Tutorial: Real Time Animation in Blender

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hello in this tutorial we're going to make like a magical connection between your brain and your character [Music] let's get into blender let's take the default cube turn on auto keying press space and move it around and what's happening here is we just recorded the movement of the cube and it looks like this so this is really similar to what we did in the previous tutorial but there's just so much potential when recording motion in real time because you don't have to just do location let me show you so let me split my viewport in half vertical split and then set the editor type to graph editor delete the keyframes select the cube again view it in front orthographic view let me just so press r to rotate and then press r again and now you have a trackball and this is just really cool because it's kind of a unique way of animating an object i'm going to try and make this cube behave like a character and it's it's nothing else than a cube so i'm going to try and give this cube life first let me extend my animation just a little bit press space rr and suddenly [Music] [Music] kind of feels alive doesn't it and we didn't create any key frames on location so let's just delete the x y and z location data and then from the side view numpad 3 let's press space again and now we can move the cube and it's kind of alive [Music] [Music] and that's just a cube what if you have a really detailed a turret model rigged with inverse kinematics and the kind of i don't know so let's try and animate this one turn on auto keying press space rr and then just look around looking this way this way kind of being curious up you're almost immediately thinking this robot is wondering where it is [Applause] before we can animate the position go into the graph editor again open this menu and delete the location data let's go back to the 3d viewport just so we can see what it looks like in perspective view we're going to do side autographic view i'm going to make it go down like it's below the ground and then i'm going to press play and our turret is alive he's looking around kind of oh what's that [Music] [Applause] okay so this method might look more fun than it is because these keyframes are a mess but there are some things we can do to these keyframes to make them behave more predictably so as you can see there are some parts here where we don't have keyframe data here's a good example this isn't movement that we want so what you can do is you can select all your keyframes go to key interpolation mode and set it to constant and now it's like this super robotic kind of horrible it doesn't look good yet right let's go ahead and do key sample keyframes and then when we go back to bezier interpolation mode we kind of have a little bit more of an organic feel to this it doesn't look so kind of it's difficult to explain i mean it still feels like it's like a little bird and i really like that that's what i want to try and conserve here it's a little bit too choppy like right here it's almost like a stop motion i mean if that's your thing you should do that but for now i want to try and make this a little bit smoother so deselect all the keyframes and then hide the location channels and now all we have is i mean you do have scale as well you can delete them if you want but it's not important so make sure all keyframes are selected now and then you can go key smooth keys and now it's a little bit more smooth and that's exactly what we want now for the location movement deselect everything and hide them and then let's unhide the location and we want to make the location a little bit smoother because that's kind of like a larger joint right so it's kind of heavier so select all of them go to key smooth keys and then you can just do it like a couple of times it feels really smooth it's like the largest joints should be the smoothest feels right i don't know this is all just feelings now there is one thing that is a little bit difficult about this technique and that is if you want to edit your movement there are two ways that doesn't involve like kind of redoing everything so if we select the z rotation okay so that's what this looks like and top here you can select proportional editing so turn on proportional editing hotkey o you can press g and then you can scroll on your mouse wheel to change the size and then press y to make this go on the y axis as you can see this is probably limiting in a certain way if you're used to working with keyframes now the second way to edit this which is really unpredictable and i don't like this at all but you could try it select all the keyframes go to key decimate ratio or decimate allow change so decimate keyframes and then let's for example set this to ratio and you can see the further we drag this the more keyframes disappear and to some degree this could give you few enough keyframes that it's easy to work with but i'm not really sure if i would do this because you kind of lose that one-to-one ratio where your mind is kind of controlling the robot so i'm hesitant on using this it kind of takes away that little magic that happens when you're you're animating stuff in real time now there's one more thing you can do that is really cool it's going to blow your mind it blew my mind the first time i kind of accidentally stumbled upon it so in a new blender file make a shape it's kind of the head is up here and there's like this tail here and we're gonna make like some wings here just make like a cube okay so this wing shape can be like really simple just like this flat short kind of thing okay so have you ever tried to animate like a b wing or like a really tiny bird or something where the wing kind of moves like this let me show you okay so we're going for like kind of a movement like this right in the middle of your scene make like an empty make sure it's completely on the middle and then move this in the center of the shape select your shape add a mirror modifier set the mirror object to be the empty and when you move the wing it's kind of flapping so you might be thinking oh yeah now i can record this flapping motion like this but there's so much more to this than that to show this properly i'm going to split my viewport in half and it's really important that the origin is at the kind of the base of the wing so this is so cool if you draw like a little dot here and then you draw a circle around it can be a little bit oval if you like like a tall circle hold your mouse in the middle you press r r and then if you make your mouse follow this circle the wings are gonna move exactly like that motion and this is exactly as stupid as it looks let's try and animate this turn on auto keying press space remember to have your mouse in the middle of this dot and press r and then move it up and then just follow the circle make big motions huh i mean this bird shape is horrible but that's how to animate wings if you like this turret model feel free to check it out it's free i mean you could pay for it if you want but it's free it's a free model download it have fun with it if you're used to rigging this you're going to kind of vomit a little bit in your mouth when you see what i've done with this rig but it kind of works for this purpose you should be able to use this turret for i mean whatever you like it has a lot of interesting details thanks for watching
Channel: Polyfjord
Views: 551,112
Rating: 4.971961 out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorial, Blender, animation, real time, real time animation, keyframes, polyfjord, free, lotsalote, how to, tutorial, 3D animation
Id: eoSRMxMDYsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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