Gatorland - Cryptid Train Ride and Backwoods Tour

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically orlando florida and even more specific than that we are at gatorland you see before the big theme parks like disney and universal came in tourism in florida it was all about beaches and alligators the roads were dotted with roadside alligator attractions and to some extent they still are a lot of great alligator-based attractions here in florida but probably the best-known attraction is right here at gatorland probably the best-known alligator attraction maybe in the world i haven't been here probably i think it's been about four years since i've been to gatorland so i'm really excited to get back in there and see what is different what is new what has changed so please follow me [Music] this ain't the entrance head over yonder to the gator mouth should we go in this door oh no this ain't the gator mouse the entrance is over yonder this ain't the entrance either but you're getting warmer it's over yonder all right of course we're going to practice social distancing while at gatorland one human length apart and here it is the iconic gatorland gatormouth this used to actually be the entrance to this building here but the building burned down fortunately they were able to save the gator head but it no longer connects to the building it just sits out here in front as a just kind of an iconic landmark and photo op but let's walk through it anyways in to the gators ma gators will have rotting meat between their teeth to make them they're making their bite more dangerous and infectious here we are check out all these little teenage gators here oh i think they're starting to crawl over each other over there says these are three to five-year-old gators and it looks like this guy skater right here in the middle almost looks like he's smoking a cigar and they do have wonderful mold-a-matic machines here at gatorland i do have these ones at home already i have the white alligator moldamatic looks like this structure is new since the last time i've been here it houses the white alligators also known as the white ghosts of the swamp a little themed area for the alligators to hang out with the everything emporium the fruit stand looks like we've got a little gator hotel over here this is known as the sunset motel i do see one of the white gators taking a little nap back there oh there's another white gator over there playing out in front of this hotel room hey whitey swamp walk is currently closed says mother nature has reclaimed her swamp this is their resident uh snake right here this is the home of cuddles sea cuddles the boat constrictor curled up nicely in her snake house some uh festive pumpkins and scarecrows what's this one what's going on it's got a crow coming out of his mouth so he gets pulling out his his brains through his mouth the scarecrow here i like his teeth but uh he's having some trouble with these crows as well looks like they're just picking picking his face apart yeah there's this ongoing crow theme see that crow just dug a hole in a birdhouse out of his skull historical marker on this exact spot april 27 1968 a marital argument was won by the husband oh no there's also a murder site it says on this exact spot in the afternoon of april 27 1968 a husband that paid dearly for a short-lived victory he was murdered for the crime of winning an argument disclaimer if you don't get these signs then you're obviously never been married this guy here has gotten his revenge on the crows he has straight up devoured them with his giant pointy teeth here's their bobcat enclosure you can see there's like a bait shop and if you look right there under those benches here's the bobcats what are they looking at oh wait the bobcat got on top of the fake shots somehow here by the beach we have a little graphic scene this is apparently a vampire you can see by his his cloak he made the poor decision to go sunbathing and it fried him to death see human blood for transport i guess he was smacking on some blood and ended up getting getting murdered by the sun oh this little guy's still alive this baby vampire he's holding a snake skeleton here we have some pirate skeletons lounging about quite a bit of uh treasure yeah here at uncle charlie's bait shack we can buy some uh gator chow hello okay we gotta watch out for the thieving birds that's right there's a reason the big birds are hanging around and ain't because we feed them really good at stealing food okay can't let the birds steal our gator chao all right let's see what gator chow looks like okay get her chow uh looks like charcoal bricks oh watch out there's one of those dang birds right now he wants to steal gator trout but this is for gators only which one of you gators wants a piece of ciao oh they're getting all excited oh there he goes eating the chow you're not getting any of my gator chow bird this ain't birds out with gator chow why don't you take a hike once you go fly away these gators are sick you're taking their food they're starving they're starving because you're thieving no good bird actions all right we got some big gators down here all right gators show us what you got get that child some beautiful flamingos over here i don't think these flamingos will steal the gator chow they're pretty pretty mellow all right we got a massive pit of gators here let's uh give them a bunch of chowder chow down on i'm gonna cause a feeding frenzy here oh i love these gators oh they love the chow love the gator ciao and you're a pretty bird a pretty bird what you doing it's the critter kitchen this is the back door of the restaurant for some reason there's skeletons uh scaling the building we have a hearse here for some reason it's a uber with a sickle on it i don't know if that's supposed to be like an uber to the afterlife for these spooky grim reapers with cow skulls for heads this is an interesting gator statue right here he has an old florida postcard on his tail and he has a tourist in his belly that he has clearly consumed and look look at this sign here hey this ain't the magical kingdom so we ain't responsible for you or your kids being all goofy and climbing on the