r/AmITheA--hole I Found My Twin Sister's Onlyfans

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Welcome to our slash am I the butthole where op shows her twin sister's only fans to her parents am I the butthole for showing my twin sister's only fans account to our parents I'm an 18 year old girl with an identical twin sister we've always had a tumultuous and competitive relationship we've always fought over everything guys Clothes Friends Etc but our relationship came to a halt a few weeks ago when a mutual guy friend of ours sent me a link to an only Fan's profile with an attached message that said this you confused I clicked on the link and I was shocked to discover that this profile belonged to my twin sister the profile picture was very clearly a scantily clad image of her and the username was my nickname that literally everyone in my life uses I asked our friend about it and he told me that he had discovered the profile through Twitter and then subscribed to the profile her account has has dozens of videos of her doing spicy things to say the least solo content and with Partners all of which has her face showing I was floored and in a fit of rage I showed the profile to our parents I mean literally anyone who saw the profile who knows us would immediately assume that it's me considering that she's basically going by my name our parents forced her to delete their profile and she hasn't spoken to me since claiming that I not only ruined her main source of income but I also betrayed her trust however I think that she betrayed my trust by going by my nickname so am I the butthole down in the comments sir mittens of the Hill says exactly what I was thinking not the butthole she exploited your identity for profit she's lucky that you only told your parents instead of suing her yeah so not only is this dangerously close to identity theft but also it kind of feels like Revenge binge porn in a way because you're posting content of someone else kinda without their consent legally speaking I'm not really sure what the implications are for this story but morally speaking you're completely in the right here op as soon as you name that profile after your name she completely lost the right to get upset at you for reporting that profile op I'm giving you 0 out of five buttholes I'm giving your sister 4 out of five buttholes because what she did could have completely ruined your reputation it could have ruined your job your friendship your relationships with your partner your future relationships with all these people and so on and so forth so what your sister did was honestly pretty bad am I the butthole for my reaction when I learned that my fiance returned my wedding dress and replaced it with the one that his mom picked for me I'm a 28 year old woman me and my fiance a 33 year old guy are getting married in December his mom is the intrusive type but she's nice overall so we somewhat get along I hate to admit it but wedding planning has been an absolute nightmare his mom wasn't willing to agree on most things and my fiance said that since he's her only son then I should respect and appreciate her vision that she has for the wedding and how it should be she insisted to come along for wedding dress shopping I took her with me my mom and my friends I was so lucky to find the wedding dress that I was looking for but she picked a dress that she liked and said I could already picture my son's bride in it my mom and my friend thought that that line was creepy I thought the dress was somewhat creepy and totally not my type I apologized and thanked her for her vision but I told her that I'd already decided on a dress that I'd envisioned myself wearing at my wedding she got all pissy because of it apparently then she must have told my fiance because he came home in the evening ranting about how I made his mom upset that and I turned down our help in choosing the wedding dress and I excluded her from the process I asked what process it's just a wedding dress as in my wedding dress so I don't really get how she should have any say at all he got upset and said that this attitude of mine isn't working on him or his mom he said that I should consider the dress that his mom wanted me to buy especially knowing that both dresses weren't that much different anyway but I told him yes they are different like so different anyways we argued about it and then dropped it yesterday I came home and found out that he had returned my wedding dress and replaced it with the one that his mom wanted I called him and he was straightforward about what he did and why he did it I lost it and started screaming at him he asked me to calm down and to really get this dress a chance I refuse to even listen I screamed at him without even giving him a chance to speak he he came home and we had an argument I then went to stay with one of my friends and he kept calling and calling and then texting saying that I overreacted and it's his wedding too so it wasn't cool how I screamed at him he insisted that I give the dress a chance he went on and on about how his mom has a vision and good intentions and just wants what's best for me is her future daughter-in-law my mother is livid and has been wanting to go scream at him and his mom but my dad said that this isn't worth