Ram Pump Bucket Intake

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before the modular home series started I was working on getting my ram pump installed and my idea originally about two and a half years ago was to make this box that would then supply water as a source but it's obviously not doing a very good job so today I'm going to be exploring a new idea that will hopefully fix this problem so let's get started some of the flaws that I'm realizing are the water level is up here which is great but the inside of the flume liner here seems to be decently well water proof with that I guess it's a shower drain but the inside is not so water is just going up under that rubber and coming out the bottom as you can see down here so and you know it's just staying wet all the time so my thoughts are remove this box completely and I'm gonna show you what I've got in mind for the replacement remember this bucket that was used to test out the you siphon well I thought why not use this bucket since it's already got a hole in the bottom that could be used as a silt filter that's another problem with this box over here is that silt is filling it up and stopping the pump so I thought you know I could have this piece down here just yank it off to drain the silt out but then have the pump feed from up here I put the flume feed from up here and the pump pull from a little bit lower and still have some room for silt to build up before the pump stops so may take a couple of rains and the creek flooding out before it'll stop the pump so first of all time to remove this wooden box I'm going to turn the flume off here hopefully woods go that stops the flume definitely not a very waterproof solution here I'm a drain out the rest of this by opening up this Union here hopefully so much silt in there I would say there's two inches or better of silt all right so I brought the drill here I'm just going to start pulling these screws out to remove this box huh wonder if that one's busted off in there that's fairly loose already must have been some of that blue max cuz just pushed a little bit more it came popping off of there that's good yeah okay so I'm gonna just toss this box to the side for now and we will consider what to do with the rest of this here so I'm really hoping that this is a two inch opening yep sure is there's some rubber in there hopefully will cinch down on this pipe and make a good seal okay I want to see how well this two-inch pipe will stick into this shower piece here pretty good I'm not sure if it's totally waterproof but it certainly is in there now to get from the 2-inch pipe into the bucket I've only got a one and a quarter uniseal here and someone have to use a few pieces that I found to get down to one and a quarter they didn't have the exact part at the hardware store so I'm going to try this now and if it doesn't leak I'll leave it it does leak I'll come back and use some cement on it so I'm thinking if I cut this pretty close in here about right there then we won't need much of this pipe okay I got this little piece cut down see about getting this stuffed in here sadly this rubber gasket keeps moving to the side but I can't get this thing off to fix it I wonder let me just hold it up maybe that did it okay we'll see if that is waterproof enough for our application so now I've got to find out how much space I mean between there and here for the next opponent let's see I mean honestly if I just go with like a three inch piece I think they'll be more than enough to get this in here so let me cut that down real quick okay here's this little piece here get stuck in there now for the part that they're looking forward to and that is getting the unisol on here so I'm thinking about using this four by four as a support down here I have to arrange that so that this piece will sit up high enough they have to have two of them it looks like but I want see if you can see that or not drill a hole into the bucket right here at the top so that we can use as much of the bucket as possible the one and a quarter size unisol needs a two-inch hole so that's what I've got here I'm just going to plop this right here towards the top and carefully slowly drill this hole in okay that ought to do it have to be careful when you drill through these buckets like this because you could crack them so clean these edges up just to here I like free buckets like this okay so with the unisol I'm just going to plop this thing right in here let's try that one first kind of a tight fit in there okay very good now so attach this to our pipe piece when I built the flume I had some leftover chunks of this four by four from the legs so I think that's what it's gonna be used here as support for this so make kind of a little ledge there okay so now I'm just going to get this unit still in here so to attach this when I kind of get that pipe wet a little bit sometimes it's helpful to have some soap or detergent which I didn't bring you down here but get those seals wet now I'm just going to pick this up and start pushing hopefully get this to go in may have to file down this edge a little bit chief yeah okay let me get the file real quick and kind of peel this edge down some because it's just so difficult to push these bigger you know sills in here I found the file and also found some dish liquid so maybe I can get this on here now doesn't take a whole lot of filing down it's kind of honey at the edges a little bit so I know I've said this many a time before but you've got to try out these unisol if you do any kind of water pipe to tank time projects about a link to them down the description I've probably used these things gosh 15 or more times various projects just great six grueling hours later I got this on here it wasn't really that long so I'm going to open up the flume down here and get water in the bucket just to see how well it works so you watch this and I'll be right back okay I'm back all right so better get these blocks put back in here to bring the water level up some what I do is I use these wooden blocks here just to kind of bring the height of this rubber up a little bit and that helps water to back up into the intake here okay starting to get somewhere there I am still saying from late sadly up under here right there but we'll see what we can do about that later on nice I'm liking that and one thing I'm going to be seeing here is that this little extra pipe I put on here is not tall enough to get the