statue falling off and hurt yourself yeah it's all it's all your fault thank the magic kingdom move it along the adventure outpost see that gator above the door waving at us here are some interesting interpretations of some of the real life gators that have been here at gatorland that's bone crusher see him crushing a bone there is swamp ghost one of the white gators looks like he has become a voodoo magician and cannibal jake you can see him just raging ready to eat some gator meat this is the social distancing skunk he's kind of their mascot during the current pandemic it looks like he has his own brand of hand sanitizers some of that uh skunking hand sanitizer and if you're worried about alligators eating you you can actually eat some alligator here all these different kinds of alligator jerky all right decided we're gonna check this out the gatorland stomping gator off-road adventure a lifelong dream to open an alligator park that directly competed with the world's greatest alligator car cater land and prevented open that market that riding gatorland's [Applause] we've quietly driven out those pretty simple folks who ran that tour and turned the ride into a wine living experience like you've never had ground behind the driver all right yeah my group is still a group he's a group by himself hey caitlin can you give me a favor and shut this thing off i'm tired of hearing him listen i don't think i want to go through those gates and listen out here for eight and a half hours if y'all are ready for a real rough ride an off-road flirt adventure can i get a great beat yeah y'all you know what girl i think they're dead inside i'm not gonna lie to you but that's how i feel right now so let's get on out of here oh wait we're not going into gator gardens we're going oh no oh my god oh my oh y'all they got a lot of security cameras do me a favor and look directly into this okay cool one of y'all's going to jail hey do you want to see some gators yay thank you man does your back hurt no it's good because you just carry that whole seat i don't know we're going to go that way now since we're out here so i'm going to point out some of my favorite plants y'all see that one i like that one y'all see that other one hey me and caitlyn got some of those special plans for the way out to the backyard because therefore our rocky seaboard all right oh hey this is where scotland jenny i used to live but it was like those gator guards bad cats got some evicted it's all right y'all i saw something about a moonshine for you back here on that billboard we're just gonna go in that what are you sure should i tell them no oh hey y'all um it's gonna get a little bit cattywampus up ahead if you don't know what that means you better hang on so if y'all see something you should probably say something gator head y'all smell that smells like a lot of dead things kind of like the souls on this buggy oh look we're now in the legendary alligator graveyard navigators and these parts passed away they're made they're late to restaurant we got some of the great lakes bomb crusher candle jake from the physical swamp ghost now guys the buggy all right and all today is cannibal jake now cannibal jake was this massive gator over there at gatorland and the owner would charge the whole boss in order to see good old jake now if i had a nickel for every nickel good old joke earned well i wouldn't be stuck here with caitlyn hey we're going to do i gotta tell my hands to get out over it now there is nothing else to stop this marvel a redneck engineering and with caitlyn as you can see folks we have finally made it to swampy south gator pond and isn't it beautiful now swapping out is who's gone oh yeah he's gone now y'all there's about 70 real live sale thrashing dog smash gators in here um but they get paid to do pretty much nothing kind of like those kardashian girls sloppy cells moonshine emporium zelda if you what are you doing [Music] he was only using one leg at one point keep going keep going here's the moonshine still right there thank you it's a good thing being used on those waivers i'm pretty sure the guy all the way in the back tickled himself hey make all right what do you mean you don't want oh my i don't think the god behind you is ready for it [Music] yeah when you put those hands up girls i put my hands with the plane the better sorry different route pretty fun kind of like a redneck version of the jungle cruise in a way oh it's a zipliner this explains that some of the old graves would have these cages over them and um the legend had it that it was to prevent vampires and zombies from rising but it's actually to prevent people from stealing the grave they're stealing the body and the grave huh interesting it says that we have a movie star gator in here named pops he's been in indiana jones the temple of doom orange county choppers and pet psychic his name is pops i don't know there's like 100 gators in here so i guess there's no real telling which one is pops but maybe maybe that's pops right there maybe oh look at that maybe that's pops crawling out of the water right there on all fours hey pops maybe i'm gonna take a nap look at this look at these massive gators here just chilling on the beach surrounded by eight million vultures you see vultures are just hanging around waiting for some scraps to dig in it seems like the gators don't really care oh look an alligator yeah they have these little name plates it says instigator it's like a parody of instagram where they tell you about some of the different gators thrasher and slasher double trouble twin tag team of terror because these brothers are completely uncontrollable one terrorizes the north side of the lake the other roams the south side which one are you are you thrasher or slasher this is buddy king of the breeding marshes he's the biggest gator at gator land and says that he hangs out under the uh walkway here and look there he is and he is freaking enormous it says he could fit a full-size adult in his belly i guess these guys are are scared they're running away rub a dub dub wash your hands in the tub oh yeah a little hand washing station in this little bathtub and it's soap some water right there