Crazy Looking Dual Output Ram Pump

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welcome to land the house I'm Seth thank you so much for watching this is a hydraulic ram pump it's a water pump that requires no fuel or electricity to operate only flowing and falling water so basically for every 1 foot of fall that comes into the pump it will lift seven feet out this is a pretty typical design right here but check this out it's the craziest ram pump you've ever seen so I was thinking what happens if you need to pump water to two different hills at the same time and you don't want to run two Ram pumps would it be possible to have a single waste valve that fed two different spring valves and pressure tanks so that's what we're gonna do today let's head up to the shop and I'll show you how I constructed this we'll come back out here and see if it works all right here's how I built this thing I've got a one inch ball valve with a couple of one-inch nipples to a threaded tee which goes up to the check valve comes over to another tee which then cuts off to these 45s into some reducers down to 1/2 inch and these 1/2 inch spring valves some more half-inch T's and then over to the ball valves at the end there so let's go ahead and just quickly assemble this thing and I will tighten it down I went ahead and put some teflon tape on all these threaded pieces even though it's not 100% necessary I'll have to use some one-inch pipe in here to angle this off to these pieces but for now let's just see if this will stay in here without having any glue I may have to come back and glue these in here if it doesn't want to stay the pressure tanks will come off of these T's right here I couldn't find any small pieces of one-inch pipe so I had to cut down some conduit not ideal but at least it'll work here in this test its way get these pressed in here Matt come back and glue these if the pressure is great enough don't anticipate that it will be though okay that's a wild looking pump there I hope it works so the ball valve hooks up to the one inch drive pipe and we had our single one inch swing valve that will split and go into the secondary valve which is on both sides we can build up in the pressure tank on both sides and go to the output so my setup is gonna be from this five-gallon bucket which has my float valve in it to keep this bucket full for our test the water comes from the spout over there which is actually coming from my water tanks up on top of the hill which comes from my ramp up down in the creek anyway all that to say this is gonna be a bout a four foot drop or so from the bucket down this 20-foot pipe to our specialized ram pump here and then I'm gonna have to garden hoses one goes up here to my wobbler sprinkler and the other hose have got here I'm just going to take up the hill aways and see if we can get enough back pressure there and that should give us an example of whether or not this dual Ram pump system is going to work so let me go ahead and connect my garden hoses I just brought a couple of adapters down here and we will go ahead and get this test underway so this is what I hope happens as the pump cycles it will send a pressure wave that is fairly equal to both sides so that this lower sprinkler here and the hose going over the full width of shed we'll have the same output even though one is a lot higher than the other so let's go ahead and close our valve here and fill the bucket source bucket like I said that's coming over here from my ram pump water let's flip that on and I need to make a better source holder than the stairs here so that's what's going to fill up until the bucket is full and then it will shut off here [Music] we can go ahead and let some of the air out of the drive pipe okay all right that should let any air bubbles escape up here in the bucket as our water source is filling here if you have a ram pump you need to make sure that the drive pipe has no air in it what's happening is water comes down from the source and slams this waste valve closed which creates the water hammer and that sends a pressure wave back up to the source and then back down again and it cycles over and over again but what happens if there's air in the pipe is this cycle will find that air bubble and think it's the source and come back and it reduces the efficiency or just stops the pump all together okay our bucket just stopped up here which means we are ready for this test I need to tighten this valve a little bit I'm saying that some water is leaking out from the threads down here okay now we're ready let's go ahead and turn this on and it starts cycling on its own because I've got the delivery pipes both closed so the hope is as water is cycled out of this it will then turn on a float valve up here and let the pump just continually run forever and ever hopefully okay yeah I'm gonna go ahead and open this it's gonna stop the pump most likely due to back pressure loss so basically as its filling the pipe the pressure has dropped here enough that it's not going to cycle I'm go ahead and do the same thing over here so that the water will match the source bucket so the height that's up here it will match as it fills these lines up he now to help those lines Phil I'm gonna go ahead and just cycle the pump a few times and it's going to push that pressure into those lines the pump was using a bit more water than I wanted it to so I did the waste valve just to touch and that reduces the efficiency but also reduces the amount of water required to run the pump if I were in a creek I wouldn't care I don't want to make sure my bucket could keep up with itself ok the pump is working just fine and the bucket is keeping up with it which is great and I just saw that the output up here had the sprinkler has begun and let's see what kind of flow rate we're getting not enough to do any sprinkling but it definitely is producing water up here now let's go up to the shelter logic tent and see if that has an output yet shouldn't be too long here let's see that seems full right of there let's see where we are over here ok I think it's full right there so it's within just a moment or two from having an output over here just started getting water out here at the top I have to say that currently the flow rate is significantly less than it is down at the sprinkler I'm wondering if the pressure difference behind the orange hose valve versus the black hose valve is enough that the water still wants to go on the easier path it makes sense because if you're not here look at the flow rate of this sprinkler it is still putting out significant more water than up there I love catching these Ram pumps well let's turn this off before my perfectly manicured yard gets too saturated and let's go ahead and shut the water off over here okay I can already tell them I'm really gonna enjoy having this float valve on my water source because that test right there required a lot of water you can see it probably used I'm gonna say 40 50 gallons just now to run that test and it's just flooded down over here so if I were to try and run that same test with this limited source I'd have had to come over here and just constantly hold the hose in here so this float valve is gonna be really awesome for this test okay so what do we learn on testing out this dual Ram pump the craziest ram pump you've ever seen water is still going to try and find the easiest path is what I'm finding so this valve over here was producing a lot more water than this one was because the pressure pushing back down on the valve was greater because of the about 10 foot difference between the sprinkler over here to the four-wheeler shed so the water just wanted to go this way because it was less pressure behind it and so my thoughts are if you need to pump water to two different sides of a mountain install a float valve on the lower side what that's gonna do is shut off kind of like what our supply bucket has done right now so when this water supply shuts off it's going to divert all of your water to the other side so you could actually continue to use a single ram pump with a Y connector such as this right here it would be way simpler than having to build this contraption you would just put that right after your pressure tank and you would let the float valve at the top of the system determine where the water is going that does mean that you will have most of the water going to the lower side first before it goes up to the top or if there's enough of a difference but Queen the lower and the higher outputs all the water is gonna go to the lower one until it shuts off and diverts the water over to the top one anyway I hope you've enjoyed this little experiment it's one that I've wanted to do for a while and just never got around to but it did show some really important information that even with a bigger valve reducing down to smaller output it's still gonna have water traveling to the easiest route so now that being said if you are intrigued by the RAM pump I do make four different sizes available at land Amazon and on eBay they're going to be just your single straight piped model here but if you need to pump water uphill using no fuel no electricity then definitely check those out hit that thumbs up button if you've enjoyed this and be sure to subscribe I post lots of videos link the channel is up to 1100 as of today ish so a bunch of videos thanks for watching I'm Seth Johnson with land house and I will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Land to House
Views: 115,963
Rating: 4.87251 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, hydraulic, hydraulic ram pump, lift water, water pump, double output, off grid, diy, landtohouse, waste valve, pump, how to make
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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