use a string to curve remember the word a string is like saying text now let's go here and we cannot see anything because we need to fill this box for example let's write blend and now here we can see blend if you want to Center this select Center and if you want to Center in this cross in the x-axis then select here middle now if you want to give a mesh to this then add field curve and now we can see a mesh in this text okay now let's start to animate this B only with one letter at the same time so how we do this to do this there's a lot of ways but I'm going to do it with points so let's start with a single point and what I want to do is to convert this to an instance so let's add instance on points so we are going to use this point the point that we have before and we're going to instance these characters so now let's able this and use as instance this text now this note is using all the characters as instance so we have seven instance however what we can do to show only one to do this we need to Able here big instance and now only pick one instance okay now how we can show the other letters we have this instance Index this is the number the index for every letter every character so here we can use for example index and if we add here a math note and move this you will see that we can animate this text so if you want to this animation now you know how to do it because what we are doing is changing between the index of every letter and when it reach the end it starts again so what you can do also if you want is to add integer so we don't have decimals and with this you can animate this text or if you want you can add here for example a same time and now every second we show one letter if you want to make it faster then use frames if you want to slow down then at here divide so we divide the velocity for example I don't know something like that you can make it faster faster or slower so you know how to do this animation okay now let's see the second animation how we can do to show all these letters but randomly to do this is really easy what we have to do is to use random so here let's connect random random value and now this is going to show random letters look as you can see here if you want instead of selecting 100 what you can do is just write the number of letters that we have so max seven actually is six because because the zero is the first letter so from 0 to 6 we have seven letters and now if we move this we have this animation if you want you can add this more and it's the same so to animate this let's do the same let's connect this here and now we have this animation I'm going to make it faster a bit faster and we have this really cool animation okay but now how we can do this but only showing the letters in the same position here instead of here here here here here here to do this what we have to do is to move the position of the letters in the same position so how we do that to do this what we're going to do is to use set position set position and here in position we need to connect pivot point so let's connect Pivot Point to position and now you will see that all the letters are in the same position thanks to this connection if you want to know how to avoid this movement that is align in the left as you can see I found the solution in this tutorial that I found in the channel of Il VI so thank you to share this knowledge so the solution is to add here a vector math and select a scale and now if we scale this you will see that we can move the position of the letters so if you say more or less minus one now it's more less Center and here I recommend you to select Pivot Point midpoint so now it's perfectly in the center and this is how to have random letters showing in one position in one point obviously if you want to change the text in any time here you can change the text for example I'm going to write different letters I just add all the alphabet and now if I press play we can see all these letters remember if you add more letters here you have to increase this because now is only showing the first seven characters so if I want to show all the alphabet I need to increase the number for example I think it's 23 to show all the letters and if you're not sure just increase this and if you want to change the phone for example just go here and select any phone that you want for example I'm going to use Arial black now before we continue with the random letters in the same position I want to show you more tips so so for example what we can do instead of using one single point we can use for example a curve line and connect it here so now we have two letters why because remember a single Len have two points this one and this one so now it's showing one letter in every Point okay however I don't want on this position so I'm going to select zero and select for example here minus three and here positive three I'm going to set this View and disable this so it's cleaner now if you want to show more letters here then we need to add more points remember using resample curve so now we can show more letters because every letter is a point in this line and now we have in total 10 characters 10 letters so now if I press space bar we have these random letters in one word more things if you want to show all the time the same letter now we can disable this and just use a math note and remember the value that you select is the number of the letter this only works if we don't connect index now here we can change which letter we want and only show all the time the same letter the same character now if you want to show in order then remember we need to connect index and now it's in order because it's using the index information and now it's interesting part if we move this look it's pushing the letters in this direction so we can use this animate it again and we have this animation that is going like a lead panel you know these panels in the train stations where we can see the next train Etc so we can create sentence for example I'm going to write here a sentence you can open this to see better the box and write something and now write this sentence as you can see here and if I press space bar we have this sentence and look at this you can add empty spaces as instance so remember this trick and here remember we can make it faster or slower okay now you know how to animate sentence and now let's come back to animate random characters in the same position but using other geometries so I'm going to disable this and connect again this here and connect this here so I'm going to connect this and this and now what I'm going to do is not to use a line so let's call this sentence and I'm going to leave it here now what you can do is to use for example a grid and you will see that this is recol so let's go here and now look at this the way now I'm going to use numbers remember you can use letters numbers whatever you can type here so I'm going to the this and add the 10 numbers now I have numbers and we have random numbers in a grid and the best part remember a grid have now where is the grid here 3 by three so we have in total nine points that means that we have nine numbers at the same time but if you want more numbers then we need to add more vertices but you can do is for example to increase the size and now add more vertices so we have more numbers or you can increase it in only for example one axis this one and then increase the vertices in this axis so look how easy is to make a lot of numbers random let's increase it more something like that and increase more and more you can play with a number of columns and rows we have all these numbers randomly showing in the screen and if you want to slow down this you can move this or you can make it faster by the way I'm going to select the matter view so we can see better so this is how to animate random numbers with a GD and what also you can do is to use any geometry because if we use any geometry to instance on points that means that in the points of the geometry we will have numbers and I'm going to show you something really cool for example let's use a ubis feere let's come to here and let's check how looks like now we cannot see anything because all the numbers are really close so you can do two things to change the size of the numbers here so we can make it smaller or what you can do is just increase the radius of the sphere and look look how cool we achieve this animation you can play here with the number of rings and segments and you can use other objects for example ecosphere let's check what it looks like here we have an osphere I'm going to make it bigger and let's add most divisions so we have this really cool effect and if you want to align the numbers in the normal of the object so the lines that are perpendicular to the faces then what we have to do is really easy is to select rotation and select Aline to vector and use the normal and select Z and now we have this really cool effect and that's for your full of numbers let's Che what looks like with the UB f let's add more rings for example and more segments I don't know why I prefer neosphere because here they're really close so in my opinion I prefer to use dhere to create this effect because they have more or less the same space between each number so it's more harmonic and before we finish I want to show you another cool trick if you want to make with this animation of the ecosphere the numbers more visible so the simple trick is to use backf cooling with the view of the viewport if we right here back face coling that what does is to hide the back pH of every number that's why now we don't see the numbers of the background so you can move this and we have this effect if you don't know what is back pH cooling I recommend you to see this tutorial however if wble here it's not going to render like that because if we go to render we can see the numbers by the way I'm going to improve this making this darker and go to material let's add a material here set material and select this material and let's go to emission and add one value so as you can see now we are not hiding the numbers of behind in the render view so to do the back face coing effect in the render then what you have to do let's go to shade editor is to press n and go to options and enable this feature back pH cooling here and now it will appear in the rendom so you can move this that always will have this beautiful effect like an sphere of random numbers animated so I hope you learned something new I show you a lot of animations so now you should turn to practice and see what you can achieve and if you like this video give a like subscribe and you can know this project and many more on my Paton and see you in the next video
Channel: Xan 3D
Views: 1,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorial, Animate random text Blender, Blender text animations, Text sphere Blender, Characters animation Geometry Nodes, Letters animation Geometry Nodes, Random numbers Geometry Nodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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