hey look at that got the giant tortoise hey buddy what are you up to today just kind of hanging out being a big old turtle hey reminds me what is the character neverending story of the giant turtle that's what that reminds me of see baby gator marsh where they collect the little baby alligators from the breeding marsh and look at that they are really super cute oh my gosh can you imagine that some of these guys are gonna be like 13 feet long at some point oh my gosh they go from adorable to oh look at that look at that is that a big little gator yawn that was so cute over here looks like we have some uh frankenstein equipment i guess this would be the table that frankenstein will be brought to life on and uh there's the electric chair that uh he can be executed with this here is chester he is 13 feet long and 1 000 pounds he has to stay here in this enclosure by himself because he hates all other alligators apparently he was from tampa florida he was captured by local wildlife officials for eating dogs he was a massive dog eater so they're spending a life gobbling down people's dogs he now gets a nice quiet retirement here at gatorland oh my gosh how many dogs have you eaten chester here's their other moldomatic machine it is a man wrestling an alligator this is one of my favorite muldematics of all time and i already do have one but i guess i could always make a backup smell that oh there he is dropped into the hatch there he is a shiny fresh alligator wrestler okay this is gatorland's alligators legend of the slump show she used to just be called gator wrestling but uh i guess that that is no longer a uh preferred term they can call it whatever they want but i'm here to see a man wrestle a gator the gator battle arena begins to fill one of those no good steven birds just trying to sneak up and steal my gator trails my new great conservation efforts by this year we have over 2 million of them here in florida alone so we're going to have to learn how to co-exist and share this great save ours and that's what we're going to show you here today and nobody cares that's all good guys y'all here for a history lesson you don't see something crazy right oh come on get excited you don't see me go in there grab the biggest meetings right that's a good sign oh check it out guys this is how you're walking dog florida howdy neighbor i haven't seen your cat in a while that's kind of weird people tell me all the time hey man why don't you go grab one of those big 12 winners like chester i'm like hey man why don't you shut up this is big enough yeah this lady right here hernandez strawberry as you can see she's a firecracker i think i'm just gonna go for it all right you got it okay [Music] a little bit but i'm fine all right guys watch that oh it's fine all right guys get your pictures in while you can wait hold on don't take any pictures yet is mom come on smile man you're on photo like that bro you look constipated there you go train crossing right here says you can beat the train or the train can beat you tying the train however will ruin your day yes i guess you do not want to meet head to head with a train says that this train here was debuted in 1961 at gatorland saying it was the first amusement park in central florida yep this is gatorland express okay i think we're gonna hop aboard the gatorland express here at the train station apparently this is also a skunk ape research facility that's pretty interesting different crypt kids along here with my boy mothman actually i'm wearing a mothman shirt as we speak here we have the jersey devil there he is he's got a head of a horse he's got wings oh the legendary chupacabra i don't know what this is some sort of giant spider oh and then the lake monsters such as loch ness look at this says can you find the cryptids there are seven cryptids in this area take a photo of each of them to prove to the world that they exist so i guess we're gonna be doing some uh cryptid hunting on this train ride the park was founded in 1949 by the late owen goblin but it wasn't always called gatorland back in the day people were terrified and no one was showing up there's gator gardens the fake amusement park used in the off-road attractions [Music] which one is that the jersey devil i think that was the third one there's a giant spider i guess that's one of the cryptids oh there's bigfoot there's bigfoot there's sasquatch i saw him i saw him it said that that uh fear with the antlers is actually female there [Music] speaking of mason he's right here in the left some sort of skeletal back here oh squash man there's mothman there he is hey buddy oh there he is there is the chupacabra vicious little chupacabra [Music] i do love that they added the cryptids to the train ride never thought i would see mothman at gatorland all right we're waiting for the jumperoo show the final show of the day where they feed the gators and get them to jump out of the water looks like you got a few lazy gators getting ready for the show oh my god [Music] oh there we one go bring it in okay okay i'm gonna give you a chance to catch up all right i'm gonna ask you those frequently asked questions okay yeah let me ask the question first oh there we go [Applause] man here man [Applause] you're letting your team down what are you doing oh god goodbye alligators so thank you for joining me here at a classic florida attraction gatorland the alligator capital of the world i believe they call themselves um always a pleasure to come here and i was very cool i liked the uh the off-road ride it was very unique and i love that they added cryptids to the train ride it's a lot of cool stuff here at gatorland uh like the other places i've been to please check the interactive map in the description of this video also if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also now selling two different types of enamel pins in the etsy shop until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 45,654
Rating: 4.9501896 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, gatorland, orlando, fl, florida, ride, train, cryptid, wrestling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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