ruining my relationship with my in-laws he suggested that I wiseen up and go with the flow but is it too much for me to be able to pick my own wedding dress without being guilted about it just to keep the peace am I the butthole for my reaction op in my opinion your mother-in-law is trying to inject herself into your marriage in a really inappropriate way like she has this vision of how the wedding's supposed to be so what about the bride's Vision op this is definitely a red flag from your fiance I don't understand why he's allowing his mother to exercise so much control over his and your wedding is that really the kind of dynamic that you want to have with your husband where no matter how much you might want something it's always going to be less important than what his mother wants Opie I'm giving you 0 out of five buttholes I'm giving your mother-in-law two out of five buttholes and I'm giving your fiance 3 out of five buttholes also Opie clarified in an edit that I'll let you guys guess who do you think is paying for the wedding dress a op is paying B the husband is paying C the mother-in-law's paying if you guessed a op is paying for the wedding dress then you're completely correct so even though op is the one who's paying for what's probably a four-figure wedding dress she doesn't even get to pick it herself am I the butthole for calling my fiance selfish for refusing to let my dad walk me down the aisle I'm a 23 year old woman and my fiance is 26. we've been together for over two years I don't have a big family just my dad and my older sister my dad has always been a single parent devoting his life to me and my sister and working over 14 jobs in the past six years to provide for us I love my dad and we have the best relationship that anyone could hope for however my fiance does not get along with him they have different opinions on so many things for example one time my fiance suggested to my dad that he sell his truck because it's been sitting there for years my dad got offended because that was my grandfather's truck and he doesn't have the money to get it fixed another example is my fiance got mad at my dad at a party for talking about his struggle after my mom's death and he accused him of collecting sympathy points but Dad said that he always talks about it casually their recent disagreement was when my dad refused to give my fiance money to contribute to the wedding my fiance complained but I said that my dad isn't obligated to pay for the wedding yesterday my fiance told me to look for someone else to walk me down the aisle and I asked why he said that my dad refused to help with the wedding and he should be grateful that he's still invited I got upset and I argued that for one my dad refused to contribute because he has no money he can't afford to pay and two just like anybody I want my dad to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day he threw a fit saying that I was trying to ruin his mood and get him upset on our wedding day but I called him selfish for wanting to take away this moment that I always dreamed of over his disagreement with my dad it's not fair given that me and my dad are on great terms he yelled at me for calling him selfish saying that it's not just my wedding and that clearly I don't care if he's uncomfortable and then he walked out he's fuming and is insisting that I'm being inconsiderate and that I'm projecting on him when I called him selfish op it's incredibly ironic that he says it's not just your wedding it's our wedding when clearly this guy is acting like it's a hundred percent his wedding like he's right it is both of your weddings and if it's your wedding op then you have a right to have your dad there you just do and like what exactly is your fiance upset about he's upset that he suggested that your dad sell his car but your dad decided not to sell the car okay I don't really understand why that's an argument but whatever and then what what and then he got upset at your dad for complaining that his wife is dead the mother of his children the love of his life of course he said what man wouldn't be sad about his wife dying Opie your husband is toxic he is Mega toxic down in the comments people are absolutely ripping your fiance apart and for good reason because he's controlling he's negative he's selfish he's manipulative this is not the guy for you op op I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes I'm giving your fiance 3.5 out of 5 buttholes am I the butthole for getting up and walking out of the diner when my boyfriend said that he forgot his credit card I'm a 32 year old woman and I've been dating my boyfriend who's 36 for nine months he has two little kids who love going out to eat we go out once a week to eat and each time he just happens to forget his credit card to make a payment obviously I would end up paying since we had kids with us but honestly it left me broke this month and the month before I just received my paycheck for my second job which is part time we agreed to go out together with the kids and I even sent him a text reminding him to not forget his credit card he laughed it off at the restaurant we ordered dinner and he let the kids order lots of new stuff on the menu which was really expensive before we started eating I mentioned