Rainbow Vomit

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the great state of texas more specifically dallas texas we're outside of the dallas zoo we're not going to the zoo today but i do want to check out this restaurant here outside of the zoo this is a mcdonald's which is a normal site but you notice this is the the custom zoo mcdonald's a unique and unique offshoot of mcdonald's where they've decorated the building some very hungry animals let's go take a look follow me [Music] so you see it does have kind of that old-school mcdonald's roof i love that as well in addition to the wonderful fiberglass animals overlooking the parking lot this gorilla here devouring some fries looks like he's taking some big chomps out of those fries you can see that this tiger here has taken a break from devouring zebras and he is currently devouring a cheeseburger over on this side we see a crocodile devouring a big mac see it there on the sign the monkey and a giraffe look at that elephant there with the long eyelashes let's actually take a quick look on the inside the dining room is currently closed but you can see there's a giraffe snacking on that tree as well it's a giant snake elephant right there spray we got a chimpanzee in the tree there the leopard creeping over top the counter there as i said we're not going to the zoo today we're going somewhere much stranger so while researching locations here in texas to film at i clicked on a facebook ad which i normally try not to do because i saw a name that fascinated me i saw rainbow vomit it's a traction here dallas texas it is called rainbow vomit and i don't know what we are uh getting ourselves into here but really how could i not stop and enjoy a heaping steaming pile of rainbow vomit rainbow vomit we're adults feel like kids again you can see that's interesting facade up there that black and white facade and this old stretch of buildings here but yeah rainbow vomit i stepped into the lobby here see some thunder clouds there's some rainbow vomit merch all right heading through the curtain here all right we've entered through this black and white room here it says rainbow vomit there on the wall everything looks almost like a comic book the gentleman at the front said there's actually a secret to be discovered here to keep my eyes out well no secrets in there but we will continue to look for secrets i wonder if this is some sort of code or secret right here someone spelled cat eight we would rearrange the letters let's say [Music] i don't know i don't know what we're saying maybe say matt i i don't know a bar in here some bar items here well that's a baby bottle that's not a bar item there's some shot glasses bottle of bottle of wine there [Music] it's got some sort of mixed drink you can see pouring from these uh bar tabs here i have a goose and a telephone and there's some rainbow liquids spewing forth possibly vomit there's an adorable little kitty leaking rainbow vomit out of its mouth see the fireplace here that glowing flaming ember see on the mantel this woman and um oh look at this is that stan lee spewing rainbow vomit you can see the desk here the phone is saying ring ring ring looks like someone just had a sweet 16 party and uh look at the clock there no matter what time it is it's always now see from this filing cabinet there's an explosion of maybe like comic pages and as they come up here they they have more color the final one is a unicorn jumping through a rainbow waterfall maybe vomit see if there's any secrets in here [Music] comic books the atlantis chronicles oh see this typewriter works a little bit typewriter is so hard to keep working all right there's a tunnel of some sort right here [Music] when all hope fades around raise your soul and look at this having a little banana rainstorm here bananas falling from this yellow rain cloud it's a phone booth right here of course decorated with the unicorns vomiting rainbows they really take the name on very very literally here we are at a phone i don't know should we listen to the phone he said supposedly there is a secret it doesn't work the closet here looks like maybe beetlejuice's jacket oh i bet the secrets in here ah just a bunch of old wigs oh it's a luchador mask i guess we can put these on i don't know oh my gosh clown wig all sorts of great stuff in that box oh no someone has vomited all over this time [Music] the janitor closet oh it's actually a janitor's closet we'll leave that bait all right the uh storm clouds here storm clouds actually forming in this kitchen what's in the sink oh i thought these were marbles they're not they're slimy they are um they're like i don't know slime marbles let's see i don't know let me just dig all the way down in there maybe the secret's hiding in the slum oh my gosh that was a mistake yeah slimy marbles interesting sensation i've not done anything this graphic in a long time [Applause] let's do some hand sanitizer still on the lookout for secrets okay no secrets in there pink stove here oh it's naturally assumed everything's supposed to be open maybe it's not we have uh some just solid products in there braid the cabinets oh yeah i don't know no secrets no secrets in there with the blue refrigerator there's dorothy as a duck [Applause] freezer has ice in it oh there's there's drinks i guess you can uh purchase these drinks if you are thirsty from here i guess uh cut up these stairs oh my gosh there's a wall of eyeballs see the unicorn heads right there [Music] is this okay that's not the secret he told me it was a secret i swear i'm not just opening everything up just to be inappropriate what's over here is this a dead end i'm confused i'm missing out on something here wait a minute i don't remember this door before it's a door under the banana storm oh i haven't been in here before oh it's it's the restroom oh but what a what restroom this is pretty cool you got this push harder where are we looking good thank you think tank think tank okay i don't really have to use the bathroom right now so we'll head back out wait a minute oh wait a minute that just pulled there's something going on that just pulled open a curtain see there's some stuff going on in there okay there's something over there we're gonna go back down that way i think i figured out the secret okay is there something through here maybe oh bingo oh where are we where have we entered some sort of glowing rainbow look at the unicorn look at her look at her oh i think we can ride the unicorn [Music] yeah there we go beautiful unicorn covered in vomit there's a couch you can chill on here in the uh unicorn room see the uh the uh air conditioning units are leaking that familiar rainbow color rainbow colored via what on earth [Music] rainbow angel wing photo op [Music] and that was rainbow vomit so all this talk of vomit has made me hungry let's go uh let's go locate something to eat stopped off here at arlington texas to grab some food here at the flying fish oh boy mud bugs are here here at the flying fish they have a billy bass adoption center it says the world's first i'm not 100 sure if this is the world's first they also have philly bass adoption centers in memphis tennessee and little rock arkansas and they all claim to be the first if you donate a billy bass to the adoption center they'll actually give you a free catfish basket in exchange for your billy bass now i don't have a fish on the wall here but actually at the memphis location i do i did donate a fish on the wall and it's still on the wall at the memphis uh flying fish you can see some of the donated fish there with people's names under them it's a big marlin there i guess all the different billy basses some of them have been customized that one's got a little flower on it this one here's got some hair added you got little jaws got a christmassy silly bass catfish here's a red white and blue lily bass sort of skeletal fish there all right so i got what they call the cajun buffet platter they have some crawfish jungle layer they're alligator bites and then these are frog legs i haven't i haven't had frog legs in a very long time i wanted to try them again so uh let's dig in all right let's try some of the the alligator here put some alligator sauce there [Music] it's tasty love alligator super tasty then we got some shrimp and crawfish jambalaya absolutely love any sort of cajun food so now we try the frog legs i don't like how they look they kind of look like little people legs it's a little bit disturbing but um see what they taste like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kind of tastes like a basically tastes like a um like a chicken wing so thank you for joining me today if you like these videos think about hitting that subscribe button helps me out and i'll let you know whenever there's a new video and if you like the videos check out some of my older videos i've been to the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions museums amusement parks haunted houses and other fun stuff in all of them another way to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling some merchandise in our etsy shop all that just helps keep this trade on the tracks this boat in the water and the storageable in the air until next time this one's in the back
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 32,940
Rating: 4.9101543 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, rainbow, vomit, immersive art, enviroment, unicorn, dallas, tx, texas, roadside attraction, roadside america
Id: -fDR5Q038dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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