level we need that's what I mainly want to see here is if this is stopped up well the water levels stop here at a certain point before it overflows let's see it again yeah right about there looks pretty good so it stopped and so later on when I have this piece I might even put just a ball valve down here at the bottom so I can drain any silt out of here that's the thought at least I was just looking at my drain down here and thought why not just use another piece of pipe like this and then just put a cap on here not glue it down but just have it so that I could just pop it off real quick and that would drain this and no need for a ball valve and the need for this when your extra pipe piece so I think I'll do that now I want to use a one-inch unisol a little bit further down here than this one maybe like Midway and I'm going to try to eliminate all of this weird stuff and just go straight one inch pipe to the old 1 inch pipe we had so I'm gonna get this new unit still installed so let's see where this wants to go naturally so you can go right here would be just fine and that's the we have several inches for that silk I'm just gonna get this unit still in here I don't have to go to the store sometime in the next couple of days and by the pipe and also I may do a union here anyway just one inch so that it can be easily detached it moves B so get this one inch piece put in here wonder what the record is for number of unisol into a single bucket we've got three here I went to the hardware store and found some one inch pipe and also another one of these adapters here that way I can install a union and easily disconnect things if I need to so see if I can get this piece off of here and get this Union on here okay so with this pipe doesn't have to be a very long piece just long enough to get from the union into the bucket here so let's let's go let's go back here and cut that down with the hacksaw now this end I've already filed down to make it easier to install so on this end so I'm going to put this coupling okay let that sit for a moment and then we will get this installed while we wait on that cement to do its thing I found a three-quarter inch cap in my car so I'm just going to cap the bottom of this pipe and that way whenever I need to I can just pull that off and drain the silt out of this bucket if it ever comes to that here we are again trying to get a pipe into a unisol here hopefully this one's a little bit easier Noemie the smaller the size quicker it'll go in okay seems to be going now I just got to push this far enough it'll get close for that union there okay there get this attached before the push too far in there okay just come back still a little more in there almost but not quite there I got the pipe installed here seems to be nice and secure but there is still that little leak coming out from the shower drain here that I was really unable to stop so what I'm going to do is take some of this old rubber and I'm going to try and get up under here so it'll just just get the water this direction and not go up under the flume so see what I can do here okay that should just allow it to come this direction if it's too steep I'll just get maybe a rock or something under there get it to stick up better but if you go to try here see what happens alright well I believe it's time to turn on the flume and see what we get alright here comes the water let's see what we get looks like our diversion Leatherby's is working now so the water is entering in here filling up in here then that since the letter that wasn't fun either with the rubber he's converting that extra bit of water than on the moon and the water level has reached the top here still about four inches or so above or below the bucket so we should be good let me go turn on the ramp pump and we'll see if this water is able to keep up with the pump now because there was so much silt in the pump I'm going to take this off here and drain it all to feel like a Sun got pretty stopped up here okay turn this on and drain the pipe for quick so it was actually surprisingly a plane I'm going to go through the process of getting this thing prime here so ideally the water coming in would stay at the high level and the low level would never be a issue but I'm afraid the pump is sucking down more than is going in so I'm going to have to alter the way that this is turned I believe see if I can get more water to go down there put some that pop I placed a couple of rocks in the flume to slow the water down and now it's keeping up nicely here so I think that's going to do it now there may be an issue whenever a storm comes it's going to cause some problems with silt and sticks and leaves and all that so I'm sure it'll be a constant clean-out but at least it's working now see that irregularity in the RAM pumps cycling that has to do with pulling air into the drive pipe so I was searching for the cause of that and I found it I found it right here when I was compelling this I didn't know just how well it was going to do so I did not cement Oh pump just stopped so right here see the little dirt line that kind of shows where the the pipe was right there well that's the problem it's a cycled so hard that it's pulled that loose so I need to come back and cement all of these joints together to keep that from happening thank you for watching this video I believe we have found a much better solution to the intake than this old box down here so from what I can tell when the pump is running it maintains the top level up here which means it's filling up faster than in the ramp pulling water out so very exciting now I'm going to come back through here and put cement on all these joints and we'll do some more testing to see how high the pump can go and what kind of volume we're getting up top so stay tuned for those videos thanks for watching I'm Seth John's and we'll land a house remember to hit that thumbs up button to help my videos in the YouTube ranking and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe see you next time bye
Channel: Land to House
Views: 311,334
Rating: 4.7528176 out of 5
Keywords: homesteading, modern, land to house, landtwohouse, landtohome, home, seth johnson, outdoor, house, home steading, ram pump, intake, water, hydraulic, bucket, ram, pump, rife, filter, screen, hydraulic ram pump, flow, how to install
Id: cSZf_0IYopk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2016
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