his credit card just to make sure that he didn't forget it he looked at me shocked and then started searching his pockets for a while he then looked at me in a sorry way and said guess I forgot it in the other pair of jeans that I thought I was going to wear then asked me to foot the bill just this time by that point the food was on the table but I didn't have one bite I grabbed my stuff and got up he freaked out asking me where I was going I told him I would not be paying this time again and to enjoy dinner with his kids then I walked out he called me later and absolutely lost it on me he said that he couldn't believe I would walk out and leave him and the kids in this situation I said that I wasn't going to pay for him and the kids every single time that it's unfair he said that he forgot and that I didn't show sympathy for him and the kids and he had to cancel and go home with the kids hungry since he couldn't pay right there and then we got into an argument and he's been mad at me about it ever since then saying things like how he needs to take a look at how I'm treating the kids specifically and how I was willing to let them go hungry with my selfishness am I the butthole alright op let's be perfectly clear it's not that you were letting his kids go hungry with your selfishness it's that he was letting his kids go hungry with his selfishness because forgetting what you said nine months and this is a weekly thing so four weeks in a month times nine is 36 consecutive dinners this guy has forgot his credit card I think it's pretty clear that this guy is not forgetting his wallet he's intentionally not bringing his wallet so that you will pay also like you've been dating for nine months that's plenty of opportunities to just pay you back for the meal like like it's 20 22. if I forgot my wallet and someone else had to pay for me then just be like okay well shoot me a text with your venmo or whatever and I'll send you the money no big deal op this guy is obviously just trying to get you to pay for his kids I think it's time to reevaluate the relationship because not only is he being incredibly selfish but he's trying to guilt-trip you and use his kids as like Leverage against you and making you out to be a bad person this is this is emotionally abusive to be honest Opie I'm giving you 0 out of five buttholes I'm giving your boyfriend 2.5 out of 5 buttholes also I gotta I gotta read this comment down below indication warm says she's his ATM and then the king Pete says I don't know about you but my ATM only gives me my money so so I think your analogy is amiss am I the butthole for reporting my son's therapist for sharing private information with his stepdad I'm a 36 year old man my son is 14 years old and recently his dog passed away I signed him up with a therapist because his dog's death has literally left him unable to speak he's been in therapy for two weeks now two days ago my son called crying saying that his stepdad punished him by taking his bicycle and selling it for no reason I was livid I went to have a word with a stepdad and he told me that there was a reason and that's that my son bad mouth him to the therapist and he claimed that he treated the dog poorly I was floored by this I had an argument with his stepdad and I asked him how the hell he knew about this and I told him to prove that my son said all that he showed me texts between him and my son's therapist so basically the therapist had been giving out private info about a bunch of stuff that my son talked about while in therapy I was even more floored I went straight to that therapist and we had a huge argument I told him I was going to report him after he defended himself saying the reason he gave my son stepped at this info was because of his concern as a parent I said that I don't give an f what his justification was and I reported him he tried to talk to me about how he felt for my son's stepdad and his concerns as a parent so he didn't think that he did anything wrong my son's mom called me after she found out about the report and she blew up at me on the phone calling me a controlling butthole for what I did I ignored her calls after that but my own wife thought that I made a hasty decision and that the real problem was with my son's stepdad not the therapist was I in the wrong for reporting him alright I'm gonna read this top post from milkboy nuts in the comments because it really cuts to the heart of the issue hey I'm a therapist what that therapist did was against the law your son wasn't in danger of hurting himself or someone else there was nothing helpful that could have come from this therapist telling the stepdad this info not the butthole yeah op I think you're completely in the clear here if what the therapist did wasn't ethical then he deserves to have this report against him right Opia I'm giving you and your son 0 out of five buttholes if anything I'm proud of you for having your sons back I'm giving the therapist the stepdad and your kid's mom three out of five buttholes that was our slash am I the butthole and if you like this content check out my podcast where I publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: u4JaH5zgZbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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